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Descendants of The Founders of Ancient Windsor

Through Five Generations

Family of Thomas Holcombe

Compiled by James Hallowell Holcombe Jr.


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Descendants of Thomas Holcombe

Generation One

Thomas Holcombe House

drawing made in early 1800's CHS Collection

1. THOMAS1 HOLCOMBE was born circa 1601 at Devon, England. He married Elizabeth (--?--) on 14 May 1634.1 He died on 1 Oct 1657 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He was buried at Poquonock, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Thomas' history is derived mostly from land and probate records At the time of Thomas' birth, the Renaissance was ending as was the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Perhaps one of the major events of his childhood was the publishing of the King James Bible, which may have affected his life more than any other event of the early 17th century. The Mayflower landed in Plymouth in 1620 and Thomas certainly would have heard of it and perhaps been excited by the possibilities for a young man. The Colony of Massachusetts was founded in 1628 and the Colony of Connecticut was founded in 1633. The stage was set for the second wave of English colonists of which Thomas was a part. Ancestry The sources on Thomas Holcombe differ considerably on Thomas' ancestry. Thomas was born in England, most probably in one of the southwestern counties, Pembrokeshire, Wales, or Devonshire. We do not know the date of his birth even approximately, but his wife seems to have been born about 1617 and their first child born about 1634; McCracken believes this would place his birth somewhere about 1610; Seaver says 1601, but does not give any reasoning for that date. Jesse Seaver thought that English records indicated that Thomas Holcomb was born in Pembrokeshire, Wales or Devonshire, England to Ann and Gilbert Holcomb. Several of Seaver's contemporary researchers agreed with him. A disagreement appeared recently; George McCraken writing in The American Genealogist, Vol. 26:109 found that Gilbert Holcomb's oral (noncupative) of 14 October 1623, will stated d.s.p. which meant died without issue and that Gilbert left his estate to his brother-in-law, Richard Bonithon. McCraken's research is based on J.L. Vivian's, The Visitations of the County Devon, on pages 474 and 533. Quote from Vivian, page 474, "The Holcombe of Hull . . . The portion of this pedigree from the connencement printed in ordinary type is from Pole land Westcote; that printed in italic is from The Visitation of Devon 1564, Harlequin.Mss. 1080, fo. 403, 1091, fo, 42, b, and 5840, fo.52." However, Richard Bonithon himself died before execution of the will and his next of kin was nephew John Bonithon (Bonython). Several early authors state he was a member of Reverend Ephraim Huit's church, and Huit was from Kenilworth in Warwickshire. But, no Holcomb births or records were found from the Diocesan Court at Worchester. The Register of Wroxal, 300 @24, for the year 1634 did list the following; Sarah Huit daughter of Ephraim and Isabell his wife was baptized, and Nathaniel Griswold the son of Samuel Griswold and Anne his wife was baptized. Bowman has found clues recently that Thomas may have been from county Somerset, the city of Bridgewater. She has recently discovered that one of 1National Society of Founders and Patriots, (1919), text field for text added in Evidence window (Edit Text).

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the early Holcomb births in Connecticut was recorded as James the eighth. This could be a clue to ancestry of Thomas Holcomb in that the birth occurred in the third generation of American Holcomb's, i.e. not time to have had eight generations. Bowman lists the ancestry of Gilbert and Ann Courtney Holcomb in her Volume 2 without resolving the question of Thomas' parentage in order that future researchers not duplicate others' efforts in delineating this line. Most recently (October 25, 1998), Bowman updated her Volume 2 with the comment that Christopher was the most likely ancestor of Thomas. The birth and death dates normally assigned to the son of Christopher are not correct nor the marriage to Joan Prideaux. The birth and death dates are those of Thomas, the actor, of London who married Francis Bartlett. The MARY AND JOHN Thomas has been said to have come on the 1630 voyage of the Mary and John, but there is no proof of it, all passenger lists for that voyage being hypothetical. Robert Charles Anderson in NEHGR, April 1993, addressed the many different lists of passengers on the Mary and John. He went about objectively establishing specific criteria for determining the likelihood that a specific individual was on the ship. By the criteria he established, which seem reasonable, Mr. Anderson concluded that Thomas Holcombe is not likely to have come on the Mary and John in 1630. Those that Mr. Anderson concluded had a solid basis for being considered passengers were: Roger Clap, George Ludlow, Roger Ludlow, John Maverick, Richard Southcott, Thomas Southcott, and John Warham. Additional passengers, based on other criteria were: Aaron Cooke, George Dyer, Thomas Ford, William Gaylord, John Holman, Thomas Lombard, Richard Louge, William Phelps, William Rockwell, Henry Smith, Thomas Stoughton, Stephen Terry, Nicholas Upsall, and Henry Wolcott. Another group of families, with less reliable connection to the Mary and John were John Benham, Bygod Eggleston, Christopher Gibson, Matthew Grant, John Greenway, John Hoskins, William Hulbird, Davy Johnson, George Phillips, John Phillips, John Pierce, and Roger Williams. Mr. Anderson assigns five other families that do not meet his criteria, but may, for other reasons, have been on the Mary and John: John Drake, John Gallop, Johathan Gillet, Nathan Gillet, and Henry Way. Mr. Anderson does not mention Thomas Holcombe anywhere in his discussion. However, he does leave room for three or four families that would be unaccounted for if the total number of passengers was 140. The information here, whether it describes Thomas' voyage specifically or not, does describe the similar circ*mstances which brought him to Dorchester. Under what rules or contracts did theses families sail to the new world? Perhaps there were governed by a pact similar to the Mayflower Pilgrims' compact of 1620: IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a Voyage to plant the first Colony in the northern Parts of Virginia; Do by these Presents, solemnly and mutually, in the Presence of God and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid: And by Virtue hereof do enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions, and Officers, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general Good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due Submission and Obedience. IN WITNESS whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape-Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, Anno Domini; 1620. In March, 1630, Thomas was in a company which assembled at Plymouth, Devonshire, where a large ship of 400 tons, the Mary and John, chartered by Captain Squeb, for the voyage to America, was fitted out. The Mary and John was the first ship of the Winthrop Fleet which brought 1500 Puritans to the Massachusetts Bay Colony. John Hunt (NGSQ 63:1) notes that the early settlers of Dorchester, Mass., like the founders of Plymouth, were in some fear that they might not obtain leave to depart from England. There seems to have been some worry on the part of their organizer, the Reverend Mr. John White, that the group might be considered schismatic by the London authorities headed by the powerful Bishop William Laud. Consider the fact that White's recruiters included two unlike clerics, John Warham, a nonconformist, and John Maverick, a conformist. Robert Charles Anderson states that this group of Puritans was organized by Rev. John White of Dorchester, Dorsetshire, and that he solicited the Rev. John Maverick and Rev. John Warham to lead the group and he orchestrated the entire migration process. Warham had been minister at Crewkerne in Somersetshire and at Exeter in Devonshire; Maverick had been rector at Beaworthy in Devonshire. It is of note that the church was organized BEFORE they left England. Anderson characterizes this period of migration as "The Era of Gentlemen's Companies". The Mary and John was destined for the Charles River. This "Godly Company," of 140 persons, assembled with their two ministers in the new hospital at Plymouth, kept a solemn day of fasting and prayer, and chose Bishop John Maverick and Bishop John Wareham to be their officers. There was a dispute with the captain, who refused to attempt the passage without pilot or chart. The ship would have supplied each passenger with a simple ration of food which each family or group cooked at a common hearth as opportunity and weather permitted. Often the food was served cold and beer was the principal drink. The rigors of this journey together with the stresses of the New England climate combined to bring high rates of sickness and death among the early settlers. "The Word of God was preached and expounded every day during the voyage," of 70 days and the ship arrived at Nantasket, May 30, 1630. There is no evidence that any large ship had ever penetrated further into the harbor previous to this time. If Thomas did not arrive on the Mary and John, it is possible that he arrived on or about 24 July 1633 on the Thunder, possibly with Humphrey Pinney and Henry Wolcott. 2 Massachusetts

2Judith L. Osborn, "Was Windsor, Connecticut Founder Hujphrey Pinney a MARY & JOHN Passenger in 1630?," The Connecticut Nutmegger Volume 26, No. 4 (March 1994). Hereinafter cited as "Humphrey Pinney".

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Ten of the men procured a boat, left the ship at Nantasket, and went in quest of the "promised land." Later they were ordered to return to the ship as other members of the company had found a convenient place at Mattapan, where pasture for famished cattle could be had. Tradition has always fixed upon the south side of Dorchester Neck (South Boston) in Old Harbor, as the place of landing. Here they founded the town of Dorchester (named for Dorchester, England), so called to the present day and now a part of the City of Boston. There was a tribe of Indians, of whom Chickatobot was Chief, that dwelt in the vicinity. Whatever may have been their former number and importance before their destruction by a pestilence in 1618, our forefathers found them few in numbers, depressed in spirits and, for the most part, very docile. Much interest was felt for them by the settlers and great efforts were made to civilize and convert them to Christianity, and a duty which they felt they owed, as their charter for ground upon which they located was based upon the "desire to propagate the Christian religion to such as live in darkness, and to bring savages to human civility." The Indians had but little use for land. They attached but a trifling value to it and parted with it without reluctance. On whatever ship they crossed, Thomas Holcombe was in Massachusetts Bay by 4 May 1634 on which day he became a freeman, and he is recorded as a resident of Dorchester. The freeman's oath he took that day was: I, Thomas Holcombe, being by God's providence an inhabitant and freeman within the jurisdiction of this common weale, do freely acknowledge myself to be subject to the government thereof, and therefore do hereby swear by the great and dreadful name of the ever-living God that I will be true and faithful to the same, and will accordingly yield assistance and support thereunto, with my person and estate, as in equity I am bound, and will also truly endeavor to maintain and preserve all the priviledges and liberties thereunto, submitting myself to the wholesome laws made and established by the same. And further, that I will not plot nor practise any evil against it, nor consent to any that shall be so done, but will timely discover and reveal the same to lawful authority now here established for the speedy preventing thereof. Moreover, I do solemnly bind myself in the sight of God that when I shall be called to give my voice touching any such matter of this State, wherein Freemen are to deal, I will give my vote and suffrage as I shall in my own conscience judge best to produce and tend to the public weale of the body, without respect of persons or respect of any man. Others taking the oath the same day were: Thomas Squire, Robert Houlton, Richard Fairbanks, Phillip Tabor, Gregory Taylor, John Chapman, William Learned, Mr. Thomas Hooker, Mr. Samuel Stone, Edward Howe, Bartholomewe Greene, Richard Wright, John Steele, Edmond Stebbins, Andrewe Warner, George Steele, Richard Butlar, Thomas Spencer, Edward Muste, Richard Goodman, John Pratt, John Haward, Andrewe Ward, Joseph Twitchell, Thomas Hatch, George Whitehand, Jerad Hadden, John Odlyn, Roger Clapp, Joseph Reddings, Anthony Colby, John Bosworth, Frauncis Palmer, Humfry Pynny, Bray Wilkins, James Rawlyns, Jacob Barny, Thomas Lowthrop, Steven Hart, Jeffery Massy, Richard Brakenbury, Thomas Faireweather, William Hedges, John Hoskins, Peter Woolfe, William Chase, William Talmidge, Mr. John Cotton, Nathaniel Gillett, Daniel Howe, Myles Reddin, John Eales, Mr. William Peirce, Mr. Thomas Mahewe, Josuah Carter, Thomas Talmadge, Robert Walker, and Phillip Randall. Thomas owned land in Dorchester as detailed in the Great Migration. Granted an eight acre Great Lot at Dorchester, 1 December 1634 [DTR 9]; granted Lot #65, three acres, in the meadow beyond Naponset [DTR 321]; on 12 August 1635 Thomas Holcombe of Dorchester sold to Richard Joanes of Dorchester four parcels of land: four acres "with my houses and all things thereto pertaining"; eight acres in Great Lots; six acres meadow on this side Naponset; and three acres meadow on the other side Naponset [DTR 12]. (DTR cited by the Great Migration is Fourth Report of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston. 1880. Dorchester Town Records (Boston 1883)) His wife was named Elizabeth but the common statement that her maiden name was Ferguson is highly improbable and completely undocumented. It has lately been suggested that the name "Ferguson" results from a misreading of the correct name on a tombstone, but if so, no one has ever found her recorded on a tombstone. She is not mentioned on the tombstone of her first husband which is reported in McCracken's note in TAG 44:58-60. While married to Eno she was attended in 1669 by John Winthroop the Younger and was recorded in his medical journal (TAG 23:124) as then aged 52, which datum gives us a probable birth year of 1617. As this would have made her only 13 when the Mary and John arrived at Boston, it is probable that the marriage of Thomas and Elizabeth took place at Dorchester, and if she came on the same ship as Thomas, she was a child at the time. Winthrop's statement that she was aged 52 in 1669 may, however, be too low, in which case the wedding may have occurred in England. Migration to Windsor In the Summer of 1635 some Dorchester people had already reached the river and sat down at a place where William Homes, and others of Plymouth, had erected a trading house two years before (at Windsor), and made preparations for bringing their families and settling permanently; and in November, 60 persons with a large number of cattle, traveled from Dorchester and arrived in safety at the river, after much tribulation. During the first winter the sufferings of these persons were intense and they lost nearly all their cattle. Some individuals wandered back to Dorchester and others avoided starvation by dropping down the river and taking refuge in a vessel at anchor at the mouth. In the spring of 1636, Reverend John Wareham left Dorchester and came to Windsor, Connecticut, bringing his flock, including Thomas Holcomb, with him. Maverick resisted the move and died late in 1635. Before leaving Dorchester Thomas Holcomb sold his estate to Richard Jones (8-12-1635). Later, 1639, he moved to Poquonock, Hartford County, four miles west of Windsor, where he engaged in farming. He was a Representative from Windsor and Hartford in the Convention that framed the now famous Constitution of the Connecticut Colony. "Although Windsor was located in Connecticut, it and the other new settlements on the river were under the political and legal jurisdiction of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. They were governed by a court of five magistrates who held their authority from Massachusetts. These five persons represented the three different communities in Connecticut and consisted of two members from Windsor, two from Hartford, and one from Wethersfield. The citizens of these three towns elected a committee in May of 1635 for the purpose of assisting the Court in enacting local ordinances. On January 14, 1639, a general meeting was held at Hartford; at which time, a separate constitution was written and adopted, the first constitution in America." 3 (Note: it seems that Saybrook, at the mouth of the river, was not under the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts Bay Colony).

3Charles C. Case, The Yankee Generations: A History of the Case Family in America (University Press of America, Inc. Washington, DC (Now MD), 1981; ISBN 0-8191-1947-4; LOC 81-40638.), unknown detail.

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The settlers from Dorchester had to confront two challenges beyond the usual difficulties of clearing the wilderness, providing shelter, and dealing with the indigenous population. The first of these was the presence on the site they had chosen for settlement of a trading post established two years earlier by Plymouth Colony. The Plymouth party resisted, briefly and civilly, the competing claims of the Dorchester immigrants, but by 1637 Plymouth sold fifteen-sixteenths of their land to the settlers from Dorchester. 4 The migrants from Massachusetts built their First Church in 1640, a log cabin with a thatched roof. Growth of the community and the congregation would require a second and third meetinghouse within the next century. the original community and first two meetinghouses lay on the north side of the Farmington River. The third meetinghouse was on the south side, where the greatest population growth was taking place. However, there was no bridge across the Farmington, only a ferryboat, and communication between north and south was difficult at best. the church split into the North and South Societies. As America became a free and independent nation, a bridge finally spanned the Farmington river; the two societies resolved their differences and, in 1794, a fourth meetinghouse was raised on the high ground above the Farmington, near its confluence with the Connecticut river. Several times updated and remodeled, that structure is still the church's home today - the third oldest Congregational church in continuous service worldwide, and the oldest surviving Congregational Church Community in America. Then, in mid-1635, at the same time that the vanguard of the Dorchester group was arriving at the site of Windsor, there appeared also the passengers of the Christian, mostly single, young men who were skilled at carpentry, or were to be trained in that trade, sent out by Sir Richard Saltonstall and others of the Puritan Lords. This group of wealthy Englishmen with strong Puritan inclinations had been trying for years, and would continue to try for some years more, to create a plantation which would meet their own peculiar requirements, along manorial lines. Despite the wealth and standing of these gentlemen, they were destined to be disappointed every time, and that was again the case with their attempts at Windsor. Many of the passengers on the Christian remained at Windsor, but not according to the plan set out by Saltonstll and his partners. 5 "Thomas acquired a home lot in the first tier of allotments in Windsor paralleling the Connecticut River. His lot lay between that of Thomas Gunn and Philip Randall and extended westward to the foot of Meadow Hill. His meadow lot lay eastward to the river. The fact that he had lots assigned in the first tier is a strong indication that he arrived when the allotments were originally made in 1636. By 1649, however, Thomas had moved to a section of land on the Farmington river several miles northwest of Windsor known as Poquonock where his neighbors were the Griswold brothers -- Edward, Frances and George -- and John Bartlett. His property lay near Indian Neck and Stony Brook. On 14 April 1654, Thomas along with Edward Griswold, and Samuel Phelps, purchased from John Tinker a 226-acre tract of land in Poqonnoc, including an area called as late as 1863, "Tinker's Swamp."6 The Great Migration details his lands: The Windsor land inventory on 25 December 1640 states that "Thomas Holcom his former grants sold to Josyas Hull, William [illegible] and George Phelps." He had then granted "by virtue of purchase at Paquannick for an homelot with meadow adjoining twenty acres," also adjoining "four acres and half more or less," also on the west side of the brook before his house "twenty-five acres more or less," also by purchase from Henry Clarke "twenty-five acres with upland adjoining sixty-eight acres more or less" [WiLR 1:30]. On 7 February 1655[/6] Thomas Holcombe had twelve acres of woodland bounded out to him [WiLR 1:30]. On 4 March 1655[/6] he had ten acres of woodland bounded out [WiLR 1:30]. (WiLR cited by the Great Migration is Windsor, Connecticut, Deeds (microfilm of original at Connecticut State Library, Hartford, Connecticut)). Thomas Holcomb died at Windsor, Connecticut, September 7, 1657. His grave was located in an old cemetery near the old homestead at Poquonock, Connecticut. His grave was marked by a brown stone about two by four feet in size. The stone, having crumbled with age, was removed. It was replaced with a new marker that was inscribed with family information, much of which is wrong. His widow married, second, August 5, 1658, James Eno (Enno) (his second wife). She died October 7, 1679. Some of those who have asserted that Thomas and Elizabeth were married before leaving England believe that the first two of the children were born there, but, the birth dates given below seem to discredit this supposition. It is quite certain that all who bear the name of Holcomb(e) in New England are descended from Thomas Holcomb, through his sons Joshua, Benajah and Nathaniel. Although Thomas Holcomb and most of his descendants usually spell the name `Holcomb', it bears an `e' on Dorchester and Boston records. The Estate The inventory of the estate of "Thomas Holcom of Windsor" was taken 1 October 1657 and totalled £294 10s., of which £95 10s. was real estate: "eleven acres in home lot with housing and orchard," £50; "four acres and a half adjoining to the home lot," £6; "ten acres and a half of meadow," £10 10s.; "in the fourth meadow twelve acres," £15; "twenty-five acres of woodland over the brook against the house," £3; "forty-eight acres of woodland," £7 10s.; "ten acres of woodland," 10s.; and "his part in that called Tinker's Farm, eighty acres and a barn," £3 [Hartford PD Case #2774]. He also owned two swords. Great Migration

4Robert Charles Anderson, "Focus on Windsor," Great Migration Newsletter Vol. 10, No. 1 (Jan-Mar 2001). Hereinafter cited as "Migration Newsletter: Windsor". 5Ibid. 6Douglas Richardson, "The English Ancestry of the Merwin and Tinker Families of New England," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 149, Whole Number 596 (October 1995). Hereinafter cited as "John Tinker".

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The surviving children are listed with ages as Joshua (17), Benajah (13), Nathaniel (9), Abigail (19), Deborah (5-7), but this overlooks the two eldest daughters Elizabeth and Mary who were already married, and had probably received their portions at marriage. The widow Elizabeth was granted administration, date not stated. The distribution was as follows: Widow £42/18/00 Nathaniel £28/12/00 Joshua 42/18/00 Abigail 28/12/00 Benajah 38/07/00 Deborah 28/12/00 Just how these sums were computed is not clear, certainly not by the usual third to the widow, a double share to the eldest son and a single share to the other children. In any case, George and Edward Griswold (husband of the daughter Mary and his father) entered a claim for a part of the estate but withdrew it. On 15 Dec. 1660 Samuel Bissell (husband of Abigail) receipted to James Enno, who was by then husband of the widow, for Bissell's wife's portion, and on 17 Dec. 1660 Joshua Holcombe receipted for his. Following is a record taken from Probate Records, Hartford District: `This 17th day of December 1660 I do acknowledge to having received of my Father Enno ye full sum of my portion. Witness my hand, Joshua Holcomb.' 7 James Eno, with his three children, came to live at the Holcomb house, after the death of his first wife, and his marriage to Elizabeth. Generally, Thomas Holcombe is credited with ten children of whom three died in childhood, but there is a curious record which suggests there may have been an older son named John. The son Nathaniel had a son Nathaniel recorded at Springfield on 11 June 1673, this because the child's mother, Mary Bliss, came from Springfield, but the same Vital Records attribute the birth of a daughter Sarah on 6 Oct, 1673 to a John Holcum. Nothing more is known of this John, either at Springfield or Windsor, and I am inclined to think that an error was committed by the original town clerk at Springfield and that the surname Holcum is what is wrong. The learned Savage and also Drs. Holcombe and Stiles knew of the same entry, and they thought that John may have gone to Virginia. Genealogical Vandalism Thomas Holcombe's Tombstone by George McCracken from The American Genealogist Vol. 44, p. 58, January 1968 The story of the vandalism was reported to me some years ago by the late Mrs. Carrie Marshall Kendrick who lived in a fine mid-victorian house near the intersection of Marshall Phelps Road with Poquonock Avenue in Windsor, Conn. The house had been formerly known as 1297 Poquonock Avenue but more recently has been given a number of Marshall Phelps Road. On the other side of the road but the same side of the avenue, so Mrs. Kendrick informed me, was formerly a small cemetery in which was originally buried Thomas Holcombe in October 1657. Members of the Holcomb family "later" removed to what is now Granby and took with them Thomas Holcomb's tombstone, if not what was left of his remains also, and inserted the 1657 stone into an obelisk-type monument in the Granby Street Cemetery in Granby where it was read by C. G. Flanders in 1934 when he reported all the stones of that graveyard: "Thomas Holcomb, born in England, died Oct. 1657." Mrs Kendrick further stated, with considerable distress, that some years before she spoke members of the family had demolished the obelisk-type monument and replaced it with a modern granite monument, and the original slab was then thrown into a dump. On the day when I heard this story I visited the Granby Street Cemetery and verified the presence of the new stone, and on 30 June 1967 I again examined the stone and copied the new inscription, as follows: THOMAS HOLCOMB, BORN IN ENGLAND, DIED OCT. 1657 THOMAS, HIS SON, DIED 1736 ELIZABETH PETTEBONE, HIS WIFE, DIED 1740 DANIEL, THEIR SON DIED 1760 ESTHER BUEL, HIS WIFE, DIED 1765 DANIEL, THEIR ONLY SON, DIED OCT. 12, 1836 AE 85 SARAH, HIS WIFE, DIED SEPT. 5, 1835 AE 54 HEPZIBAH GRISWOLD, HIS WIFE, DIED JULY 11, 1814 AE 33 GAYLORD G., THEIR 2ND SON, DROWNED, JULY 4, 1844 AE 50 On the reverse side under Masonic emblem: ALFRED E. HOLCOMB, AUG. 5, 1867 - SEPT. 13, 1956 MABLE METCALF, HIS WIFE, NOV. 26, 1881 - MAY 7, 1956 EDMUND HOLCOMB, DIED DEC. 20, 1874 AE 74 ELIZA M., HIS WIFE, DIED SEPT. 12, 1862 AE 55 EMILY H., HIS WIFE, DIED JULY 21, 1914 AE 82 DANIEL E., ONLY CHILD OF EDUMND AND ELIZA, DIED CAROLINE H. CASE, DIED OCT. 3, 1911 AE 47

7Charles William Manwaring, A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Baltimore, MD, Library of Congress 94-74584: Reprinted in 1995 by the Genealogical Publishing Co., 1904 and 1906), 1:130. Hereinafter cited as Manwaring.

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No research has been done into the last seven names but presumably Edmund was a younger brother of Gaylord G. Holcomb on the other side, and had, by his first wife Eliza, the son Daniel E.; by his second wife Emily, Caroline who married a Case and Alfred who married Mabel Metcalf. Headstones for all these later graves are in rows on either side of the main stone, except that the grave of Alfred, the last to die, has no headstone. The plot lies on what I take to be the west side of the drive to the south, leading from opposite Granby Town Hall. The genealogical data on the north side of the stone contain a number of errors. Thomas Holcomb had no son named Thomas, and, though C.G. Flanders must have seen a stone for the son, with the date of death, given as 1736, he shows no first name. Thomas Holcomb did have a son who died in 1736, Benajah, who died 25 Jan. 1736/7, and it was probably he who was buried at Poquonock in 1736 Old Style, as he is known not to have accompanied his relatives from Windsor to Simsbury, out of which Granby was later taken. Benajah, however, married Sarah Eno, not Elizabeth Pettebone, and though there were Holcomb-Pettebone marriages, no Elizabeth Pettebone married any Holcomb in the period. What has happened is that Benajah's death year has been appropriated for a son who was rather Joshua, Born Windsor, 7 April 1649, died Simsbury, 1 Dec. 1690 who married 4 June 1663 Ruth Sherwood, died 10 Sept. 1699, daughter of Thomas Sherwood of Fairfield. Joshua and his wife belong on that stone in the place of a non-existing Thomas. Joshua, however, had a son Capt. Thomas who was born in Windsor, 30 March 1666, died at Simsbury 5 March 1730/1, and his first wife was Elizabeth Terry; second wife, Rebecca Pettebone. The two views of Capt. Thomas have been condensed into one, Elizabeth from the first wife and Pettebone from the second, but the line to these later Holcombs really runs through Elizabeth Terry and the name Pettebone does not belong on the stone. In the next generation Daniel was the 2nd son of Capt. Thomas and Elizabeth (Terry) Holcomb, and was born 30 Sept. 1692, date of death not hitherto known to me. The stone is right in naming his wife Esther Buel, for she was Hester Buel, born Simsbury, 24 Nov. 1705, baptized there by Dudley Woodbridge, 10 March 1705/6, youngest daughter of Peter Buel (William) by his third wife Mary Gillett, and the marriage took place on 1 Jan. 1735/6. Daniel was, indeed, the only son, but as he was born 31 March 1744, his age at death, if he died, 12 Oct. 1836, was 92 and not 85. Likewise, Daniel was aged 65, not 54, if he died as the stone says on 5 Juen 1836, for he was born 18 jan. 1771, baptized 14 Aug. 1774. This article has been written, not only to call attention to these errors, but to serve as an excellent example of the wisdom of not accepting sepulchral information at its face value. Children of Thomas1 Holcombe and Elizabeth (--?--) were as follows: 2. i. ELIZABETH2 was born in 1634 at probably Dorchester, MA. She married Sgt. Josiah Ellsworth, son of John Ellsworth and Lucia

Bower, on 16 Nov 1654 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 3. ii. MARY was born in 1635 at Dorchester (now Windsor), Hartford Co., CT. She married George Griswold, son of Edward Griswold

and Margaret (--?--), on 3 Oct 1655 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 4. iii. ABIGAIL was baptized on 6 Jan 1638 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Samuel Bissell, son of Capt. John Bissell and

Mary Drake, on 11 Jun 1658 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 5. iv. JOSHUA was born on 7 Apr 1640 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Ruth Sherwood, daughter of Thomas Sherwood of

Fairfield and Mary (--?--), on 4 Jun 1663 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. v. SARAH was baptized on 14 Aug 1642 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.8,9 She died in 1654.10 6. vi. BENAJAH was born on 23 Jun 1644 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Eno, daughter of James Eno and Anna

Bidwell, on 11 Apr 1667 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. vii. DEBORAH was born on 15 Oct 1646.11 She died in 1649.12 7. viii. NATHANIEL was born on 4 Nov 1648 at Poquonock, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Bliss, daughter of Nathaniel Bliss

and Catharine Chapin, on 27 Feb 1670 at Springfield, Hampden Co., MA. He married Sarah Owen on 17 Jan 1722 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

8. ix. DEBORAH was born on 15 Feb 1649/50 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Daniel Birge, son of Richard Birge and Elizabeth Gaylord, on 5 Nov 1668 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.

x. JONATHAN was born on 23 Mar 1651/52 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.13,14 He died on 13 Sep 1656 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 4.15,16

Generation Two

2. ELIZABETH2 HOLCOMBE (Thomas1) was born in 1634 at probably Dorchester, MA.17 She married Sgt. Josiah Ellsworth, son of John Ellsworth and Lucia Bower, on 16 Nov 1654 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.18,19,20 She died on 18 Sep 1712 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.21,22,23

8Edwin Stanley Welles, compiler, Births, Marriages, and Deaths Returned from Hartford, Windsor, and Fairfield and Entered in the Early Land Records fo the Colony of Connecticut (Hartford, CT: Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., 1898), Page 35. Hereinafter cited as Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield. 9Elizabeth Weir McPherson, The Holcombes, Nation Builders (1947), Page 10.1. 10Ibid. 11Ibid. 12Ibid. 13Edwin Stanley Welles, Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield, Page 35. 14McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 10.1. 15Edwin Stanley Welles, Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield, Page 43. 16McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 10.1.

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Children are listed in the Ellsworth Genealogy and the Mathew Grant Record. Children of Elizabeth2 Holcombe and Sgt. Josiah Ellsworth were as follows: 9. i. JOSIAS3 was born on 5 Nov 1655 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Martha Gaylord, daughter of Samuel Gaylord and

Elizabeth Hull, on 30 Oct 1679 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. ii. ELIZABETH was born on 11 Nov 1657 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Lt. Nathaniel Loomis, son of Nathaniel Loomis

and Elizabeth Moore, on 23 Dec 1680. She died in 1743. Stiles says no issue. No children listed in the Ellsworth Genealogy. Bates lists Rebecca. The Loomis genealogy says no children.

10. iii. MARY was born on 7 May 1660 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Sgt. Daniel Loomis, son of Deacon John Loomis and Elizabeth Scott, on 23 Dec 1680.

11. iv. MARTHA was born on 7 Dec 1662 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Sgt. John Osborn, son of John Osborn and Ann Oldage, circa 1690.

12. v. THOMAS was born on 2 Sep 1665 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Mills, daughter of Simon Mills and Mary Buell, on 24 Jul 1691. He married Deborah (--?--).

13. vi. JONATHAN was born on 28 Jun 1669. He married Sarah Grant, daughter of Tahan Grant and Hannah Palmer, on 26 Oct 1693 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.

14. vii. JOHN was born on 7 Oct 1671. He married Esther White, daughter of Lt. Daniel White and Sarah Crow, on 9 Dec 1696. 15. viii. JOB was born on 13 Apr 1674. He married Mary Trumbull, daughter of Joseph Trumbull and Hannah Smith, on 19 Dec 1695. He

married Sarah Warner, daughter of Robert Warner and Elizabeth Grant, in Oct 1711. ix. BENJAMIN was born on 19 Jan 1676. 3. MARY2 HOLCOMBE (Thomas1) was born in 1635 at Dorchester (now Windsor), Hartford Co., CT.24 She married George Griswold, son of Edward Griswold and Margaret (--?--), on 3 Oct 1655 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.25,26,27 She died on 4 Apr 1708 at Poquonock, Hartford Co., CT.28 Children of Mary2 Holcombe and George Griswold were as follows: 16. i. DANIEL3 was born on 1 Oct 1656 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mindwell Bissell, daughter of Nathaniel Bissell and

Mindwell Moore, on 3 Feb 1680/81 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 17. ii. THOMAS was born on 29 Sep 1658 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hester Drake, daughter of Job Drake and Mary

Wolcott, on 11 Aug 1681 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 18. iii. EDWARD was born on 19 Mar 1661/62 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigal Williams, daughter of John Williams and

Mary Burley, on 3 Nov 1681 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 19. iv. MARY was born on 28 Sep 1663 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Cooley, son of Benjamin Cooley and Sarah

Tremaine, on 22 Jan 1684/85 at Saybrook, Middlesex Co., CT. v. GEORGE was born on 3 Dec 1665. He died in 1746. 20. vi. JOHN was born on 17 Sep 1668 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Gaylord, daughter of Nathaniel Gaylord and

Abigail Bissell, on 22 Nov 1705 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 21. vii. BENJAMIN was born on 16 Apr 1671 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Cook, daughter of Moses Cooke and

Elizabeth Clark, on 4 Jan 1693 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 22. viii. DEBORAH was born on 30 May 1674 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Thomas Moore, son of John Moore and Hannah

Goffe, on 12 Dec 1695 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. ix. ABIGAIL was born on 31 Oct 1676 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 7 May 1682 at age 5. x. SAMUEL was born on 5 Nov 1681 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 1 Jun 1682. 4. ABIGAIL2 HOLCOMBE (Thomas1) was baptized on 6 Jan 1638 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.29,30 She married Samuel Bissell, son of Capt. John Bissell and Mary Drake, on 11 Jun 1658 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.31,32 She died on 17 Aug 1688 at age 50.

17Ibid., Page 10.2. 18Jesse Seaver, The Holcomb(e) Genealogy (American Historical-Genealogical Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1925), unknown detail. 19Edwin Stanley Welles, Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield, Page 42. 20McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 10.2. 21Jesse Seaver, Holcomb(e) Genealogy. 22Henry R. Stiles, A.M., M.D., History of Ancient Windsor, 2 Vols. (Picton Press, Camden, Maine). 23McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 10.2. 24Jesse Seaver, Holcomb(e) Genealogy. 25Ibid. 26Edwin Stanley Welles, Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield, Page 42. 27McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 18.1. 28Ibid. 29Edwin Stanley Welles, Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield, Page 35.

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Poquonock is the Indian name for Windsor. Children of Abigail2 Holcombe and Samuel Bissell all born at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: 23. i. JOHN3 was born on 5 Apr 1659. He married Abigail Filley, daughter of William Filley and Margaret (--?--), on 26 Aug 1680 at

Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 24. ii. ABIGAIL was born on 6 Jul 1661. She married James Eno, son of James Eno and Anna Bidwell, on 26 Dec 1678 at Windsor,

Hartford Co., CT. 25. iii. JACOB was born on 28 Mar 1664. He married Mary Gillett, daughter of Jonathan Gillett and Mary Kelsey, at Windsor, Hartford

Co., CT. 26. iv. MARY was born on 15 Sep 1666. She married John Pettibone, son of John Pettibone Sr. and Sarah Eggleston, on 18 Dec 1690

at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 27. v. SAMUEL was born on 11 Jan 1668. He married Mary (--?--). vi. BENJAH was born on 30 Jun 1671. He died before 1697 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.

Died, unmarried, before his father. vii. JOSHUA was born circa 1674. He died after 1712.

Unmarried. 28. viii. ELIZABETH was born on 4 Jan 1677/78. She married Samuel Sackett, son of John Sackett and Abigail Hannum, in 1698. She

married Lt. John Root in Sep 1713. 29. ix. DEBORAH was born on 29 Oct 1679. She married Stephen Pettibone, son of John Pettibone Sr. and Sarah Eggleston, on 24 Mar

1703 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 30. x. HANNAH was born on 18 Sep 1682. She married Capt. Nathaniel Phelps, son of Lt. Timothy Phelps and Mary Griswold, on 20 Mar

1700 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 5. JOSHUA2 HOLCOMBE (Thomas1) was born on 7 Apr 1640 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.33 He was baptized on 27 Sep 1640 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.34,35 He married Ruth Sherwood, daughter of Thomas Sherwood of Fairfield and Mary (--?--), on 4 Jun 1663 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.36 He died on 1 Dec 1690 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 50.37,38 He was buried at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.39 How this couple became acquainted does not appear, but there was an early migration of some Windsor families to Fairfield and it may be that afterwards there was some visiting back and forth. Joshua took the family and personal property of his deceased father, Thomas, after the latter's death in 1657 and moved to Windsor Center (Simsbury). He was granted 4 acres "near Thomas Maskill" at Massaco, Hartford Co., Ct. April 29, 1667. "The counsell" of Simsbury "let out" to Joshua "ye lands of Mr. Joseph Persons, " as Parsons was one of the "proprietors (i.e., non-resident land owners) not appearing to carry on plantation dues as fences & reparying fences." 40 He was granted original tracts of land in Conn. (Simsbury Patent) by King Charles II, April 23, 1687. Was elected Representative to General Assembly, from Simsbury, 1660, 1671, and 1690 (wr, wg). At a special court held at Windsor on 11 September 1676, John Williams, Joshua Holcomb, Nicholas Gozzard, and Nicholas Evans were ordered to post a £10 bond each for their appearance in court the first Wednesday in December next "to answer for their breach of peace."41

30Lorraine Cook White, compiler, The Barbour Collection fo Connecticut Town Vital Records: Windsor 1637-1850 (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc., 2002), Page 194, citing MG. Hereinafter cited as Barbour: Windsor. 31McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 25.1. 32Lorraine Cook White, Barbour: Windsor, Page 194, citing MG. 33McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 10.1. 34Edwin Stanley Welles, Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield, Page 35. 35McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 10.1. 36Edwin Stanley Welles, Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield, Page 10. 37Charles William Manwaring, Manwaring, 1:467. 38McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 30.1. 39Ibid. 40Gerald James Parsons, "Were Joseph and Benjamin Parsons and David Wilton of Beaminster, Dorset, England, The New England Colonists?," The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Vol. 143, Whole Number 570 (April 1989). Hereinafter cited as "Joseph Parsons". 41Gerald James Parsons, "The Early Parsons Families of the Connecticut Valley [Part Two]," The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Volume 148, Whole Number 592 (October 1994): 345-360.

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For his probate see Manwaring 1:467, which shows inventory of £474/8/0 taken Dec. 25, 1690, by John Higley and Samuel Wilcox (Selectmen) and his two brothers, Benajah and Nathaniel. The Puritans evidently did not celebrate Christmas. Records of his probate list his children. However, one reference does not list Joshua who was surely living (possibly an error by Manwaring). Seaver lists another child, Joab, not mentioned by McCracken. It was his name that should have occupied the second line in the newly cut stone of the Holcombes in the cemetery at Granby. (TAG 44:58-60). Children of Joshua2 Holcombe and Ruth Sherwood were as follows: 31. i. RUTH3 was born on 26 May 1664 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Richard Porter, son of Daniel Porter and Mary (--?--),

circa 1685/86. 32. ii. THOMAS was born on 30 Mar 1666 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Terry, daughter of Leftenant John Terry

and Elizabeth Wadsworth, on 1 Jan 1690. He married Rebecca Pettibone, daughter of John Pettibone Sr. and Sarah Eggleston, on 5 Dec 1700 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

33. iii. SARAH was born on 23 Jun 1668 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Isaac Owens. She married John Case, son of John Case and Sarah Spencer, in 1693.

34. iv. ELIZABETH was born on 4 Apr 1670 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married William Case, son of John Case and Sarah Spencer, in 1688. She married Deacon John Slater, son of John Slater and Abiah Gillet, on 10 Feb 1703/4 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Deacon Samuel Marshall.

35. v. JOSHUA was born on 18 Sep 1672 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Carrington, daughter of John Carrington, in 1694. He married Mary Hoskins, daughter of Robert Hoskins and Mary Gillett, in 1709.

36. vi. DEBORAH was born on 10 Feb 1674/75 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Dr. Daniel Porter before 1699. 37. vii. MARY was born in 1676. She married John Barber, son of Lt. Thomas Barber and Mary Phelps, on 26 Feb 1701/2 at Simsbury,

Hartford Co., CT. She married Ephriam Buell, son of Sgt. Peter Buell and Martha Cogan, on 16 Oct 1713 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

38. viii. MINDWELL was born in 1678. She married Theophilus Cook, son of John Cook and Sarah Fisk, on 26 Sep 1721. 39. ix. HANNAH was born in 1680. She married Samuel Buell, son of Sgt. Peter Buell and Martha Cogan, on 29 Nov 1711 at Simsbury,

Hartford Co., CT. x. MOSES was born on 4 Jul 1686 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.42 He was baptized on 29 Oct 1699 at Simsbury, Hartford Co.,

CT.43 He died on 16 Feb 1699/0 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 13.44

xi. JOAB died on 5 Dec 1723 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.45 Seaver lists Joab, died 1723 in this family. Bowman places him with Joshua Jr.; McPherson does not list him here either.

6. SGT. BENAJAH2 HOLCOMBE (Thomas1) was born on 23 Jun 1644 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.46,47,48 He married Sarah Eno, daughter of James Eno and Anna Bidwell, on 11 Apr 1667 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.49,50,51 He died on 25 Jan 1736 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 91.52 McCracken: death date . . . "misappropriated for his mythical brother Thomas as on the newly-cut Holcombe tombstone in Granby Cemetery. His unusual first name occurs some 16 times in the Old Testament but was not sufficiently familiar to the compilers of the Phelps Genealogy who, at least several times, if not always, call him Benjamin. Benajah appears not to have moved to Simsbury with his two brothers, and I have had more difficulty in tracing his descendants than those of his brothers. The reader is cautioned to verify every statement, particularly what Mrs. McPherson has to say of him. He married at Windsor, April 11, 1667, his stepsister, Sarah Enno or Eno, born at Windsor, 16 June 1649, daughter of James Enno or Eno by his second wife Anna Bidwell, who was perhaps the daughter, more probably the widow of Richard Bidwell, This Anna was the mother of all the Eno children. Dr. Stiles, under "Holcombe," kills off this Sarah in April 1732, which is about five years earlier than the death of Benajah but under "Phelps" (2:565) he makes her marry, secondly, Samuel Phelps (William, William), born at Windsor, 5 Sept 1642, died at Simsbury, 21 Oct 1741. The first wife of the said Samuel Phelps was Abigail Williams, born Windsor, 31 May 1658, daughter of a John Williams who married at Windsor, 29 June 1644, Mary Burlly. Mary (Burlly) Williams died 18 April 1681, having been married, as the record says, 37 years and sometime later this John Williams married again, this time to that Ester or Hester ----, who had married, first, James Eggleston (Bigod), and second as 4th wife, James Enno or Eno aforesaid. John Williams died in 1712 aged 96 and Esther/Hester died in 1720. See also The American Genealogist 56:169. Under "Phelps" Stiles inserts a marriage of the aforesaid Samuel Phelps to an Elizabeth with some children born in Boston. This marriage is unknown to the Phelps Genealogy and I have made no attempt to solve the problem beyond making certain that there were Boston births to a Samuel and Elizabeth Phelps whoever they were. Mathew Grant records the birth of two children in Windsor 17 Aug 1877.

42Albert C. Bates., Simsbury, Connecticut, Births, Marriages and Deaths (1898). 43Albert C. Bates, compiler, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge his Church Record at Simsbury in Conn. 1697-1710 (Hartford, CT: Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., 1894), Page 19. Hereinafter cited as Rev. Dudley Woodbridge. 44Bates, Simsbury, Page 21. 45Ibid., Page 157. 46Edwin Stanley Welles, Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield, Page 35. 47McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 10.1. 48Lorraine Cook White, Barbour: Windsor, Page 194, citing MG. 49Edwin Stanley Welles, Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield, Page 11. 50McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 89.1. 51Lorraine Cook White, Barbour: Windsor, Page 194, citing MG. 52McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 89.1.

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This family stayed in Windsor when the others went to Simsbury. Children of Sgt. Benajah2 Holcombe and Sarah Eno all born at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: 40. i. BENAJAH3 was born on 16 Apr 1668. He married Martha Winchell, daughter of David Winchell and Elizabeth Filley, on 17 May

1705 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. ii. JAMES was born on 13 Oct 1671. He died on 11 Feb 1681 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 9.53 41. iii. SARAH was born on 11 Feb 1673/74. She married Isaac Owen, son of John Owen and Rebecca Wade, on 20 Dec 1694 at

Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 42. iv. ANNA was born on 19 Mar 1675. She married Samuel Hayden, son of Lt. Daniel Hayden and Hannah Willco*ckson, on 26 Jan

1703/4. 43. v. ABIGAIL was born on 12 May 1681. She married Ensign Anthony Austin, son of Capt. Anthony Austin and Esther Huggins, in

1699 at Suffield, CT. 44. vi. SAMUEL was born on 29 Nov 1683. He married Martha Phelps, daughter of Lt. Timothy Phelps and Mary Griswold, on 13 Oct

1709. 45. vii. JOSEPH was born on 7 Nov 1686. He married Mary Winchell on 11 Nov 1714. viii. BENJAMIN was born on 1 Jun 1689. 46. ix. DEBORAH was born on 26 Oct 1690. She married Samuel Griswold, son of Thomas Griswold and Hester Drake, on 5 Mar

1713/14 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 7. NATHANIEL2 HOLCOMBE (Thomas1) was born on 4 Nov 1648 at Poquonock, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.54,55 He married Mary Bliss, daughter of Nathaniel Bliss and Catharine Chapin, on 27 Feb 1670 at Springfield, Hampden Co., MA.56,57 He married Sarah Owen on 17 Jan 1722 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 5 Mar 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 91.58 Chosen Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut for Simsbury between 1703 and 1706; again between 1720 and 1722. Was a joint signer of an agreement with pastor of the church of Hop Meadow 27 Jun 1687. Signed an offer to citizens of Salmon Brook and Low Meadow for exchange of parts of land to better fortify against Indians, 04 Feb 1688. from MC CRACKEN 8th child and 3rd son, was born at Windsor, 4 Nov. 1648, died at Simsbury, 5 March 1740/1. His will is dated 7 Feb. 1740/1, probated 5 March 1740/1 (Manwaring 3:286). He devises various real estate in both Windsor and Simsbury to the four sons listed below, and to the five living daughters the moveable estate; the son, not named, of his deceased daughter Martha, 20 shillings, to be paid by sons Nathaniel, Jonathan and John, "to buy him a Bible." (This might suggest that this grandson, Daniel Hayes, was a minor but he was nearly 25 at this date.) To his wife, not named, testator leaves only 20 shillings "besides what I have already secured for her before marriage." Son Benjamin is names sole executor; witnesses: Elias Slater, Ephraim Bewell, Timothy Woodbridge. His first marriage took place on 27 Feb 1670/1 but is not recorded at either Windsor or Simsbury, and I suspect is was recorded at Springfield, the home of the bride, who was Mary Bliss, born 23 Sept, 1651, died by 1722, daughter of Nathaniel Bliss (Thomas of Hartford) by his wife Catharine Chapin (Samuel), as the birth of the first child is recorded at Springfield. He married, second, at Simsbury, 17 Jan. 1722/3, Sarah ----, widow of Josias Owen, as the marriage record identifies her. It seems probable that her first husband was Josias Owen (John) shown by Stiles (2:544) to have married, first, Mary, daughter of John Osburn, but Stiles knows nothing of a second marriage for either Josias Owen or Nathaniel Holcombe, nor does The Chapin Book (1924) 1:16f from Stiles Resided Simsbury which town he represented at gen. ct. 1703, 4, 5, 1720, and 22. Lists children as Nathaniel, Mary, Johnathan, John, Ester, Catherine, Sarah, and Benjamin. from Tempest Holcombe family tradition has it that Nathaniel and Mary first settled at what is now Salmon Brook in 1677. Nathaniel was born in the Poquonock section of Windsor. Although Mary's father's family was among the first group to come to Hartford, she was living in Springfield when she married Nathaniel in 1670. It is not clear if the couple lived in Springfield for long, but by 1675 they were back in Windsor with their two children, Nathaniel and Mary. Nathaniel Sr. is not listed among those who moved to Simsbury immediately following the war, but his older brother Joshua is, and his mother and stepfather James Eno, did move to "Scotland", the section of Simsbury east of the ridge, in 1679. It is possible they did live with the Enos briefly, while renting land at Salmon Brook from someone such as John Slate. Or it may have been that they even began building a homestead at Salmon Brook and that the record of Nathaniel's 1677, '78 or '79 grant was among those burned; no one bothered to record it again since he received new grants, possibly for the same land, as a result of the land divisions in 1680. He continued to pay taxes in Windsor through 1686, but only because he owned three acres of upland there, not because he was a resident. Certainly the couple was well established with their four children in Simsbury by 1681, for Nathaniel was elected town constable in December of that year.

53Edwin Stanley Welles, Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield, Page 55. 54Ibid., Page 35. 55McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 10.1. 56"Judge Pynchon's Marriage Record:1685-1711," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 123 (169). 57Edwin Stanley Welles, Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield, Page 13. 58McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2.

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Children of Nathaniel2 Holcombe and Mary Bliss were as follows: 47. i. NATHANIEL3 was born on 11 Jun 1673 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Martha Buell, daughter of Sgt. Peter Buell and

Martha Cogan, on 1 Nov 1695 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. ii. MARY was born on 17 May 1675 at probably Springfield, MA.59 She died between 22 Dec 1744 and 27 May 1745 at Simsbury,

Hartford Co., CT.60 *Unmarried. Died between 22 Dec. 1744, date of will, and 27 May 1745, date of inventory, £138/03/11, taken by Joseph Hoskins and Daniel Adams (Manwaring 3:417). She leaves her Bible to brother Benjamin Holcombe "to be his for ever, and the Lord be with him"; to sister Esther Higley best quilt and a pair of silver clasps; to four sisters, viz: Esther aforesaid, Katharine Messenger, Margaret North and Sarah Barbour, rest and residue; sole executor: brother Benjamin; signed by mark; witnesses: Brewster Higley Jr., Joseph Higley, John Higley.

48. iii. JONATHAN was born on 15 Feb 1678/79 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Buell, daughter of Sgt. Peter Buell and Martha Cogan, in 1695 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Saxton on 22 Jun 1721 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

49. iv. JOHN was born in 1680 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Ann Pettibone, daughter of John Pettibone Sr. and Sarah Eggleston, on 19 Mar 1706/7 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

50. v. MARTHA was born in 1682. She married Daniel Hayes, son of George Hayes and Abigail Dibble, on 1 Mar 1716 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

51. vi. HESTER was born in Feb 1684 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Brewster Higley, son of Capt. John Higley and Hannah Drake, on 17 Feb 1708/9 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

vii. ELIZABETH was born in 1685. She died on 12 Jul 1700 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.61 McCracken does not mention this child.

52. viii. MARGARET was born in 1687. She married Nathaniel North in 1704. 53. ix. CATHERINE was born in 1689 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Messenger, son of Nathaniel Messenger and

Rebecca Kelsey, on 22 Jan 1707/8 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 54. x. SARAH was born in 1691. She married Samuel Barber, son of Lt. Thomas Barber and Mary Phelps, on 17 Dec 1712 at Simsbury,

Hartford Co., CT. 55. xi. BENJAMIN was born on 15 Feb 1697/98 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Case, daughter of Samuel Case and

Mary Westover, on 12 Oct 1727 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. There were no children of Nathaniel2 Holcombe and Sarah Owen. 8. DEBORAH2 HOLCOMBE (Thomas1) was born on 15 Feb 1649/50 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.62,63 She married Daniel Birge, son of Richard Birge and Elizabeth Gaylord, on 5 Nov 1668 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.64 She died on 26 May 1686 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 36.65 Information on Richard Birge and his descendants is primarily from Ernest Crichton Birge, 1860 Big Crane Loop, Port Orange, FL 32124-2525; (904) 760-4229; [emailprotected]. Children of Deborah2 Holcombe and Daniel Birge were as follows: i. ELIZABETH3 was born on 25 Apr 1670 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died in 1678. 56. ii. DEBORAH was born on 26 Nov 1671 at Middlesex, Haddum Co., CT. She married Jared Spencer, son of John Spencer and

Rebecca Howard, on 12 Nov 1692 at Middlesex, Haddum Co., CT. iii. ELIZABETH was born in 1674.

Bowman finds that Elizabeth or one of her sisters may have married Moses Ventrous. he claims a share in estate distribution of Daniel Birge, Elizabeth's father, in 1699. Bowman does not list any children, but mentions page 66 of Genealogical Gleanings, Register xiv 101 and xxi 949.

57. iv. MARY was born in 1677. She married Israel Stoughton, son of Thomas Stoughton and Mary Wadsworth, on 7 May 1713. 58. v. DANIEL was born in 1682. vi. ABIGAIL was born in 1685.

Generation Three

9. JOSIAS3 ELLSWORTH (Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 5 Nov 1655 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Martha Gaylord, daughter of Samuel Gaylord and Elizabeth Hull, on 30 Oct 1679 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 4 May 1706 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 50. Children are listed in the Ellsworth Genealogy and Burke. Children of Josias3 Ellsworth and Martha Gaylord were as follows: 59. i. MARTHA4 was born in 1680. She married Samuel Stiles, son of Sergeant Henry Stiles and Elizabeth Willco*ckson, in Dec 1701.

She married George Norton May 14,1717.

59Ibid., Page 101.1. 60Ibid. 61Bates, Simsbury, Page 21. 62Edwin Stanley Welles, Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield, Page 35. 63McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 10.1. 64Ibid., Page 222.1. 65Ibid.

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60. ii. ELIZABETH was born on 22 Jan 1683 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married John Gridley, son of Thomas Gridley Jr. and Elizabeth Clark, on 30 May 1711 at Farmington.

iii. MARY was born in 1687. She died D.Y. 61. iv. JOSIAH was born on 3 Mar 1690. He married Margaret (--?--). v. MARY was born in 1694. 62. vi. ABIGAL was born in 1694. She married John Stephens. She married Elias Slater in 1736. 63. vii. SAMUEL was born on 18 Jul 1697 at Enfield, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Allen, daughter of John Allen and Bridget

Booth, on 20 Nov 1717 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 64. viii. JOSEPH was born in 1700. He married Ammarantze Strickland. ix. TIMOTHY died D.Y. 10. MARY3 ELLSWORTH (Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 7 May 1660 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Sgt. Daniel Loomis, son of Deacon John Loomis and Elizabeth Scott, on 23 Dec 1680. The Ellsworth Homestead is the home of the Abigal Wolcott Chapter of the Connecticut DAR. Children are listed in Stiles. Children of Mary3 Ellsworth and Sgt. Daniel Loomis were as follows: 65. i. DANIEL4 was born on 15 Nov 1682. He married Elizabeth Barber, daughter of Samuel Barber and Ruth Drake, on 10 Nov 1709 at

Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 66. ii. JOSIAH was born on 28 Nov 1684 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Kelsey, daughter of Thomas Kelsey, on 22

Jan 1707/8 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 67. iii. JOB was born on 21 Jan 1686. He married Abigail Filley on 27 Apr 1710. 68. iv. JOHN was born on 11 Oct 1688. He married Anna Eno, daughter of John Eno and Mary Dibble, on 24 Apr 1712. v. MARY was born on 15 Jan 1690/91.

Mary was still living 1740, apparently when her father's will was proven. Don Barber acknowledges that he mistakenly assigned a marriage for this daughter Mary to Jospeh Barber in the 1st edition of his book.

69. vi. ISAAC was born on 23 Aug 1694. He married Hannah Eggleston, daughter of Thomas Eggleston and Grace Hoskins, on 26 Apr 1716.

70. vii. ABRAHAM was born on 13 Dec 1696. He married Isabel Eggleston, daughter of Thomas Eggleston and Grace Hoskins, on 5 Feb 1718.

71. viii. BENJAMIN was born on 7 Feb 1698/99. He married Joanna Alvord, daughter of Jeremy Alvord and Jane Hoskins, on 9 Dec 1725. ix. BENAJAH was born on 20 Jan 1702. He died on 6 May 1702. 11. MARTHA3 ELLSWORTH (Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 7 Dec 1662 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.66 She married Sgt. John Osborn, son of John Osborn and Ann Oldage, circa 1690.67 The children are listed in the Ellsworth Genealogy and Stiles. Stiles lists 2 twin sons b. and d. February 3, 1692, then Isaac, Mary and Jacob. Weir states that Martha married Samuel Stiles in 1701 and George Norton in 1707, but Bowman thinks that Martha is the first child of Josiah Ellsworth II. Laquer goes into extensive detail to show that Martha married John Osborn and that it was Martha, the daughter of Josiah (Josias) II that married Samuel Stiles in December 1701. Children of Martha3 Ellsworth and Sgt. John Osborn were as follows: i. TWINS4 was born on 3 Feb 1692/93. ii. ISAAC was born on 6 Jun 1694.68

iii. MARY was born on 10 Feb 1695/96.69 Could this be the Mary Osborn that married John Stiles?

72. iv. JACOB was born on 4 Jan 1697/98. 12. THOMAS3 ELLSWORTH (Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 2 Sep 1665 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Mills, daughter of Simon Mills and Mary Buell, on 24 Jul 1691. He married Deborah (--?--). He died on 26 Sep 1750 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 85. A carpenter by trade. The children were listed in the Ellsworth Genealogy and taken from his estate settlement. Children of Thomas3 Ellsworth and Sarah Mills were as follows: 73. i. SARAH4 was born on 9 Dec 1696. She married Josiah Allyn, son of Hon. and Col. Matthew Allyn and Elizabeth Wolcott, on 9 Feb


66Ibid., Page 10.2. 67Justine Harwood Laquer, "Martha Ellsworth, Second Wife of John Osborn of Windsor, Connecticut," The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Volume 156, Whole Number 624 (October 2002). Hereinafter cited as "Martha Ellsworth". 68Ibid. 69Ibid.

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74. ii. NATHANIEL was born on 3 Dec 1699. He married Catherine (--?--). He married Abigail Strong, daughter of Sgt. John Strong and Hannah Trumbull, on 1 Jan 1729 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.

75. iii. WILLIAM was born on 15 Apr 1702. He married Mary Oliver, daughter of Nathaniel Oliver and Elizabeth Brattle, on 16 Jun 1737. iv. HANNAH was born on 25 Nov 1704. 76. v. ELIZABETH was born on 18 Nov 1706. She married David Skinner, son of Richard Skinner and Sarah Gaines, on 20 Nov 1728. 77. vi. THOMAS was born on 10 Mar 1708. He married Sarah Loomis, daughter of John Loomis and Esther Gillet, on 26 Mar 1733. 78. vii. MARY was born on 7 Jan 1710. She married Daniel Bidwell, son of Daniel Bidwell and Esther (--?--), in 1733. 79. viii. ABIGAIL was born on 14 Sep 1712. She married John Loomis, son of John Loomis and Esther Gillet, on 5 Apr 1733. 80. ix. DEBORAH was born on 24 Sep 1714. She married Daniel Blodgett, son of Daniel Blodgett and Mary Mallett. Children of Thomas3 Ellsworth and Deborah (--?--) were as follows: 81. i. EUNICE4 was born on 27 Mar 1717. She married Timothy Green in 1750. 82. ii. NAOMI was born on 23 Feb 1719. She married Jonathan Brown, son of Jonathan Brown and Mindwell Loomis, in 1743. 13. JONATHAN3 ELLSWORTH (Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 28 Jun 1669. He married Sarah Grant, daughter of Tahan Grant and Hannah Palmer, on 26 Oct 1693 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 13 Sep 1749 at age 80. Jonathan was a partner in a saw mill and grist mill, and operated a tavern and small store. He died in 1749 when thrown from a horse at age 80. The children are listed in the Ellsworth Genealogy. Children of Jonathan3 Ellsworth and Sarah Grant all born at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. JONATHAN4 was born on 11 Mar 1695/96.70 He died in 1712. ii. SARAH was born on 8 Jan 1698.71

There were two Sarahs, cousins, the other is the first child of Thomas Ellsworth and Sara Mills. Records are confused and show both marrying Josiah Allen. The children of Josiah Allyn will be continued under the Thomas Ellsworth line.

iii. JOHN was born in 1701.72 He died in 1760.73 83. iv. GILES was born on 6 Aug 1703. He married Hannah Stoughton, daughter of John Stoughton and Sarah Fitch, on 6 Feb 1728. 84. v. MARY was born on 1 Mar 1706. She married Ensign Isaac Owen, son of Isaac Owen and Sarah Holcombe. vi. ESTHER was born on 9 Mar 1708.74 85. vii. DAVID was born on 3 Aug 1709. He married Jemima Levett, daughter of Joshua Levett and Hannah Devotion, on 8 Jul 1740. 86. viii. HANNAH was born on 10 Sep 1713. She married Alexander Allyn III, son of Alexander Allyn Jr. and Hannah Marshall, on 28 Apr

1743. 87. ix. JONATHAN was born on 22 Aug 1716. He married Abigail Allyn, daughter of Alexander Allyn Jr. and Hannah Marshall, on 8 Sep

1738 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. x. ANN was born on 12 Aug 1719.75 14. JOHN3 ELLSWORTH (Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 7 Oct 1671. He married Esther White, daughter of Lt. Daniel White and Sarah Crow, on 9 Dec 1696. He died on 26 Oct 1720 at age 49. John was one of the largest land holders in Windsor, He settled in Ellington, CT. He died of a falling of a tree. The children are listed in the Ellsworth Genealogy. Children of John3 Ellsworth and Esther White were as follows: 88. i. JOHN4 was born on 7 Nov 1697. He married Anne Edwards, daughter of Rev. Timothy Edwards and Esther Stoddard, on 8 May

1734. 89. ii. DANIEL was born either 20 Mar 1699 or 1700. He married Mindwell (--?--). 90. iii. ESTHER was born on 9 Mar 1703. She married Capt Samuel Wells, son of Samuel Wells and Ruth Judson, in 1722. 91. iv. HANNAH (ANNA) was born in 1705. She married Capt. Samuel Hunt, son of Jonathan Hunt and Martha Williams. 92. v. MARTHA was born in 1708. She married Nathaniel Stoughton, son of John Stoughton and Sarah Fitch, in 1729. 93. vi. ANN was born in 1712. She married Capt. Ebenezer Grant, son of Samuel Grant Jr. and Grace Minor, on 10 Nov 1737. 15. JOB3 ELLSWORTH (Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 13 Apr 1674. He married Mary Trumbull, daughter of Joseph Trumbull and Hannah Smith, on 19 Dec 1695. He married Sarah Warner, daughter of Robert Warner and Elizabeth Grant, in Oct 1711. He died on 29 Sep 1751 at age 77. Following children are listed in the Ellsworth Genealogy. Children of Job3 Ellsworth and Mary Trumbull were as follows:

70Arthur Hastings Grant, The Grant Family: A Genealogical History of the Descendants of Matthew Grant of Windsor, Conn. (12 Liberty St. Poughkeepsie, NY: A. V. Haight, 1898), Page 10. Hereinafter cited as Matthew Grant. 71Ibid. 72Ibid. 73Ibid. 74Ibid., Page 11. 75Ibid.

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94. i. BENJAMIN4 was born on 1 Oct 1696. He married Deborah Hosford, daughter of John Hosford Jr. and Deborah Brown, on 28 Oct 1721.

ii. JOB was born on 5 Jun 1698. He died on 30 Jun 1724 at Newport, RI, at age 26. 95. iii. HANNAH was born on 10 Feb 1700. She married Deacon Jonathan Strong, son of Sgt. John Strong and Hannah Trumbull. iv. MARY was born in 1703. She died in 1707. 96. v. ELIZABETH was born on 5 Apr 1706. She married Hugh Thompson, son of William Thompson and Margaret (--?--), on 11 Jan

1727 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. vi. MARGARET was born in 1709. She died in 1709. There were no children of Job3 Ellsworth and Sarah Warner. 16. DANIEL3 GRISWOLD (Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 1 Oct 1656 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mindwell Bissell, daughter of Nathaniel Bissell and Mindwell Moore, on 3 Feb 1680/81 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1728. Daniel resided in Poquonoc and was exceedingly active in the affairs of the new community growing up there. He was one of the active members of the new church society organized from the church in Windsor. Children of Daniel3 Griswold and Mindwell Bissell were as follows: 97. i. MINDWELL4 was born circa 1682. She married Ebenezer Hayden, son of Lt. Daniel Hayden and Hannah Willco*ckson, on 12 Jan

1708/9 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 98. ii. NATHANIEL was born on 14 Feb 1684 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Adams on 23 Apr 1716 at Suffield,

Hartford Co., CT. He married Ruth Gaylord, daughter of Nathaniel Gaylord and Abigail Bissell, on 14 Oct 1731 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.

iii. DANIEL was born on 14 Feb 1684/85 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died in Mar 1684/85. 99. iv. DANIEL was born circa 1687 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah White, daughter of Capt. Daniel White and Sarah

Bissell, on 5 Sep 1716 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah White, daughter of John White and Hannah (--?--), on 5 Sep 1739 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT.

v. PELATIAH was born on 13 Sep 1689 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Ann (--?--). 100. vi. MARY was born on 22 Feb 1692 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Jeremiah Birge, son of John Birge and Hannah

Watson, on 1 Jan 1718/19 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 101. vii. EDWARD was born on 8 Mar 1695/96 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Griswold, daughter of Francis Griswold

and Abigail Colton, on 23 Jun 1728 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 102. viii. DEBORAH was born on 7 Nov 1698 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married (--?--) Bissell. She married Edward Phelps, son of

Joseph Phelps and Sarah Hosford, on 18 Jun 1723 at Litchfield, Litchfield Co., CT. 103. ix. DAVID was born on 6 Aug 1701 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Huldah Brown on 23 Dec 1731 at Windsor, Hartford

Co., CT. 17. THOMAS3 GRISWOLD (Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 29 Sep 1658 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hester Drake, daughter of Job Drake and Mary Wolcott, on 11 Aug 1681 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1689. The French Genealogy, pages 18 and 32, confuses the birth date. Coralee Griswold of the Griswold Family Association confirms the birth date of 29 Sept 1658 via e-mail. Children of Thomas3 Griswold and Hester Drake were as follows: 104. i. THOMAS4 was born on 10 Dec 1682 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Sackett, daughter of John Sackett and

Deborah Filley, on 5 Sep 1725 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. ii. SAMUEL was born in 1684. He died D.Y.

This Samuel does not appear in French. Cora Griswold of the Griswold Family Association notes that it is unlikely htere could be two Samuel Griswolds, both b. 1684 to the same family, therefore this Samuel was ruled out.

105. iii. SAMUEL was born on 15 Dec 1684 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Deborah Holcombe, daughter of Sgt. Benajah Holcombe and Sarah Eno, on 5 Mar 1713/14 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Gaylord, daughter of Nathaniel Gaylord and Abigail Bissell, in 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

iv. HEZIKIAH was born on 18 Feb 1687/88 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. v. HESTER was born on 1 Jan 1689 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Daniel Gunn, son of John Gunn and Mary Williams,

on 15 Oct 1712. 18. EDWARD3 GRISWOLD (Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 19 Mar 1661/62 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigal Williams, daughter of John Williams and Mary Burley, on 3 Nov 1681 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 31 May 1688 at Westfield, CT, at age 26. Edward was admitted to the church in Westfield, MA, May 26, 1685. Children of Edward3 Griswold and Abigal Williams were as follows: i. EDWARD4 was born on 16 Dec 1682. He died on 8 Jul 1715 at age 32. 106. ii. ABIGAIL was born on 3 Aug 1685 at Westfield, Hampden Co., MA. She married Sgt. Joseph Barnard, son of Joseph Barnard and

Sarah Strong, on 4 Oct 1705 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 19. MARY3 GRISWOLD (Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 28 Sep 1663 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Cooley, son of Benjamin Cooley and Sarah Tremaine, on 22 Jan 1684/85 at Saybrook, Middlesex Co., CT. She died on 13 Jul 1739 at age 75. They resided in Springfield, Ma., where Joseph served as selectman in 1705 and 1721. About 1730 they moved to Somers, Ct., where he was known as an important man, interested in the growth of the community and in military affairs, being appointed lieutenant. Mary's death date is probably wrong, Joseph died in 1740 and she is mentioned as a widow.

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Children of Mary3 Griswold and Joseph Cooley all born at Springfield, Hampden Co., MA, were as follows: 107. i. MARY4 was born on 1 Oct 1685. She married Capt. Joseph Loomis, son of Deacon Joseph Loomis and Hannah Marsh, on 3 Jun

1710. 108. ii. JOSEPH was born on 31 Jan 1686/87. He married Mary Dorchester, daughter of James Dorchester and Sarah Parsons, on 28

May 1713 at Springfield, Hampden Co., MA. iii. GEORGE was born on 27 Jan 1688/89. He died on 22 May 1704 at age 15. 109. iv. DEBORAH was born on 22 Feb 1689/90. She married Capt. Joshua Loomis, son of Thomas Loomis and Hannah Porter, on 26 Oct

1715 at Longmeadow, Hampden Co., MA. 110. v. ABIGAIL was born on 22 Feb 1689/90. She married Daniel Parsons, son of Joseph Parsons Jr. and Elizabeth Strong, on 2 Jun

1709. 20. JOHN3 GRISWOLD (Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 17 Sep 1668 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Gaylord, daughter of Nathaniel Gaylord and Abigail Bissell, on 22 Nov 1705 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 13 Jan 1738 at age 69. He was buried at Elm Grove Cemetery, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Children of John3 Griswold and Abigail Gaylord were as follows: i. ABIGAIL4 was born on 1 Feb 1706/7 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 9 Feb 1712/13 at age 6. ii. RACHEL was born on 28 Feb 1709/10 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. iii. JOHN was born on 16 Jun 1712. 111. iv. HEZEKIAH was born on 6 Sep 1715 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Barnard on 14 Dec 1738 at Windsor, Hartford

Co., CT. He married Rachel Pinney on 8 Nov 1781 at Windsor Second Congregational Church, Poquonock, Hartford Co., CT. 112. v. ISAAC was born on 24 Sep 1718 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mindwell Phelps, daughter of Lt. Daniel Phelps and

Mindwell Buckland, on 19 May 1748 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 113. vi. ABIGAIL was born on 21 May 1727 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Capt. Noah Griswold, son of Matthew Griswold and

Mary Phelps, before 25 Oct 1745. 21. BENJAMIN3 GRISWOLD (Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 16 Apr 1671 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Cook, daughter of Moses Cooke and Elizabeth Clark, on 4 Jan 1693 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 4 Apr 1747 at age 75. Children of Benjamin3 Griswold and Elizabeth Cook were as follows: 114. i. ELIZABETH4 was born on 5 Feb 1694 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Isaac Gillett, son of Nathan Gillett and Rebecca

Owen, on 29 Oct 1710 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. ii. DEBORAH was born on 16 Jan 1697. She died on 26 Jan 1697. iii. HANNAH was born either 16 Mar 1698 or 1699 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ezekiel Ashley, son of Samuel Ashley

and Sarah Kellogg, on 5 Nov 1724. 115. iv. BENJAMIN was born on 14 Apr 1701 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Esther Gaylord, daughter of Nathaniel Gaylord and

Abigail Bissell, on 6 Jul 1726 at Hadley, CT. 116. v. ZERVIAH was born on 26 Dec 1703 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Alvin Talcott. She married George Griswold, son

of Joseph Griswold and Deborah (--?--), on 6 Mar 1734/35 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 117. vi. ZACCHEUS was born on 10 Dec 1705 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Griswold, daughter of Francis Griswold and

Abigail Colton, on 15 Nov 1728 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 118. vii. ANNE was born on 28 May 1708 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Capt. Josiah Phelps, son of Josiah Phelps and Sarah

Winchell, on 14 Sep 1733 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 119. viii. AZUBA was born on 2 Aug 1710 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married John Warham Strong, son of Sgt. John Strong and

Hannah Trumbull, on 27 Mar 1735 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. ix. ESTHER was born on 4 Apr 1712 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Nathaniel Copley, son of Matthew Copley and

Hannah Huxley, on 19 Sep 1745 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 120. x. MOSES was born on 10 Jul 1714 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Nichols, daughter of Cyprian Nichols and Mary

Spencer, on 26 Jun 1740 at Hartford, Hartford Co., CT. 22. DEBORAH3 GRISWOLD (Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 30 May 1674 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Thomas Moore, son of John Moore and Hannah Goffe, on 12 Dec 1695 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 19 Jan 1756 at age 81. She was buried at Palisado Cemetery, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Perhaps it was her neice Deborah that married Samuel Buell. She was called Deborah BISSELL in the Hoskins Genealogy and in Stiles. Children of Deborah3 Griswold and Thomas Moore were as follows: i. HANNAH4 was born on 4 Apr 1697. She married Sgt. Isaac Skinner, son of Joseph Skinner and Mary Filley, on 5 Dec 1716. ii. DEBORAH was born in 1699. She died in 1700. iii. SAMUEL was born in 1701. He died in 1701. iv. ABIAH was born in 1706. He died in 1747. v. KEZIA was born in 1708. She married James Woodruff. vi. DEBORAH was born in 1710. She married Daniel Kellog. vii. THOMAS was born in 1718. He married Hannah Gillett, daughter of Daniel Gillett and Mary Eno. 23. JOHN3 BISSELL (Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 5 Apr 1659 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Filley, daughter of William Filley and Margaret (--?--), on 26 Aug 1680 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died before 27 Jan 1684 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Inventory of the estate of "John Bissel, s. of Samuel," taken 27 Jan., 1684, total £126, 15s, 2d. The legatees are Abigail, 3 1/2 years, and John 2 yrs. old. Adm. to widow, Abigail. Son Joshua is not mentioned in the will, however, Joshua is mentioned in his uncle Jacob's will. Children of John3 Bissell and Abigail Filley were as follows:

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121. i. ABIGAIL4 was born on 3 Aug 1681 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Baker on 26 Dec 1706 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.

122. ii. JOHN was born in 1682 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Denslow on 22 Feb 1710 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Dorothy Otis.

iii. JOSHUA. Name possibly Benjamin, named in his uncle Jacob's will. Does not appear in Bissell. 24. ABIGAIL3 BISSELL (Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 6 Jul 1661 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married James Eno, son of James Eno and Anna Bidwell, on 26 Dec 1678 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 19 Apr 1728 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 66. Children of Abigail3 Bissell and James Eno were as follows: 123. i. JAMES4 was born on 23 Sep 1679 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Grant, daughter of Tahan Grant and Hannah

Palmer, on 15 Apr 1703 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Phelps, daughter of Lt. Timothy Phelps and Mary Griswold, on 15 Jul 1708 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.

124. ii. ANN was born on 10 Apr 1682 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Case, son of John Case and Sarah Spencer, on 6 Apr 1699 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

125. iii. WILLIAM was born on 5 Jan 1684 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary North in 1709. 126. iv. ABIGAIL was born on 1 Mar 1686 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Lt. Samuel Phelps, son of Lt. Timothy Phelps and

Mary Griswold, on 3 Jun 1706 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 127. v. MARY ANN was born on 5 May 1691. She married Captain Samuel Humphrey, son of Sergeant John Humphrey and Hannah

Griffin. She married Ensign Joseph Cornish, son of Deacon James Cornish and Elizabeth Thrall, on 5 May 1726. vi. JOHN was born on 5 Jan 1693. He married Frances Roberts. He died in 1757. 128. vii. SAMUEL was born on 7 Jul 1696 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Eunice Marshall, daughter of Thomas Marshall and

Mary Drake, on 24 Dec 1735 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 129. viii. SUSANNAH was born on 16 May 1699 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Phelps, son of Joseph Phelps and Sarah

Hosford, on 8 Mar 1715. ix. DAVID was born on 12 Aug 1702 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Gillett on 20 Oct 1723 at Simsbury, Hartford

Co., CT. He died in Jun 1745 at Cape Breton Campaign at age 42. 25. JACOB3 BISSELL (Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 28 Mar 1664 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Gillett, daughter of Jonathan Gillett and Mary Kelsey, at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 1 Aug 1694 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 30. Children of Jacob3 Bissell and Mary Gillett both born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. JACOB4 was born on 20 Nov 1689. He died on 25 Nov 1689 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. ii. JACOB was born on 8 Jun 1694. He died in 1710 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

No issue. 26. MARY3 BISSELL (Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 15 Sep 1666 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.76 She married John Pettibone, son of John Pettibone Sr. and Sarah Eggleston, on 18 Dec 1690 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.77 She died after 1741. McPherson on page 25 says Mary signed the church covenant Simsbury Ct., 1697 and died unmarried before 1698. Then on page 30 McPherson gives the marriage to John Pettibone. Bowman shows the children. Children of Mary3 Bissell and John Pettibone were as follows: i. JOHN4 was born in 1691. He died in 1691. ii. MARY was born on 24 Mar 1693 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 21 Aug 1714 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age

21. 130. iii. JOHN was born on 8 Oct 1695 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Damaris Humphrey, daughter of Thomas Humphrey

and Hannah Hillyer, on 24 Dec 1723 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 131. iv. SAMUEL was born on 26 Jul 1698 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Porter, daughter of John Porter IV and Mary

Drake, in 1720. v. CATHERINE was born in 1700. 132. vi. SARAH was born in 1704. She married Amos Phelps, son of Joseph Phelps and Mary Case, on 1 Jul 1723. 133. vii. ABIGAIL was born in 1706 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Lt. David Phelps, son of Joseph Phelps and Mary Case, on

25 Apr 1731. She married Deacon David Strong, son of Sgt. John Strong and Mary Pinney, after 9 Dec 1760. 27. SAMUEL3 BISSELL (Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 11 Jan 1668 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary (--?--). He died in 1697 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. McPherson and Bissell say the wife is Mary, Bowman says Elizabeth. Children of Samuel3 Bissell and Mary (--?--) were: i. MARY C.4 was born on 25 Mar 1698 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Nathaniel Gilbert on 8 Feb 1720 at Colchester,

CT. 28. ELIZABETH3 BISSELL (Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 4 Jan 1677/78 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Samuel Sackett, son of John Sackett and Abigail Hannum, in 1698. She married Lt. John Root in Sep 1713. Children of Elizabeth3 Bissell and Samuel Sackett were as follows:

76McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 25.1. 77Ibid., Page 30.1.

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i. WILLIAM4 was born in 1700. He married Hannah Bagg in 1724. He died in 1756. 134. ii. ELIZABETH was born on 20 Feb 1702. She married Luke Noble Jr., son of Sgt. Luke Noble and Hannah Stebbins, on 16 Jan 1724. iii. SAMUEL was born in 1704. He married Ruth Trumble. iv. BENONI was born in 1710. He married Mindwell Smith in 1731. He died in 1783. There were no children of Elizabeth3 Bissell and Lt. John Root. 29. DEBORAH3 BISSELL (Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 29 Oct 1679 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Stephen Pettibone, son of John Pettibone Sr. and Sarah Eggleston, on 24 Mar 1703 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died in 1739. Children of Deborah3 Bissell and Stephen Pettibone were as follows: i. JACOB4. ii. HANNAH was born in 1706. iii. STEPHEN was born in 1708. He married Rachel Segar in 1744. He died on 11 Dec 1750 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.78 iv. NOAH was born in 1714. v. DAVID was born in 1716. He died in 1719. vi. THANKFUL was born in 1721. 30. HANNAH3 BISSELL (Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 18 Sep 1682 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Capt. Nathaniel Phelps, son of Lt. Timothy Phelps and Mary Griswold, on 20 Mar 1700 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 24 Feb 1717 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT, at age 34. Children of Hannah3 Bissell and Capt. Nathaniel Phelps were as follows: 135. i. HANNAH4 was born on 12 Jan 1701/2 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Jacob Sherwin, son of John Sherwin and Mary

Chandler, on 30 Mar 1734. 136. ii. NATHANIEL was born on 19 Sep 1703 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT. He married Mary Curtis, daughter of Samuel Curtis and Mary

Parker, on 26 May 1726. He married Rachel Sawyer in 1752. iii. JOSHUA was born on 19 Sep 1709 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT. He died on 1 Jan 1727/28 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT, at age 18. 137. iv. SOLOMON was born on 29 Jul 1716 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT. He married Temperance Barber on 10 Jul 1738 at Hebron,

Tolland Co., CT. 31. RUTH3 HOLCOMBE (Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 26 May 1664 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.79 She married Richard Porter, son of Daniel Porter and Mary (--?--), circa 1685/86.80 She died on 9 Jan 1709 at age 44. Please note the Corrections in McCracken that correct the date of death given in the first installment. That death date was erroneously taken from Simsbury Records where a child of that name did die on that date, but she was not a daughter of Joshua, but of a Thomas Holcombe who can only be Thomas (Joshua, Thomas), who was listed in the second McCracken installment. It is further asserted that this Ruth, the eldest child of Joshua Holcombe, married at Simsbury, John Porter, born 21 March 1658, probably at Waterbury, died 1739/40 at West haven, son of Dr. Richard Porter. This wedding is not in Simsbury Records. Deanna Holcomb Bowman added children via e-mail in July 1998; Joshua, Hezekiah, John, Timothy, Dr. Hezekiah, Richard and Lydia. After their marriage, Ruth and Richard lived in Simsbury long enough for their first child to be born there, but they later setteld in Waterbury. Children of Ruth3 Holcombe and Richard Porter were as follows: i. DANIEL4 was born on 6 Nov 1686 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.81 He married Mary Adams either 1712 or 1713. ii. JOSHUA was born in 1688. He died in 1708. 138. iii. RUTH ELIZABETH was born in Oct 1692. She married René Cossitt circa 1718. iv. SAMUEL was born in 1695. v. HEZEKIAH was born in 1696. He died in 1702. vi. JOHN was born in 1700.

Living with Deacon Clark in 1730. vii. TIMOTHY was born in 1701. He married Mary Baldwin. viii. HEZEKIAH was born in 1704. ix. RICHARD. x. LYDIA married (--?--) Pardee. 32. CAPT. THOMAS3 HOLCOMBE (Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 30 Mar 1666 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.82,83 He married Elizabeth Terry, daughter of Leftenant John Terry and Elizabeth Wadsworth, on 1 Jan 1690. He married Rebecca Pettibone, daughter of John Pettibone Sr. and Sarah Eggleston, on 5 Dec 1700 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.84 He died on 5 Mar 1730/31 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 64.85

78Helen Ullmann, "Hartford District Probate Records from 1750," The Connecticut Nutmegger Volume 35, Number 1 (June 2002). Hereinafter cited as "Hartford Probate Records". 79Edwin Stanley Welles, Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield, Page 17. 80Carol Laun, "A Genealogical Mystery Solved: The Case of the Missing Mother-In-Law," The Connecticut Nutmegger Vol. 25, No. 2 (September 1992). Hereinafter cited as "Ruth Holcombe". 81Carol Laun, "A Genealogical Mystery Solved: The Case of the Missing Mother-In-Law," The Connecticut Nutmegger 25:2, page 218 (September 1992). Hereinafter cited as "Ruth Holcombe".

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He left a will on 13 May 1729. He signed the covenant at the installation of the Rev. Dudley Woodbridge as pastor of Simsbury, 10 April 1697 as did also Ruth Holcombe, either his mother or sister, Elizabeth, probably his wife, and Hannah his sister. Probate of both Thomas and Rebecca is in Manwaring 3:64. His will is dated 13 May 1729, in which he names wife Rebeckah, eldest son Thomas, son Daniel, five younger sons Daniel, Consider, Return, James and Enoch; two daughters Elizabeth and Rebeckah. Various real estate and a fourth part of the grist mill at the Falls are mentined; executors: wife Rebeckah and son Daniel; witnesses: Nathaniel Higley, John Griffen, Samuel Higley; inventory of £869/3/7 was taken 7 April 1731 by Benjamin Adams, Joshua Holcombe and Nathaniel Higley. The wife's will was dated 14 April 1731, mentions husband Thomas Holcomb's will, names daughter Rebeckah executrix. This man appears properly on the newly-cut tombstone in Granby Cemetery but his two wives are condensed into one who bears the first name of the first wife and the maiden name of the second. In addition to the children listed by McCracken, McPherson adds also Benoni, Ann, Miriam (b 9 April, 1717), Sarah (b. 5 Sept 1719), making McPhersons total 14 children Thomas' will: "I, Thomas Holcomb of Simsbury in the County of Hartford, do make this my last will and testament: I give to my wife, Rebeckah, 1/3 part of my moveable estate, to her and her dispose forever, my two guns only excepted. Also, I give her the improvement of the 1/3 part of all my improvable land during all the time she remains my widow, and also the improvement of 1/2 of my dwelling house, both lower and upper rooms, and cellar. I give to myeldest son, Thomas Holcomb, 6 acres of land lying on the north endo of that land I bought of Bissell, west of that I have already given him, being the north corner of myland. I give unto my son Daniel Holcomb 3 acres of land where his house and orchard now standeth, and that free from any incumbrance of improvement by my widow. I give unto my five younger sons, viz., Daniel Holcomb, Consider Holcomb, Return Holcomb, James Holcomb, and Enoch Holcomb, all my lands within fence, both meadow and upland, with all the remainder of the land I bought of Bissell, with all the land given and measured out to me in the last division, and also my lott of land under Popatunock, to them in equal shares. I give to my four younger sons, Consider, Return, James, and Enoch, with my two daughters, Elizabeth and Rebeckah, all the lands that shall or may be set out to me, or properly appertaining to my estate, my Town division agreed on, to them in equal shares; but in case the Town division shall be nullified and a division be made to the proprietors, that then my will is that my two eldest sons, Thomas and Daniel, shall have equal shares with my six other children last named, if such a division be made to the proprietors. I give to my sons, Consider and James, my dwelling house and barn, with my fourth part of the grist mills at the Falls to be to them in equal shares. I give to my two sons, Return and Enoch, my two guns. I give to my two daughters, Elizabeth and Rebeckah, 20 pounds to each. I appoint my wife Rebeckah and son Daniel executors." Witnesses: Nathaniel Higley, Gohn Griffen, Samuel Higley Bowman notes that: Seaver has Miriam born in 1717 married Noah Case in 1740, and Sarah born in 1719 married Ichabod Miller in this family. Since Thomas' will states my 6 sons and 2 daughters Elizabeth and Rebeckah they can not belong. Simsbury records mention birth and marriage of Sarah, daughter of Thomas, but she belongs to Captain Thomas' first son, Thomas III, and his wife Mary Manning who were married in 1714. Miriam belongs to Joshua who married Hannah Carrington in 1694. He had two Miriams, one born in 1716 died young, and the one born in 1719 married Noah Case. Sarah is also placed here by Seaver incorrectly. Spear places her in the correct family but wrong relation. She is a daughter, not daughter in law of Thomas Holcombe III. Children of Capt. Thomas3 Holcombe and Elizabeth Terry all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: 139. i. THOMAS4 was born on 13 Dec 1690. He married Mary Hanning on 1 Oct 1714 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah

Ridout in 1728. He married Sarah Christian, daughter of Thomas Christian. 140. ii. DANIEL was born on 30 Sep 1692. He married Esther Buell, daughter of Sgt. Peter Buell and Mary Gillett, on 1 Jan 1735/36 at

Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 141. iii. ISAAC was born on 7 Apr 1696. He married Phoebe Cornish. 142. iv. ELIZABETH was born on 23 Apr 1699. She married Gershom Gross, son of Aaron Gross and Hannah Cole, on 3 Dec 1724 at

Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Capt. Thomas3 Holcombe and Rebecca Pettibone were as follows: i. RUTH ANN4 was born after 5 Dec 1700. She was baptized on 28 Apr 1706 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.86 She married an

unknown person on 1 Apr 1737. Ruth is not mentioned by Seaver. But there is a Ruth, daughter of Ensign John and Ann Pettibone Holcombe who married Joseph Higley. McCracken probably misplaced Ruth here also showing her married to Joseph Higley. See Ensign John Holcombe for Ruth and her family.

ii. STEPHEN was born after 5 Dec 1700. He died on 22 Dec 1722 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.87 143. iii. RETURN was born after 5 Dec 1700 at Hartford, CT. He married Jerusha Adams, daughter of Gillett Adams and Abigail Bacon, on

10 Jan 1733/34 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iv. DAUGHTER was born after 5 Dec 1700.88 She was baptized on 23 Oct 1709.

82George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe's Earlier Posterity," The American Genealogist Vol. 57, No. 2 (April 1981): 66 f. 83Edwin Stanley Welles, Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield, Page 19. 84Bates, Simsbury, Page 20. 85Ibid., Page 139. 86Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Page 22. 87Bates, Simsbury, Page 157. 88George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe".

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Simsbury Records, page 22, show the death of a Ruth, daughter of Thomas, died May 21, 1706. It is possible that this unnamed daughter was Ruth and that a subsequent child was named Ruth Ann.

v. MOSES was born after 5 Dec 1700. He died on 23 Oct 1722 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.89 144. vi. REBECCA was born after 1700. She married Abel Goddard, son of John Goddard and Sarah Hayes. vii. EBENEZER was born on 28 Apr 1707. He was baptized on 3 Aug 1707 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.90 He died on 10 Apr 1708

at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.91 Not in McPherson or Seaver.

145. viii. CONSIDER was born circa 1710 at probably Salmon Brook, CT. He married Ruth Griffin, daughter of John Griffin and Mary Bacon, on 21 Mar 1734 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

ix. JAMES was born on 10 Oct 1715 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.92 146. x. ENOCH was born on 4 Sep 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Ann(a) Fowler, daughter of Jonathan Fowler and

Catherine Marshall. 33. SARAH3 HOLCOMBE (Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 23 Jun 1668 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Isaac Owens. She married John Case, son of John Case and Sarah Spencer, in 1693. She died in 1763 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Bowman Weir is in error here stating that Sarah married Bartholomew Case. Ruth Cost Duncan does not show a marrige by Sarah to a Bartholomew and does not show a marriage of Bartholomew (John's younger brother) to anyone other than Mary Humphrey. There were no children of Sarah3 Holcombe and Isaac Owens. Children of Sarah3 Holcombe and John Case were as follows: 147. i. JOHN4 was born on 22 Aug 1694 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Humphrey, daughter of Lt. Samuel Humphrey

and Mary Mills, on 24 Jan 1716/17 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 148. ii. DANIEL was born on 7 Mar 1695/96 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Penelope Buttolph, daughter of Sgt. David

Buttolph and Mary Buck, on 7 May 1719 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iii. MARY was born in 1698. She married Joseph Adams in 1726. She died in 1732.

Bowman discussed in detail the Mary Case's and Joseph Adams'. There was this pair, on page 54 of her genealogy and then another pair on page 56.

149. iv. SARAH was baptized on 14 May 1699. She married John Alderman, son of William Alderman and Mary Case, on 28 Oct 1719 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

150. v. JONATHAN was born on 15 Apr 1701 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Beaman, daughter of Samuel Beaman and Margaret Chapman, on 10 May 1721.

151. vi. HANNAH married Noah Humphrey, son of Lt. Samuel Humphrey and Mary Mills, on 27 Apr 1726 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 34. ELIZABETH3 HOLCOMBE (Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 4 Apr 1670 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.93 She married William Case, son of John Case and Sarah Spencer, in 1688. She married Deacon John Slater, son of John Slater and Abiah Gillet, on 10 Feb 1703/4 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.94 She married Deacon Samuel Marshall. She died on 26 Feb 1762 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 91.95 McCracken: Died at age 92 having outlived all three husbands. Issue by the first two (Case, Slater) only. Simsbury Records twice record her three husbands. McPherson gives date of marriage to John Slater as Mar. 10, 1704. Children of Elizabeth3 Holcombe and William Case were as follows: 152. i. ELIZABETH4 was born on 1 Sep 1689 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married William Moore, son of Andrew Moore and Sarah

Phelps. 153. ii. WILLIAM was born on 22 Mar 1691 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Robe, daughter of Andrew Robe and

Abigail Curtis, on 22 Feb 1715 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Phelps on 28 Aug 1765 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

154. iii. JAMES was born either 12 Mar 1692 or 1693 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Esther Fithian in 1715. 155. iv. RACHEL was born on 10 Dec 1694. She married Benjamin Adams, son of Daniel Adams and Mary Phelps, either 25 Mar 1712 or

1713. 156. v. MARY was born on 23 Aug 1696. She married Joseph Adams, son of Daniel Adams and Mary Phelps, on 30 Apr 1719. 157. vi. JOSHUA was born on 1 Jun 1698 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Anne (--?--).

89Bates, Simsbury, Page 157. 90Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Page 24. 91Bates, Simsbury, Page 9. 92Ibid., Page 45. 93Ibid., Page 9. 94Ibid., Page 19. 95Ibid., Page 174.

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158. vii. MINDWELL was born on 21 Mar 1700. She married Joseph Alderman, son of William Alderman and Mary Case, on 30 Jun 1720 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

Children of Elizabeth3 Holcombe and Deacon John Slater were as follows: i. REUBEN4 was born in 1705. He married Mary Terry in 1743. He died in 1784. ii. MARIAH was born in 1706. iii. JOHN was born in 1708. He married Sarah Poisson in 1759. iv. REBECCA was born in 1710. There were no children of Elizabeth3 Holcombe and Deacon Samuel Marshall. 35. ENISGN JOSHUA3 HOLCOMBE (Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 18 Sep 1672 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Carrington, daughter of John Carrington, in 1694. He married Mary Hoskins, daughter of Robert Hoskins and Mary Gillett, in 1709. He died on 10 Feb 1727/28 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 55.96 Seaver says wife (1) may be Mary Carrington. McCracken: His will was dated 30 March 1727, inventory taken by Joseph Case, James Case, James Hillyer (Manwaring 2:328f.) on 1 March 1727/8, and he mentions wife Mary, sons Caleb, Joshua, Matthew, David, Joel, Phineas; four daughters by first wife: Thankfull, Experience, Hannah, Eleaner; daughters (by second wife) Mary, Mercy, Miriam; six sons Caleb, Joshua, Matthew, David, Joell, Phineas; executors: wife Mary and brother Joseph Hoskins; witnesses: Andrew Robe, Josiah Alford, Edward Strickland. On 2 April 1728 Mary Holcombe petitioned for her share of the estate. On 1 Jan 1739/40 she was appointed guardian of her son Joel aet. 16. Stiles (2:395) says he married Mary Griffin which is wrong. He married, first, Hannah Carrington, born 1675, died, according to the Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, 13 May 1707, daughter of John Carrington of Waterbury, whose parents were probably executed as witches; second, Mary Hoskins, ....See my corrections of Mrs. McPherson's errors (TAG 28:32034), where the list can still be slightly improved. Children of Enisgn Joshua3 Holcombe and Hannah Carrington were as follows: i. CALEB4 was born on 1 May 1695 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.97 He married Elizabeth Adams, daughter of Samuel Adams, in

Sep 1725 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.98 159. ii. JOSHUA was born on 18 Sep 1697 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Marey Griffin, daughter of Thomas Griffin and

Elizabeth Welton, on 28 Oct 1720 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iii. THANKFUL was born on 8 Jan 1700/1 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.99 She was baptized on 19 Jan 1700/1 at Simsbury, Hartford

Co., CT.100 Named in father's will as daughter of Hannah. Seaver shows her marrying Joseph Barnes on 5-12-1700, which seems unlikely.

160. iv. EXPERIENCE was born in 1702. She married Nathaniel Alford, son of Josiah Alford and Hannah Westover, on 3 Jul 1724 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

161. v. ELEANOR was born on 6 Jul 1706. She married John Griffin, son of Thomas Griffin and Elizabeth Welton, on 2 Aug 1725 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

162. vi. MATTHEW was born on 7 May 1708. He married Unknown (--?--). He married Lydia Drake, daughter of Enoch Drake and Elizabeth Barber, on 20 Jan 1729/30 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.

vii. HANNAH was born in 1710. She died D.Y. viii. HANNAH was born in 1711.

McCracken states that birth not found; named in father's will as daughter of Hannah, birth circa 1704-05; Seaver gives birth twice as 1710. McCracken in NEHGS says 1710. McCracken notes (TAG 1981) that spouse is John Reade, not John Reuel as stated in the Hayes Genealogy. Bowman spells it Read in one place, Reed in another. There is confusion about the Hannah that married John Read (Reed, Reade). In NEHGS, April 1958, McCracken lists her as the daughter of Joshua and Mary (Hoskins) Holcombe. Most of the evidence indicates the Hannah that married John Reade is the daughter of Nathaniel Holcombe and wife Thankful Hayes.

Children of Enisgn Joshua3 Holcombe and Mary Hoskins were as follows: 163. i. DAVID4 was born on 22 Jul 1713 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Slater, daughter of Elias Slater and Ruth (--?--

), on 24 Dec 1735 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

96Ibid., Page 138. 97Ibid., Page 13. 98Ibid., Page 125. 99Ibid., Page 13. 100Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Page 20.

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164. ii. MERCY was born on 4 Sep 1714 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Sgt. Richard Case, son of Capt. Richard Case and Amy Reed, on 4 May 1733 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

iii. MIRIAM was born on 11 Jul 1716 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.101 She died on 16 Sep 1718 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 2.102 McCracken shows two Miriams, Seaver only one.

iv. ROBERT was born either 2 Mar 1717 or 1718 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.103 He died either 8 Mar 1717 or 1718 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. McCracken disputes Simsbury Records that show birth 1718/19.

v. SARAH was born on 2 May 1719. There may be some confusion with another Sarah, dau. of John Holcombe, who was also listed as being born May 2, 1719.

165. vi. MIRIAM was born on 18 Jan 1719/20 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Noah Case, son of John Case and Abigail Humphrey, on 5 May 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

vii. JOAB was born circa 1720. He died on 5 Dec 1723 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.104 No birth found. McCracken places him here but also shows a second Joab as does Seaver. Bowman thinks this is the Joab that Seaver lists as a child of Joshua Sr.

viii. BATHSHEBA was born on 3 Jan 1721/22 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.105 Not in Seaver, McCracken states not in father's will.

166. ix. JOEL was born on 18 Aug 1723 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Buel in 1745. x. JOAB was born circa 1724. He died on 9 Feb 1725/26 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.106

Second Joab of same parents. 167. xi. PHINEAS was born on 4 Feb 1726 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Tuller, daughter of Jacob Tuller and Mary

Moses, in 1745. 36. DEBORAH3 HOLCOMBE (Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 10 Feb 1674/75 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.107,108 She was baptized on 5 Dec 1697 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.109,110 She married Dr. Daniel Porter before 1699. She died in 1765. Seaver shows a marriage to Daniel Porter of Waterbury, but McCracken only lists it as a suggestion, noting that the only known Daniel was ten years younger and his only know mariage is to another woman in 1713. Children of Deborah3 Holcombe and Dr. Daniel Porter were as follows: i. DANIEL4 was born in 1699. He married Esther King in 1739.

There is some question about the marriage of Daniel to Esther in the Bolton Records. 168. ii. JAMES was born on 20 Apr 1700 at Waterbury, New Haven Co., CT. He married Dorcas Hopkins, daughter of John Hopkins and

Hannah Strong, on 22 Apr 1733. iii. THOMAS was born in 1702. iv. DEBORAH was born in 1704. v. EBENEZER was born in 1708. vi. ANN was born in 1712. 37. MARY3 HOLCOMBE (Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1676. She married John Barber, son of Lt. Thomas Barber and Mary Phelps, on 26 Feb 1701/2 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.111 She married Ephriam Buell, son of Sgt. Peter Buell and Martha Cogan, on 16 Oct 1713 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 25 Oct 1725. She died on 14 Jul 1745 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.112 See The American Genealogist for the details of her offspring by both husbands. Children of Mary3 Holcombe and John Barber were as follows: i. MERCY4 was born on 22 Nov 1703 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 14 Sep 1722 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age


101Bates, Simsbury, Page 43. 102Ibid., Page 38. 103Ibid. 104Ibid., Page 157. 105Ibid., Page 154. 106Ibid., Page 158. 107Jesse Seaver, Holcomb(e) Genealogy. 108George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe". 109Bates, Simsbury, Page 9. 110Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Page 14. 111Bates, Simsbury, Page 19. 112Judge Oliver Seymour Phelps, The Phelps Family of America and Their English Ancestors., Two Volumes. (Eagle Publishing Co., Pittsfield, Mass., 1899; Reprinted by the Higginson Book Company, Salem, MA.). 113Bates, Simsbury, Page 157.

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ii. JOHN was born on 9 Apr 1705 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 16 Jan 1718 at age 12. iii. WILLIAM was born on 25 Nov 1706 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

Died young. iv. MARY was born in 1707.

Died young. 169. v. MARY was born on 4 Jan 1708 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Peter Buell, son of Samuel Buell and Hannah

Holcombe, on 20 Jun 1733 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 170. vi. ISAAC was born on 2 May 1711 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Martha Adams, daughter of Thomas Adams and

Martha Buttolph, on 17 Apr 1735 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Mary3 Holcombe and Ephriam Buell both born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. MINDWELL4 was born on 25 Aug 1714. She was baptized on 29 Aug 1714 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Brewster

Higley Jr., son of Brewster Higley and Hester Holcombe, in 1755. She died on 16 Apr 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 25.

171. ii. EPHRAIM was born on 24 Nov 1717. He married Mercy Barber, daughter of Samuel Barber and Sarah Holcombe, on 7 Jul 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

38. MINDWELL3 HOLCOMBE (Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1678. She married Theophilus Cook, son of John Cook and Sarah Fisk, on 26 Sep 1721. McCracken shows no further record, Seaver shows marriage. Bowman questions the marriage because the last child would have been born when Mindwell was 62. Is it possible that some of the children were those of her daughter Mindwell? Children of Mindwell3 Holcombe and Theophilus Cook were as follows: i. MARGARET4 was born on 20 Jul 1722.114 She married John Sirles. ii. MINDWELL was born in 1724. She died in 1801. iii. SAMUEL was born in 1726. He married Dorothea Gillett in 1747. He died in 1815. iv. THEOPHILUS was born in 1729. He married Hannah Graham in 1758. He died in 1795. v. DAVID was born in 1733. He died in 1796. vi. JONATHAN was born in 1733. 172. vii. NOAH was born on 7 May 1736 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lydia Westland, daughter of Robert Westland and

Thankful Adams, on 21 Feb 1758 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. viii. ELIJAH was born in 1738. He married Ann Raymond in 1767.

Bowman questions brides identity. ix. JOSIAH was born in 1740. He married Hannah Cook in 1762. He died in 1792. 39. HANNAH3 HOLCOMBE (Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1680.115,116 She married Samuel Buell, son of Sgt. Peter Buell and Martha Cogan, on 29 Nov 1711 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.117 She died on 11 Mar 1740/41 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Hannah3 Holcombe and Samuel Buell all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: 173. i. PETER4 was born in 1711. He married Mary Barber, daughter of John Barber and Mary Holcombe, on 20 Jun 1733 at Simsbury,

Hartford Co., CT. 174. ii. SAMUEL was born on 26 Feb 1714. He married Irene Case, daughter of Samuel Case and Elizabeth Owen, on 28 May 1740 at

Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iii. JOSEPH was born on 27 May 1716. iv. HANNAH was born on 2 Oct 1718. She married Nicholas Nettles on 18 Apr 1738 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married

Thomas Gleason Jr., son of Thomas Gleason and Elizabeth Demond, on 6 Sep 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. v. HEPZIBAH was born on 15 Sep 1720. vi. DAVID was born either 29 Mar 1724 or 1725. He died either 17 Feb 1745 or 1746 at Cape Breton, CT.

McCracken shows that he died in Cape Breton, recorded in Simsbury, doubtless a casualty in King George's War at Louisbourg.

40. BENAJAH3 HOLCOMBE (Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 16 Apr 1668 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.118 He married Martha Winchell, daughter of David Winchell and Elizabeth Filley, on 17 May 1705 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.119 He died on 30 Oct 1716 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 48. McCracken says Benajah d.v.p. Martha was made administratrix of Benajah's estate, 4 June 1717 (Manwaring 2:400); inventory of L41/2/15 taken 2 Nov. 1722, after Martha's death, when administration was granted to Benajah's brother, Joseph Holcomb. The probate shows ages of the children on 4 Dec 1722. Children of Benajah3 Holcombe and Martha Winchell were as follows:

114McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 88.2, item A-4-8-1. 115Jesse Seaver, Holcomb(e) Genealogy. 116George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe". 117Bates, Simsbury, Page 34. 118Lorraine Cook White, Barbour: Windsor, Page 194, citing MG. 119Ibid., Page 194, citing VR Vol 2 Page 161.

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175. i. MARTHA4 was born on 10 Sep 1706. She married (--?--) Strong. She married Samuel Mather II, son of Dr. Samuel Mather and Abigail Grant.

176. ii. PARNELL was born on 5 Jul 1708 at Suffield, Hartford Co., CT. She married John King, son of James King III and Elizabeth Huxley, on 24 May 1727 at Suffield, Hartford Co., CT.

iii. DAUGHTER was baptized on 11 Sep 1709.120 Name destroyed, bapt. by Dudley Woodbridge. The father of this child is identified as Benajah Holcomb ------younger of a place also obliterated but the fact that Woodbridge thought it necessary to state his residence shows that it was Windsor, not Simsbury.

iv. BENAJAH was born on 10 Jul 1710. He died in 1736. v. ANN was born in 1716. She married Joseph Denslow on 10 Oct 1733.121 She married Joseph Winchell in 1751.

McCracken: Not shown in Winchell Genealogy. George McKenzie Roberts (NYGBR 78:13f.) shows her as b 1716. m (1) Joseph Denslow (Samuel, Henry), b 24 March 1703/4, d. 2 Oct. 1749; (2) Joseph Winchell, identified in the Winchell Genealogy as Joseph, Joseph, David, Robert, b 15 May 1720, m. Ann 11 April 1751.

