30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (2024)

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30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (1)

By Tiffany Published Last Updated March 21, 2024 29 Comments

30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (2)

Don’t laugh at me, but I have a pretty silly confession to make.

I used to think people who drank loose leaf tea were wannabe crunchies.

Go ahead and laugh, you know you want to…

Seriously though – isn’t that awful?! It’s completely stereotypical and flat out WRONG of me to judge someone because of how they made their tea. Shame on me!

What’s funnier though, is that I’m now one of those wannabe crunchies too!

Yes, you can keep laughing!

Let’s rewind a few months. This past summer, my mom sent me some tea for my birthday. It came in a super-cute box with exotic flavors like youthberry, wild orange blossom and Japanese dragon pearls.

Inside the box was also a adorable red mug (my favorite color), this strange looking stainless steel thingy that perfectly fit inside and a lid! A lid to keep your tea warm! The whole gift was just so cute!

When I opened one of the canisters of tea to smell it, it became clear – this tea was ALL loose leaf. No bags, no strings. And the adorable little stainless steel “thingy” was really a steeper for the tea and the lid was to help it steep.

30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (3)

Oh goodness. Have I now become a wannabe crunchy who drinks loose leaf ?!

Absolutely yes! It took only one cup – one hot mug of perfectly sweetened youthberry tea to become hooked to the medley of delicious flavors that were swirling around inside.

What really made an impression on me was the countless number of flavor combinations you could make by using loose leaf tea. When you use bags, you’re pretty much stuck to whatever the manufacturer thinks you’ll like, but when you go loose leaf, you can make whatever combination you want!

30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (4)

This hit me too: If food can heal the body, why can’t tea? I mean, it’s still food, right? Just in a slightly different form and in some cases, more potent because the nutrients have been concentrated during the dehydration process.

When you’re willing to look beyond the tea bag, check out these amazing tea combinations – all made with real herbs and spices and designed to do your body good!

30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (5)

30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes

If you want to create your own recipe, follow these tipsHERE!

Have you ever heard of oolong tea? Or tisane? They’re still relatively new to me too, black, green, white, oolong, tisane tea to be VERY helpful. And just in case you’re not really sold on the whole loose leaf tea thing just yet, get an amazing DIY tutorial for making your own tea bag – out of a SLEEVE – right here.

Are you a tea drinker? Do you prefer loose leaf? Or bags?

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Reader Interactions


  1. 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (10)Glenna

    Bag tea is made with the broken/crumbs. Loose leaf with leaves and larger pieces that holds more of the oils. What are crunchiest?

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  2. 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (12)Jenny

    The same thing happened to me! Except it was this fall and it was a friend-a-versary gift. She bought me ‘Capital Tea’s Mango Madness and Roasted Almond’ I just about died when I steeped them!! You can’t even imagine the flavor experience of Mango Madness. Problem is, I am a frugal girl, it’s the core of me. So I went hunting, again and again looking for better, similar options. Along the way, I finally fell in love with black tea (who knew it could happen?) because I finally tasted one that wasn’t weak like dirty water and I was SO impressed. That was the same day I found the company that kept me true to my core: Positively Tea’s. So inexpensive I almost feel guilty and better yet, it’s all organic. Most times I get what I want for less than a dollar an ounce!! That allowed me to experiment with recipes of my own. Happy day.
    Now, I keep thinking: this day isn’t long enough for all the tea’s I want to try. 🙂
    PS The other day I found a reasonable facsimile of the ‘mango madness’ that satisfies my frugality ‘enough’. Tiesta tea Immunity Maui Mango, the one pound bag. A little over $2 an ounce isn’t so cringy. But yeah I’m still holding off a while.

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  3. 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (13)Tim

    Do you or anyone else know any tasty combinations for breathing? I constantly have the feeling of my breath getting “stuck” and doctors can’t seem to diagnose it. I eat a healthy diet and exercise but nothing seems to totally relieve it. I want to add tea with herbs to the mix. I have read that licorice, thyme and some other herbs work well. Do you know any tasty recipes that combine ingredients that open airways and help promote flowing breath?

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    • 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (14)Jenny

      You might like to look around for a eucalyptus/mint blend. Or google for ‘breathe easy teas’ or ‘open airways teas’. *At bulkbarn.ca they have a new blend that I think is called ‘Eucalyptus Mint’ or something like maybe that could be helpful.
      I hope you find some relief Tim, that sounds like a particularly uncomfortable malady.

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  4. 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (15)Elaine

    I have always used tea bags but would love to try Teavana. Thanks for the giveaway.

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  5. 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (16)CeAnne @ St. Fiacres Farm

    We love loose leaf tea in our home! So much so that we decided to open an herbal tea, salve and soap shop in hopes of growing all our own herbs! We are just getting ready to open shop on the 30th.