41. SARAH3 HOLCOMBE (Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 11 Feb 1673/74 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.122 She married Isaac Owen, son of John Owen and Rebecca Wade, on 20 Dec 1694 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.123 She died on 22 Jan 1763 at age 88. Six Children. Seaver shows her marryng Isaac on Dec 20, 1676, hardly possible; and marrying (2) Nathaniel Holcomb. Children of Sarah3 Holcombe and Isaac Owen were as follows: 177. i. SARAH4 was born on 17 Feb 1694/95 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ephriam Phelps, son of Ephraim Phelps and

Mary Jaggers, on 30 Dec 1714. 178. ii. DEBORAH was born in 1696. She married James Eno. 179. iii. EUNICE was born in 1696. She married Benjamin Moore, son of Andrew Moore and Sarah Phelps. iv. REBECCA was born in 1697. She married Mathew Copley Jr. in 1736. v. ANN was born in 1700. She married David Higley, son of Brewster Higley and Hester Holcombe, in 1735. 180. vi. ISAAC was born on 7 Nov 1702. He married Mary Ellsworth, daughter of Jonathan Ellsworth and Sarah Grant. 181. vii. ELIJAH was born in 1706. He married Lydia Clark in 1732. He married Hannah Higley, daughter of Brewster Higley and Hester

Holcombe, in 1735. 42. ANNA3 HOLCOMBE (Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 19 Mar 1675 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.124,125 She married Samuel Hayden, son of Lt. Daniel Hayden and Hannah Willco*ckson, on 26 Jan 1703/4.126 She died on 13 Jun 1756 at age 81. Colonial Families of the United States of America, vol. 3, gives the marriage date as 28 June 1703-4, but shouldn't be using the Old Style notation in June, so January is probably correct. Seaver doesn't list Anna at all. Children of Anna3 Holcombe and Samuel Hayden were as follows: i. ANNA4 was born on 2 Mar 1706. She married Abraham Adams. 182. ii. SAMUEL was born on 7 Oct 1707 at Haydens, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigal Hall on 7 Nov 1737. 183. iii. NATHANIEL was born on 18 Jun 1709. He married Naomi Gaylord, daughter of Josiah Gaylord and Naomi Burnham, in 1737. 184. iv. JOSEPH was born on 17 Nov 1711 at Haydens, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Esther Grant, daughter of Nathaniel Grant

and Bethia Warner, on 12 Jun 1739. 185. v. WILLIAM was born on 13 Mar 1712/13. He married Mary Hannum on 10 May 1742 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 186. vi. SARAH was born on 17 Sep 1716. She married Moses Lyman, son of Capt. Moses Lyman Jr. and Mindwell Sheldon, in 1742. 43. ABIGAIL3 HOLCOMBE (Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 12 May 1681 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.127,128 She married Ensign Anthony Austin, son of Capt. Anthony Austin and Esther Huggins, in 1699 at Suffield, CT. They had 12 children listed by descendants. Children of Abigail3 Holcombe and Ensign Anthony Austin were as follows: i. ANTHONY4 was born in Jul 1700 at Suffield, MA. He married Elizabeth King. He died in 1775.

120Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Page 27. 121Lorraine Cook White, Barbour: Windsor, Page 194, citing VR Vol 2 Page 142. 122Edwin Stanley Welles, Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield, Page 48. 123Stiles History of Ancient Windsor II, Volume II, Page 545, Family 5. 124Edwin Stanley Welles, Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield, Page 48. 125Lorraine Cook White, Barbour: Windsor, Page 194, citing VR Vol 1 Page 20. 126Ibid., Page 194, citing VR Vol 1 Page 58. 127Edwin Stanley Welles, Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield, Page 47. 128Lorraine Cook White, Barbour: Windsor, Page 194, citing Col.D.

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ii. ABIGAIL was born on 12 Feb 1701 at Suffield, MA. She married Thomas Smith, son of Thomas Smith and Mary Younglove, on 10 Aug 1724 at Suffield, MA.

iii. BENJAH was born on 11 Jul 1704 at Suffield, MA. He died on 25 Jul 1704 at Suffield, MA. iv. BENJAH was born on 23 Aug 1705 at Suffield, MA. v. ESTHER was born on 5 May 1709 at Suffield, MA. She married Abel Leonard on 13 Nov 1730 at Suffield, MA. vi. URIAH was born in 1711. He married Abigail Case, daughter of John Case and Sarah Arnold. He died in 1799. 187. vii. SARAH was born in 1715. She married Deacon Amos Kent. viii. CALEB was born either 6 Feb 1718 or 1719 at Suffield, MA. He married Phoebe King. He died in 1792. 188. ix. JOSHUA was born in 1718 at Suffield, MA. He married Tryphena Hathway, daughter of Jacob Hathaway and Deborah Kent, in

1747. x. DEBORAH was born in 1721. She died in 1802. 44. CORPORAL SAMUEL3 HOLCOMBE (Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 29 Nov 1683 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.129 He married Martha Phelps, daughter of Lt. Timothy Phelps and Mary Griswold, on 13 Oct 1709. He died on 13 Aug 1722 at Poquonock, Hartford Co., CT, at age 38. He was buried at Old Poquonnock Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Corporal Samuel3 Holcombe and Martha Phelps were as follows: i. MARTHA4 was born on 6 Aug 1710 at Poquonock, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.

Died young. ii. SAMUEL was born on 16 Feb 1712 at Poquonock, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died young.

Seaver and McCracken have the two Samuels reversed. McCracken shows died young, Seaver shows wife Phelps. 189. iii. MARY was born in 1714. She married Amos Case, son of Bartholomew Case and Mary Humphrey, on 15 Aug 1739 at Simsbury,

Hartford Co., CT. iv. DEBORAH was born on 20 Jul 1716 at Poquonock, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.

This is possibly the Deborah who married Joseph Phelps, (1716- ), page 133 in the Phelps book. v. SARAH was born on 24 Dec 1717 at Poquonock, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. vi. MARTHA was born in 1718. 190. vii. REBECCA was born in Aug 1719 at Poquonock, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married John Barnett on 26 Nov 1750. 191. viii. SOPHIA was born on 16 Jan 1720 at Poquonock, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joel Catlin, son of Benjamin Catlin and

Margaret Kellogg, in 1748. ix. SAMUEL was born on 2 Jan 1721 at Poquonock, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Bathsheba Phelps, daughter of Isaac

Phelps III and Sarah Barber. Seaver and McCracken have these two Samuels reversed. See The Nutmegger 2:269, where a Samuel is shown as having m. Phebe ----, bur. Old Poquonnock Cemetery, d. 20 Aug. 1750 aet. 45 with son Benajah d. 1 Nov. 1751 aet. 8 and son Samuel d. 31 Oct. 1751 aet. 5, both bur. with parents.

192. x. MARIAH was born on 8 Nov 1722 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married William Phelps, son of William Phelps and Hannah Hayden, on 4 Jun 1739.

45. JOSEPH3 HOLCOMBE (Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 7 Nov 1686 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.130,131 He married Mary Winchell on 11 Nov 1714.132 He died on 3 Apr 1756 at age 69.133 Children of Joseph3 Holcombe and Mary Winchell were as follows: i. JOSEPH4 was born on 5 Aug 1715 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.134 He died at young.135

ii. MARY was born on 2 Feb 1717/18 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.136

iii. ELIZABETH was born on 9 May 1722 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.137 She married Elisha Phelps, son of William Phelps and (--?--) Moore, circa 1742.138 She died at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.139 McCracken doesn't mention this child. The Phelps Genealogy lists Elizabeth's birth as 9 November 1723.140

129Edwin Stanley Welles, Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield, Page 48. 130Ibid., Page 49. 131McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 89.1. 132Ibid., Page 95.2. 133Ibid. 134Ibid. 135Ibid. 136Ibid. 137Ibid. 138Phelps Phelps Family, Page 237. 139Ibid.

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iv. DAVID was born on 7 Jan 1723/24 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.141 He died on 21 Apr 1724. 193. v. JOSEPH was born in 1724. He married Elizabeth (--?--). 194. vi. MARTIN was born on 21 Nov 1725 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Christian Winchell in 1752. 46. DEBORAH3 HOLCOMBE (Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 26 Oct 1690 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.142 She married Samuel Griswold, son of Thomas Griswold and Hester Drake, on 5 Mar 1713/14 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.143 She died on 22 Dec 1715 at age 25. Children of Deborah3 Holcombe and Samuel Griswold both born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. SUSANNAH4 was born on 15 Jan 1713/14. She died on 15 Jan 1713/14 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 195. ii. SAMUEL was born on 12 Dec 1715. 47. LT. NATHANIEL3 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 11 Jun 1673 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.144 He married Martha Buell, daughter of Sgt. Peter Buell and Martha Cogan, on 1 Nov 1695 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.145,146 He died on 29 Sep 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 93.147,148 Nathaniel served as a Lt. in 1716 and was a Representative from Simsbury to the General Court of Ct., 1748-1753.149 McPherson lists sons Nathaniel III and David as twins, but notes this may be an error in the absence of a birth record of David. There is some indication that David was born after 1701. Children of Lt. Nathaniel3 Holcombe and Martha Buell were as follows: 196. i. DAVID4 was born on 25 Oct 1696 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mehitable Buttolph, daughter of Sgt. David Buttolph

and Mary Buck, on 1 Mar 1722 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mrs. Elizabeth Hoskins on 21 Feb 1770 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

197. ii. NATHANIEL was born on 25 Oct 1696 at Simsbury (now Granby), Hartford Co., CT. He married Thankful Hayes, daughter of George Hayes and Abigail Dibble, on 9 Oct 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Buttolph, daughter of Sgt. David Buttolph and Mary Buck, on 14 Dec 1771 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

iii. DANIEL. Bowman lists him here but he is not in Spear or GBW. She wonders if this is the Daniel who is son of Capt Thomas Holcombe II.

iv. BENJAMIN was born on 15 Feb 1697/98 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.150,151,152 He was baptized on 20 Feb 1697/98 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.153,154 He died on 3 Apr 1700 at age 2.155 There seems to be some confusion about the Benjamin's of the two Nathaniel's. Nathaniel Sr. has a Benjamin born 2-15-1698 and Nathaniel Jr. has a Benjamin born 2-15-1698. Seaver shows a marriage on 10-12-1727 and McCracken shows no marriage but shows Benjamin's death to be 3 April 1701.

v. ELIZABETH was born on 14 Mar 1700 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.156 She died on 13 Apr 1700 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.157

140Phelps Phelps Family. 141McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 95.2. 142Edwin Stanley Welles, Hartford, Windsor, Fairfield, Page 50. 143Bates, Simsbury, Page 36. 144McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.1. 145Bates, Simsbury, Page 29. 146McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 147Bates, Simsbury, Page 188. 148McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 149Ibid., page 101.1. 150Bates, Simsbury, Pages 24, 30. 151Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Page 14. 152McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 153Bates, Simsbury, Pages 24, 30. 154Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Page 14. 155McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2.

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198. vi. MARTHA was born on 15 Mar 1701/2 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Dr. Jonathan Buttolph, son of Sgt. David Buttolph and Mary Buck, on 21 Feb 1723/24 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

vii. ELIZABETH was born in 1704. Bowman lists a second daughter named Elizabeth but Seaver does not. Bowman wonders if this is the Elizabeth, daughter of Sgt. Jonathan Holcombe.

199. viii. JUDAH was born on 12 Jan 1706/7 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Buttolph, daughter of Sgt. David Buttolph and Mary Buck, in Sep 1730 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Prudence Goodrich, daughter of Col. David Goodrich and Prudence Churchill, after 11 Mar 1765 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.

ix. JACOB was born circa 1707.158 McCracken questions this child noting that he was placed there by The Heritage of Granby page 173.

200. x. MARY was born circa 1710 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married David Buttolph, son of Sgt. David Buttolph and Mary Buck, on 3 Sep 1731 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

201. xi. SARAH was baptized on 12 Jul 1713 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Timothy Case, son of Capt. Richard Case and Amy Reed, on 25 Sep 1730 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

202. xii. PETER was born on 15 Apr 1715 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Margaret Case, daughter of Capt. Richard Case and Amy Reed, on 15 Oct 1740. He married Tryphena Case on 10 Dec 1751 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

xiii. CATHERINE. See Seaver's correction on his page 243. "Catherine was daughter of 201 nathaniel (not of 202 Lieut. Nathaniel). 48. SGT. JONATHAN3 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 15 Feb 1678/79 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.159 He married Mary Buell, daughter of Sgt. Peter Buell and Martha Cogan, in 1695 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.160 He married Mary Saxton on 22 Jun 1721 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.161,162 He died on 7 Oct 1761 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 82.163 Seaver says little about Jonathan but gives only one wife as Mary Sillyar. The various researchers, McCracken, McPherson and Seaver have different children for Sgt. Jonathan, with considerable confusion on son(s) Jonathan. Seaver seams to best reflect the Birth, Marriage and Death Records by Bates that indicate a son Jonathan born in 1701 and died in 1705 and a second son Jonathan born after 1705 and before the birth of Azariah, who then died in 1737. McCracken: Died of the falling of a small tree. His will was dated 29 May 1759, probated 2-3 Nov 1761, witnessed by three, John Own, Esther Owen and Roseeitte Owen. The handwriting of the two women is so similar that one suspects one signed for both. The will leaves a third to beloved wife Mary. Having already given by deeds of conveyance to beloved grand children Jonathan Holcomb and Michael Holcomb and Ame Holcomb, the children and heirs of beloved and eldest son Jonathan Holcomb now deceased, "the full of the portion I designed for them," he now bequeaths to beloved son Azariah Holcomb and his heirs and assignes forever, "he paying all my Just Debts, and Legacies hereafter mentioned, my Dwelling house and Barn and home Lot and Orcharding, together with all my lands thereto adjoining, Lying on Salmon Brook, on both sides the Brook, and also my Lot in the Estwoods in Salmon Brook Society near Thomas Bacons Land in partnership with Edward Matson, and also I give unto my Said Son Azariah all my Moveable Estate, to be for him and his heirs forever." To beloved daughter Mary, wife of Amos Case,£10 to be paid within one year after decease, "together with what I have already given her." To beloved daughter Demaris Ward wife of Gamaliel Ward, Twenty Shillings, "together with what I have already given her," to be paid her within one year. To beloved grandson Abner Holcomb all "my Common or undevided Lands lying in Simsbury." Son Azariah sole executor. The will was signed by an elderly but not senile signature. McCracken lists, among others, a son Jonathan born 1701, and an unnamed child who died 1705. Seaver lists a Jonathan born 1701and died 1705 and a second Jonathan born 1708, died 1737. Children of Sgt. Jonathan3 Holcombe and Mary Buell were as follows:

156Ibid. 157Ibid. 158Ibid. 159Ibid., Page 101.1. 160Ibid., Page 194.1. 161Bates, Simsbury, Page 152. 162McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 194.1. 163Bates, Simsbury, Page 173.

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i. JONATHAN4 was born on 23 Nov 1701 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.164 He was baptized on 30 Nov 1701 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.165 He died on 22 Oct 1705 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 3.166 McCracken calls this child "Son", however, Seaver lists him as Jonathan, born Dec 25, 1701, died Oct 22, 1705. Seaver then lists the second Jonathan, born about 1708. Bowman lists him as (1701-1705). Baptismal record indicates birth date, Seaver shows Dec 25, 1701, other records (VR) indicate 25 Nov 1701.

203. ii. ELIZABETH was born on 14 Jan 1703/4 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Willco*ckson, son of Samuel Willco*ckson and Mindwell Griffin, on 28 Feb 1722/23 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

204. iii. JONATHAN was born after 22 Oct 1705 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Amy Case, daughter of Capt. Richard Case and Amy Reed, on 4 Dec 1729 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

205. iv. AZARIAH was born on 22 Feb 1707/8 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Loomis, daughter of Philip Loomis and Hannah (--?--), on 25 Jun 1730 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

206. v. DAMARIS married William Gamaliel Ward, son of William Ward. vi. PERSIS. Not in Seaver. 207. vii. JACOB was born on 14 Apr 1715 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Margaret Case, daughter of Capt. Richard Case and

Amy Reed, on 10 Feb 1736/37 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. viii. MARY was born on 10 Jul 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 27 Jan 1802 at age 84.

Seaver does not mention this child. McCracken notes that whe was named as Mary Case, with Damaris Ward and Azariah Holcombe in Peter Buell's will as grandchildren; wife of Amos Case in her father's will. There is another Mary who married Amos Case. The other Mary was a daughter of Corporal Samuel and Marth Phelps Holcombe. Bowman shows both Marys but continues the line under Corporal Samuel Holcombe's line.

ix. MARCEY was born on 10 Jul 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.167 Not in Spear or Seaver.

There were no children of Sgt. Jonathan3 Holcombe and Mary Saxton. 49. ENSIGN JOHN3 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1680 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.168 He married Ann Pettibone, daughter of John Pettibone Sr. and Sarah Eggleston, on 19 Mar 1706/7 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.169 He died between 20 May 1743 and 11 Jul 1744. He died in 1744. His estate was probated on 11 Jul 1744 at East Granby, Hartford Co., CT.170 He was buried at East Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He left a will on 20 May 1743.171 McCracken notes that John's will is dated 20 May 1743 (Manwaring 3:416) and names wife Ann, says deceased daughter Ann had her portion, does not mention a daughter Damaris but names the living daughters as Dinah, Esther, Martha and Sarah, and as an unknown daughter must be inserted so as to make the four who preceded Martha recorded as 5th daughter. It also names sons John, Asahel and Moses. Seaver and Spear have Miriam born in 1719 in this family, but Bowman places Miriam as a daughter of Joshua and Hannah Carrington. I, John Holcomb of Simsbury, in the County of Hartford, do make and ordain this my last will and testament: I give to my wife Ann the 1-3 part of all my real estate (the use thereof) during her life, and the 1-3 part of my personal estate that I leave undisposed of at the time of my decease to be her's forever. I hereby give to my son John the south side of my homelott, from Windsor bounds to the west end of the same (5 and 20 rods, called the old lot), of which piece I have already given him a deed. I also give him my lott at the place called Barn Door Hill which my honoured father Nathaniel Holcomb decd. gave me in his last will. I give to my son Asahell and his heirs forever my lott of land at Turkey Hill, bounded east and south on a highway, extending west to Griffen's upper marsh lot, and northward to the upper side of Sergant Gillett's lot; and also all my right to the lot my father gave me in his last will with my brethren, in common and undivided. I give and bequeath to my son Moses and his heirs forever all my homelot with the buildings thereon standing, orcharding, etc., excepting the 25 rods on the south side already given to my son John by deed, and my lot at the east end of my homelot, lying in Windsor bounds. I also give to my two sons Asahell and Moses all the rest of my lands, wheresoever lying and being, to be equally divided between them and their heirs; and also all the moveable estate, namely, oxen, cows and horses, sheep, swine, &c., with all the team tackling, &c., as also cooper's tools, with the gunns, axes, howes, etc., to be theirs. I give to my four dafters now living, viz., Dinah, Esther, Martha and Sarah, as is hereafter expressed, and I had in the lifetime of my daughter Ann decd. given her her portion: I give the aforesd. four daughters now surviving £60 to each of them, to be paid them or their heirs out of my estate at inventory price according to the old tenor bills of credit, accounting what they have as part of the £60. I give to my son Moses my Bible, and the Lord be with him. My will is and I hereby give to my son Moses full liberty to use the 1-2 of my part of the sawmill standing on the lot given to Asahell, with full liberty to pass to and from the same; and also I give him 1-2 of my part of the irons of sd. mill and saws, the other part to be to Asahell with the land as aforesd. I appoint my two sons, Asahell and Moses, executors. Witness: Samuel Forward, Joseph Phelps 3rd, Peletiah Mills. John Holcomb, ls.

164Ibid., Page 30. 165Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Page 21. 166Bates, Simsbury, Page 22. 167Ibid., Page 44. 168McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.1. 169Bates, Simsbury, Page 19. 170McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 211.1. 171Ibid.

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Children of Ensign John3 Holcombe and Ann Pettibone were as follows: 208. i. ANN4 was born on 1 Feb 1707/8. She married George Granger, son of George Granger and Lydia Younglove, on 6 Aug 1729 at

Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. ii. DINAH was born in 1708. She was baptized on 28 Aug 1709. She married John Granger in 1730.

McCracken notes: no birth found but probably child bapt. by dudley Woodbridge, name gone; named as eldest of the living daughters in father's will. Seaver shows marriage, McCracken does not.

209. iii. JOHN was born in 1709. He married Mary Kent on 23 Apr 1741 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iv. RUTH was born in 1711. She married Joseph Higley, son of Brewster Higley and Hester Holcombe, on 1 Apr 1737 at Simsbury,

Hartford Co., CT.172 She died on 31 Jul 1737. McCracken apparently mistakenly places Ruth as the 9th child of Capt. Thomas Holcombe.

210. v. MOSES was born on 24 May 1714 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Phelps on 31 Oct 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

211. vi. HESTER was born on 25 Jan 1715/16 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Brewster Higley Jr., son of Brewster Higley and Hester Holcombe, on 13 Mar 1734 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

vii. MARTHA was born on 5 Apr 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.173 She married James Thompson. 212. viii. SARAH was born on 2 May 1719 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ichabod Miller on 27 Jan 1741. 213. ix. ASAHEL was born on 15 Jul 1720 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Thankful Kent, daughter of John Kent and Mary

Smith, on 7 Jan 1741/42 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Dinah Kent on 11 Jun 1747. x. DAMARIS married William Gaines on 25 Aug 1736 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

Seaver does not mention this child. McCracken notes that the birth and baptism not found. She obviously d.v.p., as not mentined in her father's will but must be inserted here in order to make her sister Martha, as recorded, 5th daughter. She is not listed among the children of her father in The Heritage of Granby page 173. She must not be confused with her 1st couisin who was having Ward children both before and after this marriage, which was probably childless. Bowman places Damarius as a daughter of Thomas Holcombe III, probably based partly on the above information. She and William Gaines will be continued under Thomas Holcombe III.

50. MARTHA3 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1682.174 She married Daniel Hayes, son of George Hayes and Abigail Dibble, on 1 Mar 1716 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.175 She died on 9 Jan 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.176 There are two Martha's at nearly the same dates that cause some confusion. Bowman explores it completely so she is quoted here. Martha Holcomb, born in 1682, had an heir mentioned in her father's 1740 will. McCraken, in TAG Vol 57 #2, states she married Daniel Hayes in 1716. McCraken reasons that since the will left 20 shilings to Martha's son to buy him a bible that the heir is a minor in 1740. The only Daniel Hayes in records in nearly 25 years old. There is another Martha, born 1706, and listed in Windsor records. Thus Martha's heir could be someone else. Martha was probably dead in 1744 when her sister, Mary, left her estate to her other four sisters. Or, the possibility exists that Nathaniel was referring to one of his other daughters, perhaps Margaret North rather than Martha. A Renee Cossitt, born in 1722-1810, son of Rene and Ruth Porter Cossitt, married Phebe Hillyer, Martha Holcomb, and Martha Barber. He moved to Cape Breton Island, Canada. She is not this Martha Holcomb because Phebe Hillyer Cossit died in 1786, and this Martha would already be dead. Certainly Martha who maried Daniel Hayes belongs in the Holcomb genealogy her exact place can not at this time be proven, so she is listed here. Some confusion in this family was caused by the other Martha's. One of these Martha's died early having only one child. One Martha married Dr. Jonathan Buttolph in 1723. In the book Commemorative and Biographical Record of Hartford County is mention that the Martha who married Jonathan Buttolph was a daughter of Nathaniel (born June 11, 1673). From, New England Genealogies by Reverend Charles W. Hayes, A.M. of Westfield, N.Y.; Daniel Hayes, born in 1686, the second child of George Hayes married Martha Holcomb in March 1716. She died in January 1717, and he married Sarah Lee in May 1721. She died in 1738, probably the daughter of John Lee. Daniel married in 1739 the Mary in his will. Children of Martha3 Holcombe and Daniel Hayes were: 214. i. DANIEL4 was born on 20 Dec 1716 at Salmon Brook Ecclesiastical Society, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Hayes, daughter

of Samuel Hayes and Elizabeth Willco*ckson, on 13 May 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 51. HESTER3 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in Feb 1684 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.177,178,179 She married Brewster Higley, son of Capt. John Higley and Hannah Drake, on 17 Feb 1708/9 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.180,181 She died in 1760.

172Bates, Simsbury, Page 109. 173Ibid., Page 43. 174McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.1. 175Bates, Simsbury, Page 37. 176Carol A. Laun, Burials in the Granby Center Cemetery, Granby, Connecticut (Granby Cemetery, Inc., 1998), Page 129. 177Jesse Seaver, Holcomb(e) Genealogy.

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She was also known as Esther Holcombe. *The 8 children are shown in the The Heritage of Granby p 173 under Holcombe, not under Higley. Alternately called Hannah Hester and Ester.**The total age lived by her eight children was 646 years, averaging 80 years and 9 months per person. Their numerous descendants settled in VT, Central NY and Meigs and Windham counties, OH.182 Children of Hester3 Holcombe and Brewster Higley were as follows: 215. i. BREWSTER4 was born on 12 Dec 1709. He married Hester Holcombe, daughter of Ensign John Holcombe and Ann Pettibone, on

13 Mar 1734 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mindwell Buell, daughter of Ephriam Buell and Mary Holcombe, in 1755. ii. DAVID was born in 1712. He married Ann Owen, daughter of Isaac Owen and Sarah Holcombe, in 1735. 216. iii. JOSEPH was born on 21 Oct 1715 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Ruth Holcombe, daughter of Ensign John Holcombe

and Ann Pettibone, on 1 Apr 1737 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Case, daughter of Bartholomew Case and Mary Humphrey, either 19 Mar 1740 or 1741 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Eunice Smith.

217. iv. HANNAH was born on 17 Dec 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Elijah Owen, son of Isaac Owen and Sarah Holcombe, in 1735. She married Pelatiah Mills, son of Capt. Pelatiah Mills and Martha Chapman, on 29 Mar 1743 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.

218. v. ESTER was born on 3 Dec 1719 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Capt. Josiah Case, son of Capt. James Case and Esther Fithian, in 1740.

219. vi. JOHN was born on 17 Feb 1721/22 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Apphia Humphrey, daughter of Jonathan Humphrey and Mercy Ruggles, in 1746. He married Ann Clark in 1764.

220. vii. ELIZABETH was born in 1723. She married Rev. Gideon Mills, son of Peter Mills and Joanna Porter, on 23 Nov 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

221. viii. NAOMI was born on 21 May 1728 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Solomon Humphrey, son of Jonathan Humphrey and Mercy Ruggles.

52. MARGARET3 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1687. She married Nathaniel North in 1704.183 She died in 1777. Margaret is not listed by Seaver, but is in her father's will. Barbour collection of the Simsbury Vital Records. Children of Margaret3 Holcombe and Nathaniel North were as follows: i. NATHANIEL4 was born on 14 Apr 1709. He died in 1754. 222. ii. JOHN was born on 13 May 1711. He married Esther Stanley on 21 Feb 1739. iii. MIRIAM was born on 2 Jan 1714. She married Joseph Woodruff. She died on 17 Jun 1803 at age 89.

Also called Margaret. iv. MARY was born on 18 Mar 1717. She married Sedgwick Hotchkiss. She died on 21 Feb 1775 at age 57. v. DAVID was born on 8 Apr 1721. He died in 1791. vi. LYDIA was born in 1724. vii. HANNAH was born on 15 May 1727. She died on 11 Mar 1816 at age 88. viii. JOSEPH was born on 2 Apr 1730. He married Martha Smith in 1734. He died in 1775. 53. CATHERINE3 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1689 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.184,185 She married Joseph Messenger, son of Nathaniel Messenger and Rebecca Kelsey, on 22 Jan 1707/8 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.186,187 She died in 1769 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.188 See Seaver's correction on his page 243 that correctly places Catherine here. Bowman says her children Elijah and Ezekiel are the same, but the Edward Messenger genealogy lists them separately. The newlyweds purchased various parcels of land near Raven Swamp, just south of the "south branch" (now know as the West Branch) of Salmon Brook. In 1712 John Sager granted "a certain parcel of land being scituate within the Townshipe of Simsbury at a place commonly called Samon Brooke

178George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe". 179McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.1. 180Bates, Simsbury, Page 33. 181McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 220.2. 182McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 183Ibid., Page 222.1. 184Duane E. Wilson, The Messenger Family of New England, Being Some of the Descendants of the English Immigrant Edward Messenger (1617-1688) (Decorah, IA 52101: Anundsen Publishing Co., October 1999). Hereinafter cited as Edward Messenger. 185McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.1. 186Bates, Simsbury, Page 33. 187McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 221.2. 188Duane E. Wilson, Edward Messenger.

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lying on the Northeasterly side the said brooke in the Lower meadow being part." Again in 1720 Joseph was granted, by the town of Simsbury, land south of the south branch of Salmon Brook and "east of Raven Swamp." Children of Catherine3 Holcombe and Joseph Messenger were as follows: i. JOSEPH4 was born on 30 Jul 1709 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.189 He died in Feb 1709/10 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. ii. SARAH was born on 11 Jan 1710/11 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.190 iii. JOSEPH was born on 25 Apr 1713 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iv. JEHIEL was born on 11 Nov 1715 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.191 223. v. ISAAC was born on 29 Mar 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Alford, daughter of Nathaniel Alford and

Experience Holcombe, circa 1740. vi. CATHERINE was born on 29 Sep 1720 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.192 She married Jonathan Phelps, son of Ephriam Phelps

and Sarah Owen, on 30 Mar 1723. vii. ELIJAH was born on 21 Jan 1722 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 224. viii. NATHANIEL was born on 8 Jun 1725 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Eleanor Griffin, daughter of John Griffin and

Eleanor Holcombe. He married Eunice Stratton, daughter of Jeremiah Stratton and Eunice Case. He married Abigal King. ix. EZEKIEL was born in 1727. 54. SARAH3 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1691. She married Samuel Barber, son of Lt. Thomas Barber and Mary Phelps, on 17 Dec 1712 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.193,194 She died in 1787. Phelps and Barber Genealogies gives her birth date as 15 Feb. 1678. McPherson typos "1791." Also information on Family Group Sheets from Diane Graham, 3912 5th Ave, Sioux City, IA 51106. Children of Sarah3 Holcombe and Samuel Barber were as follows: 225. i. SAMUEL4 was born in 1713/14 at probably Simsbury, CT. He married Tryphenia Humphrey, daughter of Ensign Samuel Humphrey

and Lydia North, on 11 Jun 1739 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Humphrey, daughter of Noah Humphrey and Hannah Case.

226. ii. THOMAS was born in 1716 at probably Simsbury, CT. He married Elizabeth Adams, daughter of Samuel Adams and Elizabeth Reed, on 8 Dec 1737 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

227. iii. JONATHAN was born in 1717 at probably Simsbury, CT. He married Jemima Cornish, daughter of Deacon James Cornish and Hannah Hillyer, on 28 May 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

228. iv. JOHN was born in 1719 at probably Simsbury, CT. He married Lydia Reed, daughter of Jacob Reed and Mary Hill, on 21 Jan 1746/47 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

229. v. MERCY was born in 1721. She married Ephraim Buell Jr., son of Ephriam Buell and Mary Holcombe, on 7 Jul 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

230. vi. SARAH was born on 1 Apr 1722 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Capt. John Case, son of John Case and Abigail Humphrey, on 7 Nov 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

55. BENJAMIN3 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 15 Feb 1697/98 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.195 He was baptized on 20 Feb 1697/98 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.196,197 He married Hannah Case, daughter of Samuel Case and Mary Westover, on 12 Oct 1727 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.198 He died on 27 Jan 1758 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 59.199 There is some confusion about Benjamin. Both Nathaniel Sr. and Nathaniel Jr. have Benjamin's born on 2-15-1697, so it is doubtful that there were two, probably just confusion about the father of Benjamin or perhaps there was a Benjamin that died young. Called "son" in the will of his father (A-8-1) dated 7 Feb 1740, and "brother" in the will of shis sister Mary (A-8-1-2) signed 22 Dec 1744.200

189Ibid. 190Ibid. 191Ibid. 192Ibid. 193Bates, Simsbury, Page 34. 194McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 221.2. 195Bates, Simsbury, Page 30. 196Ibid. 197Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Page 18. 198Bates, Simsbury, Page 144. 199Ibid., Page 161. 200McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, page 222.1.

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Children of Benjamin3 Holcombe and Hannah Case were as follows: i. SIMEON4 married Huldah Holcombe. ii. BENJAH. 56. DEBORAH3 BIRGE (Deborah2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 26 Nov 1671 at Middlesex, Haddum Co., CT. She married Jared Spencer, son of John Spencer and Rebecca Howard, on 12 Nov 1692 at Middlesex, Haddum Co., CT. Children of Deborah3 Birge and Jared Spencer were as follows: i. JOHN4 was born in 1692. He died D.Y. ii. JOHN was born in 1694. He married Elizabeth (--?--) in 1722. He died in 1735. iii. DEBORAH was born in 1697. She married Stephen Kelsey in 1725. iv. JARED was born in 1699. He married Elizabeth Shailor. 231. v. BENJAMIN was born on 21 Apr 1702 at Haddam Neck, Middlesex Co., CT. He married Dorothy Spencer, daughter of Nathaniel

Spencer and Lydia Bailey, circa 1722. vi. LYDIA was born in 1705. She married Ichabod Warner. vii. DANIEL was born in 1707. He married Sarah Ventrous.

Bowman questions Sarah's last name. viii. EPHRAIM was born in 1709. He married Rebecca Spencer. 57. MARY3 BIRGE (Deborah2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1677. She married Israel Stoughton, son of Thomas Stoughton and Mary Wadsworth, on 7 May 1713. She died on 23 Aug 1755. Children of Mary3 Birge and Israel Stoughton were as follows: i. ISRAEL4 was born in 1714. ii. MARY was born in 1714.

Bowman lists a possible marriage to William Gaylord. iii. ELIZABETH was born in 1717. iv. ANN (HANNAH) was born on 3 Jun 1719. She married Samuel Filer, son of Zerubbabel Filer and (--?--) Unknown, on 11 Oct 1739.

She died on 1 Dec 1784 at age 65. Stiles and Bowman call her Hannah, Dwight calls her Ann.

v. REBECCA was born on 10 Mar 1720. vi. SARAH was born in 1724. She died in 1755.

Bowman questions a marriage in 1743 to Roger Bissell referenced in Stiles, probably because Stiles shows Sarah as a daughter of John Stoughton on pages 81 and 729.

vii. LUCIE was born in 1727. viii. JEMIMA was born in 1729. ix. ABIGAL was born in 1731. 58. DANIEL3 BIRGE (Deborah2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1682. The wife of Daniel is in question. He may have married possibly Susannah Ventrous, born in 1668, daughter of Moses Ventrous. She married either a Daniel Birge or a Daniel Brainard, and had children. Children of Daniel3 Birge include: i. ESTHER4. Bowman shows a question about this child who married a James Spencer, apparently there is confusion between this

child and the Esther, daughter of Cornelius Birge that also married a James Spencer. ii. EXPERIENCE married Nathaniel Day.

Generation Four

59. MARTHA4 ELLSWORTH (Josias3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1680. She married Samuel Stiles, son of Sergeant Henry Stiles and Elizabeth Willco*ckson, in Dec 1701.201 She married George Norton May 14,1717. Martha's husbands are lsited by Weir as the husbands of her Aunt Martha Ellsworth. Children of Martha4 Ellsworth and Samuel Stiles were as follows: i. MARTHA5 was born on 1 Apr 1702.

Died unmarried. Stiles says that Martha movet to Suffield CT with her only daughter Elizabeth in 1717, so Martha must have died prior to then.

232. ii. SAMUEL was born on 15 Jan 1705/6. He married Mary Phelps, daughter of Josiah Phelps and Sarah Winchell, in Feb 1729. 233. iii. ELIZABETH was born either 14 Oct 1708 or 14 Oct 1709. She married Daniel Spencer in 1726. There were no children of Martha4 Ellsworth and George Norton. 60. ELIZABETH4 ELLSWORTH (Josias3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 22 Jan 1683 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married John Gridley, son of Thomas Gridley Jr. and Elizabeth Clark, on 30 May 1711 at Farmington. She died on 16 Jun 1756 at age 73.

201George E. McCracken, "The Connecticut Willco*cksons," The American Genealogist, No. 1, Vol. 59 (January 1983). Hereinafter cited as "Connecticut Willco*cksons".

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Bowman notes they had children, but cannot list them. Children of Elizabeth4 Ellsworth and John Gridley were as follows: 234. i. MARTHA5 was born on 9 Sep 1718 at Farmington, Hartford Co., CT. She married John Terry on 9 Apr 1739 at Simsbury, Hartford

Co., CT. 235. ii. MARY was born on 9 Nov 1721 at Farmington. She married Abel Hawley on 19 Aug 1742 at Farmington. 61. JOSIAH4 ELLSWORTH (Josias3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 3 Mar 1690. He married Margaret (--?--). Children of Josiah4 Ellsworth and Margaret (--?--) were as follows: i. REBECCA5. ii. JAMES. iii. MOSES. 62. ABIGAL4 ELLSWORTH (Josias3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1694. She married John Stephens. She married Elias Slater in 1736. Children of Abigal4 Ellsworth and John Stephens were as follows: i. ABIGAL5 was born in 1718. ii. SILVANUS was born in 1726. There were no children of Abigal4 Ellsworth and Elias Slater. 63. SAMUEL4 ELLSWORTH (Josias3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 18 Jul 1697 at Enfield, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Allen, daughter of John Allen and Bridget Booth, on 20 Nov 1717 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Bowman lists two children, unnamed that died in 1736 and 1737 respectively, and based on their birth order, probably died very young. Stiles does not list Elizabeth. Children of Samuel4 Ellsworth and Elizabeth Allen were as follows: 236. i. SAMUEL5 was born on 1 Oct 1718 at Ellington, CT. He married Amee Holiday, daughter of William Holiday and Anna Ellis, on 2

Dec 1746 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 237. ii. CHARLES was born on 12 Dec 1721 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Betsy Bell at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. iii. ELIJAH was born in 1724. He married Susanna Porter, daughter of Lt. James Porter and Elizabeth (--?--), in 1775 at NH.

The family moved to Vermont and Fort Covington, NY. 238. iv. JOSIAH was born in 1726. He married Anna Grover in 1792. v. ELIPHALET was born on 23 Jul 1740. vi. ELIZABETH married Isaac Rood. 64. JOSEPH4 ELLSWORTH (Josias3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1700. He married Ammarantze Strickland. Bowman thinks wifes last name is propably Strickland. Children are listed in the Ellsworth Genealogy. Children of Joseph4 Ellsworth and Ammarantze Strickland were as follows: i. JUDAH5. ii. TRYPHENA. iii. JOSEPH. iv. ANNA. 65. DANIEL4 LOOMIS (Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 15 Nov 1682. He married Elizabeth Barber, daughter of Samuel Barber and Ruth Drake, on 10 Nov 1709 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1754. Children of Daniel4 Loomis and Elizabeth Barber were as follows: 239. i. DANIEL5 was born on 2 Nov 1710 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Eno, daughter of James Eno. 240. ii. ELIZABETH was born on 20 May 1712. She married Daniel Eggleston, son of Isaac Eggleston, in 1731. 241. iii. MARY was born on 10 May 1714. She married Joseph Hoskins, son of Anthony Hoskins and Hannah Grimes, on 10 Jan 1735. iv. ELISHA was born on 6 Jun 1716. She died on 11 Nov 1758 at Colchester at age 42. v. DOROTHY was born on 21 Jun 1718. She married Ichabod Loomis, son of Ichabod Loomis. vi. DAVID was born on 13 Mar 1719. He died before 1752. vii. SIBYL was born on 18 Sep 1727. She married William Allen. 66. JOSIAH4 LOOMIS (Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 28 Nov 1684 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.202 He married Elizabeth Kelsey, daughter of Thomas Kelsey, on 22 Jan 1707/8 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1741 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Josiah4 Loomis and Elizabeth Kelsey were as follows: 242. i. JOSIAH5 was born on 11 Mar 1708/9 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Bacon on 26 Apr 1732. ii. BENAJAH was born on 28 Jan 1710/11. He married Temperance Moore, daughter of Jonathan Moore and Hannah Long, on 17

Jan 1728/29 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.203 He lived at Ancram, Columbia Co., NY.

202Judith Kay Price, "Ancestry of Judith Kay Price," e-mail message from [emailprotected] (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, 18 October 2003. Hereinafter cited as "Judith Kay Price". 203Hon. Horace L. Moore, Andrew Moore of Poquonock and Windsor, Conn., and His Descendants (Lawrence, Kansas: Journal Publishing Co., 1903), Page 17. Hereinafter cited as Andrew Moore.

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iii. EBENEZER was born on 9 Nov 1712. He married Hannah Griffin on 17 May 1736. He lived at Blenheim, NY.

243. iv. THOMAS was born on 16 Jun 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Younglove in 1746 at NY. 244. v. JACOB was born on 26 Nov 1720 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Dolly Hartman before 1748 at Tughkanic, Columbia

Co., NY. 245. vi. FRANCIS was born on 12 Jun 1726 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Pinney. 67. ENSIGN JOB4 LOOMIS (Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 21 Jan 1686. He married Abigail Filley on 27 Apr 1710. He died on 6 Jan 1765 at age 78. Children of Ensign Job4 Loomis and Abigail Filley were as follows: 246. i. JOB5 was born on 11 Mar 1710/11 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Eno, daughter of James Eno III and Hannah

Phelps, in 1736. ii. ABIGAIL was born either 10 Apr 1713 or 1714. She married Gen. Benjamin Allen on 9 Aug 1733. She died on 29 May 1795. iii. EUNICE was born on 25 Jul 1716. She died before 1758. 68. ENSIGN JOHN4 LOOMIS (Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 11 Oct 1688. He married Anna Eno, daughter of John Eno and Mary Dibble, on 24 Apr 1712. He died on 6 Sep 1765 at age 76. Children of Ensign John4 Loomis and Anna Eno were as follows: 247. i. ANN5 was born on 7 Mar 1718/19. She married Jabez Gillett, son of John Gillett and Elizabeth Drake. ii. EZRA was born on 10 Sep 1721. He died on 18 Dec 1745 at Louisburg Expedition at age 24. iii. ANNE was born on 8 May 1724. She died on 11 Nov 1734 at age 10. 248. iv. LUCY was born on 21 Aug 1729. She married Robert Joyner, son of William Joyner and Elizabeth Eads, in 1757. 69. ISAAC4 LOOMIS (Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 23 Aug 1694. He married Hannah Eggleston, daughter of Thomas Eggleston and Grace Hoskins, on 26 Apr 1716. Children of Isaac4 Loomis and Hannah Eggleston were as follows: i. SON5 was born on 3 Dec 1717. He died stillborn. 249. ii. ISAAC was born on 19 Jul 1719 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Gillett on 10 Mar 1742/43 at Windsor, Hartford

Co., CT. 250. iii. JEDEDIAH was born on 1 Sep 1720 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sybil Case, daughter of Joshua Case and Anne (--?-

-), on 25 Nov 1748 at Wintonbury Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 251. iv. HANNAH was born on 15 Feb 1721/22. She married Nathaniel Burr on 8 Jul 1740. 252. v. EUNICE was born either 23 Jan 1723 or 1724. She married Gideon Burr on 11 Nov 1742. vi. JOSEPH was born on 29 Aug 1725. vii. SARAH was born on 22 Feb 1733/34. She married John Clark in 1755. She died in 1758.

Bowman isn't sure about the marriage to John.

70. ABRAHAM4 LOOMIS (Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 13 Dec 1696.204 He married Isabel Eggleston, daughter of Thomas Eggleston and Grace Hoskins, on 5 Feb 1718.205 Settled in Torrington, where his wife and daughters Isabela and Jerusha joined the church on 17 July 1754. He received £10 for hiring a man into the army in 1779. He was made freeman in 1777, and was one of the 136 Torrington Twp. patentees, 1732.206 Children of Abraham4 Loomis and Isabel Eggleston were as follows: i. JERUSHA5 was born on 21 Apr 1722.207 She died on 16 Jan 1757 at age 34.208

ii. ABRAHAM was born on 17 Oct 1724.209 He died in 1788. 253. iii. ISABEL was born on 26 Oct 1729. She married Benjamin Phelps Jr. in 1755. iv. EPAPHRAS was born on 13 Nov 1732. He married Mary Hills in 1755. He died on 10 Sep 1812 at Winchester, CT, at age 79. 254. v. JEMIMA was born on 4 Jul 1734 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Deacon Noah North, son of Ebenezer North and Sybil

Curtis, on 25 Mar 1756 at Torrington, Litchfield Co., CT. vi. BENONI was born on 28 Sep 1738. He was baptized on 8 Oct 1738. He died on 27 Feb 1741/42 at age 3.210

vii. REMEMBRANCE was born on 30 Sep 1743. She died on 18 Jan 1744/45 at age 1.211

204Elisha Scott Loomis, Ph.D., Descendants of Joseph Loomis in America (1909, Berea, OH), Page 136. 205Ibid., Page 146. 206Loomis, Joseph Loomis. 207Ibid., Page 146. 208Ibid. 209Ibid. 210Ibid.

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71. BENJAMIN4 LOOMIS (Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 7 Feb 1698/99. He married Joanna Alvord, daughter of Jeremy Alvord and Jane Hoskins, on 9 Dec 1725. Children of Benjamin4 Loomis and Joanna Alvord were as follows: i. JOANNA5 was born on 31 Jul 1726. She married Gideon Loomis, son of Stephen Loomis and Mabel Hoskins, on 8 Dec 1748 at

Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Stiles lists seven children of Gideon and Joanna; Bowman only lists five.

ii. BENJAMIN was born on 12 Jan 1728/29.212 He died on 8 Feb 1728/29.213 255. iii. TABITHA was born on 16 Oct 1730. She married John Burr, son of John Burr and Mary Root, in 1747. 256. iv. BENJAMIN was born on 10 Apr 1732. He married Elizabeth Barber, daughter of Aaron Barber and Mary Douglas, on 3 Feb 1751 at

Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lydia Drake, daughter of Enoch Drake and Dorcas Eggleston, in 1760. v. RACHEL was born on 5 Aug 1735.214 257. vi. SERAJAH was born on 4 Dec 1740. He married Sybil Loomis, daughter of Jedediah Loomis and Sybil Case, on 31 Oct 1767. 72. JACOB4 OSBORN (Martha3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 4 Jan 1697/98.215 Jacob settled in South Windsor on 150 acres of land which his mother purchased for a sack of corn. Children of Jacob4 Osborn include: i. LUCY5. ii. ABIGAL was born in 1725. 73. SARAH4 ELLSWORTH (Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 9 Dec 1696. She married Josiah Allyn, son of Hon. and Col. Matthew Allyn and Elizabeth Wolcott, on 9 Feb 1726. She died on 31 May 1763 at age 66. Sarah had a cousin, daughter of Jonathan Ellsworth, also named Sarah. The records apparently confuse the two Sarahs and show they both married Josiah Allyn. The children of Josiah Allyn will be shown here. Children of Sarah4 Ellsworth and Josiah Allyn were as follows: 258. i. JOSIAH5 was born on 3 Nov 1727. He married Anny Allyn in 1751. ii. JOHN was born on 28 Nov 1729. iii. MARY was born on 2 Jan 1731. iv. MATTHEW was born on 3 Apr 1732. He married Mary (--?--). He died on 14 Dec 1768 at age 36. 74. NATHANIEL4 ELLSWORTH SGT. (Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 3 Dec 1699. He married Catherine (--?--). He married Abigail Strong, daughter of Sgt. John Strong and Hannah Trumbull, on 1 Jan 1729 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Nathaniel4 Ellsworth Sgt. and Catherine (--?--) were as follows: i. MOSES5 was born on 11 May 1748. ii. JOEL was born either 9 Feb 1749 or 1750. 259. iii. ABIGAIL was born on 3 Aug 1752. She married Ezra Paine. Children of Nathaniel4 Ellsworth Sgt. and Abigail Strong were as follows: i. (--?--)5 died in Jul 1740. ii. ABIGAIL was born on 7 Aug 1731. She died on 8 Aug 1739 at age 8. iii. ASAHEL was born on 17 Jul 1734. He died on 2 May 1753 at age 18. iv. NATHANIEL was born on 30 Apr 1738. He died on 25 May 1742 at age 4. v. NATHANIEL was born on 9 Sep 1790. He died on 16 Sep 1790. 75. WILLIAM4 ELLSWORTH (Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 15 Apr 1702. He married Mary Oliver, daughter of Nathaniel Oliver and Elizabeth Brattle, on 16 Jun 1737. He died on 19 Jan 1759 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 56. Children of William4 Ellsworth and Mary Oliver were as follows: i. MARY5 was born on 27 Jun 1738. ii. WILLIAM was born on 24 Mar 1740. 260. iii. JEMIMA was born on 4 Sep 1742. She married David Hayden, son of David Hayden and Dorothy Allyn, on 11 Mar 1761. iv. OLIVER was born on 25 Aug 1745. He died on 10 Nov 1745. v. ANN was born on 25 Aug 1745. vi. OLIVER was born either 24 Mar 1746 or 1747. vii. CAROLINE was born either 24 Mar 1748 or 1749.

211Ibid. 212Ibid., Page 146, Item 365. 213Ibid. 214Ibid., Page 147, Item 368. 215Justine Harwood Laquer, "Martha Ellsworth".

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76. ELIZABETH4 ELLSWORTH (Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 18 Nov 1706. She married David Skinner, son of Richard Skinner and Sarah Gaines, on 20 Nov 1728. Children of Elizabeth4 Ellsworth and David Skinner were as follows: i. JEMIMA5 was born either 18 Feb 1733 or 1744. She married William Bissell, son of Ensign Nathaniel Bissell and Sarah Gaylord,

on 4 Jun 1754 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 18 Jun 1820 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. ii. EDITHA was born on 4 Oct 1737. She married Aaron Booth, son of Caleb Booth and Mary Gleason, on 13 Apr 1756. iii. DAVID was born in 1741. He died in 1751. iv. MIRIAM was born in 1747. She died in 1749. v. ELIZABETH was born in 1750.

Bowman shows possible marriage to Ezekiel Hoskins. 77. THOMAS4 ELLSWORTH II (Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 10 Mar 1708. He married Sarah Loomis, daughter of John Loomis and Esther Gillet, on 26 Mar 1733. He died on 26 Sep 1750 at age 42. Children of Thomas4 Ellsworth II and Sarah Loomis were as follows: i. (--?--)5 died on 30 Sep 1751. ii. ESTHER was born on 29 Mar 1734. 261. iii. THOMAS was born January 21 or 23, 1735 or 173. He married Hannah Eaton. He married Lydia Marshall. iv. JOHN was born either 27 Dec 1737 or 31 1737. v. SARAH was born on 11 Nov 1740. She married Francis Baxter on 7 May 1764 at Enfield. 262. vi. GUSTAVUS was born on 21 Jun 1742. He married Kezia Eaton on 14 Apr 1766. vii. DINAH was born on 5 Dec 1745. She married William Chalk. She died in 1826. viii. LEVI was born on 22 Mar 1747/48. He died in 1750. ix. DEBORAH was born on 2 Nov 1750. 78. MARY4 ELLSWORTH (Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 7 Jan 1710. She married Daniel Bidwell, son of Daniel Bidwell and Esther (--?--), in 1733. She died in 1777. Children of Mary4 Ellsworth and Daniel Bidwell were: 263. i. HANNAH5 was born in 1750. She married Elijah Burnham, son of Timothy Burnham and Naomi Gilman, in 1770. 79. ABIGAIL4 ELLSWORTH (Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 14 Sep 1712. She married John Loomis, son of John Loomis and Esther Gillet, on 5 Apr 1733. She died on 6 May 1761 at age 48. Children of Abigail4 Ellsworth and John Loomis were as follows: i. CHILD5 died in Oct 1753. 264. ii. JOHN was born on 4 Mar 1733/34. He married Redexelana Wolcott, daughter of Lt. Thomas Wolcott and Catherine Loomis, on 8

Jun 1756. iii. ABIGAIL was born on 28 Mar 1735. She married (--?--) Kibbe. 265. iv. LUKE was born on 15 Oct 1736 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Experience Carver. 266. v. ESTHER was born on 14 May 1738. She married Joel Roberts. She married Ephraim Tucker on 12 Dec 1785. vi. LUCY was born on 15 Dec 1739. She married Joel Adams in 1760. She died on 7 Dec 1825 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at

age 85. vii. URSULA was born on 13 Jul 1740. She married John Wood Capt. She died in 1820.

Year of death is based on age at death in 1820 of 80 or 86. viii. NAOMI was born on 9 Apr 1743. She died on 17 Oct 1749 at age 6. ix. ROGER was born either 9 Feb 1744 or 1745. x. ELIHU was born on 15 Dec 1746. He died on 21 Aug 1751 at age 4. xi. LYDIA was born on 5 Oct 1748. She married Elisha Bidwell. She died in Oct 1807. 80. DEBORAH4 ELLSWORTH (Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 24 Sep 1714. She married Daniel Blodgett, son of Daniel Blodgett and Mary Mallett. Children of Deborah4 Ellsworth and Daniel Blodgett were: 267. i. NATHAN5 was born in 1741. He married Abigail Cushman, daughter of William Cushman and Abigail Lee, in 1763. 81. EUNICE4 ELLSWORTH (Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 27 Mar 1717. She married Timothy Green in 1750. Children of Eunice4 Ellsworth and Timothy Green were as follows: i. TIMOTHY5 was born in 1748. ii. JOEL was born in 1761. 268. iii. ASAHEL was born on 19 Jun 1763 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Grace Grant, daughter of Jonathan Grant and

Mary Ladd, on 1 Oct 1778. 82. NAOMI4 ELLSWORTH (Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 23 Feb 1719. She married Jonathan Brown, son of Jonathan Brown and Mindwell Loomis, in 1743. Children of Naomi4 Ellsworth and Jonathan Brown were as follows: i. JONATHAN5 was born in 1744. ii. NAOMI was born in 1746. iii. ANN was born in 1748. iv. LUCY was born in 1750. She died in 1758. v. TRYPHENA was born in 1753. She died in 1758.

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vi. DEBORAH was born in 1755. She died in 1758. vii. MARTIN was born in 1757. He died in 1758. viii. JUSTUS was born in 1760. ix. JONATHAN was born in 1767. 83. GILES4 ELLSWORTH (Jonathan3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 6 Aug 1703 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.216 He married Hannah Stoughton, daughter of John Stoughton and Sarah Fitch, on 6 Feb 1728.217 He died on 20 Mar 1768 at age 64. Stiles shows two different marriage dates for Giles and Hannah. In the Ellsworth section he shows 1728; in the Stoughton section he shows 1738. Hopefully, 1728 is correct since she had three children prior to 1738. Children of Giles4 Ellsworth and Hannah Stoughton were as follows: i. ANN5 was born on 25 Feb 1729/30. 269. ii. GILES was born on 6 Sep 1732. He married Keziah Moore. iii. REUBEN was born on 19 Feb 1736. iv. HANNAH was born on 18 May 1740. She was baptized on 1 Jun 1740. v. JERUSHA was born on 9 Nov 1743. She was baptized on 13 Nov 1743. 84. MARY4 ELLSWORTH (Jonathan3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 1 Mar 1706 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.218 She married Ensign Isaac Owen, son of Isaac Owen and Sarah Holcombe. She died in 1778. Children of Mary4 Ellsworth and Ensign Isaac Owen were: 270. i. ISAAC5 was born on 24 Sep 1736. He married Zerviah Griswold, daughter of George Griswold and Zerviah Griswold, at Suffield,

Hartford Co., CT. 85. DAVID4 ELLSWORTH (Jonathan3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 3 Aug 1709 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.219 He married Jemima Levett, daughter of Joshua Levett and Hannah Devotion, on 8 Jul 1740. He died on 5 Mar 1782 at age 72. Commanded a company of Ct. men at the seige of Louisburg; was a selectman many years. Children of David4 Ellsworth and Jemima Levett were as follows: 271. i. DAVID5 was born on 27 Mar 1741/42 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Phebe Lyman, daughter of Moses Lyman and

Sarah Hayden, on 22 Feb 1779. 272. ii. OLIVER was born on 29 Apr 1745 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Wolcott, daughter of William Wolcott and

Abigail Abbott, on 10 Dec 1772. iii. MARTIN was born on 12 Jan 1750. He died on 7 May 1751 at age 1. iv. JEMIMA was born on 13 Mar 1751/52. She married Oliver Mather on 28 Mar 1778. She died on 9 Sep 1803 at South Windsor,

CT, at age 51. 86. HANNAH4 ELLSWORTH (Jonathan3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 10 Sep 1713 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.220 She married Alexander Allyn III, son of Alexander Allyn Jr. and Hannah Marshall, on 28 Apr 1743. She died on 7 Dec 1796 at age 83. Children of Hannah4 Ellsworth and Alexander Allyn III were: i. HANNAH5 was born on 30 Oct 1743.221 87. JONATHAN4 ELLSWORTH (Jonathan3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 22 Aug 1716 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.222 He married Abigail Allyn, daughter of Alexander Allyn Jr. and Hannah Marshall, on 8 Sep 1738 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 12 Apr 1775 at age 58. Children of Jonathan4 Ellsworth and Abigail Allyn were as follows: i. SARAH5 was born on 16 Sep 1739. She was baptized on 23 Sep 1739. ii. JONATHAN was born on 28 May 1742. He was baptized on 29 May 1743. iii. ALEXANDER was born on 9 Jun 1747. He was baptized on 14 Jun 1747. 88. JOHN4 ELLSWORTH II (John3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 7 Nov 1697. He married Anne Edwards, daughter of Rev. Timothy Edwards and Esther Stoddard, on 8 May 1734. He died on 4 Jan 1784 at age 86. Tradition says he served in the Indian Wars.

216Grant, Matthew Grant, Page 11. 217Ibid. 218Ibid. 219Ibid. 220Ibid. 221David Cummings, "Alexander Allyn of Windsor, Connecticut," The Connecticut Nutmegger Volume 26, No. 1 (June 1993): Page 37. Hereinafter cited as "Alexander Allyn". 222Grant, Matthew Grant, Page 11.

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Children of John4 Ellsworth II and Anne Edwards were as follows: 273. i. JOHN5 was born on 24 Aug 1735 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Clark on 25 Nov 1761. He married Martha

Elton on 23 Jan 1772. 274. ii. SOLOMON was born on 30 Apr 1737. He married Mary Moseley, daughter of Abner Moseley, on 27 Dec 1758. iii. FREDERICK was born on 26 Oct 1738. He married Ann Stoughton, daughter of Nathaniel Stoughton and Martha Ellsworth. He

died on 20 Feb 1799 at age 60. 275. iv. ANN was born on 23 Jan 1741. She married Col. Lemuel Stoughton, son of Nathaniel Stoughton and Martha Ellsworth, in 1769. 89. DANIEL4 ELLSWORTH CAPT. (John3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born either 20 Mar 1699 or 1700. He married Mindwell (--?--). He died on 27 Jan 1782. Settled at Ellington, CT, on his father's homestead; ws the first captain of Ellington militia, and the ancestor fo the Bloomington, IL, Ellsworths. Children of Daniel4 Ellsworth Capt. and Mindwell (--?--) were as follows: i. JERUSHA5 married /Waters/ (--?--). 276. ii. DANIEL was born in 1727 at Ellington, CT. He married Mary McKinsey. iii. CHARLES was born in 1730. He died on 4 Jan 1776. 277. iv. GURDON was born in 1737. He married Lydia Makepeace. 90. ESTHER4 ELLSWORTH (John3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 9 Mar 1703. She married Capt Samuel Wells, son of Samuel Wells and Ruth Judson, in 1722. She died on 3 Nov 1791 at age 88. Bowman cites Barbour's famileis of Early Hartford Ct. and Spear for the list of children. Children of Esther4 Ellsworth and Capt Samuel Wells were as follows: i. ESTHER5 was born in 1723. She married John Hunt. ii. SAMUEL was born on 5 Oct 1725. He married Esther Loomis, daughter of Timothy Loomis and Hannah Phelps, on 30 Nov 1755.

He died on 31 Aug 1769 at age 43. iii. RUTH was born in 1727. She married Ebenezer White in 1753. iv. ANN was born in 1727. She married John Diggins. She died in 1813. v. JOHN was born in 1730. He married Jerusha Pitkin in 1760. He died in 1801. 278. vi. JONATHAN was born in 1733. He married Esther Hills in 1756. He married Mabel Stanley Hills in 1796. vii. HANNAH was born in 1736. She married Peter Reynolds in 1760. She married Nathan Fisk Rev. in 1790. 279. viii. REBECCA was born in 1743. She married Thomas Williams Dr. in 1782. 91. HANNAH (ANNA)4 ELLSWORTH (John3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1705. She married Capt. Samuel Hunt, son of Jonathan Hunt and Martha Williams. Children of Hannah (Anna)4 Ellsworth and Capt. Samuel Hunt were as follows: 280. i. SAMUEL5 was born on 29 Sep 1734 at Northfield, Franklin Co., MA. He married Esther Strong, daughter of Lt. Caleb Strong and

Phebe Lyman, on 2 Dec 1760. ii. SARAH was born on 26 Feb 1746. She married Dr. Medad Pomeroy, son of Gen. Seth Pomeroy and Mary Hunt, on 15 Oct 1767. 92. MARTHA4 ELLSWORTH (John3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1708. She married Nathaniel Stoughton, son of John Stoughton and Sarah Fitch, in 1729. Children of Martha4 Ellsworth and Nathaniel Stoughton were as follows: i. OLIVER5 was born on 19 May 1727. 281. ii. LEMUEL was born on 9 Aug 1731. He married Ann Ellsworth, daughter of John Ellsworth II and Anne Edwards, in 1769. iii. GUSTAVIS was born on 25 Jul 1733. iv. JOHN was born on 22 Nov 1735. He married Ruth Belden on 22 Jan 1765. He died in Nov 1766.

Drowned near Lord Howe's Point on Lake George. v. ALICE was born on 1 May 1736. vi. JOSEPH was born on 31 Jul 1738. vii. ANN was born on 30 Jun 1741. She married Frederick Ellsworth, son of John Ellsworth II and Anne Edwards. She married Capt.

Hugh Thompson, son of Hugh Thompson and Elizabeth Ellsworth. She died on 5 Aug 1820 at age 79. viii. ALICE was born on 10 Oct 1743. She married John Bliss. She died on 27 Jul 1802 at age 58. 282. ix. NATHANIEL was born on 6 Mar 1746. He married Abigail Potwine, daughter of Thomas Potwine, in 1773. x. MARTHA was born on 23 Aug 1748. She married Cotton Mather, son of Timothy Mather. 93. ANN4 ELLSWORTH (John3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1712. She married Capt. Ebenezer Grant, son of Samuel Grant Jr. and Grace Minor, on 10 Nov 1737. She died in 1790. Children of Ann4 Ellsworth and Capt. Ebenezer Grant were as follows: i. REBECCA5. This child is listed by Bowman who cites Stiles, but she is not listed by Stiles. 283. ii. ANN was born on 18 Nov 1739 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Rev. John Marsh. iii. EUNICE was born on 21 Oct 1741 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 28 Oct 1747 at age 6. iv. EBENEZER was born on 24 Apr 1744 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 4 Dec 1747 at age 3. 284. v. ROSWELL was born on 9 Mar 1745/46 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Fluvia Wolcott, daughter of Gen. Erastus

Wolcott and Jerusah Wolcott, on 20 Aug 1783. 285. vi. ANN was born on 6 May 1748 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Rev. John Marsh on 6 Dec 1775. vii. EUNICE was born on 27 Mar 1752 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 3 Feb 1754 at age 1. 94. BENJAMIN4 ELLSWORTH (Job3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 1 Oct 1696. He married Deborah Hosford, daughter of John Hosford Jr. and Deborah Brown, on 28 Oct 1721.

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Children of Benjamin4 Ellsworth and Deborah Hosford were as follows: 286. i. AZUBAH5 was born on 18 Apr 1722 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Nathaniel Bissell, son of Ensign Nathaniel Bissell

and Sarah Gaylord, on 15 Apr 1746 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. ii. MARGARET was born either 6 Mar 1723 or 1724. iii. HAMETAL was born either 11 Jan 1725 or 1726. She married Edward Smith. iv. MARY was born either 20 Feb 1727 or 1728. She died in 1790. v. ANNIE was born on 17 Apr 1730. vi. MABEL was born on 15 Jun 1732. vii. SYBIL was born on 7 Mar 1734. She married Jacob Munsell, son of Jacob Munsell and Phoebe Loomis. 287. viii. JOB was born on 15 Apr 1737. He married Mary Trumbull on 4 May 1762. 95. HANNAH4 ELLSWORTH (Job3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 10 Feb 1700. She married Deacon Jonathan Strong, son of Sgt. John Strong and Hannah Trumbull. She died on 9 Oct 1762 at age 62. Children of Hannah4 Ellsworth and Deacon Jonathan Strong were as follows: i. JONATHAN5 was born on 19 May 1725. He died on 17 Sep 1807 at age 82. ii. CHARLES was born on 14 Apr 1728. He married Prudence (--?--). He died on 5 Mar 1810 at Bolton, CT, at age 81. iii. JOB was born either 13 Jan 1729 or 1730.

He lived at Southampton, Long Island, NY. 96. ELIZABETH4 ELLSWORTH (Job3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 5 Apr 1706. She married Hugh Thompson, son of William Thompson and Margaret (--?--), on 11 Jan 1727 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Elizabeth4 Ellsworth and Hugh Thompson were as follows: i. HUGH5 married Ann Stoughton, daughter of Nathaniel Stoughton and Martha Ellsworth. ii. JOB was born in 1728. He married Rhoda Crane in 1750. iii. JOHN was born in 1730. He married Anne Ellsworth in 1753. iv. WILLIAM was born in 1732. v. BENONI was born in 1737. 97. MINDWELL4 GRISWOLD (Daniel3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born circa 1682. She married Ebenezer Hayden, son of Lt. Daniel Hayden and Hannah Willco*ckson, on 12 Jan 1708/9 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Mindwell is not listed in Stiles, Bowman lists her as last child. Stiles (under Hayden) says she is probably the daughter of Edward. The Frenches list here her. Bissell does not list her either. Children of Mindwell4 Griswold and Ebenezer Hayden were as follows: 288. i. EBENEZER5 was born on 14 Dec 1709. He married Mary Trumbull on 16 Jun 1737. He married Dorothy Loomis, daughter of Sgt.

Nathaniel Loomis and Ann Allyn, on 16 Jul 1752. ii. MINDWELL was born in 1713. She married Jedediah Dewey Rev. in 1736. 289. iii. DAVID was born on 21 Jan 1715/16. He married Dorothy Allyn, daughter of Capt. Peletiah Allyn and Mary Stoughton, on 19 Jan

1737/38. 98. NATHANIEL4 GRISWOLD (Daniel3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 14 Feb 1684 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Adams on 23 Apr 1716 at Suffield, Hartford Co., CT. He married Ruth Gaylord, daughter of Nathaniel Gaylord and Abigail Bissell, on 14 Oct 1731 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 16 Sep 1753 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 69. He was buried at Old Poquonock Cemetery, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Nathaniel served in Queen Ann's War, 1711; was an ensign during the French and Indian War; served on the Canadian Expedition. Nathaniel wrote a will on 14 December 1750, witnessed by Henry Allyn, Josiah Allyn Jr., Henry Allyn Jr. Inventory was taken 30 October 1753, app Moses Griswold, Isaac Griswold, Geo Griswold, with Ruth to besole Exec. Legatees were Ruth, wife; Naomi and Azubah, daughters; and Nathaniel, son. A daughter Ruth was not mentioned. She may have died before her father or have already been provided for.223 There were no children of Nathaniel4 Griswold and Elizabeth Adams. Children of Nathaniel4 Griswold and Ruth Gaylord were as follows: i. RUTH5 was born on 3 Aug 1732. 290. ii. NAOMI was born on 5 Apr 1735 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Deacon David Marshall, son of David Marshall and

Sarah Phelps. iii. AZUBA was born on 14 Jul 1736 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Foote, son of Daniel Foote and Mary Collyer,

on 8 Dec 1757 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 12 Aug 1829 at Northampton, Fulton Co., NY, at age 93. 291. iv. NATHANIEL was born on 27 Jul 1742 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Pinney, daughter of Capt. Abraham Pinney

and Elizabeth Butler, on 11 Mar 1762 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

223Helen Schatvet Ullmann, "Hartford District Probate Records from 1750," The Connecticut Nutmegger Vol. 36, No. 1 (June 2003). Hereinafter cited as "Nutmegger 36:1 Hartford Probate".

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99. DANIEL4 GRISWOLD (Daniel3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born circa 1687 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah White, daughter of Capt. Daniel White and Sarah Bissell, on 5 Sep 1716 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah White, daughter of John White and Hannah (--?--), on 5 Sep 1739 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT. He died in 1772. His estate was probated on 4 Nov 1772 at Litchfield, Litchfield Co., CT. Daniel servedas ensign in the Indian Wars. He moved to Bolton, CT, in 1729. About 1760 he was living in Harwinton, Ct. He is mentioned in the Wyllys Papers as a soldier under Col. William Whiting in the 1709 expedition against Canada. Children of Daniel4 Griswold and Sarah White were as follows: i. SARAH5 was born on 14 Oct 1717 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT. She married James Olcott on 15 Jun 1738 at Bolton, Tolland Co.,

CT. 292. ii. ANNE was born on 20 Mar 1718/19 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT. She married Benjamin Smith on 15 Jun 1739 at Bolton, Tolland

Co., CT. 293. iii. BATHSHEBA was born on 2 Dec 1720 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT. She married Jabez Darte on 16 Jun 1740 at Bolton, Tolland Co.,

CT. iv. MINDWELL was born on 12 Feb 1721/22. She died in 1746. v. DANIEL was born on 26 May 1723 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Baldwin on 28 Jun 1744 at Bolton, Tolland

Co., CT. He married Judith (--?--) on 23 May 1771. He died on 27 Jul 1803 at Bolton at age 80. vi. HANNAH was born on 8 Feb 1725/26. She died on 4 Nov 1757 at age 31. 294. vii. WHITE was born on 22 Oct 1727 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Cheeny on 14 Feb 1750 at Bolton, Tolland Co.,

CT. viii. GEORGE was born on 4 Jan 1730 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT. He married Sarah Jones on 26 Jul 1759 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT.

He married Susannah Cone on 12 Dec 1763. He died on 26 Apr 1813 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT, at age 83. 295. ix. SETH was born on 30 Apr 1732 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT. He married Susannah Shurtleff on 13 Jun 1751 at Bolton, Tolland Co.,

CT. He married Ann Loper. He married Huldah Priest on 31 Dec 1778. x. ADAN was born on 12 Jun 1736. She died on 12 Jun 1736.

Died at 10 hours old. xi. REUBEN was born on 16 Jan 1738. There were no children of Daniel4 Griswold and Sarah White. 100. MARY4 GRISWOLD (Daniel3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 22 Feb 1692 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Jeremiah Birge, son of John Birge and Hannah Watson, on 1 Jan 1718/19 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 8 Jun 1763 at age 71. Children of Mary4 Griswold and Jeremiah Birge were as follows: i. JEREMIAH5 was born on 23 Dec 1719. ii. MARY was born on 23 Aug 1721. iii. JOHN was born on 25 Apr 1723. iv. DAVID was born on 16 May 1725. v. ANN was born on 28 Oct 1726. vi. PELETIAH was born on 8 Sep 1730. He married Mary Grant, daughter of John Grant and Mary Chapman. He died on 29 Nov

1815 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 85. vii. HANNAH was born on 18 Mar 1731. She married Joshua Phelps, son of Lt. Samuel Phelps and Abigail Eno, in 1752. viii. MINDWELL was born on 24 Mar 1733. ix. LUCY was born on 23 Sep 1736. 101. EDWARD4 GRISWOLD (Daniel3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 8 Mar 1695/96 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Griswold, daughter of Francis Griswold and Abigail Colton, on 23 Jun 1728 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 18 May 1775 at age 79. Stiles shows Abigail to be a Gaylord. Stiles only lists children Edward, Abigail, and Keziah. Children of Edward4 Griswold and Abigail Griswold all born at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: 296. i. EDWARD5 was born on 13 Jul 1729. He married Abigail Phelps, daughter of Lt. David Phelps and Abigail Pettibone, on 13 Apr

1755 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 297. ii. ABIGAIL was born on 5 May 1732. She married Capt. David Phelps, son of Lt. David Phelps and Abigail Pettibone, on 7 Apr 1753

at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iii. KEZIAH was born on 5 Jul 1737. She married Dudley Humphrey, son of Deacon Michael Humphrey and Mercy Humphrey, on 14

Oct 1761 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT. She died in 1833 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT. 102. DEBORAH4 GRISWOLD (Daniel3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 7 Nov 1698 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married (--?--) Bissell. She married Edward Phelps, son of Joseph Phelps and Sarah Hosford, on 18 Jun 1723 at Litchfield, Litchfield Co., CT. She died on 18 Jan 1771 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 72. There were no children of Deborah4 Griswold and (--?--) Bissell. Children of Deborah4 Griswold and Edward Phelps all born at Litchfield, CT, were as follows: i. DEBORAH5 was born on 15 Sep 1725. She married Alexander McNeil.

Stiles shows husband Alexander Marsh, Bowman shows Alexander McNeil. ii. EDWARD was born on 25 Dec 1727. He married Hannah Marsh on 21 Dec 1752. iii. MINDWELL was born on 17 Feb 1732. She married George Catlin.

Bowman shows marriage date of 1721, before birth. iv. ROSWELL was born on 8 Dec 1738. He died on 18 Nov 1739. v. LUCY was born on 21 Mar 1741. She married Ebenezer Marsh Jr. in 1763. 103. DAVID4 GRISWOLD (Daniel3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 6 Aug 1701 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Huldah Brown on 23 Dec 1731 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 1 Aug 1760 at age 58.

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Children of David4 Griswold and Huldah Brown were as follows: i. DAVID5 was born on 25 May 1733. He died on 14 Mar 1736/37 at age 3. ii. JOEL was born in 1734 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Evans on 11 May 1758 at Old Wintonbury, CT. He died

on 10 Apr 1811. He was buried at Old Wintonbury Cemetery, Bloomfield, Hartford Co., CT. Joel is not listed in Stiles, is in Bowman, she quotes Simsbury Soldiers.

298. iii. EZEKIEL was born on 21 Feb 1736/37 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Anna Munson. He married Anna Carey. iv. HULDAH was born on 23 Apr 1739 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Theophilus Moore on 10 Jul 1777 at Windsor,

Hartford Co., CT. She died on 21 May 1790 at age 51. v. SYBIL was born on 17 Apr 1742 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Enoch Drake, son of Enoch Drake and Mary Barber,

on 25 Aug 1763 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Elisha Rose on 17 Apr 1777. She died in 1829. vi. DEBORAH was born on 15 Mar 1745 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married William Watson on 30 Oct 1768 at Old

Wintonbury, CT. 299. vii. DAVID was born on 15 Feb 1748 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lois Higley, daughter of Dudley Higley and Eunice

Stratton, on 16 Jul 1772 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. viii. ASINAH was born on 6 Sep 1751. She died on 15 Sep 1751. ix. ASENA. Bowman and French list Asena, Stiles does not. 104. CAPT. THOMAS4 GRISWOLD (Thomas3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 10 Dec 1682 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Sackett, daughter of John Sackett and Deborah Filley, on 5 Sep 1725 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died Marh 7, 1753. Children of Capt. Thomas4 Griswold and Abigail Sackett both born at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: 300. i. PHINEAS5 was born on 15 Nov 1725. He married Hepzibah Griswold, daughter of Benjamin Griswold and Esther Gaylord, on 4

Feb 1749. ii. THOMAS was born on 5 Jan 1728/29. He married Rhoda Tudor, daughter of Rev. Samuel Tudor and Mary Smith. He died on 27

Oct 1805 at age 76. No issue.

105. SAMUEL4 GRISWOLD (Thomas3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 15 Dec 1684 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Deborah Holcombe, daughter of Sgt. Benajah Holcombe and Sarah Eno, on 5 Mar 1713/14 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.224 He married Elizabeth Gaylord, daughter of Nathaniel Gaylord and Abigail Bissell, in 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 16 May 1777 at age 92. His death was caused by a fall; he was dragging in a back-log for the fire by an axe which was stuck into one end of it; the axe suddenly loosening, he fell backward, the shock causing his death. In person he was but a little above middle height; eyes, hair, and general complexion light; an enterprising and influential man in all public affairs; rep. the town in General Assemb, 1732, and accumulated a large estate. His residence was on a farm of nearly 500 acres, beautifully located in the bend of the Farmington River, in Simsbury, where it breaks through the Talcott mountains. His dwelling was on a lovely swell of ground, commanding a romantic view of valley and mountain scenery, and of the river for a considerable distance above and below its plunge into the wild gorge of the mountains, whence it rushes to meadows of the Connecticut River. His estate was divided between his two youngest children. Children of Samuel4 Griswold and Deborah Holcombe both born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. SUSANNAH5 was born on 15 Jan 1713/14. (see previous). ii. SAMUEL was born on 12 Dec 1715. (see # 195.). Children of Samuel4 Griswold and Elizabeth Gaylord all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: 301. i. ELIZABETH5 was born on 31 Aug 1718. She married Haynes Woodbridge, son of Rev. Timothy Woodbridge and Dorothy Lamb, on

29 Dec 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. ii. ESTHER was born on 15 Sep 1720. She died on 24 Aug 1739 at age 18. 302. iii. LYDIA was born on 17 Dec 1722. She married Dr. Hezekiah Phelps, son of Lt. Samuel Phelps and Abigail Eno, on 21 Feb

1749/50 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Dr. Hezekiah Chaffee, son of Hezekiah Chaffee and Mary Toogood. iv. EZRA was born on 1 Dec 1725. He died on 2 May 1726. v. DEBORAH was born on 24 Jul 1727. She married John Robinson on 22 May 1780 at East Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She died on

14 Jun 1809 at age 81. She was buried at Mitchelson Cemetery, North Bloomfield, CT. Very little information is available concerning John. It has been ascertained that he squandered all her property and deserted her. she obtained a divorce.

303. vi. ELISHA was born on 25 Oct 1731. He married Eunice Viets, daughter of Capt. John Viets and Lois Phelps, on 11 Nov 1761 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

106. ABIGAIL4 GRISWOLD (Edward3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 3 Aug 1685 at Westfield, Hampden Co., MA. She married Sgt. Joseph Barnard, son of Joseph Barnard and Sarah Strong, on 4 Oct 1705 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died in 1747. Children of Abigail4 Griswold and Sgt. Joseph Barnard were as follows: i. ABIGAIL5 was born on 24 Jul 1706. ii. SARAH was born on 23 Sep 1707. 304. iii. JOSEPH was born on 16 Mar 1708/9. iv. EBENEZER was born on 6 Sep 1710. He died young. v. ANNE was born on 28 Feb 1712/13.225 vi. DAVID was born on 3 Nov 1714. He died on 27 May 1718 at age 3. 305. vii. EDWARD married Mabel Pinney.

224Bates, Simsbury, Page 36. 225Esther Griswold Grench and Robert Lewis French, The Griswold Family: The First Five Generatins in America (The Griswold Family Association, 1990), Page 60.

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306. viii. FRANCIS was born on 9 Sep 1719. He married Lucretia Pinney in 1739. ix. REBECCA. 107. MARY4 COOLEY (Mary3 Griswold, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 1 Oct 1685 at Springfield, Hampden Co., MA. She married Capt. Joseph Loomis, son of Deacon Joseph Loomis and Hannah Marsh, on 3 Jun 1710. Children of Mary4 Cooley and Capt. Joseph Loomis were as follows: i. MABEL5 was born either 6 Mar 1711 or 1712. She married Lt. John Hurlburt, son of Thomas Hurlburt and Rebecca Meekins, on 1

Oct 1741. 307. ii. KEZIA was born on 12 Dec 1715. She married Zebulon King on 8 Dec 1743. 308. iii. MARY was born on 12 Jan 1720/21 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Elijah Fitch, son of Ebenezer Fitch and Bridget

Brown, on 28 Oct 1742 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 108. JOSEPH4 COOLEY II (Mary3 Griswold, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 31 Jan 1686/87 at Springfield, Hampden Co., MA. He married Mary Dorchester, daughter of James Dorchester and Sarah Parsons, on 28 May 1713 at Springfield, Hampden Co., MA. He died on 19 Oct 1741 at Somers, CT, at age 54. Children of Joseph4 Cooley II and Mary Dorchester were as follows: i. GEORGE5 was born on 11 Aug 1714 at Springfield (Longmeadow), MA. He died on 14 Sep 1714. ii. MARY was born on 9 Nov 1715 at Springfield (Longmeadow), MA. She married Lt. (--?--) Munson on 29 Oct 1740. 309. iii. GEORGE was born on 17 Oct 1717 at Springfield (Longmeadow), MA. He married Susannah Pease, daughter of Ebenezer Pease

and Mindwell (--?--), on 31 Mar 1740 at "Missing Place" no. 6410. 310. iv. ASHEL was born on 24 Oct 1719 at Springfield (Longmeadow), MA. He married Mary (--?--). v. JOSEPH was born on 2 Dec 1721 at Springfield (Longmeadow), MA. He died before 28 Oct 1746.

Joseph III is said to have died at Cape Breton. 311. vi. SARAH was born on 1 Jan 1723/24 at Springfield (Longmeadow), MA. She married Abner Bliss, son of Nathaniel Bliss and Mary

Morgan, on 28 Jun 1749. vii. JOB was born on 2 Jun 1726 at Springfield (Longmeadow), MA. He died on 22 Nov 1728 at age 2. 312. viii. JAMES was born on 14 Jun 1728 at Springfield (Longmeadow), MA. He married Ruth Parsons on 9 Jan 1756 at "Missing Place"

no. 6410. 313. ix. ABIGAIL was born on 29 Nov 1730 at Springfield (Longmeadow), MA. She married Ebenezer Bliss II, son of Ebenezer Bliss and

Joanna Lamb, on 27 Aug 1760. x. DEBORAH was born on 29 Nov 1730 at Springfield (Longmeadow), MA. She married Deacon (--?--) Olcott. She died on 19 Dec

1806 at age 76. xi. EUNICE was born on 28 Apr 1736 at "Missing Place" no. 6410. She married John Billings on 13 Apr 1764. 109. DEBORAH4 COOLEY (Mary3 Griswold, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 22 Feb 1689/90 at Springfield, Hampden Co., MA. She married Capt. Joshua Loomis, son of Thomas Loomis and Hannah Porter, on 26 Oct 1715 at Longmeadow, Hampden Co., MA. She died on 26 Jan 1733 at age 42. Children of Deborah4 Cooley and Capt. Joshua Loomis were as follows: i. JOSHUA5 was born on 16 Nov 1716. He married Deborah Elmer in 1737. ii. DEBORAH was born on 6 Sep 1718.

Checking on Deborah; under Joshua Loomis, Stiles shows Deborah marrying Nathaniel (s. Nathaniel) Loomis; under Nathaniel Loomis, Stiles shows him marrying Margaret Bissell. Bowman shows only the one marriage between Deborah and Nathaniel.

iii. ZERULAH was born either 20 Mar 1719 or 1720. He died either 31 Jan 1726 or 1727. iv. JOEL was born on 21 Jun 1722. He married Naomi Elmer. He married Sarah Buckland. He died on 19 Jun 1788 at age 65. v. GEORGE was born either 6 Feb 1725 or 1726. vi. ZERULAH was born either 31 Jan 1727 or 1728. He died on 1 Feb 1728. vii. CHILD died on 5 Jun 1729. 110. ABIGAIL4 COOLEY (Mary3 Griswold, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 22 Feb 1689/90 at Springfield, Hampden Co., MA. She married Daniel Parsons, son of Joseph Parsons Jr. and Elizabeth Strong, on 2 Jun 1709. She died on 8 Jun 1763 at age 73. Children of Abigail4 Cooley and Daniel Parsons were as follows: i. DANIEL5 was born in 1710. He died in 1760. 314. ii. AARON was born on 2 Jun 1712 at near Five Mile Pond, Springfield, MA. He married Mercy Atkinson, daughter of John Atkinson

and Dorcas Burt, on 2 Oct 1732. iii. NOAH was born in 1714. He died young. iv. ABIGAIL was born in 1718. She married Benjamin Horton Jr. v. MARIAM was born in 1721. She married Capt. James Warriner. vi. GIDEON was born in 1723. vii. ABNER was born in 1725. He married Mary Abbott. viii. EUNICE was born in 1728. She married Abel Hanco*ck. 111. HEZEKIAH4 GRISWOLD (John3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 6 Sep 1715 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Barnard on 14 Dec 1738 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Rachel Pinney on 8 Nov 1781 at Windsor Second Congregational Church, Poquonock, Hartford Co., CT. He died before 3 Dec 1802. Hezekiah was a lieutenant of the 5th company in 1769; captain of the 3rd company, Oct. 1772. Originally Hezekiah and Sarah were thought to have a daughter, Abigail who married Roger Mills. However, Coralee Griswold with the Griswold Family Association notes that new research has corrected this. Abigail is the daughter of Noah and Abigail (Griswold) Griswold.

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Children of Hezekiah4 Griswold and Sarah Barnard all born at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. SARAH5 was born on 5 Jun 1740. She died on 14 Jul 1740 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. ii. HEZEKIAH was born on 28 Feb 1741/42. He died on 28 Feb 1741/42 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. iii. MERCY was born on 29 Jun 1744. She married Abner Weller on 1 Apr 1784 at First Congregational Church, Windsor, Hartford

Co., CT.226 iv. PRUDENCE was born on 6 Jun 1748. v. FREDERICK was born on 6 Jun 1748. He died on 1 Apr 1751 at age 2. There were no children of Hezekiah4 Griswold and Rachel Pinney. 112. ISAAC4 GRISWOLD (John3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 24 Sep 1718 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mindwell Phelps, daughter of Lt. Daniel Phelps and Mindwell Buckland, on 19 May 1748 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 21 Oct 1755 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 37. He was buried at Elm Grove Cemetery, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Isaac4 Griswold and Mindwell Phelps were as follows: i. URSULA5 married (--?--) Blanchard. 315. ii. ISAAC was born on 8 Aug 1749 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Christina Holcombe, daughter of Lt. Martin Holcombe

and Christian Winchell. iii. PRUDENCE was born on 26 Nov 1751 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 27 Nov 1752 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at

age 1. 316. iv. ABIEL was born on 14 Jun 1755 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Huldah Pinney, daughter of Capt. Abraham Pinney and

Sarah Clark, on 25 Oct 1775 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Rebecca Goodwin, daughter of Samuel Goodwin and Rebecca Loomis, on 13 May 1802 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.

113. ABIGAIL4 GRISWOLD (John3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 21 May 1727 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Capt. Noah Griswold, son of Matthew Griswold and Mary Phelps, before 25 Oct 1745. She died after 1750. Children of Abigail4 Griswold and Capt. Noah Griswold were as follows: i. ABIGAIL5 was born on 18 Apr 1746 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Roger Mills on 17 Apr 1771 at Wintonbury (now

Bloomfield), Hartford Co., CT.227 She died on 4 Mar 1800 at Bowman's Creek, Canajoharie, Montgomery Co., NY, at age 53.228 Originally this Abigail was thought to be the daughter of Hezekiah Griswold. However, Coralee Griswold with the Griswold Family Association notes that new research has corrected this. Abigail is the daughter of Noah and Abigail (Griswold) Griswold. She references a NEHGR article by Helen S. Ullmannm, Oct 1995, vol 596; p. 390-394. Helen, of course, also wrote the Mills Genealogy.

317. ii. NOAH was born possibly 10 Aug 1746. He married Azubah Strong, daughter of John Warham Strong and Azuba Griswold, probably 1764.

iii. ELIJAH was born circa 1750 (calc.).229 He married Eleanor Phelps on 10 Jul 1777 at Poquonock Congregational Church, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.230 He died on 12 Apr 1826.231 He was buried at Elm Grove Cemetery, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.232

114. ELIZABETH4 GRISWOLD (Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 5 Feb 1694 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Isaac Gillett, son of Nathan Gillett and Rebecca Owen, on 29 Oct 1710 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died after 24 Dec 1762. Children of Elizabeth4 Griswold and Isaac Gillett all born at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. ISAAC5 was born on 18 May 1720. 318. ii. ZACCHEUS was born on 18 Dec 1724. He married Ruth Phelps, daughter of Timothy Phelps and Rachel Moore, on 15 Dec 1743.

He married Widow Sarah Dean. 319. iii. JACOB was born on 27 Jan 1726. He married Lydia Phelps, daughter of Joseph Phelps and Rebecca North, on 15 Dec 1744. 320. iv. ELIZABETH was born on 2 Feb 1727/28. She married Ezekiel Phelps, son of Joseph Phelps and Rebecca North, on 3 May 1744. v. AVA was born on 28 Dec 1731. She died on 28 Dec 1736 at age 5. vi. AVA was born on 10 Dec 1739. She died young. 115. BENJAMIN4 GRISWOLD (Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 14 Apr 1701 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Esther Gaylord, daughter of Nathaniel Gaylord and Abigail Bissell, on 6 Jul 1726 at Hadley, CT. He died on 26 Jul 1772 at age 71.

226Helen Ullmann, "A Comedy of Errors: Griswold Confusion in Windsor, Connecticut," The New England Historical and Genealogical Register 149, Whole Number 596 (October 1995): Pages 390-398. Hereinafter cited as "Noah Griswold". 227Ibid. 228Ibid. 229Ibid. 230Ibid. 231Ibid. 232Ibid.

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He was a man for whom nature had done great things; he had a very considerable depth of thought, a regular mind and steady judgment, and a mind well poised. By great industy, prudence, and frugality he had attained a very ample fortune. In religious views a sound Calvinist, he was in all the relations of life a true man and a good neighbor. He served as ensign in the 5th company in 1738 and later became a captain. Children of Benjamin4 Griswold and Esther Gaylord all born at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. BENJAMIN5 was born on 15 Dec 1727. He died on 1 Sep 1751 at age 23.

He was graduated at Yale. 321. ii. HEPZIBAH was born on 31 May 1730. She married Phineas Griswold, son of Capt. Thomas Griswold and Abigail Sackett, on 4

Feb 1749. She married John Perkins in 1764. iii. SILVANUS was born on 5 Aug 1733. He married Mary Collins on 1 Apr 1762 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah (--

?--). He married unknown (--?--). He died on 16 Jul 1811 at age 77. 116. ZERVIAH4 GRISWOLD (Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 26 Dec 1703 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Alvin Talcott. She married George Griswold, son of Joseph Griswold and Deborah (--?--), on 6 Mar 1734/35 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. There were no children of Zerviah4 Griswold and Alvin Talcott. Children of Zerviah4 Griswold and George Griswold all born at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: 322. i. ZERVIAH5 was born on 22 Dec 1735. She married Isaac Owen, son of Ensign Isaac Owen and Mary Ellsworth, at Suffield,

Hartford Co., CT. 323. ii. GEORGE was born on 28 Sep 1737. He married Mary Hayden, daughter of Ebenezer Hayden and Mary Trumbull, on 16 Aug 1759

at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Azubah Strong, daughter of John Warham Strong and Azuba Griswold. 324. iii. LYDIA was born in 1741/42. She married Maj. Gen. Noah Phelps, son of Lt. David Phelps and Abigail Pettibone, on 10 Jun 1761

at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 117. ZACCHEUS4 GRISWOLD (Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 10 Dec 1705 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Griswold, daughter of Francis Griswold and Abigail Colton, on 15 Nov 1728 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 7 Apr 1802 at Goshen, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 96. Children of Zaccheus4 Griswold and Mary Griswold were as follows: i. ZACCHEUS5 was born on 15 Nov 1730 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 12 May 1819 at Braceville, OH, at age 88. ii. GILES was born in 1731/32 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 7 Mar 1817. iii. HANNAH was born circa 1739. She died on 15 Feb 1826. 118. ANNE4 GRISWOLD (Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 28 May 1708 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Capt. Josiah Phelps, son of Josiah Phelps and Sarah Winchell, on 14 Sep 1733 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 4 Jul 1799 at age 91. The Humphrey Genealogy says that Anne, the daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Cook, married Dositheus Humphrey on 23 May 1734. He died before 2 Aug 1763. Children of Anne4 Griswold and Capt. Josiah Phelps both born at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: 325. i. JOSIAH5 was born on 15 Nov 1735. He married Anna Denslow circa 1754. 326. ii. BILDAD was born on 22 Aug 1739. He married Eunice Phelps, daughter of Lt. Daniel Phelps and Mindwell Buckland, on 5 Jan

1763. 119. AZUBA4 GRISWOLD (Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 2 Aug 1710 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married John Warham Strong, son of Sgt. John Strong and Hannah Trumbull, on 27 Mar 1735 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Azuba4 Griswold and John Warham Strong were as follows: i. ELIJAH5 was born on 22 Dec 1735. He died on 22 Nov 1737 at age 1. ii. ELIJAH was born on 20 Feb 1738/39.

Elijah died at age 19 while serving in the Franch and Indian War.

iii. ABIGAIL was born on 11 Nov 1741. 327. iv. AZUBAH was born on 17 May 1744 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Noah Griswold, son of Capt. Noah Griswold and

Abigail Griswold, probably 1764. She married George Griswold, son of George Griswold and Zerviah Griswold. v. ELISHA was born on 1 Dec 1747. 120. CAPT. MOSES4 GRISWOLD (Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 10 Jul 1714 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Nichols, daughter of Cyprian Nichols and Mary Spencer, on 26 Jun 1740 at Hartford, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 4 Jan 1776 at age 61. He was buried at Old Poquonock Cemetery, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Moses served as 1st Lieutenant, 1st company, 3rd regt., 1755; ensign, 5th company, 1758; captain, 1756. Children of Capt. Moses4 Griswold and Mary Nichols all born at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: 328. i. MOSES5 was born on 23 Dec 1741. He married Anna Holcombe, daughter of Moses Holcombe and Elizabeth Phelps, on 14 Jan

1765. 329. ii. MARY was born on 28 Nov 1742. She married Augustine Drake, son of Job Drake and Martha Moore, on 13 Dec 1761. 330. iii. HANNAH was born in Apr 1750. She married Abijah Enno, son of Benjamin Enno and Jerusha Griswold, in 1770. 331. iv. LUCY was born on 12 Apr 1753. She married Joseph Alvord, son of Jonathan Alvord and Charity Thrall, in 1772. v. ELIZABETH was baptized on 26 Feb 1759.

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121. ABIGAIL4 BISSELL (John3, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 3 Aug 1681 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Baker on 26 Dec 1706 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 7 Feb 1761 at North Mansfield, CT, at age 79. Children of Abigail4 Bissell and Joseph Baker were as follows: i. TITUS5. ii. HEMAN. iii. DANIEL. iv. EBENEZER. v. ABIGAIL. vi. JACOB. vii. HANNAH. viii. JOHN. 122. CAPT. JOHN4 BISSELL (John3, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1682 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Denslow on 22 Feb 1710 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Dorothy Otis. He died on 8 Mar 1771 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT. Children of Capt. John4 Bissell and Hannah Denslow were as follows: i. OZIAS5. ii. ELISAH. iii. JOHN. iv. SARAH. There were no children of Capt. John4 Bissell and Dorothy Otis. 123. JAMES4 ENO III (Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 23 Sep 1679 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Grant, daughter of Tahan Grant and Hannah Palmer, on 15 Apr 1703 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Phelps, daughter of Lt. Timothy Phelps and Mary Griswold, on 15 Jul 1708 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1764. Children of James4 Eno III and Mary Grant were: 332. i. JAMES5 was born on 30 Dec 1703. Children of James4 Eno III and Hannah Phelps were as follows: i. JOSEPH5. ii. BENJAMIN. iii. SARAH. iv. BENJAMIN. v. JAMES. 333. vi. HANNAH was born on 1 Sep 1710. She married Job Loomis, son of Ensign Job Loomis and Abigail Filley, in 1736. 124. ANN4 ENO (Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 10 Apr 1682 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Case, son of John Case and Sarah Spencer, on 6 Apr 1699 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 10 Jun 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 78. Bissell only lists one child, Benajah. Others are listed by Ruth Cost Duncan. Children of Ann4 Eno and Joseph Case all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: 334. i. JOSEPH5 was born on 2 Feb 1699/0. He married Hannah Humphrey, daughter of Deacon John Humphrey and Sarah Pettibone,

on 7 Dec 1721 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 335. ii. JACOB was born on 19 Mar 1701/2. He married Abigail Barber, daughter of Thomas Barber and Abigail Buell, on 31 Oct 1728 at

Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iii. AARON was born in 1705. He died on 19 Aug 1705 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iv. BENAJAH was born on 16 Aug 1706. He died before 1710 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. v. BENAJAH was born either 5 Feb 1709 or 1710. He died after 1756. 336. vi. JOSIAH was born either 1 Feb 1715 or 1716. He married Mary Hoskins on 22 Jul 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. vii. HEZEKIAH was born on 26 Apr 1719. He died before 1748. 337. viii. DAVID was born circa 1722. He married Sarah Kilborn on 15 Dec 1742. 338. ix. JOEL was born on 30 May 1724. He married Thankful Hoskins, daughter of Robert Hoskins and Elizabeth Buckland, on 28 Oct

1747 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 125. LT. WILLIAM4 ENO (Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 5 Jan 1684 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary North in 1709. He died in 1763 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Lt. William4 Eno and Mary North were as follows: i. ANNA5. ii. DEBORAH. iii. ABIGAIL. iv. HANNAH. v. MARY. vi. SAMUEL. vii. WILLIAM. 339. viii. SUSANNA was born in 1725. She married Matthew Adams, son of Joseph Adams and Mary Case. 126. ABIGAIL4 ENO (Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 1 Mar 1686 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Lt. Samuel Phelps, son of Lt. Timothy Phelps and Mary Griswold, on 3 Jun 1706 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 25 Dec 1749 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 63.

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Children of Abigail4 Eno and Lt. Samuel Phelps were as follows: i. JAMES5. ii. MARY. iii. MATTHEW. iv. JAMES. 340. v. TABITHA married Ebenezer Moore, son of William Moore and Elizabeth Case. vi. ABIGAIL was born on 8 Mar 1707 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 341. vii. SAMUEL was born on 5 Apr 1708 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Ruth Phelps, daughter of William Phelps and Ruth

Barber, in 1731. He married Damaris Gilman on 21 Oct 1751. 342. viii. HEZEKIAH was born in 1725. He married Lydia Griswold, daughter of Samuel Griswold and Elizabeth Gaylord, on 21 Feb 1749/50

at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. ix. JOSHUA was born in 1729. He married Hannah Birge, daughter of Jeremiah Birge and Mary Griswold, in 1752. 127. MARY ANN4 ENO (Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 5 May 1691. She married Captain Samuel Humphrey, son of Sergeant John Humphrey and Hannah Griffin. She married Ensign Joseph Cornish, son of Deacon James Cornish and Elizabeth Thrall, on 5 May 1726. She died in 1731. Bowman and Humphreys show that Mary Ann (1691-1731) married twice, to Samuel Humphrey, and to Joseph Cornish. McPherson shows Mary died Sept 15, 1697, as does Stiles. Administration of the estate was granted to his widow, and subsequently to Joseph Cornish. Children of Mary Ann4 Eno and Captain Samuel Humphrey were as follows: i. SAMUEL5 was born on 23 Jan 1707/8.233 He died on 7 Apr 1718 at age 10.234 343. ii. MARY ENO was born on 3 May 1716. She married Captain James Hillyer, son of James Hillyer II and Joanna Hayes, on 28 Oct

1735 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 344. iii. HEZEKIAH was born on 3 Jan 1718/19 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Amy Cornish, daughter of Capt. James Cornish

and Amy Butler, on 31 May 1744. 345. iv. HEPZIBAH was born on 5 Feb 1720/21. She married Isaac Pettibone, son of Samuel Pettibone and Judith Shepard, on 11 Feb

1738. v. LUCY was born on 2 Apr 1723.235 She married Joseph Smith before 5 Mar 1739/40. 346. vi. BATHSHEBA was born on 2 Jun 1725 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Isaac Case, son of Bartholomew Case and Mary

Humphrey, on 19 Mar 1740/41 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. There were no children of Mary Ann4 Eno and Ensign Joseph Cornish. 128. CAPT. SAMUEL4 ENO (Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 7 Jul 1696 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Eunice Marshall, daughter of Thomas Marshall and Mary Drake, on 24 Dec 1735 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 17 Aug 1778 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 82. Children of Capt. Samuel4 Eno and Eunice Marshall were as follows: i. EUNICE5 was born in 1737. She died in 1737. ii. SAMUEL was born in 1738. iii. ELIPHALET was born in 1740. iv. DANIEL was born in 1742. v. ASHBEL was born in 1744. 347. vi. EUNICE was born on 5 Oct 1746 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married John Holcombe, son of John Holcombe and Mary

Kent, on 31 Mar 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. vii. MOSES was born in 1752. 129. SUSANNAH4 ENO (Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 16 May 1699 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Phelps, son of Joseph Phelps and Sarah Hosford, on 8 Mar 1715. She died on 11 Dec 1773 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT, at age 74. Susannah and Joseph were probably the owners of teh Phelps house at 11 E. Weatogue St., the oldest house in Simsbury, known as the Richard B. Eno House. Children of Susannah4 Eno and Joseph Phelps were as follows: i. JOSEPH5 was born in 1716. ii. SARAH was born in 1720. iii. LYDIA was born on 25 Nov 1723 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT. She married John Peters on 22 Feb 1739. iv. SUSANNAH was born in 1731. 348. v. FREDERICK was born circa 1733. 130. JOHN4 PETTIBONE (Mary3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 8 Oct 1695 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Damaris Humphrey, daughter of Thomas Humphrey and Hannah Hillyer, on 24 Dec 1723 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 22 Jun 1767 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 71. Children of John4 Pettibone and Damaris Humphrey were:

233Frederick Humphreys, The Humphreys Family in America (New York: Humphreys Print., 1884), Vol. I, Page 122. Hereinafter cited as Humphreys. 234Ibid. 235Ibid.

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349. i. CHARITY5 was born on 30 Jun 1744 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Sylvanus Humphrey, son of Charles Humphrey and Hepzibah Pettibone, on 22 Sep 1763. She married Amasa Case, son of Capt. James Case and Esther Fithian, on 14 Jun 1799 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

131. SAMUEL4 PETTIBONE (Mary3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 26 Jul 1698 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Porter, daughter of John Porter IV and Mary Drake, in 1720. He died in 1787 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Samuel4 Pettibone and Mary Porter were: 350. i. SAMUEL5 married Rhoda Bridgman. 132. SARAH4 PETTIBONE (Mary3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1704. She married Amos Phelps, son of Joseph Phelps and Mary Case, on 1 Jul 1723. She died in 1781. Children of Sarah4 Pettibone and Amos Phelps both born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: 351. i. DOROTHY5 was born on 8 Aug 1734. She married Asahel Case, son of Joseph Case and Hannah Humphrey, on 22 Feb 1750 at

Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 352. ii. TIMOTHY was born on 11 Apr 1738. He married Rachel Foote on 5 Jan 1760. He married Sarah Case, daughter of Joseph Case

and Hannah Humphrey. 133. ABIGAIL4 PETTIBONE (Mary3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1706 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Lt. David Phelps, son of Joseph Phelps and Mary Case, on 25 Apr 1731. She married Deacon David Strong, son of Sgt. John Strong and Mary Pinney, after 9 Dec 1760. She died in 1807 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Abigail4 Pettibone and Lt. David Phelps were as follows: i. DAVID5 was born in 1732. He died in 1732. 353. ii. DAVID was born on 26 Mar 1733/34 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Griswold, daughter of Edward Griswold

and Abigail Griswold, on 7 Apr 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 354. iii. ABIGAIL was born on 5 Nov 1735 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Capt. Edward Griswold, son of Edward Griswold

and Abigail Griswold, on 13 Apr 1755 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Amasa Case, son of Capt. James Case and Esther Fithian.

iv. ELISHA was born in 1737. He died in 1776. 355. v. NOAH was born on 22 Jan 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lydia Griswold, daughter of George Griswold and

Zerviah Griswold, on 10 Jun 1761 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 356. vi. RACHEL was born on 10 Dec 1741 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Hon. Daniel Humphrey, son of Deacon Michael

Humphrey and Mercy Humphrey, on 10 Apr 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. vii. RUTH was born on 15 Sep 1743. She married Jonas Case Jr., son of Jonas Case and Martha Phelps, on 23 Jun 1763 at Goshen,

Litchfield Co., CT. 357. viii. SARAH was born in 1745. She married William Case, son of Capt. Jonathan Case and Mary Beaman, on 28 Aug 1765 at

Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 358. ix. SARAH was born on 15 Oct 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Elijah Hayden, son of David Hayden and Dorothy

Allyn, on 12 Mar 1765. x. SUSANNAH was born in 1748. She died in 1819. xi. LOIS was born in 1750. There were no children of Abigail4 Pettibone and Deacon David Strong. 134. ELIZABETH4 SACKETT (Elizabeth3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 20 Feb 1702. She married Luke Noble Jr., son of Sgt. Luke Noble and Hannah Stebbins, on 16 Jan 1724.236 She died on 22 Nov 1755 at age 53.237 Children of Elizabeth4 Sackett and Luke Noble Jr. were as follows: 359. i. HANNAH5 was born on 12 Nov 1724. She married James Root on 26 Mar 1751. 360. ii. SIMEON was born on 3 Mar 1729. He married Esther (--?--). iii. SETH was born on 21 Oct 1731.238 He died on 25 Jan 1738 at age 6.239

iv. SACKET was born on 31 Jul 1734.240 He died on 27 Aug 1735 at age 1.241

v. DAUGHTER was born on 18 May 1736.242 She died on 26 May 1736.243

vi. SON was born on 26 Feb 1737.244 He died on 8 Mar 1737.245

236Lucius M. Boltwood, History and Genealogy of the Family of Thomas Noble of Westfield, Massachusetts (Hartford, CT: Private, 1878), Page 570. Hereinafter cited as Thomas Noble. 237Ibid., Page 571. 238Ibid. 239Ibid. 240Ibid. 241Ibid. 242Ibid. 243Ibid.

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vii. SUBMIT was born on 31 Jan 1738.246 She died on 15 Feb 1738.247

viii. SON was born on 25 Jan 1739.248 He died on 26 Jan 1739.249

ix. ELIZABETH was born on 9 Feb 1742.250 361. x. NAOMI was born on 19 May 1745 at Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., MA. She married Samuel Judd in 1774. 135. HANNAH4 PHELPS (Hannah3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 12 Jan 1701/2 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Jacob Sherwin, son of John Sherwin and Mary Chandler, on 30 Mar 1734. Children of Hannah4 Phelps and Jacob Sherwin were: 362. i. JOSHUA5 was born on 9 Oct 1737 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT. He married Esther Badger, daughter of Enoch Badger and Mary

Rood, on 12 Apr 1759 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT. 136. NATHANIEL4 PHELPS JR. (Hannah3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 19 Sep 1703 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT. He married Mary Curtis, daughter of Samuel Curtis and Mary Parker, on 26 May 1726. He married Rachel Sawyer in 1752. He died in Aug 1781 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT, at age 77. "Phelps 1899 includes a second wife, Rachel Sawyer, whom Nathaniel supposedly married at Hebron on 26 March 1752. The town VRs record eight children for a 'Nathaniel, Jr.' and Rachel Sawyer; however, none of these children is mentioned in the will of Nathaniel. Furthermore, in that document he identifies Mary as his wife. He is also called 'Lieut.,' not 'Jr.,' in the death record. It appears, therefore, that the Nathaniel Jr. who married Rachel Sawyer is a different Phelps, whose birth and death records are not found in the Hebron VRs. In fact, another Nathaniel Phelps appears in the land records in 1748, where he is carefully identified as 'Nathaniel Phelps of Lebanon.' It is possible that this is the Phelps who married Rachel Sawyer in 1752. The evidence does not warrant positioning a second wife and a second set of children for Nathaniel Phelps."251 Children of Nathaniel4 Phelps Jr. and Mary Curtis all born at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT, were as follows: i. JOSHUA5 was born on 9 Jan 1729/30.252,253

ii. HANNAH was born on 7 Aug 1734.254,255 363. iii. BENAJAH was born on 30 Mar 1737. He married Phebe Denison on 19 Nov 1766 at Cornwallis, Kings Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. iv. ELIZABETH was born on 18 Oct 1739.256,257

v. SAMUEL was born on 6 Jul 1742.258,259

vi. JOEL was born on 24 Nov 1746.260,261 There were no children of Nathaniel4 Phelps Jr. and Rachel Sawyer. 137. LT. SOLOMON4 PHELPS (Hannah3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 29 Jul 1716 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT. He married Temperance Barber on 10 Jul 1738 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT. He died on 8 Apr 1796 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT, at age 79. Solomon served in the Revolutionary Army in 1776, as 2nd Lieut. under Roger Eno.

244Ibid. 245Ibid. 246Ibid. 247Ibid. 248Ibid. 249Ibid. 250Ibid. 251Peter Haring Judd, The Hatch and Brood of Time: Five Phelps Families in the Atlantic World, 1720-1880 (101 Newbury Street, Boston, MA: Newbury Street Press, 1999). Hereinafter cited as The Hatch and Brood of Time. 252Ibid., Page 310. 253Phelps Phelps Family, Volume I, Page 258, Item 648. 254Ibid., Volume I, Page 258, Item 649. 255Peter Haring Judd, The Hatch and Brood of Time, Page 310. 256Ibid. 257Phelps Phelps Family, Volume I, Page 153. 258Peter Haring Judd, The Hatch and Brood of Time, Page 310. 259Phelps Phelps Family, Volume I, Page 259, Item 652. 260Peter Haring Judd, The Hatch and Brood of Time, Page 310. 261Phelps Phelps Family, Volume I, Page 153.

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Children of Lt. Solomon4 Phelps and Temperance Barber were: 364. i. SOLOMON5 was born on 3 Oct 1743 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT. He married Lucy Lord, daughter of Rev. Epapheas Lord and Lucy

Bulkeley, on 24 Oct 1765 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT. 138. RUTH ELIZABETH4 PORTER (Ruth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in Oct 1692.262 She married René Cossitt circa 1718.263 She died in 1770.264 She was buried at Baptist Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.265 Many romantic stories are told about René's ancestry, capture, and premarital agreements, but nothing has been proven, though there are some hints that some, at least, is true. Soon after their marriage, they moved to Simsbury, where René was granted land in 1723 - probably in the part that would become Granby, because in 1725 he bought land in Salmon Brook (Granby), and there they raised a family of nine. 266 As a former Catholic, he preferred teh Anglican church and joined the newly-formed Anglican church (St. Ann's at Salmon Brook being a short-lived branch of St. Andrew's Episcopal in Simsbury, and served by the same minister). He received another grant of land in April 1734 and expanded into what is now North Granby. There, a library, built with funds donated by his great-great-grandson Frederick H. Cossitt of New York City, still serves the public today.267 Children of Ruth Elizabeth4 Porter and René Cossitt were: i. RENE5 was born on 3 Sep 1722.268 He married Phoebe Hillyer, daughter of James Hillyer II and Joanna Hayes, in 1741.269 He

died on 21 Mar 1810 at age 87.270 139. THOMAS4 HOLCOMBE (Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 13 Dec 1690 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.271 He married Mary Hanning on 1 Oct 1714 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.272 He married Sarah Ridout in 1728. He married Sarah Christian, daughter of Thomas Christian. He died in 1765. Bowman notes that Mary Manning died in 1776 and that Thomas then married Sarah Christian daughter of Thomas Christian. Simsbury records have Sarah died in March 1764 age 71. These death dates or the order of marriage must be in error. Thomas Holcomb III wrote a 1770 will naming many of the following children. Children of Thomas4 Holcombe and Mary Hanning were as follows: i. ELIZABETH5 married Simeon Ward in 1752. 365. ii. THOMAS was born on 2 Nov 1715 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Loomis, daughter of Philip Loomis and

Hannah (--?--), on 15 Oct 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 366. iii. JOSIAH was born circa 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Higley, daughter of Nathaniel Higley and Abigail

Filer, on 8 Nov 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iv. STEPHEN. Seaver shows this child but McCracken does not. v. SARAH was born on 5 Sep 1719.273 She married Ichabod Miller in 1741. She married Simeon Ward in 1752.

SARAH HOLCOMBE, WIFE OF ICHABOD MILLER Daughter of John and Ann (Pettibone) Holcombe McPherson, page 211.2 274 shows her as a daughter of John and Ann (Pettibone) Holcombe and gives a birth date of 2 May 1716; and on page 214.1 lists a marriage to Ichabod Miller on 27 January 1741, and her death in 1800. McPherson provides no additional information.

262Carol Laun, "Ruth Holcombe". 263Carol Laun, "Ruth Holcombe". 264Letter from Kathleen D. Fenton (9459 Sargossa Place, Columbia, MD 21045) to James H. Holcombe, 7 February 2003; unknown repository (unknown repository address). 265Ibid. 266Carol Laun, "Ruth Holcombe". 267Letter, Kathleen D. Fenton to James H. Holcombe, 7 February 2003. 268Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones (Granby, CT: Salmon Brook Historical Society, 2003), Page 18. Hereinafter cited as Beneath These Stones. 269Letter, Kathleen D. Fenton to James H. Holcombe, 7 February 2003. 270Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 18. 271Bates, Simsbury, Page 25. 272Ibid., Page 36. 273Ibid., Page 47.

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Seaver, page 42 275 shows her as a daughter of John and Ann (Pettibone) Holcombe and gives a birth date of 2 May 1716, a marriage to Ichabod Miller on 27 January 1741, and death in 1800. Bowman, page 28, 276 shows her as a daughter of John and Ann (Pettibone) Holcombe and gives a birth date of 1719, a marriage to Ichabod Miller in 1741, and death in 1800. Bowman continues the line on page 74 and shows 9 chldren. McCracken, page 167, 277 shows her as a daughter of John and Ann (Pettibone) Holcombe and gives a birth date of 2 May 1719. He does not list any additional information. Daughter of Thomas and Mary (Hanning) Holcombe McPherson, page 30.2 278 does not list a daughter Sarah. Seaver, on page 11, 279 does not list Sarah as a daughter of Thomas and Mary, but rather lists her as a daughter of Thomas' father Thomas and his second wife Rebecca Pettibone, and gives a birth date of 5 September 1719. Bowman, on page 51, 280 lists Sarah, born 1719, married to Ichabod in 1741, and died in 1800 and references Sarah, the daughter of John and Ann. Bowman does not continue this line. McCracken, on page 73, 281 lists Sarah, born 5 September 1719. He provides no further information on her.

367. vi. MOSES married Elizabeth Phelps, daughter of Joseph Phelps and Rebecca North. He married Sarah Christian. vii. DANIEL. Seaver shows this child but McCracken and Bowman do not. Seaver shows that he married Sarah Holcomb. Some

confusion. viii. ISAAC TERRY was born in 1736. He died on 4 Apr 1762 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.282

Not in Spear. Isaac served in the French-Indian War, Col. Eliphalet Dyer's Regt.

Children of Thomas4 Holcombe and Sarah Christian were as follows: 368. i. SYBIL5 married Isaac Moore, son of William Moore and Elizabeth Case. 369. ii. MARY married William Hayes II. iii. DAMARIUS was born in 1724. She married Daniel Gaines, son of Daniel Gaines and Eunice Gillet, on 25 Aug 1756.283 She died

before 20 Apr 1797. There are duplicate Damaris (Damarius) Holcombe entries. Bowman continues the line here under Thomas Holcombe III. Bowman states that Seaver is in error because the heirs of Damarius were mentioned in their grandfather, Thomas' 1770 will. The children are listed in Weir. An article in NEHGR, Vol 85, Jan 1931, on Henry Gaines, pages 30-56, explains:

274McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 275Jesse Seaver, Holcomb(e) Genealogy. 276Deanna Holcomb Bowman, Thomas Holcomb and Other Early Settlers of Simsbury, Ct.. unknown detail. 277George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe". 278McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 279Jesse Seaver, Holcomb(e) Genealogy. 280Deanna Holcomb Bowman, Thomas Holcomb and Other. 281George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe". 282Bates, Simsbury, Page 186. 283Homer Worthington Brainard, "Henry Gaines of Lynn, Mass., and Some of His Descendants," unknown journal title Vol. 85 (Jan 1931): as compiled by Gary Boyd Roberts in Genealogies of Connecticut Families . Hereinafter cited as "Henry Gaines".

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"The Simsbury Vital Records contain the following: 'William Gaines and Damaris Holcomb, both of Simsbury, married Aug 25, 1756.' Unless there were two women at Simsbury named Damaris Holcomb, both of marriageable age, this record is in error as to the name of the bridegroom. No second Damaris appears in the record. The will of Thomas Holcombe of Simsbury, dated 15 Sep 1770, mentions his wife Christian and his daughters Sarah, Damaris, Mary, and Sibel. From NEHGR: Daniel Gaines resided in that part of Simsbury which became Granby in 1786 and in 1804, by adjustment of the State boundary, a part of Southwick, Mass. His farm lay west of the Congomond Ponds, through which the new boundary ran; and it is probable that he lived on this farm during his life as a farmer. On 12 Apr. 1793 he conveyed to Uriel Case of Simsbury all such title as he had in a Gillett lot, so called, "which fell to me by heirship from my honored grandfather, William Gillett or my mother Eunice, both since deceased," ten acres. On 29 Apr. 1797 Daniel Ganies, Jr., Samuel and Damaris Warner, Euinice, Lydia, Lois, and Lucretia Gaines, all of Granby, conveyed to Capt. Seth Case and others one-half of the lot in Simsbury which their honored grandfather, Thomas Holcomb, late of Simsbury, deceased, gave to their mother, Damaris Gaines, deceased, by his last will, and which decended to them by heirship from their said mother, forty-five acres. On 24 Apr. 1804 Daniel Gaines , Sr., of Southwick, Mass., conveyed to Jonathan Eno of Simsbury "my right in 14 acres of land in Simsbury which fell to me by heirship from my honored uncle John Saxton, late of Simsbury." "On 9 Apr. 1801 Daniel Gaines of Granby, Hartford Co., Conn., made his will, the original of which is on file at Northampton, Mass., and gave his real estate to his son Daniel and £50 to each of his five daughters. In the probate proceedings the testator is called Daniel Gaines of Southwick, formerly of Granby. The inventory of the estate was taken on 1 or 2 Apr. 1811 (or 1812)."

There were no children of Thomas4 Holcombe and Sarah Ridout. 140. DANIEL4 HOLCOMBE (Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 30 Sep 1692 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.284 He married Esther Buell, daughter of Sgt. Peter Buell and Mary Gillett, on 1 Jan 1735/36 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.285 He died in 1760. Seaver shows Gaylor, Edmund, Maria, Emeline, and Oliver as Daniel and Esther's Great Grandchildren. Bowman quotes Weir and shows them all as children here. Children of Daniel4 Holcombe and Esther Buell were as follows: i. GAYLOR5. 370. ii. DANIEL was born in 1736 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Holcombe, daughter of Thomas Holcombe and Sarah

Loomis, in 1756. iii. ESTER was born on 11 May 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.286 She died on 19 Oct 1741 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at

age 1.287

iv. DANIEL was born on 31 Mar 1744 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.288 He died young. Seaver and Bowman disagree on Daniel. Bowman shows two Daniels, one that died young and one that marreid Sarah Holcomb.

141. ISAAC4 HOLCOMBE (Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 7 Apr 1696 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.289 He married Phoebe Cornish. Children of Isaac4 Holcombe and Phoebe Cornish were: 371. i. PHOEBE5 married Capt. Charles Case, son of John Case and Abigail Humphrey. 142. ELIZABETH4 HOLCOMBE (Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 23 Apr 1699 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.290 She was baptized on 30 Apr 1699 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.291 She married Gershom Gross, son of Aaron Gross and Hannah Cole, on 3 Dec 1724 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.292,293 Children and listed in Weathersfield.

284Bates, Simsbury, Page 25. 285Ibid., Page 109. 286Ibid., Page 104. 287Ibid. 288Ibid., Page 86. 289Ibid., Page 26. 290Ibid. 291Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Page 18. 292George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe". 293Jesse Seaver, Holcomb(e) Genealogy.

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Children of Elizabeth4 Holcombe and Gershom Gross were as follows: i. ISAAC5 married Rebecca Dickinson. He died in 1760. ii. ASHEL was born in 1725. He married Hannah (--?--). 143. RETURN4 HOLCOMBE (Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born after 5 Dec 1700 at Hartford, CT. He was baptized on 31 May 1713 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.294 He married Jerusha Adams, daughter of Gillett Adams and Abigail Bacon, on 10 Jan 1733/34 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.295 He died at Spencertown, NY. He was also known as Return Ira Holcombe. Father's name not stated at baptism, but named in father's will. Return and Jerusha lived in Hillsdale, Columbia County, NY. Of this family Seaver listed only Zephaniah and his son; while Weir listed only Return and Zephaniah. Spear listed only Return and Zephaniah. This is the family of Deanna Holcomb Bowman. Children of Return4 Holcombe and Jerusha Adams were as follows: i. ABIGAIL5. Bowman questions this child. ii. REUBEN was born in 1733. He married Nancy Dixon. iii. JERUSHA was born on 3 Apr 1734 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.296 She married Joshua Culver.

Seaver does not mention this child, McCracken lists 2 children of Return and notes there were probably others. Additional information on the descendants of Jerusha is from Bill Savoree, [emailprotected], from http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com.

iv. STEPHEN was born on 23 Sep 1736 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.297 372. v. RETURN was born in 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Niles on 29 Aug 1768. 373. vi. ZEPHANIAH was born in 1750 at Hartford, CT. He married Tryphenia Niles in 1772 at Columbia Co., NY. He married Mehitable

Wetmore, daughter of Reuben Wetmore and Hannah Foster, on 2 Jun 1779. vii. TIMOTHY was born in 1756.

Bowman questions this child. 144. REBECCA4 HOLCOMBE (Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born after 1700. She married Abel Goddard, son of John Goddard and Sarah Hayes. She died in 1803. In wills of both parents. Rebecca was unmarried in 1731 when her mother willed her properto to daughter, Rebecca Holcomb. She had children from SM, from The Goddards of Granby by Winfred R. Goodard Jr. 1985. Children of Rebecca4 Holcombe and Abel Goddard were as follows: i. ZALOTHA5 married Ephraim Gillett, son of Othniel Gillett and Eunice (--?--).

She was also known as TALITHA GODDARD. ii. SARAH married John Griffin, son of Matthew Griffin and Hannah Lamson. She died in 1825. iii. MARTHA. iv. RUTH married Russell Taylor. v. MARTIN married Abigail (--?--). 374. vi. ABEL married Lydia (--?--). 375. vii. RHODA was born in 1757. She married (--?--) Taylor. She married Thomas Buckland Gillett, son of Othniel Gillett and Eunice (--

?--), in 1774. 145. CONSIDER4 HOLCOMBE (Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born circa 1710 at probably Salmon Brook, CT.298,299 He married Ruth Griffin, daughter of John Griffin and Mary Bacon, on 21 Mar 1734 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.300,301 He died on 17 Jan 1765 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.302 He had a second mariage some say to Mary. Simsbury Records record the births of the children. Children of Consider4 Holcombe and Ruth Griffin were as follows: i. JOHN GRIFFIN5 was born on 14 Aug 1738 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.303 He died on 20 Aug 1758 at Lake George, NY, at age


294Bates, Simsbury, Page 24. 295Ibid., Page 126. 296Ibid., Page 119. 297Ibid. 298Mrs. Carol A. Laun, CSG #11841., "Reconsidering the Family of Consider Holcomb, Jr.," The Connecticut Nutmegger Volume 32, Number 1. (June 1999): Pages 9-22. 299McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 33.2, A-4-2-9. 300Bates, Simsbury, Page 126. 301McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 33.2, A-4-2-9. 302Bates, Simsbury, Page 187.

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Seaver states he died at Lake George in the Army; Weir states he was pensioned at age 84. The Simsbury vital records state "departed this life in the Army at Lake George, August 21st 1758." Carol Laun notes he actually died on August 20. Carol clearly explains the errors by Weir-McPherson. An 1835 Revolutionary War Pension list from Ohio has John G. Holcomb listed as age 84 (he was actually 75). Since the pension was issued in 1818, McPherson assumed he was 84 in 1818, and thus blended the uncle and nephew who bore the same name. However, the Pension Record for John G. Holcomb clearly states that he was 58 in 1818, thus born in 1760.

376. ii. CONSIDER was born on 6 May 1741 at Salmon Brook Ecclesiastical Society, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Eunice Gillett, daughter of Othniel Gillett and Eunice (--?--). He married Hannah Loomis, daughter of Joel Loomis and Sarah Gozzard, before 1774. He married Hannah Loomis, daughter of Job Loomis and Hannah Eno, after 1804.

iii. MOSES was born on 23 Mar 1744 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.305 377. iv. JAMES was born on 28 Sep 1746 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. v. ELISHAMA was born on 6 May 1749 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.306

Private, Capt. Malcolm Henery's co., Col. David Brewer's regt.; company return dated Oct. 7, 1775; also, Capt. Henry's co., Col. Rufus Putnam's (late Brewer's) 9th regt.; order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Camp at Roxbury, Dec. 23, 1775.

vi. ELIDA was born at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.307

vii. RUTH was born on 27 Nov 1754 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.308 146. ENOCH4 HOLCOMBE (Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 4 Sep 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.309 He married Ann(a) Fowler, daughter of Jonathan Fowler and Catherine Marshall. He died on 11 Mar 1808 at Westfield, Hampden Co., MA, at age 90. McCracken italicizes the marriage and says: had 10 children in Westfield, MA, facts not verified by me. It appears that the children of Enoch and Enoch Jr. are co-mingled. Bowman notes: Spear mentions research by Caroline Sparks of Delaware which indicates that Weir's list of Enoch's children includes children belonging to Enoch Jr. Weir's list was based on Seaver's list. Children of Enoch4 Holcombe and Ann(a) Fowler were as follows: 378. i. ENOCH5 was born on 15 May 1748 at Westfield, MA. He married Abigail Moseley. ii. TIRZAH was born in 1750 at Westfield, MA. She married Samuel Taylor in 1786. She died on 2 Jan 1851.

Seaver spells this name "Therga". Tirzah is also listed as a daughter of Thomas and Sarah Loomis Holcombe. iii. LYDIA was born in 1752.

Seaver lists a daughter, Lydia here; Bowman lists Lydia also and gives her a birth date of 1752 but claims she is daughter of Enoch II, who was born in 1748. Bowman also lists a daughter of Enoch II, named Lydia.

iv. ELIZABETH was born on 5 Oct 1754 at Westfield, MA. She married John Bancroft. She died in 1818. v. ANNA was born on 2 Aug 1756 at Westfield, MA. She died on 11 Mar 1852 at age 95.

Bowman suggests she might have married Moses Griswold. vi. HANNAH was born on 24 Jan 1760 at Westfield, MA. She died on 25 Nov 1800 at age 40.

Seaver lists Hannah, Bowman lists her but doesn't acknowledge her with a number. vii. NANCY was born in 1762.

Seaver lists Nancy, Bowman doesn't even mention her. viii. SHUBAL was born in 1764 at Westfield, MA. He married Betsy Shepard. He died. ix. ABIGAIL was born in 1769. She married Elizur Mosley. x. ROSWELL. xi. CYNTHIA. 379. xii. HORACE was born in 1772. He married Roxanna Shepard, daughter of Gideon Shepard and Silence Noble, on 24 Jan 1799. xiii. LOUISA.

303Ibid., Page 105. 304Ibid., Page 161. 305Ibid., Page 105. 306Ibid. 307Ibid. 308Ibid. 309Ibid., Page 45.

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147. JOHN4 CASE (Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 22 Aug 1694 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.310,311,312 He married Abigail Humphrey, daughter of Lt. Samuel Humphrey and Mary Mills, on 24 Jan 1716/17 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.313 He died on 2 Dec 1752 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 58. (Charles Case) "After his marriage, John, following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, engaged in farming his land throughout his life. Like them, he performed his civic duties, but he did not seek positions in public life, preferring to devote himself tohis family and his farm." Children of John4 Case and Abigail Humphrey all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: 380. i. JOHN5 was born on 19 Feb 1718. He married Sarah Barber, daughter of Samuel Barber and Sarah Holcombe, on 7 Nov 1745 at

Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 381. ii. NOAH was born on 4 Oct 1720. He married Miriam Holcombe, daughter of Enisgn Joshua Holcombe and Mary Hoskins, on 5 May

1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 382. iii. CHARLES was born on 1 Jul 1723. He married Phoebe Holcombe, daughter of Isaac Holcombe and Phoebe Cornish. iv. ABIGAIL was born on 10 Sep 1725. She married Jonathan Case Jr., son of Capt. Jonathan Case and Mary Beaman, on 25 Sep

1746 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 28 Aug 1779 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 53. Ruth Cost Duncan cites Simsbury Vital Records.

383. v. MARY was born on 29 Dec 1727. She married Samuel Adams, son of Samuel Adams and Elizabeth Reed, on 25 Sep 1746 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

384. vi. LUCY was born on 17 Oct 1732. She married Lt. William Wilcox, son of Deacon William Willco*ckson and Thankful Adams. 385. vii. MARTHA was born on 31 Jul 1735. She married Thomas Barber III, son of Thomas Barber and Mercy Case, on 16 Jul 1752 at

Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 386. viii. JOB was born on 3 Jun 1737. He married Joanna Wilcox, daughter of Amos Wilcox and Joanna Hillyer, in 1757 at Simsbury,

Hartford Co., CT. 387. ix. LYDIA was born on 1 Sep 1741. She married Jonathan Pinney, son of Capt. Abraham Pinney and Elizabeth Butler. 148. SGT. DANIEL4 CASE (Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 7 Mar 1695/96 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.314 He was baptized on 21 Nov 1697 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.315,316 He married Penelope Buttolph, daughter of Sgt. David Buttolph and Mary Buck, on 7 May 1719 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 28 May 1733 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 37. He was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Simsbury Vital Records. Children of Sgt. Daniel4 Case and Penelope Buttolph were as follows: 388. i. DANIEL5 was born on 21 Jan 1719/20 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Watson on 22 Feb 1750 at Simsbury,

Hartford Co., CT. 389. ii. MINDWELL was born on 24 Oct 1721. She married David Adams, son of Thomas Adams and Martha Buttolph. 390. iii. DUDLEY was born either 23 Nov 1722 or 1723 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Dorcas Humphrey, daughter of Charles

Humphrey and Hepzibah Pettibone, on 14 Apr 1743 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 391. iv. SUSAN (LOIS) was born on 20 Sep 1726 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Mills II, son of Joseph Mills and

Hannah Adams. 392. v. ZACCHEUS was born in 1728. He married Abigail Barber, daughter of Thomas Barber and Mercy Case. 393. vi. EZEKIEL was born on 30 Jul 1731 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lucy Cornish, daughter of Capt. James Cornish and

Amy Butler, on 2 Aug 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Allen on 16 May 1771 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 149. SARAH4 CASE (Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was baptized on 14 May 1699. She married John Alderman, son of William Alderman and Mary Case, on 28 Oct 1719 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 5 Oct 1750 at age 51. Children of Sarah4 Case and John Alderman were as follows: i. JOHN5 was born on 19 Aug 1720. He died on 6 Jul 1778 at age 57.317 394. ii. ELIJAH was born in 1722. He married Alinoam Holcombe, daughter of Joshua Holcombe III and Marey Griffin. iii. EZEKIEL was born in 1724.318 He died on 4 Feb 1765.

310Ibid., Page 16. 311Charles C. Case, Yankee Generations: A History, Page 126. 312Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case and His Descendants (Simsbury, CT: Simsbury Free Library, 2000), Page 5. Hereinafter cited as John Case 2nd Edition. 313Bates, Simsbury, Page 37. 314Ibid., Page 16. 315Ibid. 316Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Page 14. 317William Alderman Parker, Aldermans in America (Raleigh, NC: Edeards & Broughton Co., 1957), Page 449. Hereinafter cited as Alderman.

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Ezekiel was a bedridden invalid for nine years before his death and was supported by the town of Simsbury CT.319

iv. SARAH was born circa 1727.320 She married Gideon Case. v. NAOMI. 395. vi. DANIEL was born on 8 Oct 1738. He married Thankful Griffin, daughter of John Griffin and Eleanor Holcombe. 150. CAPT. JONATHAN4 CASE (Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 15 Apr 1701 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.321 He married Mary Beaman, daughter of Samuel Beaman and Margaret Chapman, on 10 May 1721. He died in Jun 1787 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 86. Johathan served in the 9th Co., Capt. Jonathan Pettibone, Campaign of 1755, French & Indian War. Children of Capt. Jonathan4 Case and Mary Beaman were as follows: 396. i. MICAH5 married Rhoda Willco*ckson, daughter of Deacon William Willco*ckson and Thankful Adams, on 7 Nov 1751 at Simsbury,

Hartford Co., CT. 397. ii. MARGARET was born in 1722. She married Joseph Humphrey, son of Joseph Humphrey and Abigail Griffin. iii. JONATHAN was born on 24 Nov 1723. He married Abigail Case, daughter of John Case and Abigail Humphrey, on 25 Sep 1746 at

Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Judith Humphrey, daughter of Charles Humphrey and Hepzibah Pettibone. He died on 17 May 1805 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 81.

iv. ABEL was born circa 1725. He died on 13 May 1733.322 He was buried at Simsbury Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.323 398. v. ELIJAH was born in 1726 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Wilson, daughter of Azariah Wilson and Mary

Saxton, in 1750. 399. vi. MARTIN was born in 1730. He married Lucy Adams, daughter of Daniel Adams and Lucia Saxton, circa 1756. vii. MARY was born in 1735. She married John Marvin, son of John Marvin and Abigail St. John, on 4 Jul 1758 at Simsbury, Hartford

Co., CT. She died on 17 Nov 1797. viii. ABEL was born on 19 Oct 1737 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.324 400. ix. WILLIAM married Sarah Phelps, daughter of Lt. David Phelps and Abigail Pettibone, on 28 Aug 1765 at Simsbury, Hartford Co.,

CT. He married Martha Barber, daughter of Isaac Barber and Martha Adams, on 29 Dec 1777. 401. x. SARAH was born on 14 Aug 1746. She married Elijah Tuller, son of Joseph Tuller and Martha (--?--), on 12 Apr 1764 at Simsbury,

Hartford Co., CT. 151. HANNAH4 CASE (Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was baptized on 16 Oct 1709. She married Noah Humphrey, son of Lt. Samuel Humphrey and Mary Mills, on 27 Apr 1726 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 18 Sep 1799. Children of Hannah4 Case and Noah Humphrey were as follows: 402. i. NOAH5 was born on 15 Jan 1726/27 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Buttolph, daughter of Dr. Jonathan

Buttolph and Elizabeth Cornish, on 6 Mar 1751. He married Margaret Humphrey, daughter of Joseph Humphrey and Margaret Case, on 3 Apr 1763.

403. ii. HANNAH was born on 8 Jun 1728. She married Samuel Barber II, son of Samuel Barber and Sarah Holcombe. iii. JOEL was born on 27 Apr 1730. iv. ASAPH was born on 16 May 1732. He married Desire Wilcox. v. MARTIN married Susannah Humphrey, daughter of Thomas Humphrey and Abigail Collyer. He died in 1810. vi. TIMOTHY. Ruth Cost Duncan lists a possible marriage in 1769 to Rhoda Case. 404. vii. SARAH married Jesse Case, son of Jacob Case and Abigail Barber, on 20 Nov 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 152. ELIZABETH4 CASE (Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 1 Sep 1689 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married William Moore, son of Andrew Moore and Sarah Phelps. She died on 29 Sep 1739 at age 50. Children of Elizabeth4 Case and William Moore were as follows: i. WILLIAM5 was born on 19 Jul 1712. He died on 29 Jan 1739 at age 26. 405. ii. DAVID was born on 18 Sep 1713 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Winchell on 15 Sep 1737. He married

Rachel Segar. iii. JAMES was born on 6 Jun 1715. He married Rachel Grant, daughter of Matthew Grant and Hannah Chapman, on 25 May 1737 at

Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 5 Mar 1788 at age 72. iv. TIMOTHY was born in 1716. He died on 20 Jan 1731. v. MERCY was born on 25 Nov 1719. She married Samuel Phelps on 11 Jun 1739. vi. EBENEZER was born on 20 Apr 1722. He married Tabitha Phelps, daughter of Lt. Samuel Phelps and Abigail Eno. vii. ANDREW was born in 1724. He married Ruth Cossett. He died on 6 May 1777.

318Ibid. 319William Alderman Parker, Alderman. 320Ibid., Page 449. 321Bates, Simsbury, Page 17. 322Joyce A. Cahill Simsbury Cemetery Gravestone Inscriptions: Simsbury, Connecticut 1688-2000, I (Hopmeadow St., Simsbury, CT: Simsbury Free Library, 2001), Page 128. Hereinafter cited as Simsbury Cemetery. 323Ibid. 324Connecticut Society of Genealogists, Inc., "Town of Simsbury Births," The Connecticut Nutmegger Volume 28, Number 3 (December 1995): 429-436.

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406. viii. ISAAC was born in 1727. He married Sybil Holcombe, daughter of Thomas Holcombe and Sarah Christian. 153. WILLIAM4 CASE (Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 22 Mar 1691 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.325 He married Elizabeth Robe, daughter of Andrew Robe and Abigail Curtis, on 22 Feb 1715 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Phelps on 28 Aug 1765 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 14 Jun 1768 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 77. In correction and addition notes from Ruth Cost Duncan: Simsbury Vital Records state: "William died in 1769, being a member of the Church of England, an aged gentleman." Children of William4 Case and Elizabeth Robe were: i. WILLIAM5 was born on 8 Apr 1716 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 3 May 1734 at age 18.

Died unmarried. There were no children of William4 Case and Sarah Phelps. 154. CAPT. JAMES4 CASE (Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born either 12 Mar 1692 or 1693 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.326 He married Esther Fithian in 1715. He died on 26 Sep 1759 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Simsbury Vital Records. Capt. Case's probate is recorded in the Hartford Co. Probate records, Vol. 18, pages 139-40, 229. His wife Esther and son Josiah were executors. Children of Capt. James4 Case and Esther Fithian all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. JAMES5 was born 05, 1716. He died on 2 Aug 1734. 407. ii. JOSIAH was born on 1 Apr 1718. He married Ester Higley, daughter of Brewster Higley and Hester Holcombe, in 1740. iii. ESTHER was born on 14 Mar 1720. She died on 12 Nov 1787 at age 67. 408. iv. RACHEL was born on 14 Aug 1722. She married Abraham Case, son of Bartholomew Case and Mary Humphrey, on 6 May 1740

at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 409. v. JEREMIAH was born on 31 Jul 1726. He married Judith Humphrey, daughter of Charles Humphrey and Hepzibah Pettibone, on 14

Aug 1746. 410. vi. PHEBE was born on 16 May 1729. She married Isaac Tuller, son of Samuel Tuller and Sarah Mills, on 6 Oct 1746 at Simsbury,

Hartford Co., CT. 411. vii. AMASA was born on 18 Oct 1731. He married Elizabeth Hoskins, daughter of Robert Hoskins and Elizabeth Buckland, in 1752.

He married Elizabeth Phelps, daughter of Hezekiah Phelps and Dorothy (--?--), on 5 Aug 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Phelps, daughter of Lt. David Phelps and Abigail Pettibone. He married Charity Pettibone, daughter of John Pettibone and Damaris Humphrey, on 14 Jun 1799 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Humphrey, daughter of Sergeant Benajah Humphrey and Thankful Hoskins.

412. viii. RUTH was born in 1733. She married Francis Garrett, son of Francis Garrett and Sarah Mills, in 1753. 155. RACHEL4 CASE (Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 10 Dec 1694. She married Benjamin Adams, son of Daniel Adams and Mary Phelps, either 25 Mar 1712 or 1713. She died on 29 Nov 1732 at age 37. Children of Rachel4 Case and Benjamin Adams were as follows: i. BENJAMIN5 was born on 20 Feb 1714. He died on 22 Jan 1733 at age 18. ii. TIMOTHY was born in 1716. He married Hannah Case. iii. PELATIAH was born on 9 Feb 1720. He married Sarah Phelps on 24 Mar 1738. He died on 9 Mar 1754 at age 34. iv. LYDIA was born on 29 Jul 1724. v. JOSHUA was born on 25 Apr 1732. 156. MARY4 CASE (Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 23 Aug 1696. She married Joseph Adams, son of Daniel Adams and Mary Phelps, on 30 Apr 1719. She died in Sep 1784 at age 88. Children of Mary4 Case and Joseph Adams were as follows: i. JOSEPH5 was born on 16 Sep 1722. He married Penelope Roberts on 6 Sep 1742. He died in 1775. 413. ii. MATTHEW was born on 21 Aug 1724. He married Susanna Eno, daughter of Lt. William Eno and Mary North. 157. JOSHUA4 CASE (Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 1 Jun 1698 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Anne (--?--). He died on 15 Feb 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 65. Ruth Cost Duncan cites Simsbury Vital Records and the Wintonbury Church Record. Ms. Duncan also provided corrections and updates that changed all the entries for Joshua's daughter Elizabeth. Children of Joshua4 Case and Anne (--?--) all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: 414. i. REUBEN5 was born circa 1717. He married Ruth Goodrich, daughter of Jacob Goodrich and Benedicta Goodwin, on 9 Jul 1747 at

Wintonbury Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 415. ii. ELIZABETH married Samuel Webster, son of William Webster and Sarah Nichols, on 17 Dec 1741 at Wintonbury Church.

325Bates, Simsbury, Page 27. 326Ibid.

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416. iii. NAOMI was born on 12 May 1725. She married Noadiah Phelps, son of Thomas Phelps and Hannah Phelps, either 24 Feb 1742 or 1743 at Wintonbury Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Eggleston, son of Thomas Eggleston and Grace Hoskins, on 21 Dec 1757 at Wintonbury Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

417. iv. SYBIL married Jedediah Loomis, son of Isaac Loomis and Hannah Eggleston, on 25 Nov 1748 at Wintonbury Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

418. v. JOSHUA was born circa 1728. He married Lydia Griswold on 10 Oct 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 158. MINDWELL4 CASE (Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 21 Mar 1700. She married Joseph Alderman, son of William Alderman and Mary Case, on 30 Jun 1720 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Simsbury Vital Records. Children of Mindwell4 Case and Joseph Alderman were as follows: i. MINDWELL5 was born on 25 Dec 1721. 419. ii. SUSANNA was born on 5 Sep 1723 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Capt. Hezekiah Holcombe, son of Joshua

Holcombe III and Marey Griffin, on 29 Sep 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 420. iii. DORCAS was born on 28 Feb 1723/24. She married Darius Pinney. iv. ZUBAH was born on 13 Dec 1724. 421. v. JOSEPH was born on 26 May 1725. He married Keziah Holcombe, daughter of Joshua Holcombe III and Marey Griffin, on 13 Nov

1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 422. vi. MARY was born on 8 Feb 1726/27. She married Joseph Griswold, son of Joseph Griswold. vii. JAMES was born in 1730. He married Jemima Griffin, daughter of John Griffin and Eleanor Holcombe. He died in 1775. viii. RACHEL was born on 22 Feb 1732/33. ix. ELNATHAN was born on 31 Mar 1734. He married Lucretia (--?--). He died in Jul 1805 at age 71. x. TIMOTHY was born on 14 Jul 1735. 159. JOSHUA4 HOLCOMBE III (Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 18 Sep 1697 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.327 He was baptized on 17 Apr 1698 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.328,329 He married Marey Griffin, daughter of Thomas Griffin and Elizabeth Welton, on 28 Oct 1720 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.330 He died in Nov 1772 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 75.331 Simsbury Records contain the births of all of the children. Children of Joshua4 Holcombe III and Marey Griffin were as follows: i. BATHSHEBA5 was born in 1721. ii. JOEL was born in 1723. 423. iii. JOSHUA was born on 2 Feb 1724 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Martha Griffin, daughter of Stephen Griffin and Mary

Delacey. 424. iv. HEZEKIAH was born on 27 Jan 1726 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Susanna Alderman, daughter of Joseph Alderman

and Mindwell Case, on 29 Sep 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 425. v. KEZIAH was born on 2 Apr 1728 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Alderman Jr., son of Joseph Alderman and

Mindwell Case, on 13 Nov 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. vi. ZILPAH was born on 12 Aug 1730 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.332 She married Anthony Rogers. 426. vii. ALINOAM was born on 17 Feb 1732/33 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Elijah Alderman, son of John Alderman and

Sarah Case. viii. JEMIMA was born on 12 Aug 1735 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.333

Spear shows birth in 1725. 427. ix. BENAJAH was born on 9 Sep 1737 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lydia Forward, daughter of Abel Forward and

Hannah Phelps, on 5 Aug 1763 at Belchertown, Hampshire Co., MA. x. JESSE was born on 5 Jan 1739 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.334 He died in 1798. 160. EXPERIENCE4 HOLCOMBE (Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1702. She married Nathaniel Alford, son of Josiah Alford and Hannah Westover, on 3 Jul 1724 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.335 She died on 15 Dec 1774 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

327Ibid., Page 13. 328Ibid., Page 20. 329Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Page 15. 330Bates, Simsbury, Page 152. 331Ibid., Page 214. 332Ibid., Page 135. 333Ibid. 334Ibid. 335Ibid., Page 151.

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McCracken has her born circa 1702-04, while Seaver has her born 1707. McCracken further says birth not found but mentioned in father's will as daughter of Hannah. Children of Experience4 Holcombe and Nathaniel Alford were as follows: 428. i. NATHANIEL5 married Abigail Hill. 429. ii. HANNAH was born on 29 Mar 1727. She married Isaac Messenger, son of Joseph Messenger and Catherine Holcombe, circa

1740. 161. ELEANOR4 HOLCOMBE (Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 6 Jul 1706. She was baptized on 6 Jun 1707 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.336 She married John Griffin, son of Thomas Griffin and Elizabeth Welton, on 2 Aug 1725 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.337 McCracken: Woodbridge's record, as well as her father's will, calls her daughter of Hannah. Children of Eleanor4 Holcombe and John Griffin were as follows: 430. i. MATTHEW5 was born in 1726. He married Hannah Lamson on 9 Jun 1749. 431. ii. ELEANOR was born in 1729. She married Nathaniel Messenger, son of Joseph Messenger and Catherine Holcombe. iii. RACHEL was born in 1730. She married Daniel Lamson. iv. LUCINE was born in 1732. She married Joseph Remington in 1755.338

This may be the Lucina Lampson, who the 2nd wife of Elnathan Lampson, died 25 July 1803.339

v. EUNICE was born in 1736. vi. THOMAS was born in 1738. 432. vii. THANKFUL was born on 30 Nov 1738. She married Daniel Alderman, son of John Alderman and Sarah Case. 433. viii. JEMIMA was born on 27 Aug 1740. She married James Alderman, son of Joseph Alderman and Mindwell Case. She married

Ezekiel Holcombe, son of Lt. David Holcombe and Mehitable Buttolph. 162. MATTHEW4 HOLCOMBE (Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 7 May 1708. He was baptized on 16 May 1708 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.340 He married Unknown (--?--). He married Lydia Drake, daughter of Enoch Drake and Elizabeth Barber, on 20 Jan 1729/30 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.341 He and an unknown person were divorced in 1743. He died on 21 Mar 1781 at age 72. McCracken notes that Stiles was unable to place him (2:396), but did find, in a Windsor record, that he married. Bowman notes: Matthew must have married again having Lydia born in Feb. 1744 and several other children listed in Stiles. In Matthew's 1777 will he wrote "First being pentinent and sorry from the bottom of my heart for my past sins." He left all property to Isaac Phelps. They had children listed in Stiles, the Drake Genealogy and Windsor Records. Children of Matthew4 Holcombe and Unknown (--?--) were as follows: i. CLYMENA5 was born on 13 Apr 1747.

Not mentioned by Seaver. ii. JOHN was born on 5 Oct 1749. 434. iii. LUTHER was born on 12 Aug 1752 at Danbury, Fairfield Co., CT. He married JoAnna Beebe at Danbury, Fairfield Co., CT. He

married Joanna Kellogg. He married Sarah Newton in 1819. Children of Matthew4 Holcombe and Lydia Drake were as follows: i. MATHEW5 was born on 30 May 1730 at Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), CT. He married Lydia Enno. 435. ii. ELIJAH was born on 5 Mar 1731/32 at Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), CT. He married Sarah Evans on 28 Nov 1753. iii. ELI was born on 30 Aug 1734. He married Esther Taylor in 1753. He died in 1833. iv. LOIS was baptized on 24 Oct 1736 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She was born on 25 Oct 1736 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.

She married Noah Cooley in 1772. She died in 1827. Not mentioned by Seaver. McCracken notes that church records say bapt. day before birth. Bowman cross references to Lois Holcombe/Noah Cooley who was daughter of Matthew Holcombe. Bowman has two Lois and Noah Cooley families. The first one, her #8347, page 73, she does not continue.

336Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Pagae 25. 337Bates, Simsbury, Page 134. 338Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 124. 339Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones. 340Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Page 25. 341Margaret Harris Stover, C.G., "Marriage Extractions from the divorce Recordsof Hartford County Connecticut Superior Court 1755-1803," The Connecticut Nutmegger Volume 28, Number 4 (March 1996): 572-581.

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#8347 is dau. of Deacon Azariah Holcombe and Hannah Loomis. The second one, her # 4564, page 131, she does continue and shows six children including Philetus. #4564 is dau. of Mathew Holcombe and Lois Drake. McPherson lists a Lois as her # A-8-3-4-9 on page 209.1 and shows a marriage to Ensign Noah Cooley with all six children. McPherson lists a Lois as her # A-4-5-5-4 on page 65.1 and does not continue her.

v. LYDIA was born on 21 Feb 1744/45.342 She married John Manning on 29 Dec 1777 at Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), Hartford Co., CT.343 Not mentioned by Seaver.

There were no children of Matthew4 Holcombe and the unknown spouse mentioned above. 163. DAVID4 HOLCOMBE (Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 22 Jul 1713 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.344 He was baptized on 26 Jul 1713 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.345 He married Sarah Slater, daughter of Elias Slater and Ruth (--?--), on 24 Dec 1735 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.346 He died in 1803 at Canaan, CT. McCracken notes that he was called 2nd in Simsbury Records, that is, he was younger than a first cousin who was b 1696. Seaver shows the second marriage about 1761, so the 18 children listed here are divided about that date. McCracken does not list a second wife at all nor comment on Seaver. A David Holcomb married Phillina Hollenback in 1761, Seaver says it was the second marriage of David Holcombe. This is impossible since his first wife Sarah died in january 1762, see Canaan Records, and David and Phillina had a child Anna born in 1760. Bowman places Phillina as the wife of son David (1737-1776). Their children are listed under them separately. Canaan, Ct., records contain the birth dates of many of the following children, and Simsbury records contain the births of the first five. Children of David4 Holcombe and Sarah Slater were as follows: i. DAVID5 was born on 11 Nov 1736 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.347 He died on 22 Nov 1736 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.348 436. ii. DAVID was born on 30 Nov 1737 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Philura Hollenbeck. 437. iii. TIMOTHY was born on 19 Jul 1740 at Salisburg, CT. He married Abigail Robbins in 1762. 438. iv. AMASA was born on 17 Jan 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Eunice Morse, daughter of Solomon Morse and

Elizabeth Fenn. He married Lois Heath on 27 Oct 1768. 439. v. ELIJAH was born on 12 Dec 1744 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Ann Kellog. vi. SARAH was born on 26 Jul 1747. She married Samuel Taylor, son of Eldad Taylor and Thankful Day, in 1786.

Darn! Bowman on Vol I. Page 136, Item 4585 has Sarah Holcombe marrying Samuel Taylor in 1786, son of Eldad and Thankful Day Taylor. Then on Vol II:Page 45, Item 42117 she has Tiriza Holcombe marrying Samuel Taylor in 1786, son of Eldad and Thankful Day Taylor. McPherson on Page 75.2 Item A-4-5-7-6 has Sarah marrying Samuel; then on page 32.2, Item 4-2-1-2-8 Tiriza again marrying Samuel. Tirza is listed both as a daughter of Thomas and Sarah Loomis Holcombe but also as a daughter of Enoch Holcombe.

440. vii. NOAH was born on 12 Aug 1750. He married Hannah Marsh. He married Sarah Holcombe, daughter of Joel Holcombe and Sarah Buel.

441. viii. ABRAHAM was born on 20 Jun 1753. He married Betsey Bosworth on 15 Feb 1777. 442. ix. ISAAC was born on 11 Feb 1755 at Canaan, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Mary Darrah at Canaan, Litchfield Co., CT. He

married Abigail Bosworth. x. MARY was born on 11 Feb 1755. 443. xi. ABIGAIL was born in 1758. She married Nathaniel Dean Jr. in 1778.

342McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 65.1, Item A-4-5-5-5. 343Ibid., Page 66.1, Item A-4-5-5-5. 344Bates, Simsbury, Page 39. 345Ibid. 346Ibid., Page 116. 347Ibid., Page 114. 348Ibid.

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164. MERCY4 HOLCOMBE (Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 4 Sep 1714 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.349 She married Sgt. Richard Case, son of Capt. Richard Case and Amy Reed, on 4 May 1733 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.350 She died on 10 Jun 1780 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 65. Children of Mercy4 Holcombe and Sgt. Richard Case were as follows: 444. i. RICHARD5 was born on 7 Jun 1734 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Ruth Case, daughter of Amos Case and Mary

Holcombe, on 8 Jan 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Case, daughter of Thomas Case and Elizabeth Woodford, on 26 Jan 1795.

ii. JOAB was born on 16 Dec 1735 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1738 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iii. SYLVANUS was born on 31 Jul 1737 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Caroline Humphrey, daughter of Charles

Humphrey and Hepzibah Pettibone. He died on 5 Apr 1817 at age 79. 445. iv. SIMEON was born on 4 Jul 1739 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Case, daughter of Amos Case and Mary

Holcombe, at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. 446. v. ELI was born on 2 May 1741 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Athilred Reed. 447. vi. URIAH was born on 16 Jan 1743/44 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Susannah Lawrence, daughter of Lt. Samuel

Lawrence, on 21 Mar 1765 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Eunice Dill, daughter of Solomon Dill, circa 1777. He married Mary Case, daughter of Capt. John Case and Sarah Barber, on 27 Dec 1815.

448. vii. EDWARD was born on 15 Apr 1748 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Zervah Lawrence, daughter of Lt. Samuel Lawrence, circa 1774.

viii. PHINEAS was born on 8 Mar 1749/50 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Tuller, daughter of Elijah Tuller and Sarah Case, in May 1780. He died on 19 Jul 1798 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 48.

449. ix. MERCY was born on 2 Jun 1752 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Abraham Moses, son of Caleb Moses and Mary Adams.

450. x. NAOMI was born on 30 Oct 1755 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married David Pettibone, son of Jacob Pettibone and Jemima Cornish.

451. xi. TIMOTHY was born on 2 Feb 1759 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Esther Brown, daughter of Capt. John Brown and Hannah Owen, on 19 Jul 1781 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

165. MIRIAM4 HOLCOMBE (Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 18 Jan 1719/20 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.351 She married Noah Case, son of John Case and Abigail Humphrey, on 5 May 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.352 She died on 28 Apr 1795 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 75. McCracken shows 2 Miriams, the first d.y. Children of Miriam4 Holcombe and Noah Case were as follows: 452. i. NOAH5 was born on 10 Jan 1740/41 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Adams, daughter of David Adams and

Mindwell Case, at North Canton, Hartford Co., CT. 453. ii. AMY was born on 1 Nov 1744 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Titus Reed, son of Jacob Reed and Mary Hill, at West

Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ashbel Humphrey, son of Ensign Samuel Humphrey and Mary Orton. iii. MIRIAM was born on 7 Sep 1746. She died on 23 Aug 1750 at age 3. iv. ROGER was born on 7 Aug 1748.

Information from David Stielow, PO Box 10373, Burbank, CA 91510. 454. v. ABNER was born on 14 Aug 1752 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Case, daughter of Elijah Case and Hannah

Wilson, on 2 Sep 1773 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. vi. RUTH was born on 10 Jun 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Eli Phelps, son of William Phelps and Mariah

Holcombe. 455. vii. DARIUS was born on 7 Mar 1756 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Giddings, daughter of Deacon

Thomas Giddings and Mary Colt, on 6 May 1782 at Hartland, Hartford Co., CT. viii. LYDIA was born on 1 Oct 1761 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married James Case, son of Capt. Josiah Case and Ester

Higley, on 16 Dec 1777 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 166. JOEL4 HOLCOMBE (Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 18 Aug 1723 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.353 He married Sarah Buel in 1745. This family lived in Canaan, CT. They had children born in Wallingford, Rutland County, VT, listed in Weir. Children of Joel4 Holcombe and Sarah Buel were as follows: i. JOEL5 married Sarah Whitney in 1773. He died in 1839. ii. SARAH was born in 1746. She died in 1751. iii. SARAH was born in 1754. She married Noah Holcombe, son of David Holcombe and Sarah Slater. She died in 1835. iv. ROGER was born in 1758. v. LUCY was born in 1761. vi. SILVEY was born in 1764. She married Israel Harmon. She died in 1835. vii. SABRA was born in 1766.

349Ibid., Page 39. 350Ibid., Page 116. 351Ibid., Page 156. 352Ibid., Page 117. 353Ibid., Page 150.

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167. PHINEAS4 HOLCOMBE (Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 4 Feb 1726 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.354 He married Sarah Tuller, daughter of Jacob Tuller and Mary Moses, in 1745. He died in Sep 1781 at Québec, Ontario, Canada, at age 55. Phineas moved from Canaan, Litchfield Co., CT, To duch*ess Co., NY, in 1752.355 Phineas Holcomb came to Panton, Vt., in 1774, with a large family, and settled on land owned by Edict Adams. On the morning of Nov 5, 1778, his son Joseph, then 16 years old, was cutting fire wood under an elm tree at the door of his brother-in-law, Spaulding, who was away from home at the time, and was captured by the Indians. Then on the morning of November 11, Phineas and other sons, Joshua, Samuel and Elisha were surprised and captured by the Indians while working at home in the morning, and their house was burned. The Indians took them to a vessel in the lake. There is a tradition that the Indians were assisted in this by Tories who together were looting and burning homes, and that the wife of one of these captured Holcombes put a feather bed on an old horse; put her 2 youngest children on the horse and leading the horse and her older children, escaped to relatives by a long trip. Descendants of Darius Holcombe preserve a tradition that he was among those who escaped capture when practically all shelter in the neighborhood was then burned by Indians and Tories, co-operating; and for three days and nights found shelter only in the forest, until they reached other refuge. Phineas and his sons were all taken to Quebec where they endured great privations and suffered many hardships, which resulted in the death of the two oldest brothers, Joshua and Samuel, in prison in the summer of 1781, and the father in September, 1781, intestate. The two younger brothers, Joseph and Elisha were exchanged after three years and eight months of imprisonment. Joseph died in Panton, January 20, 1833, age 71.356,357 According to the Probate Records of Rutland, Vt., on March 7, 1785, Appraisers were appointed for the estate of Phineas Holcomb and the inventory taken July 28, 1785, at Panton, Vt., Elisha Clark, Probate Judge. Joseph Holcomb and Hezekiah Phelps were appointed Administrators and gave bond for 200 pounds. The inventory showed Real Estate, £295/12/0; Personal,£7/4/6; Total: £301/16/6. John Strong, Elisha Grundy and Zadack Everett were appointed Committee to divide the estate. Division was made June 28, 1787 to the following heirs: (1) Sarah Holcomb, widow, land valued at £100/17/4, and £33/12/5 to ea. of the following: (2)Jos. Holcomb son and heir, (3) Heirs of Sarah Holcomb, alias Spaulding; (4) Elisha Holcomb son and heir, (5) heirs of John Holcomb, deceased, son and heir, (6) Darius Holcomb and Ruth Holcomb, alias Newell, son and daughter, heir and heiress. equal shares. In the above division is mentioned Timothy Holcomb who was an original owner of part of the above divided land. There is also the inventory of Joshua Holcomb, late of Panton, deceased, dated March 10, 1791. Joseph Holcomb was administrataor of this Joshua Holcomb. This estate inventoried £4/17/6. That amount being £2/26/0 less than the debts, hence the estate was declared insolvent. In the "Panton Vt Records", page 129, June 10, 1788, is recorded final division of property for the heirs of John Holcomb, deceased. During this period many family records were destroyed because of the families' moving from place to place and because of war with the French and Indians. It is only with great difficulty that this line has been established. McCracken speculates that Phineas and Sarah were possibly parents of the Baptist clergyman (ordained 1800), the Rev. Phinehas Holcomb, b. July 1755, Simsbury, d. Warren NY, early August 1815 in 61st year. His parents were, however, Episcopalians. McCracken however, lists no children, while Seaver lists 8, none of them Phinehas. The 1790 VT Census has listings for a Joseph and an Elisha. Children of Phineas4 Holcombe and Sarah Tuller were as follows: i. JOSHUA5 was born in 1746 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1781. ii. SAMUEL was born in 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1781. iii. SARAH was born in 1751 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Phineas Spaulding. She died in 1825 at Panton, Addison

Co., VT. History of Addison County, Vermont page 584 "Phineas Spalding, jr., born in 1749, married for his second wife Sarah, daughter of Phineas Holcomb. He was driven from his farm and went to Rutland, where he enlisted for six months. In the spring of 1779 he went to Canaan, returning late in 1785; was taken prisoner, as before stated and died in Panton in 1825, at the age of seventy-six. His children by a thrid wife, Isaac and John, also lived in the town. Philip and George were capted on their father's farm on the 5th of November, 1778, and carried to Canada with other prisoner. They effected their escape, and Philip, with some others, wandered in the woods twenty-one days, when they reached the Connecticut River. Philip enlisted after his return and served through the war; then married and moved on the farm where his son Hiram afterward lived. George was retaken and put in irons; afterward offered his liberty if he would first go one trip in a vessel to great Britain. Stopping at a port in Ireland, he went ashore and was taken by a press-gang. Nothing further is known of him. Timothy Spalding lived on the place now occupied by Burton Kent, in the west part of the town on the lake road. His son Henry also occupied that place and kept a public house."

456. iv. JOHN was born in 1753 at Canaan, VT. He married Rachel Wright, daughter of Simeon Wright and Sarah (--?--). 457. v. DARIUS was born in 1754 at Canaan, VT. He married Mehitable Holcombe, daughter of Lt. Benjamin Holcombe and Mary

Kendall. He married (--?--) Forbes.

354Ibid., Page 136. 355McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, page 83.2. 356Jesse Seaver, Holcomb(e) Genealogy. 357McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, page 83.2.

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458. vi. RUTH was born in 1757 at Canaan, VT. She married Seth Newell. 459. vii. ELISHA was born in 1760 at Canaan, VT. He married Orra Judd, daughter of Thomas Judd and Mary Alvord. viii. JOSEPH was born in 1762 at Canaan, VT. He died on 20 Jan 1833.

The 1790 Census had a listing for a Joseph with 1 free white male older than 16, 2 free white males under 16, and 1 free white female.

168. JAMES4 PORTER (Deborah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 20 Apr 1700 at Waterbury, New Haven Co., CT. He married Dorcas Hopkins, daughter of John Hopkins and Hannah Strong, on 22 Apr 1733. He died on 20 Mar 1785 at Waterbury, New Haven Co., CT, at age 84. Children of James4 Porter and Dorcas Hopkins were: 460. i. HULDA5 was born on 8 Dec 1733. She married Joseph Fairchild. 169. MARY4 BARBER (Mary3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 4 Jan 1708 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Peter Buell, son of Samuel Buell and Hannah Holcombe, on 20 Jun 1733 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 2 Feb 1745 at age 37. Children of Mary4 Barber and Peter Buell were as follows: 461. i. SOLOMON5 was born on 22 Aug 1734 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lydia Case, daughter of Thomas Case and

Elizabeth Woodford, on 30 May 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. ii. PETER was born on 22 Aug 1734. He died in 1734. 170. ISAAC4 BARBER (Mary3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 2 May 1711 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Martha Adams, daughter of Thomas Adams and Martha Buttolph, on 17 Apr 1735 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died before 1761. Children of Isaac4 Barber and Martha Adams all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. ISAAC5 was born on 25 Feb 1735/36.

Isaac was an Ensign 6th Continental Infantry, 1 January 1776. Cashiered – September 1776. 2nd Lieutenant of Steven’s Battalion of Artillery, 9 November 1776. Battalion formed part of the 3rd Continental Artillery in 1778. 1st Lieutenant 6 March 1780, resigned 23 October 1782. [i] The following sketches appear for his service during the Revolutionary War in Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War (1:586). Isaac Barber, Ensign, Capt. Jonathan Danforth’s (8th) co., Col. Asa Whitcomb’s Regt.; muster roll dated Camp at Ticonderoga, Nov. 27, 1776; enlisted Jan. 1, 1776; reported dismissed July 31, 1776; also, Private, Capt. Abner Cranston’s co., Col. Whitcomb’s Regt.; muster roll dated Camp at Ticonderoga, Nov. 27, 1776; enlisted Aug. 1, 1776; reported re-engaged in Col. Stevens’s (Artillery) Regt. Nov. 13, 1776; also, order dated May 16, 1778, granting said Barber reimbursem*nts for losses in the retreat from Ticonderoga; served as a Lieutenant under Maj. (also given Lieut. Col.) E. Stevens. Isaac R. Barber, 2d Lieutenant, Col. John Crane’s (Artillery) Regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1780; also, Capt. Stephen Buckland’s co., Col. Crane’s Regt.; return of men in service on or before Aug. 1, 1777, dated Park of Artillery near Morristown, Jan. 28, 1780; also, 1st Lieutenant, Col. Crane’s Regt.; return of officers dated Boston, Jan. 19, 1781; also, Capt. Thomas Jackson’s co., Col. Crane’s (3d) Regt.; muster rolls for Feb.-April, 1781; also, receipt for subsistence money for June, 1782; reported discharged from the service. Isaac is listed among the officers in Metcalf’s Original Members and other Officers eligible to the Society of the Cincinnati 1783-1938. [ii] He is also mentioned as an “Eligible Non-Member” of the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati in the New England Historical and Genealogical Society Register (January 1946) 100:61. To fit the correct age of the New England born Barber/Barbour’s he might be the Isaac born at Simsbury, Connecticut 25 February 1735/6, the son of Isaac And Mary (Adams) Barber. [iii] [A thorough search of records into the life of Barber has still left many unanswered questions. Both Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati and NEHGS welcome any new information regarding the same]. [i] Francis B. Heitman, Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army during the War of the Revolution April, 1775, to December, 1783. (Baltimore, Maryland, Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc., 1982), p. 86. [ii] Bryce Metcalf, Original Members and other Officers eligible to the Society of the Cincinnati 1783-1938 (Strasburg, Va., Shenandoah Public House, 1938), p. 43. [iii] John Barber White, Barber Genealogy. (Haverhill, Mass., Press of the Nichols Print, 1909), p. 50.

ii. JOHN was born on 22 Jul 1737. iii. MARTHA was born on 23 Jun 1739. She died on 11 Nov 1739. 462. iv. AMAZIAH was born on 5 Aug 1740. He married Mary (--?--). He married Mercy Keeny on 9 Dec 1778 at Simsbury, Hartford Co.,

CT. 463. v. SETH was born on 25 Dec 1742. He married Mary Merritt on 29 May 1767 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 464. vi. DAVID was born on 3 Nov 1744. He married Deborah Adams on 12 Dec 1772 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. vii. MARY was born on 1 Jun 1747. viii. MARTHA was born on 10 Jul 1749. She married William Case, son of Capt. Jonathan Case and Mary Beaman, on 29 Dec 1777.

She died on 20 Jun 1780 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 30. ix. HANNAH was born on 8 Apr 1751. 465. x. EPHRAIM was born on 1 Feb 1753. He married Sarah Drake, daughter of Enoch Drake and Mary Barber. 171. EPHRAIM4 BUELL JR. (Mary3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 24 Nov 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He was baptized on 1 Dec 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mercy Barber, daughter of Samuel Barber and Sarah Holcombe, on 7 Jul 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1745. Children of Ephraim4 Buell Jr. and Mercy Barber were as follows: i. MERCY5 was born on 20 May 1743 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 466. ii. MINDWELL was born on 14 Jul 1745 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Roger Case, son of Thomas Case and

Elizabeth Woodford, on 10 Aug 1760.

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172. NOAH4 COOK (Mindwell3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 7 May 1736 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.358 He married Lydia Westland, daughter of Robert Westland and Thankful Adams, on 21 Feb 1758 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Noah4 Cook and Lydia Westland were: 467. i. MARGARET5 was born on 25 Apr 1764 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Abner Cook Jr., son of Abner Cook and Ann

Hoskins. 173. PETER4 BUELL (Hannah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1711 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Barber, daughter of John Barber and Mary Holcombe, on 20 Jun 1733 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Peter4 Buell and Mary Barber were as follows: i. SOLOMON5 was born on 22 Aug 1734 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lydia Case, daughter of Thomas Case and

Elizabeth Woodford, on 30 May 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. (see # 461.). ii. PETER was born on 22 Aug 1734. (see previous). 174. SAMUEL4 BUELL JR. (Hannah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 26 Feb 1714 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Irene Case, daughter of Samuel Case and Elizabeth Owen, on 28 May 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1760. Children of Samuel4 Buell Jr. and Irene Case were as follows: i. JONATHAN5 was born on 14 Feb 1741 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.359 ii. ABIGAIL was born on 3 Aug 1743 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iii. DAVID was born on 13 Jun 1747. iv. SAMUEL was born on 4 Apr 1749. He died in 1749. v. CHLOE was born on 16 Apr 1752 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died in 1752. vi. SAMUEL was born on 8 Jul 1756. He married Hannah Burnham, daughter of Elijah Burnham and Hannah Bidwell. He died in

1813. vii. JOSEPH was born in 1758. He died in 1823. 175. MARTHA4 HOLCOMBE (Benajah3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 10 Sep 1706. She married (--?--) Strong. She married Samuel Mather II, son of Dr. Samuel Mather and Abigail Grant. Children of Martha4 Holcombe and Samuel Mather II were as follows: i. EUNICE5 married Elihu Clark. ii. MARTHA was born in 1732. She married Elihu Clark. 468. iii. SARAH was born in 1737. She married William Cooley. 469. iv. SAMUEL was born in 1737. He married Grace Moseley in 1761. v. ELISHA was born in 1740. He married Eunice Moseley. vi. WILLIAM was born in 1742.

Listed in Stiles but not in Bowman. vii. TIMOTHY was born on 11 May 1745. He died on 4 Sep 1819 at age 74.

Died unmarried. There were no children of Martha4 Holcombe and (--?--) Strong. 176. PARNELL4 HOLCOMBE (Benajah3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 5 Jul 1708 at Suffield, Hartford Co., CT.360 She married John King, son of James King III and Elizabeth Huxley, on 24 May 1727 at Suffield, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 15 Jul 1757 at Suffield, Hartford Co., CT, at age 49. McCracken thinks this child is the same as the next child. John H. Watts reports her birth date as 8 Jun 1708. Children of Parnell4 Holcombe and John King all born at Suffield, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. JOHN5 was born on 4 Jun 1728.361 He died on 15 Feb 1751 at age 22. 470. ii. PARNELL was born on 29 Jun 1730. She married Ebenezer Hathaway circa 1750. iii. CAROLINE was born on 24 Jun 1734.362

iv. MICHEL was born on 9 Feb 1737.363

v. ASENATH was born on 4 Jul 1739.364

358Donna Siemiatkoski, "The Connecticut Valley Family of Little Miss 1565," The Connecticut Nutmegger 27:1 (June 1994). Hereinafter cited as "Eleanor Cook". 359Bates, Simsbury, Page 97. 360Letter from John H. Watts Jr. (3605 N. Lindeke St., Spokane, WA 99205) to James H. Holcombe, February 2, 2001; unknown repository (unknown repository address). 361Ibid. 362Ibid. 363Ibid. 364Ibid.

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vi. DIANA was born on 12 Apr 1742.365

vii. EUSELIA was born on 16 Dec 1744.366 She died on 17 Jul 1746 at Suffield, Hartford Co., CT, at age 1.367

viii. EUSEBIA was born in Jun 1747.368

ix. ALICE was born on 29 Mar 1750.369 177. SARAH4 OWEN (Sarah3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 17 Feb 1694/95 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ephriam Phelps, son of Ephraim Phelps and Mary Jaggers, on 30 Dec 1714. Children of Sarah4 Owen and Ephriam Phelps were: i. JONATHAN5 was born on 24 May 1723 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Catherine Messenger, daughter of Joseph

Messenger and Catherine Holcombe, on 30 Mar 1723. Judge Phelps seems completely unconcerned that Jonathan and Catharine were both less than three years old when they were married.

178. DEBORAH4 OWEN (Sarah3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born in 1696. She married James Eno. Children of Deborah4 Owen and James Eno were: 471. i. MARY5 was born circa 1730 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Abel Phelps, son of Joseph Phelps and Rebecca North,

on 2 Apr 1752. 179. EUNICE4 OWEN (Sarah3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born in 1696. She married Benjamin Moore, son of Andrew Moore and Sarah Phelps. She died in 1732. Children of Eunice4 Owen and Benjamin Moore were: i. TABITHA5 was born on 16 Aug 1722 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.370 She married Abel Forward, son of Samuel Forward and

Deborah Moore, on 25 Sep 1791.371 180. ENSIGN ISAAC4 OWEN (Sarah3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 7 Nov 1702.372 He married Mary Ellsworth, daughter of Jonathan Ellsworth and Sarah Grant. He died on 3 Jan 1775 at age 72.373 Children of Ensign Isaac4 Owen and Mary Ellsworth were: i. ISAAC5 was born on 24 Sep 1736. He married Zerviah Griswold, daughter of George Griswold and Zerviah Griswold, at Suffield,

Hartford Co., CT. (see # 270.). 181. ELIJAH4 OWEN (Sarah3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born in 1706. He married Lydia Clark in 1732. He married Hannah Higley, daughter of Brewster Higley and Hester Holcombe, in 1735. He died in 1741. There were no children of Elijah4 Owen and Lydia Clark. Children of Elijah4 Owen and Hannah Higley were: 472. i. HANNAH5 was born in 1740. She married Capt. John Brown, son of John Brown and Mary Eggleston, on 2 Mar 1758. 182. SAMUEL4 HAYDEN (Anna3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 7 Oct 1707 at Haydens, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigal Hall on 7 Nov 1737. He died at Torringford, CT. Children of Samuel4 Hayden and Abigal Hall were as follows: i. SAMUEL5 was born on 22 Oct 1738. He died on 14 Dec 1743 at age 5. 473. ii. AUGUSTIN was born on 24 Aug 1740 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Cynthea Filer, daughter of Jeremiah Filer and

Jerusha Kelsey, on 7 Dec 1769. 474. iii. MOSES was born on 23 Sep 1742. He married Eunice Haroon circa 1766. He married Triphena French in 1777. He married

Martha Leland. iv. ABIGAIL was born on 21 Dec 1745. 475. v. SAMUEL was born on 17 Jan 1748. He married Rebecca Smith. He married Sally Maybee.

365Ibid. 366Ibid. 367Ibid. 368Ibid. 369Ibid. 370Hon. Horace L. Moore, Andrew Moore, Page 13. 371Ibid., Page 16. 372Stiles History of Ancient Windsor II, Volume II, Page 545, Family 9. 373Ibid.

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476. vi. AARON was born on 4 Mar 1750. He married Sarah Rice. vii. LUKE was born on 7 Jun 1752. He died on 22 Mar 1756 at age 3. viii. SETH was born on 2 Apr 1756. 183. DEACON NATHANIEL4 HAYDEN (Anna3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 18 Jun 1709. He married Naomi Gaylord, daughter of Josiah Gaylord and Naomi Burnham, in 1737. He died on 14 Nov 1803 at age 94. Children of Deacon Nathaniel4 Hayden and Naomi Gaylord were as follows: i. ANNA5 was born on 6 Jun 1737. 477. ii. NATHANIEL was born on 14 Dec 1738. He married Anna Filer on 13 Sep 1763. He married Rhoda Lyman in 1778. iii. HEZEKIAH was born on 24 Apr 1741. He married Elizabeth Mather circa 1770. He died in 1776. 478. iv. LEVI was born on 28 May 1747. He married Margaret Strong, daughter of Lt. Return Strong and Sarah Nichols, in 1772. He

married Mary (--?--). v. NAOMI was born on 22 Oct 1752. She died on 14 Apr 1753. vi. MARTIN was born on 30 Oct 1754. He died on 3 May 1759 at age 4. 184. JOSEPH4 HAYDEN (Anna3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 17 Nov 1711 at Haydens, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Esther Grant, daughter of Nathaniel Grant and Bethia Warner, on 12 Jun 1739. He died on 26 Feb 1781 at age 69. Esther was a greatgranddaughter of <a href="http://www.uftree.com/UFT/WebPages/jholcomb/HUGRANT/index.htm">Mathew Grant</a> the immigrant and founder of Windsor. Children of Joseph4 Hayden and Esther Grant were as follows: i. ESTHER5 was born on 27 Apr 1741. 479. ii. JOSEPH was born on 7 Dec 1742 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Mary Hayden, daughter of William Hayden and

Mary Hannum, on 14 Nov 1766. iii. SARAH was born on 21 Nov 1743. She married Cyprian Webster on 25 Feb 1768. 480. iv. SAMUEL was born on 6 Jan 1746. He married Lois Phelps on 15 Nov 1770. He married Lois Griswold circa 1788. v. BENAJAH was born on 16 Feb. He died on 15 Sep 1776. 185. WILLIAM4 HAYDEN (Anna3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 13 Mar 1712/13. He married Mary Hannum on 10 May 1742 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 25 Dec 1790 at age 77. Children of William4 Hayden and Mary Hannum were as follows: i. ABIGAIL5 died in 1833. 481. ii. MARY was born in 1745. She married Joseph Hayden, son of Joseph Hayden and Esther Grant, on 14 Nov 1766. iii. WILLIAM was born on 3 Jan 1747. He died on 22 Oct 1776 at age 29. 186. SARAH4 HAYDEN (Anna3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 17 Sep 1716. She married Moses Lyman, son of Capt. Moses Lyman Jr. and Mindwell Sheldon, in 1742. She died on 27 Aug 1808 at Goshen, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 91. Information via e-mail from Bill Lyman [emailprotected]. Children of Sarah4 Hayden and Moses Lyman were as follows: i. MOSES5 was born in 1743. He died in 1829. 482. ii. PHEBE was born in 1756. She married Capt. David Ellsworth, son of David Ellsworth and Jemima Levett, on 22 Feb 1779. 187. SARAH4 AUSTIN (Abigail3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born in 1715. She married Deacon Amos Kent. She died in 1804. Children of Sarah4 Austin and Deacon Amos Kent were: 483. i. BENAJAH5 was born on 21 Jul 1746 at Suffield, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Hanchett on 22 Aug 1799 at Suffield,

Hartford Co., CT. 188. JOSHUA4 AUSTIN (Abigail3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born in 1718 at Suffield, MA. He married Tryphena Hathway, daughter of Jacob Hathaway and Deborah Kent, in 1747. He died in 1801 at Shickshinny, PA. Children of Joshua4 Austin and Tryphena Hathway were: i. ELIJAH5 was born in 1764 at Suffield, Hartford Co., CT. He married Jane Brink, daughter of Thomas Brink, in 1793. He married

Betsy Gould Burr. He died in 1846. 189. MARY4 HOLCOMBE (Samuel3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born in 1714. She married Amos Case, son of Bartholomew Case and Mary Humphrey, on 15 Aug 1739 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.374 She died on 27 Jan 1802. Bowman cites Spear and Weir for this child. However, this is apparently a duplicate Mary. Sgt Jonathan and Mary Buel Holcombe had a daughter Mary who is listed as marrying Amos Case. Bowman continues the line under this Mary, the daughter of Corporal Samuel Holcombe. Children of Mary4 Holcombe and Amos Case were as follows: 484. i. MARY5 was born on 6 Mar 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Simeon Case, son of Sgt. Richard Case and Mercy

Holcombe, at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. 485. ii. RUTH was born on 26 Apr 1742 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Richard Case, son of Sgt. Richard Case and Mercy

Holcombe, on 8 Jan 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iii. AMOS was born on 8 Feb 1746 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

374Bates, Simsbury, Page 117.

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486. iv. ABEL was born on 13 Jan 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Huldah Higley, daughter of Brewster Higley Jr. and Hester Holcombe, on 8 Jul 1777.

487. v. SILAS was born on 28 Dec 1749 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Jane Leete, daughter of Samuel Leete and Jane Kelly. He married Mary Case, daughter of Capt. John Case and Sarah Barber, in Sep 1780.

vi. LUCY was born on 22 Feb 1752 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ruggles Humphrey, son of Solomon Humphrey and Naomi Higley. She married Solomon Buell, son of Capt. Solomon Buell and Lydia Case.

488. vii. PLINY was born on 2 Nov 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Rhoda Merrill, daughter of William Merrill and Sarah Kellogg.

489. viii. RHODA was born on 20 Apr 1757. She married Hosea Case, son of Hosea Case and Mary Case. ix. SETH was born on 3 Jun 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 3 Sep 1776 at age 16.

Died in the Army near New York. 190. REBECCA4 HOLCOMBE (Samuel3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born in Aug 1719 at Poquonock, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married John Barnett on 26 Nov 1750. Phelps calls Rebecca's husband "Barnard"; Mills calls him Barnett. Children of Rebecca4 Holcombe and John Barnett were: 490. i. JAMES5 was born on 17 Jun 1751 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Martha Mills, daughter of Pelatiah Mills and Hannah

Higley, on 31 Mar 1774 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 191. SOPHIA4 HOLCOMBE (Samuel3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 16 Jan 1720 at Poquonock, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joel Catlin, son of Benjamin Catlin and Margaret Kellogg, in 1748. She died in 1798. Children of Sophia4 Holcombe and Joel Catlin were: 491. i. TIRZAH5 was born in 1757. She married James Lankton in 1783. 192. MARIAH4 HOLCOMBE (Samuel3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 8 Nov 1722 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married William Phelps, son of William Phelps and Hannah Hayden, on 4 Jun 1739. She died on 12 Dec 1776 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 54. She was also known as Martha Holcombe. The Phelps Genealogy names her "Martha", with an earlier Martha b, 1710 who died young. Children of Mariah4 Holcombe and William Phelps were: 492. i. ELI5 was born in 1743. He married Ruth Case, daughter of Noah Case and Miriam Holcombe. He married Miriam Case, daughter

of Noah Case Jr. and Mary Adams. 193. JOSEPH4 HOLCOMBE (Joseph3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 5 Aug 1715.375 He was born in 1724.376 He married Elizabeth (--?--). He died young.377 He died in 1764.378 McCracken and Seaver differ considerably. McCracken asserts that this son Joseph married and had 3 children while Seaver shows that he died young. Bowman quoting Simsbury records and Phelps indicates Joseph married. Also there is some confusion with the children of Joseph (Capt Nathaniel, Lieut Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Thomas) and where there is confusion, this text will follow Bowman. Bowman speculates in an e-mail that Perhaps these two Josephs are the same (her #s 676 on page 68 and #8115 on page 69). She had questioned #676 to begin with. But notice the two very different death dates. Children of Joseph4 Holcombe and Elizabeth (--?--) all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. ROSANNA5 was born on 9 Oct 1752.379

There is some confusion with this Rosanna and the Rosanna, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Wilcox(son).

ii. ELIZABETH was born on 8 Jul 1755.380

iii. JOSEPH was born on 14 Feb 1758.381 Bowman questions a possible marriage to Olive Marshall in 1787.

194. LT. MARTIN4 HOLCOMBE (Joseph3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 21 Nov 1725 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Christian Winchell in 1752. He died on 8 Nov 1798 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 72. He was buried at Old Poquonnock Cemetery, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.

375Jesse Seaver, Holcomb(e) Genealogy, Page 10. 376Deanna Holcomb Bowman, Thomas Holcomb and other Simsbury, Connecticut Settlers, 2 vols, 2nd Edition.. (Colorado Springs, CO, 1988, 1996). 377Jesse Seaver, Holcomb(e) Genealogy, Page 10. 378Deanna Holcomb Bowman Thomas Holcomb and other, Vol. I:Pg. 68. 379Bates, Simsbury, Page 164. 380Ibid. 381Ibid.

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McCracken: His wife is alleged to have been Christian Winchell, and this may be correct, but neither Stiles nor the Winchell Genealogy found her. Martin was in the 3rd Company, 2nd Regiment of the Continental Line during the Revolution. DAR records 26783, 45389, and 70381 show Elizabeth Eno as wife. DAR records 5015 and 14471cite Martin as the Patriot, but do not cite a wife. Children of Lt. Martin4 Holcombe and Christian Winchell were as follows: 493. i. MARTIN5 was born on 27 May 1753. He married Bethesda (--?--). He married Hannah Alford, daughter of Jonathan Alvord and

Charity Thrall. 494. ii. CHRISTINA was born on 17 Feb 1755. She married Isaac Griswold, son of Isaac Griswold and Mindwell Phelps. iii. ELIZABETH was born on 14 Feb 1757. She died on 17 Sep 1826 at age 69.

Died unmarried according to Seaver. 495. iv. JOSEPH was born on 20 Jan 1759. He married Olive Marshall, daughter of Deacon David Marshall and Naomi Griswold, on 15

Jan 1778. v. MARY was born on 12 Apr 1761. She married William Gillespie. She married Johnathan Ellsworth.

Marriage information supplied to McCracken by Dr. Thomas H. Roderick of Bar Harbor, ME, her descendant. Seaver lists the second marriage, McCracken does not.

vi. MEDUSA was born on 17 Feb 1763. She married Elisha Mather on 11 Nov 1783. She married John Grosvenor. McCracken jokes that Martin's knowledge of Classical mythology was not very precise.

496. vii. RODERICK was born on 21 Oct 1764. He married Rebecca Winthrop, daughter of Fredrick Winthrop, on 23 Aug 1788. 497. viii. JABEZ was born on 16 May 1766. He married Anne Hosmer on 27 Nov 1805 at Wintonbury, Hartford Co., CT. 498. ix. HERMAZ was born on 4 Feb 1768. He married Lucy Alford, daughter of Joseph Alvord and Lucy Griswold. 195. SAMUEL4 GRISWOLD (Deborah3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 12 Dec 1715 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Married and resided in the Simsbury area for a while and then departed with his wife and family to Canada and settled near Preston in Nova Scotia. On his departure for Canada, he left two of his children with his father who raised them. Children of Samuel4 Griswold include: i. JEREMIAH5 was born on 14 Feb 1746. He married Phebe Case, daughter of Abraham Case and Rachel Case. He died on 13 May

1813 at age 67. He was buried at Case Cemetery, Burlington, CT. Death information is from Coralee Griswold, the Griswold Family Association, via e-mail.

499. ii. DELIGHT was born on 10 Jun 1751 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Elisha Case, son of Lt. Dudley Case and Dorcas Humphrey.

196. LT. DAVID4 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 25 Oct 1696 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.382,383 He was baptized on 30 Apr 1699 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.384,385 He married Mehitable Buttolph, daughter of Sgt. David Buttolph and Mary Buck, on 1 Mar 1722 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.386,387 He married Mrs. Elizabeth Hoskins on 21 Feb 1770 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.388 He died in Feb 1784 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 87. McCracken notes that no birth found but Seaver has him born in 1695, but his parents were married Nov 1, 1695. McPherson shows David and Nathaniel as twins born Oct 25, 1696. Simsbury Records show Nathaniel as the 1st son born in 1695, so Daniel would have followed him probably in 1699 as Bowman asserts. McCracken, in fact descends himself from this marriage, of Daniel and Mehitabel, one of the five couples in which a Holcombe married a Buttolph. from Tempest The efforts by Samuel Hayes Sr. and David Holcomb to find homesteads for their third generation children, illustrate the new land settlement patterns of the 1750s. In 1751, David Holcombe, who lived on Salmon Brook St. north of what is now the South Congregational Church, traded some lots with Thomas Adams of Simsbury and ended up with the last lot of the 6th Half-mile tier which Adams had bought from its original grantee. Holcomb held on tho this until 1757 when he gave it to his son Reuben as his share of David's estate. Reuben had already purchased the 5th tier lot to the west of this land to make a total of 180 acres. By 1762, he had bought even more land contiguous to his new farm and moved into a house on the west side of Bushy Hill. (This farm, incidentally, was passed from father to son to son to son to son. The last Holcombs to live and work on the farm were siblings Tudor and Laura Holcomb.) David Holcombe died intestate so there is no will, but the probate record is available and administration bond dated 23 Feb 1784, signed by Josiah Topping and Asahel Hays, who were sons-in-law of the deceased. The personal estate was distributed to the heirs whose names are the same as stated below, except for the omission of Deborah and her twin; both evidently had died. Children of Lt. David4 Holcombe and Mehitable Buttolph were as follows:

382George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe's Earlier Posterity," The American Genealogist Vol 57. No 4. (October, 1981): 225-229. 383McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 384George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe". 385Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Page 18. 386Bates, Simsbury, Page 152. 387McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 119.2. 388George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe".

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500. i. MEHITABLE5 was born in 1722. She married Ebenezer Kendall, son of (--?--) Kendall, in 1740. She married John Kendall, son of (--?--) Kendall, in 1751.

501. ii. DAVID was born on 28 Aug 1724. He married Elizabeth Griffin, daughter of Nathaniel Griffin II and Elizabeth Griffin, circa 1749. 502. iii. DEBORAH was born on 28 Sep 1726 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ensign Joseph Phelps, son of Joseph Phelps and

Rebecca North, on 15 Oct 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 503. iv. MARTHA was born in 1727 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Asahel Hayes, son of Samuel Hayes and Elizabeth

Willco*ckson, in 1749. 504. v. REUBEN was born either 1725 or 1730 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Susanna Hayes, daughter of Samuel Hayes

and Elizabeth Willco*ckson, in 1751. 505. vi. LYDIA was born in 1730 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Solomon Higley, son of Nathaniel Higley and Abigail Filer, in

Oct 1749 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 506. vii. SIMEON was born circa 1734. He married Hulda Holcombe, daughter of Nathaniel Holcombe IV and Margaret Cossett, on 8 May

1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 507. viii. SUSANNAH was born in 1734. She married Dr. Josiah Topping, son of Josiah Topping, on 15 Nov 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co.,

CT. 508. ix. EZRA was born in 1735. He married Phoebe Gillet at Granville, Hampden Co., MA. 509. x. EZEKIEL was born on 29 Mar 1736. He married Elizabeth Gillet, daughter of Joseph Gillett and Elizabeth Hayes, circa 1761. He

married Jemima Griffin, daughter of John Griffin and Eleanor Holcombe. 510. xi. JEDEDIAH was born in 1740 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Holcombe in 1760. 511. xii. ELI was born either 3 Apr 1741 or 1742 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Crofut on 10 Mar 1764 at Danbury,

Fairfield Co., CT. There were no children of Lt. David4 Holcombe and Mrs. Elizabeth Hoskins. 197. CAPT. NATHANIEL4 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 25 Oct 1696 at Simsbury (now Granby), Hartford Co., CT.389 He was baptized on 5 Dec 1697 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.390,391 He married Thankful Hayes, daughter of George Hayes and Abigail Dibble, on 9 Oct 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.392,393 He married Mary Buttolph, daughter of Sgt. David Buttolph and Mary Buck, on 14 Dec 1771 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.394,395 He died before 18 Dec 1782 at Salmon Brook Ecclesiastical Society, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. From Tempest On October 9, 1717, Nathaniel Holcomb III, eldest son of Nathaniel Holcomb Jr. and Martha Buell, married Thankful Hayes, fifth daughter of George Hayes and Abigail Dibble. He was twenty, she was seventeen. The second generation of the Euro-Americans at Salmon Brook was marrying earlier in life than the first had, and this may explain the tendency for the young couples to continue to live a few years in their parents' households before moving on to their own homesteads. It was not until the fall of 1719, a year after the birth of their first child, Hannah, that they had a house of their own next to "Crooked Brook" at the foot of Bushy Hill (now 45 Bushy Hill Road). There in the winter of 1720, Thankful would give birth to Nathaniel IV. This house was recognized in 1986 as the oldest house in Granby. Nathaniel and Thankful did not become wealthy, but they did manage to pay off their debts and build a substantial farm. Now in September, 1733, Isaac Dewey of Westfield and Nathaniel Higley purchased the land. They built their new homestead on an 11-acre upland lot just west of their meadow lands, as part of Thankful's inheritance from her father's estate. Nathaniel would clear the stumps of huge trees, begin his orchard, and build a barn for the animals he hoped to raise. Thankful would keep her garden, process and prepare foods, probably with only a few utensils, and share in the care of the animals. Over the next twelve years she would give birth to five more children in the little borning room in the back south corner of the house. In their next house she would have six more, for a total of thirteen. Within a year, they would have a few neighbors - all young people they had grownup with at Salmon Brook. Thankful's brother Samuel had married her friend Elizabeth Willco*ckson in 1719 and her brother George would marry another friend, Jane Matson, in 1722. Both of these couples received lots just south of the Holcomb's. Farther down the path toward Barn Door Hills her sister Sarah and husband John Gossard would soon build a house, and just to her north, her friend Mary Matson and husband Ebenezer Lamson had a new houselot. After the 1740 marriage of their son Nathaniel to Margaret Gossett, the children of the father and son are confused. For example, both Lydia and Theodosia were born in the same year, as were Roger and Hulda, Ruth and Margaret. Roger can be included with this family because his birth listed his father as Capt. Nathaniel and there was only one Capt. Nathaniel. All other births just listed Nathaniel 3rd or 4th, and the numbers changed when the fathers died.

389Bates, Simsbury, Page 29. 390Ibid. 391Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Page 14. 392Bates, Simsbury, Page 37. 393McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 394George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe's Earlier Posterity," The American Genealogist Vol. 57, No 3. (July 1981): 160-169. 395Bates, Simsbury, Page 218.

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Kathy Fenton notes in her Nutmegger article that the births of the children for Nathaniel and Thankful are not properly recorded because of "the turmoil within the Simsbury church during that period, a time during which either such events were not recorded or the records have been subsequently lost or misplaced. Apparently for some time before the establishment of the second and third church societies in 1736, residents of Salmon Brook (i.e., Granby) had assembled for services at the home of Daniel Hayes (Nathaniel's brother-in-law) . . " During Kathy's research they located Nathaniel's probate packet at the Connecticut State Library in Hartford. This provided indisputable proof of the names of all children of Nathaniel who survived to adulthood. Some authors have listed two other children that are probably children of other Holcombe families, or grandchildren of Nathaniel and Mary. Zaccheus, who was born in Simsbury, January 14, 1744 or 1745; died July 19, 1762. Seaver does not mention this child. McCracken notes he died at age 17. Bowman and Kathy Fenton both suggest this is the Zaccheus who is the son of Nathaniel IV. Ruth, the second daughter of this name mentioned by Bowman. As "Thankful Holcomb," Thankful signed in 1734 with other heirs of her father, George Hayes, deed to part of land of his estate to her half-brother, Daniel Hayes.396 Hartford County Probate Records of April 1754 show that Nathaniel was appointed guardian of his sister Sarah's three minor children, Ephraim Case 13, Amy Case 10, and Dorothy Case 7. Children of Capt. Nathaniel4 Holcombe and Thankful Hayes were as follows: 512. i. HANNAH5 was born on 2 May 1718 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married John Reade, son of Dr. Jacob Reade and

Elizabeth Law, on 17 Feb 1736/37 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 513. ii. NATHANIEL was born on 1 Feb 1719/20 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Margaret Cossett, daughter of Raney Cossett,

on 20 Mar 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 514. iii. EPHRAIM was born on 22 Dec 1721 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Dorcas Hayes, daughter of Samuel Hayes and

Elizabeth Willco*ckson, in 1741. iv. RUTH was born on 9 Mar 1723/24 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.397,398 She married John Rose. She died before 1784.

McCracken notes: Then called 1s dau. in a series of three entries including her two older brothers, children of Nathaniel the younger, mother not stated, but clearly this Ruth was 2nd daughter, as her elder sister Hannah was clearly identified as to both parents' names, and the clerk overlooked Hannah. Bowman has a note after the 4th child Ruth that "William Holcomb puts Reuben, his great-great-grandfather, b. 1725, here," but Bowman puts Reuben as a son of Lt. David Holcombe, Captain Nathaniel's brother.

515. v. THANKFUL was born circa 1725 at Salmon Brook Ecclesiastical Society, Hartford Co., CT. She married Capt. Adonijah Burr circa 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

516. vi. JOSEPH was born circa 1728. He married Elizabeth Wilcox, daughter of Joseph Willco*ckson and Elizabeth Holcombe. vii. ANN was born on 11 Feb 1730.399,400 She was born on 11 Feb 1735.401 She died on 13 Apr 1731 at Simsbury, Hartford Co.,

CT, at age 1. McCracken does not mention this child, but does list an unnamed child that died 13 April, 1731. Both Seaver and McPherson include a daughter Ann that may have been this child.

517. viii. AMOS was born on 1 Jun 1732 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Dibble, daughter of Abraham Dibble and Dorothy Hayes, in Sep 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

518. ix. ELIJAH was born on 26 May 1734 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Violet Cornish, daughter of Capt. James Cornish and Amy Butler, on 17 Nov 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

519. x. ELIZABETH was born on 9 Jul 1736 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Lieutenant Moses Dibble, son of Abraham Dibble and Dorothy Hayes.

xi. SARAH was born on 5 Sep 1738 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.402,403 She married Joseph Wilcox. 520. xii. MERCY was born on 31 May 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Obed Holcombe, son of Deacon Azariah

Holcombe and Hannah Loomis. She married Lieutenant Moses Dibble, son of Abraham Dibble and Dorothy Hayes. 521. xiii. ROGER HAYES was born on 18 Oct 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mercy Gillett, daughter of Joseph Gillett and

Elizabeth Hayes, in 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

396McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 397Bates, Simsbury, Page 149. 398McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 399Jesse Seaver, Holcomb(e) Genealogy, Page 42. 400McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 401Deanna Holcomb Bowman Thomas Holcomb and other, Vol. I:Pg. 69. 402Bates, Simsbury, Page 108. 403McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2.

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There were no children of Capt. Nathaniel4 Holcombe and Mary Buttolph. 198. MARTHA4 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 15 Mar 1701/2 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.404,405 She married Dr. Jonathan Buttolph, son of Sgt. David Buttolph and Mary Buck, on 21 Feb 1723/24 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.406 She died on 29 Jan 1725 at in childbed, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 22.407 Martha died the same day her son Benoni was born. Jonathan had children by 2nd wife Elizabeth Cornish and 3rd wife, Martha Loomis. Children of Martha4 Holcombe and Dr. Jonathan Buttolph both born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: 522. i. JONATHAN5 was born on 28 Mar 1724. He married Jerusha Dibble, daughter of Abraham Dibble and Dorothy Hayes, on 3 Jul

1746 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. ii. BENONI was born on 29 Jan 1725. He married Mehitabel (--?--). He died on 28 May 1812 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age

87. All of his descendants are called Buttles. He was ensign of 3rd Co., Simsbury, May 1774.

Judah Holcombe

Granby Center Cemetery Plot O-107

199. JUDAH4 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 12 Jan 1706/7 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He was baptized on 13 Apr 1707 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.408 He married Hannah Buttolph, daughter of Sgt. David Buttolph and Mary Buck, in Sep 1730 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.409 He married Prudence Goodrich, daughter of Col. David Goodrich and Prudence Churchill, after 11 Mar 1765 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.410 He died on 5 Jan 1802 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 94.411,412 He was buried at Center Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.413

404Bates, Simsbury, Page 29. 405McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 406George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe". 407Bates, Simsbury, Page 158. 408Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Page 24. 409Bates, Simsbury, Page 126.

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*Judah served as Justice of the Peace and Deputy of the Connecticut General Assembly and as such he is considered a Patriot by the DAR. His marker in the Granby Center Cemetery section 0-107 reads as follows: Memoriae Sacrum Judah Holecomb Esa. Daid January 5th AD 1802 Aged 97 years Death is a debt to Nature due which I have paid & So must you.**McCracken notes that Bailey says he married (2) at Granby, 30 June 1774, Anna Hubbard; McCracken however, seems to accept Prudence Goodrich.**Judah is the Patriot for DAR members 286754, 212606, 290243, and 704276. Children of Judah4 Holcombe and Hannah Buttolph were as follows: 523. i. ROSANNA5 was born on 24 Jun 1732 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Samuel Hayes Jr., son of Samuel Hayes and

Elizabeth Willco*ckson, in 1750 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 524. ii. SILAS was born on 27 Nov 1734 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Post, daughter of Stephan Post and Mary Downer. iii. OSIAS died young.

This son is not mentioned by McCracken or Seaver. 525. iv. OZIAS was born on 3 Mar 1736/37. He married Rachel Cornish, daughter of Capt. James Cornish and Amy Butler, on 20 Dec

1757 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 526. v. HANNAH was born on 28 Aug 1739 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Capt. Silas Hayes, son of Samuel Hayes and

Elizabeth Willco*ckson, on 16 Nov 1757 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 527. vi. BENAJAH was born on 12 Nov 1741 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hulda Post, daughter of Joseph Post and Mary (--

?--). vii. RHODA was born on 7 Feb 1743/44 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.414 She married Elisha Perrin in 1771. 528. viii. JUDAH was born on 27 Aug 1746 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Anna Hubbard, daughter of Hezekiah Hubbard and

Hannah Olcott. 529. ix. DAN was born on 21 Oct 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Gillett, daughter of Othniel Gillett and Eunice (-

-?--), in 1769. He married Sybil Drake on 21 Feb 1808. 530. x. PENELOPE was born on 29 Feb 1752 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Elizur Goodrich, son of Gershon Goodrich and

Elizabeth Savage, on 9 Nov 1772. She married Elijah Hubbard in 1785. She married James Hillyer IV, son of Captain James Hillyer and Mary Eno Humphrey, on 12 Oct 1823 at First Congregatinal Church, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.

xi. BENONI was born in 1752 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 14 Feb 1829.415 There were no children of Judah4 Holcombe and Prudence Goodrich. 200. MARY4 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born circa 1710 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.416 She was baptized on 27 Oct 1709 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.417 She married David Buttolph, son of Sgt. David Buttolph and Mary Buck, on 3 Sep 1731 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.418 She died on 10 Oct 1810 at Northeast, Dutchess Co., NY. Children of Mary4 Holcombe and David Buttolph were as follows: i. DAVID5 was born on 2 Aug 1732 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Anna Holmes on 5 Nov 1772. He died on 19 Jan

1814 at Northeast, Dutchess Co., NY, at age 81. Died intestate; he adopted his nephew Milton, parents not identified.

531. ii. ROGER was born on 4 Oct 1734. He married Mary Gardner. iii. LUCINDA was baptized on 1 Jun 1740 at Wintonbury, Hartford Co., CT.

McCracken notes that Lucinda was missed by Stiles. 532. iv. ELIJAH was born at Wintonbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Unknown (--?--). He married Deborah Field, daughter of Ebenezer

Field Jr. and Hannah Mills, in Feb 1780. v. JOHN was born in Jul 1749 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 201. SARAH4 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 12 Jul 1713.419 She was baptized on 12 Jul 1713 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.420 She married Timothy Case, son of Capt. Richard Case and Amy Reed, on 25 Sep 1730 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.421,422 She died on 20 Jun 1780 at Berkshire Co., MA, at age 66.

410George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe". 411unknown subject, unknown repository, unknown repository address. 412McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 149.1. 413Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 124/Item O-107. 414Bates, Simsbury, Page 66. 415Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 26. 416McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 417Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Page 27. 418Bates, Simsbury, Page 134. 419McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 420Bates, Simsbury, Page 39. 421Ibid., Page 125. 422Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case and His Descendants (Ruth Cost Duncan, 1991), Page 13.

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McPherson gives as the birth date the date the Simsbury VR show as the date of baptism. Seaver suggests that husband may have been Samuel Barber. Children of Sarah4 Holcombe and Timothy Case were as follows: 533. i. PHILIP5 was born on 12 Feb 1731/32 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lydia Soveril, daughter of Abraham Soveril and

Jemima Adams, on 30 Nov 1757 at Sheffield, Berkshire Co., MA. ii. SARAH was born on 18 Oct 1734 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died in 1799. iii. TIMOTHY was born on 5 Dec 1736 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iv. MARTHA was born on 25 May 1739 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 25 Oct 1825 at age 86. v. EPHRIAM was born in 1741 at Berkshire Co., MA. He died in Mar 1801 at Sheffield, Berkshire Co., MA. vi. AMY was born circa 1744 at Berkshire Co., MA. vii. DOROTHY was born circa 1747 at Berkshire Co., MA. viii. ISAAC was born circa 1749 at Berkshire Co., MA.

Isaac is not mentioned in Goodwin and Brown nor in DS. This listing came from David Stielow, Box 10373, Burbank CA, 91510.

202. LT. PETER4 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 15 Apr 1715 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.423,424 He married Margaret Case, daughter of Capt. Richard Case and Amy Reed, on 15 Oct 1740.425,426 He married Tryphena Case on 10 Dec 1751 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.427 He died on 20 Apr 1800 at age 85.428 He died on 20 Apr 1803 at age 88. This family is listed in Simsbury Soldiers page 30. Simsbury records contain the births of all of the following children. Ruth Cost Duncan shows Peter's second wife as Tryphenia Goss, probably a confusion with "Caff" in the old handwriting. Peter "went out for a short term" in 1778, enlisting in the Connecticut militia for duty on the Hudson, serving in Capt. Burr's Co., Col. Increase Moseley's Regt. of the Connecticut Line.429 Children of Lt. Peter4 Holcombe and Margaret Case were as follows: 534. i. MARTIN5 was born on 27 Jul 1741 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Olivia Spencer. He married Deziah Haynes. ii. JACOB was born on 1 Apr 1743 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.430 He died before 1764.

Died in the French and Indian War. iii. NOADIAH was born on 5 Sep 1744 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.431 He died on 23 Feb 1745/46 at age 1.

Seaver is confusing on Nodiah. He shows two children with this name. The first born 1794, (probably a typo for 1749)died 1829, who married Affiah Buttolph. The second born in 1749 who married Apphia Butler. McCracken and Bowman seem more logical. The first Noadiah being born in 1744 and dying in 1745/6. The second Noadiah, the first male born after the death of the first Noadiah, was also named Noadiah in 1749. Dora Marcia Spring lists the children on her supplemental application and lists both the way McCracken and Bowman do. However she does not mention the first three children mentioned here Azariah Damaris and Mary.

535. iv. MARGARET was born on 18 Feb 1745/46 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Col. Giles Pettibone, son of Jonathan Pettibone and Martha Humphrey.

v. RUSHMORE was born on 30 Nov 1747 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.432 Died young. Seaver spells it Rushmore, McCracken spells it Rushamor.

536. vi. NOADIAH NORMAN was born on 4 Oct 1749 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Affiah Buttolph, daughter of Capt. Jonathan Buttolph and Jerusha Dibble, on 28 May 1778.

423Doris Holcomb Zatti. 424McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 425Bates, Simsbury, Page 117. 426McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 187.1. 427Bates, Simsbury, Page 67. 428Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 130. 429McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, page 187.1. 430Bates, Simsbury, Page 97. 431Ibid. 432Ibid.

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Children of Lt. Peter4 Holcombe and Tryphena Case were as follows: 537. i. ASAHEL5 was born on 15 Oct 1752 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Hoskins, daughter of John Hoskins Jr. and

Zillah Humphrey. He married Hannah Smith. ii. THEODOSIA was born on 16 May 1754 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.433 She died on 25 Nov 1775 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT,

at age 21.434 Seaver spells this name Thoedocia.

538. iii. KEZIAH was born on 23 Nov 1755 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Elijah Spencer. iv. TRYPHENE was born on 10 Dec 1757 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.435 She died on 12 Nov 1775 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at

age 17.436 539. v. PETER was born on 24 Jul 1759 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Zillah Hoskins, daughter of John Hoskins Jr. and Zillah

Humphrey. 540. vi. EBENEZER was born on 14 May 1761 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Chloe Bacon, daughter of Maskill Bacon and

Abigail (--?--), on 3 Apr 1788 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. vii. CYRUS was born on 14 Dec 1762 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.437 He married Anna Cady. 541. viii. JACOB was born on 27 Oct 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Theodocia Bacon on 22 Feb 1791. He married

Susannah Rowe, daughter of Abijah Rowe and Deborah Forward, on 22 Jan 1805. He married Hannah Smith on 9 Nov 1836. 542. ix. ABEL was born on 2 Nov 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lydia Lamson on 23 Oct 1788. He married Roxanne

Higley, daughter of Seth Higley and Mindwell Higley, on 11 Feb 1790 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. x. BEULAH was born on 8 Sep 1768 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.438 She died on 15 Feb 1815 at age 46.439 She was buried at

West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.440 The West Granby sexton has burrial in 1813, but most 1813 dates are incorrect.

543. xi. NAOMI was born on 12 May 1771 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Seth Filer Higley, son of Seth Higley and Mindwell Higley, in 1790.

xii. DEBORAH was born on 15 Jul 1774 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.441 Unmarried.

203. ELIZABETH4 HOLCOMBE (Jonathan3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 14 Jan 1703/4 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.442 She married Joseph Willco*ckson, son of Samuel Willco*ckson and Mindwell Griffin, on 28 Feb 1722/23 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.443,444 She died on 23 Aug 1727 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 23.445 Children of Elizabeth4 Holcombe and Joseph Willco*ckson were: 544. i. ELIZABETH5 was born on 12 Oct 1723. She married Joseph Holcombe, son of Capt. Nathaniel Holcombe and Thankful Hayes. 204. JONATHAN4 HOLCOMBE (Jonathan3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born after 22 Oct 1705 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Amy Case, daughter of Capt. Richard Case and Amy Reed, on 4 Dec 1729 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.446 He died on 30 Jun 1737 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.447 Jonathan's probate is in Manwaring 3:286; inventory of £346/08/09, taken by James Hillier, James Smith, John Wilco*ckson 2nd. Administration was granted to Amey Holcomb the widow, 1 Nov 1737, with Azariah Holcomb of Simsbury £500. Children of Jonathan4 Holcombe and Amy Case were as follows:

433Ibid. 434Ibid., Page 242. 435Ibid., Page 97. 436Ibid., Page 242. 437Ibid., Page 98. 438Ibid., Page 249. 439Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 111. 440Ibid. 441Bates, Simsbury, Page 249. 442Ibid., Page 30. 443Ibid., Page 151. 444"Connecticut Willco*cksons". 445Bates, Simsbury, Page 138. 446Ibid., Page 134. 447Ibid., Page 103.

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i. AMY5. Not mentioned in Seaver, but McCracken notes that she was mentioned in grandfather's will, 1759. Could this be the daughter "Ann" listed by Ruth Cost Duncan?

ii. JONATHAN was born on 20 Jan 1731.448 He died young. 545. iii. MICHAEL was born on 11 Jul 1733 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Hillyer, daughter of Captain James Hillyer and

Mary Eno Humphrey, on 3 Feb 1757. He married Mabel Holt in Nov 1799. iv. PLINY was born on 19 Aug 1735 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.449

This child not mentioned by Seaver. McCracken notes he was not in grandfather's will in 1759, so perhaps not the Plinny living next to Michael in 1790 at Sheffield, MA (1/1/1). Also not mentioned by Ruth Cost Duncan.