    Our favorite is our own version of Starbucks Passion Tea sometimes with honey sweetened lemonade on a hot summer day! And Chai for winter 🙂

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    • 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (17)Tiffany

      How neat CeAnne! We love pizza so much that we’ve considered opening shop, but perhaps in another season. That is so cool that you guys are opening shop! I wish you the best of luck – perhaps it’s a reason for the Crumbs family to come visit Oregan? 😉

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  6. 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (18)Helen

    I do like both…but….definitely prefer loose tea! Ive been growing, gathering and harvesting my own ingredients for years….. so easy and educational as well as good for you! I’m so glad I found your site…..looking forward to the newsletter!

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    • 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (19)Tiffany

      Welcome to Crumbs Helen! I didn’t realize how easy loose leaf tea was… a total “duh” moment for sure. 😉

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  7. 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (20)Frances

    I like both kinds. My loose leaf favorite is one I get from a local tea house called Kyoto Cherry Rose, a green tea infused with cherry. I also like Traditional Medicinal’s Throat Coat (a bagged tea) for when I feel a cold coming on and my throat feels scratchy. I also love Earl Grey any way I can get it.

    I appreciate your newsletter and appreciate you “do what you can” approach.

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    • 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (21)Tiffany

      You’re so sweet Frances! Thank you for your encouragement and kind words. We truly believe that everyone’s situation is different. Whether its 10 days, 10 months or 10 years, we always have something to learn. 🙂

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  8. 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (22)The Chicken Farmer

    I just started following you on Pinterest and looked over your boards. Why didn’t I start following you sooner?! Love your site, thanks for all the work you do.

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    • 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (23)Tiffany

      LOL, thanks so much for the compliment! Pinterest is SO much fun. Lots of great ideas on there, and I’m happy you’ve joined the ride! 🙂

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  9. 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (24)Calista

    Ooooh, this giveaway is perfect! I am drinking a cup of oolong right now and loose leaf is the way to go. There’s just something calming in the process of making a proper cup of tea. It’s nearly a ritual for me. 🙂

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    • 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (25)Tiffany

      I can see the calming effect of the ritual. When I’m preparing the water at night, I can feel myself already relaxing… and I haven’t even brewed anything yet!

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  10. 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (26)Tiffany

    In a french press?! Amazing. Consider me sold too!

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  11. 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (27)Betty

    I already subscribe. I like decaf green tea.

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  12. 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (28)Aishah M

    Tea is a must in our house! Every morning, I make Chai tea with cardamom, ginger, cloves and cinnamon. It tastes so good and you can smell it all through the house.

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  13. 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (29)Anita

    Hi! While I love Teavana and think it’s fabulous that they are offering such a generous gift, I do feel the need to point out the cost, given that this is a blog about being frugal :o) Teavana is kind of expensive! In my area, we only have Teavana shops in the more upscale malls. When you’re trying something new, a couple of ounces of this and that can add up to $20 or more! On Tea! If you want to try loose leaf tea, and still remain more frugal, try your local farmers market. I can get at least twice as much tea there for the same price, and they have a wide range of flavors, too!

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    • 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (30)Nicole

      I agree Anita! Teavana is lovely but very expensive. I can find organic rooibos tea and chamomile online for much cheaper (amazon.com sells them!) I am a tea snob too, for many years now. I love to give the kids rooibos tea, its calming and high in vit c (great for colds). I let my older one pour his own milk and honey in it too. he has a blast and gets some good nutrients. I use it to help my youngest go to sleep 😉

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    • 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (31)Tiffany

      Oh yes Anita, you make a good point. This all started as a gift, and I certainly don’t want anyone to spend more than they have to when they’re able to find comparable quality for less. I was hoping to write a different sort of post, but Teavana suggested a giveaway instead and I knew that there were Crumbs readers who drank tea and would love to win – I couldn’t resist! Thank you for sharing your tips on finding affordable loose leaf tea. I’ve seen tents at my local market, which I’ll be checking out once my birthday gift is empty. 🙂

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  14. 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (32)Holly

    I drink both-I love a good tea! Thanks for hosting the giveaway. The link to making your own bags is fantastic-how clever!
    Love your website!

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    • 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (33)Tiffany

      Isn’t it? I thought it was brilliant. Thanks for the encouragement Holly, and thank YOU for reading! 🙂

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  15. 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (34)Laura H

    Yes! My current favorite is a peach oolong. Refreshing whether cold or hot. A cup of hot tea is great at night and sometimes in the morning if I want to avoid the acidity of coffee (but I do enjoy my coffee!). Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

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    • 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (35)Tiffany

      Yum! Sounds delicious!

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  16. 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (36)Amber

    Yep, tea snob here. Loose leaf tea is so much more delicious than anything in a bag.

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    • 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (37)Tiffany

      LOL – I agree with the teas I’ve tried so far!

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  17. 30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (38)kristin

    wallerka at yahoo.com
    kristinwg – pinterest
    kayduhnd – twitter
    kristin glad – facebook

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30+ Nourishing Loose Leaf Tea Recipes | DIY Tea Recipes (2024)


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