546. v. JONATHAN was born on 19 Aug 1735. He married Abigail Hillyer at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. 205. DEACON AZARIAH4 HOLCOMBE (Jonathan3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 22 Feb 1707/8 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He was baptized on 13 Jun 1708 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.450 He married Hannah Loomis, daughter of Philip Loomis and Hannah (--?--), on 25 Jun 1730 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.451 He died in Dec 1771 at age 63.452 Children of Deacon Azariah4 Holcombe and Hannah Loomis all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: 547. i. ABNER5 was born on 3 Apr 1731. He married Lucinda Willco*ckson, daughter of Joseph Willco*ckson and Mary Buttolph, on 4 Jul

1751 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. ii. ELIZABETH was born on 18 May 1733.453 548. iii. ELDAD was born on 9 Jan 1734/35. He married Michal Church, daughter of Samuel Church and Elizabeth (--?--), on 23 Dec 1756

at Granville, Hampden Co., MA. He married Martha (--?--) in 1779. 549. iv. OBED was born on 8 Jan 1736/37. He married Mercy Holcombe, daughter of Capt. Nathaniel Holcombe and Thankful Hayes. 550. v. HANNAH was born on 19 Jan 1738/39. She married Nathaniel Holcombe V, son of Nathaniel Holcombe IV and Margaret Cossett,

on 16 Apr 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. vi. BETHIA was born on 22 Jan 1740/41.454

vii. MARY was born on 21 May 1744.455 551. viii. BENJAMIN was born on 3 Mar 1745/46. He married Mary Kendall, daughter of Ebenezer Kendall and Mehitable Holcombe. 552. ix. LOIS was born on 5 Jul 1748. She married Ensign Noah Cooley, son of Daniel Cooley III and Frances McIntyre, in Jul 1772 at

Granby, Hartford Co., CT. x. EUNICE was born on 11 Jun 1751.456

McCracken gives a completely different date of 11 Jan. 1751/2. 206. DAMARIS4 HOLCOMBE (Jonathan3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was baptized on 12 Jul 1713 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.457 She married William Gamaliel Ward, son of William Ward. Ruth Cost Duncan on page 6, incorrectly shows Damaris as a daughter of Margaret Case and Jacob Holcomb. Children of Damaris4 Holcombe and William Gamaliel Ward were as follows: 553. i. JONATHAN5 was born either 1 Mar 1727 or 1728. He married Dorcas Chick on 31 Dec 1747 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. ii. WILLIAM was born either 4 Jan 1729 or 1730. 554. iii. SIMEON was born on 12 Apr 1731. He married Elizabeth Phelps on 6 Dec 1752 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iv. MARY was born on 4 Nov 1733.

McCracken notes that in the Simsbury Records her name precedes that of Simeon but with dates shown. v. REBECCA was born on 28 Mar 1736. vi. MINDWELL was born either 3 Jan 1742 or 1743. vii. ELIZABETH was born either 18 Mar 1744 or 1745. 555. viii. RUTH was born on 14 Jul 1747. She married Chadwell Parsons. She married David Phelps. 556. ix. ANNE was born in Jun 1751. She married Isaac Messenger, son of Isaac Messenger and Hannah Alford. x. JAMES was born on 18 May 1754.

448Ibid., Page 123. 449Ibid., Page 118. 450Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Page 25. 451Bates, Simsbury, Page 134. 452Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 140. 453Bates, Simsbury, Page 129. 454Ibid., Page 96. 455Ibid. 456Ibid. 457Ibid., Page 39.

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207. JACOB4 HOLCOMBE (Jonathan3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 14 Apr 1715 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.458 He married Margaret Case, daughter of Capt. Richard Case and Amy Reed, on 10 Feb 1736/37 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.459 He died on 29 Jul 1737 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 22.460 McCracken notes that his death was either 29 July 1737 according to Simsbury Records, or 13 July 1737 according to Manwaring (3:286). Jocob's inventory of £78/07/05 was taken 14 Oct 1737 by James Hillier, James Smith and John Wilsoxson 2nd; distribution gave £33/15/03 to widow Margaret; to Azariah Holcomb £11/1/3; to Damarus Ward alias Holcomb and to Mary Holcomb [not yet married] £L11/05/03 each. This shows there was no posthumous child. Deanna Bowman shows Damaris as a daughter of Sgt. Jonathan Holcombe and mary Buel (Vol 1, page 73). Given that Ruth shows that Jacob and Margaret Had 3 children between when they were married Feb. 10, 1736, and when he died July 27, 1737, it seems unlikely that these were their children. Perhaps they were from an unrecorded earlier marriage of Jacob's? Children of Jacob4 Holcombe and Margaret Case were as follows: i. AZARIAH5. ii. DAMARIS. Deanna Bowman shows Damaris as a daughter of Sgt. Jonathan Holcombe and mary Buel (Vol 1, page 73). Given

that Ruth shows that Jacob and Margaret Had 3 children between when they were married Feb. 10, 1736, and when he died July 27, 1737, it seems unlikely that these were their children. Perhaps they were from an unrecorded earlier marriage of Jacob's?

iii. MARY. 208. ANN4 HOLCOMBE (John3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 1 Feb 1707/8. She was baptized on 8 Feb 1707/8 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.461 She married George Granger, son of George Granger and Lydia Younglove, on 6 Aug 1729 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.462 She died after 20 May 1743. Ann was mentioned in her father's will of 20 May 1743, McCracken says died v.p. Children of Ann4 Holcombe and George Granger were as follows: i. ANN5 was born on 19 Jul 1732. ii. RHODA was born on 26 Apr 1735. 557. iii. RUTH was born on 19 Jan 1737/38 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ezra Hoskins at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 558. iv. GEORGE was born in Sep 1740. He married Lucy Campbell on 14 Oct 1762. 209. JOHN4 HOLCOMBE (John3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1709. He married Mary Kent on 23 Apr 1741 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.463 McCracken notes that no birth or baptism found, but Seaver gives a birth date. Children of John4 Holcombe and Mary Kent were as follows: i. RUTH5 was born on 10 May 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.464 She died on 12 Jun 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.465 ii. ASAHEL was born on 12 Nov 1742. He died on 1 Jun 1816 at age 73.

There is duplication of Asahels by the genealogists. McCracken places this Asahel (1742-1816) here. Seaver and Bowman place him as a son of Ashel Esq (1720-1817). This report will continue the line under Ashel Esq. (1720-1817), but leave this entry to point out the possible error by McCracken.

559. iii. JOHN was born on 6 May 1743 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Eunice Marshall, daughter of Capt. Samuel Eno and Eunice Marshall, on 31 Mar 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

iv. MARY was born on 1 Apr 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.466 She died on 4 Dec 1747 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 2.467 Bowman lists two Mary's with different birth/death dates.

458Ibid., Page 40. 459Ibid., Page 109. 460Ibid., Page 103. 461Albert C. Bates, Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, Page 25. 462Bates, Simsbury, Page 134. 463Ibid., Page 95. 464Ibid., Page 84. 465Ibid. 466Ibid., Page 196. 467Ibid.

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v. RUTH was born on 7 May 1747.468 She died on 30 May 1751 at age 4.469 Bowman lists two Ruth's with different birth/death dates.

560. vi. MARY was born on 6 Apr 1749 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Thomas Copley IV on 11 Jul 1774 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.

561. vii. NOAH was born on 26 Feb 1751/52 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Jerusha Buttolph, daughter of Capt. Jonathan Buttolph and Jerusha Dibble, in 1771. He married Sarah (--?--).

viii. MOSES was born on 12 Sep 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.470

ix. MARTHA was born on 2 Apr 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.471 She died on 17 Jun 1761 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 5.472

x. MARIAM was born on 25 May 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.473 210. MOSES4 HOLCOMBE (John3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 24 May 1714 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.474,475 He was born on 24 May 1724.476 He married Elizabeth Phelps on 31 Oct 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 13 Aug 1752 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 38.477 He was buried at East Granby, Hartford Co., CT. Seaver gives the birth year as 1724 and McCracken notes the error saying the age at death was read as "28" and should have been read "38". McCracken notes that the marriage date was not recorded. Children of Moses4 Holcombe and Elizabeth Phelps were as follows: i. ANN5 was born on 24 Jan 1747/48 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.478

ii. ELIZABETH was born on 27 Jan 1749/50 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.479

iii. RUTH was born say 1752. She died on 21 Oct 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.480 She was buried at East Granby, Hartford Co., CT. Died at age 4.

211. HESTER4 HOLCOMBE (John3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was baptized on 6 May 1715 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.481 She was born on 25 Jan 1715/16 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.482 She married Brewster Higley Jr., son of Brewster Higley and Hester Holcombe, on 13 Mar 1734 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.483 She died on 28 Jun 1774 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 58.484 She was buried at Simsbury Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.485 Baptised as 3rd daughter. Children of Hester4 Holcombe and Brewster Higley Jr. all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: 562. i. BREWSTER5 was born on 3 Mar 1734/35. He married Esther Owen, daughter of John Owen and Esther Humphrey, on 7 Apr 1757

at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

468Ibid. 469Ibid. 470Ibid. 471Ibid. 472Ibid. 473Ibid. 474George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe". 475Bates, Simsbury, Page 147. 476Jesse Seaver, Holcomb(e) Genealogy, Page 42. 477Bates, Simsbury, Page 74. 478Ibid., Page 63. 479Ibid. 480Ibid., Page 161. 481Ibid., Page 40. 482Ibid. 483Bates, Simsbury. 484Ibid., Page 215. 485Joyce A. Cahill Simsbury Cemetery.

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ii. HANNAH was born on 11 Mar 1736.486 She married Elijah Alford, son of Josiah Alford and Mary Case, in 1756. She died on 27 Jan 1823 at Castleton, Rutland Co., VT, at age 86.487

iii. JOEL was born on 1 Aug 1739.488

iv. ESTHER was born on 19 Sep 1743.489 563. v. SETH was born on 29 Oct 1746. He married Mindwell Higley, daughter of Nathaniel Higley and Abigail Filer, on 3 Mar 1768 at

Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 564. vi. HULDAH was born on 1 Feb 1749/50. She married Abel Case, son of Amos Case and Mary Holcombe, on 8 Jul 1777. 565. vii. ENOCH was born on 25 Aug 1754. He married Rosalinda Moore, daughter of Job Moore and Mehitable Case, on 28 Oct 1783. 212. SARAH4 HOLCOMBE (John3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 2 May 1719 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.490 She married Ichabod Miller on 27 Jan 1741.491 She died in 1800.492 Norman Ingham of Granby, MA, has compiled a lenghty genealogy of Ichabod, but only briefly discusses Sarah Holcombe and does not resolve the question of her parents. SARAH HOLCOMBE, WIFE OF ICHABOD MILLER Daughter of John and Ann (Pettibone) Holcombe McPherson, page 211.2 493 shows her as a daughter of John and Ann (Pettibone) Holcombe and gives a birth date of 2 May 1716; and on page 214.1 lists a marriage to Ichabod Miller on 27 January 1741, and her death in 1800. McPherson provides no additional information. Seaver, page 42 494 shows her as a daughter of John and Ann (Pettibone) Holcombe and gives a birth date of 2 May 1716, a marriage to Ichabod Miller on 27 January 1741, and death in 1800. Bowman, page 28, 495 shows her as a daughter of John and Ann (Pettibone) Holcombe and gives a birth date of 1719, a marriage to Ichabod Miller in 1741, and death in 1800. Bowman continues the line on page 74 and shows 9 chldren. McCracken, page 167, 496 shows her as a daughter of John and Ann (Pettibone) Holcombe and gives a birth date of 2 May 1719. He does not list any additional information. Daughter of Thomas and Mary (Hanning) Holcombe McPherson, page 30.2 497 does not list a daughter Sarah.

486Leroy E. Higley, The First Seven Generations of Higley Descendants (Weston, OH: Leroy E. Higley, May 2003), CD Supplement #1. Hereinafter cited as John Higley. 487Ibid. 488Bates, Simsbury, Page 115. 489Ibid. 490Ibid., Page 46. 491McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 214.1. 492Ibid. 493McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 494Jesse Seaver, Holcomb(e) Genealogy. 495Deanna Holcomb Bowman, Thomas Holcomb and Other. 496George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe". 497McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy.

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Seaver, on page 11, 498 does not list Sarah as a daughter of Thomas and Mary, but rather lists her as a daughter of Thomas' father Thomas and his second wife Rebecca Pettibone, and gives a birth date of 5 September 1719. Bowman, on page 51, 499 lists Sarah, born 1719, married to Ichabod in 1741, and died in 1800 and references Sarah, the daughter of John and Ann. Bowman does not continue this line. McCracken, on page 73, 500 lists Sarah, born 5 September 1719. He provides no further information on her. Children of Sarah4 Holcombe and Ichabod Miller both born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: 566. i. SARAH5 was born on 2 Sep 1749. She married John Merritt, son of James Merritt and Katherine Rogers, on 24 Aug 1769 at

Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. ii. MOSES was born on 4 Jan 1760.501 He married Ruth Case, daughter of Richard Case and Ruth Case. 213. DEACON ASAHEL4 HOLCOMBE (John3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 15 Jul 1720 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Thankful Kent, daughter of John Kent and Mary Smith, on 7 Jan 1741/42 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.502 He married Dinah Kent on 11 Jun 1747. He died on 22 Feb 1817 at Turkey Hills, Hartford Co., CT, at age 96. McCracken says little about Asahel, Seaver gives many following generations. Children of Deacon Asahel4 Holcombe and Thankful Kent were as follows: 567. i. ASAHEL5 was born on 12 Nov 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Eno on 3 Feb 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford

Co., CT. He married Sarah Kent in 1802. He married Martha Barber, daughter of Daniel Barber and Martha Phelps. ii. LUTHER was born on 27 Apr 1744.503

McCracken and Seaver do not mention Luther. Bowman notes that Luther was not mentioned in the Simsbury Records.

iii. AMASIAH was born on 6 Feb 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.504 McCracken spells this name Amaziah; Seaver also questions the birth date also giving 1746. Died young. Spear in Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John lists Ahaz as a separate child.

568. iv. AHAS was born in 1745. He married Hannah Stevens. Children of Deacon Asahel4 Holcombe and Dinah Kent were: i. RUTH5 was born on 26 Aug 1750 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.505 214. DANIEL4 HAYES II (Martha3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 20 Dec 1716 at Salmon Brook Ecclesiastical Society, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Hayes, daughter of Samuel Hayes and Elizabeth Willco*ckson, on 13 May 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1786 at Salmon Brook Ecclesiastical Society, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 8 Apr 1809 at age 92.506 Daniel and Abigail were cousins, she being the 3rd daughter of Samuel. Children of Daniel4 Hayes II and Abigail Hayes were as follows: 569. i. DANIEL5 was born on 4 Apr 1744 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Holcombe, daughter of Thomas Holcombe and

Sarah Loomis. He married (--?--) Gaines. 570. ii. ENOCH married Mercy Holcombe, daughter of Obed Holcombe and Mercy Holcombe. 571. iii. KEZIAH was born on 13 May 1749 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Moses Goddard, son of Aaron Goddard and Mary

Huxley, in Dec 1768 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. 572. iv. OBEDIAH was born on 14 Jun 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Ahinoam Holcombe, daughter of Joshua Holcombe

IV and Martha Griffin, on 25 Sep 1780 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

498Jesse Seaver, Holcomb(e) Genealogy. 499Deanna Holcomb Bowman, Thomas Holcomb and Other. 500George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe". 501Norman W. Ingham, "Ichabod Miller of Springfield and Simsbury", 20 September 1989 (128 Pleasant St., Granby, MA 01033). unknown memo. Hereinafter cited as "Ichabod Miller". 502Bates, Simsbury, Page 94. 503McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 214.1. 504Bates, Simsbury, Pages 81 and 84. 505Ibid., Page 84. 506Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 140.

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215. BREWSTER4 HIGLEY JR. (Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 12 Dec 1709. He married Hester Holcombe, daughter of Ensign John Holcombe and Ann Pettibone, on 13 Mar 1734 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.507 He married Mindwell Buell, daughter of Ephriam Buell and Mary Holcombe, in 1755. He died on 21 Mar 1794 at age 84. Children of Brewster4 Higley Jr. and Hester Holcombe all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. BREWSTER5 was born on 3 Mar 1734/35. He married Esther Owen, daughter of John Owen and Esther Humphrey, on 7 Apr 1757

at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. (see # 562.). ii. HANNAH was born on 11 Mar 1736. She married Elijah Alford, son of Josiah Alford and Mary Case, in 1756. (see previous). iii. JOEL was born on 1 Aug 1739. (see previous). iv. ESTHER was born on 19 Sep 1743. (see previous). v. SETH was born on 29 Oct 1746. He married Mindwell Higley, daughter of Nathaniel Higley and Abigail Filer, on 3 Mar 1768 at

Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. (see # 563.). vi. HULDAH was born on 1 Feb 1749/50. She married Abel Case, son of Amos Case and Mary Holcombe, on 8 Jul 1777. (see #

564.). vii. ENOCH was born on 25 Aug 1754. He married Rosalinda Moore, daughter of Job Moore and Mehitable Case, on 28 Oct 1783.

(see # 565.). There were no children of Brewster4 Higley Jr. and Mindwell Buell. 216. JOSEPH4 HIGLEY (Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 21 Oct 1715 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Ruth Holcombe, daughter of Ensign John Holcombe and Ann Pettibone, on 1 Apr 1737 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.508 He married Sarah Case, daughter of Bartholomew Case and Mary Humphrey, either 19 Mar 1740 or 1741 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Eunice Smith. He died on 5 May 1790 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 74. The Higley genealogy, pg. 285 "Captain Joseph Higley was 3 times married" Soon after passing his 22nd birthday he married Ruth Holcombe, April 1, 1737. His wife died in childbirth the following July, and the infant followed his mother to the grave, one month after, August 26, 1737." Her early death with no heirs explains why she is not listed in the will of her father John. There were no children of Joseph4 Higley and Ruth Holcombe. Children of Joseph4 Higley and Sarah Case were as follows: i. JOSEPH5 was born on 22 May 1742. He died on 17 Dec 1823 at age 81. ii. MICAH was born on 12 Jan 1744. He died on 19 Dec 1778 at age 34. 573. iii. ASA was born on 31 Jan 1746. He married Eunice Colton in 1770 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. 574. iv. OZIAS was born on 20 Mar 1748. He married Martha Gillette, daughter of Joseph Gillett and Elizabeth Hayes, on 3 Dec 1772 at

Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth (--?--). 575. v. SIMEON was born in 1751. He married Margaret Phelps on 17 Dec 1771. vi. SARAH was born in 1753. She married James Rudd on 5 Jan 1774. She died on 19 Apr 1777. Children of Joseph4 Higley and Eunice Smith were as follows: 576. i. NAOMI5 was born on 1 Jan 1761 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Judge Brewster Higley, son of Brewster Higley III

and Esther Owen, on 25 Feb 1783 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 577. ii. RUTH was born in 1763. She married Judah Case, son of Capt. John Case and Sarah Barber, in Jun 1787. iii. SUSANNAH was born in 1765. She married Alexander Campbell Humphrey, son of Hon. Daniel Humphrey and Rachel Phelps.

She died in Feb 1855. 217. HANNAH4 HIGLEY (Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 17 Dec 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Elijah Owen, son of Isaac Owen and Sarah Holcombe, in 1735. She married Pelatiah Mills, son of Capt. Pelatiah Mills and Martha Chapman, on 29 Mar 1743 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 25 Jan 1806 at Wintonbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 88. Children of Hannah4 Higley and Elijah Owen were: i. HANNAH5 was born in 1740. She married Capt. John Brown, son of John Brown and Mary Eggleston, on 2 Mar 1758. (see # 472.). Children of Hannah4 Higley and Pelatiah Mills were as follows: 578. i. PELATIAH5 was born on 12 Oct 1743 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lois Gillett, daughter of Abel Gillett and Abigail

Ensign, on 28 Jun 1763 at Bloomfield, Windsor, CT. ii. SAMUEL was born on 1 Jul 1745 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 29 Mar 1814 at age 68. iii. ROGER was born on 5 Mar 1746 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 12 Aug 1809 at Canajoharie, Montgomery Co., NY, at

age 63. iv. MARTHA was baptized on 4 Jun 1749. She died on 14 Oct 1751. 579. v. MARTHA married James Barnett, son of John Barnett and Rebecca Holcombe, on 31 Mar 1774 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. vi. ELI was baptized on 4 Nov 1753 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 13 Jul 1804. He was buried at Sharon Burying

Ground, Sharon, CT. vii. FREDERICK was baptized on 28 Feb 1756 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died before 1 Jan 1814 at Nunda (then in Allegany

Co.), NY. viii. SUSANNAH was baptized on 2 Oct 1757. She married John Hubbard on 15 Jun 1775 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died on

26 Nov 1806. She was buried at Bloomfield, Hartford Co., CT. Helen Ullmann cites the Bloomfield Church Records and the Connecticut State Library Inscriptions.

507Bates, Simsbury. 508Ibid., Page 109.

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ix. ELIHU was baptized on 21 Jun 1761 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. 218. ESTER4 HIGLEY (Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 3 Dec 1719 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Capt. Josiah Case, son of Capt. James Case and Esther Fithian, in 1740. She died on 15 Sep 1807 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 87. Children of Ester4 Higley and Capt. Josiah Case were as follows: i. LOIS5 was born in 1741 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 21 Mar 1759. 580. ii. JAMES was born on 2 Apr 1744 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Phebe Tuller, daughter of Isaac Tuller and Phebe

Case, on 13 Jul 1768 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lydia Case, daughter of Noah Case and Miriam Holcombe, on 16 Dec 1777 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

581. iii. ESTHER was born on 16 May 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Thomas Case, son of Thomas Case and Elizabeth Woodford, circa 1762. She married Carmi Higley, son of John Higley and Apphia Humphrey, in 1771 at Hartford Co., CT. She married Abram Pinney circa 1775 at Hartford Co., CT.

iv. ANNA was born on 23 Jun 1749 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Abram Pinney. She married Amos Wilcox. She died on 5 Sep 1833 at age 84.

582. v. ELIZABETH was born on 20 Apr 1752 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married John Barber, son of John Barber and Lydia Reed, in 1773 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT.

583. vi. FITHIAN was born on 17 Sep 1758 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Amarilla Humphrey, daughter of Sylvanus Humphrey and Charity Pettibone, on 20 Sep 1780 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

219. JOHN4 HIGLEY (Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 17 Feb 1721/22 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Apphia Humphrey, daughter of Jonathan Humphrey and Mercy Ruggles, in 1746. He married Ann Clark in 1764. He died in May 1802 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 80. Children of John4 Higley and Apphia Humphrey were as follows: 584. i. APPHIA5 was born on 27 Mar 1747 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Jared Mills, son of John Mills and Damaris Phelps,

on 11 Mar 1767 at Hartford Co., CT. 585. ii. JOHN was born on 14 Feb 1747/48 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Dibble in 1772 at CT. 586. iii. CARMI was born on 16 May 1749 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Esther Case, daughter of Capt. Josiah Case and Ester

Higley, in 1771 at Hartford Co., CT. iv. ISAAC was born circa 22 Jun 1753. 587. v. OBED was born circa 25 Oct 1757. vi. ROSANNA. Children of John4 Higley and Ann Clark all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. ROGER5 was born on 13 Jan 1765. He died young. 588. ii. MARTHA was born on 29 Jun 1766. She married Job Mills, son of John Mills and Wait Miller. iii. JOB was born on 31 Jul 1768. He married Dorcas Eggleston on 9 May 1792 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1808 at on

a ship. 220. ELIZABETH4 HIGLEY (Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1723. She married Rev. Gideon Mills, son of Peter Mills and Joanna Porter, on 23 Nov 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.509 She died on 26 Jul 1774 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.510 She was buried at Dyer Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Elizabeth4 Higley and Rev. Gideon Mills were as follows: 589. i. GIDEON5 was born on 16 Oct 1749 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Ruth Humphrey, daughter of Hon. Oliver Humphrey

and Sarah Garrett, probably 1771. 590. ii. SAMUEL was born on 22 Jun 1752 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Gilpin, daughter of Thomas Gilpin and Ann

Caldwell, on 28 May 1778. He married Rebecca Belden, daughter of Col. John Belden and Rebeckah Reynolds, on 27 Feb 1798. He married Catherine Seymour, daughter of Moses Seymour and Rachel Goodwin, on 1 Jun 1802 at Newington Parish.

591. iii. ELIZABETH was born on 5 Feb 1754. She married Gideon Curtis, son of Peter Curtis, circa 1773. She married Rev. Rufus Hawley, son of Timothy Hawley and Rachel Forward, on 13 Nov 1798 at West Avon Congregational Church, West Avon, CT.

592. iv. JEDIDIAH was born on 9 Feb 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Andrews, daughter of Joseph Andrews and Sarah Welles, on 6 Jun 1776 at Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT.

593. v. ANNE was born on 11 Jun 1761. She married William Robinson, son of Ichabod Robinson and Lydia Brown, on 13 Aug 1787 at Kensington Congregational Church, Berlin, CT.

594. vi. FAITH was born on 3 Jul 1766. She married Roswell Spencer, son of Caleb Spencer and Hannah Spencer. She married Eber Alford, son of Nathaniel Alford Jr. and Abigail Hill, on 15 Sep 1808 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT.

221. NAOMI4 HIGLEY (Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 21 May 1728 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.511 She married Solomon Humphrey, son of Jonathan Humphrey and Mercy Ruggles. She died in 1817. Children of Naomi4 Higley and Solomon Humphrey were as follows: i. RUGGLES5 was born on 15 Oct 1750 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lucy Case, daughter of Amos Case and Mary

Holcombe. He died on 29 Jun 1802 at age 51.

509Ibid., Page 66. 510Ibid., Page 215. 511Ibid., Page 135.

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595. ii. SOLOMON was born on 2 Aug 1753. He married Lucy Case, daughter of Ezekiel Case and Lucy Cornish, in 1772 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Brown in Jun 1778.

iii. AUGUSTUS was born on 4 Sep 1771 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Drake Barber, daughter of Ephraim Barber and Sarah Drake, on 19 Feb 1811 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died in 1859.

222. LT. JOHN4 NORTH (Margaret3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 13 May 1711. He married Esther Stanley on 21 Feb 1739. He died on 22 Oct 1785 at age 74. Gayle Ghbesh cites the following sources for the descendants. A Family History written by Mary Frances Millard Hall and Sylvester Millard. Sources at Burton Historical Collection. History of Ontarion County and its People by Charles F. Millikan. History of Hatfield, Massachusetts by Daniel Wells & Reuben Field Wells, 1910 The Rev. Jonathan Lee & His 18th Century Salisbury Parish The History of the Town of Salisbury, Conn. by Julia Pettee Salisbury Assoc. Inc., Salisbury, CT, 1957. The Chapin Book of Genealogical Data with Brief Biographical Sketches of the Descendants of Deacon Samuel Chapin compiled by Gilbert Warren Chapin; Vol I, the First 7 Generations Published an dcopyrighted by Chapin Family Association, Hartford, CT, 1924. Children of Lt. John4 North and Esther Stanley were as follows: 596. i. ESTHER5 was born on 17 Mar 1739. She married Isaac Humphrey, son of Ensign Samuel Humphrey and Mary Orton, on 11 Nov

1758. ii. ABIJAH was born on 2 Oct 1741. He died on 11 Nov 1741. iii. ABIJAH was born on 19 Oct 1743. He died on 3 May 1785 at age 41. iv. SARAH was born on 30 Sep 1745. She died on 6 Aug 1832 at age 86. v. JOHN was born on 4 Jan 1748. He died on 10 Jul 1799 at age 51. vi. ELIZABETH was born on 1 Jan 1750. She died on 19 Nov 1770 at age 20. vii. SETH was born on 2 Oct 1752. viii. GAD was born on 10 Oct 1756. He died on 9 Sep 1807 at age 50. ix. SIMON was born on 28 Feb 1758. 223. ISAAC4 MESSENGER (Catherine3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 29 Mar 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.512 He married Hannah Alford, daughter of Nathaniel Alford and Experience Holcombe, circa 1740.513 He died on 2 Jun 1801 at North Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 84.514 Isaac and his ten sons were noted for being markedly strong, expert hunters and woodsmen, and over 6 feet in height. Children of Isaac4 Messenger and Hannah Alford were as follows: 597. i. JOSEPH5 was born in 1741. He married Jemima Barber, daughter of Jonathan Barber and Jemima Cornish. 598. ii. SIMEON was born circa 1746 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Paine in 1767. 599. iii. ISAAC was born on 25 Sep 1746 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Anne Ward, daughter of William Gamaliel Ward and

Damaris Holcombe. 600. iv. ELIJAH was born in 1758 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lucretia Matson. 224. NATHANIEL4 MESSENGER (Catherine3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 8 Jun 1725 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.515 He married Eleanor Griffin, daughter of John Griffin and Eleanor Holcombe.516 He married Eunice Stratton, daughter of Jeremiah Stratton and Eunice Case.517 He married Abigal King. He died on 10 Feb 1801 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 75.518 Carol Laun writes: The Messenger genealogies have blended two different Nathaniel Messengers into one person. The Nathaniel who married Joanna Callum lived in Franklin and Norwich, CT. (Barbour Collections). The Nathaniel who married three times in Granby, lived in Granby. SPR 2-158 will of John Griffin mentions "my daughter Eleanor deceased w/o Nathaniel Messenger." Children of Nathaniel4 Messenger and Eleanor Griffin were as follows:

512Ibid., Page 145. 513Duane E. Wilson, Edward Messenger. 514Ibid. 515Ibid., Page 3. 516Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 128. 517Ibid. 518Duane E. Wilson, Edward Messenger.

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i. ISRAEL5 was born circa 1759.519 He married Olive (--?--).520 He died on 11 Aug 1803.521 601. ii. LEMUEL was born on 20 Jul 1759 at Simsbury (now West Granby), Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Lampson, daughter of

Elnathan Lampson, on 9 Nov 1791 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. 602. iii. AMOS was born circa 1764. He married Matilda (--?--). iv. DANIEL was born circa 1764.522 He married Mindwell (--?--).523 He died on 19 Mar 1830.524 He was buried at West Granby

Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.525 Children of Nathaniel4 Messenger and Eunice Stratton were: i. EUNICE5 was born circa 1774.526 She died on 21 Mar 1812.527 There were no children of Nathaniel4 Messenger and Abigal King. 225. SAMUEL4 BARBER II (Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1713/14 at probably Simsbury, CT. He married Tryphenia Humphrey, daughter of Ensign Samuel Humphrey and Lydia North, on 11 Jun 1739 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Humphrey, daughter of Noah Humphrey and Hannah Case. He died on 14 Jan 1797. Bowman cites Brown as information on children. Children of Samuel4 Barber II and Tryphenia Humphrey were as follows: 603. i. SAMUEL5 was born on 6 Mar 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Eunice Cowles, daughter of Samuel Cowles and

Abigail (--?--), on 24 Mar 1762 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT. ii. TIMOTHY was born on 21 Mar 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Keturah Riley. He died on 12 Apr 1817 at Norfolk,

Litchfield Co., CT, at age 75. Timothy and Keturah had no children. Don Babber cites his will, 1817.

604. iii. JOSEPH was born on 12 Aug 1744 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Betsey Anderson. He married Leah Grover. 605. iv. DAVID was born on 12 Jul 1746 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Lawrence, daughter of Samuel Lawrence and

Patience Bigelow. 606. v. ELIJAH was born on 25 Jul 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Pettibone, daughter of Abel Pettibone and

Elizabeth Case, circa 1774. 607. vi. EZEKIEL was born on 12 Apr 1750 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lourancy (--?--). He married Elizabeth Goddard,

daughter of Ebenezer Goddard and Elizabeth (--?--), on 15 Jan 1779 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. vii. DANIEL was born on 7 Jan 1752 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1776 at near New York City.

Died single in the Army. Children of Samuel4 Barber II and Hannah Humphrey were as follows: 608. i. TRYPHENE5 was born on 6 Dec 1755 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Nathaniel Johnson, son of Samuel Johnson and

Martha Harris. 609. ii. JOEL was born in Mar 1757 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Phelps, daughter of Thomas Phelps and Margaret

Watson, between 1775 and 1776. He married Sarah (--?--). iii. HANNAH was born in 1759 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Aaron Rawls. 610. iv. SARAH was born in 1761. She married John George Bandell. 611. v. ASAHEL was born in 1763 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Collar. 612. vi. JESSE was born on 16 Jan 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hepzibah Humphrey, daughter of Deacon Theophilus

Humphrey and Hepzibah Cornish, in 1787 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 613. vii. GILES was born on 22 Sep 1769 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Garrett, daughter of John Garrett II and Mary

Case, in Apr 1796. 226. SGT. THOMAS4 BARBER (Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1716 at probably Simsbury, CT. He married Elizabeth Adams, daughter of Samuel Adams and Elizabeth Reed, on 8 Dec 1737 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1792. Children of Sgt. Thomas4 Barber and Elizabeth Adams were as follows: 614. i. JACOB5 was born on 23 Sep 1738 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Patience Lawrence on 24 Jan 1765 at

Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. ii. ELIZABETH was born on 11 Jun 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Samuel Leete, son of Samuel Leete and

Hannah Graves. She died in 1825. Elizabeth was Samuel's third wife, he had 4 children by the previous marriages, none with Elizabeth.

615. iii. LUCY was born on 17 Oct 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Moses Gaines.

519Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 127. 520Ibid. 521Ibid. 522Ibid., Page 126. 523Ibid. 524Ibid. 525Ibid. 526Ibid., Page 127. 527Ibid.

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iv. EZEKIEL was born on 8 Dec 1744 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 15 Dec 1744 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 616. v. ABRAHAM was born on 12 Feb 1746 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Wood. 617. vi. MERCY was born on 11 Feb 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ebenezer Cowles, son of Samuel Cowles and

Abigail (--?--). 618. vii. AZARIAH was born on 8 Mar 1750 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Humphrey, daughter of Noah Humphrey

Jr. and Elizabeth Buttolph, circa 1775. viii. TRYPNENE was born in 1752. She married Meekham McFarland. She married (--?--) Castle. She died in 1824. 619. ix. MICHAEL was born in 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Azubah Brown, daughter of Capt. John Brown and Hannah

Owen, in 1779. 620. x. JOB was born on 10 Mar 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lola Mills, daughter of Col. Amasa Mills and Lucy

Curtis, in 1776. 621. xi. ABIGAIL was born in Aug 1758 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Pelatiah Richards, son of Samuel Richards and Lydia

Buck, in 1779. 227. JONATHAN4 BARBER (Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1717 at probably Simsbury, CT. He married Jemima Cornish, daughter of Deacon James Cornish and Hannah Hillyer, on 28 May 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1745. Children of Jonathan4 Barber and Jemima Cornish were as follows: 622. i. JEMIMA5 was born on 31 Mar 1741 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Messenger, son of Isaac Messenger and

Hannah Alford. ii. MARY was born in 1742. iii. JONATHAN was born in 1743. He died in 1762. 623. iv. BILDAD was born in 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lois Humphrey, daughter of Hon. Oliver Humphrey and

Sarah Garrett. 228. JOHN4 BARBER (Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1719 at probably Simsbury, CT. He married Lydia Reed, daughter of Jacob Reed and Mary Hill, on 21 Jan 1746/47 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 27 Dec 1797. Children of John4 Barber and Lydia Reed were as follows: i. LYDIA5 was born on 26 Dec 1747. She married Samuel Olcott. She died in 1783. 624. ii. JOHN was born on 29 Nov 1749 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Case, daughter of Capt. Josiah Case and

Ester Higley, in 1773 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. 625. iii. REUBEN was born on 7 Dec 1751 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Case, daughter of Hosea Case and Mary

Case, on 2 Jan 1776 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iv. SARAH was born on 1 Jul 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 15 Apr 1761 at age 6. v. RHODA was born between 25 Apr 1756 and 1757 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 1 Jun 1761. vi. BENJAMIN was born between 3 Mar 1759 and 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 626. vii. JONATHAN was born in 1763 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abi Merrill in 1786. viii. ABEL was born in 1765 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 229. MERCY4 BARBER (Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1721. She married Ephraim Buell Jr., son of Ephriam Buell and Mary Holcombe, on 7 Jul 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 14 Jul 1745. Children of Mercy4 Barber and Ephraim Buell Jr. were as follows: i. MERCY5 was born on 20 May 1743 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. (see previous). ii. MINDWELL was born on 14 Jul 1745 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Roger Case, son of Thomas Case and

Elizabeth Woodford, on 10 Aug 1760. (see # 466.). 230. SARAH4 BARBER (Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 1 Apr 1722 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Capt. John Case, son of John Case and Abigail Humphrey, on 7 Nov 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 19 Dec 1805 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 83. Children of Sarah4 Barber and Capt. John Case were as follows: 627. i. JUDAH5 married Ruth Higley, daughter of Joseph Higley and Eunice Smith, in Jun 1787. ii. JOHN was born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iii. GILES was born on 20 Feb 1747/48 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 5 Feb 1754 at age 5. 628. iv. SETH was born on 29 Sep 1749 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Eunice Tuller, daughter of Joseph Tuller and Martha

Bunce. 629. v. ASA was born either 11 Jan 1753 or 14 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Robe on 8 Feb 1780 at Simsbury,

Hartford Co., CT. 630. vi. SARAH was born on 27 Jul 1754. She married Elisha Cornish Jr., son of Elisha Cornish and Hepzibah Humphrey, on 12 Apr

1764. 631. vii. MARY was born on 2 Jan 1755. She married Silas Case, son of Amos Case and Mary Holcombe, in Sep 1780. She married

Capt. Uriah Case, son of Sgt. Richard Case and Mercy Holcombe, on 27 Dec 1815. viii. GILES was born on 24 May 1757 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Dorcas Humphrey, daughter of Benajah Humphrey

and Caroline Humphrey.528 He died on 5 Oct 1837 at Howlett Hill, Onondaga Co., NY, at age 80. 632. ix. GEORGE was born on 4 Mar 1759 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Electa Moore, daughter of Obadiah Moore and

Abigail (--?--), on 2 Nov 1783 at First Congregational Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 633. x. LEVI was born on 14 Dec 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Polly Humphrey, daughter of Hon. Daniel Humphrey

and Rachel Phelps, on 10 Mar 1785 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

528Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys, Volume I, Page 139, Page 250.

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634. xi. ABIGAIL was born on 28 Nov 1763 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Asa Hoskins, son of Daniel Hoskins and Abigail Case, on 6 Nov 1784.

231. BENJAMIN4 SPENCER (Deborah3 Birge, Deborah2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 21 Apr 1702 at Haddam Neck, Middlesex Co., CT.529 He married Dorothy Spencer, daughter of Nathaniel Spencer and Lydia Bailey, circa 1722.530 He died after 1771.531 Children of Benjamin4 Spencer and Dorothy Spencer were: 635. i. ELIZUR5 was born on 28 Jan 1728/29 at Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT. He married Abigail Hazelton, daughter of Charles Hazelton

and Abigail Chatfield.

Generation Five

232. LT. SAMUEL5 STILES (Martha4 Ellsworth, Josias3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 15 Jan 1705/6. He married Mary Phelps, daughter of Josiah Phelps and Sarah Winchell, in Feb 1729. Bowman states, Volume I, Page 83, that Lt. Samuel Stiles married Mary Phelps, dautghter of Benjamin Phelps and Hannah Birge. Stiles, Volume II, Page 566, Family 9, says Mary, daughter of Josias Phelps and Sarah Winchell, married Samuel Stiles. Stiles, Volume II, Page 704, Famly 8, says Samuel Stiles married Mary Phelps without mentioning her parents. Children of Lt. Samuel5 Stiles and Mary Phelps were as follows: i. MARTHA6 was born in 1731. She married Elijah Parker. She died in 1782. ii. MARY was born in 1734. She died in 1817. iii. HANNAH was born in 1735. She married Ashbel Stiles, son of Rev. Isaac Stiles and Esther Hooker, in Feb 1759. She died in Sep

1810 at Norwich (now Huntington), MA. iv. SAMUEL was born in 1737. He died in 1757. v. ELIZABETH was born in 1739. She married Elijah Norton in 1768. She died in 1828. vi. MARGARET was born in 1741. She died in 1742. vii. MARGARET was born in 1744. She died in 1822. viii. BENJAMIN was born in 1745. He died in 1764. ix. ABIGAIL was born in 1749. She died in 1817. 233. ELIZABETH5 STILES (Martha4 Ellsworth, Josias3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born either 14 Oct 1708 or 14 Oct 1709. She married Daniel Spencer in 1726. Children of Elizabeth5 Stiles and Daniel Spencer were as follows: i. JERUSHA6 was born in 1730. She married Paul Steward. ii. SAMUEL married Speedy Olds in 1748.

Samuel settled in Suffield, CT. iii. DANIEL married Patience Olds. iv. ELIZABETH. v. CHILD. vi. CHILD. 234. MARTHA5 GRIDLEY (Elizabeth4 Ellsworth, Josias3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 9 Sep 1718 at Farmington, Hartford Co., CT. She married John Terry on 9 Apr 1739 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.532 Children of Martha5 Gridley and John Terry both born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. JOHN GRIDLEY6 was born on 22 Sep 1749.533 He married Phebe Case, daughter of Capt. Charles Case and Phoebe Holcombe,

on 29 Jun 1772 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Caroline Case. He died on 20 Feb 1837 at Geddes, NY, at age 87. John Terry's wives were 2nd cousins.

ii. MARY was born on 6 Mar 1758.534 235. MARY5 GRIDLEY (Elizabeth4 Ellsworth, Josias3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 9 Nov 1721 at Farmington. She married Abel Hawley on 19 Aug 1742 at Farmington. She died on 4 Sep 1753 at age 31.

529Jon K. Holcombe, "Spencer, Benjamin," e-mail message from [emailprotected] (47206 Oak Place, Wellesley Island NY 13640) to James H. Holcombe. Hereinafter cited as "Spencer, Benjamin". 530Ibid. 531Ibid. 532Bates, Simsbury, Page 110. 533Ibid., Page 100. 534Ibid.

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Children of Mary5 Gridley and Abel Hawley were: i. EZEKIEL6 was born on 14 Oct 1752 at Meriden, CT. He married Huldah Spicer on 17 Sep 1778. He died on 21 Sep 1822 at

Waitsfield, VT, at age 69. 236. SAMUEL5 ELLSWORTH II (Samuel4, Josias3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 1 Oct 1718 at Ellington, CT. He married Amee Holiday, daughter of William Holiday and Anna Ellis, on 2 Dec 1746 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.535 He died in 1803 at Arlington, Bennington Co., VT. Bowman also cites the Ellsworth Genealogy. Children of Samuel5 Ellsworth II and Amee Holiday were as follows: i. CAROLINE6 was born on 13 Mar 1748. She married Caleb Hendee in 1767. She died in 1791. ii. TRYPHENA was born on 11 Aug 1750. She died in Sep 1751 at age 1. iii. SAMUEL was born on 21 Sep 1752. He married Irene Parsons, daughter of Aaron Parsons. He married Elizabeth Ashley. He

died in 1819. Samuel moved to Pittsford, Vermont. Bowman does not indicate which of his two wives bore his children.

iv. ISRAEL was born on 11 Apr 1755 at West Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.536 He married Hopestill Stevens, daughter of Benjamn Stevens and Hopestill Shaw, in 1777 at Rutland, VT. He married Ann Bennett on 24 Apr 1789 at Frederick Co., VA.537 He died in 1834 at Fairfax Co, VA. He was also known as ISRAEL HOLLIDAY. Israel lived in Connecticut, Vermont, and Fairfax County, Virginia. He served with the Green Mountain Boys of Vermont in the Revolutionary War. He went to Virginia around 1790, from Bradford County, Pa. He also lived in Charlestown, Maryland, Washington, DC, and Fairfax, Virginia. Israel then deserted his first wife, went by the moniker "Israel Ellsworth Holliday", including filing his Revolutionary War Pension application under this name, on 15 Oct 1832.

v. DANIEL was born on 10 Jul 1757. He married Mary Abbott, daughter of Joseph Abbott and Mary Bingham. 237. CHARLES5 ELLSWORTH (Samuel4, Josias3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 12 Dec 1721 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Betsy Bell at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1806. Charles commanded a company at the Lexington Alarm from East Windsor. Children of Charles5 Ellsworth and Betsy Bell were as follows: i. BETSEY6 married Sylvester Woodman. ii. MARY married Moses Allen. She married Thomas Munsell. iii. WILLIAM. Moved to Hanco*ck, Vt. iv. CHARLES was born in 1763. He married Sarah Hall. He died in 1813 at Harford, PA.

Charles served as a private in the Connecticut militia. Moved to Pennsylvania. v. ELEANOR was born in 1763. vi. ELIPHALET. vii. CALVIN was born on 9 Feb 1770. He married Dolly Lovejoy in Jan 1800. He died in 1838.

Calvin moved to Ohio. viii. ROXANA. ix. EZEKIEL was born on 5 Nov 1780. He married Abigail Taylor in Jul 1808. He died on 4 Oct 1854 at Northampton, MA, at age 73. 238. JOSIAH5 ELLSWORTH (Samuel4, Josias3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1726. He married Anna Grover in 1792. He died in 1815. Children of Josiah5 Ellsworth and Anna Grover were: i. JOSIAH6 was born in 1793. He married Lucretia Lord, daughter of Jeremiah Lord, in 1814.

Bowman cites the 1850 census of East Windsor. 239. DANIEL5 LOOMIS (Daniel4, Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 2 Nov 1710 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Eno, daughter of James Eno. He died on 1 Jan 1758 at Union, CT, at age 47. Children of Daniel5 Loomis and Sarah Eno were as follows: i. SARAH6 was born on 15 Nov 1737. She married Timothy Wales on 11 Nov 1762. ii. DANIEL was born on 25 Jul 1739. iii. JONAH was born on 5 May 1743 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.538 He married Mehitable Cram on 29 Nov 1764.539 He died on

22 Apr 1813 at age 69.540

535McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 10.2/Item A-1-1-6-1. 536Ibid. 537Ronald E. Brown, "Descendants of Israel Ellsworth Holliday", 30 July 2001 (Available on request). unknown memo. Hereinafter cited as "Israel Ellsworth". 538Loomis, Joseph Loomis, Page 209, Item 874. 539Ibid. 540Ibid.

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iv. NOAH was born on 13 Jan 1745. v. ELIJAH was born on 7 Aug 1747. vi. REUBEN was born on 22 May 1750. He died on 29 May 1750. 240. ELIZABETH5 LOOMIS (Daniel4, Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 20 May 1712. She married Daniel Eggleston, son of Isaac Eggleston, in 1731. She died on 18 Feb 1741 at age 28. Children of Elizabeth5 Loomis and Daniel Eggleston were as follows: i. MARY6 was born on 20 Jan 1735. ii. DANIEL LOOMIS was born on 29 Oct 1737. 241. MARY5 LOOMIS (Daniel4, Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 10 May 1714. She married Joseph Hoskins, son of Anthony Hoskins and Hannah Grimes, on 10 Jan 1735. Children of Mary5 Loomis and Joseph Hoskins were: i. JOSEPH6 was born in 1738. He married Eunice Coe. 242. JOSIAH5 LOOMIS (Josiah4, Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 11 Mar 1708/9 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Bacon on 26 Apr 1732. Children of Josiah5 Loomis and Abigail Bacon were as follows: i. ELIZABETH6 was born on 6 Mar 1733. ii. ABIGAIL was born on 27 Feb 1734/35. iii. JOSIAH was born on 19 May 1737. iv. ANDREW was born on 23 May 1739 at Egremont, Birkshire Co., MA. v. MICHAEL was born on 5 Sep 1741. vi. ABIJAH was born on 10 Mar 1743/44. vii. SARAH was born on 10 Oct 1748. viii. DANIEL was born on 4 Apr 1750. ix. BENAJAH was born on 15 Jul 1752 at Old Taghkanie, Columbia Co., NY. He married Rachel Patterson on 15 Nov 1771. He

married Prudence (--?--). He died on 8 Mar 1838 at Smithville, Chenango Co., NY, at age 85. x. RACHEL was born on 11 Mar 1755. 243. THOMAS5 LOOMIS (Josiah4, Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 16 Jun 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Younglove in 1746 at NY. He died in 1765 at Ancram, Columbia Co., NY.541 Children of Thomas5 Loomis and Sarah Younglove were: i. JOHN6 was born on 17 Aug 1749 at Livingston, Columbia Co., NY.542 He married Sarah Schaeffer in 1775 at Germantown,

NY.543 He died on 11 Sep 1823 at Taghkanic, Columbia Co., NY, at age 74.544 Revolutionary War Soldier, DAR Patriot index, 2nd Supplement 1973.

244. JACOB5 LOOMIS (Josiah4, Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 26 Nov 1720 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Dolly Hartman before 1748 at Tughkanic, Columbia Co., NY. Children of Jacob5 Loomis and Dolly Hartman were as follows: i. JACOB6 was born in 1748. He died in 1822. ii. WILLIAM HARTMAN was born in 1776 at Tughkanic, Columbia Co., NY. He married Amanda Woolson Welsey. He died in 1866 at

Monroe, Green Co, WI. 245. FRANCIS5 LOOMIS (Josiah4, Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 12 Jun 1726 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Pinney. He died in 1783. Children of Francis5 Loomis and Elizabeth Pinney were as follows: i. LORENA6. ii. LOREN was born in 1747. iii. ROSEBELLA was born in 1756. She married Capt. William Adams, son of Matthew Adams and Susanna Eno. She died in 1802. 246. JOB5 LOOMIS (Job4, Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 11 Mar 1710/11 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Eno, daughter of James Eno III and Hannah Phelps, in 1736. He died in 1772 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Job5 Loomis and Hannah Eno both born at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows:

541Judith Kay Price, "Judith Kay Price," e-mail to James H. Holcombe, 18 October 2003. 542Ibid. 543Ibid. 544Ibid.

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i. HANNAH6 was born on 13 Jul 1737.545,546 She married (--?--) Taylor. She married Consider Holcombe Jr., son of Consider Holcombe and Ruth Griffin, after 1804.547 She died on 7 Mar 1808 at Consumption, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 70.548,549

ii. SIMEON was born say 1746.550 He married Kezia Moore on 23 Mar 1769. He died on 31 Jul 1778 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.551

247. ANN5 LOOMIS (John4, Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 7 Mar 1718/19. She married Jabez Gillett, son of John Gillett and Elizabeth Drake. Bowman lists 10 children, but the birth order she gives does not correspond the the birth years she gives, and she lists the 10th child as Jabez, born in 1818-dy, the year his father died and his mother would have been 100 that year. Children of Ann5 Loomis and Jabez Gillett were as follows: i. ANN6 married Oliver Phelps, son of Lt. Samuel Phelps and Damaris Gilman. ii. FANNY. iii. HARRIETT. iv. CHLOE was born in 1765. She married Anson Colt, son of Johathan H. Colt and Mary Tuttle, in 1792. v. PAUL. vi. ROXANNA was born in 1767. She married Hezekiah Durand. vii. OLIVER. Bowman states that Oliver's wife MAY have been Louisa Moore who was born in 1757, the daughter of James and Mary

Norton Moore. The children that Bowman lists are from the Moore genealogy. viii. HORACE was born in 1770. He married Rachel Austin in 1801. He died in 1807. ix. ESTHER was born in 1771. She married Uri Curtis. 248. LUCY5 LOOMIS (John4, Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 21 Aug 1729. She married Robert Joyner, son of William Joyner and Elizabeth Eads, in 1757. She died in 1801. (Not Joel Adams-see corrections Loomis Book). Children of Lucy5 Loomis and Robert Joyner were as follows: i. ROBERT WILLIAM6. ii. OCTAVIUS was born in 1761. He married Esther Hollenback in 1784. He died in 1827 at Berkshire Co., MA. 249. ISAAC5 LOOMIS (Isaac4, Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 19 Jul 1719 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Gillett on 10 Mar 1742/43 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Isaac5 Loomis and Sarah Gillett all born at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. SARAH6 was born on 12 Mar 1743/44. ii. RHODA was born on 11 Jul 1746. iii. MICHAEL was born on 13 Oct 1747. iv. ISAAC was born on 11 Aug 1750. v. HANNAH was born on 16 Jan 1753. vi. ASA was born on 29 Feb 1756. vii. JOSEPH was born on 26 Jun 1758. He married Rhoda Stark. He died in 1835 at Charlestown, OH. 250. JEDEDIAH5 LOOMIS (Isaac4, Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 1 Sep 1720 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sybil Case, daughter of Joshua Case and Anne (--?--), on 25 Nov 1748 at Wintonbury Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died in Jan 1807 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 86. Children of Jedediah5 Loomis and Sybil Case were as follows: i. SYBIL6 was baptized on 19 Nov 1749. She married Serajah Loomis, son of Benjamin Loomis and Joanna Alvord, on 31 Oct 1767.

She died in Jun 1827. ii. MELINDA married John Anderson. She died in 1836. iii. EUNICE was born on 9 Feb 1752. She married Stephen Brown on 27 Nov 1775. She died on 23 Jun 1809 at age 57. iv. AMY (ANNE) was born on 21 Oct 1756. She married Timothy Anderson on 13 Jan 1782. She died on 23 Apr 1829 at age 72. v. JEDEDIAH was born on 8 Oct 1758 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.552 He married Martha Drake, daughter of Augustine Drake and

Mary Griswold, on 18 May 1783.553 He died in 1820 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.554

545Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141. 546Mrs. Carol A. Laun, "unknown short article title". 547Ibid. 548Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141. 549Mrs. Carol A. Laun, "unknown short article title". 550Loomis, Joseph Loomis, Page 212, Item 919. 551Ibid.

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vi. AGNES was born on 10 May 1761. She married William Francis on 7 Sep 1783. She died on 9 Dec 1830 at age 69. vii. DOROTHY was born on 6 Aug 1763. She married Abial Hurd. She married Samuel Elmer. She died on 8 Dec 1833 at age 70. viii. DANIEL was born on 25 May 1766. He married Chloe Morton. He died on 11 Nov 1824 at age 58. 251. HANNAH5 LOOMIS (Isaac4, Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 15 Feb 1721/22. She married Nathaniel Burr on 8 Jul 1740. Bowman doesn't know if it was Hannah or her mother that married Nathaniel Burr. Confusion continues into the next generation. A Hannah Lomis also married John Cook in 1735/Stiles 573. Children of Hannah5 Loomis and Nathaniel Burr were as follows: i. HANNAH6 was born in 1741. ii. NATHANIEL was born in 1743. He married Abigail Strong.

Bowman is not sure about Nathaniel's marriage to Abigail. iii. ISIAH was born in 1745. He married Eunice Rowell in 1773. He died in 1779. iv. ANNA was born in 1747. v. EUNICE was born in 1749. She died in 1762. vi. SALEM was born in 1752. He married Ann Cole in 1780. vii. MIRIAM was born in 1754. viii. FREELOVE was born in 1756. She married Elihu Case, son of Reuben Case and Ruth Goodrich, on 7 May 1778. 252. EUNICE5 LOOMIS (Isaac4, Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born either 23 Jan 1723 or 1724. She married Gideon Burr on 11 Nov 1742. She died on 30 Aug 1746. Children of Eunice5 Loomis and Gideon Burr were as follows: i. EUNICE6 was born in 1744. ii. SARAH was born in 1746. She married Stephen Burr in 1761.

Bowman isn't sure if she is the one who married Stephen Burr. 253. ISABEL5 LOOMIS (Abraham4, Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 26 Oct 1729. She married Benjamin Phelps Jr. in 1755. She died in 1784. Children of Isabel5 Loomis and Benjamin Phelps Jr. were as follows: i. JERUSHA6 was born in 1757. ii. JOSEPH was born in 1759. He married Rebecca Leavenworth in 1804. iii. ISABEL was born in 1761. iv. JONATHAN was born in 1763. He married Sylvia Beach in 1785. v. JEMIMA was born in 1765. She married James Eggleston, son of Edward Eggleston and Elizabeth Curtis, in 1789. vi. DANIEL was born in 1766. He married Huldah Whiting, daughter of John Whiting and Sarah Foster, in 1796. He died in 1850.

Bowman cites the 1850 census of East Windsor and the Phelps Genealogy. vii. BENJAMIN was born in 1769. He married Lydia Grant, daughter of Ambrose Grant and Hannah Mason, in 1800. 254. JEMIMA5 LOOMIS (Abraham4, Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 4 Jul 1734 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.555,556 She married Deacon Noah North, son of Ebenezer North and Sybil Curtis, on 25 Mar 1756 at Torrington, Litchfield Co., CT.557,558 She died on 27 Dec 1767 at Torrington, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 33.559,560 Children of Jemima5 Loomis and Deacon Noah North were as follows: i. NAOH6 was born on 12 Jun 1757 at Torrington, Litchfield Co., CT.561 He died on 28 Apr 1780 at age 22.562

ii. JUNIUS was born on 24 Sep 1760 at Torrington, Litchfield Co., CT.563 He married Sabrina Fyler on 25 Jan 1785.564 He married Mrs. Sally Covey in Jan 1807.565 He died on 14 Nov 1828 at Torrington, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 68.566

552Frank B. Gay, The Descendants of John Drake of Windsor, Connecticut (Rutland, VT: The Tuttle Company, 1933), Page 100. Hereinafter cited as John Drake. 553Ibid. 554Ibid. 555Loomis, Joseph Loomis, Page 146. 556Letter, Kathleen D. Fenton to James H. Holcombe, 7 February 2003. 557Loomis, Joseph Loomis, Page 146. 558Letter, Kathleen D. Fenton to James H. Holcombe, 7 February 2003. 559Loomis, Joseph Loomis, Page 146. 560Letter, Kathleen D. Fenton to James H. Holcombe, 7 February 2003. 561Ibid. 562Ibid. 563Ibid.

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iii. REMEMBRANCE was born on 13 Oct 1762 at Torrington, Litchfield Co., CT.567 He married Elizabeth Lee, daughter of Joseph Lee and Prudence Curtis, on 21 Sep 1786.568 He died on 10 Aug 1802 at Torrington, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 39.569 Remembrance was enumerated in the 1790 Torrington, Litchfield Co., CT, federal census. He was made a freeman in 1794.570

iv. JEMIMA was born on 7 Apr 1766.571 She married Elihu Barber, son of Joseph Barber and Zain (--?--), on 19 Apr 1787 at Torrington, Litchfield Co., CT.572 She died in 1818. Bowman is not sure that this Jemima North was the one who married Elihu.

v. MARY was born on 19 Dec 1767.573 She married Rev. Hezekia West.574 She died in Sep 1827 at age 59.575 Hezekia was a baptist minister, they moved to Pennsylvania.576

255. TABITHA5 LOOMIS (Benjamin4, Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 16 Oct 1730.577 She married John Burr, son of John Burr and Mary Root, in 1747. She died in 1828. Children of Tabitha5 Loomis and John Burr were as follows: i. JOHN6 was born in 1750. He married Joel Markham in 1770.

Bowman cites the Loomis-female vol 1/565. ii. REUBEN was born on 13 Jan 1752. He married Mehitable Stanley. He married Martha (--?--). He died on 20 Dec 1827 at age 75.

He lived at Torrington, Litchfield Co., CT. Bowman cites the Burr Genealogy/247.

iii. TABITHA was born in 1754. She died in 1785. iv. JEHEIL was born in 1757. He married Mable (--?--). He died in 1800.

Bowman cites the Burr Genealogy/247. He lived at Torrington, Litchfield Co., CT. v. RUSSELL was born in 1761.

Bowman notes that Russell married and moved to Ohio; she cites Loomis-female/Vol 1/565. vi. CHLOE was born in 1764. She married Ira Fuller. vii. TABITHA. Bowman lists this Tabitha here, but the first Tabitha did not die until 1785, not probable. 256. BENJAMIN5 LOOMIS (Benjamin4, Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 10 Apr 1732.578 He married Elizabeth Barber, daughter of Aaron Barber and Mary Douglas, on 3 Feb 1751 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lydia Drake, daughter of Enoch Drake and Dorcas Eggleston, in 1760. He died in 1781. Children of Benjamin5 Loomis and Elizabeth Barber were as follows: i. BENJAMIN6 was born on 27 Nov 1757 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Chloe Brown in 1778. He died in 1825.

Bowman also cites the Barber Genealogy. ii. ELIZABETH. Children of Benjamin5 Loomis and Lydia Drake were:

564Ibid. 565Ibid. 566Ibid. 567Ibid. 568Ibid. 569Ibid. 570Ibid. 571Ibid. 572Donald S. Barber, The Connecticut Barbers: A Genealogy of the Descendants of Thomas Barber of Windsor, Conn. (11129 Pleasant Ridge Rd. Utica, KY 42376: McDowell Publications, 2001), Page 147. Hereinafter cited as Thomas Barber 2nd Ed. 573Letter, Kathleen D. Fenton to James H. Holcombe, 7 February 2003. 574Ibid. 575Ibid. 576Ibid. 577Loomis, Joseph Loomis, Page 147, Item 366. 578Ibid., Page 147, Item 367.

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i. ANN6 was born in 1762. 257. SERAJAH5 LOOMIS (Benjamin4, Mary3 Ellsworth, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 4 Dec 1740.579 He married Sybil Loomis, daughter of Jedediah Loomis and Sybil Case, on 31 Oct 1767. He died in 1811. Children of Serajah5 Loomis and Sybil Loomis were as follows: i. NIDER6 was born on 9 Apr 1768. He died on 1 Apr 1814 at age 45. ii. IRA was born on 13 Feb 1770. He married Rosamond Warner in 1798. He died on 9 Jan 1842 at age 71. iii. ASHER was born on 4 Apr 1772. He died in Mar 1819 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 46. iv. HORACE was born on 4 Aug 1774. v. WEALTHY was born on 11 Feb 1777. She married Daniel Strong, son of Abel Strong and Elizabeth Wakeman, on 3 Jul 1799. 258. LT. JOSIAH5 ALLYN (Sarah4 Ellsworth, Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 3 Nov 1727. He married Anny Allyn in 1751. He died in 1794. He was also known as Josiah Allen. Josiah survived the Wyoming, PA, Indian massacre. Children of Lt. Josiah5 Allyn and Anny Allyn were as follows: i. ROXANA6. ii. ANN was born in 1756. She married Dr. Daniel Porter. She died in 1828. iii. RHODA was born in 1757. iv. CHLOE married Dr. Elisha Noyes Sills, son of Jabez Sills and Elizabeth Noyes, on 11 Feb 1796. 259. ABIGAIL5 ELLSWORTH (Nathaniel4, Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 3 Aug 1752. She married Ezra Paine. Children of Abigail5 Ellsworth and Ezra Paine were as follows: i. DEBORAH6. ii. AZINA. iii. ABIGAIL. iv. CELINDA. v. ASAHEL E.. 260. JEMIMA5 ELLSWORTH (William4, Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 4 Sep 1742. She married David Hayden, son of David Hayden and Dorothy Allyn, on 11 Mar 1761. She died on 13 Feb 1828 at Angelica, NY, at age 85. Children of Jemima5 Ellsworth and David Hayden were as follows: i. DAVID6 was born on 20 Dec 1761 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT.580 He married (--?--) Unknown. He married (--?--) Unknown.

He married (--?--) Unknown. He died in 1835.581 Stiles' Supplement gives an entirely different family of children to this David. It has required a long search to prove that this David belonged to the family of David of Harwinton(83), Conn. I twice visited Bateman e. at Greenbush, and the only hint I could get from him ws that this father had a brother Peletiah, and that he once went there with his father, but could not tell whether he went east or west to get there. Mrs. Oaks (Ann Jemima) of Riverton, Conn., wrote that she was named for her father's sister Jemima. They all agreed that their father died as early as 1835, at the age of eighty-four; but he could have been but seventy-four if he had been the son of David(83). On the other hand, Mr. David Ellsworth Hayden, son of Pelatiah, wrote me, 1846, that David had a son Bateman at Greenbush who could give me a record of his family. In answer to my inquiries, Mrs. Lucy Childs of Leslie, Mich., daughter of Pelatiah, wrote me, Sept. 1886, that she remembers the visit of her uncle David and his son Bateman, that her "father received him as a brother, and Bateman remained with us about six months." David received a soldier's pension for services in the Revolutionary war towards the close of his life. Jabez Hayden Jabez indicates that David had three wives, two children by the first, three children by the second, and two children by the third.

ii. JEMIMA was born on 25 Feb 1764. She married Nehemiah Hubbell Jr., son of Nehemiah Hubbell and Hannah Treadwell. iii. NEWELL was born on 14 Jun 1766 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT.582 He married Vashti Wright, daughter of Moses Wright and

Thankful Norton. He died circa 1846 at MI.583 Newell was born in Harwinton, conn., "and removed, with his father and one brother, to Painted Post, N.Y.," on or before 1797. chills and fever led him to return to Connecticut, probably to Winchester, (where he was made a freeman, 1801); he again returned to New York, probably to Sodus, where he was living, 1846. His son Calvin of South Carolina wrote me, 1857, that his father, Newell, removed, with two of his sons, to Michigan, where he died at the age of about eighty. Jabez Hayden.

iv. PELETIAH was born on 10 Jan 1768.584 He married Hepzibah (--?--). In the sketch of Peletiah Hayden in the Pompey Reunion, it is said that he was "born in Newington, Conn." His father and his mother were born in Windsor and removed to Harwinton when children, and were married in Harwinton, and Harwinton's records prove that Peletiah was born there. In 1794 Peletiah "of Wethersfield" bought two acres of land in the Parish of Newington, and in

579Ibid., Page 147, Item 369. 580Jabez Haskell Hayden, Records of the Connecticut Line of the Hayden Family (Hartford, CT: The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1888), Page 167, item 201. Hereinafter cited as Hayden Family. 581Ibid. 582Ibid., Page 168, Item 203. 583Ibid. 584Ibid., Page 169, Item 204.

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1797 Peletiah Haycen "of Colebrook," Conn., sold the same two acres of land. There appears no evidence of buildings thereon. Pompey Reunion also says that Peletiah Hayden moved inot Pompey from Kingsboro, N.Y. in 1816. So it appears that he was not permanently settled until he reached Pompey at the age of 48. Jabez Hayden.

v. OLIVER was born on 24 May 1770 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT.585 He married Abigail Cleveland. He married Eliza Funk. He died in 1855.586 He was also known as GEORGE OLIVER KEYS. He was also known as OLIVER HAYDEN KEYS. He was a well educated, intelligent man, and like many another Hayden, taught school in the years of his early manhood. Mr. P. P. Hubbell, of Winona, Minn, son of Jemima Hayden, has sent me a well written letter, dated Alexandria, Pa., Mar. 13, 1841, addressed to "my dear sister Mrs. Jemima Hubbell," by the above Oliver. The letter is largely devoted to the subject of religion, and assurances of attachment to his sister and friends.587

vi. ABIJAH was born on 13 May 1772 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT.588 He married Orinda Shepherd on 27 Jan 1799. He died on 17 Jun 1849 at Leroy, Boone Co., IL, at age 77.589 "Abijah was a man of marked good qualities of mind and heart, though during a portion of his life not heeding the laws of health; he lived to a good old age, and was in vigorous health until attacked by that fell destroyer the cholera. Until that time he had hardly known a day of sickness. At a very early age he was apprenticed to learn the blacksmith trade, and became a skillful workman. In figure he was of good height, erect, and easy carriage. He was not over impulsive, but sensible and determined. He had a great love and memory for poetry, and his mind was stored with the songs of his time. He was a man of keen perceptions; in politics he was not a strong partisan, but strove to discover the right and followed it unflinchingly. He was first a Federalist, afterwards a Whig. He was very social, loved to work, was very kind and peaceable, but resented an injury. His early life was that of a consistent Christian, but through the unfortunate practice at that time of furnishing spirituous liquors to apprentices, he became enslaved for a time, but later in life he was among the first fruits of the temperance movement, and afterwards lived many years an exceedingly exemplary Christian life, and died saying, 'I know that my Redeemer liveth.' He was a member of the Baptist Churchy, both in New York and Illinois, and universally beloved." --Edwin V. Hayden as quoted by Jabez Hayden.

vii. LYMAN was born circa 1774 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Betsey Fairchild. He died on 11 Feb 1813 at Angelica, NY. "Lyman, when a young man, lived with his sister, Mrs. Jemima Patterson, and tended the Patterson Mill" at Painted Post, N.Y. Later hehad a farm adjoining that of his father David, on the Genesee River, in the town of Angelica. He was a major in the militia, and highly respected in the community. He died in middle life a few days after the death of his father, and eight days before the birth of his son Nathaniel. Jabez Hayden. He was also known as LYMAN HEYDON.

viii. OLIVE married Robert J. Bonham. 261. THOMAS5 ELLSWORTH (Thomas4, Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born January 21 or 23, 1735 or 173. He married Hannah Eaton. He married Lydia Marshall. He died on 7 Nov 1815. Bowman lists two wives but does not assign the children to either. Children of Thomas5 Ellsworth and Hannah Eaton were as follows: i. JOHN6 was born in 1762. He married Hannah Birge. He married Ruth Allen. He died in 1848. ii. GUSTAVIUS. iii. HANNAH. iv. CHLOE. There were no children of Thomas5 Ellsworth and Lydia Marshall. 262. GUSTAVUS5 ELLSWORTH (Thomas4, Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 21 Jun 1742. He married Kezia Eaton on 14 Apr 1766. Children of Gustavus5 Ellsworth and Kezia Eaton were as follows: i. KEZIA6 was born on 1 Oct 1766. ii. GUSTAVUS was born on 23 Jan 1768. iii. DEBORAH was born on 1 May 1770. iv. ELIZABETH was born on 8 Apr 1772. v. DIADEMA was born on 15 Mar 1774. 263. HANNAH5 BIDWELL (Mary4 Ellsworth, Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1750. She married Elijah Burnham, son of Timothy Burnham and Naomi Gilman, in 1770. She died in 1826. Children of Hannah5 Bidwell and Elijah Burnham were as follows: i. SELAH6 was born in 1774. He married Eunice Anderson, daughter of John Anderson, in 1798. He died in 1824. ii. HANNAH married Samuel Buell III, son of Samuel Buell Jr. and Irene Case.

585Ibid., Page 170, Item 205. 586Ibid. 587Ibid., page 170. 588Ibid., Page 170, Item 206. 589Ibid.

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264. JOHN5 LOOMIS (Abigail4 Ellsworth, Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 4 Mar 1733/34. He married Redexelana Wolcott, daughter of Lt. Thomas Wolcott and Catherine Loomis, on 8 Jun 1756. He died on 18 Sep 1807 at age 73. Stiles lists ten children of John and Redoxalena, Bowman stops after the first eight. Stiles lists Joseph in 1776 and Lucinda in 1778. Children of John5 Loomis and Redexelana Wolcott were as follows: i. ELIHU6 was born on 28 Jan 1758. He died on 22 May 1816 at age 58. ii. JOHN was born on 22 Jun 1759. He died on 5 Dec 1786 at age 27. iii. REDEXELANA was born on 29 Nov 1761. She married Jonathan Bissell III, son of Jonathan Bissell and Elizabeth Holliday, on 13

Sep 1791 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 27 Mar 1843 at Ketch Mills, East Windsor, CT, at age 81. iv. DAMARIS was born on 25 Feb 1765. She married Phineaus Blodget, son of Josiah Blodget and Abigail Rood, in 1783. She died. v. WARHAM was born in Dec 1767. vi. BENJAMIN was born on 5 May 1770. vii. JOSEPH was born on 5 May 1770. viii. SARAH was born on 9 Aug 1774. 265. LUKE5 LOOMIS (Abigail4 Ellsworth, Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 15 Oct 1736 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.590 He married Experience Carver. He died on 8 Mar 1811 at age 74.591 Children of Luke5 Loomis and Experience Carver both born at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. SIMEON6 was born on 11 Sep 1767.592 He married Betsey Foster on 24 Mar 1791.593 He died on 10 Feb 1865 at East

Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 97.594 Simeon removed to Lansingburgh, NY, Oct 1794, and returned to East Windsor, Feb, 1800.595

ii. RUSSELL was born on 5 Aug 1769.596 He married Corinna Gillett on 20 Oct 1791.597 He died on 23 Mar 1816 at Windsor, Ashtabula Co., OH, at age 46.598

266. ESTHER5 LOOMIS (Abigail4 Ellsworth, Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 14 May 1738. She married Joel Roberts. She married Ephraim Tucker on 12 Dec 1785. Children of Esther5 Loomis and Joel Roberts were as follows: i. SAMUEL6. ii. NAOMI. iii. JUDAH was born in 1763. He married Mercy Eno. He died in 1839.

Judah was placed on the pension roll of Litchfield Co., CT, 1831 for service of private Connecticut Continental Line. He had taken his father's place when he was discharged from duty, 1778.

There were no children of Esther5 Loomis and Ephraim Tucker. 267. NATHAN5 BLODGETT (Deborah4 Ellsworth, Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1741. He married Abigail Cushman, daughter of William Cushman and Abigail Lee, in 1763. Children of Nathan5 Blodgett and Abigail Cushman were: i. SARAH6 was born in 1769. She married William Barney Carpenter, son of William Carpenter and Hannah Needham. She died in

1850. Bowman cites the World Family Tree.

268. ASAHEL5 GREEN (Eunice4 Ellsworth, Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 19 Jun 1763 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Grace Grant, daughter of Jonathan Grant and Mary Ladd, on 1 Oct 1778. He died on 1 Sep 1838 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 75. Children of Asahel5 Green and Grace Grant were as follows: i. MARTIN6 was born in 1780. He married Irene Munsell.

590Loomis, Joseph Loomis, Page 157, item 243. 591Ibid. 592Ibid., Page 189, item 661. 593Ibid. 594Ibid. 595Loomis, Joseph Loomis. 596Ibid., Page 189, item 662. 597Ibid. 598Ibid.

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ii. ROXY was born in 1782. She died in 1802. iii. THANKFUL was born in 1784. She died in 1820. iv. ASAHEL was born in 1786. He married Abigail (--?--).

Listed in the 1850 census in Sough Windsor. v. DASHE was born in 1788. vi. ELI was born in 1789. vii. REUBEN was born in 1799. 269. GILES5 ELLSWORTH (Giles4, Jonathan3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 6 Sep 1732. He married Keziah Moore. He died on 29 Jul 1796 at age 63. Children of Giles5 Ellsworth and Keziah Moore were: i. ROGER6 was born on 28 Jul 1760 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He was baptized on 26 Jul 1761 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.

He married Lucy Hayden, daughter of Isaac Hayden and Eunice Drake, in 1784. He died on 13 May 1801 at age 40. 270. ISAAC5 OWEN (Mary4 Ellsworth, Jonathan3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 24 Sep 1736.599 He married Zerviah Griswold, daughter of George Griswold and Zerviah Griswold, at Suffield, Hartford Co., CT.600 He died on 2 Aug 1816 at age 79.601 Children of Isaac5 Owen and Zerviah Griswold were: i. ISAAC6 was born on 16 Jun 1757.602 He married Zerviah Cornish on 30 Nov 1780 at Congregational Church, Turkey Hills,

Hartford Co., CT.603 271. CAPT. DAVID5 ELLSWORTH (David4, Jonathan3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 27 Mar 1741/42 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Phebe Lyman, daughter of Moses Lyman and Sarah Hayden, on 22 Feb 1779. He died on 4 Jan 1821 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 78. David served as corporal in Major John Skinner's troup, 1776. Children of Capt. David5 Ellsworth and Phebe Lyman were as follows: i. JEMIMA6 was born in 1779. ii. DAVID was born in 1781. He died in 1781. iii. DAVID was born in 1782. He married Alma Gillespie in 1818. He married Huldah Pinney in 1832. iv. PHEBE was born in 1784. v. LYMAN was born in 1786. vi. MARY was born in 1789. vii. ERASTUS was born in 1790. He married Elizabeth Saunders Wolcott, daughter of Senator Samuel Wolcott and Jerusha Wolcott,

on 23 Nov 1820. He died in 1879. viii. LEAVITT was born in 1796. 272. CHIEF JUSTICE OLIVER5 ELLSWORTH (David4, Jonathan3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 29 Apr 1745 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He was baptized on 5 May 1745 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Wolcott, daughter of William Wolcott and Abigail Abbott, on 10 Dec 1772. He died on 26 Nov 1807 at Elmwood, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 62. He was buried at Palisado Cemetery, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. His estate was probated in 1808 at Hartford, Hartford Co., CT. Donna Siemiatkoski has written a book on the descendants of Oliver in cooperation with the Ellsworth Memorial Association and the Connecticut DAR. It is available in major genealogical libraries and from the Ellsworth Genealogy Book Committee, Oliver Ellsworth Homestead, 778 Palisado Avenue, Windsor, CT 06095 for $30 plus $3.20 shipping and CT sales tax of 6%. Oliver graduated in 1766 from Princeton University, New Jersey (A.B.). He was a young attorney at the time of the struggle for Independence and served a variety of roles in the colony and state government. He was only 42 when he attended the Constitutional Convention. His most renowned roles were as a framer of the Constitution, the first Senator from Connecticut, third Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and envoy to Napoleon's court. He is buried under a white obelisk with his wife and oldest son in the Ellsworth section. Children of Chief Justice Oliver5 Ellsworth and Abigail Wolcott all born at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. ABIGAIL6 was born on 16 Aug 1774. She married Ezekial Williams, son of Deacon Ezekial Williams and Prudence Stoddard, on

20 Oct 1794 at Elmwood, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died in 1860 at Hartford, Hartford Co., CT. She was buried at Spring Grove Cemetery, Hartford, Hartford Co., CT. She left a will on 16 Jun 1853.

ii. OLIVER was born on 22 Oct 1776. He died on 20 May 1778 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 1. iii. OLIVER was born on 27 Apr 1781. He died on 4 Jul 1805 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 24.

Stiles: Oliver, Jr., ". . . accompanied his father to France as Secretary. His health was naturally frail; he was a diligent student; the mild climate of the West Indies, whither he resorted for relief, failed to benefit him." He was graduated in 1799 at Yale, New Haven, New Haven Co., CT.

599Stiles History of Ancient Windsor II, Volume II, Page 545, Family 9. 600Esther Griswold French and Robert Lewis French, Griswold, Page 134. 601Stiles History of Ancient Windsor II, Volume II, Page 545, Family 9. 602Esther Griswold French and Robert Lewis French, Griswold, Page 135. 603Albert Carlos Bates., Records of the Congregational Church in Turkey Hills, now the Town of East Granby, Connecticut, 1776-1858.

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iv. MARTIN was born on 17 Apr 1783. He married Sophia Wolcott, daughter of Senator Samuel Wolcott and Jerusha Wolcott, on 19 Oct 1807. He died on 2 Nov 1857 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 74. He was buried at Palisado Cemetery, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Stiles: "He inherited the homestead and estate at Windsor, whee he resided . . . a gentleman of high character and fine abilities." He was graduated in 1801 at Yale, New Haven, New Haven Co., CT.

v. WILLIAM was born on 25 Jun 1785. He died on 24 Jul 1785 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. vi. FRANCES was born on 31 Aug 1786. She married Hon. Joseph Wood, son of David Wood and Sarah (--?--), on 10 May 1809.

She died on 14 Mar 1868 at New Haven, New Haven Co., CT, at age 81. vii. DELIA was born on 23 Jul 1789. She married Hon. Thomas Scott Williams, son of Deacon Ezekial Williams and Prudence

Stoddard, on 7 Jan 1812. She died on 24 Jun 1840 at age 50. She was buried on 28 Jun 1840 at Old North Cemetery, Hartford, Hartford Co., CT.

viii. WILLIAM WOLCOTT was born on 10 Nov 1791. He married Emily Scholten Webster, daughter of Noah Webster Jr. and Rebecca Greenleaf, on 14 Sep 1813. He died on 15 Jan 1868 at Hartford, Hartford Co., CT, at age 76. He was graduated in 1811 at Yale, New Haven, New Haven Co., CT.

ix. HENRY LEAVITT was born on 10 Nov 1791. He married Nancy Allen Goodrich, daughter of Judge Elizur Goodrich and Anne Willard, on 22 Jun 1813. He married Marietta Mariana Bartlett. He married Catherine Smith. He died on 27 Dec 1858 at Fair Haven, CT, at age 67. He was graduated in 1810 at Yale, New Haven, New Haven Co., CT.

273. CAPT. JOHN5 ELLSWORTH (John4, John3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 24 Aug 1735 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Clark on 25 Nov 1761. He married Martha Elton on 23 Jan 1772. He died on 14 Feb 1779 at age 43. It appears by a journal kept by him, that he was on an expedition for the Governor on the Mississippi River in 1774-5, and for his services was granted a tract of land where the city of Natchez now stands. Children of Capt. John5 Ellsworth and Sarah Clark were as follows: i. JOHN6 was born on 2 Sep 1762.604 He married Sarah Strong, daughter of Rev. Cyprian Strong DD and Sarah Bull, on 25 Nov

1788. He died in 1816. "He was a large farmer in Greensboro,m Vt., whither he went to reside in 1798, and whre he held various public offices, as clerk of the court, &c." --Benjamin Dwight.

ii. SARAH was born in 1763. She married Abner Sage in 1793. She died in 1802. iii. RUTH was born in 1765. She married Abner Sage in 1787. She died in 1793. Children of Capt. John5 Ellsworth and Martha Elton were as follows: i. MARTHA6 was born in 1773. ii. MARY HALL was born in 1775. 274. LT. SOLOMON5 ELLSWORTH (John4, John3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 30 Apr 1737. He married Mary Moseley, daughter of Abner Moseley, on 27 Dec 1758. He died on 19 Oct 1822 at age 85. Solomon was at the Lexington Alarm and served as lieutenant in Capt. Lemuel Stoughton's company from East Windsor. Children of Lt. Solomon5 Ellsworth and Mary Moseley were as follows: i. MARY6 was born in 1759. She married Chauncey Newberry. She died in 1829. ii. ANN was born in 1761. She died in 1777. iii. SOLOMON was born in 1762. He died in 1841.

Unmarried. iv. ELIZABETH was born in 1765. She married John Newberry. She died in 1816. v. STODDARD was born in 1767. He married Ann Stoughton, daughter of Col. Lemuel Stoughton and Ann Ellsworth, in 1793. He

died in 1845. vi. ABIGAIL was born in 1769. vii. ABNER MOSELY was born in 1771. He married Elsie Thompson in 1792.

Bowman cites Stiles and the 1850 census of East Windsor. viii. JOHN was born in 1773. He married Ruth Stoughton, daughter of Col. Lemuel Stoughton and Ann Ellsworth. He died in 1823. ix. MARILLA was born in 1774. x. TIMOTHY was born in 1778. He married Maryann Mather. xi. JOSEPH was born in 1780. He died in 1804. xii. ANN. 275. ANN5 ELLSWORTH (John4, John3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 23 Jan 1741. She married Col. Lemuel Stoughton, son of Nathaniel Stoughton and Martha Ellsworth, in 1769. She died on 8 Nov 1819 at age 78. Children of Ann5 Ellsworth and Col. Lemuel Stoughton were as follows: i. ANN6 was born in 1770. She married Stoddard Ellsworth, son of Lt. Solomon Ellsworth and Mary Moseley, in 1793. ii. JOHN was born on 2 Feb 1772. He married Sarah Wetmore, daughter of Oliver Wetmore, on 26 Feb 1799. He died on 19 Sep

1841 at age 69. iii. LEMUEL was born in 1774. iv. RUTH was born in 1776. She married John Ellsworth, son of Lt. Solomon Ellsworth and Mary Moseley. She died in 1859. v. MARTHA was born in 1777. vi. EUNICE was born in 1779.

604Benjamin Woodbridge Dwight, The History of the Descendants of Elder John Strong, of Northampton, Mass., Two Volumes. (Originally Published, Albany, NY 1871; reprinted by Gateway Press, Inc., Baltimore, 1984.).

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276. DANIEL5 ELLSWORTH (Daniel4, John3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1727 at Ellington, CT. He married Mary McKinsey. He died on 27 Jul 1803 at Ellington, CT. Children of Daniel5 Ellsworth and Mary McKinsey were as follows: i. CHLOE6 was born in 1752. She married Ebenezer Hyde on 22 Nov 1775. ii. DANIEL was born in Dec 1753. He married Mary Abbot, daughter of Capt. Joseph Abbot and Elizabeth Stedman, on 2 Dec 1784.

He died on 3 Mar 1798 at age 44. Daniel moved in 1795 to Erie, Pa., when there were only 15 white families there, with a garrison to protect them, his store being the first frame building in the place. He brought his family there in 1797, the journey, made on pack-hourses, taking several weeks, and three children soon died. He was the first white man buried in Erie. His wife, a noble, energetic, Christian woman, returned to her father's home in Ell. in the fall of the same year, leaving Presque Isle (now Erie, PA) 15th Oct; she reached Ell. in 51 days hard travel, on 7 Dec 1798; she resided with her father 2 years before marrying a second time.

iii. MINDWELL was born in 1761. She died on 7 Feb 1784. iv. JOHN was born in 1762. He died on 22 Nov 1791. v. ELIZABETH was born in 1764. She died on 21 Jun 1786. vi. ALICE was born in 1765. She died on 7 May 1786. vii. JERUSHA was born in 1768. She married William Morgan. She died on 29 Apr 1829. 277. GURDON5 ELLSWORTH (Daniel4, John3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1737. He married Lydia Makepeace. He died on 26 Jun 1803 at Ellington. Children of Gurdon5 Ellsworth and Lydia Makepeace were as follows: i. GURDON6 was born on 17 Apr 1773. ii. GEORGE was born on 18 Jul 1774. He died on 23 Mar 1798 at age 23. iii. LYDIA was born on 9 Oct 1775. She married Isaac Fowler on 9 Dec 1806. She died on 30 Apr 1836 at age 60. iv. SALLY was born on 23 Oct 1778. She married Isaac Knapp on 7 Jun 1807. She died on 21 Jul 1814 at age 35. v. MINDWELL was born on 10 Dec 1783. She died on 9 Apr 1826 at age 42. 278. JONATHAN5 WELLS (Esther4 Ellsworth, John3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1733. He married Esther Hills in 1756. He married Mabel Stanley Hills in 1796. He died in 1816. On Vol. I, Page 40, Bowman mentions two wives, both named Hills; on Vol. I, Page 92, however, Bowman only mentions one, Esther. Children of Jonathan5 Wells and Esther Hills were: i. ESTHER6 was born in 1759. She married Deodatus Woodbridge in 1780. There were no children of Jonathan5 Wells and Mabel Stanley Hills. 279. REBECCA5 WELLS (Esther4 Ellsworth, John3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1743. She married Thomas Williams Dr. in 1782. She died in 1793. Children of Rebecca5 Wells and Thomas Williams Dr. were: i. SOLOMON6 was born in 1782. He married Martha Baker in 1806. He died in 1874.

He lived at Manchester, Hartford Co., CT. 280. LT. SAMUEL5 HUNT JR. (Hannah4 Ellsworth, John3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 29 Sep 1734 at Northfield, Franklin Co., MA.605 He married Esther Strong, daughter of Lt. Caleb Strong and Phebe Lyman, on 2 Dec 1760.606 He died on 24 Aug 1799 at age 64.607 "Esther's family friends were very loth to have her go so far away, hardly expecting to see her ever again. She went to her new home on horseback being guided on their way only by marks cut in the trees, while her effects went up the Connecticut river by boat. "Samuel was commissioned April 27, 1759, Third Lieutenant in him Majesty's service at No. 4 (Charlestown, N.H.), by Gov. Pownall of the province of Mass. Bay. During the Revolutionary war he was for some time commissary at Charlestown, a point of concentration for the American troops under Gen. Stark. He was also high sheriff of the county and held at different times various local offices of honor and trust. Though small of stature he was energetic and brave. He went once with several deputies to arrest a noted horse thief (Shem Canfield) who had armed himself and hidden in the woods. His subordinates were afraid to arrest him when found as he declared that he would shoot any one who made the the attempt. 'No! you will not,' said Lt. Hunt, and went right up and captured him. He was a farmer at Charlestown, N.H. and quite wealthy." -- Benjamin Dwight. Children of Lt. Samuel5 Hunt Jr. and Esther Strong were as follows: i. SAMUEL6 was born on 1 Nov 1761.608 He died on 3 Feb 1764 at scalded at age 2.609

ii. ASAHEL was born on 23 Aug 1763.610 He married Anna Geer on 16 Aug 1785.611 He died on 20 Nov 1822 at Charlestown, Sullivan Co., NH, at age 59.612

605Ibid., Vol. II, Page 1175. 606Ibid. 607Ibid. 608Ibid., Vol. II, Page 1176. 609Ibid.

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Asahel was a farmer and taverner at Charlestown.

iii. SAMUEL was born on 8 Jul 1765.613 He died on 27 Jul 1807 at French Grant, OH, at age 42.614

iv. JOHN was born on 6 Aug 1768.615 He died on 14 Sep 1795 at age 27.616

v. ROSWELL was born on 26 Oct 1772.617 He married Mary Willard, daughter of Aaron Willard and Mary Smead.618 He died on 22 Feb 1831 at Charlestown, Sullivan Co., NH, at age 58.619

281. COL. LEMUEL5 STOUGHTON (Martha4 Ellsworth, John3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 9 Aug 1731. He married Ann Ellsworth, daughter of John Ellsworth II and Anne Edwards, in 1769. He died on 4 Mar 1793 at age 61. Lemuel was a major of the 19th regiment of militia. Children of Col. Lemuel5 Stoughton and Ann Ellsworth were as follows: i. ANN6 was born in 1770. She married Stoddard Ellsworth, son of Lt. Solomon Ellsworth and Mary Moseley, in 1793. ii. JOHN was born on 2 Feb 1772. He married Sarah Wetmore, daughter of Oliver Wetmore, on 26 Feb 1799. He died on 19 Sep

1841 at age 69. iii. LEMUEL was born in 1774. iv. RUTH was born in 1776. She married John Ellsworth, son of Lt. Solomon Ellsworth and Mary Moseley. She died in 1859. v. MARTHA was born in 1777. vi. EUNICE was born in 1779. 282. NATHANIEL5 STOUGHTON (Martha4 Ellsworth, John3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 6 Mar 1746. He married Abigail Potwine, daughter of Thomas Potwine, in 1773. He died in 1815. Children of Nathaniel5 Stoughton and Abigail Potwine were as follows: i. ABIGAIL6 was born in 1774. She died in 1855. ii. NATHANIEL was born in 1777. He married Sarah Nichols, daughter of Levi Nichols and Elizabeth Newton. He died in 1850.

Bowman credits all information to Clara Overbo. iii. LYDIA was born in 1779. She died in 1853. iv. MARTHA was born in 1781. She died in 1805. v. SARAH was born in 1784. She died in 1875. vi. JOHN was born in 1786. He died in 1875. vii. THOMAS P. was born in 1789. He died in 1855. viii. RICHARD was born in 1792. He died in 1875. ix. WILLIAM P. was born in 1794. He died in 1871. x. DANIEL was born in 1797. He died in 1815. 283. ANN5 GRANT (Ann4 Ellsworth, John3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 18 Nov 1739 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Rev. John Marsh. She died on 21 Oct 1747 at age 7. Children of Ann5 Grant and Rev. John Marsh were: i. MARY6 married William Watson. 284. COL. ROSWELL5 GRANT (Ann4 Ellsworth, John3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 9 Mar 1745/46 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Fluvia Wolcott, daughter of Gen. Erastus Wolcott and Jerusah Wolcott, on 20 Aug 1783. He died on 31 Dec 1834 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 88. Children of Col. Roswell5 Grant and Fluvia Wolcott all born at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. HARRY6 was born on 11 Nov 1783. He died on 13 Jun 1787 at age 3. ii. EBENEZER was born on 25 Feb 1785. He was baptized on 18 Feb 1789 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. iii. HENRIETTA was born on 6 Mar 1787. She was baptized on 22 Feb 1789 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 24 Feb

1789 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 1. iv. ANN was born on 16 Sep 1788. She was baptized on 29 Mar 1789 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 21 Nov 1851

at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 63.

610Ibid. 611Ibid., Vol. II, Page 1177. 612Ibid., Vol. II, Page 1176. 613Ibid. 614Ibid. 615Ibid. 616Ibid., Vol. II, Page 1177. 617Ibid. 618Ibid., Vol. II, Page 1179. 619Ibid., Vol. II, Page 1177, 1179.

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v. ROSWELL HENRY was born March 15(19), 1790. He was baptized on 21 Mar 1790 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 25 Sep 1836 at Conneaut, Ashtabula Co., OH.

vi. SIDNEY ALGERNON was born on 27 Feb 1792. He was baptized on 20 May 1792 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Cawley at New Albany, IN. He died on 18 May 1827 at St. Louis, St. Louis Co., MO, at age 35. He lived at America (now Cairo), IL.

vii. PASCHAL WINTHROP was born on 14 Dec 1793. He was baptized on 6 Apr 1794 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Julia Viets, daughter of Seth Viets and Ruth Smith, in Jul 1829 at CT. He married Caroline Palmer. He died in Nov 1869 at age 75.

viii. FREDERICK WINTHROP was born on 12 Dec 1797. He was baptized on 27 May 1798 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Ann Ellsworth Stoughton, daughter of John Stoughton and Sarah Wetmore, on 27 Oct 1842. He died on 21 Feb 1886 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 88. From Stiles: Frederick and Ann " . . . settled on the homestead, which had been occupied continuously by his ancestors for four generations, beginning with the first Samule Grant. . . . "Major Grant, on coming into possession of the paternal estate, found it in an embarrassed condition. His father, Capt. roswell, a man of genial manners, strong social instincts, and largely occupied by public duties which invited expense and laxity of attention to his own affairs, had left a good estate badly encumbered with debts. major Grant assumed these obligations, pledged himself to support his parents, and undertook the redemption of a property that otherwise would have passed to strangers. To this work of love he brought to bear a comprehensive intellect, and imporved the estate until it passed into the hands of his heirs as one of the finest of the many beautiful farms of this wondrously fertile valley. He embodied his beliefs in his life. His bodily infirmities were fiew, and no mental weakness impaired the rare companionship of his declining years. The politician or antiquarian could find no more agreeabe companion with whom to travel the ways of our earlier political and social life than Major Grant. He aided an unusually clear mind with the results of much laborious reading and years of thoughtful observation. A severe and protracted disease of the eyes early in manhood nearly permanently impaired hi svision and rendered the study of books a task through life; yet few of the great questions that affected the European or American politics of his generation were left by him unconsidered. "In private life Mr.Grant supported a comfortable style and maintained a beautiful old-school hospitality. Few men could receive a guest with greater dignity and more assuring manners than he. His 'your servant, sir,' was the very epitome of graceful urbanity, and at the board or about the hearth his convesation charmed and instructed. To him Stiles, Wolcott, Tarbox, and many others whose charming histories and sketches of colonial life are so well known, went for information on subjects connected with historic Windsor. Mr. Grant never professed religion, but, until late years, was in the habit of gathering his family for daily Scripture reading. He was a pronounced enemy of all frivolous reflections on sacred things, and reverently treasured the traditions of his simple Puritan ancestry. he fitted for college, but was prevented by illness from following out his intentions; held durin ghis life various town offices, selectman, etc.; was somewhat of a military man; app. Corp'l in 2d Co., 1st Cavalry Reg't, 29 Aug., 1822; held successivley the offices of Sgt., Cornet, 2d Lieut., and Captain in same Co.; app. Maj. of 1st Reg't Cav., 31 May, 1832, and declined subsequent offers of military honors."

285. ANN5 GRANT (Ann4 Ellsworth, John3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 6 May 1748 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Rev. John Marsh on 6 Dec 1775. She died on 14 Nov 1838 at Wethersfield at age 90. From Stiles: Miss "Nancy" as she was called, was educated in Boston with John Hanco*ck's daughters. Stiles quotes a bill for her board and schooling. Children of Ann5 Grant and Rev. John Marsh were as follows: i. JOHN6 was born on 2 Apr 1788. He married Frances Fowler Tallmadge on 5 Oct 1824. He died on 4 Aug 1868 at age 80. ii. EBENEZER GRANT was born on 2 Feb 1777 at Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT. iii. ANN was born on 17 Nov 1778. She died on 2 Dec 1857 at age 79. iv. MARY was born on 29 May 1782. She married William Watson on 16 Dec 1806. She died on 24 Dec 1869 at age 87. v. ABIGAIL was born on 24 May 1784. She died on 20 Mar 1869 at age 84. vi. LYDIA was born on 28 Feb 1786. She died on 19 Oct 1880 at age 94. vii. DAVID was born on 8 Jan 1791. He died on 23 Feb 1794 at age 3. 286. AZUBAH5 ELLSWORTH (Benjamin4, Job3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 18 Apr 1722 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Nathaniel Bissell, son of Ensign Nathaniel Bissell and Sarah Gaylord, on 15 Apr 1746 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Azubah5 Ellsworth and Nathaniel Bissell both born at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. SARAH6 was born on 28 Jan 1748. ii. MARGARET was born on 13 Feb 1753. 287. JOB5 ELLSWORTH (Benjamin4, Job3, Elizabeth2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 15 Apr 1737. He married Mary Trumbull on 4 May 1762. Children of Job5 Ellsworth and Mary Trumbull both born at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. JOB6 was born on 26 Aug 1765. He married Huldah Allen on 20 Feb 1826 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 21 Mar

1849 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 83. No children.

ii. AMMI was born 0ctober 24, 1767. He married Chloe Allen on 17 Nov 1798 at "Missing Place" no. 7166. He died at Sodus, Wayne Co., NY. They had seven children.

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288. EBENEZER5 HAYDEN (Mindwell4 Griswold, Daniel3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 14 Dec 1709.620 He married Mary Trumbull on 16 Jun 1737.621 He married Dorothy Loomis, daughter of Sgt. Nathaniel Loomis and Ann Allyn, on 16 Jul 1752.622 He died on 25 Dec 1788 at age 79.623 Children of Ebenezer5 Hayden and Mary Trumbull were as follows: i. MARY6 was born in 1739.624 She married George Griswold, son of George Griswold and Zerviah Griswold, on 16 Aug 1759 at

Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.625 She died on 11 Sep 1788.626

ii. JOHN was born on 4 Nov 1750.627 He married Anna Trumbull, daughter of Ammi Trumbull Jr, on 15 Nov 1772.628 He died in 1814.629 John had a passion for buying and selling. When I was a boy it was said that "John Hayden once owned all the land from the Ebby Hayden corner to the river." He built five houses west of his father's, kept store and lived in them one by one, his family remaining in the last one built until about 1840. He was not successful in business and died leaving a small estate. His widow died in extreme old age. When I commenced this genealogical hunt, she rendered me valuable assistance. Her grandfather, Ammi Trumble, was a brother of Joseph Trumbull, the father of "Brother Jonathan."630

There were no children of Ebenezer5 Hayden and Dorothy Loomis. 289. DAVID5 HAYDEN (Mindwell4 Griswold, Daniel3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 21 Jan 1715/16. He married Dorothy Allyn, daughter of Capt. Peletiah Allyn and Mary Stoughton, on 19 Jan 1737/38. He died in Sep 1772 at age 56. Children of David5 Hayden and Dorothy Allyn were as follows: i. DAVID6 was born on 8 Oct 1738 at Haydens, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Jemima Ellsworth, daughter of William

Ellsworth and Mary Oliver, on 11 Mar 1761. He died on 3 Feb 1813 at near Angelica, NY, at age 74. David served in Capt. James Stoddard's company, Col. Noadiah Hooker's regiment.

ii. ELIJAH was born on 4 Jul 1741. He married Sarah Phelps, daughter of Lt. David Phelps and Abigail Pettibone, on 12 Mar 1765. iii. ALLEN was born on 9 Apr 1753 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT.631 He married Annis Moss on 9 Apr 1778. He died on 10 Mar

1837 at Pompey, Onondaga Co., NY, at age 83.632 Allen was a soldier from Harwinton in the Revolutionary army. He remained in Harwinton until 1800, when he removed to Pompey, NY, with his family, where his great-grandson, Daniel E. Hayden of Syracuse, says he settled a Revolutionary soldier's warrant. He held a lieutenant's commission in the fifteenth Company, Seventeenth Regiment, Connecticut Militia, signed by Gov. Griswold, 1784. Jabez Hayden DAR record 89973, volume 90, page 316, records Allen and his descendants to DAR member Mrs. Alice May Barker McDowell. DAR record 103963, volume 104, page 295, records Allen and his descendants to DAR member Mrs. Marie Lane Whitcomb. DAR record 106050, volume 107, page 15, records Allen and his descendants to DAR member Mrs. Ruth Hayden Baker. Also records 106059, 106060, and 125614.

290. NAOMI5 GRISWOLD (Nathaniel4, Daniel3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 5 Apr 1735 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Deacon David Marshall, son of David Marshall and Sarah Phelps. She died in 1824. Children of Naomi5 Griswold and Deacon David Marshall were as follows: i. NAOMI6 was born on 30 Sep 1757. ii. SARAH was born on 21 Mar 1759. iii. PAMELIA.

620Jabez Haskell Hayden, Hayden Family, Page 112. 621Ibid. 622Ibid. 623Ibid., Page 14. 624Esther Griswold French and Robert Lewis French, Griswold, Page 135, Item 244. 625Ibid. 626Ibid. 627Jabez Haskell Hayden, Hayden Family, Page 134. 628Ibid. 629Ibid. 630Jabez Haskell Hayden, Hayden Family. 631Ibid., Page 139, Item 87. 632Ibid.

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iv. ELISHA was born on 16 Apr 1763. v. ELIHU was born on 21 Mar 1765. vi. OLIVE was born on 19 Oct 1766. She married Joseph Holcombe III, son of Lt. Martin Holcombe and Christian Winchell, on 15 Jan

1778. 291. NATHANIEL5 GRISWOLD (Nathaniel4, Daniel3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 27 Jul 1742 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Pinney, daughter of Capt. Abraham Pinney and Elizabeth Butler, on 11 Mar 1762 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1798. Children of Nathaniel5 Griswold and Abigail Pinney were as follows: i. FRIEND6 was born on 10 Jun 1764 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.633 He married Dorothy Weller on 12 Mar 1787 at Bloomfield,

Hartford Co., CT.634 He died on 4 Feb 1831 at age 66.635 Dorothy's parentage has not been proven, but it is probable she was the daughter of Ebenezer Weller and Sarah (--?--).636 Friend and Dorothy were enumerated in the 1810 Windsor, Hartford Co., CT federal census with three sons and one daughter.637

ii. ABIGAIL was born on 29 Apr 1770.638 She married Captain Amasa Humphrey, son of Hezekiah Humphrey and Amy Cornish. iii. NATHANIEL was born on 29 Apr 1770.639 He married Mary Wells in 1795. He died on 26 Jul 1830 at age 60. 292. ANNE5 GRISWOLD (Daniel4, Daniel3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 20 Mar 1718/19 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT. She married Benjamin Smith on 15 Jun 1739 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT. Children of Anne5 Griswold and Benjamin Smith were as follows: i. BENAJAH6 was born on 25 Jul 1740. He died on 31 Dec 1742 at age 2. ii. ANN was born on 12 Oct 1742. She married Jonathan Skinner. iii. SARAH was born on 13 Feb 1745. She married John Doughty. 293. BATHSHEBA5 GRISWOLD (Daniel4, Daniel3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 2 Dec 1720 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT. She married Jabez Darte on 16 Jun 1740 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT. She died on 1 Feb 1745/46 at age 25. Children of Bathsheba5 Griswold and Jabez Darte were as follows: i. ROSWELL6 was born on 19 Sep 1740. ii. JABEZ was born on 21 May 1742. He died on 14 Mar 1812 at age 69. iii. SIMEON was born on 5 Apr 1744. 294. WHITE5 GRISWOLD (Daniel4, Daniel3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 22 Oct 1727 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Cheeny on 14 Feb 1750 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT. He died in 1777 at Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA. The genealogy of White's descendants has been collected by Dr. Rufus W. Griswold of Rocky Hill, Conn, and forms a considerable collection. White was with the one-year-men during the first year of the war, and participated in the invasion of Canada. He was also a private in Captain Theophilus Munson's company of the 8th regiment, Connecticut line. White Griswold was taken prisoner at the battle of Germantown and died aboard a prison ship at Philadelphia. Children of White5 Griswold and Elizabeth Cheeny were as follows: i. SARAH6 was born on 23 Dec 1753. She married Silas Spencer in 1772. She died in 1837.

DAR record 76175. ii. GEORGE was born on 19 Jun 1756. He married Esther Johnson.

DAR record 75759. iii. LOUISA was born on 4 Feb 1763. She married Peter Rich in 1790. She died in 1849.

DAR Record 148470. iv. DANIEL WHITE was born in 1767. He married Esther Case in 1792. He died in 1844.

DAR Records 102103, 78474.

633Coralee Griswold The Griswold Family, The Sixth & Seventh Generations, I (116 Garden St., Wethersfield, CT 06109: The Griswold Famly Association, 2001), Page 39. Hereinafter cited as Griswold 6 & 7. 634Ibid. 635Ibid. 636Griswold Griswold 6 & 7. 637Ibid. 638Esther Griswold French and Robert Lewis French, Griswold, Page 106. 639Ibid.

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295. SETH5 GRISWOLD (Daniel4, Daniel3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 30 Apr 1732 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT. He married Susannah Shurtleff on 13 Jun 1751 at Bolton, Tolland Co., CT. He married Ann Loper. He married Huldah Priest on 31 Dec 1778. He died in 1816 at Colebrook, Litchfield Co., CT. Children of Seth5 Griswold and Susannah Shurtleff were: i. SIMEON6 was born on 16 May 1752. There were no children of Seth5 Griswold and Ann Loper. There were no children of Seth5 Griswold and Huldah Priest. 296. CAPT. EDWARD5 GRISWOLD (Edward4, Daniel3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 13 Jul 1729 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Phelps, daughter of Lt. David Phelps and Abigail Pettibone, on 13 Apr 1755 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 22 Feb 1785 at age 55. He was buried at Old Wintonbury Cemetery, Bloomfield, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Capt. Edward5 Griswold and Abigail Phelps were: i. EDWARD6 was born on 10 Sep 1759 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.640 He married Elizabeth Griswold, daughter of Matthew

Griswold II and Abigail Marshall. He died on 4 Aug 1818 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 58.641 297. ABIGAIL5 GRISWOLD (Edward4, Daniel3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 5 May 1732 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Capt. David Phelps, son of Lt. David Phelps and Abigail Pettibone, on 7 Apr 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 6 May 1795 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 63. Children of Abigail5 Griswold and Capt. David Phelps all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. ABIGAIL6 was born on 16 Nov 1754. She married Jared Merrill. She died on 17 Dec 1831 at Byron, Genesee Co., NY, at age 77. ii. OZIAS was born on 1 May 1756. iii. DAVID was born on 13 Nov 1759. He married Asenath Humphrey, daughter of Major Elihu Humphrey and Asenath Humphrey,

before 24 Mar 1792. He died on 25 Apr 1835 at age 75. iv. ELIZABETH was born on 13 Nov 1759. v. RHODA was born on 22 Sep 1765. vi. ROSWELL was born on 31 Oct 1767. He died on 3 Apr 1839 at age 71. vii. ALEXANDER was born on 26 Feb 1769. viii. SUSANNAH was born on 27 Dec 1773. ix. OLIVER CROMWELL was born on 25 Dec 1774. He married Lurannah Ensign, daughter of Isaac Ensign and Lurannah

Pettibone.642 He married Sarah Case, daughter of Isaac Case Jr. and Sarah (--?--), on 1 Jan 1809 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.643 He died on 4 Oct 1853 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 78.644

298. EZEKIEL5 GRISWOLD (David4, Daniel3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 21 Feb 1736/37 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Anna Munson. He married Anna Carey. He died on 27 May 1829 at age 92. Children of Ezekiel5 Griswold and Anna Munson were as follows: i. EZEKIEL6 was born on 3 May 1771. ii. ASENATH was born on 23 Jun 1773. iii. ANNA was born on 26 Nov 1775. She married Edward Munson. iv. SOLOMON was born on 11 Jul 1778. Children of Ezekiel5 Griswold and Anna Carey were as follows: i. TIMOTHY6 was baptized on 6 Mar 1785. ii. PHILO was baptized on 22 Jun 1788. iii. CHARLOTTE was baptized on 2 Jun 1793. iv. SARAH was born circa 1794. 299. DAVID5 GRISWOLD (David4, Daniel3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 15 Feb 1748 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lois Higley, daughter of Dudley Higley and Eunice Stratton, on 16 Jul 1772 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 25 Mar 1811 at age 63. Children of David5 Griswold and Lois Higley were as follows: i. DAVID6 was born on 22 Mar 1773. ii. LOIS was born on 4 May 1775. iii. IRA was born on 31 May 1777. iv. OLIVE was born on 3 Jan 1780. v. HULDAH was born on 8 Jul 1782.

640Griswold Griswold 6 & 7, Page 58. 641Ibid. 642Maud Ensign Van Meter, Record of The Descendants of James Ensign The Puritan 1634-1939 (No place: no publisher, 1939), Page 52. Hereinafter cited as James Ensign. 643Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case and his Descendants (Decorah, Iowa: The Anundsen Publishing Co., 1991), Page 36. 644Martha Eunice Ensign Nelson, Record of the Descendants of James Ensign and His Wife Sarah Elson (Salt Lake City, UT: Martha Eunice Ensign Nelson, 1960), Page 66. Hereinafter cited as Ensign Record.

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vi. PLINY was born on 27 Dec 1785. vii. INLIETTA was baptized on 30 Oct 1796. viii. CHAUNCEY was born on 11 Feb 1797. 300. PHINEAS5 GRISWOLD (Thomas4, Thomas3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 15 Nov 1725 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hepzibah Griswold, daughter of Benjamin Griswold and Esther Gaylord, on 4 Feb 1749. He died in 1760. Children of Phineas5 Griswold and Hepzibah Griswold were: i. PHINEAS6 was born on 13 Aug 1750 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Vashti Bates, daughter of Lemuel Bates and

Dorothy Lewis. He died on 9 Feb 1789 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 38. Phineas served as private in Capt. David Barber's company on duty in New York and was deailed to guard Burgoyne's prisoners.

301. ELIZABETH5 GRISWOLD (Samuel4, Thomas3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 31 Aug 1718 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Haynes Woodbridge, son of Rev. Timothy Woodbridge and Dorothy Lamb, on 29 Dec 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died in Mar 1788 at age 69. Children of Elizabeth5 Griswold and Haynes Woodbridge were as follows: i. ESTHER6 was born on 23 May 1743. She died young. ii. DOROTHY was born on 13 Nov 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married (--?--) Lamb. She married Thomas Phelps. She

married Isaac Case Jr., son of Isaac Case and Bathsheba Humphrey. She died in 1795. There appears to be a number of Dorothy's in Simsbury at this time. This Dorothy seems to be a combination of at least two.

iii. ELIZABETH was born on 15 Jan 1747. She married Henry Pratt. iv. MARY was born on 5 Apr 1749. She died on 1 Dec 1833 at age 84. v. SUSANNAH was born on 16 Dec 1751. She died on 5 Jun 1753 at age 1. vi. THEOPHILUS was born on 23 Mar 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.645 He married Mary Noble, daughter of Dea. Jonathan

Noble and Elizabeth Cole. He died on 8 Nov 1815 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 61.646 Theophilus was a private in Captain Pettibone's company, 7th Regiment, under General Spencer, serving from May to December. He was connissioned Lieutenant in the 3d Regiment, january 1, 1777, and was at Stony Point, July 15, 1779. He resigned Aparil 27, 1780.

302. LYDIA5 GRISWOLD (Samuel4, Thomas3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 17 Dec 1722 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Dr. Hezekiah Phelps, son of Lt. Samuel Phelps and Abigail Eno, on 21 Feb 1749/50 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Dr. Hezekiah Chaffee, son of Hezekiah Chaffee and Mary Toogood. She died on 1 Oct 1801 at age 78. She was buried at Palisado Cemetery, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Lydia5 Griswold and Dr. Hezekiah Phelps were: i. LYDIA6 was born on 11 Dec 1750. Children of Lydia5 Griswold and Dr. Hezekiah Chaffee were as follows: i. HEPZIBAH6 was born on 12 Aug 1758. She died on 8 Jul 1834 at age 75. ii. MARY was born on 28 Jul 1760. She married Capt. James Hooker. iii. HEZEKIAH was born on 21 Mar 1762. He married Charlotte Bradley. He married Abby Talcott. He died on 18 Oct 1821 at age 59. iv. JOHN was born on 22 Feb 1767. He married Mary Rowland. 303. ELISHA5 GRISWOLD (Samuel4, Thomas3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 25 Oct 1731 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Eunice Viets, daughter of Capt. John Viets and Lois Phelps, on 11 Nov 1761 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.647 He died on 13 Mar 1803 at age 71. This marriage brought together two of the most prominent families and estates in Simsbury. Elisha was of large physique, jovial and fond of company, ever ready to join in some prank or fun. He was a man of worthy and strong character and a respected member of St. Andrews Episcopal church in North Bloomfield. During the Revolution he was subjected to many annoyances, being suspected of Loyalist sympathies. For a time he was arraigned almost daily before the Committee of vigilance but nothing was ever found against him. It may be said that some who wore the stigma of toryism doubtless deserved the severities meted out to them; others acted only in obedience to a religious conscience. Elish was never known to act in any way against the Patriots.648 Children of Elisha5 Griswold and Eunice Viets were as follows: i. ELISHA6 was born on 26 Dec 1762 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.649 He married Arispha Mitchelson, daughter of Eliphalet

Mitchelson, on 14 May 1787 at Scotland (now Bloommfield), CT.650

645Lucius M. Boltwood, Thomas Noble, Page 196. 646Ibid. 647Dorothy Dean Viets Schell, A Viets Genealogy, Dr. John Viets and His Descendants (Gateway Press, Inc. Baltimore, MD 1990), Page 25. 648Dorothy Dean Viets Schell, Viets.

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ii. ALEXANDER VIETS was born on 22 Apr 1766. He was baptized on 25 May 1766. He married Elizabeth Mitchelson on 6 May 1786 at Scotland (now Bloommfield), CT. He married Widow Amelia Smith in 1828. He died on 15 Feb 1843 at Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, at age 76. Dorothy Viets Schell quotes the Dictionary of American Biography: ". . . Alexander's early years were spent on his father's farm, but when he was ten years old, since he displayed more interest in books than in agriculture, his uncle, Roger Viets, then rector of the Simsbury parish, took him into his own home. He now assisted in the cultivation of the parish glebe, but had the advantage of his knowledge of the classics and mathematics besides much general information. The impoverishment of his father who endeavored to remain neutral during the Revolution, the removal of his Loyalist uncle to Nova Scotia after the war, and his own early marriage to seventeen-year-old Elizabeth Mitchelson in 1785, prevented him from entering Yale as he had planned. Until he was twenty-eight years old he cultivated a small farm, and read law though without expectation of practising it. Persuaded by his friends who believed his character and abilities fitted him for the ministry, in 1794 he offered himself as a candidate for orders. In 1795 he was made deacon, and alter i the same year was ordained priest by Bishop Seabury at Plymouth, Conn. For ten years (1794-1804) he served a the same time the churches in Plymouth, Harwinton, and Northfield, eking out his small salary by farming and teaching. In 1804 he became rector of St. Michael's Church, Bristol, R. I. He was elected bishop of the Eastern diocese May 31, 1810, and was consecrated at Trinity Church, New York, may 29, 1811. He continued to serve as rector at Bristol until 1830 when he took charge of St. Peter's Church, Salem, Mass., and it was not until five years later that he devoted himself wholly to his episcopal work. "

iii. EZRA was born on 6 Dec 1767 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.651 He married Ruth Roberts, daughter of Lemuel Roberts Jr. and Ruth Woodford, on 8 Nov 1789 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.652,653 He died on 22 Oct 1822 at Worthington, Franklin Co., OH, at age 54.654 He was buried at Saint John's Cemetery, Worthington, Franklin Co., OH.655 The family moved from Tariffville to Worthington, Ohio, in 1803, joining with a friend's plans for emigration to Ohio under the Scioto Company's agreement. The place where they settled was an unbroken wilderness, in which they were the first white settlers. Ezra was a devoted adherent of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Although he had never received a liberal education, he was, with the aid of his excellent mother, manly self-taught. He was admirably qualified for public employment, but was of a retiring domestic nature, and was never called to any higher office than that of justice of the peace in which capacity he served for many years. During the scarcity of money in circulation after the war of 1812, Ezra Griswold is known to have issued two series of paper money or notes.656

iv. EUNICE was born on 9 Feb 1770 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.657 She married Oliver Holcombe, son of Asahel Holcombe Esquire and Sarah Eno, on 30 May 1790. She married Butler Pinney, son of Jonathan Pinney and Lydia Case, in 1797. She died on 12 May 1849 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 79. The Viets Genealogy gives the same date for the marriage of Eunice and Oliver and the birth of their child Sopohia.658

v. ROGER was born on 22 Feb 1772 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He was baptized on 23 Apr 1772 at Turkey Hills, Hartford Co., CT.659 He married Salome Case, daughter of Amasa Case and Elizabeth Phelps, in 1796. He married Widow Eunice Wright in 1823. He died on 1 Dec 1824 at age 52. Roger, with his brother Elisha, operated teh Ranbow Mills near the old home and failed.660

649Ibid., Page 25. 650Ibid. 651Virginai Mccormick, Scioto Company Descendants: Genealogies of the Original Proprietors of Worthington, Ohio (Worthington, Ohio: Cottonwood Publications, 1995), Page 118. Hereinafter cited as Scioto Company Descendants. 652Dorothy Dean Viets Schell, Viets, Page 27. 653Virginai Mccormick, Scioto Company Descendants, Page 118. 654Dorothy Dean Viets Schell, Viets, Page 27. 655Virginai Mccormick, Scioto Company Descendants, Page 118. 656Dorothy Dean Viets Schell, Viets. 657Griswold Griswold 6 & 7, Page 77. 658Dororthy Dean Viets Schell, Viets Female Lines, Descendants of Dr. John Viets (1001 N. Calvert Street, Baltimore, MD 21202: Gateway Press, Inc., 1993). Hereinafter cited as Viets Female. 659Dorothy Dean Viets Schell, Viets, Page 27. 660Dorothy Dean Viets Schell, Viets.

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vi. DEBORAH was born on 27 Aug 1776 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.661 She married Bethuel Baker on 12 Jul 1811.662 She died on 13 Sep 1850 at age 74.663

vii. SAMUEL was born on 1 Jan 1780 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Thetis Gilchrist, daughter of Peter Gilchrist and Damaris (--?--). He married Maria Riley, daughter of Samuel Riley and Mary (--?--). He was graduated at Yale Colege, New Haven, New Haven Co., CT.664 He lived in 1844 at Volney, NY.

viii. SYLVIA ARABELLE was born on 17 Nov 1781 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.665 She married Rev. Jasper Davis Jones in Feb 1802. She died on 27 Jan 1858 at her daughter's, Mrs. Orville Griffin's, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 76.

304. JOSEPH5 BARNARD (Abigail4 Griswold, Edward3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 16 Mar 1708/9. Children of Joseph5 Barnard include: i. JOSEPH6 was born in 1744. ii. JEHUBEN was born in 1751. iii. ELIJAH was born in 1757. iv. ELIZABETH was born in 1776. v. JOSEPH STANDLEFF was born in 1779. vi. LORINDA was born in 1780. vii. ELIZUR was born in 1783. viii. JOSEPH was born in 1784. 305. EDWARD5 BARNARD (Abigail4 Griswold, Edward3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) married Mabel Pinney. He died in 1783. Children of Edward5 Barnard and Mabel Pinney were as follows: i. HANNAH6 married Moses Barnard, son of Francis Barnard and Lucretia Pinney. ii. ROXANA. iii. MIRAM. iv. ABIGAIL. v. MABEL. vi. EDWARD married Ruth (--?--). He died in 1775. vii. LEMUEL. 306. FRANCIS5 BARNARD (Abigail4 Griswold, Edward3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 9 Sep 1719. He married Lucretia Pinney in 1739. He died in 1789. Children of Francis5 Barnard and Lucretia Pinney were as follows: i. MOSES6 married Hannah Barnard, daughter of Edward Barnard and Mabel Pinney. ii. FRANCIS was born in 1740. He married Chloe Mills. He died in 1828. iii. DAVID was born in 1747. He married Deborah Winchel, daughter of Martin Winchel. iv. SAMUEL was born in 1749. He married Roxanne Bainard, daughter of Edward Bainard. He died in 1815. v. MOSES was born in 1750. He married Hannah Bainard, daughter of Edward Bainard. He died in 1812. vi. AARON was born in 1750. He married Lucy Phelps. He died in 1786. vii. EBENEZER was born in 1757. He married Mary Pinney. He died in 1829. viii. ELIHU was born in 1762. He married Isabel Adams, daughter of Thomas Adams. 307. KEZIA5 LOOMIS (Mary4 Cooley, Mary3 Griswold, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 12 Dec 1715. She married Zebulon King on 8 Dec 1743. Children of Kezia5 Loomis and Zebulon King were as follows: i. JERUSHA6 was born in 1747. ii. ALEXANDER was born in 1749. iii. CAROLINE was born in 1752. iv. TRYPHENIA was born in 1754. 308. MARY5 LOOMIS (Mary4 Cooley, Mary3 Griswold, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 12 Jan 1720/21 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Elijah Fitch, son of Ebenezer Fitch and Bridget Brown, on 28 Oct 1742 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. Loomis Dec, 1875 p 43 says Mary was dau. of Ezekiel and Mary Loomis of Lebanon, New London Co., CT and that Mary, dau. of Joseph m. Ebenezer Read. This was corrected in the 1908 edition citing Will of Capt. Joseph Loomis, mentioning Elijah Fitch as his son-in-law (John T. Fitch). Children of Mary5 Loomis and Elijah Fitch were: i. MARY6 was born on 25 Apr 1744 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ebenezer Reed on 6 Dec 1759. She died on 11 Nov

1774 at age 30.

661Ibid., Page 27. 662Ibid. 663Ibid. 664Ibid. 665Ibid.

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309. LT. GEORGE5 COOLEY (Joseph4, Mary3 Griswold, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 17 Oct 1717 at Springfield (Longmeadow), MA. He married Susannah Pease, daughter of Ebenezer Pease and Mindwell (--?--), on 31 Mar 1740 at "Missing Place" no. 6410. He died on 5 Dec 1786 at "Missing Place" no. 6410 at age 69. George's toombstone in Somers bears the military title by which he was known. He was granted 38 acres in Enfield in 1744, and received the estate left by his brother, Joseph III, who died before 1746. Children of Lt. George5 Cooley and Susannah Pease were as follows: i. HANNAH6 was born on 27 Sep 1740 at "Missing Place" no. 6410. She died on 26 Mar 1741. ii. JOSEPH was born on 8 Jan 1741 at "Missing Place" no. 6410. He married Jerusha Bissell on 31 Jul 1766 at "Missing Place" no.

6410. iii. GEORGE was born on 9 Feb 1743 at Somers, CT. He was baptized on 12 Feb 1744 at "Missing Place" no. 6410. He married Abi

Jones on 19 May 1767 at "Missing Place" no. 6410. He died on 3 Jan 1814 at Granville, Hampden Co., MA, at age 70. He was buried at Granville, Hampden Co., MA. From the Cooley Genealogy: He was known as Captain; his tombstone in Granville reads: IN MEMORY OF CAPT. GEORGE COOLEY WHO DIED JANUARY 3, 1814 IN THE 70TH YEAR OF HIS AGE. In nature's tomb no hope appears, The grave of Christ dispels our fears. In believing he that dies Shall to immortal glory rise. His wife, Abi, is buried with him. All of the children, born in Somers, are recorded in the Vital Records, except the last, Levi, whom Cooley questions.

iv. HANNAH was born on 20 Mar 1745 at "Missing Place" no. 6410. She married Stephen Ashley on 14 Feb 1791. She died on 26 Oct 1802 at age 57.

v. NOAH was born on 25 Jul 1751 at "Missing Place" no. 6410. He died on 9 Aug 1775 at Brookline, MA, at age 24. vi. MARY was born on 9 Aug 1753 at "Missing Place" no. 6410. She married Jacob Pratt Jr. on 16 Nov 1772. She died on 6 May

1824 at age 70. vii. STEPHEN was born on 17 Feb 1755 at "Missing Place" no. 6410. He died on 17 Feb 1755 at "Missing Place" no. 6410. 310. ASHEL5 COOLEY (Joseph4, Mary3 Griswold, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 24 Oct 1719 at Springfield (Longmeadow), MA. He married Mary (--?--). He died in Jul 1742 at Wallingford, New Haven Co., CT, at age 22. Children of Ashel5 Cooley and Mary (--?--) were as follows: i. MARY6 was born on 20 Nov 1740. She married Lt. Levi Munsen on 27 Nov 1760. She died in 1829. ii. ASAHEL was born on 10 Aug 1742 at Wallingford, New Haven Co., CT. He married Sarah Merwin on 23 Jan 1766. He married

Chloe Cooley Bliss, daughter of Abner Bliss and Sarah Cooley, on 5 May 1780 at Wallingford, New Haven Co., CT. He died on 9 May 1824 at Durham, Greene Co., NY, at age 81.666 From the Cooley Genealogy: He served as a Captain in the Revolutionary War. He removed to Durham, Jan. 2, 1799, and to Victory, Cayuga Co., N.Y. thence to Honesdale, Penn. All 9 children by both wives are recorded in the Wallingford Vital Records.

311. SARAH5 COOLEY (Joseph4, Mary3 Griswold, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 1 Jan 1723/24 at Springfield (Longmeadow), MA. She married Abner Bliss, son of Nathaniel Bliss and Mary Morgan, on 28 Jun 1749. She died on 9 Aug 1794 at age 70. Children of Sarah5 Cooley and Abner Bliss all born at Longmeadow (Springfield), MA, were as follows: i. ABNER6 was born on 1 Feb 1750. He died on 31 Mar 1750. ii. CHLOE COOLEY was born on 10 May 1751. She married Capt. Asahel Cooley, son of Ashel Cooley and Mary (--?--), on 5 May

1780 at Wallingford, New Haven Co., CT. She died in Mar 1821 at age 69. iii. NATHANIEL was born on 6 Jan 1753. He married Martha Collins, daughter of Deacon Edward Collins and Rebecca (--?--), on 25

Nov 1779. iv. MARY was born on 18 Apr 1754. She married /Tuttle/ (--?--). v. SARAH was born on 6 Jan 1756. She died on 5 Sep 1757 at age 1. vi. SARAH was born on 13 Nov 1757. vii. BATHSHEBA was born on 13 Jan 1760. She died on 24 Feb 1832 at age 72. viii. MAMRE was born on 26 May 1765. She married Abel Cook. 312. JAMES5 COOLEY (Joseph4, Mary3 Griswold, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 14 Jun 1728 at Springfield (Longmeadow), MA. He married Ruth Parsons on 9 Jan 1756 at "Missing Place" no. 6410. He died on 2 Aug 1785 at "Missing Place" no. 6410 at age 57. The Cooley Genealogy mentions that James appears in the 1741 Church Records of Somers. Children of James5 Cooley and Ruth Parsons all born at "Missing Place" no. 6410 were as follows:

666Arthur Stoddard Cooley, The Descendants of Dr. Asahel and Sally (Wilbur) Cooley (Batavia, NY: Cooley Family Association of America, 1952), Page 9. Hereinafter cited as Asahel Cooley.

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i. RUTH6 was born on 4 Oct 1756. She married Rufus Pease on 23 Jan 1783 at "Missing Place" no. 6410. ii. CHLOE was born on 4 Jan 1759. iii. LUCY was born on 14 Mar 1761. She died on 1 Apr 1764 at age 3. iv. JAMES was born on 8 Jul 1763. He died on 22 Jan 1764. v. LUCY was born on 2 Apr 1765. vi. JAMES was born on 4 Aug 1767. He married Lydia Payne on 4 Sep 1791 at East Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. vii. SETH was born on 15 Aug 1771. viii. SIMEON was born on 30 Jul 1773. He married Clarissa Percival on 28 Nov 1799. He died on 15 Mar 1826 at Bolton, Tolland Co.,

CT, at age 52. He was buried at Vernon, CT. ix. EUNICE was born on 21 Feb 1776. She married Gideon Pease on 31 Jan 1804. She died on 22 Feb 1811 at age 35. 313. ABIGAIL5 COOLEY (Joseph4, Mary3 Griswold, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 29 Nov 1730 at Springfield (Longmeadow), MA. She married Ebenezer Bliss II, son of Ebenezer Bliss and Joanna Lamb, on 27 Aug 1760. She died on 6 Oct 1787 at age 56. Children of Abigail5 Cooley and Ebenezer Bliss II were as follows: i. GAINS6 was born on 17 May 1761. He married Eunice Robinson. He married Flavia Keep. He died on 24 Dec 1843 at age 82.

He was also known as GAIUS BLISS. ii. GAD was born on 29 Jul 1762. He married Deborah Olcott. He died on 21 Nov 1845 at age 83. iii. NAOMI was born on 1 Feb 1764. She married John Robinson on 5 Feb 1789. iv. ENOS was born on 25 Nov 1765. He married Nabby Newton. He married Betsey Bread.

Enos became the Longmeadow minister. v. ABIGAIL was born on 27 May 1769. She married Asa Cotton on 13 Jun 1793. vi. ANNE was born on 14 Jul 1771. She married Samuel Keep on 30 Jan 1800. She died on 13 Aug 1842 at age 71. vii. DEBORAH was born on 14 Jul 1771. She married Benjamin Cook on 9 Jun 1802. 314. AARON5 PARSONS (Abigail4 Cooley, Mary3 Griswold, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 2 Jun 1712 at near Five Mile Pond, Springfield, MA. He married Mercy Atkinson, daughter of John Atkinson and Dorcas Burt, on 2 Oct 1732. He died on 4 Aug 1795 at age 83. Aaron served in Capt. Luke Hotchkiss' Co. in one of the French and Indian Wars. Children of Aaron5 Parsons and Mercy Atkinson were: i. MARY6 was born on 19 Feb 1733 at Wilbraham, MA. She married Abner Sikes on 13 Jan 1757. She died on 10 Mar 1818 at

Ludlow, MA, at age 85. 315. ISAAC5 GRISWOLD (Isaac4, John3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 8 Aug 1749 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Christina Holcombe, daughter of Lt. Martin Holcombe and Christian Winchell. He died on 21 Sep 1839 at age 90. Isaac served in the Revolution as a private 8th Co., 1st Regt. of Militia, 1776. Bowman says that Isaac and Christina moved to Worthington, Ohio, and had children listed in Weir, OCR, and Stiles. In The Griswold Family, the Frenches say they are buried in Elm Grove Cemetery which is in Windsor. The Frenches also cite Windsor, Ct. records; Stiles; Revolutionary records and Archives; DAR Patriot Index I:288. Children of Isaac5 Griswold and Christina Holcombe were as follows: i. CLARISSA6 was born on 3 Apr 1775. ii. NARCISSA was born on 28 Oct 1777. She married Cyrus Phelps. iii. ISAAC was born on 27 Oct 1779 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.

The history of pioneer development in Franklin county (Ohio) records the achievements of Isaac Griswodl, who became one of the earliest settlers of this part of the state and aided in transforming it from a wild and uninhabited region to a district of rich fertility. His labaors wre continued here for more than fifty years, covering the first half of the nineteenth century and he was therefore among those who laid broad and deep the foundation for the present development and progress of this part of the state. A native of Connecticut, he was baorn in Windsor, October 27, 1779, and there spent his early youth on a farm with his parents, Isaac and Christina (Holcomb) Griswold. he was of the third generation who had resided in Connecticut, the family having been founded there at an early period in the colonization of the new world.

iv. CHRISTINA was born on 23 May 1784. v. CYRUS was born on 15 Feb 1786. vi. SALINA was born on 2 Jan 1787. vii. MINDWELL was born on 1 Mar 1788. viii. EMILY was born on 28 Apr 1790. She died on 8 Dec 1827 at age 37. ix. FREDUS was born on 14 Feb 1792. He died on 15 Nov 1813 at age 21.

Fredus was a Sgt., 25th US Infantry. x. EUNICE was born in 1795. She died on 5 Nov 1795. xi. JARED was born on 3 Mar 1798. He died on 11 Mar 1869 at age 71. 316. ABIEL5 GRISWOLD (Isaac4, John3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 14 Jun 1755 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Huldah Pinney, daughter of Capt. Abraham Pinney and Sarah Clark, on 25 Oct 1775 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Rebecca Goodwin, daughter of Samuel Goodwin and Rebecca Loomis, on 13 May 1802 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 26 Dec 1813 at age 58. Abiel was a farmer and served in the revolution as a private, 8th Co., 1st Regt. of Militia. He was among the first owners of Ohio lands. His old home on Poquonoc Avenue, Windsor, remains in an exceptionally unspoiled condition and contains some of the finest wall paintings in the state which must have been by a real pioneer in this art.

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Deanna Holcomb Bowman lists four marriages, Hulda, Chloe Moore (from Stiles/648) in 1779, Dridania Easton in 1799, and lastly Rebecca Phelps , The Griswold Family only lists Hulda and Rebecca. Stiles page 357 only lists Hulda and Rebecca. In addition, Bowman asserts that Hulda was the daughter of Elizabeth Butler, while Griswold shows her mother to be Sarah Clarke. In a later e-mail she now agrees with Stiles on Hulda's mother. As a result, the children do not match in the sources. Children of Abiel5 Griswold and Huldah Pinney were as follows: i. OLIVE6 was born in 1773. She died in Aug 1809.

Unmarried. ii. HANNAH was born on 12 Jun 1775. She married Elisha Ashley.

Hannah is not listed by the Frenches. iii. ESTHER was born on 6 Oct 1777. She married Rev. Clark Kendrick.

The French's do not mention this child of Abiel. iv. SALLY was born in Sep 1779. She married Ezekiel Buell. v. LUCY. N.f.r. There were no children of Abiel5 Griswold and Rebecca Goodwin. 317. NOAH5 GRISWOLD (Abigail4, John3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born possibly 10 Aug 1746.667 He married Azubah Strong, daughter of John Warham Strong and Azuba Griswold, probably 1764. He died on 27 Oct 1784. Helen Ullmann notes that "the DAR Patriot Index gives his death as 27 October 1784, but the DAR's book on Windsor Cemetery inscriptions says 29 October 1785. Since bond was posted on Noah Jr's estate 11 January 1785, the earlier date is clearly more acceptable althought its source is unknown."668 Children of Noah5 Griswold and Azubah Strong all born at Wintonbury Congregational Church, Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. AURELIA6 was baptized on 23 Jun 1765.669 She married Jonathan Palmer on 19 Oct 1786 at Wintonbury (now Bloomfield),

Hartford Co., CT. She died on 7 Jan 1847 at age 81.670 She was buried at Old Bloomfield Cemetery, Bloomfield, Hartford Co., CT.671

ii. FREDERICK was baptized on 26 Apr 1767.672 He died on 15 Nov 1829 at age 62.673 He was buried at Old Bloomfield Cemetery, Bloomfield, Hartford Co., CT.674

iii. NOAH was baptized on 15 Sep 1771.675 He married Rhoda Pinney, daughter of Abraham Pinney and Lucretia Barnard.676 He died on 8 Oct 1849 at age 78.677 He was buried at Old Bloomfield Cemetery, Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), Hartford Co., CT.678

iv. AZUBAH was baptized on 14 May 1775.679 She married Levi Griswold, son of George Griswold and Mary Hayden.680 She died on 18 Jun 1841 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 66.681

v. HEZEKIAH was baptized on 25 Jan 1778.682

667Helen Ullmann, "Noah Griswold", Pages 390-398. 668Helen Ullmann, "Noah Griswold". 669Ibid., Pages 390-398. 670Ibid. 671Ibid. 672Ibid. 673Ibid. 674Ibid. 675Ibid. 676Ibid. 677Ibid. 678Ibid. 679Esther Griswold French and Robert Lewis French, Griswold, Page 145, item 699. 680Stephen R. Christides, "Descendants of Levi Griswold," e-mail message from [emailprotected] (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, 3 Sep 2001. Hereinafter cited as "Levi Griswold". 681Stiles History of Ancient Windsor II, Vol. II, Page 35, Family 61. 682Helen Ullmann, "Noah Griswold", Pages 390-398.

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318. ZACCHEUS5 GILLETT (Elizabeth4 Griswold, Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 18 Dec 1724 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Ruth Phelps, daughter of Timothy Phelps and Rachel Moore, on 15 Dec 1743.683 He married Widow Sarah Dean.684 He died on 7 Jan 1793 at age 68. Children of Zaccheus5 Gillett and Ruth Phelps all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. ZACCHEUS6 was born on 11 Nov 1745.685 He married Elizabeth Holcombe.686

ii. ARA was born on 4 Oct 1747.687

iii. ALEXANDER was born on 14 Aug 1749.688 He married A. D. Rogers, daughter of Unknown Rogers, on 3 Dec 1778.689 He died on 19 Jan 1826 at Torrington, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 76.690 Alexander graduated from Yale College 1770; ordained minister at Farmingbury (now Wolcott), Conn., Dec. 29, 1773, dismissed Nov., 1791, installed at Torrington, Conn., May, 1792, where he remained till death.691

iv. RUTH was born on 29 Sep 1751.692 She married Capt. Abner Pinney, son of Capt. Abraham Pinney and Elizabeth Butler, in 1773. She died on 28 Mar 1806 at Worthington, Franklin Co., OH, at age 54.693 She was buried at St. John's Cemetery, Worthington, Franklin Co., OH.694

v. MARY was born on 4 Aug 1753.695 She married Josiah Atkins, son of Joseph Atkins and Abigail Rich, on 25 Nov 1779.696

vi. NATHAN was born on 29 Sep 1755.697 He married Lucy Harrison. Information on Nathan and Lucy and all of their descendants is provided by Al Dawson via e-mail ([emailprotected]).

vii. ELIZABETH was born on 30 Mar 1758.698 She married Elkana Smith on 26 Jul 1781.699

viii. BENONI was born on 23 Jul 1760.700 He married Phoebe Dean, daughter of (--?--) Dean and Widow Sarah Dean, on 16 Oct 1783. He died on 6 Jun 1844 at age 83.

ix. ANNE was born on 3 Jan 1763.701 She married George Cornish.702 She died on 13 May 1793 at age 30.703

x. RACHEL was born on 28 Nov 1765.704 She married Noah Uzza Norton, son of David Norton and Suza Bishop.705

xi. TIMOTHY was born on 21 Jul 1771.706 He died on 22 Apr 1780 at age 8.707

683McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 24.2. 684Hon. Horace L. Moore, Andrew Moore, Page 24. 685Ibid. 686Ibid., Page 41. 687Ibid., Page 24. 688Ibid. 689Ibid., Page 41. 690Ibid. 691Hon. Horace L. Moore, Andrew Moore. 692Ibid., Page 24. 693Virginai Mccormick, Scioto Company Descendants, Page 201. 694Ibid. 695Hon. Horace L. Moore, Andrew Moore, Page 24. 696Ibid., Page 41. 697Ibid., Page 24. 698Ibid. 699Ibid. 700Ibid. 701Ibid. 702Ibid. 703Ibid. 704Ibid. 705Ibid., Page 42, Item 219.

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There were no children of Zaccheus5 Gillett and Widow Sarah Dean. 319. JACOB5 GILLETT (Elizabeth4 Griswold, Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 27 Jan 1726 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lydia Phelps, daughter of Joseph Phelps and Rebecca North, on 15 Dec 1744.708 Children of Jacob5 Gillett and Lydia Phelps all born at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. JACOB6 was born on 13 Oct 1745. ii. ABIGAIL was born on 25 Mar 1746.709

iii. JOAB was born on 6 Nov 1747.710

iv. LYDIA was born on 1 Aug 1750.711

v. JACOB was born on 8 Aug 1755.712

vi. JABEZ was born on 13 Jan 1761.713 He married Hannah Holcombe, daughter of Joshua Holcombe IV and Martha Griffin, on 5 Dec 1784 at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.714 Jabez was enumerated in the 1830 Prattsburgh, Steuben Co., NY, federal census. Beside a woman his age, there was also a young woman, 20-30, probably Rosina as Enoch Barker lived next door (family of Harriet). Also living nearby were Jabez Jr., and Seymour. Also living nearby was William McConnell (family of Alexander who married Rosina).

320. ELIZABETH5 GILLETTE (Elizabeth4 Griswold, Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 2 Feb 1727/28 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ezekiel Phelps, son of Joseph Phelps and Rebecca North, on 3 May 1744. She died on 29 Jul 1781 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 53. Children of Elizabeth5 Gillette and Ezekiel Phelps all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. EZEKIEL6 was born on 9 Mar 1747/48.715 He married Bathsheba Case, daughter of Isaac Case and Bathsheba Humphrey, on 8

Apr 1770. He died on 11 Nov 1789 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 41. ii. KEZIAH was born on 12 Nov 1757. She married Lt. Luke Viets, son of Capt. John Viets and Lois Phelps, on 30 Jun 1777. She

died on 22 Nov 1850 at age 93. Newgate was the State's prison until 1827, and no doubt some of the prison officials, as well as comers and goers, were guests at the Luke Viets' tavern. Kendall's Travels through the Northern Parts of the United States in the chapter on "Newgate" gives a unique description of the family of Luke Viets: The traveler, after fording the Farmington, and passing through a region "beautiful with the varied charms of hills, field, and pasture" approached the place from the south. He says: "On my right I saw a house of respectable figure and dimension, wooden and white-painted. This was the inn. On entering the door the good looks of the landlord afforded me some consolation . . . . "My landlord was a plain and industrious farmer, in whom and his whole family there was realized, more than in any other instance I have met with, the picture which the imagination of so many has drawn, as that of the agricultural life in America. He was himself a grandfather, and had living with him his very aged mother. He was the father of nine children, of whom one or two were married and settled at a distance, and one or two near by. Two daughters and two or three sons were still under his roof. All the members of the family were personable and well-featured, and the two girls were beauties, one a blue-eyed blond (Esther) and the other a dark-haired brunette (Chloe). I found them employed in a building detached from the house, one at the wheel, the other at the loom. They were presently in the farmyard milking the cows." The traveler adds further that he was "informed by the family that there was somewhere in the neighboring hill a black stone, by looking through which the seventh son of a seventh son born in the month of February with a caul over his head could see everything in the interior of the globe.".716

706Ibid., Page 24. 707Ibid. 708Phelps Phelps Family, Page 196. 709Ibid. 710Ibid. 711Ibid. 712Ibid. 713Ibid. 714Kathy McConnell DeFoster, "Hannah Holcombe," e-mail message from [emailprotected] (Kailua, Hawaii) to James H. Holcombe, 19 August 2003, Records of Rev. Roger Viets, Rector of St. Andrew's, Simsbury, CT and Missionary from the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts by Albert C. Bates, Librarian of the Connecticut Historical Society, 974.62/S4 K2b, Salt Lake City Family History Library, UT. Hereinafter cited as "Hannah Holcombe". 715Bates, Simsbury, Page 71. 716Dorothy Dean Viets Schell, Viets.

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iii. JOEL was born on 17 Sep 1759.717

The Phelps book shows Frederick to be the father of a Joel who married a Susanah Holcomb. The same book shows Ezekiel to be the father of a Joel whose line is not continued. The McPherson book show a Susannah Holcombe who married a Joel Phelps, son of Lt. Ezekiel Phelps. Joel, son of Ezekiel, was born September 17, 1759 (Simsbury VR, page 71).

321. HEPZIBAH5 GRISWOLD (Benjamin4, Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 31 May 1730 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Phineas Griswold, son of Capt. Thomas Griswold and Abigail Sackett, on 4 Feb 1749. She married John Perkins in 1764. She died on 29 Jun 1820 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 90. Children of Hepzibah5 Griswold and Phineas Griswold were: i. PHINEAS6 was born on 13 Aug 1750 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Vashti Bates, daughter of Lemuel Bates and

Dorothy Lewis. He died on 9 Feb 1789 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 38. Phineas served as private in Capt. David Barber's company on duty in New York and was deailed to guard Burgoyne's prisoners.

There were no children of Hepzibah5 Griswold and John Perkins. 322. ZERVIAH5 GRISWOLD (Zerviah4, Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 22 Dec 1735 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.718 She married Isaac Owen, son of Ensign Isaac Owen and Mary Ellsworth, at Suffield, Hartford Co., CT.719 She died on 22 Mar 1817 at age 81.720 She was buried at East Granby, Hartford Co., CT.721 Children of Zerviah5 Griswold and Isaac Owen were: i. ISAAC6 was born on 16 Jun 1757.722 He married Zerviah Cornish on 30 Nov 1780 at Congregational Church, Turkey Hills,

Hartford Co., CT.723 323. GEORGE5 GRISWOLD (Zerviah4, Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 28 Sep 1737 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.724 He married Mary Hayden, daughter of Ebenezer Hayden and Mary Trumbull, on 16 Aug 1759 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.725 He married Azubah Strong, daughter of John Warham Strong and Azuba Griswold. He died on 2 Jan 1823 at age 85.726 He was buried at Elm Grove Cemetery, Poquonock, Hartford Co., CT.727 Children of George5 Griswold and Mary Hayden were as follows: i. GEORGE6 was born on 8 Jun 1762.728 He married Eunice Ingersoll. ii. LEVI was born on 26 Apr 1769 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.729,730 He married Azubah Griswold, daughter of Noah Griswold

and Azubah Strong.731 He died on 21 Mar 1844 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 74.732

717Bates, Simsbury, Page 71. 718Esther Griswold French and Robert Lewis French, Griswold, Page 134. 719Ibid. 720Ibid. 721Ibid. 722Ibid., Page 135. 723Albert Carlos Bates, Records of Congregational Church, Page 38. 724Esther Griswold French and Robert Lewis French, Griswold, Page 135, Item 244. 725Ibid. 726Ibid. 727Ibid. 728Ibid., Page 135, Item 626. 729Ibid., Page 136, Item 629. 730Stiles History of Ancient Windsor II, Vol. II, Page 35, Family 61. 731Stephen R. Christides, "Levi Griswold," e-mail to James H. Holcombe, 3 Sep 2001. 732Ibid., He cites Mrs. Charles Delmar Townsend, [IT:] The Griswold Family, England - America[:IT] Vol 4.

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Stephen Christides gives the death date as 21 March, cited from Townsend, but Stiles, who Christides often cites, gives the date of 19 March.

There were no children of George5 Griswold and Azubah Strong. 324. LYDIA5 GRISWOLD (Zerviah4, Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1741/42 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Maj. Gen. Noah Phelps, son of Lt. David Phelps and Abigail Pettibone, on 10 Jun 1761 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 17 Sep 1821. Children of Lydia5 Griswold and Maj. Gen. Noah Phelps both born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. NOAH AMHERST6 was born on 3 May 1762. He married Charlotte Wilcox, daughter of Ezekiel Wilcox and Rosanna Pettibone, in

1784. DAR record 18244.

ii. ELISHA was born on 16 Nov 1779. He married Lucy Smith. DAR record 43064.

325. CAPT. JOSIAH5 PHELPS (Anne4 Griswold, Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 15 Nov 1735 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Anna Denslow circa 1754. He died on 13 Nov 1820 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 84. Children of Capt. Josiah5 Phelps and Anna Denslow were: i. CLEOPATRA6 was born on 28 Feb 1770 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT.733 She married Chandler Hayden, son of Elijah Hayden

and Sarah Phelps, in 1795.734 She died on 25 Feb 1827 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 56. 326. BILDAD5 PHELPS (Anne4 Griswold, Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 22 Aug 1739 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.735 He married Eunice Phelps, daughter of Lt. Daniel Phelps and Mindwell Buckland, on 5 Jan 1763.736 He died on 12 Mar 1814 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 74.737 Children of Bildad5 Phelps and Eunice Phelps were: i. EUNICE6 was born on 18 Aug 1769 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.738 She died on 26 Apr 1794 at age 24.739

Judge Phelps shows that Eunice died, unmarried, 26 Apr, 1794.740; however, DAR record 89558741 claims that Eunice married Gurdon Filley and had children. Judge Phelps shows Eunice, daughter of William and Anna (Bishop) Phelps, born about 1760, was the one to marry Gurdon Filley.742

327. AZUBAH5 STRONG (Azuba4 Griswold, Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 17 May 1744 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.743 She married Noah Griswold, son of Capt. Noah Griswold and Abigail Griswold, probably 1764. She married George Griswold, son of George Griswold and Zerviah Griswold. (an unknown value). Children of Azubah5 Strong and Noah Griswold all born at Wintonbury Congregational Church, Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. AURELIA6 was baptized on 23 Jun 1765.744 She married Jonathan Palmer on 19 Oct 1786 at Wintonbury (now Bloomfield),

Hartford Co., CT. She died on 7 Jan 1847 at age 81.745 She was buried at Old Bloomfield Cemetery, Bloomfield, Hartford Co., CT.746

733Phelps Phelps Family, Page 290, Item 894. 734Jabez Haskell Hayden, Hayden Family, Page 174. 735Phelps Phelps Family, Page 176, Item 289. 736Ibid. 737Ibid. 738Ibid., Page 176, Item 901. 739Ibid. 740Ibid., page 176. 741DAR, Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. 742Phelps Phelps Family, page 239. 743Helen Ullmann, "Noah Griswold", Pages 390-398. 744Ibid. 745Ibid.

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ii. FREDERICK was baptized on 26 Apr 1767.747 He died on 15 Nov 1829 at age 62.748 He was buried at Old Bloomfield Cemetery, Bloomfield, Hartford Co., CT.749

iii. NOAH was baptized on 15 Sep 1771.750 He married Rhoda Pinney, daughter of Abraham Pinney and Lucretia Barnard.751 He died on 8 Oct 1849 at age 78.752 He was buried at Old Bloomfield Cemetery, Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), Hartford Co., CT.753

iv. AZUBAH was baptized on 14 May 1775.754 She married Levi Griswold, son of George Griswold and Mary Hayden.755 She died on 18 Jun 1841 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 66.756

v. HEZEKIAH was baptized on 25 Jan 1778.757 There were no children of Azubah5 Strong and George Griswold. 328. MOSES5 GRISWOLD (Moses4, Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 23 Dec 1741 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Anna Holcombe, daughter of Moses Holcombe and Elizabeth Phelps, on 14 Jan 1765. Moses and Anna resided in Windsor until 1787 when they mvoed to Leicester, Vermont. Book I, p. 85 of Deeds shows a conveyance to Moses and Ana Griswold of Windsor, Conn. on Dec. 15, 1787. the census of 1790 shows nine people in the family at Leicester. Moses and his family later moved to Herkimer, N.Y. where he died about 1813. His estate was administered by Gaylord Griswold, March 31, 1813. The record mentions his wife Anna; Ichabod Brown, Philip Pratt, Huldah Alford; Erastus, Guy and Anson Griswold. The place of burial is unknown, although it is probable he and Anna were buried in the old cemetery which was obliterated for a park in Herkimer. The Frenches cite: Windsor, Conn. town and Congregational Church records; Stiles: ancient Windsor II:362; St. Andrews Episcopal Chruch Records; Poquonoc, Windsor Congregational Church records. Children of Moses5 Griswold and Anna Holcombe were as follows: i. ANNA6 was born on 17 Feb 1766. ii. MOSES NICHOLS was born on 4 Jan 1769. iii. ANSON was born on 30 Sep 1769. iv. VASHTI was born on 1 Apr 1774. v. REBECCA was born on 13 Sep 1776. vi. ERASTUS. vii. GUY. viii. HULDAH. 329. MARY5 GRISWOLD (Moses4, Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 28 Nov 1742 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Augustine Drake, son of Job Drake and Martha Moore, on 13 Dec 1761.758 She died on 22 Jan 1816 at age 73. She was buried at Palisado Cemetery, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. The Frenches cite Windsor, Ct., records; Hooker Genealogy p. 107; Stiles: Ancient Windsor II:223, 257; Drake Genealogy; Spear: Search for the Passengers of the Mary and John I:25. Children of Mary5 Griswold and Augustine Drake were as follows: i. MARY6 was born on 3 Sep 1761. ii. ELIHU was born on 24 Sep 1763 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.759 He married Lucy Allyn in Dec 1784.760 He died on 17 Jan

1839 at age 75.

746Ibid. 747Ibid. 748Ibid. 749Ibid. 750Ibid. 751Ibid. 752Ibid. 753Ibid. 754Esther Griswold French and Robert Lewis French, Griswold, Page 145, item 699. 755Stephen R. Christides, "Levi Griswold," e-mail to James H. Holcombe, 3 Sep 2001. 756Stiles History of Ancient Windsor II, Vol. II, Page 35, Family 61. 757Helen Ullmann, "Noah Griswold", Pages 390-398. 758Gay, John Drake, page 65. 759Ibid.

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At an early period in the Revolutionary struggle, and before the war had as yet fairly commenced, some of the tories (of whom there were a few in Windsor) happened one day to come across Elihu Drake, then a young lad about eight years old, and partly in earnest and partly in a joke, endeavored to compel him to say "God save the King." Failing of success, they tried to intimidate him, by threatening him with a ducking in the Little River. But the boy still stoutly refused. Becoming somewhat enraged at the young rebel, they carried their treat into execution, and thrust him under water; but as they pulled him out spluttering and choking, the only exclamation which he uttered was a fervent "God d--n the King," Again and again was the little martyr thrust under, but each time the same "God d--n the King," was all which they could extort from him, and they were obliged to release him, with many hearty curses for his stubbornness. This little hero was the son of Adjt. Augustine Drake, of Windsor, and afterwards, at the age of twelve, accompanied his father into the war, in the capacity of waiter. 761 Elihu enlisted for one year in Capt. Abner Prior's Company; Col. Andrew Ward's Regiment, and was in service more than nine months. He fought in the battle of White Plains. About Aug. 22, 1823, he applied for a pension, giving his occupation as a "farmer, unable to labor much. Famly consists of wife by name of Lucy, three children, one by name of Wareham, aged 14; one Laura, aged 12, one by name of Edward, aged 10, and by reason of late misfortune am unable to to contribute anything of importance towards their support, and am now placed in such indigent curc*mstances as to be unable to get support for myself, my wife and children."762

iii. MARTHA was born on 20 Sep 1765 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.763 She married Jedediah Loomis, son of Jedediah Loomis and Sybil Case, on 18 May 1783.764 She died on 8 May 1832 at age 66.765

iv. JOB was born on 23 Aug 1767. v. RHODA married Gideon Baker. vi. LUCY was born on 21 Sep 1776. 330. HANNAH5 GRISWOLD (Moses4, Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in Apr 1750 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Abijah Enno, son of Benjamin Enno and Jerusha Griswold, in 1770. She died on 17 Feb 1820 at age 69. Hannah and Abijah were third cousins. Abijah served in the Revolution as a private in the 8th Co., 1st Regt. of Militia. They went first to Vermont and later to Herkimer County, NY. Both are buried in the DAR cemetery, Gloversville, NY. The Frenches cite Windsor, CT, records; Goodwin Notes p. 313; DAR patriot Index I:222; Records of Montgomery County, NY. Children of Hannah5 Griswold and Abijah Enno were as follows: i. ABIJAH6 was born in 1772. He died on 26 Aug 1793. ii. FLAVEL. iii. AARON. iv. LUCY. v. ELIHU was born in 1785. He married Dotha Johnson. 331. LUCY5 GRISWOLD (Moses4, Benjamin3, Mary2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 12 Apr 1753 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Alvord, son of Jonathan Alvord and Charity Thrall, in 1772. She died on 10 Apr 1835 at age 81. Children of Lucy5 Griswold and Joseph Alvord were as follows: i. LUCY6 married Hermaz Holcombe, son of Lt. Martin Holcombe and Christian Winchell.766 ii. WILLIAM was born on 3 May 1774.

William married 1st, Clarissa Griswold, 2nd Salina Griswold. iii. JOSEPH. iv. POLLY. v. ROSWELL. vi. MOSES. vii. ABBY MATHER. viii. SOPHIA. ix. ELEANOR. 332. JAMES5 ENO (James4, Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 30 Dec 1703.

760Ibid., page 99. 761Henry R. Stiles History of Ancient Windsor, Connecticut, I (NY: Charles B. Norton, 1859). Hereinafter cited as History of Ancient Windsor I. 762Gay, John Drake. 763Ibid., Page 100. 764Ibid. 765Ibid. 766Stiles History of Ancient Windsor II, Page 36.

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Children of James5 Eno include: i. SARAH6 married Daniel Loomis, son of Daniel Loomis and Elizabeth Barber. 333. HANNAH5 ENO (James4, Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 1 Sep 1710. She married Job Loomis, son of Ensign Job Loomis and Abigail Filley, in 1736. She died in 1793. Children of Hannah5 Eno and Job Loomis both born at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. HANNAH6 was born on 13 Jul 1737.767,768 She married (--?--) Taylor. She married Consider Holcombe Jr., son of Consider

Holcombe and Ruth Griffin, after 1804.769 She died on 7 Mar 1808 at Consumption, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 70.770,771

ii. SIMEON was born say 1746.772 He married Kezia Moore on 23 Mar 1769. He died on 31 Jul 1778 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.773

334. JOSEPH5 CASE (Ann4 Eno, Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 2 Feb 1699/0 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.774 He married Hannah Humphrey, daughter of Deacon John Humphrey and Sarah Pettibone, on 7 Dec 1721 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 12 Mar 1782 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 82. Children of Joseph5 Case and Hannah Humphrey were as follows: i. JOSEPH6 was born on 30 Nov 1722 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Tuller, daughter of Jacob Tuller and Mary

Moses, on 29 Jul 1742.775 He married Sarah Reed, daughter of Jacob Reed and Mary Hill, on 5 May 1763 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.776 He died on 13 Feb 1801 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 78.

ii. HANNAH was born either 25 Mar 1725 or 1726. iii. ANNA was born on 28 Jan 1728. She married William Webster on 26 Sep 1759. She married Abraham Case, son of

Bartholomew Case and Mary Humphrey. iv. ASAHEL was born on 23 Mar 1729 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Dorothy Phelps, daughter of Amos Phelps and

Sarah Pettibone, on 22 Feb 1750 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 23 Jul 1809 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 80. v. JEDEDIAH was born on 20 Mar 1733 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mercy Hart, daughter of Samuel Hart and

Elizabeth Thompson, on 10 May 1758 at West Avon Congregational Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 11 Jan 1818 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 84. Jedediah enlisted from Simsbury as a private in the regiment of Connecticut militia.

vi. HOSEA was born on 3 Mar 1734 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Case, daughter of Thomas Case and Elizabeth Woodford, on 11 Apr 1751 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 7 May 1793 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 59.

vii. SOLOMON was born on 11 Mar 1735 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Anna Case, daughter of Jacob Case and Abigail Barber, on 17 May 1758 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 3 Jul 1811 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 76. He was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

viii. BENAJAH was born on 10 Aug 1738 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lydia Woodruff on 29 Mar 1764 at West Avon Congregational Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died before 1790. Benajah served as a private in the Revolutionary War, and is listed as the Patriot in DAR record # 7395.

ix. SARAH was born in 1743. She married (--?--) Stewart. She married Timothy Phelps, son of Amos Phelps and Sarah Pettibone. She died in 1795. Sarah removed to NY with her second husband.

335. JACOB5 CASE (Ann4 Eno, Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 19 Mar 1701/2 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.777 He married Abigail Barber, daughter of Thomas Barber and Abigail Buell, on 31 Oct 1728 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.778 He died on 23 Jul 1763 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 61.779 He was buried at Simsbury Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.780

767Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141. 768Mrs. Carol A. Laun, "unknown short article title". 769Ibid. 770Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141. 771Mrs. Carol A. Laun, "unknown short article title". 772Loomis, Joseph Loomis, Page 212, Item 919. 773Ibid. 774Bates, Simsbury, Page 28. 775Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 37. 776Ibid. 777Bates, Simsbury, Page 28. 778Barbour, "Simsbury Marriages," The Connecticut Nutmegger Volume 33, No. 1 (June 2000). Hereinafter cited as "Simsbury Marriages". 779Joyce A. Cahill Simsbury Cemetery, Page 128.

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Ruth Cost Duncan also cites Simsbury Vital Records. Children of Jacob5 Case and Abigail Barber all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. ABIGAIL6 was born on 12 Jan 1731. She married Daniel Hoskins, son of Daniel Hoskins and Elizabeth Phelps. She died on 20

Jun 1806 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 75. ii. SARAH was born on 5 Jun 1733. She married Elijah Tuller, son of Jacob Tuller and Mary Moses, in 1751. She died on 20 Dec

1798 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 65. iii. JACOB was born on 19 Jun 1735. iv. JESSE was born on 19 May 1738. He married Sarah Humphrey, daughter of Noah Humphrey and Hannah Case, on 20 Nov 1766

at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 3 Oct 1807 at age 69. He was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Jesse served in Capt. Jonathan Pettibone's Co. of Militia, campaign of 1757 to Fort Edward in the French & Indian War. Ruth Cost Duncan also cites the Simsbury Vital Records.

v. ANNA was born on 4 Apr 1740. She married Solomon Case, son of Joseph Case and Hannah Humphrey, on 17 May 1758 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 6 Apr 1817 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 77. She was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

vi. MARTHA was born on 21 May 1743. She died on 30 Dec 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 5. vii. MOSES was born on 8 Sep 1746. He married Lucy Wilcox, daughter of Lt. William Wilcox and Lucy Case, circa 1770 at Simsbury,

Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Wilcox, daughter of Elisha Wilcox and Abigail (--?--), in 1781 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 18 Dec 1794 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 48. He was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

viii. MARTHA was born on 12 Apr 1749. She died on 5 Apr 1834 at age 84. 336. JOSIAH5 CASE (Ann4 Eno, Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born either 1 Feb 1715 or 1716 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Hoskins on 22 Jul 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 21 Nov 1789 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Simsbury Vital Records; and the Barkhamsted Chruch Records. Children of Josiah5 Case and Mary Hoskins were as follows: i. HEZEKIAH6 was born on 11 Aug 1743 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 25 Dec 1761 at age 18. ii. MARY was born on 30 Sep 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married David Goodhue on 29 Jun 1769. iii. EZRA was born on 15 Sep 1747 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mehitable (--?--).

Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Simsbury Vital Records. iv. ANDREW was born on 10 Jul 1749 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 19 Aug 1749. v. ANDREW was born on 15 Aug 1750 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Rhoda Moses. He died in Apr 1815 at

Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 64. vi. JOSIAH was born on 19 Feb 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died at Phelps, Ontario Co., NY. vii. OZIAS was born on 2 Nov 1755. viii. ABEL was born on 3 Nov 1758 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.781 He married Anna Tuller, daughter of Ezekiel Tuller and Lydia

Humphrey. He died on 10 Dec 1844 at age 86.782 He was buried at Simsbury Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.783 ix. OLIVER was born on 1 Jun 1761 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Amy Case, daughter of Richard Case and Ruth Case,

on 10 Nov 1791 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died on 12 Feb 1836 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 74. 337. DAVID5 CASE (Ann4 Eno, Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born circa 1722 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Kilborn on 15 Dec 1742. He died after 1757. David served in Capt. Solomon Buel's Co., Militia, Campaign of 1757 in the French & Indian War. Children of David5 Case and Sarah Kilborn were as follows: i. MARY6 was born on 13 Apr 1752. ii. SARAH was born on 14 Jan 1759. 338. JOEL5 CASE (Ann4 Eno, Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 30 May 1724 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Thankful Hoskins, daughter of Robert Hoskins and Elizabeth Buckland, on 28 Oct 1747 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died circa 1793 at Pittsfield, Berkshire Co., MA. Ruth Cost Duncan also cites the Simsbury Vital Records. Children of Joel5 Case and Thankful Hoskins were as follows: i. THANKFUL6 was born on 23 Sep 1747 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Michael Moses, son of Caleb Moses and

Hannah Beaman, on 2 Jul 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Daniel Bennett in 1798. She died on 23 Apr 1810 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 62. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Simsbury First Church Record and Simsbury Vital Records.

780Ibid. 781Connecticut Society of Genealogists, "Barbour". 782Joyce A. Cahill Simsbury Cemetery, Page 128. 783Ibid.

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ii. ELIZABETH was born on 24 Feb 1748/49 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Elijah Reed, son of Jacob Reed and Mary Hill. She married Isaac Case Jr., son of Isaac Case and Bathsheba Humphrey. She married Roderick Adams. She died on 4 Mar 1816 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 67.

iii. ISABEL was born on 16 Jan 1751. She died on 1 Sep 1782 at age 31. iv. JOEL was born on 2 Mar 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 4 Jan 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. v. SUSANNAH was born on 30 Oct 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. vi. JOEL was born on 21 Sep 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 8 Nov 1758 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 2. vii. LUTHER was born on 30 Mar 1759 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. viii. ROSETTE was born on 10 May 1761 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joel Barber, son of Joel Barber and Mary Drake. ix. LOIS was born on 10 Apr 1763 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Daniel Hastings. x. CALVIN was born on 10 Apr 1763 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Jerusha Griffin. He died in 1854. xi. JOEL was born on 30 Jan 1770 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mahala Mills. 339. SUSANNA5 ENO (William4, Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1725. She married Matthew Adams, son of Joseph Adams and Mary Case. She died in 1764. Children of Susanna5 Eno and Matthew Adams were: i. WILLIAM6 married Rosebella Loomis, daughter of Francis Loomis and Elizabeth Pinney. 340. TABITHA5 PHELPS (Abigail4 Eno, Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) married Ebenezer Moore, son of William Moore and Elizabeth Case. Children of Tabitha5 Phelps and Ebenezer Moore were: i. EBENEZER6 was born in 1755. He married Anna Nevins. He died in 1825. There were no children of Tabitha5 Phelps and Ebenezer Moore. 341. LT. SAMUEL5 PHELPS (Abigail4 Eno, Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 5 Apr 1708 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Ruth Phelps, daughter of William Phelps and Ruth Barber, in 1731. He married Damaris Gilman on 21 Oct 1751. He died on 14 Aug 1754 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 46. Children of Lt. Samuel5 Phelps and Ruth Phelps were as follows: i. JOEL6 was born in 1732 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Jerusha Nash in 1757 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died in

1799 at New Haven, VT. Joel was a private in the company of Capt. Hezekiah Holcomb, Connecticut militia, which served in New York.

ii. RUTH was born on 6 Feb 1733 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT. She died on 4 Sep 1783 at age 50. iii. SAMUEL was born on 15 Sep 1736 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT.784 He married Ann Barber, daughter of Samuel Barber and

Ann Gillett, on 17 Oct 1754 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT. He died on 28 Jul 1805 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 68.785

iv. JERUSHA was born on 17 Apr 1739. She married Levi Frisbie. v. ABIGAIL was born on 1 Nov 1741 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT.786 She married Ensign Elkanah Phelps, son of Capt. Abel

Phelps and Mary Pinnuck, on 28 Apr 1762. Children of Lt. Samuel5 Phelps and Damaris Gilman were: i. OLIVER6 was born on 7 Jun 1753. He married Ann Gillett, daughter of Jabez Gillett and Ann Loomis. 342. DR. HEZEKIAH5 PHELPS (Abigail4 Eno, Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1725. He married Lydia Griswold, daughter of Samuel Griswold and Elizabeth Gaylord, on 21 Feb 1749/50 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 9 Jun 1752 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.787 Children of Dr. Hezekiah5 Phelps and Lydia Griswold were: i. LYDIA6 was born on 11 Dec 1750. 343. MARY ENO5 HUMPHREY (Mary4 Eno, Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 3 May 1716. She married Captain James Hillyer, son of James Hillyer II and Joanna Hayes, on 28 Oct 1735 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.788 She died on 6 Dec 1797 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 81.789 She was buried at Center Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.790 The Humphrey Genealogy only lists children Lucy, Asa, and Andrew. Carol Laun, Curator, Salmon Brook Historical Society, notes that, in addition to these three, that The Connecticut Historical Society has a Hillyer Bible Record that also lists Mary, James, Pliny, Affiah, and Theodore.

784Phelps Phelps Family, page 252. 785Ibid. 786Ibid., Pages 149, 232. 787Helen Ullmann, "Hartford Probate Records". 788Hillyer G. Norment, Descendants of John Hillyer of Windsor, Connecticut (Baltimore, MD: Gateway Press, Library of Congress No. 2004107934, 2004), Page 117. Hereinafter cited as John Hillyer. 789Ibid. 790Ibid., Page 118.

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Children of Mary Eno5 Humphrey and Captain James Hillyer were as follows: i. LUCY6 was born on 7 Apr 1736. ii. ASA was born on 21 Aug 1738 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.791 He married Rhoda Smith in 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co.,

CT.792 He died on 11 Dec 1820 at East Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 82.793

iii. MARY was born on 17 Nov 1740 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.794 She married Michael Holcombe, son of Jonathan Holcombe and Amy Case, on 3 Feb 1757.795,796 She died on 6 Aug 1798 at Sheffield, Berkshire Co., MA, at age 57.797

iv. ANDREW was born on 4 Jun 1743. v. JAMES was born on 6 Oct 1746.798 He married Ruth Holcombe, daughter of Nathaniel Holcombe IV and Margaret Cossett, on 2

Feb 1769 at St. Ann's Episcopal Chruch, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.799 He married Hannah Wadsworth on 3 Dec 1792 at probably Hartford, CT.800 He married Dorcas Eldridge.801 He married Penelope Holcombe, daughter of Judah Holcombe and Hannah Buttolph, on 12 Oct 1823 at First Congregatinal Church, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.802 He died on 22 Apr 1826 at age 79.803

vi. PLINY was born on 12 May 1748. vii. AFFIAH was born on 2 Feb 1752. viii. THEODORE was born on 10 Jul 1754. He married Lodammi Humphrey, daughter of Col. Jonathan Humphrey and Desire Owen. 344. HEZEKIAH5 HUMPHREY (Mary4 Eno, Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 3 Jan 1718/19 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.804 He married Amy Cornish, daughter of Capt. James Cornish and Amy Butler, on 31 May 1744. He died on 27 Oct 1781 at age 62. Children of Hezekiah5 Humphrey and Amy Cornish were as follows: i. MARY6 was born on 4 Jan 1753. She married Capt. Bartholomew Case, son of Thomas Case and Elizabeth Woodford. She died

on 10 May 1818 at age 65. ii. AMASA was born on 12 Jan 1758 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lucy Case, daughter of Capt. Job Case and Joanna

Wilcox, on 24 Aug 1783. He married Abigail Griswold, daughter of Nathaniel Griswold and Abigail Pinney. He died on 19 Feb 1799 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 41.

iii. ASA was born on 1 Sep 1760. He married Asenath Case, daughter of Capt. Job Case and Joanna Wilcox, on 31 Jan 1786 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 1 Mar 1831 at age 70.

345. HEPZIBAH5 HUMPHREY (Mary4 Eno, Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 5 Feb 1720/21.805 She married Isaac Pettibone, son of Samuel Pettibone and Judith Shepard, on 11 Feb 1738.806 She died in 1800 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT.807,808 Children of Hepzibah5 Humphrey and Isaac Pettibone were as follows: i. JUDITH6. ii. SAMUEL. iii. ISAAC. iv. ELIJAH.

791Ibid., Page 120. 792Ibid. 793Ibid. 794Ibid., Page 122. 795Ibid. 796McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 197.2, Item A-8-3-3-2. 797Norment, John Hillyer, Page 122. 798Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 140. 799Norment, John Hillyer, Page 125. 800Ibid. 801Ibid. 802Ibid. 803Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 140. 804Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys, Volume I, Page 134. 805Ibid., Vol. I, Page 122. 806Jon K. Holcombe, "Descendants of Mary Ann Eno," e-mail message from [emailprotected] (47206 Oak Place, Wellesley Island NY 13640) to James H. Holcombe, 10 Jan 2002. Hereinafter cited as "Eno, Mary Ann". 807Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys, Vol. I, Page 122. 808Jon K. Holcombe, "Eno, Mary Ann," e-mail to James H. Holcombe, 10 Jan 2002.

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v. DANIEL was born on 5 May 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.809,810 He married Elizabeth Chittenden, daughter of William Chittenden and Elizabeth Fosdick.811 He died on 9 Apr 1844 at Vernon, Oneida Co., NY, at age 90.812,813 He was buried at Vernon Center Cemetery, Vernon Center, Oneida Co., NY.814,815 Daniel enlisted, 1775, as private under Capt. John Watson, Colonel Hinman's Connecticut regiment. In 1832 he applied for a pension. His claim was allowed.816

vi. HEPZIBAH. vii. ROSWELL. 346. BATHSHEBA5 HUMPHREY (Mary4 Eno, Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 2 Jun 1725 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Isaac Case, son of Bartholomew Case and Mary Humphrey, on 19 Mar 1740/41 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.817 She died on 4 May 1803 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 77. She was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Bathsheba5 Humphrey and Isaac Case were as follows: i. MEHITABEL6 was born on 13 Nov 1741. She married (--?--) More. ii. ISAAC was born on 19 May 1743 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.818 He married Dorcas Moses, daughter of Timothy Moses and

Sarah Phelps. He married Sarah (--?--). He married Dorothy Woodbridge, daughter of Haynes Woodbridge and Elizabeth Griswold. He married Elizabeth Case, daughter of Joel Case and Thankful Hoskins. He died on 20 Apr 1813 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 69. He was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

iii. BATHSHEBA was born on 1 Jan 1744/45. She died on 13 Oct 1751 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 6.819 iv. ELIZABETH was born on 19 Sep 1747. She married Oliver Case, son of Joshua Case Jr. and Lydia Griswold. She died on 13 Jul

1772 at age 24. v. MARCY was born on 23 Dec 1749. She married (--?--) Northway. vi. BATHSHEBA was born on 22 Oct 1751 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ezekiel Phelps, son of Ezekiel Phelps and

Elizabeth Gillette, on 8 Apr 1770. vii. JOANNA was born on 14 Oct 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.820 She married David Russell. She married Jared Mills, son of

John Mills and Damaris Phelps, on 17 Mar 1784 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 4 Jul 1820 at age 66. viii. LIDIA was born on 14 Dec 1755 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.821 She married Isaac Phelps. She died on 7 Apr 1841 at age 85. ix. ISRAEL was born on 14 Nov 1757 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.822 He married Joanna Case, daughter of Capt. Job Case and

Joanna Wilcox, on 12 Mar 1778 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.823 He died on 27 Apr 1818 at Worthington, Franklin Co., OH, at age 60. He was buried at St. John's Cemetery, Worthington, Franklin Co., OH.824 Israel Case served in Capt. Jonathan Humphrey Jr.'s militia company of Col. Samuel McClellan's Regiment in the 1777-1778 march to Providence early in the Revolutionary War. He was living near the river in the Weatogue area of Simsbury when he sold his farm and his shares in the Weatogue "proprietary school" to move west. He was one of the original proprietors of the Scioto Company and in the partition August 11, 1804 he received four town lots and 193 acres in Worthington, 117 acres in Clinton Township, and 116 acres in Orange Township of Delaware County. He built a home on the farmlot northwest of Worthington and

809Ibid. 810DAR DAR Lineage book, Volume 98, Page 289, # 97928 (ancestry.com online database). 811Jon K. Holcombe, "Eno, Mary Ann," e-mail to James H. Holcombe, 10 Jan 2002. 812Ibid. 813DAR DAR Lineage book, Volume 98, Page 289, # 97928 (ancestry.com online database). 814Jon K. Holcombe, "Eno, Mary Ann," e-mail to James H. Holcombe, 10 Jan 2002. 815unknown compiler, online unknown url, RootsWeb (unknown location), http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyoneida/. 816DAR DAR Lineage book, #97928. 817Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 118. 818Bates, Simsbury, Page 81. 819Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 75. 820Ibid., Page 82. 821Ibid., Page 202. 822Bates, Simsbury, Pages 202, 271. 823Ibid., Page 271. 824Virginai Mccormick, Scioto Company Descendants, Page 75.

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this is where the family was living at his death in 1818. Israel Case was one of the incorporators of St. John's Episcopal church in 1807, and although no tombstones survive Joanna and the unmarried children probably are buried there also. 825 Israel's family is detailed in the Simsbury Red Book, but daughters Ester and Ursula are not mentioned there. Ruth Cost Duncan mentions Ursula but not Ester. Both Ester and Ursula are mentioned in Scioto Company Descendants, Virginia Evans McCormick.

x. AZUBAH was born on 28 Mar 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.826 She married Stephen Terry, son of Solomon Terry, on 2 Feb 1792. She died in Feb 1806 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 45.

xi. AARON was born on 29 May 1762 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.827,828 He married Abigail Case, daughter of Solomon Case and Anna Case. He died on 21 Dec 1822 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 60.829 He was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

xii. CLEOPATRA was born on 29 Jul 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.830 xiii. MIRIAM was born in 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She was baptized on 28 Oct 1770. She married Thias Garrett, son of

Francis Garrett and Ruth Case. She died on 17 Dec 1847. 347. EUNICE5 MARSHALL (Samuel4 Eno, Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 5 Oct 1746 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married John Holcombe, son of John Holcombe and Mary Kent, on 31 Mar 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.831 Children of Eunice5 Marshall and John Holcombe both born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. EUNICE6 was born on 14 Feb 1764.832 She died on 23 Aug 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.833

ii. EUNICE was born on 25 Aug 1770.834 348. FREDERICK5 PHELPS (Susannah4 Eno, Abigail3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born circa 1733. Children of Frederick5 Phelps include: i. JOEL6 was born on 11 Sep 1759 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT. He married Susannah Holcombe on 27 Jan 1782 at East Granby,

Hartford Co., CT. He died on 28 Sep 1836 at Luzerne, Warren Co., NY, at age 77. The Phelps book shows Frederick to be the father of a Joel who married a Susanah Holcomb. The same book shows Ezekiel to be tha father of a Joel whose line is not continued. The McPherson book show a Susannah Holcombe who married a Joel Phelps, son of Lt. Ezekiel Phelps. Joel, son of Ezekiel, was born September 17, 1759 (Simsbury VR, page 71).

349. CHARITY5 PETTIBONE (John4, Mary3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 30 Jun 1744 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Sylvanus Humphrey, son of Charles Humphrey and Hepzibah Pettibone, on 22 Sep 1763. She married Amasa Case, son of Capt. James Case and Esther Fithian, on 14 Jun 1799 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 25 Oct 1803 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 59. Ruth Duncan lists a 2nd marrige for Charity to Elisha Cornish Jr. in 1776, but on page 20 of her book she shows that the same Elisha married Sarah Case who died in 1827, and had her last child in 1786. Children of Charity5 Pettibone and Sylvanus Humphrey both born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. AMARILLA6 was born on 10 Jun 1764.835 She married Capt. Fithian Case, son of Capt. Josiah Case and Ester Higley, on 20 Sep

1780 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.836 She died on 31 May 1845 at age 80.837 She was buried at Center Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She was also known as AMARYLLIS HUMPHREY.

825Ibid., pages 75-76. 826Bates, Simsbury, Page 202. 827Connecticut Society of Genealogists, "Barbour". 828Bates, Simsbury, Page 202. 829Joyce A. Cahill Simsbury Cemetery, Page 128. 830Bates, Simsbury, Page 202. 831Ibid., Page 193. 832Ibid., Page 197. 833Ibid., Page 188. 834Ibid., Page 197. 835Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 57. 836Ibid. 837Ibid.

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ii. RUFUS was born on 26 Nov 1770. He married Lucy Case, daughter of Moses Case and Lucy Wilcox, on 26 Jun 1790. He died on 3 Mar 1844 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 73.

There were no children of Charity5 Pettibone and Amasa Case. 350. SAMUEL5 PETTIBONE JR. (Samuel4, Mary3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) married Rhoda Bridgman. Children of Samuel5 Pettibone Jr. and Rhoda Bridgman were: i. RHODA6 married Capt. Cyrus Wells.838 351. DOROTHY5 PHELPS (Sarah4 Pettibone, Mary3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 8 Aug 1734 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Asahel Case, son of Joseph Case and Hannah Humphrey, on 22 Feb 1750 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 8 Feb 1816 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 81. Children of Dorothy5 Phelps and Asahel Case were: i. JOSEPH6 was born on 22 Jul 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lydia Mills on 7 Oct 1773 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co.,

CT. He died on 10 Aug 1804 at Austinburg, OH, at age 51. 352. TIMOTHY5 PHELPS (Sarah4 Pettibone, Mary3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 11 Apr 1738 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Rachel Foote on 5 Jan 1760. He married Sarah Case, daughter of Joseph Case and Hannah Humphrey. He died on 14 May 1783 at age 45. Children of Timothy5 Phelps and Rachel Foote were as follows: i. SAMUEL6 was born on 17 Sep 1760. He married Eleanor Miller. He died on 2 Aug 1810 at age 49. ii. DANIEL was born on 7 Jul 1764. He married Rhoda Eno. He died on 1 Mar 1808 at age 43. Children of Timothy5 Phelps and Sarah Case were as follows: i. FREDERICK6 was born on 4 Jul 1771. He married Susanna Phelps. ii. RACHEL FOOTE was born on 8 Dec 1774 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT. She married Bartholomew Case, son of Capt.

Bartholomew Case and Ruth Owen, in 1794. She died in 1871. iii. SARAH was born on 17 Aug 1777. She married Nathaniel Hubbard on 9 Feb 1797. She died on 20 Mar 1826 at age 48. 353. CAPT. DAVID5 PHELPS (Abigail4 Pettibone, Mary3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 26 Mar 1733/34 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Griswold, daughter of Edward Griswold and Abigail Griswold, on 7 Apr 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 17 Apr 1811 at age 77. Children of Capt. David5 Phelps and Abigail Griswold all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. ABIGAIL6 was born on 16 Nov 1754. She married Jared Merrill. She died on 17 Dec 1831 at Byron, Genesee Co., NY, at age 77. ii. OZIAS was born on 1 May 1756. iii. DAVID was born on 13 Nov 1759. He married Asenath Humphrey, daughter of Major Elihu Humphrey and Asenath Humphrey,

before 24 Mar 1792. He died on 25 Apr 1835 at age 75. iv. ELIZABETH was born on 13 Nov 1759. v. RHODA was born on 22 Sep 1765. vi. ROSWELL was born on 31 Oct 1767. He died on 3 Apr 1839 at age 71. vii. ALEXANDER was born on 26 Feb 1769. viii. SUSANNAH was born on 27 Dec 1773. ix. OLIVER CROMWELL was born on 25 Dec 1774. He married Lurannah Ensign, daughter of Isaac Ensign and Lurannah

Pettibone.839 He married Sarah Case, daughter of Isaac Case Jr. and Sarah (--?--), on 1 Jan 1809 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.840 He died on 4 Oct 1853 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 78.841

354. ABIGAIL5 PHELPS (Abigail4 Pettibone, Mary3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 5 Nov 1735 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Capt. Edward Griswold, son of Edward Griswold and Abigail Griswold, on 13 Apr 1755 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Amasa Case, son of Capt. James Case and Esther Fithian. She died on 4 Oct 1798 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 62. Children of Abigail5 Phelps and Capt. Edward Griswold were: i. EDWARD6 was born on 10 Sep 1759 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.842 He married Elizabeth Griswold, daughter of Matthew

Griswold II and Abigail Marshall. He died on 4 Aug 1818 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 58.843 There were no children of Abigail5 Phelps and Amasa Case.

838John T. Fitch, Descendants of the Reverend James Fitch 1622-1702, Volume 1 The First Five Generations, Second Edition (Rockport, ME: Picton Press, September 2003), Page 510. Hereinafter cited as James Fitch Vol 1 2nd Ed. 839Maud Ensign Van Meter, James Ensign, Page 52. 840Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 36. 841Martha Eunice Ensign Nelson, Ensign Record, Page 66. 842Griswold Griswold 6 & 7, Page 58. 843Ibid.

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355. MAJ. GEN. NOAH5 PHELPS (Abigail4 Pettibone, Mary3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 22 Jan 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.844 He married Lydia Griswold, daughter of George Griswold and Zerviah Griswold, on 10 Jun 1761 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1809. Children of Maj. Gen. Noah5 Phelps and Lydia Griswold both born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. NOAH AMHERST6 was born on 3 May 1762. He married Charlotte Wilcox, daughter of Ezekiel Wilcox and Rosanna Pettibone, in

1784. DAR record 18244.

ii. ELISHA was born on 16 Nov 1779. He married Lucy Smith. DAR record 43064.

356. RACHEL5 PHELPS (Abigail4 Pettibone, Mary3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 10 Dec 1741 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Hon. Daniel Humphrey, son of Deacon Michael Humphrey and Mercy Humphrey, on 10 Apr 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.845 She died in 1809. Children of Rachel5 Phelps and Hon. Daniel Humphrey were as follows: i. SARAH6 was born on 7 Apr 1762.846 She married Phnineas Noble, son of Dea. Jonathan Noble and Elizabeth Cole.847 She

died on 27 May 1821 at age 59.848 ii. POLLY was born on 18 Mar 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Levi Case, son of Capt. John Case and Sarah

Barber, on 10 Mar 1785 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 19 Jan 1849 at Hartland, Hartford Co., CT, at age 84. iii. ALEXANDER CAMPBELL was born on 30 Jan 1768 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Susannah Higley, daughter of Joseph

Higley and Eunice Smith. He died on 17 Nov 1828 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 60. iv. PHILANDER was born on 23 Jun 1770 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Anna Selby in May 1799 at Hartland, Hartford

Co., CT. He died on 9 Feb 1823 at age 52. 357. SARAH5 PHELPS (Abigail4 Pettibone, Mary3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born in 1745. She married William Case, son of Capt. Jonathan Case and Mary Beaman, on 28 Aug 1765 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Ruth Duncan gives the parents of Sarah as David and Abigail (Pettibone) Phelps. However, Judge Phelps, page 135, shows that this Sarah married Elisha Hayden. Children of Sarah5 Phelps and William Case both born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. ABEL6 was born on 25 Feb 1765.

The Nutmegger extracts of the Barbour records shows Abel, s. William & Mary, b. Feb. 25, 1765. ii. WILLIAM was born on 9 Jul 1772. 358. SARAH5 PHELPS (Abigail4 Pettibone, Mary3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 15 Oct 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Elijah Hayden, son of David Hayden and Dorothy Allyn, on 12 Mar 1765. Children of Sarah5 Phelps and Elijah Hayden were as follows: i. ELIJAH6 was born on 8 Oct 1767.849 He died before 13 Jul 1776.850

ii. CHANDLER was born on 9 May 1770.851 He married Cleopatra Phelps, daughter of Capt. Josiah Phelps and Anna Denslow, in 1795.852 He died at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT. The Phelps genealogy lists the fifth child, the Hayden genealogy does not.

iii. URSULA was born on 19 May 1771. She married James Marsh. iv. SARAH was born on 19 May 1771. She married Lemuel Bingham. v. AMMON was born on 14 Jul 1774 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT. vi. ELIJAH was born on 13 Jul 1776 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT. He died circa 1848 at Coldwater, Branch Co., MI. vii. NOAH PHELPS was born on 20 Nov 1780 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT.

He was reported, 1846, as having "moved west, and had a family of children." Jabez Hayden. 359. HANNAH5 NOBLE (Elizabeth4 Sackett, Elizabeth3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 12 Nov 1724.853 She married James Root on 26 Mar 1751.854 She died at Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., MA.855

844Phelps Phelps Family, Page 204, Item 408. 845Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys, Volume I, Page 126. 846Ibid., Page 142. 847Ibid. 848Ibid. 849Jabez Haskell Hayden, Hayden Family, Page 138. 850Ibid. 851Ibid., Page 174, Item 211. 852Ibid., Page 174. 853Lucius M. Boltwood, Thomas Noble, Page 571.

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Hannah joined the Westfield church Oct. 27, 1741, and the Great Barrington church, Feb. 5, 1744. James and Hannah purchased land and buildings in Great Barrington, Mass., in 1750, and probably removed thither the same year. He united with the Cong. church there, in 1750. For many years they lived at the crossing of the river, at the upper end of the town. They may have subsequently removed to Egremont, Mass.856 Children of Hannah5 Noble and James Root were as follows: i. HANNAH6 was baptized on 3 Nov 1751.857 She died on 4 Nov 1751.858

ii. LYDIA was baptized on 14 Jul 1753.859 She died on 17 Nov 1753.860

iii. MOSES was baptized on 4 Aug 1754.861 He died on 12 Dec 1754.862

iv. ELIZABETH was baptized on 30 Nov 1755.863

v. JOHN was baptized on 25 May 1758.864 He died on 9 Jun 1758.865

vi. WILLIAM was baptized on 25 Mar 1759.866 He married Rhoda Fitch, daughter of Capt. Ephraim Fitch and Lydia Root.867 He married Anna Messenger.868

He lived at Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., MA.869 He lived at Claverack, NY.870 William enlisted at the age of sixteen years in the revolutionary war, and fought in many battles. "At the storming and taking of Stony Point, under Gen. Wayne, being only nineteen years of age, he led a platoon into the fort in the midst of the greatest carnage."871

360. SIMEON5 NOBLE (Elizabeth4 Sackett, Elizabeth3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 3 Mar 1729.872 He married Esther (--?--).873

He lived in 1775 at Egremont, Birkshire Co., MA.874 Children of Simeon5 Noble and Esther (--?--) were: i. ELIZABETH6 was baptized on 3 Oct 1771.875 361. NAOMI5 NOBLE (Elizabeth4 Sackett, Elizabeth3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 19 May 1745 at Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., MA.876 Marriage banns for she and Samuel Judd were published on 23 Apr 1774.877 She married Samuel Judd in 1774.878 She died on 19 Jul 1841 at Scriba, NY, at age 96.879

854Ibid., Page 576. 855Ibid., Page 575. 856Ibid., page 576. 857Ibid., Page 576. 858Ibid. 859Ibid. 860Ibid. 861Ibid. 862Ibid. 863Ibid. 864Ibid. 865Ibid. 866Ibid. 867John T. Fitch, Descendants of the Reverend James Fitch 1622-1702, Volume 1 The First Five Generations (Rockport, ME: Picton Press, 1996), Page 183. Hereinafter cited as James Fitch Volume One. 868Lucius M. Boltwood, Thomas Noble, Page 576. 869Ibid. 870Ibid. 871Ibid., page 576. 872Ibid., Page 571. 873Ibid. 874Ibid. 875Ibid.

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Children of Naomi5 Noble and Samuel Judd were as follows: i. SAMUEL6 was born on 19 Apr 1775 at Pittsfield, Berkshire Co., MA.880 He married Lydia Sacket.881 He died on 13 Aug 1832 at

Lenox, Berkshire Co., MA, at age 57.882

ii. HANNAH was born on 27 May 1777 at Lenox, Berkshire Co., MA.883 She married Vivus Osborn on 12 Aug 1801.884 She died on 20 Dec 1829 at Pittsfield, Berkshire Co., MA, at age 52.885

iii. NAOMI was born on 13 Sep 1779 at Pittsfield, Berkshire Co., MA.886 She married Thomas Tracy West in Jan 1799. She died in Mar 1842 at MI at age 62.887

iv. ELIZABETH was born on 18 Aug 1781 at Pittsfield, Berkshire Co., MA.888 She married John Peck on 21 Aug 1801.889

She lived in 1856 at Scriba, NY.890

v. SARAH was born on 29 Mar 1787 at Lenox, Berkshire Co., MA.891 She married Ansel Kimberley Hubbard on 27 Jan 1834.892

She lived in 1856 at Scriba, NY.893

vi. SETH was born on 15 Jan 1790 at Lenox, Berkshire Co., MA.894 He married Wealthy Whiting in Jun 1810.895 He died on 18 Dec 1812 at Lenox, Berkshire Co., MA, at age 22.896

362. JOSHUA5 SHERWIN (Hannah4 Phelps, Hannah3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 9 Oct 1737 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT.897 He married Esther Badger, daughter of Enoch Badger and Mary Rood, on 12 Apr 1759 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT.898 He died in 1780 at Springfield, Hampden Co., MA.899 Children of Joshua5 Sherwin and Esther Badger were: i. ESTHER6 was born on 16 Apr 1767 at Ashfield, Franklin Co., MA.900 She married Reuben Bement, son of John Bement and

Mary Wait.901 She died on 12 Apr 1847 at Ashfield, Franklin Co., MA, at age 79.902

876Ibid., Page 576. 877Ibid. 878Ibid. 879Ibid. 880Ibid. 881Ibid. 882Ibid. 883Ibid. 884Ibid. 885Ibid. 886Ibid. 887Ibid. 888Ibid. 889Ibid. 890Ibid. 891Ibid. 892Ibid. 893Ibid. 894Ibid. 895Ibid. 896Ibid. 897Bebe Hayes Garcia, "Descendants of Thomas Holcomb," e-mail message from [emailprotected] (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, 11 Dec 2000. Hereinafter cited as "Bebe Hayes". 898Ibid. 899Ibid. 900Ibid. 901Ibid.

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363. REV. BENAJAH5 PHELPS (Nathaniel4, Hannah3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 30 Mar 1737 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT.903,904 He married Phebe Denison on 19 Nov 1766 at Cornwallis, Kings Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.905 He died on 10 Feb 1817 at Manchester, Hartford Co., CT, at age 79.906 Children of Rev. Benajah5 Phelps and Phebe Denison were as follows: i. ELIZABETH6 was born on 30 Aug 1768 at Cornwallis, Kings Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.907 She married (--?--) Samson. She died

on 27 Aug 1804 at age 35.908

ii. PHEBE was born on 7 Oct 1770 at Cornwallis, Kings Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.909 She married Eleazar Wheelock Phelps, son of Hon. Alexander Phelps and Theodora Wheelock, on 12 Jan 1793 at Stafford, Tolland Co., CT.910 She died on 17 Jan 1861 at Fairfield, CT, at age 90.911

iii. DENISON was born on 24 Sep 1772 at Cornwallis, Kings Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.912 He died in Aug 1773 at Cornwallis, Kings Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.913

iv. SHERMAN was born in Oct 1773 at probably Cornwallis, Kings Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.914 He died in May 1774 at Cornwallis, Kings Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.915

v. EUNICE was born in Apr 1776.916 She married James Foster.917 She died on 29 May 1850 at Hartford, Hartford Co., CT, at age 74.918

vi. SALLY was born on 15 Feb 1784 at Orford Parish, CT.919 She died on 15 Oct 1875 at unmarried, Manchester, Hartford Co., CT, at age 91.920 She was also known as SARAH PHELPS.

vii. RALPH RODOLPHUS was born on 1 Mar 1787 at Orford Parish, CT. He married Mary Stephenson in 1829.921 He died on 26 Feb 1874 at Manchester, Hartford Co., CT, at age 86.922 He was buried at East Cemetery, Manchester, Hartford Co., CT.923

364. CAPT. SOLOMON5 PHELPS JR. (Solomon4, Hannah3 Bissell, Abigail2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 3 Oct 1743 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT.924 He married Lucy Lord, daughter of Rev. Epapheas Lord and Lucy Bulkeley, on 24 Oct 1765 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT.925 He died on 25 Aug 1817 at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT, at age 73.926

902Ibid. 903Peter Haring Judd, The Hatch and Brood of Time, Page 314. 904Phelps Phelps Family, Volume I, Page 258, Item 650. 905Peter Haring Judd, The Hatch and Brood of Time, Page 411. 906Ibid., Page 314. 907Ibid., Page 316. 908Ibid. 909Ibid. 910Ibid. 911Ibid. 912Ibid. 913Ibid. 914Ibid. 915Ibid. 916Ibid., Page 317. 917Ibid. 918Ibid. 919Ibid. 920Ibid. 921Ibid. 922Ibid. 923Ibid. 924Phelps Phelps Family, Page 263. 925Ibid.

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Children of Capt. Solomon5 Phelps Jr. and Lucy Lord both born at Hebron, Tolland Co., CT, were as follows: i. SOLOMON6 was born on 28 Aug 1768.927 He married Sophia Mather, daughter of Samuel Mather MD and Grace Moseley, on 27

Sep 1791.928 He died at Westfield, Hampden Co., MA.929 ii. DOROTHY was born on 4 Aug 1774. She married Timothy Thacher 25 (or 31) Dec 1799. She died on 12 Apr 1859 at Tyringham,

CT, at age 84. She also went by the name of DOLLY PHELPS.

365. THOMAS5 HOLCOMBE (Thomas4, Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 2 Nov 1715 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.930 He married Sarah Loomis, daughter of Philip Loomis and Hannah (--?--), on 15 Oct 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.931 He died in 1776. Children of Thomas5 Holcombe and Sarah Loomis were as follows: i. HULDAH6 married (--?--) Gillet.

Bowman questions the placement of Huldah here, and references the Loomis genealogy. ii. HANNING was born on 6 Aug 1741 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.932 He died on 25 Oct 1768 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at

age 27.933 iii. ISAAC TERRY was born in 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 11 Apr 1762.

Isaac Terry Holcombe is plcased here by some, but probably belongs to Thomas Holcombe II. Loomis assigns a birth before Thomas II.

iv. SARAH was born on 6 Feb 1743 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.934 She married Daniel Holcombe, son of Daniel Holcombe and Esther Buell, in 1756.

v. ESTER was born on 29 Oct 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.935 She died before 18 Nov 1820.936 She was buried at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. Carol Laun in her Beneath These Stones says that the Esther buried in West Granby is probably the daughter of Thomas and Sarah. The West Granby Sexton has d. 1821 age 72.937

vi. THOMAS was born on 8 Aug 1750 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.938 He married Clarinda Pettibone, daughter of Gen. Chauncey Pettibone and Theodosia Hayes, in 1803. There is some confusion with this Thomas who married Clarinda Pettibone, and the Thomas 452318 who was the son of Hezekiah, who married Clarinda Pettibone. Loomis says this Thomas died in the Continental Army.

vii. MARY was born on 17 Jun 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.939 She married Daniel Hayes III, son of Daniel Hayes II and Abigail Hayes. She died on 30 Aug 1806 at age 53.940

viii. NOAH was born on 8 Aug 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.941 He married Tryphena Young, daughter of Eliphalet Young and Margaret (--?--), on 1 Feb 1785.942,943 He was buried on 29 Apr 1817 at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.944

926Ibid. 927Ibid., Page 470. 928Ibid. 929Ibid. 930Bates, Simsbury, Page 42. 931Ibid., Page 117. 932Ibid., Page 83. 933Ibid., Page 212. 934Ibid., Page 83. 935Ibid. 936Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 113. 937Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones. 938Bates, Simsbury, Page 83. 939Ibid. 940Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 140. 941Bates, Simsbury, Page 83. 942Elias Loomis, LLD, Descendants by the Female Branches of Joseph Loomis, Two Volumes. (1880. Tuttle, Morehouse and Taylor, New Haven, CT.). 943McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 32.2.

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McCracken wonders if he was of Granby, 1790 (2/1/6) or of Litchfield Co. (3/3/5). McCracken shows spouse Jerusha. Bowman shows spouse Trifene Youngs but Trifene could have married Noah, son of John and Mary Kent Holcombe. The Granby Town Records show Noah and Tryphena. Noah died of pleurisy.945

ix. TIRZA was born on 7 Jul 1759 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.946 She married Samuel Taylor, son of Eldad Taylor and Thankful Day, in 1786. Darn! Bowman on Vol I. Page 136, Item 4585 has Sarah Holcombe marrying Samuel Taylor in 1786, son of Eldad and Thankful Day Taylor. Then on Vol II:Page 45, Item 42117 she has Tiriza Holcombe marrying Samuel Taylor in 1786, son of Eldad and Thankful Day Taylor. McPherson on Page 75.2 Item A-4-5-7-6 has Sarah marrying Samuel; then on page 32.2, Item 4-2-1-2-8 Tiriza again marrying Samuel. Tirza is listed both as a daughter of Thomas and Sarah Loomis Holcombe but also as a daughter of Enoch Holcombe.

366. JOSIAH5 HOLCOMBE (Thomas4, Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born circa 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Higley, daughter of Nathaniel Higley and Abigail Filer, on 8 Nov 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.947 He died on 25 Jul 1805 at Rensselaer Co., NY.948 He was buried at Presbyterian Cemetery, Stephentown, Rensselaer Co., NY. His estate was probated in Sep 1805. He left a will on 15 May 1805. McCracken placed children starting with Dorcas here. However, in a note dated May 3, 1997, from Stephen M. Lawson of Port Orchard, WA, he describes correspondence with McCracken in 1986 where they discussed an error in TAG where he missed a generation and the children listed are actually Josiah's grandchildren, the children of Josiah and Dorcas Smith. Josiah's will names his wife Abigail, sons Beriah and Michael, and daughters Abigail and Deborah. Josiah apparently moved to Stephentown in the 1780s with his children and their families. The presence of three men with the name Josiah Holcomb before 1800 makes positive identification of each in various records difficult, but this Josiah appears to the the elder one of that name in the 1800 census of Renasselaer Co., NY. Bowman also places a child Hannah b. 1741 here. Children of Josiah5 Holcombe and Abigail Higley were as follows: i. HANNAH6 was born in 1741.

Bowman cites the Simsbury records for hannah, but shows her born in 1742, parents married 1742? ii. JOSIAH was born on 19 Sep 1743 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.949 He married Dorcas Smith, daughter of Ebenezer Smith and

Christiana Owen, on 25 Jul 1765 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.950 He died on 15 Jun 1827 at Nassau, Rensselaer Co., NY, at age 83.951 He was buried at Presbyterian Cemetery, Stephentown, Rensselaer Co., NY. Corrections to McCracken from Stphen M. Lawson. Revolutionary soldier from Simsbury CT, and served in the 4th Regiment, Albany Co. Militia. Josiah arrived at Stephentown inthe 1780's, probably with his father, brothers and sisters. He would appear to the the Josiah Holcombe who bought 59 1/2 acres on Dec 5, 1786, and 260 acres on Dec 23, 1791, located northwest of Stephentown. Uncle Josiah is mentioned in the diary of his nephew George Holcomb (son of Beriah) as living at Nassau on Mar. 20, 1820. He is found in both the 1800 cnesus and the 1820 census of Renasselaer Co., NY.

iii. JECHANIAH was born on 2 Feb 1745/46 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.952 He married Ruth Sealey on 7 Apr 1782. From Stephen M. Lawson: His name also appears as Jeremiah.

iv. BERIAH was born on 16 Aug 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.953 He married Lucretia Pease in 1777.954 He died on 15 Mar 1824 at Stephentown, Rensselaer Co., NY, at age 75.955

944Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 116. 945Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones. 946Bates, Simsbury, Page 84. 947Ibid., Pages 68, 159. 948Stephentown, Rensselear Co., NY, online http://stephentowngenealogy.com. Hereinafter cited as Stephentown. 949Bates, Simsbury, Page 58. 950Ibid., Page 217. 951Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 952Bates, Simsbury, Page 58.

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Beriah served in 1776, as a corporal and orderly sergeant in Capt. George White's company. DAR Record 61965 shows Beriah's wife as Lucretia WARREN, so perhaps she had an earlier marriage. His son, George Holcomb maintained a diary from age 13 in 1805 until 3 months before his death in 1865. The diary, now in the possession of the Stephentown Historical Society, provides a wealth of historical data.

v. ABIGAIL was born on 18 Dec 1750 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.956 She married Elisha Eggleston, son of Eliaha Eggleston and Elizabeth Merrill, on 15 Oct 1771 at Stephentown, Rensselaer Co., NY. She died on 30 Oct 1843 at Stephentown, Rensselaer Co., NY, at age 92.957

vi. SAMUEL was born on 19 Feb 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.958 Birth month also appears as Sept.

vii. JONAH was born on 6 Jul 1755 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.959

viii. MICHAEL was born on 8 Feb 1758 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.960

ix. DEBORAH was born on 23 Jul 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.961 367. MOSES5 HOLCOMBE (Thomas4, Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) married Elizabeth Phelps, daughter of Joseph Phelps and Rebecca North.962 He married Sarah Christian. He died in 1751. Seaver shows this child but McCracken does not. McPherson reports the second marriage to Sarah Christian. Ann Elizabeth and Ruth are indicated by birth records in Simsbury, CT; however it is not clear to which Moses they should be assigned. McPherson stated they had Allen and Elihu born in Ira, Ira Station, Cayuga County, Ohio. Elihu was listed in the Phelps Genealogy. Children of Moses5 Holcombe and Elizabeth Phelps were as follows: i. ELIHU6 married Miriam Phelps in Mar 1782. ii. ALLEN. iii. ANNA was born on 24 Jan 1747/48. She married Moses Griswold, son of Capt. Moses Griswold and Mary Nichols, on 14 Jan

1765. iv. ELIZABETH was born in 1749. She married Zaccheus Gillet. v. RUTH was born in 1752. She died in 1756. There were no children of Moses5 Holcombe and Sarah Christian. 368. SYBIL5 HOLCOMBE (Thomas4, Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) married Isaac Moore, son of William Moore and Elizabeth Case. Children of Sybil5 Holcombe and Isaac Moore were: i. DANIEL6 was born in 1750. He married Hannah Griffin, daughter of Matthew Griffin and Hannah Lamson. He died in 1815. 369. MARY5 HOLCOMBE (Thomas4, Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) married William Hayes II. She died in 1760. Mary and William had children mentioned in her father Thomas' 1770 will. Children of Mary5 Holcombe and William Hayes II were as follows: i. JEREMIAH6. ii. ELI. iii. LUKE. iv. WILLIAM. 370. DANIEL5 HOLCOMBE (Daniel4, Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1736 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Holcombe, daughter of Thomas Holcombe and Sarah Loomis, in 1756. He died in 1770. Seaver and Bowman differ here. Bowman shows two Daniels here, one that Died Young, the other that married Sarah Holcombe. They lived on Hatchet Hill. Daniel was a member of the Second School Society in Granby from 1796-1855. (How could he have done anything during those dates? He died either in 1770 or 1829 depending on who you believe; son Daniel III died in 1829! Either this is a typo on Bowman's part or a succession of Daniel's were members.).

953Ibid. 954Stephentown, online http://stephentowngenealogy.com. 955Ibid. 956Bates, Simsbury, Page 58. 957Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 958Bates, Simsbury, Page 58. 959Ibid. 960Ibid. 961Ibid. 962Ibid., Page 95.

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Children of Daniel5 Holcombe and Sarah Holcombe were as follows: i. NOAH6. Bowman questions this child. ii. JOHN G.. Bowman questions this child. iii. DANIEL was born on 18 Jan 1771 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.963,964 He was baptized on 14 Aug 1774. He married Hepzibah

Griswold, daughter of Phineas Griswold II and Vashti Bates, in 1798.965 He died in Jun 1829 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 58.966 Baptized by Roger Viets. McCracken disputes six of Daniel and Hepzibah's children, only acknowledging Gaylord G. Holcomb. He cites the birth dates from 1728 to 1813. If you discount the child Daniel born in 1728 as an error, then the remaining 5 have plausable birthdates.

iv. LEMUEL CICERO was born in 1795. He married Julia Griswold. Bowman questions this child. And it could be that he does not belong to Daniel, as in Bowman, but to Hezekiah. as in Seaver. Lemuel C. and Julia were enumerated in the 1850 Granby, Hartford Co., CT census. Lemuel was a teacher, age 55, Julia was 60.

371. PHOEBE5 HOLCOMBE (Isaac4, Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) married Capt. Charles Case, son of John Case and Abigail Humphrey. She was buried on 29 Nov 1807 at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Bowman is not sure about the child Phoebe. Children of Phoebe5 Holcombe and Capt. Charles Case all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. CHARLES6 was born on 15 Aug 1748. He died on 1 Oct 1750 at age 2. He was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury,

Hartford Co., CT. ii. PHEBE was born on 15 Oct 1751. She married Jeremiah Griswold. She married John Gridley Terry, son of John Terry and

Martha Gridley, on 29 Jun 1772 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 10 Oct 1824 at NY at age 72. iii. CHARLES was born on 19 Jul 1754.967 He married Deborah Viets, daughter of John Viets and Elizabeth Phelps, circa

1773.968,969 He married Ameda Elizabeth Burbank on 29 Dec 1796 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.970 He died in 1829 at Williamsfield, Ashtabula Co., OH. Charles is believed to have left Connecticut in 1798 and, upon arriving in Warren, purchased land from Oliver Phelps. He eventually lost this property and then moved to Youngstown, where he lived two years. He moved to Kinsman in 1802 and to Williamsfield in 1804, where he stayed until 1811. He then moved to Conneaut, but returned to Williamsfield where he remained until his death. Warren and Kinsman were in an area in the northeast corner of Ohio called the Western Reserve, where numerous other Connecticut families had settled, including other members of the Case family.971 When Charles Case, his second wife, and his son Zopher from his first marriage settled in Williamsfield they found twenty to thirty families of Massasaugas Indians of the Delaware Tribe. The Indians were friendly and religious. The Case family were the first settlers, having come from Simsbury by way of Pittsburgh with wagons drawn by oxen over the Pennsylvania mountains. They remained the only white settlers until 1806. A son born to Captain Case and his wife in 1806 was the first white child to be born in the area. Charles Case had four children by his second wife.972

iv. CHLOE was born on 19 Jul 1756. She married Robert Mason, son of Peter Mason and Margaret Fanning, in 1774 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 17 May 1815 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 58.

v. SHUBAEL was born on 5 Jan 1759. He died on 1 Feb 1761 at Scalded at age 2. vi. SHUBAEL was born on 20 Jul 1763. vii. ROSABELLA was born on 19 Jan 1769. She married Shubael Hoskins, son of Shubael Hoskins and Hannah Grimes, in Dec 1790

at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 19 Nov 1795 at Canaan, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 26.

963Ibid., Page 254. 964Griswold Griswold 6 & 7, Page 346. 965Ibid. 966Ibid. 967Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, page 45. 968Charles C. Case, Yankee Generations: A History, Page 150. 969Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, page 45. 970Ibid. 971Charles C. Case, Yankee Generations: A History. 972Dorothy Dean Viets Schell, Viets.

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Return Holcombe

Lower Genegantslet Cemetery 372. RETURN5 HOLCOMBE (Return4, Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Niles on 29 Aug 1768.973 He died in 1832 at Greene, NY. He was buried at Lower Genegantslet Cemetery, Greene, Chenango Co., NY. Return served in 1776, as a private in Capt. Edward Ellis' company, Colonel Sage's Regiment, 3rd Battalion, Wadsworth's brigade. Children of Return5 Holcombe and Hannah Niles were as follows:

973Vital Records of Tyringham Massachusetts, to the year 1850, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~maberksh/towns/tyringham/tyr-key.html. Hereinafter cited as Tyringham Vital Records.

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Rev. Asahel Holcombe

Lower Genegantslet Cemetery i. ASAHEL6 was born in 1777 at CT. He married Phoebe Sweet in 1798. He died on 15 Mar 1840. He was buried at Lower

Genegantslet Cemetery, Greene, Chenango Co., NY. Asahel was a Baptist Minister from Greene and Chenango counties, NY.

ii. LEVI was born at CT. He married Lois Howard in 1806. (an unknown value).

iii. NAAMAH was born in 1780. She died in 1871. 373. ZEPHANIAH5 HOLCOMBE (Return4, Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1750 at Hartford, CT. He married Tryphenia Niles in 1772 at Columbia Co., NY. He married Mehitable Wetmore, daughter of Reuben Wetmore and Hannah Foster, on 2 Jun 1779. He died on 16 Mar 1822 at Otsego Co., NY. McCracken (page 74) speculates that Zephaniah was perhaps a contemporary rather than a child. Per Seaver, moved to Columbia Co., NY with parents. Served in Washington's Army for 7 years during the Revolutionary War, being (Asst-?) Paymaster at end of war. Children of Zephaniah5 Holcombe and Tryphenia Niles were as follows: i. STEPHEN6 was born on 6 Mar 1772 at Spencertown, Columbia Co., NY.974 He married Susan Ewing, daughter of Capt. John

Ewing and Ann Smith, on 25 Jun 1796 at Bath Co., VA.975 He died in 1857 at VanBuren Co., IA.976 He was buried at Portland-Leando Cemetery, Van Buren Co., IA.977 Stephen and Susanah were enumerated in the 1850 Village Twp., Van Buren Co., IA, federal census. He was a farmer, age 78, she was 74. There were no children in the household. However, John was enumerated next door as was a Meary Holcombe, apparently widowed daughter-in-law Mary Ross.

ii. JOHN was born on 14 Jan 1775 at Spencertown, Columbia Co., NY. He married Chloe Mudge, daughter of Daniel Mudge and Eunice Fox, circa 1794 at NY. He died on 19 Sep 1853 at Portland, VanBuren Co., IA, at age 78.

974Wallace K. Ewing, "Descendants of Return Ira Holcombe," e-mail message from [emailprotected] (17007 Lincoln St., Grand Haven, MI 49417) to James H. Holcombe, 6 Feb 2001 (updated 2 Jan 2005). Hereinafter cited as "Return Ira Holcombe". 975Ibid. 976Ibid. 977Ibid.

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Additional information from People in History to 1980 Gallia County Historical Society, 1980. John was a judge in Gallia Co., Ohio from 1823-1830; he served in the state legislature and was a census taker. David P. Weir of Pleasanton, CA, has a copy of an agreement between the Judge and his sons Niles, Ira and John M. which distributes part of his estate to them and provides for their brother Daniel.978

978Letter from David P. Weir (3920 Churchill Drive, Pleasanton, CA 94588) to James H. Holcombe, 6 Feb 2001; unknown repository (unknown repository address).

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General Samuel Robert Holcombe 1777 - 1868

courtesy of the Ohio Valley Publishing Company iii. SAMUEL ROBERT was born on 28 Feb 1777 at Spencertown, Columbia Co., NY. He married Sarah Ewing, daughter of Capt. John

Ewing and Ann Smith, on 16 Jan 1802 at Greenbrier Co., VA. He died on 24 Jan 1867 at Vinton, Gallia Co., OH, at age 89. Seaver: Was sheriff and a member of both branches of the Ohio Legislature. Served in the War of 1812. Some of the information on his descendants was from www.famlysearch.org His will was found in will book #1, page 379, Court house in Gallia Co. Ohio. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF GEN. SAMUEL R. HOLCOMB I Samuel R. Holcomb of Huntington township in the county of Gallia and State of Ohio - being in health of body and (as I think) of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding. Considering the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time thereof and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs, and thereby be the better prepared to leave this world when it shall please God to call me hence, do therefore make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say First of all I commit my sole into the hands of Almighty God that gives it, and my body to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my Executors here after to be named And first of all I will order and direct, that so much of my personal property as is necessary for the payment of my Just debts and funeral expenses be taken by my executors and disposed of for that purpose. And all the residue and remainder of my personal property I will order and direct to be taken by my executors and either sold or divided among my Daughters, to wit, Ann S. Holcomb wife of Abner J. Holcomb. Laura Mcmillin wife of Edward T. Mcmillin. Taphina Mathews wife of Charles W. Mathews. And Calphrnia Macomber wife of Linza A. Macomber, in their own right-to be equally divided among them to share and share alike I give and bequeath to my youngest daughter Calphrnia Macomber my family Bible containing my family records-(The devises of my real estate will be found on the next page of this sheet) - (Sam'l R. Holcomb) Item- I give and devise unto my eldest son Anselm T. Holcomb the plantation now in his possession and occupancy, known by the name of the old place, supposed to contain about eighty acres be the same more or less, situated in Huntington township Gallia County Ohio being part of the southwest quarter of section no. 24 Township no. 7 in range 16- including any and all town lots in the town of Vinton that has not been sold and conveyed away- and in fine, all the land owned by me in my own right that is situated in any part of the above named section 24 to him the said Anselm T. Holcomb his heirs and assigns in fee simple- on this express condition that he the said Anselm T. Holcomb or his legal representative pay or cause to be paid unto my grandson Samuel R. Holcomb son of Stephen Holcomb deceased one hundred dollars at the settlement of my estate, should the said Samuel not be living at that time, then to his legal representatives- should the said Anselm T. Holcomb fail to pay, or cause to be paid the said sum of one hundred dollars so as afore said devis to said Samuel my grand-son, then in that case I will order, and direct that my executors sell so much of the lands, so as afore said devised to said Anselm T. Holcomb as will enable them to pay the said sum to my grand-son afore said. Item - I give and devise to my son John E. Holcomb the north east quarter of the northwest quarter of section # 26 in township # 7 of range # 16 containing, about forty acres of land more or less- I also give an devise unto him the said John E. Holcomb forty acres of land being a part of the northwest quarter of section # 23 in township # 7 of range # 16 being the same conveyed to me by Andrew Ewing and wife by deed bearing date the 6th day of October 1823, all situated in Huntington township Gallia County Ohio- to him the said John E. Holcomb his heirs and assigns in fee simple- Item- I give and devise unto my son Edward T. Holcomb the plantation on which I now live being the southwest quarter of section # 23 in township # 7 of range # 16 situated in Huntington township Gallia County Ohio containing about 160 acres of land be the same more or less, together with the appointenances to the same belonging to him the said Edward T. Holcomb his heirs and assigns in fee simple on this express condition, that he the said Edward T. Holcomb or his legal representatives pay or cause to be paid unto my grand-son Joel B. Holcomb son of Stephen Holcomb deceased the sum of one hundred dollars at the settlement of my estate, should the said Joel not be living at that time then to his legal representatives, and also pay or cause to be paid to my grand daughter Sarah Holcomb now infant daughter of John E. Holcomb the sum of fifty dollars, when she shall arrive at the age of sixteen years, or day of her marriage which shall first happen and should the said Edward T. Holcomb fail to pay or cause to be paid the said sum of one hundred dollars so as afore said devised to the said Joel B. Holcomb, and also said fifty dollars so as afore said devised or bequeathed to Sarah or their legal representatives, then in that case I will order and direct that my executors sell so much of the lands so as afore said devised to said Edward T. Holcomb as will enable them to pay the said sums to my said grandson and daughter afore said- And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my three sons Anselm T. Holcomb John E. Holcomb and Edward T. Holcomb to be executors of this my last will and testament on the express condition, to wit, that they nor either of them take or receive any pay or compensation for their services One line missing here but not on original wills by me made, ratifying and confirming this and none other to be my last will and testament- In testimony where of I Samuel R. Holcomb have to my will set my hand and seal and signed my name at the bottom of each page thereof-this the third day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and fifty seven-Sam R. Holcomb *seal*

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signed-sealed published and declaried by Samuel R. Holcomb the above named titator to be his last will and testament in presence of us, who at his request have subscribed our names as witnesses --- William Symmes Phineas Mathews.

iv. BARBARA was born in 1778. Children of Zephaniah5 Holcombe and Mehitable Wetmore were as follows: i. ENOCH6 was born on 20 Feb 1780 at Spencertown, Columbia Co., NY.979 He married Priscilla Percey circa 1802.980,981 He

died on 10 Jan 1829 at Chenango Co., NY, at age 48.982 McPherson lists Enoch. Chris Boren is researching this line and as yet does not have documentation complete. He shows this Enoch dying in Huntington Twp., Gallia Co., OH.983

ii. ELIJAH was born in 1781. He died in 1853. iii. TAPHANES was born in 1783. He/she died in 1789. iv. MARY was born in 1786. She married Daniel Polley Jr. She died in 1845. v. ABNER was born in 1788. He died in 1793. vi. SYLVESTER was born in 1790. He died in 1812. vii. REUBEN WETMORE was born on 11 May 1793. He married Rebecca Niles. He died in 1858. viii. ABNER JOHNSON was born in 1795. He married Ruth Burdick. He married Cynthia Burdick. He died in 1844. ix. ALEXANDER was born in 1797. x. ROBERT BURGESS was born on 23 Aug 1799 at Spencertown, Columbia Co., NY. He married Maria Harrington on 22 Jan 1823.

He married Fanny Weatherbey on 6 Feb 1845. He died on 29 Jan 1863 at Norwich, Chenango Co., NY, at age 63. He was buried at White Store Cemetery, Norwich, Chenango Co., NY. Robert and Fanny were enumerated in the 1850 Norwich, Chenango Co., NY, federal census. He was a farmer age 51, she was 45. Children in the household were Leroy 22, Calphurnia 20, Catherine 17, Bradford 15, Robert A. 13, Lucy E. 11, Ansel B. 9, and Maria 7. Robert and Fanny were enumerated in the 1860 Norwich, Chenango Co., NY, federal census. He was a farmer, age 60. Children in the household were Asahel 23, Lucy 21, and Maria 17.

xi. MEHITABLE was born in 1802. She married (--?--) Doty. She died in 1841. 374. ABEL5 GODDARD (Rebecca4 Holcombe, Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) married Lydia (--?--). He died in 1780. Children of Abel5 Goddard and Lydia (--?--) were: i. LURA6 was born on 25 Oct 1799 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.984 She married Seth Higley Jr., son of Seth Filer Higley and

Naomi Holcombe, circa 1820 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.985 She died on 7 Jan 1837 at Mantua, Portage Co., OH, at age 37.986

She was also known as LIDIA GOSSARD.987 She was also known as LIDIA GODDARD. 375. RHODA5 GODDARD (Rebecca4 Holcombe, Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1757. She married (--?--) Taylor. She married Thomas Buckland Gillett, son of Othniel Gillett and Eunice (--?--), in 1774. She died in 1798. There were no children of Rhoda5 Goddard and (--?--) Taylor.

979McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 39.2, Item A-4-2-10-5-5. 980Chris Boren, online unknown url, Chris Boren (Dayton, OH), downloaded January 18, 2001. 981Gwen Bard, "Enoch Holcombe from Gwen Bard," e-mail message from [emailprotected] (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, 3 Sep 2001. Hereinafter cited as "Enoch Holcombe". 982McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 39.2, Item A-4-2-10-5-5. 983Chris Boren, January 18, 2001. 984Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 985Ibid. 986Ibid. 987Ibid.

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Children of Rhoda5 Goddard and Thomas Buckland Gillett were: i. JEMIMA6 was born on 21 Jul 1791.988 She married Thomas Holcombe, son of Noah Holcombe and Tryphena Young. She was

buried on 1 Dec 1826 at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. 376. CONSIDER5 HOLCOMBE JR. (Consider4, Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 6 May 1741 at Salmon Brook Ecclesiastical Society, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.989,990 He married Eunice Gillett, daughter of Othniel Gillett and Eunice (--?--). He married Hannah Loomis, daughter of Joel Loomis and Sarah Gozzard, before 1774. He married Hannah Loomis, daughter of Job Loomis and Hannah Eno, after 1804.991 Consider Jr. was in the same company as his brother John, serving from May 26 to Oct 23, 1758. He was also a private in the Revolutionary War, 18th Militia Regiment, Captain Samuel Hays Company, from August 22 to September 25, 1776, serving in New York. He enlisted in the connecticut Line, Colonel Samuel Wyllys, Champion's Company, enlisting March 3, 1778 for three years or the duration of the war, discharged April 18, 1782 for inability.992 Bowman Seaver records the first six children with the exception of Elizabeth. Seaver and Simsbury Soldiers list the birth of Elipalet in 1779. Weir listed the descendants of Eliphalet. Seaver listed Eliphant, Consider, Moses, Benjamin, and John G. III. Simsbury Soldiers list the following while Weir assigns them to son John G.: Isaac, Lucy, and Jane. All of the records except Simsbury Soldiers list Hannah. The 1790 census of Granby listed 2 males 16 or over, 3 males younger than 16, and 5 females. Children of Consider5 Holcombe Jr. and Eunice Gillett were as follows: i. JOHN G.6 was born circa 1760 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Jane Lamson, daughter of Elnathan Lamson. He died on

14 Oct 1833 at Monroe, Muskingum Co., OH. He was buried at Richardson Cemetery, Monroe, Muskingum Co., OH. Weir does not mention the second marriage to Aurelia and Bowman does not assign the children to either wife. Carol Laun documents the improbability of the marriage of John and Aurelia at all. Carol Laun derives birth from Rev War pension record S37116.993 The gravestone indicates he was 68 yrs, 7m. 4ds. which would make his birth 10 Mar 1765. John enlisted Jan 1781 as a private in Captain Allyn's company, 3rd Connecticut Regiment, and was paid for militia duty until Dec 31, 1781, for which service he was pensioned beginning May 17, 1818 then 58 years old, and a resident of Muskingum Co., OH. Carol quotes an unusual document in the pension record from a neighbor who calls him a fraud, and a drunk.994 Bowman gives birth and death years with no source. The Richardson Cemetery is located n Monroes Twp., R5, one mile from Otsego, on Rt. 83, turn left on Granny's Knob Road (Co. Rd.d 17), 1/2 mile to cemetery, on right side of the road.

ii. CONSIDER was born say 1763/64. He died in 1785. Carol Laun has a death date of 1785 from Simsbury Probate #1414.

Children of Consider5 Holcombe Jr. and Hannah Loomis were as follows: i. ELIPHALET6 was born in 1779. He married Patience (--?--).

Carol Laun places Eliphalet in Riga based on Granby Land Records 9-175. He lived in 1813 at Riga, Genesee Co., NY. ii. REBECKAH married Josiah Burr before 1806 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. iii. MOSES. Carol Laun places Moses in Riga based on Granby Land Records 9-175, 488. He lived in 1813 at Riga, Genesee Co.,

NY. iv. FEMALE. Carol Laun theorizes that this female child may be the first wife of Elias Basset who died 17 May 1802, and left a

daughter Amoret. v. BENJAMIN lived in 1806 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.

988Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 114. 989Bates, Simsbury, Page 105. 990Mrs. Carol A. Laun, "unknown short article title". 991Ibid. 992Ibid. 993Ibid. 994Ibid.

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Carol Laun speculates on Benjamin's movement west, possibly in Gates, Genese Co., NY in 1820; Phelps, Ontario Co., NY in 1830; possibly in Hartland, Ct.

vi. CONSIDER lived in 1813 at Gates, Genesee Co., NY. vii. HANNAH. Carol Laun notes that Hannah was living with her father in 1810 and was still unmarried in 1813. She notes that a

marriage that Seaver and McPherson mention to Benoni Buttolph does not seem possible. There were no children of Consider5 Holcombe Jr. and Hannah Loomis. 377. JAMES5 HOLCOMBE (Consider4, Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 28 Sep 1746 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.995,996 James was of Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT; enlisted June 11, 1776; served as Corp'l in Capt. Alen's (Allyn's) Co. and in garrison at Ft. Dayton (German Flatts). Children are listed on the 1790 census in Kinderhook, Columbia County, NY. Served as a member of the NY Assembly representing Albany (formerly Columbia) Co., NY. Children of James5 Holcombe include: i. JAMES6 was born in 1792 at Westfield, Hampden Co., MA.997 He married Olive Noble, daughter of Joel Noble and Naomi

Loomis, on 2 Aug 1811.998 He married Mary Ann (--?--) circa 1854.999 He died in 1870 at Dresden, Washington Co., NY. *James was a carpenter and joiner in Granville, NY. Olive and James had eleven children.1000**James was convicted of lunacy in March 1869. The papers in the Washington Co., NY, archives show his children to be Levi; Linus; Champlain; Cordelia; Eliza; Esther & Henry Holcomb.

378. ENOCH5 HOLCOMBE (Enoch4, Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 15 May 1748 at Westfield, MA. He married Abigail Moseley. He died on 2 Jun 1815 at age 67. He lived at Westfield, CT. Children of Enoch5 Holcombe and Abigail Moseley were: i. ROSWELL6 was born in 1784 at Westfield, MA. He married Edith Cambbell. 379. HORACE5 HOLCOMBE (Enoch4, Thomas3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1772. He married Roxanna Shepard, daughter of Gideon Shepard and Silence Noble, on 24 Jan 1799.1001 Bowman notes that some of the children listed probably belong to Horace II. Children of Horace5 Holcombe and Roxanna Shepard were as follows: i. SOPHIA C.6 was born on 17 Nov 1799. ii. GIDEON S. was born on 2 Dec 1821.1002 He married Abia Hart on 14 Apr 1844 at Springfield, Hampden Co., MA.1003

Gideon and Abbie apparently moved quickly after their marriage to Johnstonville, Johnston Township, Trumbull Co., OH, where all their children were born. In 1860 Gideon reported his occupation as harness maker in the State Census. He does not appear in later Ohio censuses.1004

380. CAPT. JOHN5 CASE (John4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 19 Feb 1718 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Barber, daughter of Samuel Barber and Sarah Holcombe, on 7 Nov 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 24 May 1776 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 58. He was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. John was a member of the Genral Court. He served as 2nd Lieut. in the 9th Co. Capt. Jonathan Seymour, Campaign of 1756 at Crown Point.

995Bates, Simsbury, Page 105. 996McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Pages 33.2, 34.1, A-4-2-9-4. 997Ruth Holcombe Stevens by way of Rose Wolford, "Descendants of James and Olive Holcombe," e-mail message from [emailprotected] (1368 Hatch Hill Road, Whitehall, NY) to James H. Holcombe, 26 May 2004. Hereinafter cited as "James Holcombe". 998Lucius M. Boltwood, Thomas Noble, Page 553. 999Ruth Holcombe Stevens by way of Rose Wolford, "James Holcombe," e-mail to James H. Holcombe, 26 May 2004. 1000Lucius M. Boltwood, Thomas Noble, page 553. 1001Ibid., Page 587. 1002McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 43.1, Item A-4-2-12-13-9. 1003Michael C. Holcomb, Early Connecticut Holcombs in Ashtabula County, Ohio (Geneva, OH: A.C.G.S, 2001). Hereinafter cited as Holcombes in Ashtabula. 1004Ibid.

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Ruth Cost Duncan also cites the Simsbury Vital Records. Children of Capt. John5 Case and Sarah Barber were as follows: i. JUDAH6 married Ruth Higley, daughter of Joseph Higley and Eunice Smith, in Jun 1787. ii. JOHN was born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iii. GILES was born on 20 Feb 1747/48 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 5 Feb 1754 at age 5. iv. SETH was born on 29 Sep 1749 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Eunice Tuller, daughter of Joseph Tuller and Martha

Bunce. He died on 4 Jun 1813 at OH at age 63. v. ASA was born either 11 Jan 1753 or 14 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Robe on 8 Feb 1780 at Simsbury,

Hartford Co., CT. He died on 21 Mar 1830 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. vi. SARAH was born on 27 Jul 1754. She married Elisha Cornish Jr., son of Elisha Cornish and Hepzibah Humphrey, on 12 Apr

1764. She died on 20 Aug 1827 at age 73. Ruth Cost Duncan also cites the Simsbury First Church records.

vii. MARY was born on 2 Jan 1755. She married Silas Case, son of Amos Case and Mary Holcombe, in Sep 1780. She married Capt. Uriah Case, son of Sgt. Richard Case and Mercy Holcombe, on 27 Dec 1815. She died on 15 Oct 1833 at age 78. She was buried at Dyer Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT.

viii. GILES was born on 24 May 1757 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Dorcas Humphrey, daughter of Benajah Humphrey and Caroline Humphrey.1005 He died on 5 Oct 1837 at Howlett Hill, Onondaga Co., NY, at age 80.

ix. GEORGE was born on 4 Mar 1759 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Electa Moore, daughter of Obadiah Moore and Abigail (--?--), on 2 Nov 1783 at First Congregational Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died at OH.

x. LEVI was born on 14 Dec 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Polly Humphrey, daughter of Hon. Daniel Humphrey and Rachel Phelps, on 10 Mar 1785 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 23 Apr 1802 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 41.

xi. ABIGAIL was born on 28 Nov 1763 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Asa Hoskins, son of Daniel Hoskins and Abigail Case, on 6 Nov 1784. She died on 25 Mar 1843 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 79.

381. NOAH5 CASE (John4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 4 Oct 1720 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Miriam Holcombe, daughter of Enisgn Joshua Holcombe and Mary Hoskins, on 5 May 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1006 He died on 17 Dec 1797 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 77. McCracken notes this Noah is son of John Case (John, John) by his wife Abigail Humphrey. Ruth Cost Duncan cites Simsbury Vital Records. Children of Noah5 Case and Miriam Holcombe were as follows: i. NOAH6 was born on 10 Jan 1740/41 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Adams, daughter of David Adams and

Mindwell Case, at North Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 1 Sep 1807 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 66. ii. AMY was born on 1 Nov 1744 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Titus Reed, son of Jacob Reed and Mary Hill, at West

Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ashbel Humphrey, son of Ensign Samuel Humphrey and Mary Orton. iii. MIRIAM was born on 7 Sep 1746. She died on 23 Aug 1750 at age 3. iv. ROGER was born on 7 Aug 1748.

Information from David Stielow, PO Box 10373, Burbank, CA 91510. v. ABNER was born on 14 Aug 1752 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Case, daughter of Elijah Case and Hannah

Wilson, on 2 Sep 1773 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died on 6 Oct 1807 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 55. He was buried at North Canton Cemetery, North Canton, Hartford Co., CT. Abner served as a private in Capt. John Brown's Co., 18th Regiment. Ruth Cost Duncan indicates that Abner is buried in North Canton, yet Carol Laun shows a gravestone for him in the Granby Center Cemetery; at least they both agree on when he was born and died.

vi. RUTH was born on 10 Jun 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Eli Phelps, son of William Phelps and Mariah Holcombe.

vii. DARIUS was born on 7 Mar 1756 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Giddings, daughter of Deacon Thomas Giddings and Mary Colt, on 6 May 1782 at Hartland, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 1 Dec 1801 at North Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 45.

viii. LYDIA was born on 1 Oct 1761 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married James Case, son of Capt. Josiah Case and Ester Higley, on 16 Dec 1777 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

382. CAPT. CHARLES5 CASE (John4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 1 Jul 1723 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Phoebe Holcombe, daughter of Isaac Holcombe and Phoebe Cornish. He died on 17 Oct 1808 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 85. He was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. (Charles Case) Charles, the third son of John, was born in his father's home at Terry's Plain in Simsbury. He lived an dworked all his life in Simsbury except for some time spent away on military duty." "Charles apparently served in military action during the French and Indian War which broke out in 1756 and acheived the rank of Captain."

1005Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys, Volume I, Page 139, Page 250. 1006Bates, Simsbury, Page 117.

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"It is possible that Charles served in the Revolutinary War, although there is no clear verification of his participation and no record that he made an application for a veteran's pension. This, however, is not proof that he did not serve, since a majority of the people at Simsbury, including both veterans and civilians, were opposed to any pensions or other rewards for service in the war." Despite owning much real property during his lifetime, "Charles was eighty years old in 1803 and apparently destitute. He died on October 17, 1808, at the age of eighty-five and, as far as is kkown, he left no will or inventory of personal property. He apparently had already given his home lot to his son, shubael, with whom he had lived druing the last years of his life." "Charles lived a long life and he saw many momentous changes both inSimsbury and in the nation. He witnessed the defeat of the French in Canada and the removal of that trheat from the north. He also saw the separation of the colonies from England and the birth of a new nation. He was middle-aged when the industrial revolution began, but lived to hear about the first steam engines and the successful voyage of the first steamboat on the Connecticut River. He probably knew of John Fitch, born in East Windsor, fifteen miles east of simsbury, who conducted the first successful steam-powered voyage on August 22, 1787. Charles was still alive in 1807 when Fulton made his memorial run up the Hudson river. he may also have known of Eli Whitney, living a few miles away, who constructed the first cotton gin in 1793." "Close at home, the area near Salmon Brook and Turkey Hill in the northern part of town became the separate community of Granby. In 1798, he also saw the first mail route established between Hartford and Simsbury." Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Simsbury Vital Records. The burials of Charles and his wife, in the Hopmeadow Cemetery in Simsbury, were paid for by the town. Charles was a captain in the Revolutionary War. Children of Capt. Charles5 Case and Phoebe Holcombe all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. CHARLES6 was born on 15 Aug 1748. He died on 1 Oct 1750 at age 2. He was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury,

Hartford Co., CT. ii. PHEBE was born on 15 Oct 1751. She married Jeremiah Griswold. She married John Gridley Terry, son of John Terry and

Martha Gridley, on 29 Jun 1772 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 10 Oct 1824 at NY at age 72. iii. CHARLES was born on 19 Jul 1754.1007 He married Deborah Viets, daughter of John Viets and Elizabeth Phelps, circa

1773.1008,1009 He married Ameda Elizabeth Burbank on 29 Dec 1796 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1010 He died in 1829 at Williamsfield, Ashtabula Co., OH. Charles is believed to have left Connecticut in 1798 and, upon arriving in Warren, purchased land from Oliver Phelps. He eventually lost this property and then moved to Youngstown, where he lived two years. He moved to Kinsman in 1802 and to Williamsfield in 1804, where he stayed until 1811. He then moved to Conneaut, but returned to Williamsfield where he remained until his death. Warren and Kinsman were in an area in the northeast corner of Ohio called the Western Reserve, where numerous other Connecticut families had settled, including other members of the Case family.1011 When Charles Case, his second wife, and his son Zopher from his first marriage settled in Williamsfield they found twenty to thirty families of Massasaugas Indians of the Delaware Tribe. The Indians were friendly and religious. The Case family were the first settlers, having come from Simsbury by way of Pittsburgh with wagons drawn by oxen over the Pennsylvania mountains. They remained the only white settlers until 1806. A son born to Captain Case and his wife in 1806 was the first white child to be born in the area. Charles Case had four children by his second wife.1012

iv. CHLOE was born on 19 Jul 1756. She married Robert Mason, son of Peter Mason and Margaret Fanning, in 1774 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 17 May 1815 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 58.

v. SHUBAEL was born on 5 Jan 1759. He died on 1 Feb 1761 at Scalded at age 2. vi. SHUBAEL was born on 20 Jul 1763. vii. ROSABELLA was born on 19 Jan 1769. She married Shubael Hoskins, son of Shubael Hoskins and Hannah Grimes, in Dec 1790

at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 19 Nov 1795 at Canaan, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 26. 383. MARY5 CASE (John4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 29 Dec 1727 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Samuel Adams, son of Samuel Adams and Elizabeth Reed, on 25 Sep 1746 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died in Sep 1784 at age 56. Children of Mary5 Case and Samuel Adams were as follows: i. MARY6 was born on 15 Jan 1754. She married David Moore, son of David Moore and Rachel Segar, on 10 Feb 1774. She died

on 13 Apr 1825 at age 71. ii. ABIGAIL was born on 9 Apr 1755. She married Hendrick Filmer on 4 Jul 1784. iii. SAMUEL was born on 25 Oct 1756.

1007Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, page 45. 1008Charles C. Case, Yankee Generations: A History, Page 150. 1009Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, page 45. 1010Ibid. 1011Charles C. Case, Yankee Generations: A History. 1012Dorothy Dean Viets Schell, Viets.

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iv. ELIZABETH was born on 25 Feb 1758. She died in Aug 1798 at age 40. 384. LUCY5 CASE (John4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 17 Oct 1732 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1013 She married Lt. William Wilcox, son of Deacon William Willco*ckson and Thankful Adams. She died in 1805.1014 She was also known as Lucia Case. Children of Lucy5 Case and Lt. William Wilcox were as follows: i. LUCY6 was born on 12 Nov 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Moses Case, son of Jacob Case and Abigail Barber,

circa 1770 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 17 Jun 1779 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 24. On page 8, Ruth Cost Duncan shows that Lucy b. 1754, d 17 Jun 1779, m. Moses Case, son of Jacob and Abigail (Barber). On page 41, she shows Moses, son of Jacob and Aribail Barber, married about 1770 Lucy Willco*ckson, daughter of Ezra and Mary who was born 12 Nov 1754 and died 17 June 1779. Ruth later forwarded notes from Goodwin's Genealogical Notes indicating that Moses married Lucy Wilcox, daughter of William and Lucy (Case) Wilcox. The notes are correct and Ruth will add corrections for page 41, item 78.

ii. CHARLES married Thankful Mills. He married Abigail Case, daughter of Capt. Zaccheus Case and Abigail Barber. iii. WILLIAM was born in 1756. He married Mary Case, daughter of Capt. Zaccheus Case and Abigail Barber. He married Anna

Edgerton. He died in 1827. iv. MARY married Eliphalet Curtis. v. THANKFUL was born in 1761. She married Zimri Barber. vi. JEDEDIAH was born in 1763. He married Sarah Case, daughter of Capt. Zaccheus Case and Abigail Barber. He died in 1818.

He was also known as JEDEDIAH WILLco*ckSON. vii. IMRI was born in 1765. He married Lucretia Hayes, daughter of Asahel Hayes and Anne Clauson. He died on 6 Sep 1807. viii. LOVISA was born in 1767. She married Dudley Mills. ix. DAN was born on 25 Mar 1772. He married Esther Merrett. He died in 1833. x. STERLING was born in 1774. He married Sophia Denslow. He died in 1823. 385. MARTHA5 CASE (John4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 31 Jul 1735 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Thomas Barber III, son of Thomas Barber and Mercy Case, on 16 Jul 1752 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 29 Mar 1809 at age 73. Children of Martha5 Case and Thomas Barber III were as follows: i. MARTHA6 was born on 22 Jan 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 19 Mar 1758 at age 4. ii. THOMAS was born on 26 Jan 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Ruth Pettibone, daughter of Abel Pettibone and

Elizabeth Case, on 29 May 1785. iii. DAUGHTER was born on 10 Jan 1758. She died young. iv. MARTHA was born on 26 Oct 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Benjamin Palmer, son of Benjamin Palmer and

Esther Hayward, in Jun 1784. v. LUCY was born on 10 Jun 1762 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Pettibone, son of Abel Pettibone and

Elizabeth Case. She died on 24 Aug 1807 at age 45. vi. ASA was born on 5 Jun 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 11 Oct 1798 at Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD, at age 34.

He was buried at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. vii. CHARLES was born on 17 Jul 1767 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Dolly Newbury, daughter of Thomas Newbury and

Dorothy Mather, on 26 Jul 1801 at Bloomfield, Hartford Co., CT. viii. ZILPAH was born in Jun 1772 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Levi Latimer. She died on 2 Aug 1826 at age 54. ix. TITUS was born on 14 Dec 1774 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Jemima Holcombe, daughter of Benajah Holcombe II

and Lydia Forward. He died on 3 May 1835 at age 60. x. RHODA was born on 27 Nov 1778 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 24 Jun 1779. xi. RHODA was born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She was baptized on 13 Feb 1780. She married Lemuel Brooks, son of Abijah

Brooks and Lucy Knowlton, on 15 Jan 1798 at Ashford, Windham Co., CT. xii. ERASTUS was born on 6 May 1783. He married Flavia Kelsey. He died in 1824 at Bloomfield, Hartford Co., CT. 386. CAPT. JOB5 CASE (John4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 3 Jun 1737 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Joanna Wilcox, daughter of Amos Wilcox and Joanna Hillyer, in 1757 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 6 May 1798 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 60. He was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Job served with Capt. Jonathan Pettibone's co. of Militia, Campaign of 1757 to Fort Edward in the French and Indian War. Ruth Cost Duncan also cites Simsbury Vital Records, the First Church Records. Children of Capt. Job5 Case and Joanna Wilcox all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. JOB6 was born on 27 Jul 1758. He married Mary Holcombe, daughter of Lt. Silas Holcombe and Mary Post, on 21 Apr 1784 at

First Congregational Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Wilcox circa 1804 at CT.1015 He died on 23 Aug 1822 at Granville, Licking Co., OH, at age 64.1016 He was buried at Old Colony Cemetery, Granville, Licking Co., OH.1017

1013Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, Page 6. 1014Ibid.

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ii. JOANNA was born on 9 Aug 1760.1018 She married Capt. Israel Case, son of Isaac Case and Bathsheba Humphrey, on 12 Mar 1778 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1019 She died on 10 Jan 1827 at Franklin Co., OH, at age 66. She was buried at St. John's Cemetery, Worthington, Franklin Co., OH.1020

iii. VIOLET was born on 19 Oct 1762. iv. ARIEL was born on 23 Jan 1765. He married Rachel Lattimer, daughter of Jonathan Lattimer and Rachel (--?--), on 31 Jan 1786

at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Celia Humphrey, daughter of Joseph Humphrey and Annis Pettibone, at Simsbury First Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 19 Sep 1827 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 62. He was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

v. LUCY was born on 14 Feb 1767. She married Captain Amasa Humphrey, son of Hezekiah Humphrey and Amy Cornish, on 24 Aug 1783. She died on 25 Feb 1795 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 28.

vi. ASENATH was born on 12 Jun 1770. She married Asa Humphrey, son of Hezekiah Humphrey and Amy Cornish, on 31 Jan 1786 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died in 1795.

vii. LUKE was born on 1 Jul 1772. He died on 25 Jan 1806 at Winsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 33. Ruth Cost Duncan also cites Simsbury Vital Records.

viii. BETSY was born on 23 Dec 1775. She married Matthew Adams, son of Matthew Adams and Keziah Moses, in Mar 1794. ix. FREDERICK was born on 5 May 1777. He died at OH.

Ruth Cost Duncan also cites Simsbury Vital Records. x. GROVE was born on 29 Jun 1779. He married Lucinda Adams on 2 May 1799 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 4 Apr

1836 at OH at age 56. Ruth Cost Duncan also cites Simsbury Vital Records.

xi. FRIEND was born on 10 Nov 1781. He married Sarah Case, daughter of Jedediah Case Jr. and Lettice Tuller, either 6 Jan 1802 or 1803 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 22 Jun 1840 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 58.

387. LYDIA5 CASE (John4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 1 Sep 1741 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Jonathan Pinney, son of Capt. Abraham Pinney and Elizabeth Butler. She died on 25 Aug 1796 at age 54. Children of Lydia5 Case and Jonathan Pinney were as follows: i. LYDIA6 was born in Jun 1759. She married Reuben Case, son of Reuben Case and Ruth Goodrich. ii. LOVISA was born in Oct 1761. She married Capt. Jesse Holcombe, son of Capt. Hezekiah Holcombe and Susanna Alderman.

She died on 10 Sep 1825 at age 63. She was buried on 12 Sep 1825 at Scotland Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iii. ELIZABETH was born in Aug 1763. She married Abel Holcombe, son of Capt. Hezekiah Holcombe and Susanna Alderman, on 1

Apr 1779. iv. BUTLER was born in Sep 1765. He married Eunice Griswold, daughter of Elisha Griswold and Eunice Viets, in 1797. He died on

28 Dec 1850 at age 85. v. ABIGAIL was born on 1 Apr 1767. She married John Mitchelson on 12 May 1787. vi. JONATHAN was born in Jan 1769. He married Mercy Foster. He died on 22 Jan 1846. vii. LOT was born in Aug 1771. He married Diademia Loomis. He died on 6 Apr 1822 at age 50. viii. CHLOE was born in Dec 1774. She married George Owen. ix. ORIGEN was born in Apr 1776. He married Rosabella Adams on 2 May 1799. He died on 15 Nov 1818 at age 42. x. JOSEPH was born on 18 Nov 1780. He married Asenath Adams. He died on 15 Jul 1830 at age 49. xi. SILVIA was born on 20 Jan 1782. She married Judah P. Barnard. She died on 9 Jun 1864 at age 82. 388. SGT. DANIEL5 CASE (Daniel4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 21 Jan 1719/20 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Watson on 22 Feb 1750 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 24 May 1801 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 81. He was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Daniel served as a private for one month in the company of Captain Jonathan Humphrey of Simsbury, in a regiment which was commanded by Colonel Samuel McClellan, raised in September, 1777, by resolve of the General Assembly, which joined an expedition to Providence.1021 Children of Sgt. Daniel5 Case and Mary Watson all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. MOSES6 was born on 27 Mar 1743. He married Eunice Case, daughter of Abraham Case and Rachel Case. He died before 1799.

Ruth Cost Duncan also cites Simsbury Vital Records. ii. DANIEL was born on 19 Apr 1752. He was baptized on 19 Aug 1752. He married Elizabeth Humphrey, daughter of Ezekiel

Humphrey and Elizabeth Pettibone, in 1771. He died on 27 Feb 1799 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 46. He was buried at Dyer Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. Ruth Cost Duncan also cites Simsbury Vital Records.

1015Virginai Mccormick, Scioto Company Descendants, Page 99. 1016Ibid. 1017Ibid. 1018Bates, Simsbury, Page 271. 1019Ibid. 1020Virginai Mccormick, Scioto Company Descendants, Page 75. 1021Publication Committee, Year-Book of the Connecticut Society of the Sons of the American Revolution for 1900-1901-1902 and 1903, unknown series (New Haven, CT: Price, Lee & Adkins Co., 1904). Hereinafter cited as SAR CT 1900-03.

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iii. MARY was born on 25 Feb 1756. She married John Garrett II, son of Maj. John Garrett and Mary Woodford, circa 1775. She died in 1832.

iv. ABIGAIL was born on 8 Jan 1758. She married William Taylor, son of William Taylor and Ruth Higgins, on 13 May 1784 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 20 Jun 1830 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 72.

v. LOIS was born on 15 Sep 1760. She died young. vi. KETURAH was born on 11 Dec 1762. She married Hon. James Humphrey, son of Deacon Theophilus Humphrey and Hepzibah

Cornish. She died in Sep 1824 at age 61. vii. PENELOPE was born on 11 Dec 1764. She died on 17 Jun 1781 at age 16. viii. AMERY WATSON was born on 23 Dec 1767. He married Elizabeth Harris on 30 Aug 1795. He died on 6 Aug 1852 at NY at age

84. ix. ELAM was born on 10 May 1772. He married Phebe Case, daughter of Hosea Case and Mary Case, on 21 Nov 1805. He died on

8 Jul 1848 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 76. He was buried at Canton Center Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. 389. MINDWELL5 CASE (Daniel4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 24 Oct 1721. She married David Adams, son of Thomas Adams and Martha Buttolph. She died on 16 Feb 1813 at age 91. Children of Mindwell5 Case and David Adams were as follows: i. LYDIA6 was born in 1757. She married Prince Taylor. She died in 1793. ii. DAVID was born on 14 Dec 1742. He married Hannah Edgerton. He died in 1834. iii. MARY was born on 26 Mar 1744 at North Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Noah Case Jr., son of Noah Case and Miriam

Holcombe, at North Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 7 Oct 1791 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 47. iv. ABEL was born on 15 Aug 1746. He married Anna Roberts. He died in Sep 1776 at age 30. v. EZRA was born in 1751. He married Hannah Wilcox. He married Hannah Seymour. He died in 1837. vi. GEORGE married Sabra Miller. vii. SARAH was born in 1755. She married Darius Moses. She died in 1834. viii. MERCY was born in 1760. She died in 1787. ix. CHLOE was born on 30 Dec 1761. She married George Bliss. She died on 25 Nov 1828 at age 66. 390. LT. DUDLEY5 CASE (Daniel4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born either 23 Nov 1722 or 1723 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Dorcas Humphrey, daughter of Charles Humphrey and Hepzibah Pettibone, on 14 Apr 1743 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1792 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. Ruth Cost Duncan also cites the Simsbury Vital Records. Children of Lt. Dudley5 Case and Dorcas Humphrey all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. DUDLEY6 was born on 28 Oct 1744. He married Susannah Merrill. He married Lucretia Foote. He died on 16 Nov 1822 at age

78. ii. ELISHA was born on 10 Dec 1747. He died young. iii. OZIAS was born on 7 Jun 1749. He died young. iv. ELIAS was born on 5 Mar 1753. He died young. v. ELISHA was born on 30 Apr 1755. He married Delight Griswold, daughter of Samuel Griswold. He died on 16 Sep 1839 at age

84. He was buried at Canton Street Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. vi. OZIAS was born on 24 Jul 1757. He married Mary Hill. He died in 1820 at Otis, MA.

Information on the descendants of Ozias is from Tonya Salter, [emailprotected], via e-mail 12-15-1998. vii. ELIAS was born on 15 Apr 1759. He married Lucretia Foote in 1780 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 20 Mar 1809 at

Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 49. Ruth Cost Duncan also cites the Simsbury Vital Records and the records of the First Congregational Church of Canton.

viii. DANIEL was born on 5 Mar 1761. He married Rachel Foote, daughter of Capt. John Foote and Roseanna Humphrey, in 1782. He married Alice Hallock, daughter of William Hallock, on 6 May 1787 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 10 Oct 1817 at OH at age 56. Ruth Cost Duncan also cites Simsbury Vital Records.

ix. DORCAS was born on 14 Aug 1764. She married Benjamin Mills, son of Benjamin Mills and Hannah Humphrey, at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Noadiah Woodruff, son of Judah Woodruff and Eunice Judd, on 28 Mar 1789. She died on 18 Nov 1847 at Farmington, Hartford Co., CT, at age 83.

x. TRUMAN was born on 22 Jan 1767. He married Rhoda Lusk on 16 Mar 1786 at West Avon Chruch, Avon, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1836.

xi. EMANUEL was born on 25 Mar 1769. He died in 1782. 391. SUSAN (LOIS)5 CASE (Daniel4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 20 Sep 1726 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Mills II, son of Joseph Mills and Hannah Adams. Children of Susan (Lois)5 Case and Joseph Mills II were as follows: i. SUSANNAH6 was born on 11 Nov 1749. ii. JOSEPH was born on 19 May 1751. 392. CAPT. ZACCHEUS5 CASE (Daniel4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1728. He married Abigail Barber, daughter of Thomas Barber and Mercy Case. He died in 1812. Zacheus served in Capt.Case's Co. at the Lexington Alarm. He was Capt. of the 18th Militia Regiment in 1778. They removed to Whitestown, NY. Children of Capt. Zaccheus5 Case and Abigail Barber were as follows:

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i. CALEB6 was born on 24 Jul 1754 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1022 He married Sarah Case, daughter of Abraham Case and Rachel Case, on 23 May 1775 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1023 He married Rhoda Merrill, daughter of William Merrill and Sarah Kellogg. He married Charlotte (--?--). He died on 23 Aug 1814 at NY at age 60.1024

ii. ZACHEUS was born between 1756 and 1757. He died young. iii. ABIGAIL was born in 1759. She married Charles Wilcox, son of Lt. William Wilcox and Lucy Case. iv. MARY was born in 1761.1025 She married William Wilcox, son of Lt. William Wilcox and Lucy Case. She died on 19 Sep


v. SARAH was born in 1764.1027 She married Jedediah Wilcox, son of Lt. William Wilcox and Lucy Case. She married Capt. Frederick Humphrey, son of Ezekiel Humphrey and Elizabeth Pettibone. She married Wait Munson. She died in 1830.1028

vi. THEDE was born in 1766. She married Benajah Humphrey, son of Lieutenant Charles Humphrey and Sarah Humphrey. She married Asa Case, son of Hosea Case and Mary Case. She died on 15 Apr 1851.

vii. RHODA was born in 1768. She married Elkaniah Mills, son of Benjamin Mills and Hannah Humphrey. She died in 1798. viii. RUTH was born in 1770. She married Daniel Alburtson. She died in 1809. 393. EZEKIEL5 CASE (Daniel4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 30 Jul 1731 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lucy Cornish, daughter of Capt. James Cornish and Amy Butler, on 2 Aug 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Allen on 16 May 1771 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1816. Ruth Cost Duncan published by letter, corrections to this line. An error was made in transcription from the original records by Albert Bates. Child v., Abigail, is really Abijah. Children listed in book by second wife, was an error in Nathaniel Brown's "Genealogical Sketches." Children of Ezekiel5 Case and Lucy Cornish were as follows: i. LUCY6 was born between 17 Feb 1754 and 1755 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Solomon Humphrey Jr., son of

Solomon Humphrey and Naomi Higley, in 1772 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died in 1777. ii. EZEKIEL was born on 15 Apr 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

Ruth Duncan tells an interesting story: "Was in the American Army in 1776, but deserted to British Army; was sentenced to death but was reprieved and pardoned by the interposition of Elisha Cornish Sr. In 1793, he was brought to capital trial for killing a child of Mr. Ackley of Bloomfield but was acquitted of murder on the ground of insanity."

iii. VIOLET was born on 27 Apr 1758 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Asa Gillett, son of Jacob Gillett, on 1 Feb 1778 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT.

iv. FREDERICK was born on 22 Sep 1761 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 26 Jul 1776 at Camp, NY, at age 14. v. ABIJAH was born on 15 Oct 1763 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Thankful Cowles, daughter of Samuel Cowles. He died

on 10 Jun 1821 at Fairfield, VT, at age 57. Corrections to the original Case book by Ruth Cost Duncan were in a letter from her.

vi. RACHEL was born on 25 Jul 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. vii. BENONI was born on 11 Dec 1769 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. There were no children of Ezekiel5 Case and Mary Allen. 394. ELIJAH5 ALDERMAN (Sarah4 Case, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1722.1029 He married Alinoam Holcombe, daughter of Joshua Holcombe III and Marey Griffin. He married Deborah (--?--). He died on 11 Jan 1779.1030 He was buried at Episcopal Church Cemetery, North Bloomfield, CT.1031 His estate was probated on 2 Apr 1779 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1032

He left a will on 10 Jan 1779.1033

1022Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 54, item 110. 1023Ibid. 1024Ibid. 1025Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, Page 20. 1026Ibid. 1027Ibid. 1028Ibid. 1029William Alderman Parker, Alderman, Page 450. 1030Ibid. 1031Ibid. 1032Ibid. 1033Ibid.

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Elijah resided in Simsbury all his life, his home being in that section known as East Granby. The Turkey Hills Parish register shows that Elijah was a member of a committee 1776 to 1778. They were members of the Episcopal Church of North Bloomfield, known as Scotland, and their bodies lie buried in the cemetery opposite the church. Elijah's eldest son Elijah, was executor of his will. Asahel Holcomb was appointed guardian for Gad who was fourteen years old, and Nathaniel Phelps was appointed guardian of John who was under fourteen. Elijah enlisted in the 1st Co. of the 3rd Regiment of Windham, CT, commanded by Col. E. Dyer, on September 12, 1755, and was discharged December 8, 1755. He again enlisted on March 27, 1756, with the rank of Corporal, under Col. Phineas Lyman of Suffield, CT, and was discharged November 14, 1756.1034 Children of Elijah5 Alderman and Alinoam Holcombe were: i. ELIJAH6 was born circa 1748. He married Dorcas Alderman, daughter of Joseph Alderman Jr. and Keziah Holcombe.1035 He

died on 29 Apr 1809.1036 Information in the Alderman Genealogy differs from the dates given in The Nutmegger, which was extracted from a family bible belonging to Elijah and Dorcas (Alderman) Alderman. The dates from the bible are listed here. The bible does not list Lydia or the unnamed son that died 14 February 1777.

Children of Elijah5 Alderman and Deborah (--?--) were as follows: i. DEBORAH6 was born in 1756.1037 She married Joseph Swan.1038 She died on 19 Jul 1836.1039

ii. GAD was born on 5 Jan 1765 at East Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1040 He married Happy Buckley on 1 May 1783.1041 He died on 19 Jul 1825 at West Springfield, Hampden Co., MA, at age 60.1042 Gad was serving as a member of Sheldon's Dragoons during the Revolutionary War in Fairfield, CT, when he met Happy. He enlisted in the Continental Army in 1781, served for four years, and his hororable discharge was signed by General George Washington. His children were born in East Granby, or in some part of Granby which had been set off from the town of Simsbury. He died in the home of his son, Bradley.1043

iii. JOHN was born on 19 Jun 1768.1044 He married Hannah Westland on 23 Aug 1802.1045 He died on 1 Oct 1856 at age 88.1046

iv. LOTT was born in 1770.1047 He married Mary Griswold, daughter of Joseph Griswold and Mary Alderman, in 1789.1048,1049 He died on 15 Nov 1836.1050 Lott resided in East Granby, CT, where Mary, his wife, and their seven oldest children, Lott, Jr., Mary, Azrdius, Julia, Bucklin, Milo, and Anson, were baptized on February 11, 1803. The census of 1790 listed Lott as having an only child, a son under 16.1051

1034William Alderman Parker, Alderman. 1035Carol Laun, "Alderman Bible Record," The Connecticut Nutmegger Volume 34, Number 2 (September 2001). Hereinafter cited as "Alderman Bible". 1036William Alderman Parker, Alderman, Page 450. 1037Ibid. 1038Ibid. 1039Ibid. 1040Ibid., Page 463. 1041Ibid., Page 459. 1042Ibid., Page 463. 1043William Alderman Parker, Alderman. 1044Ibid., Page 450. 1045Ibid. 1046Ibid. 1047Ibid. 1048Ibid. 1049Esther Griswold French and Robert Lewis French, Griswold, Page 301. 1050William Alderman Parker, Alderman, Page 450.

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v. DELIGHT was born in Mar 1773.1052 She married Nathaniel Phelps.1053 She died on 27 Feb 1857 at age 83.1054 395. DANIEL5 ALDERMAN (Sarah4 Case, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 8 Oct 1738.1055 He married Thankful Griffin, daughter of John Griffin and Eleanor Holcombe. He died on 15 Jul 1790 at age 51.1056 Children of Daniel5 Alderman and Thankful Griffin were as follows: i. HANNAH6 was born on 24 Jan 1758.1057 She married Isaac Hemmingway Streator in 1779.1058 She died in 1847.1059

ii. EPAPHRAS was born on 14 Dec 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1060,1061 He married Chloe Hayes, daughter of Judah Hayes and Honora Lambson, on 22 Mar 1781.1062 He died on 24 Jul 1853 at age 92.1063 He was buried at Center Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1064,1065 The Alderman Genealogy lists Chloe as the daughter of Daniel Hayes. Carol Laun in the Burials in the Granby Center Cemetery lists Judah and Honora, based on the Hayes Genealogy, page 25.1066

iii. ELIZABETH was born on 15 Mar 1763.1067 She was baptized on 28 Aug 1763 at St. Andrews Episcopal Church, East Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1068 She married Elijah Amesbury on 7 Jan 1783.1069

iv. DANIEL was born on 8 Oct 1765 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1070 He married Clarissa Holcombe on 17 Apr 1796.1071 He died on 4 Dec 1812 at age 47.1072 Daniel Jr. made his home in Middlefield, MA.1073

v. NAOMI was born on 24 Nov 1768.1074 She married Nathan Stratton on 17 Sep 1787.1075 vi. EZEKIAL was born on 26 Feb 1772 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Holcombe, daughter of Timothy

Holcombe and Elizabeth Griffin, on 17 Jul 1791 at Greenbrier Co., VA. He died in 1863.1076

1051William Alderman Parker, Alderman. 1052Ibid., Page 450. 1053Ibid. 1054Ibid. 1055Ibid., Page 474. 1056Ibid. 1057Ibid., Page 475. 1058Ibid. 1059Ibid. 1060Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 119. 1061William Alderman Parker, Alderman, Page 475. 1062Ibid. 1063Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 119. 1064William Alderman Parker, Alderman, Page 475. 1065Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery. 1066Rev. Charles Wells Hayes, George Hayes of Windsor and His Descendants (Buffalo, NY: Baker, Jones & Co., 1884). Hereinafter cited as George Hayes. 1067William Alderman Parker, Alderman, Page 474. 1068Ibid., Page 475. 1069Ibid., Page 474. 1070Ibid., Page 474, 479. 1071Ibid., Page 479. 1072Ibid., Page 474, 479. 1073William Alderman Parker, Alderman. 1074Ibid., Page 474. 1075Ibid.

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vii. SARAH was born on 6 Jun 1774.1077 She married Thomas Ward in 1794.1078 She died on 17 Aug 1861 at age 87.1079

viii. CHESTER was born on 7 Sep 1778.1080 He married Dorcas Haskins. He died in 1831.1081 396. MICAH5 CASE (Jonathan4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) married Rhoda Willco*ckson, daughter of Deacon William Willco*ckson and Thankful Adams, on 7 Nov 1751 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1082 He died on 16 Oct 1774.1083 Ruth Cost Duncan lists Micah's death in 1774 but says he was in the Continental Army in 1775. She probably assigned Micah Jr.' service to his father. Children of Micah5 Case and Rhoda Willco*ckson all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. RHODA6 was born on 1 Jun 1753. ii. MICAH was born on 10 Jul 1756. He married Catherine (--?--) in 1780. He died on 22 Jun 1834 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at

age 77. DAR record 91118 indicates that Micah enlisted in 1775 in Capt. Malcolm Henry's Company, Col. David Brewer's Connecticut State troops. He was engaged in the battle of White Plains. It indicates that he was born and died in Granby.

iii. RUFUS was born on 8 Jan 1761.1084 He married First Wife (--?--).1085 He married Rachel Gossard on 21 Jun 1798 at Granby Congregational Church, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1086 He died circa 1827.1087

iv. LYDIA was born on 10 May 1763. v. DANIEL WILLco*ckSON was born on 8 Jan 1769. vi. SEBA was born on 16 Aug 1772. 397. MARGARET5 CASE (Jonathan4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1722. She married Joseph Humphrey, son of Joseph Humphrey and Abigail Griffin. She died in 1806. Bowman questions if Margaret has second marriage to cousin Noah Humphrey, son of Hannah Case and Capt. Noah Humphrey. Children of Margaret5 Case and Joseph Humphrey were as follows: i. JOSEPH6 was born on 24 Jan 1744 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Annis Pettibone. He died on 21 Sep 1809 at age

65. ii. MARGARET was born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Noah Humphrey Jr., son of Noah Humphrey and Hannah Case,

on 3 Apr 1763. She married David Phelps on 3 Oct 1795. She died in 1808. iii. LYDIA married Ezekiel Tuller. 398. ELIJAH5 CASE (Jonathan4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1726 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Wilson, daughter of Azariah Wilson and Mary Saxton, in 1750. Elijah served as a corporal in Capt. Jonathan Pettibone's Co. of Militia, Campaign of 1757 to Fort Edwards in the French & Indian War. Children of Elijah5 Case and Hannah Wilson were as follows: i. HANNAH6 was born on 14 Mar 1752 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Lt. Abner Case, son of Noah Case and Miriam

Holcombe, on 2 Sep 1773 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. She died on 5 Nov 1842 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 90. She was buried at Granby Street Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1088

ii. REUBEN was born on 5 Sep 1755 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He was baptized on 14 Sep 1755 at Congregationalist; West Avon Congregational, Avon, Hartford Co., CT. He married Unknown (--?--). Ruth updated her information on Reuben by a letter, showing that his first wife's name is unknown.

iii. DESIRE was born on 7 Feb 1757 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Samuel Beach, son of John Beach and Hannah (--?--), in Oct 1783 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT.1089 She died on 16 Apr 1834 at Worthington, Franklin Co., OH, at age 77.1090 She was buried at St. John's Cemetery, Worthington, Franklin Co., OH.1091

1076Ibid. 1077Ibid. 1078Ibid. 1079Ibid. 1080Ibid. 1081Ibid. 1082Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, Page 22. 1083Ibid. 1084Bates, Simsbury, Page 241. 1085Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, Page 53. 1086Ibid. 1087Ibid. 1088Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 125. 1089Virginai Mccormick, Scioto Company Descendants, Page 25. 1090Ibid.

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Virginia McCormick lists the parents of Desire (Desiah) as elijah and Paulina (Case) Case; Ruth Cost Duncan lists them as Elijah and Hannah (Wilson) Case.

iv. ELIJAH was born on 22 Oct 1757. In a letter, Ruth Duncan quotes a local newspaper: "200 Years Ago. Sept. 14, 1788. Whereas my wife, Catherine Case, aches me with insolent behaviour, and undutiful marriage, has sold and embezzled my goods and estate, and persists in so doing. It is therefore necessary for me to forbid all persons trading with, or harboring her, for I will not pay any debts she may contract after this date. Elijah Case. Barkhamsted."

v. GABRIEL was born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. vi. ASAPH married Rhoda Hungerford. vii. ROSETTE married Charles Tuttle on 21 Dec 1788 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT.

Ruth Duncan says that Rosette had a son Thomas Barber, b. 13 Jan 1781, Barkhmasted (VR). Don Barber says that Joel Barber m(1) Rosetta Case d/o Joel and Thankful (Hoskins) Case. They had Thomas b. 13 Jan 1781. He suggests that Rosetta and Joel must have been divorced. Ruth does show a Rosette on page 19, d/o Joel and Thankful, but does not assign any children to this marriage. I have asked Don to provide further information.

viii. ANNIS married Benjamin Andrews on 29 Oct 1784 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. ix. WILLIAM was baptized on 17 Jul 1768. He died young. x. WILLIAM PALMER was baptized on 4 Apr 1773. 399. MARTIN5 CASE (Jonathan4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1730. He married Lucy Adams, daughter of Daniel Adams and Lucia Saxton, circa 1756. He died on 18 Apr 1827 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Martin served in Capt. Jonathan Pettibone's Co. of Militia, Campaign of 1755 in the French and Indian War. He also served in the Revolutionary War in the Continental Army. Children of Martin5 Case and Lucy Adams were as follows: i. MARTIN6 was born on 27 Mar 1758 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 2 Jun 1774 at drowned at age 16. ii. ROSWELL was born on 20 Jan 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iii. MARY was born on 8 Apr 1763 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Lt. Benjah Philo Holcombe, son of Benajah Holcombe

II and Lydia Forward, on 19 Apr 1784. She died on 27 Oct 1821 at age 58.1092 She was buried at Simsbury Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1093

iv. SYBIL was born on 5 Jun 1765 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Seth Hillyer on 10 Apr 1783 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1094 Granby Town Records, pages 244, 252; and the Barbour Collection of CT Town Records, Granby, pages 81, 112, show that MRS. Sybal Case married Seth Hillyer.

v. LUCY was born on 20 Oct 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. vi. ORPHA was born on 19 Oct 1769. She married Elias Vining, son of Elias Vining and Eunice Case. She married Henry Case, son

of George Case and Electa Moore. Based on the birth order that Ruth Duncan gives, Henry would have to have been at least 30 years youngerr than Orpha!

vii. MARTIN was born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He was baptized on 16 Nov 1777. He married Rachel Moore, daughter of David Moore and Mary Adams. He died on 19 Mar 1841 at OH.

400. WILLIAM5 CASE (Jonathan4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) married Sarah Phelps, daughter of Lt. David Phelps and Abigail Pettibone, on 28 Aug 1765 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Martha Barber, daughter of Isaac Barber and Martha Adams, on 29 Dec 1777. Children of William5 Case and Sarah Phelps both born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. ABEL6 was born on 25 Feb 1765.

The Nutmegger extracts of the Barbour records shows Abel, s. William & Mary, b. Feb. 25, 1765. ii. WILLIAM was born on 9 Jul 1772. There were no children of William5 Case and Martha Barber. 401. SARAH5 CASE (Jonathan4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 14 Aug 1746. She married Elijah Tuller, son of Joseph Tuller and Martha (--?--), on 12 Apr 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 26 Jan 1806 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 59. Children of Sarah5 Case and Elijah Tuller were as follows:

1091Ibid. 1092Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141. 1093Joyce A. Cahill Simsbury Cemetery, Page 161. 1094Mark Williams, Granby Town Records, 1786-1853, 2 vols. (Granby, Connecticut:Salmon Brook Historical Society).

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i. JONATHAN CASE6 was born on 12 Mar 1765. He married Rebecca Case, daughter of Benjamin Case and Mary Morton, on 26 Jun 1793.

ii. SARAH was born on 12 Dec 1766. She died on 6 Mar 1840 at age 73. iii. ELISHA was born on 19 Dec 1768. He married Elizabeth Case, daughter of Jedediah Case and Mercy Hart, on 25 Mar 1792 at

Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 9 Apr 1834 at age 65. iv. AMOS was born on 16 Oct 1770 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Abernathy. He married Temperance Case,

daughter of Darius Case and Mary Giddings, on 12 May 1831 at North Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 5 Mar 1842 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 71.

v. JANE was born on 22 Jul 1774. She married Giles Latimer. She died on 4 Aug 1861 at age 87. vi. CHARLES was born on 31 Mar 1778. He married Charity Theodosia Crane. He died on 19 Jan 1809 at age 30. 402. NOAH5 HUMPHREY JR. (Hannah4 Case, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 15 Jan 1726/27 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1095 He married Elizabeth Buttolph, daughter of Dr. Jonathan Buttolph and Elizabeth Cornish, on 6 Mar 1751. He married Margaret Humphrey, daughter of Joseph Humphrey and Margaret Case, on 3 Apr 1763. He died on 18 Oct 1790 at age 63. Noah was a farmer and resided in Simsbury, where the dates of birth of some of his children are recorded. He was a member of the Congregational church in that town in 1777. His will was dated Oct. 15th, 1790, and proved Dec. 13, 1790; mentions wife Margaret; son Joel and two daughters, Elizabeth and Amelia, children by his 1st wife; also sons Noah, Theodore, Chauncey, Enoch, Gideon, Pliny and Friend; and daughters Lavinia Barber, Roxana, Dorothea, and Cecilia Humphrey. The estate was distributed Mch. 11th, 1795.1096 Children of Noah5 Humphrey Jr. and Elizabeth Buttolph were as follows: i. ELIZABETH6 was born on 21 Dec 1751 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Azariah Barber, son of Sgt. Thomas Barber

and Elizabeth Adams, circa 1775. She died in 1826 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. ii. AMELIA was born on 18 Mar 1761. She died in 1812 at Delaware Co., OH. Children of Noah5 Humphrey Jr. and Margaret Humphrey were: i. LOVINA6 was born on 21 Mar 1768 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married James Barber, son of Jacob Barber and Patience

Lawrence. 403. HANNAH5 HUMPHREY (Hannah4 Case, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 8 Jun 1728. She married Samuel Barber II, son of Samuel Barber and Sarah Holcombe. She died in 1819. Hannah possible had an earlier marriage to John Case according to Ruth Cost Duncan. Children of Hannah5 Humphrey and Samuel Barber II were as follows: i. TRYPHENE6 was born on 6 Dec 1755 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Nathaniel Johnson, son of Samuel Johnson and

Martha Harris. ii. JOEL was born in Mar 1757 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Phelps, daughter of Thomas Phelps and Margaret

Watson, between 1775 and 1776. He married Sarah (--?--). He died circa 1834 at St. Remi, Québec, Canada. iii. HANNAH was born in 1759 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Aaron Rawls. iv. SARAH was born in 1761. She married John George Bandell. She died in 1829. v. ASAHEL was born in 1763 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Collar. He died in 1851. vi. JESSE was born on 16 Jan 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hepzibah Humphrey, daughter of Deacon Theophilus

Humphrey and Hepzibah Cornish, in 1787 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1813 at Fairfield, VT.1097 vii. GILES was born on 22 Sep 1769 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Garrett, daughter of John Garrett II and Mary

Case, in Apr 1796. He died on 19 Jan 1826 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 56. He was also known as GILES BARBOUR.

404. SARAH5 HUMPHREY (Hannah4 Case, Sarah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was baptized on 2 Oct 1743. She married Jesse Case, son of Jacob Case and Abigail Barber, on 20 Nov 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 13 Mar 1818. Children of Sarah5 Humphrey and Jesse Case were: i. JESSE6 was born on 20 Jul 1767 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Cornish, daughter of Elisha Cornish Jr. and

Sarah Case, on 3 Oct 1791 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 11 Feb 1842 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 74. 405. DAVID5 MOORE (Elizabeth4 Case, Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 18 Sep 1713 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1098 He married Hannah Winchell on 15 Sep 1737. He married Rachel Segar.1099 He died in 1776.

1095Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys, Page 320, Family 23. 1096Ibid., page 320. 1097Donald S. Barber, M.D., The Connecticut Barbers: A Genealogy of the Descendants of Thomas Barber of Windsor, Conn. (McDowell Publications, Utica, KY), Page 69. 1098Hon. Horace L. Moore, Andrew Moore, Page 19. 1099Helen Ullmann, "Hartford Probate Records".

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March 6, 1753, "Rachel Pettibone, alias moore, and her husband, David Moore, executors to the last will and testiment of Stephen Petibone ,Jr.," exhibited an account of debts against the estate which they had paid. Stephen Pettibone, Jr., m. Rachel Segar June 5, 1744, and died Dec. 11, 1750. This wife must have been the mother of David's 3 younger children.1100 Children of David5 Moore and Hannah Winchell were: i. TIMOTHY6 was born on 6 Nov 1737 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1101 Children of David5 Moore and Rachel Segar were: i. DAVID6 was born on 22 Aug 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1102 He married Mary Adams, daughter of Samuel Adams and

Mary Case, on 10 Feb 1774. He died in 1841 at Licking Co., OH.1103 406. ISAAC5 MOORE (Elizabeth4 Case, Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1727. He married Sybil Holcombe, daughter of Thomas Holcombe and Sarah Christian. He died on 1 Nov 1817. Children of Isaac5 Moore and Sybil Holcombe were: i. DANIEL6 was born in 1750. He married Hannah Griffin, daughter of Matthew Griffin and Hannah Lamson. He died in 1815. 407. CAPT. JOSIAH5 CASE (James4, Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 1 Apr 1718 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Ester Higley, daughter of Brewster Higley and Hester Holcombe, in 1740. He died on 21 Nov 1789 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 71. He was buried at Dyer Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Simsbury Vital Records. There may be some confusion over the husbands of Josiah's daughters Esther and Anna. Ruth Duncan shows that they both married Abram Pinney as one of multiple marriages for both. Children of Capt. Josiah5 Case and Ester Higley were as follows: i. LOIS6 was born in 1741 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 21 Mar 1759. ii. JAMES was born on 2 Apr 1744 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Phebe Tuller, daughter of Isaac Tuller and Phebe

Case, on 13 Jul 1768 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lydia Case, daughter of Noah Case and Miriam Holcombe, on 16 Dec 1777 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died either 7 Jan 1820 or 1822.

iii. ESTHER was born on 16 May 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Thomas Case, son of Thomas Case and Elizabeth Woodford, circa 1762.1104 She married Carmi Higley, son of John Higley and Apphia Humphrey, in 1771 at Hartford Co., CT.1105 She married Abram Pinney circa 1775 at Hartford Co., CT.1106 She died in 1791.

iv. ANNA was born on 23 Jun 1749 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Abram Pinney. She married Amos Wilcox. She died on 5 Sep 1833 at age 84.

v. ELIZABETH was born on 20 Apr 1752 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married John Barber, son of John Barber and Lydia Reed, in 1773 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 26 May 1817 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 65.

vi. FITHIAN was born on 17 Sep 1758 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Amarilla Humphrey, daughter of Sylvanus Humphrey and Charity Pettibone, on 20 Sep 1780 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1107 He died on 25 Aug 1829 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 70. He was buried at Center Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT.

408. RACHEL5 CASE (James4, Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 14 Aug 1722 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Abraham Case, son of Bartholomew Case and Mary Humphrey, on 6 May 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died in 1790. Children of Rachel5 Case and Abraham Case all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. RACHEL6 was born on 6 Jan 1741. She died on 6 Apr 1759 at age 18. ii. ABRAHAM was born either 18 Mar 1742 or 1743. He married Sarah Humphrey, daughter of Hon. Oliver Humphrey and Sarah

Garrett. He died on 10 Apr 1776. iii. ROSANNA was born on 8 May 1745. She married Ezra Wilcox Jr., son of Ezra Wilcox and Mary Humphrey. She died on 15 Jan

1807 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 61. iv. ELISHA was born circa 1747. He married Judith Case, daughter of Capt. Jeremiah Case and Judith Humphrey. He died on 19

May 1808. v. SARAH was born in 1752. She married Caleb Case, son of Capt. Zaccheus Case and Abigail Barber, on 23 May 1775 at

Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1108 She died on 26 Feb 1781 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1109

1100Hon. Horace L. Moore, Andrew Moore. 1101Ibid., Page 19. 1102Ibid., Page 37. 1103Ibid. 1104Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 1105Ibid. 1106Ibid. 1107Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 57. 1108Ibid., Page 54, item 110. 1109Ibid.

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vi. EUNICE was born in 1753. She married Moses Case, son of Sgt. Daniel Case and Mary Watson. She married Ebenezer Cowles, son of Samuel Cowles and Abigail (--?--). In one place Ruth Cost Duncan gives Eunice's birthplace as Simsbury, in the other, Canton.

vii. HANNAH was born in 1755. She married Charles Humphrey, son of Lieutenant Charles Humphrey and Sarah Humphrey. She died on 28 May 1808 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

viii. ELIZABETH was born in 1757. She married Giles Humphrey, son of Ezekiel Humphrey and Elizabeth Pettibone. She died in 1836. ix. PHEBE was born in 1759. She married Jeremiah Griswold, son of Samuel Griswold. She died in 1798. 409. CAPT. JEREMIAH5 CASE (James4, Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 31 Jul 1726 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Judith Humphrey, daughter of Charles Humphrey and Hepzibah Pettibone, on 14 Aug 1746. He died in 1776. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Simsbury Vital Records. Children of Capt. Jeremiah5 Case and Judith Humphrey all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. JEREMIAH6 was born on 18 Mar 1746. He died between 1807 and 1808 at Cooperstown, Ostego Co., NY. ii. JUDITH was born on 13 May 1749. She married Elisha Case, son of Abraham Case and Rachel Case. She died on 1 Sep 1805

at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 56. iii. WILLIAM was born on 23 May 1751. He married Sarah Wilcox. He died at NY. 410. PHEBE5 CASE (James4, Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 16 May 1729 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Isaac Tuller, son of Samuel Tuller and Sarah Mills, on 6 Oct 1746 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 6 Nov 1799 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 70. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Simsbury Vital Records. Children of Phebe5 Case and Isaac Tuller were as follows: i. PHEBE6 was born on 26 Aug 1747 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married James Case, son of Capt. Josiah Case and Ester

Higley, on 13 Jul 1768 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 20 Mar 1776 at age 28. She was buried at Dyer Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT.

ii. ISAAC was born on 7 Jun 1749. He died in 1776 at Bergen, NH. iii. DELIVERANCE was born on 20 Aug 1751. She married Isaac Wilcox. She died in 1805. iv. RUTH was born on 28 Feb 1755. She married Capt. Frederick Humphrey, son of Ezekiel Humphrey and Elizabeth Pettibone. She

died on 8 Sep 1818 at age 63. v. ESTHER was born on 8 Feb 1757. She married Elijah Hill. She died in 1851. vi. LOIS was born on 4 Mar 1759. She married James Lawrence. She died in 1797. vii. SARAH was born on 25 Jun 1761. She married Ozias Northway. She died in 1812. viii. ASENATH was born on 25 Sep 1763. She married Jonathan Merrill. ix. AMASA was born on 27 Dec 1765. He married Sylvia Case, daughter of Capt. Uriah Case and Susannah Lawrence. He died in

1792. x. RUFUS was born on 11 Dec 1767. He married Matilda Case, daughter of William Case and Sarah Wilcox. He died in 1859. xi. CHLOE was born on 21 Nov 1770. She married Timothy Cadwell. She died in 1845. 411. AMASA5 CASE (James4, Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 18 Oct 1731 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Hoskins, daughter of Robert Hoskins and Elizabeth Buckland, in 1752. He married Elizabeth Phelps, daughter of Hezekiah Phelps and Dorothy (--?--), on 5 Aug 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1110 He married Abigail Phelps, daughter of Lt. David Phelps and Abigail Pettibone. He married Charity Pettibone, daughter of John Pettibone and Damaris Humphrey, on 14 Jun 1799 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Humphrey, daughter of Sergeant Benajah Humphrey and Thankful Hoskins. He died on 18 Aug 1824 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 92. Children of Amasa5 Case and Elizabeth Hoskins were as follows: i. AMASA6 was born on 29 Oct 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1111 He married Mercy Hillyer on 18 Jan 1779. He married

Lucy Hall on 19 May 1811.1112 He died on 23 Jun 1834 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 80.1113 He was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1114 Amasa enlisted in 1776 in Lieut. Job Case's Company, Col. Jonathan Pettibone's regiment of Connecticut militia.

ii. AARON was born on 16 Jun 1755 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1115,1116 He married Margaret Meacham, daughter of Barnabus Meacham and Margaret (--?--), on 4 Nov 1781 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1117 He died on 24 Mar 1811 at East Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 55. He was buried at St. Andrews Cemetery, Bloomfield, Hartford Co., CT.1118

1110Dorothy Dean Viets Schell, Viets, Page 19. 1111Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, Page 56, Item 122. 1112Ibid. 1113Ibid. 1114Ibid. 1115Connecticut Society of Genealogists, "Barbour". 1116Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, Page 56, Item 123. 1117Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 59.

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iii. ELIZABETH was born on 5 Aug 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Roger Wilcox, son of Amos Wilcox and Hannah Hoskins, at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 21 Dec 1822 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 66.

iv. STEPHEN was born on 6 Oct 1758. v. MERCY was born on 2 Jan 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Gideon Case on 4 Oct 1784. She married Daniel

Bacon, son of Maskill Bacon and Sarah Case. vi. MEHITABEL was born on 8 Mar 1762 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Abraham Pinney, son of Abraham Pinney and

Lucretia Barnard. She died on 23 Feb 1856 at age 93. Children of Amasa5 Case and Elizabeth Phelps all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. APOLLOS6 was born on 1 Aug 1768. ii. RUTH was born on 30 Sep 1770. She died on 10 Oct 1805 at age 35. iii. JULIUS was born on 20 Feb 1773. He died on 17 May 1773. iv. ENOCH was born on 10 May 1774. v. SALOME was born on 6 Dec 1777. She married Roger Griswold, son of Elisha Griswold and Eunice Viets, in 1796. She died on

28 Jun 1824 at age 46. vi. CHLOE was born on 1 Aug 1781. She married Joel Holcombe, son of Hezekiah Holcombe II and Chloe Pinney, on 24 Dec 1798.

She died. She was buried on 15 Jun 1830 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. There were no children of Amasa5 Case and Abigail Phelps. There were no children of Amasa5 Case and Charity Pettibone. There were no children of Amasa5 Case and Sarah Humphrey. 412. RUTH5 CASE (James4, Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1733 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Francis Garrett, son of Francis Garrett and Sarah Mills, in 1753. Ruth Cost Duncan shows a possible second marriage to Gideon Case. Children of Ruth5 Case and Francis Garrett were as follows: i. RUFUS6 was born on 7 Mar 1754. He died on 28 Nov 1760 at age 6. ii. RUTH was born on 11 Nov 1756. She died on 7 May 1758 at age 1. iii. FRANCIS was born on 12 Apr 1759. He married Hannah Robe on 2 Mar 1784. iv. RUFUS was born on 26 Aug 1762. He married Chloe Hill. He married Mary Tuller. He married Charlotte Alford. He died in 1831. v. THIAS was born on 28 Sep 1765 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Miriam Case, daughter of Isaac Case and Bathsheba

Humphrey. He died in 1838. vi. JAMES was born on 26 Mar 1767. He married Apphia Hill. vii. THEODORE was born on 5 Apr 1770. viii. RUTH was born on 16 Jul 1772. She married Uziah Dyer, son of Thomas Dyer and Azubah Humphrey. 413. MATTHEW5 ADAMS (Mary4 Case, Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 21 Aug 1724. He married Susanna Eno, daughter of Lt. William Eno and Mary North. He died on 9 Mar 1765 at age 40. Children of Matthew5 Adams and Susanna Eno were: i. WILLIAM6 married Rosebella Loomis, daughter of Francis Loomis and Elizabeth Pinney. 414. REUBEN5 CASE (Joshua4, Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born circa 1717 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Ruth Goodrich, daughter of Jacob Goodrich and Benedicta Goodwin, on 9 Jul 1747 at Wintonbury Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died at NY. Ruth Cost Duncan cites Simsbury Vital Records. He lived in 1790 at Caughnawaga, Montgomery Co., NY. Children of Reuben5 Case and Ruth Goodrich all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. REUBEN6 was born on 8 May 1748. He was baptized on 15 May 1748 at Wintonbury Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He

married Lydia Pinney, daughter of Jonathan Pinney and Lydia Case. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Simsbury Vital Records.

ii. WILLIAM ROBE was born on 9 Feb 1750. He married Huldah Loomis, daughter of Stephen Loomis Jr. and Grace Loomis, on 3 Feb 1775. He died on 30 Nov 1828 at age 78.

iii. ASHBEL was born on 17 Jun 1752. iv. ELIHU was born on 20 Feb 1754. He married Freelove Burr, daughter of Nathaniel Burr and Hannah Loomis, on 7 May 1778. v. DARIUS was born on 9 Jul 1757. He married Hepzibah Foote on 21 Oct 1779 at Wintonbury Church, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. vi. RUTH was born on 17 Nov 1759. She was baptized on 18 Nov 1759 at Wintonbury Church. vii. HULDAH was born on 1 Oct 1762. She was baptized on 3 Oct 1762 at Wintonbury Church. viii. ALLEN was born on 13 May 1764. He was baptized on 20 May 1764 at Congregationalist; Wintonbury Church, Windsor, Hartford

Co., CT. He married Jane Mills, daughter of Treat Mills and Abigail Curtis, about 1792 or earlier at Gloversville or Johnstown, NY. He died in 1845. Helen Ullmann lists the children but states she does not know the order.

ix. LUCY was born on 22 Sep 1767. She was baptized on 4 Oct 1767 at Wintonbury Church. x. ANNE was born on 9 Apr 1771. She was baptized on 21 Apr 1771 at Wintonbury Church. 415. ELIZABETH5 CASE (Joshua4, Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Samuel Webster, son of William Webster and Sarah Nichols, on 17 Dec 1741 at Wintonbury Church. Ruth Cost Duncan provided Corrections and Additions to her book that had significant changes for Elizabeth and her family.

1118Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, Page 56, Item 123.

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Children of Elizabeth5 Case and Samuel Webster were as follows: i. ASHBEL6 was born on 17 Dec 1741. He died in a few days. ii. ELIZABETH was born on 30 Jan 1743. She married Joseph Hawley. She died on 11 Jan 1812 at age 68. iii. ASHBEL was born on 13 May 1744. He married Anna Kelsey. He married Anne Atwell, daughter of Joseph Atwell Jr. and Miriam

Case, on 22 Jul 1778. He died on 28 Feb 1823 at age 78. iv. RUTH was born on 8 Mar 1747. She died on 26 Nov 1785 at age 38.

Single. v. SAMUEL was born on 9 Apr 1749. He married Lucy Bissell. He died in 1772 at at sea. vi. MICAH was born on 17 Mar 1751. He died on 30 Jun 1829 at age 78. vii. AARON was born on 1 Sep 1753. He married Mary Sheppard. He died on 4 Jun 1843 at age 89. viii. TIMOTHY was born on 9 Aug 1757. He died in a few days. ix. ANN (AMY) was born on 12 Nov 1758. She married John Allen. x. TIMOTHY was born on 26 Apr 1761. He married Sarah Allen. He died on 9 Jun 1813 at age 52. xi. RACHEL was born on 8 Apr 1764. 416. NAOMI5 CASE (Joshua4, Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 12 May 1725 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Noadiah Phelps, son of Thomas Phelps and Hannah Phelps, either 24 Feb 1742 or 1743 at Wintonbury Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Eggleston, son of Thomas Eggleston and Grace Hoskins, on 21 Dec 1757 at Wintonbury Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Simsbury Vital Records. Children of Naomi5 Case and Noadiah Phelps both born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. SHUBAEL6 was born on 12 Oct 1743. He died on 16 Apr 1762 at age 18.

Ruth Duncan seems to have appropriated the death date for this Shubael from the death of Shubael, son of Elijah and Esther (Kent) Phelps. The Judge Phelps book quotes: "16 Apr., 1762, died Shubael Phelps in ye 9 year of his age and Anna daughter of Nathaniel Burr in ye 13 year of her age. These two children were burned in the house of Jesse Case and out of its ruins part of ye boddys were taken without any limbs and buried in one grave."

ii. NOADIAH was born on 19 Jan 1746. He died on 1 Jul 1763 at age 17. Children of Naomi5 Case and Joseph Eggleston were as follows: i. MARY6 was born on 15 May 1760. ii. JOSEPH was born on 15 May 1760. iii. EPHRAIM was born on 8 Mar 1762. 417. SYBIL5 CASE (Joshua4, Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Jedediah Loomis, son of Isaac Loomis and Hannah Eggleston, on 25 Nov 1748 at Wintonbury Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Sybil5 Case and Jedediah Loomis were as follows: i. SYBIL6 was baptized on 19 Nov 1749. She married Serajah Loomis, son of Benjamin Loomis and Joanna Alvord, on 31 Oct 1767.

She died in Jun 1827. ii. MELINDA married John Anderson. She died in 1836. iii. EUNICE was born on 9 Feb 1752. She married Stephen Brown on 27 Nov 1775. She died on 23 Jun 1809 at age 57. iv. AMY (ANNE) was born on 21 Oct 1756. She married Timothy Anderson on 13 Jan 1782. She died on 23 Apr 1829 at age 72. v. JEDEDIAH was born on 8 Oct 1758 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.1119 He married Martha Drake, daughter of Augustine Drake

and Mary Griswold, on 18 May 1783.1120 He died in 1820 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.1121 vi. AGNES was born on 10 May 1761. She married William Francis on 7 Sep 1783. She died on 9 Dec 1830 at age 69. vii. DOROTHY was born on 6 Aug 1763. She married Abial Hurd. She married Samuel Elmer. She died on 8 Dec 1833 at age 70. viii. DANIEL was born on 25 May 1766. He married Chloe Morton. He died on 11 Nov 1824 at age 58. 418. JOSHUA5 CASE JR. (Joshua4, Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born circa 1728 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lydia Griswold on 10 Oct 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 4 Aug 1778. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Wintonbury Church records and the Simsbury Vital Records. Children of Joshua5 Case Jr. and Lydia Griswold all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. OLIVER6 was born on 13 May 1749. He married Elizabeth Case, daughter of Isaac Case and Bathsheba Humphrey. He died in

Oct 1776 at Camp near NY at age 27. ii. ELIJAH was born on 29 Sep 1750. He was baptized on 7 Oct 1750 at Wintonbury Church, Wintonbury, Hartford Co., CT. iii. GEORGE was born on 1 Feb 1752. He was baptized on 9 Feb 1752 at Congregationalist; Wintonbury Church, Wintonbury,

Hartford Co., CT. He married Rhoda Pierce on 19 Dec 1776 at Wintonbury Church, Wintonbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 5 May 1793 at age 41. Ruth Duncan cites the Wintonbury Church records.

iv. MARY was born on 19 Jan 1755. She was baptized on 26 Jan 1755 at Wintonbury Church. v. ALEXANDER was born on 9 Nov 1756. He was baptized on 14 Nov 1756 at Wintonbury Church. He died on 12 May 1763 at

Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 6.

1119Gay, John Drake, Page 100. 1120Ibid. 1121Ibid.

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vi. RHODA was born on 21 Oct 1758. She was baptized on 29 Oct 1758 at Wintonbury Church. vii. LYDIA was baptized on 11 Jan 1761 at Wintonbury Church. She was born on 27 Dec 1761. viii. SABRA was born on 24 Aug 1762. She was baptized on 29 Aug 1762 at Wintonbury Church. She married Theophilus Allyn. ix. ROSETTE was born on 16 Aug 1764. She was baptized on 19 Aug 1764 at Congregationalist; Wintonbury Church, Wintonbury,

Hartford Co., CT. She married William A. Andrews Jr., son of William A. Andrews and Ruth Humphrey. She died on 8 Oct 1854 at age 90.

x. MABEL was born on 2 May 1766. She was baptized on 11 May 1766 at Wintonbury Church. xi. ALEXANDER was born on 18 Feb 1768. He was baptized on 6 Mar 1768 at Wintonbury Chruch. 419. SUSANNA5 ALDERMAN (Mindwell4 Case, Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 5 Sep 1723 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Capt. Hezekiah Holcombe, son of Joshua Holcombe III and Marey Griffin, on 29 Sep 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1122 She died on 9 Oct 1814 at East Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 91. Children of Susanna5 Alderman and Capt. Hezekiah Holcombe were as follows: i. HEZEKIAH6 was born on 2 Sep 1750 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1123,1124 He married Chloe Pinney, daughter of Capt.

Abraham Pinney and Elizabeth Butler, on 30 Jun 1768 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1125 He married Dorothy Bates, daughter of Capt. Lemuel Bates and Deborah Lewis, on 9 Aug 1788. He died on 8 Nov 1820 at East Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 70. Hezekiah Holcombe's will dated 1814 mentions the "sons of the wife of my youth" Hezekiah, Abraham, Thomas, Joel, Alexander, and 4 daughters, and from 2nd marriage, Daniel Bates and Lemuel Cicero.

ii. SUSANNAH was born on 8 May 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1126 She married Samuel Forward, son of Abel Forward and Hannah Phelps. Simsbury Records say "mary" 8, 1753. Moved to Aurora Township, in OH in 1803.

iii. TIMOTHY was born on 25 Feb 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1127 He married Elizabeth Griffin, daughter of Benoni Griffin and Mary Delacey. Simsbury Records. They moved to Salisbury, Ct., and later to West Virginia. He had a Revolutionary War Pension. Additional information on this family is from James Schultz, [emailprotected], Oregon, IL 61061.

iv. JESSE was born on 20 Nov 1759 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1128 He married Lovisa Pinney, daughter of Jonathan Pinney and Lydia Case. He died in 1827. They lived in Mesopotamia, Ohio and Trumbell County, OH, and are listed in Trumbell County History books.

v. ABEL was born in 1761. He married Elizabeth Pinney, daughter of Jonathan Pinney and Lydia Case, on 1 Apr 1779. He died on 12 Sep 1833 at Windham, Greene Co., NY. He was buried at Big Hollow (now Maplecrest), Greene Co., NY.1129 Seaver, Weir, and SS but not in Simsbury records. Abel had a Revolutionary War Pension. Abel was enumerated in the 1790 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, federal census. There were 3 males and 4 females in the household. Abel was enumerated in the 1800 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, federal census. There were 6 males and 5 females in the household. Abel was enumerated in the 1810 Windham, Greene Co., NY, federal census. There were 6 males and 6 females in the household.

vi. CHLOE was born in 1767. Seaver, Weir and SS but not in Simsbury records.

vii. SETH was born in 1768. He married Deborah Bates. He died in 1804.

1122Bates, Simsbury, Page 68. 1123Ibid., Page 182. 1124McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 49.2, Item A-4-5-2-3-1. 1125Bates, Simsbury, Page 217. 1126Ibid., Page 182. 1127Ibid. 1128Ibid. 1129McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 59.2, Item A-4-5-2-3-5.

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420. DORCAS5 ALDERMAN (Mindwell4 Case, Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 28 Feb 1723/24.1130 She married Darius Pinney.1131 Children of Dorcas5 Alderman and Darius Pinney are as follows: i. DORCAS6 married Israel Negus.1132 ii. DARIUS. 421. JOSEPH5 ALDERMAN JR. (Mindwell4 Case, Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 26 May 1725. He married Keziah Holcombe, daughter of Joshua Holcombe III and Marey Griffin, on 13 Nov 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1133 He died on 15 Dec 1806 at age 81.1134 Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Simsbury Vital Records. The census of 1790 lists a Joseph Alderman as residing in Granby Town, Hartford County, Conn., with no sons but one female, perhaps his wife. He was probably Joseph, Jr., whose children may have all married and established homes of their own at the time, for the same census also lists a Joseph Alderman, Jr. (probably Joseph, III, above) as residing in the same town, and in addition to his wife he had two sons under 16 and a daughter. Joseph, Jr., moved from Granby to Windsor, Ohio, in 1804 where in 1798 he had bought 1,600 acres of land. He died within two years after making the move and left to each of his children 160 acres, and the same acreage to each of his grandsons, Timothy and Alexander.1135 Children of Joseph5 Alderman Jr. and Keziah Holcombe were as follows: i. KEZIAH6 was born on 9 Mar 1746.1136 She married (--?--) Loomis.1137

ii. JOSEPH was born on 4 Jun 1747.1138 He died on 4 Jun 1747.1139

iii. ZIPPORAH was born on 20 Feb 1755.1140 She married Elijah Hill.1141 She died in 1833.1142

iv. DORCAS was born on 13 Feb 1757.1143 She married Elijah Alderman, son of Elijah Alderman and Alinoam Holcombe.1144 She died in 1837.1145

v. JOSEPH was born on 25 Dec 1758 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1146 He married Rosina Alderman on 21 Jan 1782.1147 He died on 3 Jun 1817 at age 58.1148 Joseph was born in Granby, CT, but moved to Windsor, Ohio, about 1804, at which time there was an exodus of Aldermans to the "Western Reserve" and other newly opened sections in the then so-called West. By occupation he was a farmer.1149

vi. MARY was born in 1761.1150 She married Benjamin Cook.1151 She died in 1843.1152

1130Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, Page 3. 1131William Alderman Parker, Alderman, Page 527. 1132Ibid. 1133Bates, Simsbury, Page 67. 1134William Alderman Parker, Alderman, Page 527. 1135William Alderman Parker, Alderman. 1136Ibid., Page 527. 1137Ibid. 1138Ibid. 1139Ibid. 1140Ibid. 1141Ibid., Page 454. 1142Ibid., Page 527. 1143Ibid. 1144Carol Laun, "Alderman Bible". 1145William Alderman Parker, Alderman, Page 527. 1146Ibid. 1147Ibid., Page 536. 1148Ibid., Page 527. 1149William Alderman Parker, Alderman. 1150Ibid., Page 527.

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vii. TIMOTHY was born on 24 Sep 1764.1153 He married Tabitha Phelps, daughter of Job Phelps and Lucy Lewis. He married Sallie West.1154 He died on 18 Jun 1841 at age 76.1155 Timothy Alderman was said to have been born in Granby, Hartford County, Conn., where he was baptized on April 28, 1765. His son Reuben was baptized July 6, 1800. He moved to Windsor, Ohio, in 1804 when his father and other members of the family took to the western trail. By occupation he was a farmer but until they could clear some land there was no place to grow crops. In order to hasten this operation all members of the family, including the women and children, did all possible in helping the men folk. There is a family tradition that Timothy's first wife, Tabitha, though expecting another child, was assisting in cutting down some trees and so injured herself that both she and the unborn child died. An old Indian doctor had been called in and he said that he could save the baby but not the mother, so Timothy said "Let them go together." Her father, Job Phelps, was born October 5, 1727. He served in the 5th Co. of 2nd Reg. of Connecticut, War of American Revolution. 1156

viii. JESSE was born circa 1766.1157 She died in 1775. ix. MIRIAM was born circa 1768.1158 She married Hezekiah Skinner in 1790.1159 She died in 1832.1160

x. JAMES was born circa 1770.1161 He died in 1775.1162 422. MARY5 ALDERMAN (Mindwell4 Case, Elizabeth3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 8 Feb 1726/27. She married Joseph Griswold, son of Joseph Griswold.1163 Children of Mary5 Alderman and Joseph Griswold were: i. MARY6 was born circa 1752.1164,1165 She married Lott Alderman, son of Elijah Alderman and Deborah (--?--), in

1789.1166,1167 423. JOSHUA5 HOLCOMBE IV (Joshua4, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 2 Feb 1724 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1168 He married Martha Griffin, daughter of Stephen Griffin and Mary Delacey. He died in 1784. Bowman found this death date to be 1772 while Seaver states he died in 1784 of small pox. If he died in 1772, his widow could be the Mrs. Martha Jr. who married Adonjah Ford in August 1772 (GR), If he died in 1784, his widow could be the one who married Rene Cossitt in 1786. There is a picture of the tombstone of Deacon Joshua who died n 1784 on page 44 of Weir, but one should be cautious in reading tombstones, see the article by McCracken in TAG 44:58-60. Seaver and Simsbury records indicate that Joshua had children. Thomas Howard, the head of the East Granby Historical Society, found that Deacon Joshua Holcombe is buried on the crest of Hatchet Hill, a few feet east of the Meacomet Trail. His 10-month old granddaughter, Ruth Ford, who died two days earlier, is buried a few feet away. Mr. Howard believes that she also died if the smallpox epidemic that took so many lives at that time. Also in the graveyard are the bodies of Ruth's cousins, 2 year-old Caleb

1151Ibid. 1152Ibid. 1153Ibid., Page 529. 1154Ibid., Page 530. 1155Ibid., Page 529. 1156William Alderman Parker, Alderman. 1157Ibid., Page 527. 1158Ibid. 1159Ibid. 1160Ibid. 1161Ibid. 1162Ibid. 1163Esther Griswold French and Robert Lewis French, Griswold, Page 301. 1164William Alderman Parker, Alderman, Page 450. 1165Esther Griswold French and Robert Lewis French, Griswold, Page 301. 1166William Alderman Parker, Alderman, Page 450. 1167Esther Griswold French and Robert Lewis French, Griswold, Page 301. 1168Bates, Simsbury, Page 136.

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Holcomb, who died on April 6, 1788, and his 1-year-old twin sisters, Amarilla and Boadica who died in March 1793; Caleb and his sisters share one headstone. William E. Talbot, took Joshua's stone and constructed a foundation fo a large tool shed, which was later converted to a home. Tom Howard has started a fund to replace the stones on the original graves. Children of Joshua5 Holcombe IV and Martha Griffin were as follows: i. JOSHUA P.6 was born in 1752.1169 He married Sarah Smith. He died in 1810. ii. CALEB was born on 25 Jan 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1170 He married Mary (--?--) on 25 Dec 1776 at Granby, Hartford

Co., CT.1171 He died in 1844 at Ashtabula Co., OH. It has been suggested that Caleb was instead the son of Caleb (Joshua II) and Elizabeth. Caleb served as a private in the American Revolutin in the Co. of Capt. Hezekiah Holcomb; arrived in NY August 26, discharged Sept 8, 1776. He was a taxpayer at E. Granby in 1785, moved to Hunter, Green Co., NY, later to Hartsgrove, Dist. #8, Ashtabula Co., OH. McPherson states that Caleb died in 1810. Michael Holcombe reports that Caleb may not have died in 1810, that being the year he left Connecticut. Caleb and Merch are recorded in Windsor, Ohio census lists through 1840, where they were over eighty years old. Windsor Mills Cemetery gravestone inscriptions indicate Mercy died November 4, agte 88 years and Caleb died December 4, with age stated as 92. If his birth date is correct, Caleb would have been 90.1172

iii. MARTHA was born on 11 Jan 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1173 She married Adonijah Ford on 24 Aug 1772 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1174

iv. AHINOAM was born on 18 Mar 1759 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1175 She married Obediah Hayes, son of Daniel Hayes II and Abigail Hayes, on 25 Sep 1780 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1176 She died on 10 Sep 1844 at North Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 85. She was buried at Baptist Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1177 Genealogies and the gravestone have her death as 1844 but Granby Probate Records 8-26,28 has Ahinoam deceased before 19 Sept 1843. 1178 In the 1840 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, federal census, Ahinoam is enumerated as receiving a Revolutionary War pension.

v. BATHSHEBA was born on 17 Aug 1761 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1179

vi. HANNAH was born on 8 Mar 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1180 She was baptized on 17 Mar 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1181 She married Jabez Gillett, son of Jacob Gillett and Lydia Phelps, on 5 Dec 1784 at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1182 She died on 29 May 1850 at Italy, Yates Co., NY, at age 86.1183 She was buried at Italy-Naples Townline Cemetery, Yates Co., NY.

1169Ibid., Page 183. 1170Ibid. 1171Christina Bailey and Lorraine Cook White., The Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records (Genealogical Publishing co., Inc.; Baltimore, MD, 1999, LOC # 94-76197; ISBN # 0-8063-1591-1). 1172Holcomb, Holcombes in Ashtabula. 1173Bates, Simsbury, Page 183. 1174Ibid., Page 219. 1175Ibid., Page 183. 1176Ibid., Page 220. 1177Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 22. 1178Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones. 1179Bates, Simsbury, Pages 183, 203. 1180DeFoster, "Hannah Holcombe," e-mail to James H. Holcombe, 19 August 2003, Simsbury, CT Town Meeting Records, vol. 4, p. 198 - FHL Film No. 0005640. 1181Ibid., Simsbury, CT Town Meeting Records, vol. 4, p. 166. 1182Ibid., Records of Rev. Roger Viets, Rector of St. Andrew's, Simsbury, CT and Missionary from the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts by Albert C. Bates, Librarian of the Connecticut Historical Society, 974.62/S4 K2b, Salt Lake City Family History Library, UT.

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The Simsbury Vital Records, page 184, shows Hannah born March 17, 1764. However, Simsbury Town Meeting Records, Vol. 4, P. 198, show the birth to be 8 March.1184

vii. ZEKOAH HESSE was born on 28 Dec 1765 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1185 Not in Seaver.

viii. LEONARD. Seaver and Weir show Leonard, Simsbury records do not. ix. AMASA was born in 1768. He married Ruth Hoskins, daughter of Ezra Hoskins and Ruth Granger. He died on 19 Sep 1848.1186

He was buried at Baptist Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1187

x. ZILPAH was baptized on 28 Aug 1774 at Scotland, CT.1188 She married John Goddard, son of John Goddard Jr. and Mary Hillyer, in 1793.1189 She died on 24 Jul 1813 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 38.1190 She was buried at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1191 Seaver has this record, Simsbury records do not.

424. CAPT. HEZEKIAH5 HOLCOMBE (Joshua4, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 27 Jan 1726 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1192 He married Susanna Alderman, daughter of Joseph Alderman and Mindwell Case, on 29 Sep 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1193 He died on 17 Jul 1794 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 68. He was buried at St. Andrews Episcopal Chruch, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He was Captain of the 17th Regiment CT Infantry, in the Revolutionary War. DAR application for Mrs. Florence Smith Spencer, #15478, shows descent from Hezekiah and wife Chole Pinney. However, Chloe was Hezekiah's daughter-in-law, wife of Hezekiah II. Mrs. Spencer next shows Luther Holcombe and wife Susanna Holcombe. Susanna was Capt. Hezekiah's second child, but McPherson shows she married only Samuel Forward. There is a Luther Holcombe, son of Asahel that married an untraced Susanna. In researching Mrs. Spencer's records, Carol Laun cites the Simsbury Vital Records, pages 68, 217, 227; East Granby Vital Records, pages 95, 98, 129; East Granby Church Records, pages 34, 47, 123; the Alderman Genealogy; the Episcopal Church Records, page 57; and "The Report, Oct 1968, OH Genealogical Society" - all viewable at the Salmon Brook Historical Society in Granby of which she is Curator. Children of Capt. Hezekiah5 Holcombe and Susanna Alderman were as follows: i. HEZEKIAH6 was born on 2 Sep 1750 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1194,1195 He married Chloe Pinney, daughter of Capt.

Abraham Pinney and Elizabeth Butler, on 30 Jun 1768 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1196 He married Dorothy Bates, daughter of Capt. Lemuel Bates and Deborah Lewis, on 9 Aug 1788. He died on 8 Nov 1820 at East Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 70. Hezekiah Holcombe's will dated 1814 mentions the "sons of the wife of my youth" Hezekiah, Abraham, Thomas, Joel, Alexander, and 4 daughters, and from 2nd marriage, Daniel Bates and Lemuel Cicero.

1183Kathy McConnell DeFoster, "Descendants of Hannah Holcombe," e-mail message from [emailprotected] (Hawaii) to James H. Holcombe, 10 October 2003. Hereinafter cited as "Hannah Holcombe". 1184DeFoster, "Hannah Holcombe," e-mail to James H. Holcombe, 19 August 2003. 1185Bates, Simsbury, Page 203. 1186Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 25. 1187Ibid. 1188Winfred R. Goddard, The Goddards of Granby Connecticut (750 San Fernando St., San Diego, CA 92106: Goddard Enterprises, 1985), Page 83, Item 39. Hereinafter cited as Granby Goddards. 1189Ibid. 1190Ibid. 1191Jr. Winfred R. Goddard, The Goddards of Granby Connecticut (San Diego, CA: no publisher, 1985), Page 84, Item 39. Hereinafter cited as Goddard. 1192Bates, Simsbury, Page 135. 1193Ibid., Page 68. 1194Ibid., Page 182. 1195McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 49.2, Item A-4-5-2-3-1. 1196Bates, Simsbury, Page 217.

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ii. SUSANNAH was born on 8 May 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1197 She married Samuel Forward, son of Abel Forward and Hannah Phelps. Simsbury Records say "mary" 8, 1753. Moved to Aurora Township, in OH in 1803.

iii. TIMOTHY was born on 25 Feb 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1198 He married Elizabeth Griffin, daughter of Benoni Griffin and Mary Delacey. Simsbury Records. They moved to Salisbury, Ct., and later to West Virginia. He had a Revolutionary War Pension. Additional information on this family is from James Schultz, [emailprotected], Oregon, IL 61061.

iv. JESSE was born on 20 Nov 1759 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1199 He married Lovisa Pinney, daughter of Jonathan Pinney and Lydia Case. He died in 1827. They lived in Mesopotamia, Ohio and Trumbell County, OH, and are listed in Trumbell County History books.

v. ABEL was born in 1761. He married Elizabeth Pinney, daughter of Jonathan Pinney and Lydia Case, on 1 Apr 1779. He died on 12 Sep 1833 at Windham, Greene Co., NY. He was buried at Big Hollow (now Maplecrest), Greene Co., NY.1200 Seaver, Weir, and SS but not in Simsbury records. Abel had a Revolutionary War Pension. Abel was enumerated in the 1790 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, federal census. There were 3 males and 4 females in the household. Abel was enumerated in the 1800 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, federal census. There were 6 males and 5 females in the household. Abel was enumerated in the 1810 Windham, Greene Co., NY, federal census. There were 6 males and 6 females in the household.

vi. CHLOE was born in 1767. Seaver, Weir and SS but not in Simsbury records.

vii. SETH was born in 1768. He married Deborah Bates. He died in 1804. 425. KEZIAH5 HOLCOMBE (Joshua4, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 2 Apr 1728 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1201 She married Joseph Alderman Jr., son of Joseph Alderman and Mindwell Case, on 13 Nov 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1202 Simsbury Vital Records says Keziah is the daughter of Joshua Holcomb Jr. Children of Keziah5 Holcombe and Joseph Alderman Jr. were as follows: i. KEZIAH6 was born on 9 Mar 1746.1203 She married (--?--) Loomis.1204

ii. JOSEPH was born on 4 Jun 1747.1205 He died on 4 Jun 1747.1206

iii. ZIPPORAH was born on 20 Feb 1755.1207 She married Elijah Hill.1208 She died in 1833.1209

iv. DORCAS was born on 13 Feb 1757.1210 She married Elijah Alderman, son of Elijah Alderman and Alinoam Holcombe.1211 She died in 1837.1212

1197Ibid., Page 182. 1198Ibid. 1199Ibid. 1200McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 59.2, Item A-4-5-2-3-5. 1201Bates, Simsbury, Page 135. 1202Ibid., Page 67. 1203William Alderman Parker, Alderman, Page 527. 1204Ibid. 1205Ibid. 1206Ibid. 1207Ibid. 1208Ibid., Page 454. 1209Ibid., Page 527.

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v. JOSEPH was born on 25 Dec 1758 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1213 He married Rosina Alderman on 21 Jan 1782.1214 He died on 3 Jun 1817 at age 58.1215 Joseph was born in Granby, CT, but moved to Windsor, Ohio, about 1804, at which time there was an exodus of Aldermans to the "Western Reserve" and other newly opened sections in the then so-called West. By occupation he was a farmer.1216

vi. MARY was born in 1761.1217 She married Benjamin Cook.1218 She died in 1843.1219

vii. TIMOTHY was born on 24 Sep 1764.1220 He married Tabitha Phelps, daughter of Job Phelps and Lucy Lewis. He married Sallie West.1221 He died on 18 Jun 1841 at age 76.1222 Timothy Alderman was said to have been born in Granby, Hartford County, Conn., where he was baptized on April 28, 1765. His son Reuben was baptized July 6, 1800. He moved to Windsor, Ohio, in 1804 when his father and other members of the family took to the western trail. By occupation he was a farmer but until they could clear some land there was no place to grow crops. In order to hasten this operation all members of the family, including the women and children, did all possible in helping the men folk. There is a family tradition that Timothy's first wife, Tabitha, though expecting another child, was assisting in cutting down some trees and so injured herself that both she and the unborn child died. An old Indian doctor had been called in and he said that he could save the baby but not the mother, so Timothy said "Let them go together." Her father, Job Phelps, was born October 5, 1727. He served in the 5th Co. of 2nd Reg. of Connecticut, War of American Revolution. 1223

viii. JESSE was born circa 1766.1224 She died in 1775. ix. MIRIAM was born circa 1768.1225 She married Hezekiah Skinner in 1790.1226 She died in 1832.1227

x. JAMES was born circa 1770.1228 He died in 1775.1229 426. ALINOAM5 HOLCOMBE (Joshua4, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 17 Feb 1732/33 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1230 She married Elijah Alderman, son of John Alderman and Sarah Case. She died on 11 Apr 1750 at age 17.1231 Marriage in TAG. Simsbury VR page 220, show a "Ahinoah Holcomb" married 25 September 1780 Obadiah Hayes. Could this be a second marriage for her?

1210Ibid. 1211Carol Laun, "Alderman Bible". 1212William Alderman Parker, Alderman, Page 527. 1213Ibid. 1214Ibid., Page 536. 1215Ibid., Page 527. 1216William Alderman Parker, Alderman. 1217Ibid., Page 527. 1218Ibid. 1219Ibid. 1220Ibid., Page 529. 1221Ibid., Page 530. 1222Ibid., Page 529. 1223William Alderman Parker, Alderman. 1224Ibid., Page 527. 1225Ibid. 1226Ibid. 1227Ibid. 1228Ibid. 1229Ibid. 1230Bates, Simsbury, Page 135. 1231William Alderman Parker, Alderman, Page 450.

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Children of Alinoam5 Holcombe and Elijah Alderman were: i. ELIJAH6 was born circa 1748. He married Dorcas Alderman, daughter of Joseph Alderman Jr. and Keziah Holcombe.1232 He

died on 29 Apr 1809.1233 Information in the Alderman Genealogy differs from the dates given in The Nutmegger, which was extracted from a family bible belonging to Elijah and Dorcas (Alderman) Alderman. The dates from the bible are listed here. The bible does not list Lydia or the unnamed son that died 14 February 1777.

427. BENAJAH5 HOLCOMBE II (Joshua4, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 9 Sep 1737 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1234 He married Lydia Forward, daughter of Abel Forward and Hannah Phelps, on 5 Aug 1763 at Belchertown, Hampshire Co., MA.1235 He died on 13 Dec 1820 at age 83.1236 He was buried at Simsbury Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1237 Bowman references the other Benajah, son of Judah and Hannah Buttolph, without saying anything else about the relationship of the two Benajahs. Benajah served in the American Revolution under three enlistments: 1. Sergeant in Cap't. Hezekiah Holcomb's company, 18th Reg't. in 1776. 2. appointed May 1777, Cap't. in 10th company, 18th Reg't. 3. In July 1777 was Cap't. in Major Smith's Reg't. in defense against Tryon's invasion. Benajah and Lydia had children listed in Simsbury records and SS. Children of Benajah5 Holcombe II and Lydia Forward were as follows: i. BENJAH PHILO6 was born on 5 Aug 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1238 He was baptized on 16 Sep 1764. He married Mary

Case, daughter of Martin Case and Lucy Adams, on 19 Apr 1784. He married Theodocia Moses on 14 Sep 1822. He died on 2 Jan 1828 at age 63.1239 He was buried at Simsbury Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1240 Seaver and McPherson call this son Benjah Philo while Bowman lists seperate children, Benjah and Philo. Listed in DAR record # 11414. Ruth Cost Duncan lists children Polly, Edmund, Burt, Nancy, and Hariet that Seth and McPherson show as children of Hull.

ii. ELIHU was born on 20 Aug 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1241 He died. iii. RACHEL was born in 1769. iv. SARAH was born in 1772 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Roswell Tuller in 1803.

Roswell, his wife, and six children moved ot Sharon township, Franklin Co., OH. v. PHILO was born in 1773.

Seaver and McPherson call this son Benjah Philo while Bowman lists seperate children, Benjah and Philo.

vi. LYDIA was born in 1776. She married Bela Tuller, son of Elijah Tuller and Sarah Case, in 1794. She died in 1848. vii. JEMIMA was born on 26 Feb 1777 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1242 She married Titus Barber, son of Thomas Barber III and

Martha Case. She died in 1858. viii. POLLY. ix. SABRINA. x. HULL was born in 1779.

1232Carol Laun, "Alderman Bible". 1233William Alderman Parker, Alderman, Page 450. 1234Bates, Simsbury, Page 135. 1235Ibid., Page 197. 1236Joyce A. Cahill Simsbury Cemetery, Page 159. 1237Ibid. 1238Bates, Simsbury, Page 197. 1239Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 140. 1240Joyce A. Cahill Simsbury Cemetery, Page 159. 1241Bates, Simsbury, Page 197. 1242Ibid.

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428. NATHANIEL5 ALFORD JR. (Experience4 Holcombe, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) married Abigail Hill. Children of Nathaniel5 Alford Jr. and Abigail Hill were as follows: i. ARBA6 married Eunice Case. ii. EBER was born on 3 Jun 1761. He married Faith Mills, daughter of Rev. Gideon Mills and Elizabeth Higley, on 15 Sep 1808 at

Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 5 Aug 1844 at age 83. He was buried at Dyer Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. 429. HANNAH5 ALFORD (Experience4 Holcombe, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 29 Mar 1727.1243 She married Isaac Messenger, son of Joseph Messenger and Catherine Holcombe, circa 1740.1244 She died in 1811 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Hannah5 Alford and Isaac Messenger were as follows: i. JOSEPH6 was born in 1741. He married Jemima Barber, daughter of Jonathan Barber and Jemima Cornish.

Resided at Barberton road in Canton Center, CT, at Otis MA, and at Delaware Co., PA.

ii. SIMEON was born circa 1746 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1245 He married Mary Paine in 1767.1246 He died on 8 Sep 1821 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT.1247

iii. ISAAC was born on 25 Sep 1746 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Anne Ward, daughter of William Gamaliel Ward and Damaris Holcombe. He died on 8 May 1839 at Lake Co., OH, at age 92. Information on Isaac and his descendants is from Sheri Nye, [emailprotected], found on RootsWeb WorldConnect Project, at worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com.

iv. ELIJAH was born in 1758 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lucretia Matson. Information on Elijah Messenger and his descendants was imported via GEDCOM from: Chris Hankins 664 Olympus Blvd. Port Ludlow, WA 93865 [emailprotected] http://www.vitrex.net/~foffer/.

430. MATTHEW5 GRIFFIN (Eleanor4 Holcombe, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1726. He married Hannah Lamson on 9 Jun 1749. He died on 16 Dec 1799. Children of Matthew5 Griffin and Hannah Lamson were as follows: i. HANNAH6 was born in 1749. She married Daniel Moore, son of Isaac Moore and Sybil Holcombe. She died in 1815. ii. JOHN was born in 1752. He married Sarah Goddard, daughter of Abel Goddard and Rebecca Holcombe. He died in 1816. iii. BATHSHEBA was born in 1753. She married David Osborn in 1774. iv. SETH was born on 19 Sep 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Philadon. v. RACHEL was born in 1756. vi. MATTHEW was born in 1758. He married Naomi Moore. He died in 1820. vii. HULDA was born in 1760. viii. MARY was born in 1761. She married (--?--) Osborn. ix. SILAS was born in 1764. He married Pioney Moore. x. RUTH was born in 1767. She married John Osbourn in 1789. 431. ELEANOR5 GRIFFIN (Eleanor4 Holcombe, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1729. She married Nathaniel Messenger, son of Joseph Messenger and Catherine Holcombe.1248 Children of Eleanor5 Griffin and Nathaniel Messenger were as follows: i. ISRAEL6 was born circa 1759.1249 He married Olive (--?--).1250 He died on 11 Aug 1803.1251

1243Duane E. Wilson, Edward Messenger. 1244Ibid. 1245Letter from M. Diane Guildner (5106 23rd Ave. W., Everett, WA 98203) to James H. Holcombe Jr., 24 April 2004; unknown repository (unknown repository address). 1246Ibid. 1247Ibid. 1248Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 128. 1249Ibid., Page 127. 1250Ibid. 1251Ibid.

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ii. LEMUEL was born on 20 Jul 1759 at Simsbury (now West Granby), Hartford Co., CT.1252 He married Abigail Lampson, daughter of Elnathan Lampson, on 9 Nov 1791 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1253 He died on 4 May 1839 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 79.1254

iii. AMOS was born circa 1764.1255 He married Matilda (--?--).1256 He died on 19 Dec 1840.1257 He was buried at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1258

iv. DANIEL was born circa 1764.1259 He married Mindwell (--?--).1260 He died on 19 Mar 1830.1261 He was buried at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1262

432. THANKFUL5 GRIFFIN (Eleanor4 Holcombe, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 30 Nov 1738.1263 She married Daniel Alderman, son of John Alderman and Sarah Case. She died on 18 Dec 1835 at age 97.1264 Children of Thankful5 Griffin and Daniel Alderman were as follows: i. HANNAH6 was born on 24 Jan 1758.1265 She married Isaac Hemmingway Streator in 1779.1266 She died in 1847.1267

ii. EPAPHRAS was born on 14 Dec 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1268,1269 He married Chloe Hayes, daughter of Judah Hayes and Honora Lambson, on 22 Mar 1781.1270 He died on 24 Jul 1853 at age 92.1271 He was buried at Center Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1272,1273 The Alderman Genealogy lists Chloe as the daughter of Daniel Hayes. Carol Laun in the Burials in the Granby Center Cemetery lists Judah and Honora, based on the Hayes Genealogy, page 25.1274

iii. ELIZABETH was born on 15 Mar 1763.1275 She was baptized on 28 Aug 1763 at St. Andrews Episcopal Church, East Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1276 She married Elijah Amesbury on 7 Jan 1783.1277

1252Ibid., Page 128. 1253Ibid. 1254Ibid. 1255Ibid., Page 126. 1256Ibid. 1257Ibid. 1258Ibid. 1259Ibid. 1260Ibid. 1261Ibid. 1262Ibid. 1263William Alderman Parker, Alderman, Page 474. 1264Ibid. 1265Ibid., Page 475. 1266Ibid. 1267Ibid. 1268Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 119. 1269William Alderman Parker, Alderman, Page 475. 1270Ibid. 1271Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 119. 1272William Alderman Parker, Alderman, Page 475. 1273Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery. 1274Hayes, George Hayes. 1275William Alderman Parker, Alderman, Page 474. 1276Ibid., Page 475. 1277Ibid., Page 474.

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iv. DANIEL was born on 8 Oct 1765 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1278 He married Clarissa Holcombe on 17 Apr 1796.1279 He died on 4 Dec 1812 at age 47.1280 Daniel Jr. made his home in Middlefield, MA.1281

v. NAOMI was born on 24 Nov 1768.1282 She married Nathan Stratton on 17 Sep 1787.1283 vi. EZEKIAL was born on 26 Feb 1772 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Holcombe, daughter of Timothy

Holcombe and Elizabeth Griffin, on 17 Jul 1791 at Greenbrier Co., VA. He died in 1863.1284

vii. SARAH was born on 6 Jun 1774.1285 She married Thomas Ward in 1794.1286 She died on 17 Aug 1861 at age 87.1287

viii. CHESTER was born on 7 Sep 1778.1288 He married Dorcas Haskins. He died in 1831.1289 433. JEMIMA5 GRIFFIN (Eleanor4 Holcombe, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 27 Aug 1740. She married James Alderman, son of Joseph Alderman and Mindwell Case. She married Ezekiel Holcombe, son of Lt. David Holcombe and Mehitable Buttolph. She died on 17 May 1812 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 71.1290 There were no children of Jemima5 Griffin and James Alderman. Children of Jemima5 Griffin and Ezekiel Holcombe were as follows: i. HEMAN6 was born on 6 Sep 1776.

The information on this individual is from a family bible known to Carol Laun at the Salmon Brook Historical Society. Possibly the Hemon Holcombe d. 25 Oct 1854 age 78 years 1 month, bur. Old Marcellus Village Cemetery, NY.

ii. JEMIMA was born on 25 Aug 1780. iii. JAMES ALDERMAN was born on 18 Apr 1782. He married Dorcas Trumbull on 11 Oct 1804. He died on 15 Apr 1851 at age 68.

Information on the line of Ezekiel down to John Noble Holcombe is provided by Wadean Holcombe, 41997 Holcomb Rd., Richland, OR 97870; she cites a family bible held by Dale Holcombe in Bethpage, NY. Gertrude (Holcombe) Normoyle of Clackmas, OR, believes her G-G-Grandfather, Gideon Chester Holcombe is a son of James and Dorcas. Her information will be included here until disproven. Dorcas was enumerated in the 1860 Fremont, Madison Township, Sandusky Co., OH federal census in the household of her daughter, Jeanette Smith and her husband Daniel.

iv. PHARES was born on 20 Jan 1785. He married Hannah (--?--). According to McPherson, Phares lived at Belchertown, Hampshire Co. and at Ludlow, Hampden Co., Mass from 1814 to 1850.

v. DORCAS was born on 20 Jan 1786. 434. LUTHER5 HOLCOMBE (Matthew4, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 12 Aug 1752 at Danbury, Fairfield Co., CT. He married JoAnna Beebe at Danbury, Fairfield Co., CT. He married Joanna Kellogg. He married Sarah Newton in 1819. He died on 20 Jul 1839 at Coventry, Chenango Co., NY, at age 86. He was buried at North Afton, NY.

1278Ibid., Page 474, 479. 1279Ibid., Page 479. 1280Ibid., Page 474, 479. 1281William Alderman Parker, Alderman. 1282Ibid., Page 474. 1283Ibid. 1284Ibid. 1285Ibid. 1286Ibid. 1287Ibid. 1288Ibid. 1289Ibid. 1290Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141.

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For his Revolutionary War exploits see Stiles (2:396). Luther and first wife JoAnna had four children, two remain unidentified. Luther and Johanna had nine children, two are also unidentified. Information also from Jean Holcombe. Children of Luther5 Holcombe and JoAnna Beebe were as follows: i. ROXANA6. ii. CHILD. iii. CHILD. iv. ELI was born on 12 Aug 1782 at Fairfield Co., CT.1291 He married Susan Sweet. He died in 1887 at MI.1292

Lived to be near 100 years and lived in Ashtabula, OH, and Michigan. Susan studied medicine in a women's society of the Western Reserve in Ohio. 1293 Eli and Susanna were enumerated in the 1850 Ashtabula, Ashtabula Co., OH, federal census. He was a farmer, age 68, born in CT; she was 69, also born in CT. Children in the household were Heber age 11, born in Ohio, and Eli Jr. age 7 also born in Ohio. Is there any way these could be their children? Living in the vicinity was Peleg. Living next door was Ozras and Susan Markham; perhaps this is daughter Susan. Eli was enumerated in the 1860 Ashtabula, Ashtabula Co., OH, federal census, reel M653-932 page 20 B. He was 77 and in the household of Ozras and Susan Markham; this is, again, perhaps his daughter Susan.

Children of Luther5 Holcombe and Joanna Kellogg were as follows: i. THERON6. ii. ERASTUS was born on 1 Sep 1784. He married Phebe (--?--). He married Sarah (--?--).

Erastus moved to Chenango Co., NY, living first at Coventry and later at Bainbridge. Both wives of Erastus have inscribed gravestones in Chapel cemetery, Coventry, NY. 1294 Erastus is recorded in the 1850 Colesville, Broome Co., NY, federal census, page 24, age 65, a farmer, born in CT, in the household of his son Edwin.

iii. RUFUS E. was born on 4 Mar 1786 at Coventryville, NY. He married Nancy Gloyd on 4 Jun 1815 at Courtland Co., NY.1295 He died on 1 May 1862 at Moore's Hill, Dearborn, IN, at age 76. He was buried at Sparta Freewill Baptist Ceme., Moore's Hill, Dearborn, IN. From notes of Wilma Jean Scripter Holcomb. Served in the War of 1812, in the battle fo Queenstown, Capt T. Mason's Company of NY. Bounty of 60 acres Monroe Co. OH in 1818, moved to Moore's Hill, Dearborn Co., IN, in 1822. Rufus and Nancy were enumerated in the 1850 Sparta Twp., Dearborn Co., IN, federal census, film 432-141, stampted page 446. Children in the household were Elizabeth 22, Nancy 20, Turner 18, Lydia 16, Lucinda 13, and Rufus 11. Daniel lived next door. Rufus and Nancy were enumerated in the 1860 Sparta Twp., Dearborn Co., IN federal census, page 19. He was a farmer, age 74 born in CT; she was 63 bron in MA. Children in the household, all born in IN, were Nancy 26, Liddy 24, and George Gloyd age 10. The 1860 census does not indicate the relationship of George Gloyd to Rufus and Nancy. Widow Nancy was enumerated in the 1870 Moores Hill, Sparta Twp., Dearborn Co., IN, federal census, page 32. She was 73. Children still at home were Nancy 39, Lydia 36, and Wilbur 2. Wilbur's relationship is not noted. Widow Nancy was enumerated in the 1880 Sparta Twp., Dearborn Co., IN, federal census, ED 52, page 9. She was 84. Also in the household was Nancy 49, and Elizabeth Wheeler, 51, divorced, and Wilbur Shephard, age 12, perhaps the son of Lydia and Fred A. Shepard. Also in the dwelling was the family of Harmony(?) Dean; relationship unknown.

iv. EZRA was born on 6 Apr 1788. He married Lydia Handy. He died in 1873.

1291Holcomb, Holcombes in Ashtabula. 1292Ibid. 1293McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 1294Ibid. 1295Holcombe-Wheeler, Bible Records of the Family of Rufus Holcombe (No place: no publisher, no date); Judy Schlicker, unknown location. Hereinafter cited as Rufus Holcombe.

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This Ezra is duplicated as a son of Ezra and Phoebe Gillet, Bowman 81281, Weir A-8-1-2-9-1, Seaver 223.1; Ezra will be continued under those lines.

v. HARIPH was born in 1789. He married Lodene (--?--). He died in 1865. vi. CHILD. vii. FRIENDLY RENSLEY was born on 1 Oct 1795. viii. LLOYD HOLMES was born on 27 Jul 1797. He married Sarah Stevens. ix. (--?--). There were no children of Luther5 Holcombe and Sarah Newton. 435. ELIJAH5 HOLCOMBE (Matthew4, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 5 Mar 1731/32 at Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), CT. He married Sarah Evans on 28 Nov 1753. The baptisms of the children are cited by Stiles from a Windsor church record. An Elijah Holcombe, of Muskingdom County, Ohio, age 84 in 1819, received a pension for serving in the Pennsylvania Line. Wier, WR, and Stiles list their children. Children of Elijah5 Holcombe and Sarah Evans were as follows: i. ELIJAH6 was born in 1761. He died in 1761. ii. SARAH THEDE was born in 1762. iii. ELIJAH was born in 1764. He married Mary Smith, daughter of Samuel Smith, on 3 Feb 1785 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.1296

He died in 1815. iv. ELI was born in 1766. He married Esther Taylor.

Different sources report his death being in Michigan or Utah. v. LOIS was born in 1768. vi. OLIVE was born in 1770. She died in 1791. vii. ZERVIAH was born in 1773. She married Nathaniel Pierce. viii. GEORGE WASHINGTON was born in 1776. He married Electa Loomis, daughter of Israel Loomis and Abigail Saxton. He died on 28

Sep 1841 at Hudson, Summit Co., OH. ix. JUSTUS was born in 1779 at East Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lois Rice, daughter of Eleazar Rice and Rosannah Viets,

at East Granby, Hartford Co., CT. Justus served on a sailing ship on several trips to the South Pacific, Japan, and Hawaii; moved to Meadville, PA, about 1820; went to California in the Gold Rush of 1849 and settled in Napa County, CA. They had children 1,2, 7, 9 in Viets, the others in Weir.1297,1298

436. DAVID5 HOLCOMBE (David4, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 30 Nov 1737 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1299 He married Philura Hollenbeck. He died in 1776. Seaver says David's father married Phillina but since the father's wife Sarah did not die until 1762 and David and Phillina had child Anna in 1760, this would be highly unlikely. It is not certain that David and Phillina belong here but David's birth and marriage are at the appropriate times for this family. Canaan records indicate that David and Phillina had children. Children of David5 Holcombe and Philura Hollenbeck were as follows: i. ANNA6 was born in 1760. She married Oliver Root, son of Samuel Root and Sarah Webster, on 1 Oct 1778 at Southington,

Hartford Co., CT.1300 She died on 17 Jul 1796 at Lenox, Berkshire Co., MA.1301 From the Root Genealogy, by James Pierce Root, "Oliver Root son of Samuel, grandson of Samuel, born in 1754, married at Southington, CT, 1 October 1778, Anna, daughter of David Holcomb of Canaan. He removed from South Canaan to Lenox, Mass where he died September 5, 1797, age 43." Oliver was descended from Gov. John Webster of Connecticut through his mother, Sarah Webster.

ii. ABRAHAM was born on 14 Feb 1762. A second Abraham, this one to second wife; but Seaver does not offer any comment.

iii. PHILURA was born on 4 Jan 1768. She married (--?--) Carpenter. iv. LUCRETIA was born on 21 Jun 1770. She married Highman Jacobs. v. ELIZABETH was born in 1772. She married William Boardman, son of Nathaniel Boardman and Mabel Holmes, in 1797.

1296Donna Siemiatkoski, "Eleanor Cook". 1297Deanna Holcomb Bowman Thomas Holcomb and other. 1298Dorothy Dean Viets Schell, Viets. 1299Bates, Simsbury, Page 99. 1300William Webster and Melville Webster, History and Genealogy of the Gov. John Webster Family of Connecticut (Rochester, NY: E. R. Andrews Company, 1915), Page 166. Hereinafter cited as Gov. John Webster. 1301Ibid.

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vi. DAVID was born on 2 Jan 1773. He married Sarah Tubbs. He died on 8 Aug 1858 at age 85. McPherson lists this David as A-4-5-7-17. But as previously stated, she missed a generation and he is probably A-4-5-7-1-8. David is recorded in the 1850 cnesus of Canaan, District 33, Litchfield Co., CT, as a farmer,owning real estate $3000, living with son Nelson Holcombe.

vii. SOLOMON was born on 29 Jan 1775. viii. SARAH was born on 3 May 1776. ix. ROBERT was born on 29 Oct 1779 at Canaan, CT. He married Anna Burral in 1803. He married Fanny Chamberlain on 24 Oct

1811. Seaver lists this child and family.

437. LT. TIMOTHY5 HOLCOMBE (David4, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 19 Jul 1740 at Salisburg, CT.1302 He married Abigail Robbins in 1762. He died on 18 Sep 1775 at age 35. He was buried at Shaftsbury, Bennignton Co., VT. He lived at Canaan, Litchfield Co., CT. Died while on his way from Fort Ticonderoga on a furlow. He was Lieutenant in Rev. War, Capt. Buell's Company, Hinman's Continental Regiment. Children are recorded in Canaan Records. His gravestone in Shaftsbury reads: Sacred to the memory of Timothy Holcomb Lieutenant in the American Army who died in his return from the camp on the 18th of Sept 1775 in the 36th year of his age. Greatly beloved in his life & much lamented in his death.. Children of Lt. Timothy5 Holcombe and Abigail Robbins were as follows: i. ESTHER6 was born in 1767. She died in 1773. ii. SOLOMON was born on 29 Oct 1770 at Canaan, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Mary Bushnell, daughter of Abraham Bushnell and

Mary Ensign, on 18 Nov 1791.1303 He died on 2 Apr 1843 at Starksboro, Addison Co., VT, at age 72. iii. ESTHER was born in 1773. She married Dr. William B. Marsh, son of Joseph Marsh, in 1792 at Hinesburgh, VT.

Durint the trip of removal of her mother and step-father's family from Canaan, CT, to Starksboro, Addison co., VT in 1790 by wagon to Whitehall, by boat to Charlotte, thence overland to Starksboro, rode horseback, balancing herself on a man's saddle over rough road. Accompanying them was William B. Marsh, physician. A fallen tree had blocked the road, Esther's horse leaped the log in which she lost her bonnet, but not her balance. Dr. Marsh restored her bonnet, which started their courtship and let to their marriage.

iv. TIMOTHY was born in 1775. He died in 1775. 438. AMASA5 HOLCOMBE (David4, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 17 Jan 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1304 He married Eunice Morse, daughter of Solomon Morse and Elizabeth Fenn. He married Lois Heath on 27 Oct 1768. Children of Amasa5 Holcombe and Eunice Morse were as follows: i. EUNICE6 was born on 19 Oct 1763. She married Joseph Dyer on 27 Apr 1784 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1305,1306 She died

on 10 Apr 1852 at age 88.1307 McPherson says she married Jared Barber; Granby Town Records say she married Joseph Dyer.

ii. WILLIAM was born in 1765. iii. SARAH. Children of Amasa5 Holcombe and Lois Heath were as follows: i. AMASSA6 was born in 1769. He married Abigail Elton.

Moved to Trumbell Co., OH. McPherson indicates there were seven children, but omits numbers five and six, placing Lucius seventh.1308

ii. TIMOTHY was born in 1777. He married Betsy Gatch.

1302Bates, Simsbury, Page 99. 1303Martha Eunice Ensign Nelson, Ensign Record, Page 107. 1304Bates, Simsbury, Page 99. 1305Mark Williams Granby VR, Page 253. 1306Christina Bailey and Lorraine Cook White, Barbour: Granby, Page 92. 1307Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 112. 1308McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, page 73.1.

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Timothy is recorded in the 1860 census of New Lyme, District #8, Ashtabula Co., OH, as a "retired farmer" owning real estate $1,500 to $3,000, he and wife, Betsy, each being shown in 1860 as 83 years old.

iii. LORIS. iv. SARAH married Roswell Wickware. v. CLARISSA married George Wickware. vi. RILEY was born circa 1784 at CT. He married Esther Stone. He married Polly (--?--). He died on 10 Aug 1864 at Bloomington,

McLean Co., IL. He was buried at McLean Co., IL. Riley moved from CT to Sheldon, Wyoming Co., NY where he bought land and cleared a farm; later moved to Bloomington where his last years were spent in the home of his son, Bird.

439. ELIJAH5 HOLCOMBE (David4, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 12 Dec 1744 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1309 He married Ann Kellog. Canaan records contain the births of all fo the following children. He lived at Canaan, Litchfield Co., CT. Children of Elijah5 Holcombe and Ann Kellog were as follows: i. RHODA6 was born in 1767 at Canaan, Litchfield Co., CT. She married Daniel Brownson in 1794. ii. ELIJAH was born in 1769 at Canaan, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Hannah Wells in 1795 at Canaan, Litchfield Co., CT. iii. SUSANNA was born in 1771 at Canaan, Litchfield Co., CT. iv. ANN was born in 1774. v. ELIZABETH was born in 1776. vi. ZILPAH was born in 1778. 440. NOAH5 HOLCOMBE (David4, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 12 Aug 1750. He married Hannah Marsh. He married Sarah Holcombe, daughter of Joel Holcombe and Sarah Buel. He died in 1839. McPherson doesn't show the marriage to Sarah Holcombe, nor does she show Elias and any of the female children. Bowman lists 12 children. Children of Noah5 Holcombe and Hannah Marsh were as follows: i. NOAH6 was born in 1773. He married Betsy Cadwell. ii. ELIAS S. was born in 1775. iii. TIMOTHY was born in 1776 at VT. He married Ann Culver. He married Tryphena Holcombe.

Timothy with other families of Holcombe, Culver and Upson started in 1808 from Vt., reaching Lake Champlain they launched a sail boat, rowing it when the wind was unfavorable, through New York State via the little lakes, down the Mohawk river and reached lake Ontario and Niagara; hired help to take their boat around to Lake Erie, keeping close to the shore passing Cleveland, OH (then consisting of 4 log cabins, 1 of which was a hotel); sailed up Cuyahoga River to Bowton Twp., Summit Co., OH, where they went ashore. Timothy was enumerated in the 1840 Springfield, Summit Co., OH, federal census. Males 5-10 1, 20-30 1, 60-70 1; females 10-15 1, 15-20 2, 20-30 1, 50-60 1. Timothy and Tryphena were recorded in the 1850 census of Springfield Twp., Summit Co., OH. He was a farmer age 75, she was 63. Children in the household were Cynthia 24, and Westley 15. Timothy also lived in Magadore Township, Summit County, OH and had children listed in Weir. Tryphena had moved from Granby, Ct., in 1820 to Suymmit Co., Oh., settling in 1828 in Magadore Twp., summit co., The removel from Ganby tok six weeks. They brought two cows and a churn, in which the cream of the cows' milk was made into butter daily by the joltin gof the wagon. Timothy was dead before 1860 when Tryphena and their children constitute the entire family as recorded then in Magadore, owners of real estate $5,000.

iv. MARY was born in 1778. v. MIRIAM was born in 1780. vi. OLIVE was born in 1781. vii. TITUS was born in 1783.

Apparently the Titus enumerated in the 1830 Bristol, Addison Co., VT, federal census. Males 10-15, 1; 20-20, 2; 40-50, 1. Females 20-30, 2; 50-60, 1. Enumerated in the 1840 Springfield, Summit Co., OH, federal census two households from Timothy. He was 50-60; a woman also 50-60 was enumerated in the household.

viii. ROUE was born in 1785. ix. WARREN was born on 24 Mar 1787 at VT. x. HANNAH was born in 1788.

1309Bates, Simsbury, Page 99.

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xi. TRUMAN was born in 1789 at VT. xii. MILO was born in 1793 at VT. There were no children of Noah5 Holcombe and Sarah Holcombe. 441. ABRAHAM5 HOLCOMBE (David4, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 20 Jun 1753. He married Betsey Bosworth on 15 Feb 1777. Enlisted July 1, 1780 as a private in the 5th Conn. Regt. in American Revolution; discharged Dec 13, 1780; served in Conn in Continental line; on US pension roll 72 years old. Moved to Plymouth, Chenango Co., NY. is recorded in the 1800 cnesus of Addison Co., Vt. as head of family. Both Abraham and Betsey have inscribed gravestones in cemetery north of and near Plymouth. Children of Abraham5 Holcombe and Betsey Bosworth were as follows: i. ORANGE6 was born on 16 Jul 1784 at Canaan, Litchfield Co., CT.1310 He married Lydia Rogers, daughter of Elder Davis Rogers

and Hannah Miner, on 23 Dec 1804.1311 He died on 20 Jun 1868 at age 83. ii. ABRAHAM was born in 1795 at Canaan, Litchfield Co., CT.1312 He married Susan Hubbard, daughter of Nathaniel Hubbard and

Lucy Waful.1313 Abram was said to have come to Andover Township in 1827; however, he is recorded in neighboring Cherry Valley township in 1830 and Wayne township in 1840. Also, despite seven children likely born before the 1840 census, only the first five children appear. Abraham eventually worked as miller and farmer in Andover. 1314 McPherson records that the Hubbards came from NY to Conneaut OH in 1808. McPherson lists the following children: Cyrus, Henry, James, Isaac, Marie, Edilda, Emma, Ira, Clinton, and Warren. The remainder are listed in Holcombs in Ashtabula County Abram and Susan were enumerated in the 1850 Andover, Ashtabula Co., OH, federal census. He was a miller, age 54, born in MA; she was 44, born in NY. Children in the household, all born in OH, were Maria A. 18, a teacher, Cyrus B. 17, Henry 15, James I. 12, Isaac 11, Susan A. 9, and Emily J. 8. Abraham and Susan were enumerated in the 1860 Andover, Ashtabula Co., OH, federal census, page 235. He was a farmer age 64, born in MA; she was 54, born in NY. All of the children listed were born in Ohio: Cyrus age 27, a oar finisher, Henry 25, Isaac 21, Edilda 19, Emily 18, Ira 6, and Clinton 3. In the 1870 Andover, Ashtabula Co., OH, federal census, page 23, Henry is listed as the head of household, age 35. Ruby (wife?) was keeping house and there were two children, Clarence 2, and Lee 11/12, both born in Ohio. Also in the household was Susan age 63, Edilda 29, and Emily 28.

iii. MARIA R. was born in 1831 at Cherry Valley, Ashtabula Co., OH.1315 442. ISAAC5 HOLCOMBE (David4, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 11 Feb 1755 at Canaan, Litchfield Co., CT.1316 He married Mary Darrah at Canaan, Litchfield Co., CT.1317 He married Abigail Bosworth.1318 Children of Isaac5 Holcombe and Mary Darrah were: i. DAVID6 was born either 1783 or 1784.1319 He married Sarah Lydia Hinsdale.1320 He died in 1859.1321 There were no children of Isaac5 Holcombe and Abigail Bosworth. 443. ABIGAIL5 HOLCOMBE (David4, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1758. She married Nathaniel Dean Jr. in 1778.

1310McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 77.2, Item A-4-5-7-8-2. 1311Ibid. 1312Ibid., Page 77.2, 78.2; item A-4-5-7-8-8. 1313Ibid., Page 78.2; item A-4-5-7-8-8. 1314Holcomb, Holcombes in Ashtabula. 1315Ibid. 1316McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 71.1, Item A-4-5-7-9. 1317Ibid., Page 79.2, Item A-4-5-7-9. 1318Ibid. 1319Ibid., Page 79.2, Item A-4-5-7-9-2. 1320Ibid. 1321Ibid.

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Not in Seaver or McPherson, Bowman shows that they wre found in the Canaan records; also notes that some children of David listed by McPherson and Seaver were probably children of son David. Children of Abigail5 Holcombe and Nathaniel Dean Jr. were: i. CHARLES6 married Loretta Munson. 444. RICHARD5 CASE (Mercy4 Holcombe, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 7 Jun 1734 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1322,1323 He married Ruth Case, daughter of Amos Case and Mary Holcombe, on 8 Jan 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1324,1325 He married Mary Case, daughter of Thomas Case and Elizabeth Woodford, on 26 Jan 1795. He died on 7 Apr 1805 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 70.1326 Children of Richard5 Case and Ruth Case were as follows: i. RUTH6 was born in 1759 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT.1327 She married Moses Miller, son of Ichabod Miller and Sarah Holcombe.

She died in 1854. ii. RICHARD was born at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1328 He married Jemima Moore, daughter of Sanders Moore and

Damaris Tuller. He died on 7 Oct 1830 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1329 iii. GEORGE was born on 4 Dec 1761 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lucy Hayes, daughter of Asahel Hayes

and Anne Clauson. He died on 20 Mar 1850 at age 88. iv. STERLING was born at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Isabel Wilcox. v. AMY was born at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Oliver Case, son of Josiah Case and Mary Hoskins, on 10 Nov 1791 at

Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. She died on 8 Mar 1846 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. vi. APPHIA was born at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died in 1796. vii. HULDAH was born at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died in 1794. viii. CHAUNCEY was born on 20 Nov 1775 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Cleopatra Hayes. ix. JAPHET was born in 1776 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Chloe Thrall, daughter of Ezekiel Trhall, on 16 Jul 1794 at

Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1809. x. GIDEON was born on 12 Feb 1780 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Temperence Miner. xi. CYRUS was born at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Coiuch. He married Lucy Giddings. xii. OLIVE was born on 27 Mar 1784 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Noah Case, son of Noah Case Jr. and

Mary Adams, on 31 Dec 1804 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 20 Jan 1864 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 79.

xiii. FREEMAN was born at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sybil Bliss, daughter of Gad Bliss, on 23 Dec 1809 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died on 2 Nov 1865.

There were no children of Richard5 Case and Mary Case. 445. SIMEON5 CASE (Mercy4 Holcombe, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 4 Jul 1739 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Case, daughter of Amos Case and Mary Holcombe, at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 19 Oct 1823 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 84. He was buried at Hollow Cemetery, Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. Children of Simeon5 Case and Mary Case were as follows: i. SIMEON6 was born on 3 Oct 1761 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Violet Burr. He married Thankful Allen on 3 Jun

1803 at First Congregational Church, Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died on 2 Jan 1819 at age 57. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Barkhmasted First Congregational Church records. Deanna Bowman and Elizabeth list Simeon's only wife as Phebe Burr; Duncan lists the second wife as Thankful Allen.

ii. TITUS was born on 11 Dec 1763 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Amy Reed, daughter of Titus Reed and Amy Case, on 12 Mar 1792 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died on 3 Apr 1816 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 52. He was buried at Hollow Cemetery, Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Barkhamsted Vital Records.

iii. OBED was born on 12 Aug 1765 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Rachel Emmons, daughter of Jonathan Emmons and Mary Brainard, in 1789 at East Hartland, CT. He died on 9 Jan 1849 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 83. He was buried at Hollow Cemetery, Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT.

iv. ELIPHALET was born on 26 Nov 1769 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Rachel Case, daughter of Noah Case Jr. and Mary Adams, on 24 Nov 1792 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Lydia Hurley on 3 Aug 1823 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died in Apr 1846 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 76. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Barkhamsted vital Records.

v. MARY was born in 1771 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She died in 1821.

1322Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, Page 26, Item 52. 1323Bates, Simsbury, Page 118. 1324Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, Page 26, Item 52. 1325Bates, Simsbury, Page 174. 1326Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, Page 26, Item 52. 1327Ingham, "Ichabod Miller". 1328Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, Page 60, Item 134. 1329Ibid.

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vi. ASHBEL was born on 3 May 1772 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Polly Frazier on 19 Jul 1801 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died on 11 Jan 1816 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 43. He was buried at Hollow Cemetery, Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT.

vii. ALEXANDER was born on 20 Nov 1774 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Mindwell Case, daughter of Noah Case Jr. and Mary Adams. He died on 1 Jun 1824 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 49. He was buried at Hollow Cemetery, Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Barkhamsted Vital Records.

viii. FRANCIS was born on 22 Mar 1777 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Jemima Case, daughter of Sgt. Richard Case and Jemima Moore. He died on 18 Nov 1845 at age 68.

ix. ROBERT was born on 17 Jun 1779 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Clarissa Case, daughter of Darius Case and Mary Giddings, on 28 Mar 1804. He died on 9 Nov 1861 at age 82.

x. PETER was born at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. xi. ELIZABETH was born at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1330 She married Reuben Russell, son of Jonathan Russell and

Abigail Wright. 446. ELI5 CASE (Mercy4 Holcombe, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 2 May 1741 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Athilred Reed. He died on 26 Mar 1804 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 62. Children of Eli5 Case and Athilred Reed were as follows: i. ATHILRED6 was born on 16 Jan 1766 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ephraim Buell Case, son of Roger Case and

Mindwell Buell. She died on 9 Mar 1805 at age 39. ii. ELI was born on 16 Jan 1768 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Alvord on 13 Nov 1791 at Barkhamsted,

Litchfield Co., CT. He died on 12 Nov 1795 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 27. iii. RIVERIOUS was born on 20 Mar 1770 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 22 Oct 1822 at age 52.

Riverious was killed by falling from a cart and a wheel passing over him. Ruth Cost Duncan also cites Simsbury Vital Records and Canton First Congregational Chruch Records.

iv. ZEBEN was born on 14 Apr 1772 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Merritt, daughter of John Merritt and Sarah Miller, on 5 Nov 1795 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died on 21 Oct 1836 at age 64.

v. GILES was born on 29 Aug 1776 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Case, daughter of Silas Case and Mary Case, on 10 Sep 1799 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 22 May 1852 at age 75.

vi. ORANGE was born on 15 Jan 1779 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 17 Mar 1814 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 35.

vii. THEDE was born on 11 Feb 1781 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ozias Woodford. viii. CALVIN was born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 18 Feb 1859. ix. CHASTINA was born at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married David Acker, son of Solomon Acker, at Canton, Hartford Co., CT.

She died on 25 Apr 1826 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She was buried at Dyer Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. x. HARRIET was born on 23 Dec 1788 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Truman Allen on 17 Dec 1807 at Canton, Hartford

Co., CT.1331 She died on 6 Apr 1845 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 56. 447. CAPT. URIAH5 CASE (Mercy4 Holcombe, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 16 Jan 1743/44 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Susannah Lawrence, daughter of Lt. Samuel Lawrence, on 21 Mar 1765 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Eunice Dill, daughter of Solomon Dill, circa 1777. He married Mary Case, daughter of Capt. John Case and Sarah Barber, on 27 Dec 1815. He died on 23 Dec 1826 at "Missing Place" no. 5983 at age 82. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Simsbury Vital Records, and the Canton Congregational Church Records. Children of Capt. Uriah5 Case and Susannah Lawrence all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. ZILPAH6 was born on 19 Sep 1766. She married Isaiah Taylor, son of William Taylor and Ruth Higgins. ii. SYLVIA was born on 13 Jun 1768. She married Amasa Tuller, son of Isaac Tuller and Phebe Case. She married David Sutliff on

26 Jun 1799 at Hartland, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 11 Jan 1842 at age 73. iii. URIAH was born on 2 Jul 1771. He died in 1819. iv. SUSANNAH was born on 31 Dec 1773. She married Jared Mills II, son of Jared Mills and Apphia Higley, on 27 May 1793 at

Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 21 May 1808 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 34. Children of Capt. Uriah5 Case and Eunice Dill were as follows: i. JOAB6 was born on 31 Jan 1779 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 18 Jan 1818 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 38. ii. EUNICE was born on 19 Mar 1780. She married Roswell Reed, son of Titus Reed and Amy Case, on 1 Dec 1799 at Canton

Congregational Church, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 11 Nov 1858 at Hartland, Hartford Co., CT, at age 78. iii. WATSON was born on 8 Jun 1781 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 10 Aug 1853 at Liberty, OH, at age 72. iv. ELIZABETH was born on 3 Aug 1783. She died on 24 May 1808 at age 24. v. HOLCOMB was born on 27 Dec 1784 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Jane Case, daughter of Silas Case and Jane

Leete, on 27 Nov 1811. He died on 26 Apr 1854 at age 69. vi. LORINDA was born on 1 Oct 1786. She died on 23 May 1808 at age 21. vii. LAURA was born on 9 May 1788. She married Charles Humphrey, son of Charles Humphrey and Hannah Case, on 28 Feb 1811

at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 11 Jul 1842 at age 54. She was buried at Canton Baptist Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT.1332

1330Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 31. 1331Ibid. 1332Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys, Page 558.

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viii. CLARA was born on 9 May 1788. She died on 20 Mar 1862 at age 73. ix. LYDIA was born on 1 Sep 1791. She died on 27 Oct 1822 at age 31. x. CYNTHIA was born on 9 May 1793. She married Ruggles Case, son of Silas Case and Jane Leete. She died on 21 Mar 1874 at

Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 80. She was buried at North Canton Cemetery, North Canton, Hartford Co., CT. xi. LUCINDA was born on 19 Sep 1796. She married Rev. Francis Hiram Case, son of Titus Case and Sarah Rebecca Eggleston, on

26 Oct 1825 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died in 1884 at NE. There were no children of Capt. Uriah5 Case and Mary Case. 448. EDWARD5 CASE (Mercy4 Holcombe, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 15 Apr 1748 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Zervah Lawrence, daughter of Lt. Samuel Lawrence, circa 1774. He died on 2 Dec 1822 at age 74. Children of Edward5 Case and Zervah Lawrence were as follows: i. CHLOE6 was born on 2 Feb 1780 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Solomon Case Jr., son of Solomon Case and Anna

Case, on 12 Jan 1797 at First Congregational Church, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 22 Mar 1847 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 67. She was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

ii. EDWARD was born on 11 Apr 1782 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Rhoda Case, daughter of Asa Case and Sarah Robe, on 21 May 1806. He died on 20 Jul 1859 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 77. He was buried at Canton Street Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT.

449. MERCY5 CASE (Mercy4 Holcombe, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 2 Jun 1752 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Abraham Moses, son of Caleb Moses and Mary Adams. She died on 22 May 1818 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 65. Children of Mercy5 Case and Abraham Moses were as follows: i. LODITHA6 was born on 30 Oct 1771. She married Joab Barber. ii. ABRAHAM was born on 11 Jun 1773. He married Charlotte Alford. He died in 1802. iii. MERCY was born on 23 Jan 1775. She married William Rowland. iv. DORCAS married Job Talbot. v. JAMES married Clarissa Wilcox, daughter of Ezra Wilcox Jr. and Rosanna Case.

Moved to NY. vi. THADDEUS was born in 1784. He married Mereb Brockway. He died in 1828. 450. NAOMI5 CASE (Mercy4 Holcombe, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 30 Oct 1755 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married David Pettibone, son of Jacob Pettibone and Jemima Cornish. She died in 1822. Children of Naomi5 Case and David Pettibone were as follows: i. DAVID STEPHEN6 was born on 22 Feb 1785. ii. NAOMI. iii. LYDIA. iv. DEBORAH. v. CHARLOTTE was born in 1802. She married Asher Case, son of William Robe Case and Huldah Loomis, on 13 Nov 1826. 451. TIMOTHY5 CASE (Mercy4 Holcombe, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 2 Feb 1759 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1333,1334 He married Esther Brown, daughter of Capt. John Brown and Hannah Owen, on 19 Jul 1781 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1335 He died on 14 Nov 1850 at Andover, Ashtabula Co., OH, at age 91.1336 Children of Timothy5 Case and Esther Brown were: i. AMORETT6 was born on 29 May 1791.1337 She married Ira Nichols.1338 452. NOAH5 CASE JR. (Miriam4 Holcombe, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 10 Jan 1740/41 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Adams, daughter of David Adams and Mindwell Case, at North Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 1 Sep 1807 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 66. Children of Noah5 Case Jr. and Mary Adams were as follows: i. RACHEL6 was born on 3 Feb 1763 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Eliphalet Case, son of Simeon Case

and Mary Case, on 24 Nov 1792 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. She died on 3 Dec 1813 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 50.

ii. MARY was born at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joel Tuller, son of Elijah Tuller and Sarah Case, on 26 Dec 1787 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 27 May 1805 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

iii. ABIGAIL was born circa 1766. She married Levi Humphrey, son of Ashbel Humphrey and Lois Caldwell, on 8 Sep 1790 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1339

1333Bates, Simsbury, Page 119. 1334Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, Page 30. 1335Ibid. 1336Ibid. 1337Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 34. 1338Ibid.

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iv. SARAH. v. RACHEL. vi. MIRIAM was born in 1776. She married Richard Adams Jr. on 27 Feb 1793 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. She married Eli

Phelps, son of William Phelps and Mariah Holcombe. She died on 4 May 1869 at Poquenock, CT. vii. MINDWELL was born in 1779 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Alexander Case, son of Simeon Case and

Mary Case. She died on 2 Aug 1830 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. viii. NOAH was born on 7 Jul 1782 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Olive Case, daughter of Richard Case and

Ruth Case, on 31 Dec 1804 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 13 Apr 1879 at age 96. Noah and Olive were enumerated in the 1850 Granby, Hartford Co., CT federal census. Noah was a farmer age 68, Olive was 66. Jay age 32, Norris age 35, and Orrin 26, farmers, and Wealthy Hayes age 24, were also in the household.

ix. LEVI was born on 25 Dec 1786 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Anna Spencer, daughter of Ebenezer Spencer and Betsey Little. He married Lucia Farnham, daughter of Benjamin Barnham and Abigail Robe, on 11 May 1824 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died on 1 Jan 1859 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 72.

453. AMY5 CASE (Miriam4 Holcombe, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 1 Nov 1744 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Titus Reed, son of Jacob Reed and Mary Hill, at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ashbel Humphrey, son of Ensign Samuel Humphrey and Mary Orton. Children of Amy5 Case and Titus Reed were as follows: i. TITUS6 was born on 2 Nov 1765. ii. DAVID was born on 13 May 1767. iii. GEORGE was born on 5 Aug 1769. iv. AMY was born on 23 Feb 1772 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Titus Case, son of Simeon Case and Mary Case, on

12 Mar 1792 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. She died on 3 Jan 1846 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 73. v. DANIEL was born on 29 May 1774. He married Amira Adams. He died on 6 Feb 1852 at age 77.

Removed to Ohio. vi. ROSWELL was born on 19 Aug 1776 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Eunice Case, daughter of Capt. Uriah Case and

Eunice Dill, on 1 Dec 1799 at Canton Congregational Church, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 2 Oct 1852 at Hartland, Hartford Co., CT, at age 76.

vii. PHINEAS was born on 5 Jan 1781. viii. RUTH was born on 20 Sep 1782. There were no children of Amy5 Case and Ashbel Humphrey. 454. LT. ABNER5 CASE (Miriam4 Holcombe, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 14 Aug 1752 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Case, daughter of Elijah Case and Hannah Wilson, on 2 Sep 1773 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died on 6 Oct 1807 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 55. He was buried at North Canton Cemetery, North Canton, Hartford Co., CT. Abner served as a private in Capt. John Brown's Co., 18th Regiment. Ruth Cost Duncan indicates that Abner is buried in North Canton, yet Carol Laun shows a gravestone for him in the Granby Center Cemetery; at least they both agree on when he was born and died. Children of Lt. Abner5 Case and Hannah Case were as follows: i. HANNAH6 was born on 10 Jul 1774 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. ii. ABNER was born on 1 Jan 1776 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Phebe Smithson. He married Betsey Phelps. He

died on 24 Sep 1856 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 80.1340 Abner appears in the 1810, 1820, 1840, and 1850 census in Granby. Ruth Cost Duncan also cites Barkhamsted Vital Records, Granby First Congregational Church Records, and Hartford Vital Records.

iii. CANDACE was born on 2 Oct 1777 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. She married Amos Spencer, son of Caleb Spencer. She died on 26 Sep 1838 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 60.

iv. IMRI was born on 22 Jan 1780 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Almyra Shepherd on 4 Feb 1805 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT.1341 He died on 24 Oct 1830 at age 50.

v. IRA was born on 15 Mar 1782 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Ursula Hyde. He died in 1837. vi. OLIVE was born on 2 Mar 1785 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. She married David Chapman. She died in 1864. vii. LYMAN. viii. ELI was born on 7 Sep 1788 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Lovisa Mills, daughter of Dudley Mills and Lovisa

Wilcox. He died on 5 Nov 1814 at Accidentally shot at age 26. He was buried at North Canton Cemetery, North Canton, Hartford Co., CT. Eli was a member of St. Mark's Lodge #36 AF&AM.

1339Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 47. 1340Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 125. 1341Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case.

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Ruct Cost Duncan also cites Barkhamsted Vital Records.

ix. ABIEL was born on 10 Aug 1792 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Lovisa Mills, daughter of Dudley Mills and Lovisa Wilcox. He died on 16 Oct 1868 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 76.

455. DARIUS5 CASE (Miriam4 Holcombe, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 7 Mar 1756 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Giddings, daughter of Deacon Thomas Giddings and Mary Colt, on 6 May 1782 at Hartland, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 1 Dec 1801 at North Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 45. Children of Darius5 Case and Mary Giddings were as follows: i. DARIUS6 was born on 28 Mar 1783 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Deliverance Barber, daughter of Jacob Barber and

Patience Lawrence. He died in 1868. ii. CLARISSA was born on 15 Jul 1784 at North Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Robert Case, son of Simeon Case and Mary

Case, on 28 Mar 1804. iii. TEMPERANCE was born on 13 Jan 1789. She married Zaccheus Wilcox, son of William Wilcox and Mary Case, in 1809 at North

Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Amos Tuller, son of Elijah Tuller and Sarah Case, on 12 May 1831 at North Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 28 Dec 1869 at Wakeman, OH, at age 80.

iv. ANSON was born on 25 Apr 1791 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Rachel Case, daughter of Obed Case and Rachel Emmons, on 11 Feb 1811 at North Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 25 Feb 1876 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 84. He was buried 02, 1876 at North Canton Cemetery, North Canton, Hartford Co., CT.

v. LAURA was born on 7 Feb 1793. She married William Colt, son of Dr. Amherst Colt and Miriam Giddings II, on 26 Mar 1818. She died on 3 Dec 1850 at Railroad accident, NH, at age 57.

vi. AUSTIN was born on 27 Aug 1795. He married Julia Stephens. He died on 29 Jul 1870 at age 74. vii. ROSALIE. 456. JOHN5 HOLCOMBE (Phineas4, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1753 at Canaan, VT. He married Rachel Wright, daughter of Simeon Wright and Sarah (--?--). He died before 10 Jun 1788. John moved with his father, Phineas' family in the spring of 1774, to Panton, VT, and later lived at Dorset, Bennington Co., VT. He was a Sgt. in Captain Daniel Smith's Company, in Col. Ira Allen's Regt., in an alarm to Castleton in the month of October, 1780, serving seven days. he was paid for 27 miles travel. He was kkown as "Ranson" or "John Ranson". His estate was administered June 10, 1788, at Panton, Addison Co., VT, as a final division to his heirs of his property. If he be this decedant the John recorded in the 1790 census of VT is another John. He was also known as John Ransom Holcombe. Children of John5 Holcombe and Rachel Wright were: i. JOHN6 was born in 1782. He married Mary "Polly" Lynde.

McPherson agrees with Jesse Seaver on who his Great Grandfather was, but gives Benjamin as John's father, making him a descendant of Nathaniel, not Joshua. For now, Seaver himself appears where he wanted, under the Joshua line, while further research is done. Finding birth records in CT will not be very helpful, there were apparently two Johns who went with their fathers John and Benjamin, to Panton, Vt. Perhaps wills or probate records will help. John was a farmer, stockman, "champion" deer hunter and trapper in the Adirondack Mountains, NY. During the War of 1812, while at his hunting shanty in the mountain forest, he was captured by the Indians and sold to the British as a prisoner of war. His family considered him dead, but after a time, when it was ascertained that he was not a soldier, he was liberated and returned home. After his release he moved to Cattaragus Co., NY. During his absence, his wife "distributed" the children among relations.

457. DARIUS5 HOLCOMBE (Phineas4, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1754 at Canaan, VT. He married Mehitable Holcombe, daughter of Lt. Benjamin Holcombe and Mary Kendall. He married (--?--) Forbes.1342 Darius moved to Ohio where he married Mehitable, later moved to Fulton Co., IL. Additional information on the descendants of Darius, especially his daughter Sarah who married James Popenoe, is from Oliver Popenoe, 808 Sleepy Hollow Road, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510-2518, 914-762-9573, [emailprotected] Additional information on the descendants of Darius' son Benjamin is from Marilyn Joan LaPlante, PhD., 26458 C. R. 653, Gobles, MI 49055. Children of Darius5 Holcombe and Mehitable Holcombe were as follows: i. HENRY ALBERT6 was born on 30 Dec 1786 at Burlington, Chittenden Co., VT.1343 He married Rebecca Eggman. ii. LAURA was born at Burlington, Chittenden Co., VT.1344

1342McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 84.2, Item A-4-5-15-5. 1343Ibid., Page 84.2, Item A-4-5-15-5-1. 1344Ibid., Page 84.2, Item A-4-5-15-5-2.

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iii. SARAH was born on 14 Dec 1792 at near Burlington, Chittenden Co., VT. She married James Harpham. She married James Popenoe on 13 Nov 1821 at Yellow Springs, Greene Co., OH. She died on 22 May 1874 at age 81.1345

iv. HARRIET was born at Burlington, Chittenden Co., VT.1346 Children of Darius5 Holcombe and (--?--) Forbes all born at Vergennes, Addison Co., VT, were as follows: i. JOHN6 was born in 1799.1347 He married Elizabeth Barnes.1348 He married Mary Wentworth on 23 Sep 1823 at Fulton Co.,


ii. BENJAMIN was born on 30 Jul 1800.1350,1351 He married Louise Lamphere.1352 He married Joanna Eggman.1353 He died on 5 Aug 1839 at Peoria Co., IL, at age 39.1354 Marilyn LaPlante notes that the link between Darius and Henry Welton is based on family records and is not yet documented.

iii. PEARL died. 458. RUTH5 HOLCOMBE (Phineas4, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1757 at Canaan, VT. She married Seth Newell. She died on 18 Nov 1858 at Crown Point, Essex, NY. Children of Ruth5 Holcombe and Seth Newell were: i. JOSHUA6 married Harriet Foster. 459. ELISHA5 HOLCOMBE (Phineas4, Joshua3, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born in 1760 at Canaan, VT. He married Orra Judd, daughter of Thomas Judd and Mary Alvord. The 1790 VT census lists an Elisha with 1 free white male over 16 and 2 free white females. Children of Elisha5 Holcombe and Orra Judd were as follows: i. POLLY6 was born on 17 Oct 1790.1355

ii. HARLOW was born on 15 Aug 1792.1356

iii. SALLY was born on 23 Dec 1794.1357

iv. ELISHA FORBES was born in 1809 at VT.1358,1359,1360 He married Julia Ann Deming.1361 Elisha and Julia were enumerated in the 1850 Elizabethtown, Essex Co., NY Federal census. He was a farmer, age 46, Julia was 40. The five boys were listed. Elisha and Julia were enumerated in the 1870 Elizabethtown, Essex Co., NY Federal census, He was a farmer, age 64, Julia was 59. Morris was in the household as was an eight-year-old, Fred Holcombe. Son William was living next door. Elisha was enumerated in the 1880 Elizabethtown, Essex Co., NY Federal census. He was 75 and widowed. Beulah, age 44 was in the household and listed as his daughter. William was living next door.

1345Descendants of James Popenoe, online www.popenoe.com. Hereinafter cited as Popenoe, James. 1346McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 84.2, Item A-4-5-15-5-4. 1347Ibid., Page 84.2, Item A-4-5-15-5. 1348Ibid., Page 86.1. 1349Ibid. 1350Ibid., Page 84.2, Item A-4-5-15-5. 1351Marilyn Joan LaPlante PhD, "Descendants of Darius Holcombe," e-mail message from [emailprotected] (26458 C. R. 653, Gobles, MI 49055) to James H. Holcombe, 6 April 2003. Hereinafter cited as "Darius Holcombe". 1352Ibid. 1353Ibid. 1354Ibid. 1355The Strong Family Association of America Strong Family History Update, Thomas Strong and His Descendants, II (Baltimore, MD: Gateway Press, Inc., 1990), Page 28. Hereinafter cited as Strong Update Vol 2. 1356Ibid. 1357Ibid. 1358McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 88.1, Item A-4-5-15-7-4. 1359The Strong Family Association of America Strong Update Vol 2, Page 28. 13601880 Federal Census. 1361The Strong Family Association of America Strong Update Vol 2, Page 48.

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460. HULDA5 PORTER (James4, Deborah3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 8 Dec 1733. She married Joseph Fairchild. Children of Hulda5 Porter and Joseph Fairchild were: i. JOSEPH6 was born on 9 Dec 1757 at Waterbury, New Haven Co., CT. He married Hannah Wheeler. He died on 1 Jul 1842 at

Coventry, Chenango Co., NY, at age 84. 461. CAPT. SOLOMON5 BUELL (Mary4 Barber, Mary3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 22 Aug 1734 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lydia Case, daughter of Thomas Case and Elizabeth Woodford, on 30 May 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 23 Mar 1793 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 58. Solomon was appointed lieutenant of the first alarm company of Simsbury. Children of Capt. Solomon5 Buell and Lydia Case were as follows: i. SOLOMON6 was born on 1 Feb 1757. He married Abiah Wells. He married Charlotte Woodford. He married Lucy Case, daughter

of Amos Case and Mary Holcombe. He died on 19 Jan 1835 at age 77. ii. LIDIA was born on 28 Mar 1759. She died on 27 Apr 1759. iii. SARAH was born on 9 Jun 1760. She married Hosea Case, son of Hosea Case and Mary Case, on 13 Dec 1787 at Simsbury,

Hartford Co., CT. She died on 9 May 1838 at age 77. iv. WILLIAM was born on 20 Feb 1762. He married Hepzibah Latimer. He died on 30 Apr 1808 at age 46. v. PETER FREDERICK was born on 25 Jan 1764. He married Rosanna Case, daughter of Hosea Case and Mary Case, on 15 Apr

1788. He died on 10 Jun 1827 at age 63. He was also known as PETER FRANKLIN BUELL.

vi. MARY was born on 17 May 1767. She married Zenas Tillottson. She married Sterling Mills. She died in 1826. vii. LYDIA was born on 10 Jul 1769. She married Eben Paine. She died in 1841. viii. EUNICE was born on 8 Jul 1772. She died on 2 Feb 1785 at age 12. ix. EPHRAIM was born on 8 Apr 1774. He died on 9 Apr 1774. x. DAVID was born on 6 Sep 1776 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lodannah Pinney in 1800. xi. HANNAH was born on 9 Jan 1780 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Jonathan Noble, son of Elijah Noble and Maria

Humphrey, circa 1804. She died on 17 Apr 1846 at Blendon Twp., Franklin Co., OH, at age 66. Information on Hannah and Jonathan is from Roberta Kinney, [emailprotected].

462. AMAZIAH5 BARBER (Isaac4, Mary3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 5 Aug 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary (--?--). He married Mercy Keeny on 9 Dec 1778 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1362 He died in Nov 1829 at Townsend, Huron Co., OH, at age 89. He lived in 1790 at Harpersfield, Delaware Co., NY. He lived in 1810 at Penfield, Monroe Co., NY. Children of Amaziah5 Barber and Mary (--?--) were as follows: i. AUGUSTUS6 was baptized on 24 Feb 1774 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. ii. GEORGE was baptized on 24 Feb 1774 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died after Oct 1820. iii. WILLIAM was baptized on 24 Feb 1774 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died after Oct 1820. Children of Amaziah5 Barber and Mercy Keeny were as follows: i. ABIJAH6 was born on 10 Nov 1779 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Delilah (--?--). He died on 5 Jul 1854 at Reading,

Hillside Co., MI, at age 74. ii. AMAZIAH was born in 1781. iii. HEZEKIAH was born on 16 May 1784 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iv. MARY was born circa 1789. 463. SETH5 BARBER (Isaac4, Mary3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 25 Dec 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Merritt on 29 May 1767 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died at Middletown, Middlesex Co., CT. Don Barber listed four children for Seth and Mary but noted that there was no evidence for the parentage of Seth and Samuel. He placed them here because of Seth's name being the same, and because of Samuel's association with Seth in Hartland. See Dr. Barber's book, page 59. Children of Seth5 Barber and Mary Merritt were as follows: i. SAMUEL6 was born at probably Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. ii. ISAAC was born on 8 Apr 1768 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iii. JOHN was born on 20 Aug 1772. iv. SETH was born in 1774. 464. DAVID5 BARBER (Isaac4, Mary3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 3 Nov 1744 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Deborah Adams on 12 Dec 1772 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 1 Jan 1837 at age 92. Dr. Barber says he is not at all certain to which son the grandsons of David belong. I will list there here the way he does. Children of David5 Barber and Deborah Adams were as follows: i. DEBORAH6 was born on 30 Oct 1773 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. ii. CLARRY was born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He was baptized on 23 Oct 1774 at Scotland, CT. iii. DAVID was born on 2 Jul 1778 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. iv. BIDKAH was born on 19 Apr 1782 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. 465. EPHRAIM5 BARBER (Isaac4, Mary3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 1 Feb 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Drake, daughter of Enoch Drake and Mary Barber. He died on 4 Aug 1813 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 60.

1362Barbour, "Simsbury Marriages".

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Children of Ephraim5 Barber and Sarah Drake were as follows: i. EPHRAIM6 was born on 11 Nov 1781 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died on 9 Jan 1852 at age 70. ii. CHILD was born at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. iii. SARAH DRAKE was born on 1 Dec 1783 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. She married Augustus Humphrey, son of Solomon

Humphrey and Naomi Higley, on 19 Feb 1811 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. Sarah and Augustus had no children.

iv. HANNAH was born on 17 Dec 1784 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. She married Lyman Atwater, son of Ichabod Atwater and Bethia Richards, in 1808 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. She died in Aug 1884 at age 99.

v. ALVIN was born on 24 Apr 1789. He died on 13 Jan 1820 at age 30. vi. ROZILLA was born on 7 Oct 1792. She died on 27 Jun 1818 at age 25. vii. ABIRAM was born on 1 Mar 1796. He died on 11 Jul 1820 at age 24. 466. MINDWELL5 BUELL (Ephraim4, Mary3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 14 Jul 1745 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Roger Case, son of Thomas Case and Elizabeth Woodford, on 10 Aug 1760. She died in 1804. Children of Mindwell5 Buell and Roger Case were: i. EPHRAIM BUELL6 was born on 8 Nov 1761 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Athilred Case, daughter of Eli Case and

Athilred Reed. 467. MARGARET5 COOK (Noah4, Mindwell3 Holcombe, Joshua2, Thomas1) was born on 25 Apr 1764 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.1363 She married Abner Cook Jr., son of Abner Cook and Ann Hoskins.1364 Children of Margaret5 Cook and Abner Cook Jr. were: i. REUBEN6 was born on 28 Mar 1795 at Colebrook, Litchfield Co., CT.1365 He married Harriet Holcombe, daughter of Elijah

Holcombe and Mary Smith, on 17 Feb 1820.1366 He died on 31 Dec 1865 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, at age 70.1367 468. SARAH5 MATHER (Martha4 Holcombe, Benajah3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born in 1737. She married William Cooley. She died in 1822. Bowman lists this child referencing NGSQ 1938. Stiles does not list his child. Children of Sarah5 Mather and William Cooley were: i. WILLIAM6 was born on 19 Dec 1763 at East Granville, MA. He married Loannah Barber, daughter of Jerijah Barber and Loannah

Filley, in Jan 1789. He died on 27 Jul 1845 at age 81. 469. SAMUEL5 MATHER MD (Martha4 Holcombe, Benajah3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born in 1737. He married Grace Moseley in 1761. He was graduated in 1756 at Yale. Children of Samuel5 Mather MD and Grace Moseley were: i. SOPHIA6 was born on 11 Oct 1772 at Westfield, Hampden Co., MA.1368 She married Capt. Solomon Phelps, son of Capt.

Solomon Phelps Jr. and Lucy Lord, on 27 Sep 1791.1369 She died on 16 Mar 1794 at Westfield, Hampden Co., MA, at age 21.1370

470. PARNELL5 KING (Parnell4 Holcombe, Benajah3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 29 Jun 1730 at Suffield, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ebenezer Hathaway circa 1750. She died on 25 May 1807 at Suffield, Hartford Co., CT, at age 76. Information on Parnell King, her ancestors, and her descendants is from John H. and Kathy Lynnette (Evans) Watts, Jr., 3605 N. Lindeke St., Spokane, WA, 99205-2358 jkwatts @icehouse.net; (509) 326-5391. Children of Parnell5 King and Ebenezer Hathaway were: i. EBENEZER6 was born on 25 Feb 1757 at Suffield, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mehitable Hannah Cowdrey on 27 Jul 1785 at

Holland, CT. He died circa 1844 at Summer Hill, Cayuga Co., NY. Information on Ebenezer Hathaway, his ancestors, and his descendants is from John H. and Kathy Lynnette (Evans) Watts, Jr., 3605 N. Lindeke St., Spokane, WA, 99205-2358 jkwatts @icehouse.net; (509) 326-5391.

1363Donna Siemiatkoski, "Eleanor Cook". 1364Ibid. 1365Ibid. 1366Ibid. 1367Ibid. 1368Phelps Phelps Family, Page 470. 1369Ibid. 1370Ibid.

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471. MARY5 ENO (Deborah4 Owen, Sarah3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born circa 1730 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Abel Phelps, son of Joseph Phelps and Rebecca North, on 2 Apr 1752.1371 She died on 14 Oct 1804.1372 She was buried at Lee Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1373 Children of Mary5 Eno and Abel Phelps were as follows: i. MARY6 was born on 6 Jun 1754.1374

ii. ABEL was born on 24 May 1756.1375 He was buried on 30 Nov 1767.1376 He was also known as ACHSAH PHELPS. In "Stones" Carol Laun calls this child Abel, and has him born 24 May 1756. The Phelps Genealogy calls him Achsah, and has him born 2 July 1758. Both sources show him buried on 20 November 1767.

iii. MINDWELL was born on 21 Sep 1760.1377 iv. JAMES ENO was born on 26 Oct 1762 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Phylenda Rice. He died on 10 Sep 1822 at Meigs

Co., OH, at age 59. Additional information on James and his family is from a family group sheet submitted to the Phelps Family News, vol 12, No 12, May 1999 by Maxine Grothouse. Ms. Grothouse cites Pioneer History of Meigs Co., Ohio.

v. CANDACE. vi. SARAH was buried on 30 Nov 1767.1378

vii. BENJAMIN was born in 1767.1379

viii. ABEL was born circa 1768 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1380 He married Cynthia Nelson.1381 He married Abigail Frazier.1382 He died on 20 Aug 1831.1383,1384 Carol Laun in Stones shows Abel's death as 20 August 1831, but the Phelps Genealogy shows him in Tolland in 1832, on the pension roll.

ix. CYNTHIA was born in 1768.1385 472. HANNAH5 OWEN (Elijah4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born in 1740. She married Capt. John Brown, son of John Brown and Mary Eggleston, on 2 Mar 1758. She died in 1831. Children of Hannah5 Owen and Capt. John Brown were as follows: i. AZUBAH6 was born between 1759 and 1760. She married Michael Barber, son of Sgt. Thomas Barber and Elizabeth Adams, in

1779. She died on 24 Nov 1812. ii. ESTHER was born on 4 Mar 1762 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Timothy Case, son of Sgt. Richard Case and

Mercy Holcombe, on 19 Jul 1781 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1386 She died on 21 Mar 1838 at Andover, Ashtabula Co., OH, at age 76.

iii. OWEN was born on 16 Feb 1771 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Ruth Mills, daughter of Gideon Mills and Ruth Humphrey, on 11 Feb 1793 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 8 May 1856 at Hudson, Summit Co., OH, at age 85.

iv. ABIEL was born on 18 Nov 1776 at Hartford, Hartford Co., CT. He married Anna Lord, daughter of Reuben Lord and Elizabeth Ely, on 16 Oct 1806. He died in 1856.

1371Ibid., Page 196. 1372Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 59. 1373Ibid. 1374Phelps Phelps Family, Page 196. 1375Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 59. 1376Ibid. 1377Phelps Phelps Family, Page 196. 1378Ibid. 1379Ibid. 1380Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 59. 1381Ibid. 1382Ibid. 1383Ibid. 1384Phelps Phelps Family, Page 326. 1385Ibid., Page 196. 1386Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, Page 30.

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Author of Biographies of West Simsbury. 473. AUGUSTIN5 HAYDEN (Samuel4, Anna3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 24 Aug 1740 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Cynthea Filer, daughter of Jeremiah Filer and Jerusha Kelsey, on 7 Dec 1769. He died on 24 Feb 1823 at Torrington, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 82. Children of Augustin5 Hayden and Cynthea Filer were as follows: i. AUGUSTIN FILER6 was born on 14 Sep 1770 at Torringford, CT. He married Asenath Harmon. He died circa 1838 at Franklinville,

NY. ii. SAMUEL was born on 18 Feb 1772 at Torringford, CT. He married Dorcas Young in Mar 1810. He died on 10 Apr 1850 at

Windham, Wyoming Co., PA, at age 78.1387 Dr. Samuel, graduated Yale College; studied medicine with his uncle Dr. Moses at Conway, MA, supposed to have followed his profession at Windham, PA.1388 Samuel was recorded in the 1810 census of Huntington Township, Westmoreland Co., PA, page 126. He was recorded in the 1820 census of Windham Township, Luzerne Co., PA, page 469. He was recorded in the 1830 census of Windham Township, Luzerne Co., PA, page 481. He was recorded in the 1840 census as "Simon". Jabez Hayden indicated that Samuel and Dorcas divorced about 1818 and he remarried before 1820. Unless he divorced and remarried Dorcas, this conflicts with the census and probate records. Jabez Hayden records Samuel's death at 16 Oct 1853, but other records indicate otherwise. His will is on film 747,414 Wills 1842-57 Wyoming Co., PA, Will Book 1, page 286-91, dated 22 June 1835, probated 5 May 1850. His estate notice was dated May 3, 1850 in a paper dated 22 May 1850. The 1850 census recorded widow Dorcas in the part of Windham that is now in Wyoming Co. Sam had died in April but "Deicas" and all of the children are listed. The 1860 census recorded Dorcas still at Windham with daughter Cynthia Hinckley.1389 On March 31, 1868, Dorcas filed with the court in Wyoming County a renunciation of her right to act as administratrix in her deceased son's (Cicero) estate and requested that Lorenzo K. Smith act in her stead. Text of Samuel's will, transcribed by Lamora Magdaleno, Feb. 1982, in Salt Lake City. In the name of God, Amen, I samuel Hayden of Windahm Luzerne County an dstate of Pennsylvania being sich and weak in body bot of sound mind memory and understanding duly considering that it is appointed for all man ever to die an dbeing mindful of the uncertainey of the great change when it shall please God to call me home do make this my last will and testament of and concerning the real and personal estate whereof I am in anywise seized or possessed first desire that all my just debt as shall be by me owing together with all * * * * * either in possession * * * * * or otherwise concerning this my will, shall in the first place out of my personal estate and effects be fully paid and satisfied, next I will and bequeath to my loving wife, Dorcus Hayden the one equal third part of all my real estate, excepting the sawmill property with the appertenances thereunto belonging, and one twelth part of all personal estate together with my house and household furniture, barn and cider mill and all appurtenances thereunto belonging, together with all such books she should chose to select out of my library for her own use, to be at her disposal during her natural life and at her death to revert to my children in such shares and proportions as shall be severally divided them of the residue of my property. Then my will is that the residue of all my real and personal extate, medicine, medicine chart and library excepting part as is devised to my loving wife shall be indifferently appraised and after such appraisment made I will and bequeath to my three sons Claek, Philer and Joseph I will and bequeath to each three equal fourteenth part of all the residue of my estate real and personal after making the above devise to my wife. to my five daughters (viz) Cynthia Hinckley, Fanny Hayden, Nancy (Mary?) Hayden, Emily Hayden and Ellen Hayden to each and every one of them one equal fourteenth part of all the residue of my estate both real and personal. After making the above devise to my wife one half be paid to them when they shall severally arrive at the age of eighteen years and the other half as they severally arrive at the age of twenty one years, my will and desire is that until my son Joseph arrive at the age of twenty one years that the family reside in the home stead and if practicable at that time all of my real estate be divided between my three sons share and share alike excepting that part above divised to my wife and after her death her one third part shall be divided equally among my three sons above named share and share alike by paying my five daughters above named in the same proportion according to its valuation as the above residuals and My will is that the interests of the several shares of each of the children under age of the personal property shall be severally applied towards the education and support of such child if so much shall be necessary for their support and education under the directin of the executors of this my will hereinafter named, but no interest shall be paid on that part of the estate called the homestead and on which I now live on in which the family is to reside, and my will and meaning is that in case my or my dear children shall depart his life before such time as the part or portion of him her or them so dying shall become payable and leaving no * * * * * him her and in such case the part or portin of him her or them so dying shall be equally divided amongst divisons of them in the same proportion as the foregoing dividends are. And lastly my express will and meaning is and I do hereby order and appoint that if any difference dispute or contrarying shall be * * * * * concerning any bequest matter or thing in this my last will given and bequeath I do express to or * * * * * that then no suit or suits in law or equity or otherwise shall be brought commenced or propitiated for and concerning the same but the same shall be enforced wholly to the awards order and determination of two

1387Letter from Lamora Magdaleno (965 Evergreen Lane, Port Hueneme, CA 93041) to James H. Holcombe, December 6, 2000; unknown repository (unknown repository address). 1388Jabez Haskell Hayden, Hayden Family. 1389Letter, Lamora Magdaleno to James H. Holcombe, December 6, 2000.

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suitable persons which may be chosen by the executors herinafter named or by the parties at * * * * * and the cesission of said men so chosen shall be binding and conclusive to and on all and every person and persons therein concerned and I hereby appoint my loving wife Dorcas Hayden executrix and Joseph Gamble and Eric Hinckley executors of this my last will and testament contained on two pages of paper. In witness wheeof I have herunto set my hand and seal towards the bottom of this second page this Twenty second day of June in theyear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty five. Samuel Hayden Signed sealed published and declared by the aforenamed Samuel Hayden as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request * * * * * in his presence have subscribed our names as witness thereunto. Joseph Gamble Austin Sternes Whitcomb.

iii. LUKE was born on 30 Aug 1773. He married Ruth Humphrey, daughter of Capt. Frederick Humphrey and Ruth Tuller, circa 1804. He married Martha Rexford in 1819. He died in Mar 1854 at age 80.

iv. NATHANIEL was born on 30 Mar 1775 at Torringford, CT. He married Sally Ransom, daughter of Pelatiah Ransom and Sarah (--?--). He died on 20 Jun 1819 at age 44.

v. CYNTHEA was born on 31 Jul 1776. She married Dea. Theophilus Humphrey, son of Deacon Theophilus Humphrey and Hepzibah Cornish, on 28 Dec 1797. She died on 11 Apr 1836 at age 59.1390 Theophils Humphrey was, as the time of his marriage, a resident of West Simsbury, Ct., where they settled, --on Cherry Brook. In March, 1818, he removed with his family from Canton, Ct., to Sheldon, Genesee (now Wyoming) C0., N. Y., and located on about five hundred acres of excellent land, conducting its cultivation together with the manufacture of leather and boots and shoes. Thee were no children by his second marriage. He was a Deacon of the First Congregational Church of his town for thirty years prior to his death.1391

vi. JERUSH was born on 28 Apr 1778. He/she died in 1850. vii. SETH was born on 19 Jan 1780 at Torringford, CT. He married Sylvia Jencks, daughter of Joel Jenks and Lucy Holbrook. He

died on 29 Aug 1824 at Mexico City, Mexico, at age 44. Seth, I remember when the story was fresh (1824), relative to the murder of Seth Hayden, who was born in Torringford, and a distant relative of my father. The story ran that Seth Hayden opened a shoe store in the city of Mexico, where he was one day busily occupied, and by oversight or design, remained in his store, instead of obeying the behests of the Catholic Priests, and kneeling on the pavement, while the Host was being carried by. Two men from the ranks rushed in and stabbed him to death where he stood. Jabez Hayden.

viii. HEZEKIAH was born on 12 Oct 1781. ix. LEVI was born on 7 Apr 1783. x. AMELIA was born in 1784. She married Thaddeus Squires. xi. CHILD was stillborn in Apr 1786. He/she died in Apr 1786. xii. CICERO was born on 23 Nov 1787. He married Sophia Squires on 11 Aug 1809. He died on 27 Oct 1861 at age 73. xiii. TIRZAH was born on 14 Apr 1789. She married Seth Barber. xiv. NANCY was born in 1791. She married Salmon Mead. xv. BETSEY was born on 6 Oct 1792. She died in 1794. 474. DR. MOSES5 HAYDEN (Samuel4, Anna3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 23 Sep 1742. He married Eunice Haroon circa 1766. He married Triphena French in 1777. He married Martha Leland. He died on 28 Jun 1813 at Canandaigua, Ontario Co., NY, at age 70. Children of Dr. Moses5 Hayden and Eunice Haroon are as follows: i. LUCRETIA6 married Elisha Owen. ii. EUNICE married John Boyden. iii. ABIGAIL. iv. NAOMI married (--?--) Woodward. Children of Dr. Moses5 Hayden and Triphena French were as follows: i. CYNTHIA6 died in infancy. ii. MIRIAM was born on 25 Dec 1780. She married Dr. Richard Wells on 30 Jul 1798. iii. MOSES was born in Jun 1785 at Conway, MA. He married Elizabeth Williams, daughter of Hon. Thomas Chandler Williams, on 8

Aug 1809. He died on 13 Feb 1830 at Albany, Albany Co., NY, at age 44. Moses, B.A., Williams College, 1804, removed early to York, Livingston Co., NY, where he acquired a large estate and much eminence as a farmer and lawyer, first judge of Livingston county, representative in Congress, 1824-5, senator of New York at his death, an intimate friend of Gov. De Witt Clinton, whom he much resembled in traits of character and political popularity. No children. Jabez Hayden.

iv. TIRZA married Col. Asa Stanley. v. MARY was born on 18 Jul 1790. She married Ebenezer Hale on 20 Aug 1814. There were no children of Dr. Moses5 Hayden and Martha Leland.

1390Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys, Page 439. 1391Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys.

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475. SAMUEL5 HAYDEN (Samuel4, Anna3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 17 Jan 1748. He married Rebecca Smith. He married Sally Maybee. He died in Jun 1838 at age 90. Children of Samuel5 Hayden and Rebecca Smith were as follows: i. SAMUEL6 was born on 24 Oct 1774. He married Eda Moore. He died in 1799. ii. MARY was born on 4 Dec 1776. She married Gideon Hall. She died in 1830. iii. SETH was born on 8 Jun 1781 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Huldah Soper. He died on 14 Mar 1845 at

Bethany, Wayne Co., PA, at age 63. Seth, occupation farmer, removed to Bethany, PA, 1827. He possessed a constitution by no means strong, but by habits of industry and economy he was enabled to make a comfortable provision for his numerous family and provide a moderate competence to sustain him in his declining years. At his last place of residence he united with the Baptist church of which he remained a respected and highly esteemed member until his death. Jabez Hayden.

iv. MOSES was born on 30 Oct 1783. He married Sally Jenkins in 1804. He died in Aug 1829 at Prompton, Wayne Co., PA, at age 45.

v. ABIGAIL was born on 27 Mar 1788.1392 vi. LAURA was born on 17 Oct 1791. She married Charles Andrews. Children of Samuel5 Hayden and Sally Maybee were as follows: i. ANNA6 was born on 2 Nov 1795. She married Lyman Whiting in 1815. ii. SALLY was born in Jun 1803. She married Solomon C. Smith. 476. AARON5 HAYDEN (Samuel4, Anna3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 4 Mar 1750. He married Sarah Rice. He died on 11 Aug 1804 at Port Byron, NY, at age 54. Children of Aaron5 Hayden and Sarah Rice were as follows: i. SALLY6 was born in 1780. She married Luther Root. ii. LIVINA was born in 1782. She married Levi Tryon. iii. CLARISSA was born in 1784. She married Lyman Treat. She died in 1822. iv. BETSEY was born on 27 Jun 1786. She married Asa Olmsted. She died in 1815. v. AARON was born on 27 Jul 1790 at Conway, Franklin Co., MA. He married Hannah Hopkins in 1810. He died on 3 Mar 1869 at

Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY, at age 78. Aaron's son Joel E. Hayden wrote for the Hayden Genealogy: "In regard to my father I can only say that his history was that of the average farmer, only perhaps a little more so, for his father died when he was fourteen years of age. Uncle Martin was twelve and Uncle William seven. During the summer after his father's death, he cleared up seven acres of land where the timber had been cut and left on the ground. He was very robust, and was considered a power at raisings, logging, bees, and wrestling matches, and when roused (although a very quiet man), was said to be a good fighter. He was a Whig and Republican in politics but did nto run after office. He was fairly educated for the times in which he lived, and kept well up with the times by extensive reading in his later years, and never sighed for the good times of long ago."

vi. MARTIN was born on 22 Sep 1792 at Conway, Franklin Co., MA. He married Serena Southard. He died in 1816 at Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.

vii. WILLIAM was born on 2 May 1797 at Conway, Franklin Co., MA. He married Julia Bostford. Quoted in the Hayden Geneaolgy: "William was the first to engage in the manufacture of wollen cloths in the county (Cayuga) as a special and distinct business. In 1824, he removed from Auburn to the present site of the Hayden factory, near Port Byron. In 1844, Hayden & Son added machinery for the manufacture of a line of cloths, flannels, and yarn, designed expressly for the home market. Their goods were known as Haydens' extra, durable, no-shoddy cloths and flannels. The cloth for the famous "old white coat" of Horace Greeley was made here. The mill has been kept in operation by the originator, or some one of his sons, to the present time, --the only one now left in operation in the county out of some fifteen or twenty that have at different periods been operated within its borders." From Joel E. Hayden, quoted in the Hayden Genealogy: "He was an influential member of the State Legislature, 1852 and 1853. He was not an orator, but was very successful in securing the passage of the bills he introduced."

477. CAPT. NATHANIEL5 HAYDEN (Nathaniel4, Anna3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 14 Dec 1738. He married Anna Filer on 13 Sep 1763. He married Rhoda Lyman in 1778. He died on 17 May 1795 at age 56. Capt. Hayden commanded a company from Windsor at the Lexington Alarm. He was with the Army at the evacuation of New York, and in 1778, aided in repelling the advance of the enemy up the Hudson. There were no children of Capt. Nathaniel5 Hayden and Anna Filer. Children of Capt. Nathaniel5 Hayden and Rhoda Lyman were as follows: i. NANCY6 was born in Nov 1779. She married Jerijah Barber, son of Jerijah Barber and Loannah Filley, on 27 May 1806. She died

on 5 Nov 1858. ii. NATHANIEL LYMAN was born in Nov 1781. He married Lucretia Griswold, daughter of Edward Griswold and Elizabeth Griswold, on

27 Nov 1808. He died in 1864. Nathaniel Lyman was but fourteen years of age when his father died, and his brother but nine, but the mother was able, with the aid of the boys, to continue the business until the boys were qualified to manage it.

1392Jabez Haskell Hayden, Hayden Family, Page 127.

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My recollection of the family goes back to about 1820, from which time I was a frequent visitor there. The greandmother, an excellent, energetic old lady, and the bachelor "Uncle Plin" were members of the family, of which Nathaniel was the head. They occupied the spacious brick house built by their father. The tannery and the shoemaker's shop were unoccupied, and they gave their undivided attention to their farm, holding nearly all the original Stoughton lot of fifty acres which had been given the grandson Samuel (their great-grandfather), for a homestead in 1708. He was an industrious, thoughtful, man, unassuming in his bearing, with no taste for public life. He passed during my own recollection, from a young man of 30, with a smoothly shaven face, to an old man with flowing hair and beard, a very patriarch in all his mein. --Jabez Hayden.

iii. NAOMI was born on 27 Nov 1783. iv. PLINEY was born on 24 Mar 1786. She died in 1875. 478. LEVI5 HAYDEN (Nathaniel4, Anna3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 28 May 1747. He married Margaret Strong, daughter of Lt. Return Strong and Sarah Nichols, in 1772. He married Mary (--?--). He died on 24 Aug 1821 at age 74. Levi served in the cavalry at Horse Neck. Children of Levi5 Hayden and Margaret Strong were as follows: i. LEVI6 was born on 31 Jul 1773. He married Wealthy Haskell, daughter of Jabez Haskell and Elizabeth Bissell, on 30 Oct 1800.

He died on 30 Jan 1839 at age 65. Levi was the eldest of the family. He was never of robust health, and a little below the medium stature. His boyhood differed little in its routine from that of other farmer boys of his day. Hunting and fishing, with an occasional "raising," were among the principal recreations which relieved the monotony of farm life, which then called for long days and frugal fare. He acquired the rudiments of a good practical education in the district school, and ten winters of school teaching, in his own and other districts, and continued reading made him a well-informed man. He conducted farming and brick-making successfully, and was careful to give his children the full benefit of the increased facilities for education. He was often called to settle the estates of his deceased neighbors, and filled various offices of public trust. He took a lively interest in political affairs; made a voter under Washington's administration, he continued to act with the Federal party so long as that party retained their organization, and fully shared the solicitude of his political associates, lest the doctrines of their political opponents should lead to what we now call communism and anarchism. He saw with alarm the overthrow of the old charter in 1818, and read in that act a protest against the restraints of the government established by the fathers. He was not an office-seeker, but his active interest in political affairs, and his public spirit, would doubtless more often have given him political offices had not his party been almost uniformly in a minority. in his family relations he was most fortunate. He commenced married life in the house where he was born, and remained there until the end. There grew up around him a family of 7 sons and 4 daughters, their ranks unbroken by marriage or death until the youngest was 13 years old. His firm and mild government of his family, supplemented by our mother's support, gave us a well-ordered home, and a mutual attachment for each other and our home, which still lingers there. Since we have scattered into families, we still rally at the old home (I boast of having sat under the ancestral roof-tree every annual Thanksgiving Day except two in 75 years); 39 years my father stood at the head; for 22 years after my mother presided there, and since that time the place has been filled with great acceptance by our eldest sister, who still opens the hospitable doors to every returning member of the scattered clan. Our mother was endowed with strong common sense, had many friends, was hospitable and generous, energetic, and devoted to her children, and reverenced by them. In later life she united with the old church in Windsor, where she had been accustomed to worship, and her last days were cheered by the Christian's hope, and all the earthly comforts that human affection and care could provide, and when the end came, her seven sons took her up tenderly, and reverently bore her to the grave beside our father. ---Jabez Hayden.

ii. ELLEN was born on 6 Sep 1775. She died on 2 Feb 1780 at age 4. iii. HEZEKIAH was born on 6 Jun 1777 at Haydens, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.1393 He married Hannah Hayden, daughter of Isaac

Hayden and Lucy Phelps, on 17 Dec 1801. He died on 16 May 1823 at age 45.1394 Hezekiah was the second son, and his boyhood was spent at home, with its school-days and tiol interspersed with the recreation common at that day, --hunting, fishing, house-raising, etc., with an abundant supply of thanksgiving and election cake in their season. But he caught the fever so prevalent among lads and young men when New England's interests lay largely in her commerce, and took one or more voyages to sea before the mast. He made one voyage to Rotterdam, and saw a new, or rather an old, world in that ancient city founded centuries before the discovery of America. Its inhabitants, with their quaint costumes and dutch twang, the architecture of their city, and the landscape, all in such marked contrast with his boyhood surroundings at Haydens, that he came home "a traveled man," with his ardor for a sea-faring life cooled to the freezing point. He thenceforth devoted his energies to gaining a knowledge of and establishing himself in the business of cloth-dressing. This was then a comparatively new art in Connecticut, having been brought from Eastern Massachusetts and established at Pinemeadow (now Windsor Locks, three miles from Haydens) a few years before the subject of this sketch was born. Nearly all the cloth of that day was manufactured in families, and had, previous to that time, been worn as it came from the loom. Mr. Hayden followed the tide of emigration, early in the present century, into the State of New York, and established himself first at Hartwick, then at Springfield, Ostego County, and, in addition to his trade, conducted his farm and saw-mill, and was "a leading man in community." He died in middle life, and his wife only survived him three months. Their children were scattered, and their fortunes will be told in their proper order. Several years ago those children had a reunion at their childhood's home at the head of Otsego Lake, and a few aged people who had known their parents wre invited to their feast. They found the unmarked graves of their parents, and now a granite shaft, with proper inscriptions, marks the spot; and

1393Ibid., Page 156, Item 160. 1394Ibid.

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though the house and mill are not gone, some of the children (themselves now grandparents) have, from time to time, been seen since that eventful reunion walking over the grounds where they played in childhood. He lived at Springfield, Otsego Co., NY.

iv. STRONG was born on 27 Jul 1780 at Haydens, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lovisa Loomis, daughter of Uriah Loomis and Apphia Sheldon, on 16 May 1805 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.1395 He died on 8 Dec 1849 at Bennington, Genesee Co., NY, at age 69. He was also known as RETURN STRONG HAYDEN Referred to in the Loomis Genealogy as "Return Strong Hayden." Strong Hayden was the third son of Levi, and like his brothers, he spend his early life on the home farm. The art of cloth-dressing and wool-carding was a growing industry, and himself and several of his brothers "served apprenticeship" at the business, and after attaining their majority followed the tide of emigration west, where they "set up the trade."

v. MARTIN was born on 20 May 1782 at Haydens, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.1396 He married Amelia Griswold, daughter of Edward Griswold and Elizabeth Griswold, on 4 Mar 1811. He died on 4 Nov 1847 at Milwaukee, Waukesha Co, WI, at age 65.1397 Martin was the fourth son; he also became a clothier; and for a time before his marriage, assisted his brothers, Hezekiah and Strong, at Hartwick, N.Y., and afterwards became their successor, continuing the business successfully, until manufacturing establishments had so far superseded the domestic manufacture that there was little work for "the clothier" of earlier days. About 1836 (?) he removed to the outskirts of Cleveland, O., where he took up farming, and later removed to Milwaukee, Wis., where he died, 1847. He was, while living near Cooperstown, on terms of intimacy with Fennimore Cooper the novelist, who complimented him for his skill and love of hunting, by making him the model for one of the characters in the "Leather Stocking novels." Jabez Hayden.

vi. CLARA was born on 6 Aug 1784. She married E. Owen. vii. ANSON was born on 11 Apr 1786 at Haydens, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.1398 He married Mary Lloyd on 14 Dec 1815. He died

on 20 May 1871 at age 85.1399 Anson, the fifth son of Levi, entered mercantile life, and for several years was a merchant in Hartford, of the firm of Sigourney & Hayden; from thence he removed to New York, 1823, and established an importing business under the firm name of Hayden & Timins. The writer remembers when "Uncle Anson" and his wife went to England, 1824, which was then a great event. He was one of the 7 (?) men in New York who organized the American Institute to promote American manufactures, although against his pecuniary interests as an importer, he was a strong advocate of a protective tariff. He removed to Cleveland, O., in 1830, and engaged in real estate business. He fancied that he belonged to then same genealogical line as the great German composer, and wrote his name Haydn. His living daughters still remain at the homestead he established in Cleveland. Jabez Hayden.

viii. WILLIAM was born on 14 Feb 1788. He died on 17 Apr 1790 at age 2. ix. ELLEN was born on 24 Jun 1790. She married Giles Ellsworth, son of Roger Ellsworth and Lucy Hayden, on 12 Oct 1808. She

died in 1852. x. WILLIAM was born on 14 May 1792 at Haydens, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Harriet Thomas in 1822. He died in 1836

at Alexander, Genesee Co., NY. William Hayden was also a clothier, and was engaged in that occupation at Alexander, Cenesee Co., NY, at the time of his death. During his minority he worked on his father's farm, and before my recollection Uncle William taught the winter school. Others have told me of their experience when William Hayden was their teacher, a field in which he won a fair reputation. The unfortunate event of his life (his friends thought), was the breaking of his engagement with a Windsor girl to marry another party at his western home. Jabez Hayden.

xi. ALBERT was born on 2 Apr 1794 at Haydens, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Dorcas A. Baker on 2 Jan 1826 at Bennington, Genesee Co., NY. He died on 7 Apr 1879 at Tec*mseh, Lenawee Co., MI, at age 85. Albert was the youngest of the family. He left home before my recollection, yet it seems to me I knew him in boyhood and early manhood, so many were the bright sayings and the winning ways told me of Uncle Albert by those who were older and 'knew him but to love him.' He came back to us several times later in life, and to his latest years retained his genial bearing, his love of the old scenes, and the warm atachment of his friends. Agreeable to his request a grave was provided for him among his kindred in the old cemetery at Windsor, Conn., though he died at his last residence in Michigan. A funeral service with masonic honors ended at his grave. When quite a young man he set forth with a stock of merchandise, and high hopes, to go into Kentucky and sell them, and at least make the beginning of a fortune, but disaster overtook him while going down the Ohio river, damaging his goods so that no after success could retrieve his fortunes. He then assisted his brother Strong a few years at Bennington, NY. Married and removed to St. Charles, Ill., where for several years he carried on successfully the business of a nurseryman. Here his wife died, and he again sought the companionship of his kindred, to whose interest he was ever ready to sacrifiec his own if need be, until in declining years he took up his home with his nephew William (son of Hezekiah), of Tec*mseh, Mich., with means enough to be independent, and as much interest in the family as if he had never known any other. The name of Uncle Albert is still a household word in the homes of all his relatives who had the good fortune to know him. No Children. Jabez Hayden.

There were no children of Levi5 Hayden and Mary (--?--). 479. JOSEPH5 HAYDEN (Joseph4, Anna3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 7 Dec 1742 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Mary Hayden, daughter of William Hayden and Mary Hannum, on 14 Nov 1766. He died on 4 May 1807 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 64. Children of Joseph5 Hayden and Mary Hayden were as follows:

1395Donald Barber, "Descendants of John Spencer," e-mail message from [emailprotected] (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, December 10, 2000. Hereinafter cited as "John Spencer". 1396Jabez Haskell Hayden, Hayden Family, Page 159, Item 162. 1397Ibid. 1398Ibid., Page 160, Item 164. 1399Ibid.

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i. ANSON6 was born on 14 Feb 1774 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Mary Ames in 1803. He died on 12 Jan 1852 at age 77. Anson was born in Harwinton, and probably spent his earlier married life there. He removed thence to Guilford, Chenango Co., NY, and doubtless died there, as his family removed thence the next year, 1853, to Northern Illinois. He was a farmer by occupation. A receipt for his portion of his sister Sarah's estate proves that he was in Guilford as early as 1830. Jabez Hayden.

ii. BENAJAH was born on 3 Sep 1776 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Senee Butler. He died on 27 Sep 1852 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 76. He was buried at Haden Cemetery, Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT. Benajah Hayden was a farmer; was born and died in Harwinton. Have not the date of his death. I had a letter from him as late as 1846. Thirteen years of his life he devoted to teaching (like a great many Haydens before and since). For many years continuoysly, 1818-1846, and perhaps later, he held the office of Justice of the Peace, and was the first (?) Judge of Probate of Harwinton District, and served five or more years. He took an active interest in the Hayden Genealogy, and I was mainly indebted to him for so much relating to the Harwinton Haydens, as appeared in Stiles' Genealogies, 1859. I think he was the inventor of a way to spell Hayden without thye y. He writes, 1841: "P.S.--You will perceive that I omit the character y in the word Haden, it being a preference I have for doing so." Jabez Hayden. He was also known as BENAJAH HADEN.

iii. WILLIAM was born on 16 Jan 1780. He married Statia Baldwin on 2 Apr 1806. He died on 8 Mar 1811 at age 31. William "was a stone cutter by trade." His widow was admnistrator of his estate and guardian of their daughter. Twelve years later Benajah Haden was appointed guardian. The mother was probably dead.

iv. SARAH was born on 24 May 1782. She died on 27 Aug 1829 at age 47. v. ADNA was born on 25 Apr 1787. She died on 7 Nov 1811 at age 24. 480. SAMUEL5 HAYDEN (Joseph4, Anna3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 6 Jan 1746. He married Lois Phelps on 15 Nov 1770. He married Lois Griswold circa 1788. He died in 1828. Children of Samuel5 Hayden and Lois Phelps were as follows: i. SAMUEL MONTGOMERY6 was born on 11 Nov 1776 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Asenath Sprague in 1802 at

Canfield, Mahoning Co., OH. He died in Oct 1851 at age 74. ii. ELISHA was born on 8 Oct 1778 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT. He died circa 1810 at Camden, Oneida Co., NY.

Elisha moved to Camden, in the interior of new York about 1886. His wife was pregnant when he died and she returned to her parents in Waterbury, CT, and gave birth to their son, Elisha.

iii. LOUIS JANNER was born on 2 Nov 1781. Children of Samuel5 Hayden and Lois Griswold were as follows: i. INFANT6 died on 24 Jun 1790. ii. INFANT died on 29 May 1792. iii. CANFIELD was born on 18 Apr 1793 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Candice Westland on 8 Apr 1814. He died on 12

Oct 1878 at age 85. iv. JULIA was born in 1795. She married Nathan Sanford. 481. MARY5 HAYDEN (William4, Anna3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born in 1745. She married Joseph Hayden, son of Joseph Hayden and Esther Grant, on 14 Nov 1766. She died on 13 Mar 1813. Children of Mary5 Hayden and Joseph Hayden were as follows: i. ANSON6 was born on 14 Feb 1774 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Mary Ames in 1803. He died on 12 Jan 1852 at

age 77. Anson was born in Harwinton, and probably spent his earlier married life there. He removed thence to Guilford, Chenango Co., NY, and doubtless died there, as his family removed thence the next year, 1853, to Northern Illinois. He was a farmer by occupation. A receipt for his portion of his sister Sarah's estate proves that he was in Guilford as early as 1830. Jabez Hayden.

ii. BENAJAH was born on 3 Sep 1776 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Senee Butler. He died on 27 Sep 1852 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 76. He was buried at Haden Cemetery, Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT. Benajah Hayden was a farmer; was born and died in Harwinton. Have not the date of his death. I had a letter from him as late as 1846. Thirteen years of his life he devoted to teaching (like a great many Haydens before and since). For many years continuoysly, 1818-1846, and perhaps later, he held the office of Justice of the Peace, and was the first (?) Judge of Probate of Harwinton District, and served five or more years. He took an active interest in the Hayden Genealogy, and I was mainly indebted to him for so much relating to the Harwinton Haydens, as appeared in Stiles' Genealogies, 1859. I think he was the inventor of a way to spell Hayden without thye y. He writes, 1841: "P.S.--You will perceive that I omit the character y in the word Haden, it being a preference I have for doing so." Jabez Hayden. He was also known as BENAJAH HADEN.

iii. WILLIAM was born on 16 Jan 1780. He married Statia Baldwin on 2 Apr 1806. He died on 8 Mar 1811 at age 31. William "was a stone cutter by trade." His widow was admnistrator of his estate and guardian of their daughter. Twelve years later Benajah Haden was appointed guardian. The mother was probably dead.

iv. SARAH was born on 24 May 1782. She died on 27 Aug 1829 at age 47. v. ADNA was born on 25 Apr 1787. She died on 7 Nov 1811 at age 24. 482. PHEBE5 LYMAN (Sarah4 Hayden, Anna3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born in 1756. She married Capt. David Ellsworth, son of David Ellsworth and Jemima Levett, on 22 Feb 1779. She died in 1831. Children of Phebe5 Lyman and Capt. David Ellsworth were as follows: i. JEMIMA6 was born in 1779. ii. DAVID was born in 1781. He died in 1781. iii. DAVID was born in 1782. He married Alma Gillespie in 1818. He married Huldah Pinney in 1832. iv. PHEBE was born in 1784.

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v. LYMAN was born in 1786. vi. MARY was born in 1789. vii. ERASTUS was born in 1790. He married Elizabeth Saunders Wolcott, daughter of Senator Samuel Wolcott and Jerusha Wolcott,

on 23 Nov 1820. He died in 1879. viii. LEAVITT was born in 1796. 483. BENAJAH5 KENT (Sarah4 Austin, Abigail3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 21 Jul 1746 at Suffield, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Hanchett on 22 Aug 1799 at Suffield, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 4 Jun 1821 at Suffield, Hartford Co., CT, at age 74. information on Benajah and his descendants is from Marla (webbeng at xmission.com). Children of Benajah5 Kent and Hannah Hanchett were: i. SAMUEL BENAJAH6 was born on 11 Nov 1806 at Suffield, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Jane Standley in 1827. He died on

6 Jan 1841 at Huntsville, Randolph Co., MO, at age 34. 484. MARY5 CASE (Mary4 Holcombe, Samuel3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 6 Mar 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Simeon Case, son of Sgt. Richard Case and Mercy Holcombe, at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died in Mar 1834. She was buried at Hollow Cemetery, Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. Children of Mary5 Case and Simeon Case were as follows: i. SIMEON6 was born on 3 Oct 1761 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Violet Burr. He married Thankful Allen on 3 Jun

1803 at First Congregational Church, Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died on 2 Jan 1819 at age 57. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Barkhmasted First Congregational Church records. Deanna Bowman and Elizabeth list Simeon's only wife as Phebe Burr; Duncan lists the second wife as Thankful Allen.

ii. TITUS was born on 11 Dec 1763 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Amy Reed, daughter of Titus Reed and Amy Case, on 12 Mar 1792 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died on 3 Apr 1816 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 52. He was buried at Hollow Cemetery, Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Barkhamsted Vital Records.

iii. OBED was born on 12 Aug 1765 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Rachel Emmons, daughter of Jonathan Emmons and Mary Brainard, in 1789 at East Hartland, CT. He died on 9 Jan 1849 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 83. He was buried at Hollow Cemetery, Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT.

iv. ELIPHALET was born on 26 Nov 1769 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Rachel Case, daughter of Noah Case Jr. and Mary Adams, on 24 Nov 1792 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Lydia Hurley on 3 Aug 1823 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died in Apr 1846 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 76. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Barkhamsted vital Records.

v. MARY was born in 1771 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She died in 1821. vi. ASHBEL was born on 3 May 1772 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Polly Frazier on 19 Jul 1801 at Barkhamsted,

Litchfield Co., CT. He died on 11 Jan 1816 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 43. He was buried at Hollow Cemetery, Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT.

vii. ALEXANDER was born on 20 Nov 1774 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Mindwell Case, daughter of Noah Case Jr. and Mary Adams. He died on 1 Jun 1824 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 49. He was buried at Hollow Cemetery, Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. Ruth Cost Duncan cites the Barkhamsted Vital Records.

viii. FRANCIS was born on 22 Mar 1777 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Jemima Case, daughter of Sgt. Richard Case and Jemima Moore. He died on 18 Nov 1845 at age 68.

ix. ROBERT was born on 17 Jun 1779 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Clarissa Case, daughter of Darius Case and Mary Giddings, on 28 Mar 1804. He died on 9 Nov 1861 at age 82.

x. PETER was born at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. xi. ELIZABETH was born at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1400 She married Reuben Russell, son of Jonathan Russell and

Abigail Wright. 485. RUTH5 CASE (Mary4 Holcombe, Samuel3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 26 Apr 1742 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Richard Case, son of Sgt. Richard Case and Mercy Holcombe, on 8 Jan 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1401,1402 She died on 28 Feb 1794 at age 51. Children of Ruth5 Case and Richard Case were as follows: i. RUTH6 was born in 1759 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT.1403 She married Moses Miller, son of Ichabod Miller and Sarah Holcombe.

She died in 1854. ii. RICHARD was born at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1404 He married Jemima Moore, daughter of Sanders Moore and

Damaris Tuller. He died on 7 Oct 1830 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1405

1400Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 31. 1401Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, Page 26, Item 52. 1402Bates, Simsbury, Page 174. 1403Ingham, "Ichabod Miller". 1404Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, Page 60, Item 134. 1405Ibid.

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iii. GEORGE was born on 4 Dec 1761 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lucy Hayes, daughter of Asahel Hayes and Anne Clauson. He died on 20 Mar 1850 at age 88.

iv. STERLING was born at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Isabel Wilcox. v. AMY was born at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Oliver Case, son of Josiah Case and Mary Hoskins, on 10 Nov 1791 at

Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. She died on 8 Mar 1846 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. vi. APPHIA was born at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died in 1796. vii. HULDAH was born at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died in 1794. viii. CHAUNCEY was born on 20 Nov 1775 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Cleopatra Hayes. ix. JAPHET was born in 1776 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Chloe Thrall, daughter of Ezekiel Trhall, on 16 Jul 1794 at

Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1809. x. GIDEON was born on 12 Feb 1780 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Temperence Miner. xi. CYRUS was born at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Coiuch. He married Lucy Giddings. xii. OLIVE was born on 27 Mar 1784 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Noah Case, son of Noah Case Jr. and

Mary Adams, on 31 Dec 1804 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 20 Jan 1864 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 79.

xiii. FREEMAN was born at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sybil Bliss, daughter of Gad Bliss, on 23 Dec 1809 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died on 2 Nov 1865.

486. ABEL5 CASE (Mary4 Holcombe, Samuel3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 13 Jan 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1406 He married Huldah Higley, daughter of Brewster Higley Jr. and Hester Holcombe, on 8 Jul 1777. He died on 29 Apr 1834 at Hartford Co., CT, at age 86.1407 Children of Abel5 Case and Huldah Higley all born at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. HULDAH6 was born on 19 Aug 1778.1408 She married Jabez Hamblin on 25 Dec 1799 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT.1409 She

died on 25 Feb 1867 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 88.1410 ii. ABEL was born on 12 Apr 1783. He married Rachel Humphrey, daughter of Charles Humphrey and Hannah Case. He died on 29

Sep 1831 at age 48. iii. DINAH. iv. TIRZA. v. CARMI was born on 20 Jul 1793.1411 He died on 8 Jul 1815 at age 21.1412 487. SILAS5 CASE (Mary4 Holcombe, Samuel3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 28 Dec 1749 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Jane Leete, daughter of Samuel Leete and Jane Kelly. He married Mary Case, daughter of Capt. John Case and Sarah Barber, in Sep 1780. He died on 20 Jun 1809 at age 59. He was buried 06, 1809 at Dyer Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Silas5 Case and Jane Leete were as follows: i. KELLY6 was born on 10 Apr 1777 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. ii. LEVI was born on 8 Aug 1787 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Keturah Bandell, daughter of John George Bandell and

Sarah Barber. He died on 21 Sep 1865 at age 78. iii. RUGGLES was born on 28 Sep 1789 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Cynthia Case, daughter of Capt. Uriah Case and

Eunice Dill. He died on 4 Aug 1881 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 91. He was buried at North Canton Cemetery, North Canton, Hartford Co., CT.

iv. JANE was born on 12 Jan 1792. She married Holcomb Case, son of Capt. Uriah Case and Eunice Dill, on 27 Nov 1811. She died on 20 Sep 1865 at age 73.

Children of Silas5 Case and Mary Case were as follows: i. MARY6 was born on 20 Jun 1781. She married Giles Case, son of Eli Case and Athilred Reed, on 10 Sep 1799 at Canton,

Hartford Co., CT. She died on 9 May 1850 at age 68. ii. IRA was born on 7 Dec 1782 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Humphrey, daughter of Charles Humphrey and

Hannah Case, on 18 Nov 1806 at First Congregational Chruch, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 17 Sep 1848 at age 65. Ruth Cost Ducan also cites Canton First Congregational Church records.

488. PLINY5 CASE (Mary4 Holcombe, Samuel3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 2 Nov 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1413 He married Rhoda Merrill, daughter of William Merrill and Sarah Kellogg.1414 He died on 25 Jan 1780 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 25.1415

1406Connecticut Society of Genealogists, "Barbour". 1407Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 1408Ibid. 1409Ibid. 1410Ibid. 1411Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, Page 32. 1412Ibid. 1413Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 36, item 66. 1414Ibid. 1415Ibid.

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Children of Pliny5 Case and Rhoda Merrill were: i. PLINY6 was born on 14 Apr 1779 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1416 He died on 14 Jan 1863 at New Hartford, Litchfield Co., CT,

at age 83.1417 489. RHODA5 CASE (Mary4 Holcombe, Samuel3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 20 Apr 1757. She married Hosea Case, son of Hosea Case and Mary Case. She died on 12 Jun 1786 at age 29. She was buried at Dyer Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Rhoda5 Case and Hosea Case were: i. RHODA6 was born on 14 Apr 1780 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1418 She married Hon. Loin Humphrey, son of Deacon

Theophilus Humphrey and Hepzibah Cornish, on 18 Oct 1798 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1419 She died on 22 Oct 1847 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 67.1420,1421

490. JAMES5 BARNETT (Rebecca4 Holcombe, Samuel3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 17 Jun 1751 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Martha Mills, daughter of Pelatiah Mills and Hannah Higley, on 31 Mar 1774 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 28 Feb 1821 at Bridgewater, Oneida Co., NY, at age 69. He was buried at Paris Cemetery, Paris, Oneida Co., NY. Children of James5 Barnett and Martha Mills were as follows: i. ?ATTA MILLS6 died on 31 Aug 1779. ii. GEORGE died on 26 Dec 1791. 491. TIRZAH5 CATLIN (Sophia4 Holcombe, Samuel3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born in 1757. She married James Lankton in 1783. She died in 1798. Tirzah was James Lankton's second wife. Children of Tirzah5 Catlin and James Lankton were as follows: i. JAMES6 was born in 1778. He married Maria Cox, daughter of William Cox and Mary Hoff. He died in 1835. ii. ABIGAIL was born in 1784. She married Major Graves in 1806. She died in 1832. iii. SOPHIA was born in 1786. She married Sylvanus Butler in 1806. She died in 1874. iv. RACHEL was born in 1792. She married Selah Castle in 1813. She died in 1848. 492. ELI5 PHELPS (Mariah4 Holcombe, Samuel3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born in 1743. He married Ruth Case, daughter of Noah Case and Miriam Holcombe. He married Miriam Case, daughter of Noah Case Jr. and Mary Adams. He died on 28 Jan 1829 at Poquenock, CT. Ruth Cost Duncan does not mention Eli's other marriage to Miriam. There were no children of Eli5 Phelps and Ruth Case. Children of Eli5 Phelps and Miriam Case all born at Poquenock, CT, were as follows: i. RUTH6. ii. ELI was born on 1 Sep 1807. He married Abigail Humphrey, daughter of James Humphrey and Roxelana North, on 27 May 1846

at Winsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died on 1 Sep 1879 at Poquonock, Hartford Co., CT, at age 72. iii. MARY was born in 1809. iv. MIRIAM was born on 18 Dec 1812. She married Elihu Holcombe, son of Moses Holcombe and Hannah Wells, on 20 Mar 1832.

She died on 6 Oct 1852 at age 39. v. MINDWELL was born in 1814. She married Manly Snow. vi. SARAH was born on 9 Apr 1817. 493. MARTIN5 HOLCOMBE (Martin4, Joseph3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 27 May 1753.1422 He married Bethesda (--?--). He married Hannah Alford, daughter of Jonathan Alvord and Charity Thrall. Children of Martin5 Holcombe and Bethesda (--?--) were: i. BETHESDA6 was born in 1778. She married Jonathan Holliday in 1800. She died in 1859. Children of Martin5 Holcombe and Hannah Alford were as follows: i. ELIZABETH6 married Chauncey Pease. ii. MARIA married David Mantzle. iii. SAMUEL married Julia Griffin on 23 Nov 1825. iv. HELENA married Ethan Merrill. v. ALTISSAMENA married Humphrey Phelps. She married Samuel Winchell. vi. ALCEDORA married John Hickson. vii. MARTIN was born on 27 Apr 1785. He married Hannah Rogers. He died on 19 Nov 1833 at age 48.

1416Ibid., Page 76, item 171. 1417Ibid. 1418Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys, Pages 443. 1419Ibid. 1420Ibid. 1421Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 80. 1422McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 98.1.

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viii. HANNAH was born in 1795. She married Bridgeman Griswold, son of Friend Griswold and Dorothy Weller, on 5 Jun 1811 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1423 She died on 4 Aug 1829 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.1424

ix. CHERRISSA was born on 22 Oct 1800 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ira Soper on 5 Jul 1830. She died on 7 Jan 1875 at age 74. Ira and Clarissa were enumerated in the 1860 Windsor, Hartford Co., CT federal census, page 6. Ira was a farmer, age 59, Clarissa was 59. Daughter Sarah Holcombe was in the household with her husband and two children.

494. CHRISTINA5 HOLCOMBE (Martin4, Joseph3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 17 Feb 1755. She married Isaac Griswold, son of Isaac Griswold and Mindwell Phelps. She died on 6 Dec 1831 at age 76. Children of Christina5 Holcombe and Isaac Griswold were as follows: i. CLARISSA6 was born on 3 Apr 1775. ii. NARCISSA was born on 28 Oct 1777. She married Cyrus Phelps. iii. ISAAC was born on 27 Oct 1779 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.

The history of pioneer development in Franklin county (Ohio) records the achievements of Isaac Griswodl, who became one of the earliest settlers of this part of the state and aided in transforming it from a wild and uninhabited region to a district of rich fertility. His labaors wre continued here for more than fifty years, covering the first half of the nineteenth century and he was therefore among those who laid broad and deep the foundation for the present development and progress of this part of the state. A native of Connecticut, he was baorn in Windsor, October 27, 1779, and there spent his early youth on a farm with his parents, Isaac and Christina (Holcomb) Griswold. he was of the third generation who had resided in Connecticut, the family having been founded there at an early period in the colonization of the new world.

iv. CHRISTINA was born on 23 May 1784. v. CYRUS was born on 15 Feb 1786. vi. SALINA was born on 2 Jan 1787. vii. MINDWELL was born on 1 Mar 1788. viii. EMILY was born on 28 Apr 1790. She died on 8 Dec 1827 at age 37. ix. FREDUS was born on 14 Feb 1792. He died on 15 Nov 1813 at age 21.

Fredus was a Sgt., 25th US Infantry. x. EUNICE was born in 1795. She died on 5 Nov 1795. xi. JARED was born on 3 Mar 1798. He died on 11 Mar 1869 at age 71. 495. JOSEPH5 HOLCOMBE III (Martin4, Joseph3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 20 Jan 1759. He married Olive Marshall, daughter of Deacon David Marshall and Naomi Griswold, on 15 Jan 1778. The Josephs here are confused. Joseph (McPherson A-6-7-5-4) is confused with his cousin Joseph (Bowman 6763). McPherson doesn't list a 6th child of Joseph and Mary Winchell (A-6-7-6?). Children of Joseph5 Holcombe III and Olive Marshall all born at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. JOSEPH6. ii. DAVID married Priscilla Downey. He died on 14 Dec 1866.

David is recorded in the 1850 census of Windsor, Hartford Co., CT , as a farmer, living in the home of Eli Phelps. McPherson does not mention any family, but Bowman lists wife Priscilla.

iii. DRYDEN married Rosanna Adams, daughter of Richard Adams Jr. and Miriam Case. He died on 1 Jul 1861. He was buried at Poquenock, CT. Dryden was a Sgt. in the War of 1812 in a Co. of 3rd Regt. CT aRtillery, commanded by Capt. J. H. Boyles and Col. Macomb, having enlisted at Hartford, CT, May 27, 1812, and served 18 months, for which service he later received US bounty Land grant of 160 acres. He is recorded in the 1850 census of Windsor, CT as a joiner. McPherson cross references to A-8-1-6-5-1-4, a Dryden who moved from Granby to Cortland, Trumbull Co., OH about 1848. McPherson has this Dryden marrying Maria Griswold, where Bowman shows Dryden, son of Joseph marrying both of them.

496. RODERICK5 HOLCOMBE (Martin4, Joseph3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 21 Oct 1764.1425 He married Rebecca Winthrop, daughter of Fredrick Winthrop, on 23 Aug 1788.1426 He died on 26 Jun 1852 at age 87. Note that Seaver skips to page 227 and gives a long narrative on Roderick and his many children. In 1826 or 27 Roderick and Rebecca went to Holcombe Point on Canandaigua Lake, NY, to visit their son, Frederick Winthrop, who had previously moved to that section; they took with them their younger children Hiland, Medusa, Buell, Julia and Emily. They remained and build a home on the North side of Holcombe Point. DAR record 26783.

1423Griswold Griswold 6 & 7, Page 295. 1424Ibid. 1425McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 98.1. 1426Ibid., Page 99.1.

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Roderick and Rebecca were enumerated in the 1850 South Bristol, Ontario Co., NY federal census. He was 85, she was 79. Children of Roderick5 Holcombe and Rebecca Winthrop were as follows: i. FREDRICK WINTHROP6 was born in 1789 at Poquonock, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.1427 He married Keziah Wood.

Was sent by Fredrick Winthrop, his maternal grandfather, of Connecticut, to explore a tract of 300 acres which he had bought on the West shore of Canandaigua Lake, including both Holcombe Point and Seneca Point (Holcombe Point is now known as Cooks Point). He remained in that vicinity and married and built a home on the North side of Holcombe Point. He taught the first school in South Bristol. Fredrick and Keziah were enumerated in the 1850 South Bristol, Ontario Co., NY, federal census. He was a farmer age 60, she was 56. Children in the household were Mary 20, Alfred 18, Eliza 4, and Simon 2. Fredrick and Keziah were enumerated in the 1860 South Bristol, Ontario Co., NY, federal census. He was a farmer age 70, she was 66. A child Ann Eliza age 14, born in NY was enumerated with them; this could be Frederick Cicero's child. "Winthrop", age 80, was enumerated in the 1870 South Bristol, Ontario Co., NY, federal census in the household of Jos. S. Penoyer and his wife Ann. Ann was 57. Also enumerated in the household was Harriet Holcomb 21.

ii. CLARISSA married Elijah Southworth Watrous, son of Elijah Waterhous and Anna Southworth. Clarissa remained in Connecticut when her brothers and sisters removed to Holcomb Point, Ontario Co., NY.

iii. ELECTA married Ishmael (--?--). iv. PYRAMUS was born on 5 Feb 1795 at Poquonock, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lucy Watkins. He married Lydia

Higgins. He died in 1870. "Pyra" was among 60 men volunteering at Ft. Trumbull, Feb 13, 1813 to go to the defense of New London, CT, in the War of 1812. He moved to Bristol, Ontario Co., NY. Pyramus may be the "Perry" Holcombe enumerated in South Bristol, Ontario Co., NY, federal census, living next door to brother Hiland and wife Charity. He is 60 something, born in CT. Also listed in the household is 29 year old Lydia.

v. AMANDA was born at Poquonock, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married Charles (--?--). She witnessed the marriage of Sanford Brown and Adeline Patience Holcombe on 18 Nov 1840 at South Bristol, Ontario Co., NY.1428

vi. RODERICK J. was born in 1804. He married Hester Grimes at Athens Twp., Calhoun Co., MI. He died in Mar 1885 at Athens, Calhoun Co., MI. Roderick is recorded in the 1860 census of Athens, Calhoun Co., MI.

vii. HILAND was born circa 1805 at CT.1429 He married Charity (--?--). Hiland and Charity were enumerated in the 1850 South Bristol, Ontario Co., NY, federal census. He was a farmer age 44, she was 37. Children in the household were Harriet 17, Polly 16, Winthrop 13, Roderic 9, Miranda 7, James 4, and Clark M. 1. Parents Roderick and Rebecca were enumerated next door. Hiland and Charity were enumerated in the 1860 South Bristol, Ontario Co., NY, federal census. He was a farmer age 53, she was 48. Children in the household were Roderick 21, Miranda 15, James 14, Clark 10, Jane 6, and Ida A. 3. Listed last was Winthrop, 22, a carpenter. Could the 60 something "Perry" Holcombe living next door be brother "Pyramus" Holcombe? Hyland was enumerated in the 1870 South Bristol, Ontario Co., NY, federal census. He was 63. Children in the household were Miranda 27, Lillie 18, Ida 14, and Clark 21. Hiland was enumerated in the 1880 South Bristol, Ontario Co., NY, federal census in the household of his son Clark.

viii. JOSEPH married Julia Blanchard. He died between 1840 and 1846. ix. ABRAHAM married Ann (--?--).

1427Ibid. 1428Dean W. Brown, "Descendants of Frederick Winthrop Holcombe," e-mail message from [emailprotected] (5627 Whitecliff Drive, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, 90275) to James H. Holcombe, 6 Jul 2002. Hereinafter cited as "Frederick Winthrop Holcombe". 14291850 Federal Census.

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x. MEDUSA married William (--?--). xi. BUELL was born at Poquonock, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT.

Died unmarried. xii. EMILY CATHERINE was born at Poquonock, Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She married William Marks.

Emily visited her nephew, Theodore Isaac Holcomb in New York City and there met Dr. William Frederick Holcombe and through his dillignece preserved much of her extensive knowledge of her Holcomb ancestry and their descent.

xiii. JULIA married Simeon (--?--). 497. JABEZ5 HOLCOMBE (Martin4, Joseph3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 16 May 1766. He married Anne Hosmer on 27 Nov 1805 at Wintonbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1843. Seaver lists 9 children of Lieutenant Martin, McCracken stops at 7. Bowman lists Sophia Godard here and also with Jabez (Elihah, Capt. Nathaniel). In an e-mail she thinks that Sophia belongs to her #81175 and Ann Hosmer belongs with her #6758. McPherson lists Jabez, son of Elijah on page 115, her A-8-1-1-9-4; who married Sophia Goddard; on page 100, her A-6-7-5-8, she lists Jabez, son of Martin who married Annie Hosmer. Stiles has a note from William Frederick Holcombe "Jabez (son of Martin) of Poquonnoc, married Anne Hosmer of Hartland, Conn., 27 Nov., 1805. Hiram (son of Jabez who was son of Martin), married Maria Latham, 27 March, 1827; went to Illinois. Children of Jabez5 Holcombe and Anne Hosmer were as follows: i. WILLIAM6 married Julia A. Jones. He died before 7 Sep 1842. ii. HIRAM married Maria Latham on 27 Mar 1827.

Bowman questions this child. iii. DAVID. iv. MARY married Henry Moshier on 4 Sep 1834. 498. HERMAZ5 HOLCOMBE (Martin4, Joseph3, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 4 Feb 1768. He married Lucy Alford, daughter of Joseph Alvord and Lucy Griswold.1430 Children are listed in Weir. Children of Hermaz5 Holcombe and Lucy Alford were as follows: i. HERMAZ6 was born in 1804. He married Emily Latham, daughter of Joshua Latham, on 9 Mar 1828. He died in 1887.

Hermas and Emily were enumerated in the 1860 Windsor, Hartford Co., CT federal census, page 10. Hermas was a farmer age 55; Emily was 52. Children in the household were Joseph, a cigar maker, age 21, Theron N. age 19, William W. age 13, and Ellen M. age 11.

ii. MARY married Henry Mosher in 1834. iii. WILLIAM married Lydia Olmstead.

Bowman questions the wife. iv. SALINA was born in 1813. She married Charles Fox. She died in 1889. v. ALMERON was born circa 1823 at NY.1431 He married Alice (--?--).

Almeron and Annis were enumerated in the 1850 Victory, Cayuga Co., NY, federal census. He was a farmer age 26, she was 21. Son Wallace was 11 months. Living next door was Allen Holcombe, his 4th cousin, once removed.

499. DELIGHT5 GRISWOLD (Samuel4, Deborah3 Holcombe, Benajah2, Thomas1) was born on 10 Jun 1751 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Elisha Case, son of Lt. Dudley Case and Dorcas Humphrey. She died on 28 Apr 1842 at age 90. She was buried at Canton Street Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Delight5 Griswold and Elisha Case were: i. ELISHA6 was born on 12 Aug 1781 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abiah Barber, daughter of John Barber and Elizabeth

Case, on 7 Sep 1803 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 3 Jul 1824 at New Hartford, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 42. Don Barber gives a marrige date of September 7, 1803; Ruth Duncan gives a date of September 9, 1804.

500. MEHITABLE5 HOLCOMBE (David4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1722.1432 She married Ebenezer Kendall, son of (--?--) Kendall, in 1740. She married John Kendall, son of (--?--) Kendall, in 1751. She was buried on 8 Apr 1817 at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1433 Children of Mehitable5 Holcombe and Ebenezer Kendall were as follows:

1430Stiles History of Ancient Windsor II, Page 36. 14311850 Federal Census, unknown repository address, On-line. 1432McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 119.2. 1433Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 122.

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i. EBENEZER6 was born on 29 Jul 1743. ii. NOADIAH was born on 18 Feb 1745.1434 He married Ruth Gillet, daughter of Joseph Gillett and Elizabeth Hayes, circa 1772 at

Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 16 Feb 1822 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 76.1435 He was buried at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1436

iii. JOSHUA was born on 13 Jan 1746. iv. MARY was born on 18 Jan 1748. She married Lt. Benjamin Holcombe, son of Deacon Azariah Holcombe and Hannah Loomis. Children of Mehitable5 Holcombe and John Kendall were as follows: i. DAVID6. ii. MEHITABLE. 501. DAVID5 HOLCOMBE II (David4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 28 Aug 1724.1437,1438 He married Elizabeth Griffin, daughter of Nathaniel Griffin II and Elizabeth Griffin, circa 1749. He died on 28 Sep 1803 at Bilious Fever at age 79.1439 Children of David5 Holcombe II and Elizabeth Griffin all born at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. DAVID6 was born on 12 Aug 1750. He died on 24 Mar 1810 at Consumption; Revolutionary War at age 59. ii. ELIZABETH was born on 5 Oct 1753. She married Abraham Barnes. iii. THEODOCIA was born on 29 Jul 1756. She married Purchase Copers. iv. LUCRETIA was born on 31 Aug 1759. She married Azariah Halladay. v. JOEL was born on 5 Feb 1761. He married Sarah Warner in 1794 at CT. He died on 1 Jun 1847 at Leroy, Lake Co., OH, at age

86. He was buried at Paine Hollow Cemetery, Leroy, Lake Co., OH. After marrying, Joel moved into Mass., remaining there a short time; then to Onondaga, NY, where their five children grew up. In 1830, he and Elisha Patch, with their families, made the journey to Ohio, driving an ox team, the wagon containing their goods and the young girls and Marcus walking nearly all the way. Securing a heavily-timbered farm in Leroy, Lake Co., they went to work to make a home. All the privations of the early settler were theirs. At the age of 18 yrs. enlisted for 8 months in the Revolutionary War. He served in the regular Conn. Line, under Col. Samuel Sylly from April 26 to Dec 31, 1778.

vi. PLINY was born in 1764. He married Rachel Eno in 1788. He died at Louisville, KY. Dr. Custine, whose relationship has not been learned, except that he was uncle of Pliny's orphans, brought Pliny's widow and four minor orphans to Carlisle, Cumberland Co., Pa.

vii. DEBORAH was born on 14 Feb 1767. She married Ninian Griffin in 1788. Moved with brother, Pliny Holcombe and family to Louisville, KY.

viii. MICAH was born on 14 May 1768. He married Julia Smith. He died on 7 May 1813 at Shoreham, VT, at age 44. The information on Micah's descendants is from Sally J. Holcombe, 1036 Scots Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94596-5431. Much of her information came from Julia Holcombe, an unmarried great-great aunt of Sally's husband. As each of her nieces and nephews married, they were presented with a family history -- handwritten by "Aunt Julia." Its title was Genealogy of the Holcomb, Lyon and Carey families, with notes, and extracts from letters. The copy the Sally used was briefly loaned to her by her husbands second cousin, Bonnie Holcombe Laughlin (also now deceased). There is a marriage listed in the Church Records of Turkey Hills, page 39, of Micah Holcombe and --- Hayes, both of Salmon Brook, October 13, 1784.

ix. LEVI was born on 29 Jul 1769.1440 He married Charity Warner on 16 Oct 1798. He married Mary Hayes, daughter of Daniel Hayes III and Mary Holcombe, on 22 Jul 1804. He died on 26 Dec 1823 at Consumption at age 54.1441

x. CEPHAS J. was born on 4 Nov 1773.1442 He married Hannah Holcombe, daughter of Ahas Holcombe and Hannah Stevens, on 11 Mar 1797. He died on 29 Jun 1822 at age 48.1443

502. DEBORAH5 HOLCOMBE (David4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 28 Sep 1726 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1444 She married Ensign Joseph Phelps, son of Joseph Phelps and Rebecca North, on 15 Oct 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1445 She died in 1772 at Turkey Hills, Hartford Co., CT.

1434Ibid. 1435Ibid. 1436Ibid. 1437Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 140. 1438McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 119.2. 1439Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 140. 1440Ibid., Page 141. 1441Ibid. 1442Ibid., Page 140. 1443Ibid.

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Children of Deborah5 Holcombe and Ensign Joseph Phelps all born at Turkey Hills, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. JOSEPH6 was born on 11 Jun 1741. He married Mary Clark. ii. HARVEY was born in 1743. iii. ROSWELL was born on 22 Mar 1744. He died on 18 May 1752 at Turkey Hills, Hartford Co., CT, at age 8. iv. ROGER was born on 22 Feb 1746. v. DEBORAH was born on 30 Apr 1750. She died on 16 May 1750 at Turkey Hills, Hartford Co., CT. vi. JABEZ was born in 1751. He died on 28 May 1752 at Turkey Hills, Hartford Co., CT. 503. MARTHA5 HOLCOMBE (David4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1727 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1446 She married Asahel Hayes, son of Samuel Hayes and Elizabeth Willco*ckson, in 1749. She died on 7 Apr 1797 at Smallpox.1447 Children of Martha5 Holcombe and Asahel Hayes were as follows: i. ASAHEL6 was born on 4 Jan 1750. He married Anne Clauson on 27 Dec 1770 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. ii. MICHAEL was born on 24 Nov 1751. iii. MARTHA was born on 27 Nov 1753. iv. OLIVER was born on 4 Mar 1756. v. APPHIA was born on 24 Sep 1757. vi. ASENATH was born on 7 Feb 1760. vii. BENAJAH was born on 12 Oct 1761. viii. LEURY was born on 7 Jan 1765. ix. ANNE was born on 2 Feb 1772. 504. REUBEN5 HOLCOMBE (David4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born either 1725 or 1730 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Susanna Hayes, daughter of Samuel Hayes and Elizabeth Willco*ckson, in 1751. He died on 24 May 1797.1448 Children of Reuben5 Holcombe and Susanna Hayes were as follows:

Reuben Holcombe (1751-1824)

Courtesy of Dee Doiron i. REUBEN6 was born on 10 Jan 1751 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1449 He married Jane Strong, daughter of Rev. Joseph Strong

and Jane Gelston, in 1779. He married Abigail Adams on 4 Jun 1823.1450 He died on 18 Oct 1824 at Sterling, MA, at age 73. He witnessed the adoption of Delia Jane Dwight. He was graduated in 1774 at Yale, New Haven, CT. He witnessed the adoption of Deacon Augustine Holcombe. from Biographies of Notable Americans, 1904 He was graduated at Yale, A.B., 1774; A.M., 1778, and studied divinity under the Rev. Dr. Joseph Strong, of Simsbury, Conn., whose daughter Jane he married. He was ordained, June 15, 1779, and was pastor of the First Congregational church in the West Parish of Lancaster (now Sterling) Mass., 1779-1814. With the Rev. Dr. Aaron Bancroft and six others, he founded the "Worcester Association," which compiled the Worcester catechism. He owned the best farm in Worcester county, raised hemp, cultivated the silk-worm, and his wife wove silk from the cocoons. He received from the Massachusetts Society for the Promotion of Agriculture a silver tankard valued at £13 sterling, for an essay on "the Best Method of Raising Wheat" (1790). He opposed war with Great Britain in 1812, and published two sermons on the subject. He educated over a score of young men for the ministry, prepared many for college, and advocated the higher education of women. He adopted Capt. Augustine Holcombe, son of his brother Nahum, and working together they were pioneers in improved methods of agriculture and horticulture in Massachusetts.

1444McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 119.2. 1445Bates, Simsbury, Page 117. 1446McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 119.2. 1447Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 140. 1448Ibid., Page 141. 1449Bates, Simsbury, Page 53. 1450Benjamin Woodbridge Dwight Elder John Strong, Vol. I, page 356.

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McPherson, page 123.1 gives his birth date as 11 Feb 1752.

ii. SUSANNAH was born on 17 Aug 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1451 She died young. iii. SETH was born on 31 Dec 1756 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1452 He married Polly Gillett, daughter of Frederick Gillett, in 1775.

He died on 28 Jul 1810 at Canandaigua, Ontario Co., NY, at age 53.1453 McPherson indicates he was born in Granby, but the birth was recorded in the Simsbury Records. 1454 There are conflicts with Seth's birth date. The Simsbury vital records lists 31 December 1756; the Annis Holcombe Tracy album lists 3 January 1755; the Woolhouse/Hunn Cemetery in town of Canandaigua, Ontario County, NY, lists 3 January 1755, but says he was born in Granby, MA. Seth enlisted as a private, June 5, 1775 in Capt M. Henry's Co., Col. D. Brewer's Regt; served as private in Capt. Samuel Hayes' Co., Col. Johathan Pettibone's 18th NY Gegt. of militia, arriving NY Aug 26. discharged there Sept 25, 1776; became early settler and Indian trader Canandiagua, where he is recorded with his family in the 1790 census.

iv. PHINEHAS was born on 17 Mar 1759 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1455,1456 He married Elizabeth Gibbs Moore, daughter of Jonah Moore and Mary Ridout, on 26 Apr 1781 at Congregational Church, Turkey Hi.1457 He married Jerusha Kellog on 12 Dec 1826 at Town Hill Congregational Church, New Hartford, Litchfield Co., CT.1458 He died on 7 Feb 1833 at West Hill, New Hartford, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 73. He was also known as PHINEAS HOLCOMBE. He left a will on 18 Apr 1829 at New Hartford, Litchfield Co., CT. *McPherson gives a different birth date, 15 April 1759.**Phinehas was placed on the pension roll, 1832, for service as private in Capt. Matthew Smith's company, Connecticut militia, General Waterbury's brigade.** from Seth P. Holcombe**"The New Hartford Branch of the Holcombe family commenced when Phinehas Holcomb moved from his home, which was adjacent to his father's in West Granby, going to the top of West Hill in New Hartford.**"We can find Phinehas there by virtue of the deed filed on the New Hartford Land Records in Volume 7 at page 86, dated December 22, 1797, which transfers from Simeon Merrill to Phinehas Holcomb the property. . . . . The consideration was $1,833.33.**"It is interesting to note that though this piece is the first land possession in New Hartford by Phinehas, he caused himself to be described then as "of New Hartford." Perhaps he boarded with someone in the town or even was a tenant on the premises before he made the purchase.**"The location of the property is at the top of West Hill, where "Overledge" now stands. Let it be noted here that the name "Overledge" was first used by Mr. and Mrs. John M. Holcombe after they acquired the premises from Cousin Worthington Eugene Holcomb. Then in 1913 John M. Holcombe built "Overledge" upon the foundation of the dwelling purchased by Phinehas n 1797.**"No matter from what direction, to get to Phinehas's house, a steep hill presents itself. In those days with transportation only by horse or oxen, one wonders why he chose a home at the top of the hill. I asked Cousin Howell D. Holcomb, 'Why located at the top of the hill instead of farming in the rich river valley of the Farmington River which contained less stones with which to contend?' He replied that the late spring and early fall frosts will only touch the valleys; moreover the stones hold the heat making the soil warm for promoting growth of the crops so necessary for both humans and animals. Mark C. Williams of West Granby, who lives near the original Holcomb property, confirms this thought, as his own orchard blossoms have been frost-bitten when most other places have escaped.**"Let us look at Phinehas in 1797, when he acquired these beautiful New Hartford premises. He was 38 years old; he had been married for 16 years; he and his wife shared parenthood of six children; three more would arrive. He had been living in West Granby where his father, Reuben, had given him 35 acres; in addition, on his own he had acquired 20 acres from Lemuel Kilborn.**"To locate today the exact premises (now in West Granby) on which Phinehas and his father, Reuben, lived presents more of a problem than just reading the boundaries in Volume 13, page 257 of the Simsbury Land Records."**Seth had some title studies done for him by Mark C. Williams who wrote in "Reuben Holcomb's Lands, March 9, 1987:**"This lot, although altered in shape somewhat over the years, is essentially the core of Broad Hill Farm, which remained in the hands of the same family until Reuben’s great-great-grandson Tudor Holcomb gave the farm to the University of Connecticut a few years ago. In fact, many of the old stone fences that marked the old lots laid out perpendicular to the town's western border (at WNW angle) are still in place and aided in this research."***Seth included the complete text of Phinehas' will, noting that the will and signature were in the same handwriting. In the will Phinehas mentions "son Harmon", "son Phinehas", and "son Schuyler", noting that Phinehas and Schuyler were then deceased. **Seth also cites Connecticut Men in the Revolution, Simsbury Vital Records, and the New Hartford Town Records.*****.

1451Bates, Simsbury, Page 53. 1452Ibid. 1453Letter from Carol Laun (Granby, CT) to James Holcombe, December 2002; unknown repository (unknown repository address). 1454Bates, Simsbury. 1455Seth P. Holcombe, The Descendants of Phineas Holcomb (1759-1833) of New Hartford, Connecticut Page 1/Item 1. 1456Bates, Simsbury, Page 53. 1457Holcombe. Seth P., Phineas Holcomb, Page 1/Item 1. 1458unknown subject, unknown repository, unknown repository address.

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v. INCREASE was born on 31 Jan 1761 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1459 He married Mary Reed, daughter of Martin Reed and Mary Moore, on 2 Jun 1789.1460 He died on 4 Dec 1836 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 75.1461 He was buried at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1462 Increase served as a private in the American Revolution for which a US pension for him is recorded in Hartford Co., CT. He is listed as the Patriot for DAR member 7043. Carol Laun has him born 10 Jan 1761, but acknowledges using Seaver instead of SVR.

vi. NAHUM was born on 7 May 1763 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1463,1464 He married Rebecca Moore, daughter of Shadrack Moore and Miriam Stevens, on 26 Nov 1789.1465 He married Orroce Shaw, daughter of John Shaw. He died on 12 Apr 1851 at age 87.1466,1467 He was buried at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1468 Simsbury records indicate the birth date of 'Naaman' as May 5, 1763. At the foot of the hill on which Reuben had build his house, the house where Increae now lived, Nahum, who had recently married Rebecca Moore, built the Holcomb Farm homestead that still stands at the intersection of Simsbury Road and Day Street South. Nahum served as a private in the Connecticut Continental Line in the American Revolution, being shown in records of Hartford Co., Conn. in 1832 as Revolutionary pensioner and in 1833 as "private, 70 years old, receiving $36.66 per year". Granby Vital Records list his death as 11 Mar 1851.

vii. ROSWELL was born on 26 Oct 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1469

viii. SYLVANUS was born on 9 Jul 1768 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1470 He died at Canandaigua, Ontario Co., NY. ix. ORATOR H. was born on 5 Aug 1770 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1471 He married Hannah Terry. He died on 14 Jan 1843 at

Sycamore, DeKalb Co., IL, at age 72. He was buried at Elmwood Cemetery, Sycamore, DeKalb Co., IL. They removed from Danbury, CT., to Erie and then to Canandaigua, Ontario Co., NY; they then moved again to Attica, Wyoming Co., NY, where he bought a tract of land included in the immense acreage sold by Robert Morris to the Amsterdam Co., known as the "Holland Purchase"; came West, to Sycamore, Ill., with his family about 1839. Orator died in 1843 and is interred in Elmwood Cemetery as his second burial place. Hannah Terry Holcombe returned to New York State. William Frey mentions additional sources: Obituary: Oldest in Sycamore-Death of Sylvanus Holcombe, aged ninety-three years, 1896 The True Republican Sycamore, Illinois, 22 January Henry L. Boise, History of DeKalb Couinty, Illinois (Chicago; O.P. Bassett, Printer, 1868) Pages 476-478. Glance Back 70 years ago-Great contrast in Conditions then and now, 1913, Sycamore True Republican, 2 August Obituary: Grief comes on Holidays-Death of four Good Citizens of Sycamore-Orator F. Holcomb is suddenly taken, 1911 Sycamore True Republican 4 January Obituary: Death Claims S. A. Holcomb-Civic leader is called Wednesday-Friend to mankind, 1940, Sycamore True Republican, 5 April

1459Bates, Simsbury, Page 54. 1460Hon. Horace L. Moore, Andrew Moore, Page 75. 1461Ibid. 1462Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 114. 1463Bates, Simsbury, Page 54. 1464Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 115. 1465Hon. Horace L. Moore, Andrew Moore, Page 40. 1466Letter, Carol Laun to James Holcombe, December 2002. 1467Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 115. 1468Ibid. 1469Bates, Simsbury, Page 54. 1470Ibid. 1471Ibid.

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Obituary: Arthur Holcomb Rites Thursday, 1956. Sycamore True Republican 29 June.

505. LYDIA5 HOLCOMBE (David4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1730 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1472 She married Solomon Higley, son of Nathaniel Higley and Abigail Filer, in Oct 1749 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1473 She died on 27 Feb 1822 at Mount Lebanon, Rensselaer Co., NY.1474,1475 Children of Lydia5 Holcombe and Solomon Higley were as follows: i. SARAH6 was born on 8 Sep 1750 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1476 She died circa 1820.1477

ii. NATHANIEL was born on 2 Oct 1752 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1478 He died on 29 Nov 1820 at Sand Lake, Rensselaer Co., NY, at age 68.1479 Nathaniel resided at Cayuga Co., NY.1480

iii. SETH was born on 27 Sep 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1481 He died on 28 Aug 1830 at Mentz, Cayuga Co., NY, at age 75.1482

iv. ROSWELL was born on 19 Dec 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1483 He died on 10 Nov 1834 at Windsor, Broome Co., NY, at age 77.1484

v. DAN was born in Sep 1758 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1485 He died on 20 Jun 1848 at Mount Lebanon, Rensselaer Co., NY, at age 89.1486 He was buried at Shaker Cemetery #3, Mount Lebanon, Rensselaer Co., NY.

vi. SEBA was born on 20 Oct 1762 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1487 He died on 14 Apr 1849 at Chestertown, Warren Co., NY, at age 86.1488

vii. THEOPOLIS was born on 1 Sep 1765 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1489 He died on 2 Feb 1838 at Mount Lebanon, Rensselaer Co., NY, at age 72.1490 He was buried at Shaker Cemetery #3, Mount Lebanon, Rensselaer Co., NY.1491

viii. DAVID was born in 1769 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1492 He died circa 1784 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1493

ix. DUDLEY was born on 17 May 1770 at Mousataoning, Berkshire Co., MA.1494 He died on 23 Oct 1863 at Port Kent, Essex Co., NY, at age 93.1495

1472Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 1473McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 136.1. 1474Ibid. 1475Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 1476Ibid. 1477Ibid. 1478Ibid. 1479Ibid. 1480Leroy E. Higley, John Higley. 1481Ibid., CD Supplement #1. 1482Ibid. 1483Ibid. 1484Ibid. 1485Ibid. 1486Ibid. 1487Ibid. 1488Ibid. 1489Ibid. 1490Ibid. 1491Ibid. 1492Ibid. 1493Ibid. 1494Ibid.

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x. LYDIA was born in 1773 at Housatonic, Berkshire Co., MA.1496 She died on 27 Mar 1825 at Mount Lebanon, Rensselaer Co., NY.1497

506. SIMEON5 HOLCOMBE (David4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born circa 1734.1498,1499 He married Hulda Holcombe, daughter of Nathaniel Holcombe IV and Margaret Cossett, on 8 May 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1500 He died on 12 Sep 1815 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1501 He was buried at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1502 Children of Simeon5 Holcombe and Hulda Holcombe were as follows: i. OLIVE6 married Henry Wattles II on 28 Apr 1791.1503 ii. MATILDA. iii. ORPHA was born in 1764. iv. SIMEON was born in 1777. He married Belinda Andrews, daughter of Asahel Andrews Jr, on 4 Apr 1799. 507. SUSANNAH5 HOLCOMBE (David4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1734.1504 She married Dr. Josiah Topping, son of Josiah Topping, on 15 Nov 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1505 Children of Susannah5 Holcombe and Dr. Josiah Topping were as follows: i. MEHITABLE6 was born on 2 Feb 1762 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1506 She married Seth Hayes, son of Samuel Hayes Jr. and

Rosanna Holcombe, on 5 Oct 1780 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1507,1508 She died on 13 Oct 1846 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 84.1509,1510

ii. JOSIAH was born on 13 Mar 1768 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1511 He married Mehitablel Hayes circa 1795 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1512 He died in Sep 1830 at Sandusky Co., OH, at age 62.1513 He was buried at Ballsville Cemetery, Fremont, OH.1514

iii. ZOPHAR was born on 17 Jun 1773 at Simsbury (now Granby), Hartford Co., CT.1515 He married Lois Roberts, daughter of Lemuel Roberts Jr. and Ruth Woodford, circa 1799 at CT.1516 He died on 7 Sep 1814 at age 41.1517

iv. JOHN was born on 24 Aug 1777 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1518 He died in 1809 at Worthington, Franklin Co., OH.1519 He was buried at St. John's Cemetery, Worthington, Franklin Co., OH.1520

1495Ibid. 1496Ibid. 1497Ibid. 1498Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 117. 1499McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 119.2. 1500Bates, Simsbury, Page 175. 1501Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 117. 1502Ibid. 1503McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 130.2. 1504Ibid., Page 119.2. 1505Bates, Simsbury, Page 159. 1506McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 151, Item A-8-1-6-1-2. 1507Bates, Simsbury, Page 220. 1508McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 151, Item A-8-1-6-1-2. 1509Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 123. 1510McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 151, Item A-8-1-6-1-2. 1511Virginai Mccormick, Scioto Company Descendants, Page 266. 1512Ibid. 1513Ibid. 1514Ibid. 1515Ibid., Page 273. 1516Ibid. 1517Ibid. 1518Ibid., Page 265.

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508. EZRA5 HOLCOMBE (David4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1735.1521,1522 He married Phoebe Gillet at Granville, Hampden Co., MA. He died on 23 Apr 1813.1523 Served as a private in Capt. Buttolph's Co., which arrived at NY City Aug 18, 1776, where he was discharged Sept 25, 1776. Lived in a gambrel roofed house on the west road in Granby before moving to Granville, MA. 1524 McPherson lists the death as 1811 in Granville, Hampden Co., MA. Children of Ezra5 Holcombe and Phoebe Gillet were as follows: i. EZRA6 was born circa 1755 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lucy (--?--). He died on 3 Sep 1835. He was buried at Old

Colony Burying Ground, Granville, Licking Co., OH. A Granby Probate Record, dated 17 Mar 1789 proves Ezra was son of Ezra, grandson of Lt. David. Another land record connects him with brothers Jesse and Asa. Moved to Granville, Licking Co., OH.1525

ii. PHEBE was born in 1758. She married Abner Walters, son of (--?--) Walters.1526 She died in 1810 at Andover, Ashtabula Co., OH.

iii. ENOS. iv. LEVI was born at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Chloe Poisson.

Moved to Ft. Ann, Washington Co., NY, about 1810.1527

v. ALVIN T. was born on 11 Nov 1768 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Mather, daughter of Richard Mather, in 1792. He died on 8 May 1858 at Colesville, Broome Co., NY, at age 89. Alvin is recroded in the 1850 census of Colesville, Broome Co., NY, living in the home of his son, Alvin II. Weir shows death in Granville, MA.

vi. ASA was born in 1770 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1528,1529 He married Lucinda Miller on 20 Nov 1794.1530 He died in 1864 at Crawford Co., PA.1531 Asa owned real estate in N. Granby, Hartford Co., CT, which he sold about 1825. He had previously lived Granville, MA, where he had several land transactions; moved about 1811 to near Lake Champlain in NY and in about 1835 moved to Rundell Springs Twp., Crawford Co. PA, where his is recorded with family in 1850 census.1532 In 1860 Asa survived but Lucinda had died. Asa was enumerated in the 1860 Spring Twp., Crawford Co., PA, federal census in the household of his son, Asa Jr.

1519Ibid. 1520Ibid. 1521Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141. 1522McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 119.2. 1523Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141. 1524McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 1525Ibid. 1526Ibid., Page 136.1. 1527McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 1528Ibid., Page 131.1, Item A-8-1-2-9-5. 1529Holcomb, Holcombes in Ashtabula. 1530Beulah Warner Russon, Our Banyan Tree (Utah: Utah Printing Co., after 1960), Page 10. Hereinafter cited as Banyan Tree. 1531Ibid. 1532McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy.

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vii. JESSE was born in 1772. He married Phebe Walters, daughter of (--?--) Walters, in 1793. He married Lucy Webb. He died in 1843 at Salem, Washington Co., NY.1533 from McPherson: The birth date of Jesse is in conflict. In the family bible of his son, Benoni Holcomb, held by the latter's son Moses F. Holcomb, now living there is a record of this Jesse's birth as occuring in Litchfield Co., Conn in 1756. He was a farmer, woolen mfgr. and tailor, Litchfield Co., CT, Covington, Wyoming Co., and Salem, Washington Co., NY.

viii. SILAS died on 27 Dec 1821 at Burnt to death.1534 509. EZEKIEL5 HOLCOMBE (David4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 29 Mar 1736.1535,1536 He married Elizabeth Gillet, daughter of Joseph Gillett and Elizabeth Hayes, circa 1761. He married Jemima Griffin, daughter of John Griffin and Eleanor Holcombe. He died on 23 Feb 1821 at age 84.1537 From Carol Laun: Ezekiel was a veterinarian and Revolutionary War Vetran. He was married twice. He lived at 81 Petersen Road in Granby. The house was later torn down by his son James, who built a new house. This house was, in turn, rebuilt by Danish immigrant Peter Peterson in 1902. Some of the information on the line of Ezekiel down to John Noble Holcombe is provided by Wadean Holcombe, 41997 Holcomb Rd., Richland, OR 97870; she cites a family bible held by Dale Holcombe in Bethpage, NY. Children of Ezekiel5 Holcombe and Elizabeth Gillet were as follows: i. EZEKIEL6. There is a marriage listed in the Church Records of Turkey Hills of Ezekiel Holcomb Jr. to Susanna Griffin of Simsbury,

December 10, 1783. ii. SUSANNAH was born on 2 Oct 1769 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joel Phelps Duplicate on 27 Jan 1782.

There are multiple Susannahs and Joels. The DAR records only add to the confusion. DAR record 57659 shows this line, but other DAR records contradict this one. This is ONE possibility. The Phelps book shows Frederick to be the father of a Joel who married a Susanah Holcomb. The McPherson book show a Susannah Holcombe who married a Joel Phelps, son of Lt. Ezekiel Phelps. The birth date McPherson shows would have Susannah married at age 13. Carol Laun of the Salmon Brook Historical Society suggests the possibility that she was instead born at her mother's death 4 years earlier.

Children of Ezekiel5 Holcombe and Jemima Griffin were as follows: i. HEMAN6 was born on 6 Sep 1776.

The information on this individual is from a family bible known to Carol Laun at the Salmon Brook Historical Society. Possibly the Hemon Holcombe d. 25 Oct 1854 age 78 years 1 month, bur. Old Marcellus Village Cemetery, NY.

ii. JEMIMA was born on 25 Aug 1780. iii. JAMES ALDERMAN was born on 18 Apr 1782. He married Dorcas Trumbull on 11 Oct 1804. He died on 15 Apr 1851 at age 68.

Information on the line of Ezekiel down to John Noble Holcombe is provided by Wadean Holcombe, 41997 Holcomb Rd., Richland, OR 97870; she cites a family bible held by Dale Holcombe in Bethpage, NY. Gertrude (Holcombe) Normoyle of Clackmas, OR, believes her G-G-Grandfather, Gideon Chester Holcombe is a son of James and Dorcas. Her information will be included here until disproven. Dorcas was enumerated in the 1860 Fremont, Madison Township, Sandusky Co., OH federal census in the household of her daughter, Jeanette Smith and her husband Daniel.

iv. PHARES was born on 20 Jan 1785. He married Hannah (--?--). According to McPherson, Phares lived at Belchertown, Hampshire Co. and at Ludlow, Hampden Co., Mass from 1814 to 1850.

1533Ibid., Page 134.1. 1534Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141. 1535Ibid. 1536McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 119.2. 1537Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141.

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v. DORCAS was born on 20 Jan 1786. 510. JEDEDIAH5 HOLCOMBE (David4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1740 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1538 He married Mary Holcombe in 1760.1539 He died on 27 Nov 1779 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1540,1541 Jedediah enlisted in Lt. Joel Hayes' Conn. militia and was serving as Corp'l on arrival at N.Y. Aug 22, where he was discharged Sept. 6, 1776. There is one report that he d. in battle at Mt. Carmel, and another that he d. at home, Simsbury, Conn. Both agree that he d. 1779.1542 Children of Jedediah5 Holcombe and Mary Holcombe all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. JEDEDIAH6 was born on 2 Oct 1767.1543 He married Lydia Hosington in 1794.1544 He died in 1800.

Jedediah was the ward of Lt. Benjamin Holcombe (A-8-3-4-8), during his minority, when he moved with his guardian's family about 1783 from Granby, Conn. to Panton, Addison Co., VT, and moved again about 1792 from Panton to Boquet Valley, Essex Co., NY and settled on 100 acres, Lot No. 2, there.1545

ii. ALMON was born on 9 Jun 1772.1546 He married Lucinda Knowlton. He died in Dec 1823 at age 51.1547 Almon settled soon after March 1792 on 50 acres adjoining lot No. 7, Bouquet Valley, Essex Co., NY; moved to Cuyahoga Co., OH, where he homesteaded and lived on 62 acres of Lot 82 Brownhelm Twp. and where he died. Lucinda survived him and had dower in said land, Oct. 4 1825.1548

iii. MARY was born on 9 Oct 1774.1549 She married Dr. Asa Post on 3 Jan 1793 at Panton, Addison Co., VT. She died at Elizabethtown, Essex Co., NY. Dr. Post moved about 1792 to Vergennese, VT, thense to Panton, thence across Lake Champlain about 1804 to Elizabethtown, in the Bouquet Valley of Essex Co., NY. 1550 Information on Mary and her descendants is from Nena Reisner. Mary and Asa had nine children.

iv. MARTHA was born on 8 May 1779.1551 Bowman suggests Martha married Oliver Holcombe, descendant of Thomas, but McPherson suggests Oliver is a descendant of John and Sarah Scott Holcomb.

511. ELI5 HOLCOMBE (David4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born either 3 Apr 1741 or 1742 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Crofut on 10 Mar 1764 at Danbury, Fairfield Co., CT. He died on 19 Mar 1823 at Ulster, Bradford Co., PA.1552 He was buried at Ulster, Bradford Co., PA. Their descendants settled on Cash Creek in Ulster, Bradford County, PA in 1793. He was enterprising and early on erected a saw-mill on Cash Creek, which supplied the lumber for the first plank houses in a large section of the county. The saw-mill and corn-mill were in operation about 1795.

1538McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 119.2. 1539Ibid., Page 136.2. 1540Bates, Simsbury, Page 254. 1541McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 136.2. 1542McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 1543Bates, Simsbury, Page 254. 1544McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 136.2. 1545McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 1546Bates, Simsbury, Page 254. 1547McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 137.1. 1548McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 1549Bates, Simsbury, Page 254. 1550McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 1551Bates, Simsbury, Page 254. 1552Pat Raymond, On-line, Ulster Cemetery, Ulster, Bradford Co., PA; Ken & Kevin Chapman, Charlotte Stevens, Pat Raymond & Marolyn Cole, 1999.

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Eli and Hannah had children listed in Simsbury Soldiers, Barbour records, and Barkhamstead records. Wade G. Holcomb, USNR (Ret.) writes: I have a 1901 reunion report from Bradford County PA. In this document which covers several families, LeRoy and Ulster are in the center of this report. In the LeRoy, PA, grave yard there are many Holcombs from the Eli Holcomb family. Eli and Hannah Crofut Holcomb are buried in Ulster PA several miles away. I have visited Bradford county several times with my camera; several years ago a giant tree dropped on top of Eli and Hannah's graves and the stones are a mess. On a 10-speed bike ride from CT about 1973 I photographed the stones and Eli's DAR monument when they were upright and the tree was still there. The papers say that Eli took most of his family about 1793 (that part of PA was Connecticut's Western Reserve at that time) and settled there with Sterling, Hugh and many others. What is now Ulster township was originally a part of Sheshequin, but the latter town was soon of such importance that it was deemed best for Ulster to separate which it early did. It was settled about 1784, and among the settlers of early date may be mentioned Captain Benjamin Clark, Nathaniel Hovey, Adrial Simons, Solomon Tracy, Eli Holcomb, Isaac Cash, Abram Parmeter, Chester Bingham, Thomas Overton, Elijah Granger, Leonard Westbrook, and Joseph C. Powell. Nearly all of these men, if not all have descendants now living in Bradford County. Sometime about 1822 the Scotch emigration commenced, and the familiar names of Mather, Pollock and Dickson are associated with those of the older settlers of which is now prosperous Ulster. (from the Bradford County usgenweb page.) Eli served in 1775 and received a bounty coat, I have been trying to place him at Bunker Hill for his service in April-June 1775, a few months after Concord and the start of it all. Additional information on Eli's descendants is from Linda L. Mutzer, [emailprotected]. She cites, among other sources Pioneer and Patriot Families of Bradford Co. Pennsylvania 1770-1825 vols I and II, 1913 and 1915, Bradford Star Print, Towanda, PA. Children of Eli5 Holcombe and Hannah Crofut were as follows: i. ELI6 was born in 1766 at CT. He died in 1791. ii. SELAH was born on 4 Sep 1767 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Wilcox in Nov 1790 at Congregational Church,

Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT. He died on 4 Aug 1842 at Litchfield, Herkimer Co., NY, at age 74. Seelah moved from Granby in 1791 to Litchfield Twp., Herkimer Co., NY whre he was appointed Agust 27, 1798 ensign in the county's militia; promoted to Lt, apr. 18, 1800; appointed Capt. March 27, 1809; resigned as Capt. March 2, 1814; became a wealthy farmer.

iii. TRUMAN H. was born on 10 Aug 1769 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Seba Bannen in 1793. He married Lydia Ladd, daughter of Ephraim Ladd and Lois Chapman, on 1 Jan 1811 at Albany Twp., Bradford Co., PA. He died on 24 Dec 1848 at Ulster, Bradford Co., PA, at age 79.1553 Information from Wade G. Holcombe. Truman and Seba settled first at LeRoy; after a residence of a few years there, they moved to Ulster and settled permanently upon a portion of the farm of his father, the Eli Holcomb homestead. The Pioneer and Patriot Families book seems to indicate that they were married in 1812 without giving a specific date. [CR:] In 1800, Truman Holcomb, a brother to Hugh and Sterling, came from Ulster and moved into a house on the A. G. Kelley farm, occupied by William Cole and Joel Bodwell, and Isaac Wooster located on the same farm farther north. Truman Holcomb took up a farm close by and remained on it twelve years, then returned to Ulster. He was the father of sixteen children, eight by his first wife and eight by his second. His son Eli, who is now eight-four years of age, still lives in the township a little to the south of the village, where he settled in 1819. He has a family of thirteen children, nearly all of whom are the heads of families. He has succeeded well as a cooper, hunter, miller, and farmer.

iv. HANNAH was born on 3 Apr 1771 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Seeley Crofut. She died on 29 Jan 1850 at LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, at age 78. Information online from Pioneer and Patriot Families of Bradford County, 1770-1800, Volume 1, by Clement F. Heverly.


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Deacon Seeley Crofut started the first Sunday-school in an old log school house, opposite the present residence of S. B. Morse. He was elected justice of the peace in 1812. He served in many positions of trust, by the choice of his neighbors. He kept the first grocery or store in the township. The Baptist meetings were for many years held at his house.

v. HUGH was born on 14 Oct 1774 at CT. He married Elizabeth Oakley in 1800 at LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA.1554 He married Prudence Bailey, daughter of Oliver Bailey and Hannah Scovill, in 1803 at Granville, Bradford Co., PA.1555 He died on 27 Jul 1843 at Sunstroke, LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, at age 68.1556 Hugh moved with his father to Ulster, PA, about 1786 or 1806, later locating at LeRoy, then a wilderness and located lands for their future home, then fourteen miles from any habitation, his lands extendng from the village of LeRoy to the top of the first hill on the road to Canton; his brother's lands adjoining and extending on his road to the top of the second hill. Soon after location they brought in their sister, Mrs. Crofut, and her husband. For a few years she did washing and baking while they kept bachelor's hall. He built the first saw mill and grist mill in that section of the country. Both Hugh and Sterling cleared up large farms which they carved out of a rugged wilderness and upon which their lives were spent. Hugh was recorded in the 1840 census of LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, with a household of 2 males and 2 females.

vi. STERLING was born on 10 Oct 1776 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Betsey Stone, daughter of Benjamin Stone and Elizabeth Wilcox, on 16 Sep 1800 at Franklin, PA. He died on 22 Mar 1850 at LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, at age 73. Sterling is recorded in the 1840 census of LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, with 3 males and 3 females in the household.

vii. ALPHEUS was born on 10 Jan 1779. He married Hannah Kingsbury on 22 Nov 1801 at Ulster, Bradford Co., PA. He died on 19 Jan 1849 at LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, at age 70. Alpheus Holcomb, a brother of Hugh and Sterling, settled on the flats at the north of the mill-pond at the Centre, where he built a house and set an orchard of apple-trees. Having a roving nature, he soon sold his farm, and went westward. After a few years he returned, and settled on the Robert McKee farm. He was deacon in the Baptist church, and was for many years considered one of the leading lights. Alpheus served as a private in Lt. William Aull's detachment, enlisted Jul 25, 1814, at Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ. Alpheus was recorded in the 1840 census of LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, with his wife and one other female in the household.

viii. JARED was born on 4 Apr 1780. He married Hannah Andrews. He married Martha (--?--). He died on 26 Apr 1850 at Ulster, Bradford Co., PA, at age 70.1557 Jared and Hannah had no children. Jared and the widow McCarty apparently had at least two children.

1554Pioneer and Patriot Families of Bradford County, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~pabradfo/heverly/hevtoc.htm, extracted from Clement F. Heverly, Pioneer and Patriot Families of Bradford County, 1770-1800, Vol. 1, Bradford Star Print, 1913. Volume 1 - Page 53. Hereinafter cited as Bradford Co., PA. 1555Ibid. 1556Pat Wilson Buck, On-Line, LeRoy Cemetery, LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA; Pat Wilson Buck and Ray Buck. 1557unknown name of person unknown record type, Ulster Cemetery, unknown repository address.

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Shaw-Holcombe Bible

at the Salmon Brook Historical Society ix. CYNTHIA was born on 17 Mar 1783.1558 She married Ebenezer Shaw, son of Jeremiah Shaw and Abigail Campbell, on 26 Feb

1801 at Ulster, Bradford Co., PA.1559,1560 She died on 10 Apr 1868 at Ulster, Bradford Co., PA, at age 85. Ebenezer was enumerated in the 1820 Ulster, Bradford Co., PA, federal census. There were six males and four females in the household.

512. HANNAH5 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 2 May 1718 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1561,1562 She married John Reade, son of Dr. Jacob Reade and Elizabeth Law, on 17 Feb 1736/37 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1563 She died on 27 Mar 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 37.1564 McCracken notes (TAG 1981) that spouse is John Reade, not John Reuel as stated in the Hayes Genealogy (also Reuel in McPherson). Bowman spells it Read in one place, Reed in another. There is confusion about the Hannah that married John Read (Reed, Reade). In NEHGS, April 1958, McCracken lists her as the daughter of Joshua and Mary (Hoskins) Holcombe.

1558unknown family info, Ebenezer Shaw Bible (No. 122, High Street: Mathew Carey, 1807); Salmon Brook Historical Society, Philadelphia, PA. Hereinafter cited as Ebenezer Shaw. 1559Bradford Co., PA, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~pabradfo/heverly/hevtoc.htm. 1560Ebenezer Shaw. 1561Bates, Simsbury, Page 46. 1562McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 1563Bates, Simsbury, Page 109. 1564Ibid., Page 51.

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Children of Hannah5 Holcombe and John Reade were as follows: i. JOHN6 was born in 1738. He married Mary Spring. ii. MARTIN was born in 1742. He married Mary Moore, daughter of Joseph Moore and Mary Stevens, in 1767.1565 He died in 1815.

Listed as Patriot in DAR record # 7043, as having served in 1776 in New York in Capt. Jonathan Buttolph's company, Eighteenth Regiment of militia. There seems to be some confusion about Martin's parents. The Andrew Moore genealogy lists his parents as John and Malinda (Hollister) Reed, who was the only son of Dr. John Reed, the immigrant.

iii. AMI died on 3 Sep 1762 at Navana, Cuba. No birth record, not in the will; died in Cuba while in the army.

iv. HANNAH married David Hayes, son of George Hayes and Sarah (--?--). v. VIOLET married Isaac Swanson. vi. LUCY. vii. BENJAMIN. 513. NATHANIEL5 HOLCOMBE IV (Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 1 Feb 1719/20 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1566,1567 He married Margaret Cossett, daughter of Raney Cossett, on 20 Mar 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1568 Bowman lists Margaret as the wife married in 1740 but mentions that Spear lists the wife married in 1740 as Hannah Holcomb, but McCracken notes that Nathaniel's 1st child and son Nathaniel, married Hannah Holcombe in 1760. Bowman also assigns the 1760 marriage of Hannah Holcombe to 1st son Nathaniel. Seaver is then incorrect in making Hannah the second wife of this Nathaniel. McPherson also incorrectly shows Hannah as second wife, but also shows Hannah as the wife of Nathaniel V. Children of Nathaniel5 Holcombe IV and Margaret Cossett were as follows: i. NATHANIEL6 was born on 10 Nov 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1569 He married Hannah Holcombe, daughter of Deacon

Azariah Holcombe and Hannah Loomis, on 16 Apr 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1570 He married Jemima Atkins in 1780.1571 He died on 11 Sep 1812 at Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY, at age 71.1572 There is much confusion over the wives and children of Nathaniel IV, V, and VI.

ii. HULDA was born on 24 Jan 1742/43 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1573 She married Simeon Holcombe, son of Lt. David Holcombe and Mehitable Buttolph, on 8 May 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1574 She died on 19 May 1798 at age 55.1575 Simsbury VR shows Hulda as a daughter of Nathaniel Holcomb 3d. McCracken suggests she may have married in Windsor-Bloomfield on 29 Dec 1777, Simon Holcombe (David, Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Thomas). Bowman accepts this marriage. See Bowman, Vol I, pgs 150 and 154 for a discussion of Hulda's possible mother. Burials in the Granby Center Cemetery shows her as a daughter of Nathaniel and Hannah (Holcombe) Holcombe.

iii. ZACCHEUS was born on 14 Jan 1744/45.1576 He married Sarah Bettis. He died on 19 Jul 1762 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 17.1577,1578

1565Hon. Horace L. Moore, Andrew Moore, Page 43. 1566Bates, Simsbury, Page 149. 1567McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 1568Bates, Simsbury, Page 117. 1569Ibid., Page 93. 1570Ibid., Page 174. 1571McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 102.1. 1572Ibid. 1573Bates, Simsbury, Page 93. 1574Ibid., Page 175. 1575Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141. 1576McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 104.1/Item A-8-1-1-2-8. 1577Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 125.

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There is some confusion. There is a tombstone in the Granby Center Cemetery for a Zacheus Holcomb 14 Jan 1744 - 19 July 1762 from Carol Laun Granby Center Cemetery, s/o Nathaniel and Margrit Cossitt Holcomb. It is very possible that Nathaniel IV had a son Zaccheus born 1744 died 1762 and that Nathaniel V had a son Zaccheus born 1762 and living in 1790 or in fact Nathaniel and Margrit had two sons, both named Zaccheus since the first died before the second was born. Seaver shows the Zaccheus born in 1762, died about 1812. Zaccheus enlisted Sept 24, 1779 in Capt. Thaddeum Weed's 5th Conn Regt. He is recorded with family in the 1790 census of Sandersfield, Berkshire Co., MA.

iv. MARGARET was born on 18 Nov 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1579 She married ?Ephriam Fletcher in 1768. Simsbury Vital Records shows Margaret as daughter of Nathaniel Holcombe the 3rd.

v. RUTH was born on 18 Nov 1748. She married James Hillyer IV, son of Captain James Hillyer and Mary Eno Humphrey, on 2 Feb 1769 at St. Ann's Episcopal Chruch, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1580

vi. THEODOSIA was born on 1 Aug 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1581

vii. LYDIA was born on 20 Oct 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1582 McCracken Notes: Did she marry Windsor-Bloomfield, 29 Dec 1777, John Manning? (note that we have two pairs of sisters who may be twins, though the days of their births would seem to be too far apart. All four births are recorded consecutively and the father of the first pair is noted as Nathaniel 3rd, and their older brother was then too young to have children.) Bowman only lists the possibility of twins Margaret and Ruth.

viii. ADONIJAH was born on 27 Sep 1757 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1583 He married Charity Gillett, daughter of Othniel Gillett and Eunice (--?--), on 6 Sep 1778 at Salmon Brook (now Granby), Hartford Co., CT. He died on 27 Aug 1828 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 70.1584 Simsbury Vital Records state Adonihah was the son of Nathaniel Holcombe 3rd. McPherson lists possibly 9 children but only names 4. Salina's information was from an obituary.

514. EPHRAIM5 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 22 Dec 1721 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1585,1586 He married Dorcas Hayes, daughter of Samuel Hayes and Elizabeth Willco*ckson, in 1741. He died on 27 Jun 1808 at age 86.1587 Children of Ephraim5 Holcombe and Dorcas Hayes all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. DORCAS6 was born on 2 Apr 1745.1588 She married Nathan Gillett, son of Othniel Gillett and Eunice (--?--), say 1765.1589 She

died on 14 Jul 1825 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 80.1590 She was buried at probably the Center Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1591 In 1776, General George Washington feared that Sir William Howe, who was forced to evacuate Boston, would Join his brother, Admiral Lord Howe, and proceed to take New York City. To bolster his limited Continental Troops, General Washington requested that Connecticut send down a portion of her Militia. Answering the call was a company of Granby men commanded by Captain Samuel Hayes. Among the twenty-five enlisted men were Nathan Gillett, his twin brother, Azariah, and their brother-in-law, Consider Holcomb. Captain Hayes Company marched to New Haven and then went by boat to land at Flatbush on Long Island on August 22, 1776 and become part of the 18'th Regiment commanded by Colonel Jonathan Pettibone.

1578Bates, Simsbury, Page 187. 1579Ibid., Page 94. 1580Norment, John Hillyer, Page 125. 1581Bates, Simsbury, Page 94. 1582Ibid. 1583Ibid. 1584Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 140. 1585Bates, Simsbury, Page 149. 1586McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 1587Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141. 1588Bates, Simsbury, Page 168. 1589unknown compiler, online www.bankert.org, Norb Bankert (6636 Fox Rd., Marcy, NY 13403), downloaded 5 October 2002. 1590Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 138. 1591Ibid.

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In an 1898 letter from the Adjutant General's Office concerning another soldier in Captain Hayes company, the letter says of Captain Hayes Company that they "contributed to what is sometimes described as the 'panic' at Kip's Bay". On the 15'th of September, Admiral Howe landed a large contingent of British troops on Manhattan at Kips Bay. General Washington was four miles away in Harlem and he rushed to the scene. Washington was infuriated by the "disgraceful and dastardly conduct of the troops" and he was forced to withdraw toward Harlem, barely escaping capture. In hindsight, General Washington should have been aware that these recruits, while generally good marksman, were generally a home guard type force and were more adept at fighting from behind logs and in concealment. Their lack of training in this type of warfare made it difficult to hold ranks and advance on a massive formation of highly trained and experienced British Regulars. As it was, these troops turned in panic and it is estimated that nearly six thousand of the eight thousand Connecticut Militia troops "deserted" and just went home. Within a few weeks, New York City had fallen to the British and it would remain in British hands for the next seven years. General Washington placed the blame on "too great a dependence on the militia" and demanded better training of short term enlistments. The local militia troops also learned from the experience and their training would make them more effective in future service. Records for service in American Revolution are sparse and incomplete. Whether Nathan had further service in the Revolution is probable but uncertain. Some of the most telling details of service are contained in pension applications. However, the majority of Revolutionary War veterans were not eligible for pensions until the Pension Act of 1832, nearly fifty years after the war ended. While all of Nathan's brothers had service in the American Revolution, only three lived long enough to apply for pensions. 1592 "Starting in 1802, the twins, Nathan and Azariah, begin selling land to their sons. They are getting older and ready to retire. The whole idea is to get rid of all your land before you die and thus have no estate. In 1808, the twins home lot was sold to Eli. Nathan even sold all rights to land willed to his wife in 1811. But that same day, Eli sold his parents house back to his mother. This insures security for Dorcas if Nathan should die in debt (which he did). Again in 1817, in more creative financing, Nathan and Dorcas sold 2 3/4 acres to Truman who sold it back just to Dorcas the same day. Nathan only had personal property and debts when he died. No probate record was found for Azariah." (from a letter by Carol Laun to Norb Bankert).

ii. ADA was born on 17 Jan 1752.1593 She married Filley Godard. She died in Jun 1849 at age 97.1594 She was buried at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1595 Seaver Spells this child "Ada", McCracken spells it "Adah" but otherwise agree. DAR record 40087 shows Ada Holcomb (b. 1752) marrying "Tilley Gossard" (1746-1840), of Simsbury, who was a drummer in Capt. Samuel Hay's company, 1776.

iii. LEVI was born on 27 Feb 1754.1596 He married Lois Gleason circa 1780. Information on Lois and the descendants of Lois and Levi is from Rick Ingersoll on www.my-ged.com/db/page/inger; [emailprotected]. He cites the following works: INGERSOLL : The Ingersolls of Hampshire. A genealogical history of the family from their settlement in America, in the line of John Ingersoll of Westfield, Mass., by C.S. Ripley. 107p. 1893. INGERSOLL. Richard Ingersoll & some of his descendants, by A.W. Greeley. 21p. 1909. INGERSOLL. A genealogy of the Ingersoll family in America, 1629-1925, by L. D. Avery. 596p. 1926.

iv. LOVINA was born on 27 Feb 1756.1597 She married David Dewey. She died on 20 Nov 1822 at age 66.1598

v. EPHRAIM was born on 24 Dec 1757.1599 Perhaps the Ephraim who died June 21,176? BGCC page 141.

vi. DEBORAH was born on 4 Sep 1762.1600

vii. ASA was born on 19 Jun 1764.1601 He married Chloe Dibble, daughter of Abraham Dibble and Phebe Cossitt. He died on 13 Jul 1815 at age 51.1602 He was buried at Baptist Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1603

1592unknown compiler, 5 October 2002. 1593Bates, Simsbury, Page 168. 1594Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 96. 1595Ibid. 1596Bates, Simsbury, Page 168. 1597Ibid. 1598Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 128. 1599Bates, Simsbury, Page 168. 1600Ibid.

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Asa was a farmer at Granby and Simsbury. His widow and daughter Chloe are recorded in th 1850 census of Granby, CT living together as a family. Farewelll my friends who are alive Who visit my abode I wish you all to live in love And make your peace with GOD..

viii. APPHIA was born on 11 Mar 1766.1604 She married Carmi Holcombe, son of Amos Holcombe and Mary Dibble, on 24 Mar 1783 at Turkey Hills, Hartford Co., CT.1605 She was also known as AFFIA HOLCOMBE. Seaver spells it "Appa" on page 48 and "Affia" on page 50; McCracken spells it "Apphia"; all obviouisly the same.

ix. DEZIAH was born on 6 Jan 1768.1606 She married Starling Daniels. Seaver spells this child "Derah", McCracken "Deziah"; Seaver show the birth as 6-6-1768, McCracken as 1-6-1768.

x. THANKFUL was born on 19 Apr 1770.1607 Seaver shows birth as 19 April, McCracken as 13 April.

515. THANKFUL5 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born circa 1725 at Salmon Brook Ecclesiastical Society, Hartford Co., CT.1608 She married Capt. Adonijah Burr circa 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died either Jun 1827 or Jul 1827 at Sudbury, Rutland Co., VT.1609 Seaver and Bowman show Thankful born 1725 or 1726, but McCracken does not list her. Kathleen Fenton, however, clears up the questions about Thankful and her family. Children of Thankful5 Holcombe and Capt. Adonijah Burr were as follows: i. ADONIJAH6 was baptized on 21 Jan 1750 at Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), CT. He married Phebe (--?--) circa 1776.

Private in Revolution. Kathy Fenton notes that there were 3 known daughters born in Simsbury, possibly more children. He lived in 1790 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He lived in 1800 at Hamilton (Madison), Chenango Co., NY.

ii. ZABINA was born on 24 Nov 1751 at Farmington, Hartford Co., CT. He was baptized on 15 Dec 1751 at Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), CT. He married Rosannah Dibble circa 1780 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 10 Nov 1842 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 90. Zabina served in the Revolutionary War. Kathy Fenton is working on a preliminary document that details the descendants of Zabina. However, right now we can only make assumptions about the probable children of Zabina, based on the fact that other Burr families seem to have left the Granby area by 1800. Data on the few remaining there probably, then, refers to children of Zabina.

iii. ASA was born on 2 Nov 1753 at Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), CT.1610 He was baptized on 11 Nov 1753 at Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), CT. He married Malinda Hoskins on 1 Aug 1784 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1611 He died on 18 Nov 1838 at Henrietta, Monroe Co., NY, at age 85. He was buried at Riverview Cemetery, Henrietta, Monroe Co., NY. Corporal in the Revolution. Also resided Hartford & Fowler, Trumbull Co., OH. Asa was recorded in the 1800 census of Granby, Hartford Co., CT. Asa was recorded in the 1820 census of Henrietta, Ontario Co., NY.

1601Ibid. 1602Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 26. 1603Ibid. 1604Bates, Simsbury, Page 168. 1605Albert Carlos Bates, Records of Congregational Church, Page 39. 1606Bates, Simsbury, Page 168. 1607Ibid. 1608McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 1609Deanna Holcomb Bowman Thomas Holcomb and other, Vol. I:Pg. 69. 1610Joy Kielbasa, "Descendants of Asa Burr," e-mail message from [emailprotected] (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe Jr., 1 January 2005. Hereinafter cited as "Asa Burr". 1611Ibid.

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iv. ROGER was born on 1 Nov 1755 at Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), CT. He was baptized on 9 Nov 1755 at Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), CT. He married Jane Rich on 1 Feb 1789 at Sudbury, Rutland Co., VT.1612 He died on 26 Dec 1827 at Sudbury, Rutland Co., VT, at age 72. He lived in 1810 at Sudbury, Rutland Co., VT. Kathy cites as the source for the birth date the Rutland Co. History and I assume he was born in Wintonbury like his siblings. The history also says he had seven children. Apparently his mother Thankful was visiting him when she died there in 1827.

v. BATHSHEBA was born on 9 Oct 1757 at Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), CT. She was baptized on 16 Oct 1757 at Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), CT. She married Joseph Foote on 20 Oct 1778. She married Isaac Flower circa 1795. She married Capt. Thomas Thompson after 1815 at Hartford, Trumbull Co., OH. She died on 4 Oct 1855 at Hartford, Trumbull Co., OH, at age 97. She was buried at Viennna, Trumbull Co., OH. According to Kathy, Bathsheba had 3 Foote children other than Levi and applied for a pension based on Joseph's Revolutionary War service after the death of her third husband.

Joseph Holcombe

c1728-1813 516. JOSEPH5 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born circa 1728.1613 He married Elizabeth Wilcox, daughter of Joseph Willco*ckson and Elizabeth Holcombe.1614 He died on 23 Jun 1813.1615,1616 McCracken does not mention this child at all. There seems to be some confusion between this Joseph and Joseph Holcombe (Joseph, Benajah, Thomas). Seaver lists many children with extensive detail while Bowman lists only three children. This text will follow the Bowman lines.

1612Joy Kielbasa, "Descendants of Roger Burr," e-mail message from [emailprotected] (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, 1 January 2005. Hereinafter cited as "Roger Burr". 1613Jesse Seaver, Holcomb(e) Genealogy, Page 48/Item 214. 1614McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 105.2. 1615Jesse Seaver, Holcomb(e) Genealogy, Page 48. 1616Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 126.

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Bowman speculates in an e-mail that perhaps these two Josephs are the same (her #s 676 on page 68 and #8115 on page 69). She had questioned #676 to begin with. But notice the two very different death dates. Both Joseph and Elizabeth are buried in the Granby Center Cemetery. Children of Joseph5 Holcombe and Elizabeth Wilcox were as follows: i. MICHA6 was born on 11 Sep 1751 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1617 He married Hannah Hayes on 13 Oct 1784.1618 He died in

1839 at Washington, Macomb Co., MI.1619 Moved 1st from Granby or Simsbury to Bloomfield, NY and later to Washington, Macomb Co., MI. He is recorded in the 1790 census of Rensselaer, Albany Co., NY, with family composed of 1 male over 16, and 3 females.

ii. ROSANNA was born on 9 Oct 1752 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1620 She married Isaac Goddard, son of John Goddard Jr. and Mary Hillyer, in Apr 1776.1621 She died on 20 Jan 1843 at age 90.1622

iii. LOUISA was born in 1754 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Abner Phelps, son of Charles Phelps, in 1785. She died on 6 Jul 1815 at Johnstown, Fulton Co., NY. Abner was a farmer in Bloomfield. After his death, Louisa and a son moved to Johnstown, Fulton Co., NY.

iv. ELIZABETH was born on 8 Jul 1755 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. v. JOSEPH was born on 14 Feb 1758 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Ford, daughter of John Ford and Sarah Wood,

on 9 Mar 1784. Served as Sgt. and Lt. in Lt. Joel Hayes' command, arriving in NY Aug 22; discharged Sept 16, 1776. He moved with his children to Peru, Berkshire Co., MA June 26, 1833. He was on revolutionary pension rolls for services in CT Militia and State Troops. Sarah and Joseph moved to Peru, MA, circa 1825-1835. Details on the family of Joseph and Sarah is from research by Carol Laun into the Worthington, MA, vital records. It is apparently Joseph enumerated in the 1840 Census of Pensioners in Worthington, Hampshire Co., Massachusetts, age 81.

vi. BETSEY. vii. LEVI was born on 19 Jul 1767 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1623 He married Martha Benjamin in May 1797 at North Granby,

Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 17 Jan 1831 at North Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 63.1624 Levi's wife Martha, is also attributed to Levi's cousin of the same name, son of Amos and Mary Dibble Holcombe.

517. AMOS5 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 1 Jun 1732 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1625,1626 He married Mary Dibble, daughter of Abraham Dibble and Dorothy Hayes, in Sep 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1627 He died in May 1814 at age 81. from SEAVER: Farmer in Simsbury; Rev. War Vet--Capt. Prior's Co., Col., Samuel Canfield's Regt., of Windsor. He was hired by Daniel Ganies for war service. He moved to Rutland County, VT in 1786, to Grand Isle Coiunty, VT in 1795. SS indicates children Amos and Carmi, while Weir lists all the following children. Children of Amos5 Holcombe and Mary Dibble were as follows:

1617McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 105.2. 1618Ibid. 1619Ibid. 1620Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 122. 1621Goddard, Granby Goddards, Page 74, Item 37. 1622Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 122. 1623Ibid. 1624Ibid. 1625Bates, Simsbury, Page 108. 1626McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 1627Bates, Simsbury, Page 175.

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i. AMOS6 was born on 14 Aug 1758 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1628 He died before 1762 at Isle La Motte, Grand Isle Co., VT. Seaver only lists one Amos with no details or descendants. Weir and Bowman lists two Amos children. If there were two, certainly the first died before the second was born.

ii. CARMI was born on 28 Aug 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1629 He married Apphia Holcombe, daughter of Ephraim Holcombe and Dorcas Hayes, on 24 Mar 1783 at Turkey Hills, Hartford Co., CT.1630 He died in 1836 at Isle La Motte, Grand Isle Co., VT. Moved to Lsle La Motte, Vt., about 1795. He is recorded as a Freeman there in 1797. He is listed in the Isle LaMotte Census, 1800, with a total family of six. He was a member of the Co. of Vt. State militia under Caleb Hill. He held numberous Town Offices, Hayward, 1797, Selectman, 1798, Surveyor of Highways, 1803, 1812. He is listed in the 1810 and 1820 census for Isle LaMotte, but not in 1830, but a Justice of the Peace record tells that he was there as late as 1836.

iii. AMOS was born in 1762 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Hall. He died on 17 Mar 1834 at Isle La Motte, Grand Isle Co., VT. Lived Granville, MA, and Granby, Hartford Co., CT; moved in 1796 to Franklin Co., VT, where he is recorded in the Census of 1800 having males: 1, under 10 years; 1, 10-16; and 1, 26-45; and females: 2, under 10; and 1, 26-45. He was a member in 1802 of a Co. of Vt. State militia, under Caleb Hill, who came from Granville to guard the frontier, who together operated teh 1st ferry from Isle La Motte to Alburg under a grant from the Vermont Legislature of 1805-06. He was 1 of 20 volunteers, 5 of whom served with him in the War of 1812, filling a requisition for 1 Sgt. and 6 privates, whose services were in guarding the frontier in Capt. James Taylor's and Gideon spencer's companies 30th Vt. Regt. from May 28, 1813 until his death May, 1814 as shown by the Adjutant-General's records. Another record shows the death of Amos Holcombe, Isel La Motte, Mar 17, 1834.

iv. ROXANNA was born in 1764 at Guildhall, Essex Co., VT. She married Elihu Hall, son of Enoch Hall and Sarah Merrill. She died on 19 Mar 1837 at Isle La Motte, Grand Isle Co., VT. She was buried at South Cemetery.

v. BELINDA was born on 8 Dec 1766 at Guildhall, Essex Co., VT. She married Nathaniel Hall, son of Enoch Hall and Sarah Merrill, on 4 Jul 1795 at Isle La Motte, Grand Isle Co., VT. She died on 13 Aug 1851 at age 84.1631 She died on 10 Jun 1853 at age 86.1632

vi. JESSE was born on 12 Feb 1770 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mehitable Winchell, daughter of David Winchell and Elizabeth Filley, in 1796. He died on 10 Dec 1846 at Isle La Motte, Grand Isle Co., VT, at age 76. Jesse was a member of a Company of Vt militia to guard the frontier in 1802, serving under Caleb Hill, hwo came from Granville, MA. This company had a grant from the VT legislature of 1805-6 to run the first ferry between Isle La Motte and Alburgh, both in Grand Isle Co., Vt. Jesse had come there with his brother, Carmi, in 1796 from Granby, Ct. He is recorded in the census of 1800 in Franklin Co., VT with son under 10 years, daughter under 10 and wife, 26-45.

vii. LEVI married Martha Benjamin. Levi does not appear in McPherson or Seaver. Levi's wife Martha, is also attributed to Levi's cousin of the same name, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Wilcox Holcombe.

viii. CHLOE was born on 30 Aug 1781. She married Ira Fiske Dr. She lived at Chazy, Clinton Co., NY.

518. ELIJAH5 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 26 May 1734 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1633,1634 He married Violet Cornish, daughter of Capt. James Cornish and Amy Butler, on 17 Nov 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1635,1636 He died on 2 Jun 1789 at age 55.1637 He died on 2 Jun 1799 at dropsy at age 65.1638 He died in 1799.

1628Ibid., Page 181. 1629Ibid. 1630Albert Carlos Bates, Records of Congregational Church, Page 39. 1631McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 111.1/Item A-8-1-1-8-5. 1632Allen L. Startton, History of the Town of Isle La Motte, Vermont (Northlight Studio Press, Barre, VT, 1984.), unknown detail. 1633Bates, Simsbury, Page 108. 1634McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 1635George E. McCracken, "Thomas Holcombe". 1636Bates, Simsbury, Page 50.

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McCracken indicates that Seaver showed Dr. Amasa Holcombe as a son of this Elijah. Actually, Seaver shows Amasa, son of Elijah died young, but Amasa, son of Elijah, son of Elijah was the one of whom Seaver wrote of at great length and McCracken mentions at the beginning of his article. Perhaps Dr. Amasa's papers which are in fact at the Connecticut State Historical and Genealogical Library will clear up these inconsistencies. Bowman lists a second marriage in 1758 to Sarah Evans, but since this is the family of William Frederick Holcombe, the children were probably all listed correctly to Violet. Elijah was a cooper by trade. They settled at Gillets Four Corners now Southwick Mass. He enlisted May 7, 1775, as a private in the 3rd Co., 2nd Conn. Regt., Col. Spencer, recruited mainly in Middlesex Co., CT from which he was discharged Dec 17, 1775. Children of Elijah5 Holcombe and Violet Cornish were as follows: i. ELIJAH6 was born in 1757 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lucy Holcombe, daughter of Lt. Silas Holcombe and Mary

Post, on 17 Oct 1781 at East Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Betsey Post in 1802. He married Betsey Ives in 1807. He died on 5 Oct 1841 at Southwick, Hampden Co., MA.1639 Served in the American Revolution as a private, enlisted 1 March discharged 31 Dec 1778 with 10 months service, private in Captain Noah Phelp's company, Colonel Andrew Ward's Regiment of Connecticut Line, enlisted 1 Jan 1781 "for the duration of the war" at Simsbury as a private, was promoted to Lieutenant, for these services being pensioned in 1830.

ii. VIOLET was born in 1761. iii. LADOCE was born in 1763.

"Dose" enlisted Aug 1, 1777 in Capt. Prior's CT Co. of militia from which he was discharged Jan 9, 1778. He was past 73 years old April 13, 1833, as recorded on the Revolutionary pension rolls at Springfield, Hampden Co., MA, for services rendered in the Continental line.

iv. AMASA died young. v. JABEZ was born on 29 Sep 1765 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sophia Goddard, daughter of Mary Goddard, circa

1792.1640 He died on 20 Jul 1843 at age 77.1641 He was buried at Holcombe Cemetery Depot Hill, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1642 Bowman lists Sophia Godard here with her #81175 and also with her #6758, Jabez (Martin, Joseph). In an e-mail she thinks that Sophia belongs to her #81175 (i.e., here) and Ann Hosmer belongs with her #6758. McPherson appears to correctly list Jabez and Sophia here and Jabez and Ann Hosmer as her A-6-7-5-8. Birth dates are from the Jabez Holcomb Family Record, recorded by Geo. H. Dibble, town clerk, Nov 3 1858.

vi. CLYMENA was born in 1771. vii. ABIJAH was born in 1775. He died in 1798.

In connection with his ambition for advanced education useful in nautical pursuit, he accumulated in young manhood standard college text books on optics, geometry, navigation and astronomy. He went to sea; was known to have landed in Ireland; not heard from since.

519. ELIZABETH5 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 9 Jul 1736 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1643 She married Lieutenant Moses Dibble, son of Abraham Dibble and Dorothy Hayes. She died on 4 Mar 1812 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 75.1644 Children of Elizabeth5 Holcombe and Lieutenant Moses Dibble were as follows: i. MOSES6 was born on 5 Oct 1757.1645 He married Elizabeth Hoskins. He died on 6 Nov 1832 at age 75.1646

ii. ELIZABETH was born on 31 Jul 1767.1647 She married Daniel Hillyer, son of Nathaniel Hillyer, on 5 Jun 1783 at East Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1648

1637Deanna Holcomb Bowman Thomas Holcomb and other, Vol. I:Pg. 69. 1638Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141. 1639Ibid., Page 129. 1640Goddard, Granby Goddards, Page 79, Item 381. 1641Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 44. 1642Ibid. 1643Bates, Simsbury, Page 108. 1644Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 128. 1645Ibid. 1646Ibid. 1647Norment, John Hillyer, Page 133. 1648Ibid.

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520. MERCY5 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 31 May 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1649,1650 She married Obed Holcombe, son of Deacon Azariah Holcombe and Hannah Loomis.1651 She married Lieutenant Moses Dibble, son of Abraham Dibble and Dorothy Hayes. She died on 29 Oct 1826 at age 86.1652 Children of Mercy5 Holcombe and Obed Holcombe all born at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. MERCY6 was born on 4 Oct 1763.1653 She married Enoch Hayes, son of Daniel Hayes II and Abigail Hayes. ii. OBED was born on 31 Jan 1765.1654 He married (--?--) Hayes. He married Elizabeth Kile. He died in 1837.

Moved to Elizabethtown, Essex Co., NY. iii. ELIHU E. was born on 15 Dec 1767.1655,1656 He married Electa Hillyer, daughter of James Hillyer IV and Ruth Holcombe. He

died on 2 Apr 1845 at age 77.1657 He was buried at Center Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1658

iv. HARMON was born on 23 Nov 1772.1659,1660 He married (--?--) Pease. He died on 21 Jan 1814 at Typhus fever at age 41.1661

v. OLIVER was born on 9 Nov 1776.1662 He married Martha Barber at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1663 He died on 23 May 1851 at NY at age 74.1664,1665 He died in 1861.1666 Oliver moved from Granby to Lewis, Essex Co., NY in May 1800, where on April 16, 1815 he was appointed Ensign in the 9th Regt.

vi. ISHMAEL HARDY was born on 3 Oct 1778.1667 He married Hannah Knowlton, daughter of Benjamin Knowlton and Phoebe Wright. He died in 1866 at Lewis, Essex Co., NY. Ishmael H. was enumerated in the 1850 Lewis, Essex Co., NY, federal census. He was 71. He was the head of the household. Enumerated next in the household was 41 year-old Ephraim Kile and wife Caroline, age 35.

vii. LUMAN was born on 29 Sep 1780.1668 He married Chloe Alderman, daughter of Epaphras Alderman and Chloe Hayes. Luman served as a private at New London, CT, Aug. 2 to Sept. 16, 1813 in command of Sereno Pettibone. Chloe was also descended from Thomas Holcombe. Luman was old enough at the marriage to Harriet for it to have been a second marriage.

There were no children of Mercy5 Holcombe and Lieutenant Moses Dibble.

1649Bates, Simsbury, Page 108. 1650McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 1651Ibid., Page 203.1. 1652Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 128. 1653Bates, Simsbury, Page 225. 1654Ibid. 1655Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 125. 1656Bates, Simsbury, Page 225. 1657Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 125. 1658Norment, John Hillyer, Page 147. 1659Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141. 1660Bates, Simsbury, Page 225. 1661Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141. 1662Bates, Simsbury, Page 225. 1663Carol Laun, "Holcomb Family Genealogy Papers," The Connecticut Nutmegger 38 (June 2005). Hereinafter cited as "Nutmegger 38:1 Holcomb Family". 1664McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, page 204.1/Item A-8-3-4-4-5. 1665Carol Laun, "Nutmegger 38:1 Holcomb Family". 1666DAR DAR Lineage book, Vol. CIII:Pg. 152/Item 102495. 1667Bates, Simsbury, Page 225. 1668Ibid.

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521. ROGER HAYES5 HOLCOMBE (Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 18 Oct 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1669,1670 He married Mercy Gillett, daughter of Joseph Gillett and Elizabeth Hayes, in 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 22 Oct 1824 at Wyoming Co., NY, at age 82.1671 McCracken notes: Roger was living in Granby in 1790 (2/1/8), and , not adjacent, Roger Jr. (1/0/1). Seaver notes that Roger was a farmer in Simsbury; deacon in Cong. Church many yrs. Roger was a corporal in the 18th regiment of New York militia. He moved with his family in the company of Azariah and Ruth (Hitchco*ck) Brown and family from Simsbury to Attica, NY "in the Genessee country." Children of Roger Hayes5 Holcombe and Mercy Gillett were as follows: i. ROGER6 was born on 25 Feb 1767.1672 He married Zeruah Gillett, daughter of Nathan Gillett and Dorcas Holcombe. He died on

25 Nov 1847 at age 80.1673 Daughter Zeruah was enumerated in the 1850 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, federal census, age 46. Betsey age 51 and Lydia Gillett age 32 were enumerated in the household.

ii. CALVIN was born on 11 Jul 1771. He married Eunice Reed, daughter of Martin Reed and Mary Moore, on 22 Feb 1798. He died on 4 Mar 1851 at age 79. Moved to Paris, Portage Co., Oh, in 1814-1815 (he is recorded in the Granby Town Records at the annual town meeting in November 1814 as a Town Haywards Keykeeper); is recorded in the 1840 census in Paris as under 80 years old.

1669Ibid., Page 108. 1670McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 1671Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 128. 1672McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 116.1. 1673Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 129.

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Bethuel Holcombe

1776-1848 iii. BETHUEL was born in 1776. He married Clarissa Fuller. He married Elizabeth Pratt on 10 Sep 1829. He died on 26 Apr

1848.1674,1675 Served as a deacon in the Congregational Church, Granby, CT.

iv. LUCINDA was born in 1778. She married William Latimer. Lucinda was "a devoted Christian, faithful wife and mother." McPherson notes that the records for this family were constructed from other than family records and may be erroneous in part.

v. MERCY married Herman Towner. vi. LURANA married Roswell Skinner. vii. ASCENATH was born in 1782. She married Warren Holcombe, son of Judah Holcombe and Anna Hubbard. She died on 6 Apr

1851.1676 She was buried at Baptist Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1677 viii. ANNA was born in 1784 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Austin Caldwell, son of Timothy Caldwell and Rhoda Kellogg, in

1806. She died in 1826. ix. ANNIS was born in 1784. She married Zaccheus Hayes, son of Benjamin Hayes and Rosanna Hayes, on 27 Nov 1804. She died

on 22 Oct 1832.1678

1674Ibid., Page 128. 1675Christina Bailey and Lorraine Cook White, Barbour: Granby, Page 113. 1676Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 26. 1677Ibid. 1678Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 71.

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Sabra Holcombe

1788-1864 x. SABRA was born in 1788. She married Roland Pettibone, son of Gen. Chauncey Pettibone and Theodosia Hayes. She married

Zaccheus Hayes, son of Benjamin Hayes and Rosanna Hayes. She died on 25 Feb 1864.1679 Sabra is enumerated in the 1850 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census, with Elizabeth (Pratt) Holcombe.1680

522. CAPT. JONATHAN5 BUTTOLPH (Martha4 Holcombe, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 28 Mar 1724 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Jerusha Dibble, daughter of Abraham Dibble and Dorothy Hayes, on 3 Jul 1746 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1777. He was also known as Capt. Jonathan Buttles. Both Stiles and Old Northwest Quarterly 6:191 f., kill Jerusha off before Jonathan and make him marry secondly, his stepmother, Martha (Loomis) (Phelps) Buttolph! There were nine children of this marriage. Children of Capt. Jonathan5 Buttolph and Jerusha Dibble were as follows: i. JONATHAN6 was born on 10 Nov 1747 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1681 He married Lois Viets, daughter of Capt. John Viets

and Lois Phelps, on 25 Apr 1768 at Newgate, Simsbury, CT.1682 He died on 13 Dec 1823 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 76.1683

1679Ibid., Page 126. 1680McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 1681Dorothy Dean Viets Schell, Viets, Page 28.

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He was also known as JONATHAN BUTTLES. Jonathan occupied the home farm at the "wedge of land" adjoining Simsbury on the north, which became Granby in 1786. For a time he conducted a hotel there. He served in the Revolution as a sergeant in his father's company of the 18th Regiment from August 18 to September 6, 1776; was made Ensign of Captain John Rice's Company in October 1780 and Lieutenant in May 1781.1684

ii. JERUSHA was born on 11 Jan 1753. She married Noah Holcombe, son of John Holcombe and Mary Kent, in 1771. iii. AFFIAH was born on 14 Nov 1756. She married Noadiah Norman Holcombe, son of Lt. Peter Holcombe and Margaret Case, on

28 May 1778. She married Daniel Fairchilds. She died on 15 Oct 1839 at age 82. iv. LEVI was born on 12 Nov 1763 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1685 He married Sarah Phelps, daughter of Charles Phelps and

Eunice (--?--), circa 1786.1686 He died on 14 Jun 1805 at Worthington, Franklin Co., OH, at age 41.1687 He was buried at St. John's Cemetery, Worthington, Franklin Co., OH.1688 He was also known as LEVI BUTTOLPH.

523. ROSANNA5 HOLCOMBE (Judah4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 24 Jun 1732 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1689 She married Samuel Hayes Jr., son of Samuel Hayes and Elizabeth Willco*ckson, in 1750 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1690 She died on 8 Nov 1814 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 82.1691 She was buried at Old Salmon Brook Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. In 1753 Samuel built a large house at "Bushy Hill", two miles west of Salmon Brook in which he and his descendants lived nearly a century and which is still in good condition, now the residence of Starr Holcomb. Children of Rosanna5 Holcombe and Samuel Hayes Jr. were as follows: i. ROSANNA6 was born on 6 Mar 1751.1692 She married Benjamin Hayes in 1770.1693

Benjamin and Rosanna were cousins. McPherson indicates Rosanna died "1779?"

ii. SETH was born on 2 Jun 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1694,1695 He married Mehitable Topping, daughter of Dr. Josiah Topping and Susannah Holcombe, on 5 Oct 1780 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1696,1697 He died on 23 Jan 1839 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 85.1698 Served in Revolutionary War. He was on the church covenant at Salmn Brook, with wife, 1784; deacon from 1805 to 1812; farmer, at Bushy Hill, his paternal home.1699

iii. THEODOSIA was born on 16 Apr 1757. She married Gen. Chauncey Pettibone, son of Ozias Pettibone and Sybil Guernsey, on 21 May 1780.1700 She died in 1834.

1682Ibid. 1683Ibid. 1684Dorothy Dean Viets Schell, Viets. 1685Bates, Simsbury, page 224. 1686Virginai Mccormick, Scioto Company Descendants, Page 54. 1687Ibid. 1688Ibid. 1689Bates, Simsbury, Page 65. 1690McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 149.1, item A-8-1-6. 1691Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 123. 1692McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 149.1, item A-8-1-6-1. 1693Ibid., Page 149.1, item A-8-1-6-1-1. 1694Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 123. 1695Hayes, George Hayes, Page 58. 1696Bates, Simsbury, Page 220. 1697McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 151, Item A-8-1-6-1-2. 1698Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 123. 1699Hayes, George Hayes, page 58.

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iv. SAMUEL was born on 20 May 1759. Served in Revolutionary War.

v. TEMPERANCE was born on 14 Dec 1761. She died in 1787. vi. LEVI was born on 1 Apr 1763 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1701 He married Ruhamah Parsons, daughter of Johnathan Parsons

and Mary Merrick, on 14 Dec 1786 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1702 He died on 8 Oct 1847 at Granville, Licking Co., OH, at age 84.1703 He was buried at Old Colony Cemetery, Granville, Licking Co., OH.1704 from the Salmon Brook Historical Society News, April 2005: Levi Hayes was involved in both the Scioto Land Company that founded Worthington, Ohio, and the Licking Land Company that fouinded nearby Granville, Ohio.

vii. PLINY was born on 6 Jun 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lucretia Jewett on 14 Nov 1787 at Lyme, New London Co., CT. He died on 2 Aug 1831 at South Bristol, Ontario Co., NY, at age 65.

viii. SIMEON was born on 17 Feb 1768. ix. JOSEPH was born on 31 Aug 1771.1705 He married Clarissa Gillett. He died on 27 Jan 1857 at age 85.1706 x. MARTIN was born on 31 Mar 1776 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Camp on 25 Dec 1798 at Ridgebury, CT. He

died on 19 Aug 1847 at Greene, Erie Co., PA, at age 71. 524. LT. SILAS5 HOLCOMBE (Judah4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 27 Nov 1734 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1707 He married Mary Post, daughter of Stephan Post and Mary Downer. He died on 6 Oct 1806 at North Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 71.1708 He was buried at Lee Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1709 Silas served as a lieutenant in the 2nd Battalion under Col. Thaddeus Cook, 1776, Connecticut troops. Children of Lt. Silas5 Holcombe and Mary Post were as follows: i. MARY6 was born in 1763 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1710 She married Job Case Jr., son of Capt. Job Case and Joanna Wilcox,

on 21 Apr 1784 at First Congregational Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 2 Oct 1803 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1711 She was buried at Lee Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.

ii. LUCY was born in 1764. She married Elijah Holcombe, son of Elijah Holcombe and Violet Cornish, on 17 Oct 1781 at East Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 31 Aug 1800 at Southwick, Hampden Co., MA.1712 Lucy's gravestone reads "Lucyna."

iii. ANNA was born in 1767 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1713 She married Lt. Ferdinand Clemmons. She died on 24 Aug 1827.1714 She was buried at Lee Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1715

iv. SABRA was born in 1768. She died on 19 Sep 1777.1716 She was buried at Lee Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1717

1700Mark Williams Granby VR. 1701Virginai Mccormick, Scioto Company Descendants, Page 134. 1702Ibid. 1703Ibid. 1704Ibid. 1705Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 123. 1706Ibid. 1707Bates, Simsbury, Page 65. 1708Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 56. 1709Ibid. 1710Virginai Mccormick, Scioto Company Descendants, Page 99. 1711Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 51. 1712Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 129. 1713Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 52. 1714Ibid. 1715Ibid. 1716Ibid., Page 56. 1717Ibid.

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525. OZIAS5 HOLCOMBE (Judah4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 3 Mar 1736/37.1718 He married Rachel Cornish, daughter of Capt. James Cornish and Amy Butler, on 20 Dec 1757 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1719 He died on 7 Feb 1812 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 74.1720,1721 He was buried at Center Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1722 Bowman mentions an earlier Ozias that died young. This Ozias is probably the Ozias serving in Captain Samuel Hayes Company in the Revolutionary War with his brother Benjah; and that is what McPherson says. He is listed in the Compiled Service Records of Soldiers who served in the Revolutionary War, Microfilm Publication M881, Roll 361. He was a Corporal in the 18 Regiment, Connecticut Militia, serving in New York from August 22, 1776 to September 26, 1776. When Ozias was born, the settlement of Salmon Brook, part of Simsbury, was a small group of perhaps forty houses composed of the families of the first settlers: Ozias' grandfather Nathaniel, George Hayes, James Hillyer, and others who all appear in one another's genealogies. But Salmon Brook was beginning to grow. Fears of the Indians had diminished so that the families of Simsbury that were looking for more land for their sons and daughters to call their own, began to migrate outward to swell the size of this community. In the 1740's Ozias was a growing up and assimilating the values of his parents, good Puritans, and feeling a growing sense of independence from the older community of Simsbury. The long weekly trips to Hopmeadow to worship were adding to the little society's desire for additional independence. Judah Holcombe purchased lots in the 1750's in the "Popatunuck" section of Granby, near Mountain and Lost Acres Roads. In 1762 Ozias acquired one of these lots facing Mountain Road. Ozias married and took the responsibilities of farming and raising a large family of his own. This apparently consumed most of his time as he does not appear in any elected or appointed positions in the town. Like others in the area, Ozias and Rachel began to clear their land and exploited the timber resources, not only to build their house, but also for sale. Ozias and this brothers, Silas and Benajah, all lived in the same vicinity and were full of energy and ambition, throwing up mile after mile of stone walls, clearing out fields and pastures, containing livestock, and marking boundaries. The 1790 Census of Granby showed 4 Males over 16, 2 Males under 16, and 2 Females. Children of Ozias5 Holcombe and Rachel Cornish were as follows: i. OZIAS6 was born at Simsbury (now Granby), Hartford Co., CT. He married Ruth Perkins on 1 Jan 1788 at Granby, Hartford Co.,

CT.1723 McPherson names spouse as Susan, Bowman calls her Ruth. They moved to Champion, Jefferson Co., NY about 1800. The 1790 census of Granby shows Ozias Jr. with 1 Male over 16, 1 Male under 16, and 1 Female. Ozias was enumerated in the 1810 Champion, Jefferson Co., NY, federal census. There was 1 male over 45 and 1 female over 45. There were 3 males 16 thru 25 and 1 female 16 thru 25.

ii. AFFA was born circa 1759 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Benjamin Giddings in Oct 1781 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 13 Jul 1841 at Hartland, Hartford Co., CT.

iii. RACHEL was born at Simsbury (now Granby), Hartford Co., CT. She married Samuel Benjamin. She died on 10 Nov 1804.1724 iv. ALLEN was born in 1761 at Simsbury (now Granby), Hartford Co., CT. He married Collette Norton.

Cabinet maker and mechanic. Allen moved from Granby to Troy NY in 1812, and then later to Butternuts (now Morris) NY. Some information on Allen's family is from Cemetery Records, online, for the Quaker Burying Ground, Morris, Otsego Co., NY.

v. ROSWELL was born at Simsbury (now Granby), Hartford Co., CT. vi. NETTIE was born at Simsbury (now Granby), Hartford Co., CT.

1718Bates, Simsbury, Page 65. 1719Ibid., Page 160. 1720unknown subject, unknown repository, unknown repository address. 1721unknown subject, unknown repository, unknown repository address. 1722Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 120. 1723Mark Williams Granby VR, Page 253. 1724Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 120.

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James Holcombe

1767-1838 Granby Center Cemetery

vii. JAMES was born on 25 Sep 1767 at Salmon Brook Ecclesiastical Society, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1725 He married Mary

Holly on 15 May 1792. He married Miriam Colt, daughter of Dr. Amherst Colt and Miriam Giddings II, on 16 Dec 1819. He died on 23 Apr 1838 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 70.1726,1727 He was buried at Center Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1728

He left a will on 10 Apr 1836 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1729 James' gravestone indicates that he was age 71 at death.

viii. BUTLER was born in Nov 1767 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Temperance Gossett in 1793 at Litchfield, Herkimer Co., NY. He married Mary L. Knight.

ix. STARLING was born at Simsbury (now Granby), Hartford Co., CT. He married Lydia Humphrey. He died before 8 Jul 1871. x. NELLIE was born at Simsbury (now Granby), Hartford Co., CT. She married Abner Bushnell. 526. HANNAH5 HOLCOMBE (Judah4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 28 Aug 1739 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1730 She married Capt. Silas Hayes, son of Samuel Hayes and Elizabeth Willco*ckson, on 16 Nov 1757 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1731 She died on 28 Jun 1823 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 83.1732 She was buried at Salmon Brook Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Hannah5 Holcombe and Capt. Silas Hayes were as follows:

1725Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery. 1726unknown subject unknown repository. 1727Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery. 1728Ibid., Page 122. 1729unknown subject, unknown repository, unknown repository address. 1730Bates, Simsbury, Page 66. 1731Ibid., Page 176. 1732Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 124.

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i. OLIVER6 was born on 26 Aug 1758. ii. SILAS was born on 16 Oct 1760. He died in 1761. iii. HANNAH was born on 17 Nov 1762. iv. ELI was born in 1765. v. ROSETTA was born in 1767. She married Roger Moore, son of Joseph Moore and Mary Stevens, in 1786. She died on 7 Nov

1831 at Southwick, Hampden Co., MA. vi. DEBORAH was born in 1770. She married Josephus Walter. vii. PHINEHAS was born on 16 Mar 1772.1733 He was born on 16 Mar 1773.1734 He married Electa Stebbins, daughter of

/Stebbins/ (--?--) and Sarah Atkinson, on 17 Nov 1794 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 23 Jun 1853 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 81.1735 He died in Jun 1854 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 82.1736 Phineas was a farmer and shoe maker.

viii. SILAS was born in 1775. ix. ANNIS was born in May 1777. She married Levi Rice on 2 Dec 1799. She died in 1845. 527. BENAJAH5 HOLCOMBE (Judah4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 12 Nov 1741 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1737 He married Hulda Post, daughter of Joseph Post and Mary (--?--). He died on 4 Dec 1834 at age 93. He lived at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. Benajah served as a corporal in Capt. Samuel Hayes' Co. and arrived New York City with his brother Ozias, Aug 26, where he was discharged Sept 25, 1776. Became Capt. of 18th Connecticut Militia. DAR Benajah was the Patriot claimed in the applications to the DAR of the following women: Eloise (Sloan) Buchan, #290243 Alicia Mytle (Holcomb) Stevenson, #431300 Jeanne (Stevenson) Thornton, #460050 Nettie B. Rice, #462531 Margaret Joyce (Thornton) McCarty, #546519 Helen Elaine (Fox) Schrade, #714688 Rhonda Ann (Wike) Hill, #724998 Elaine Michele Wike, #748437. Children of Benajah5 Holcombe and Hulda Post were as follows: i. ZOPHER6 married Polly Maria Schofield.

Bowman lists this child, but Seaver and McCracken do not. ii. TOPHER. iii. GROVE CATLIN was born on 1 Apr 1769 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1738 He married Aurelia Holcombe, daughter of Hezekiah

Holcombe II and Chloe Pinney, on 10 Mar 1795.1739 He died on 28 Dec 1808 at age 39.1740 These two Holcombe families married and Seaver gives different accounts of the children on pages 24-25, and 43-44. The Granby Town Records record that on April 11, 1791 Grove Holcomb took the freemans oath and the Oath of Fidellity. He is listed as a surveyor at a town meeting held on the first Monday in December 1793. At the town meeting held on the first Monday in December 1799 he was listed as a Howard and KeyKeeper. Most of the children moved with their mother, Aurelia, some being married, from Granby to Vernon, Trumbull Co., Ohio, about 1823. Henry Bingall built a house there for Aurelia, which became a permanent home for her and family.

iv. HANNAH was born on 18 Feb 1771 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1741

1733Ibid., Page 100. 1734McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 1735Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 100. 1736McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 1737Bates, Simsbury, Page 66. 1738Ibid., Page 226. 1739McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 50.1; Item A-4-5-2-3-1-6. 1740Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141. 1741Bates, Simsbury, Page 226.

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v. HULDAH was born on 14 Nov 1772 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1742 She married Sterling Graves Bushnell, son of Alexander Bushnell and Chloe Wait, on 23 Dec 1795.1743 She died on 5 Jul 1862 at Hayesville, Ashland Co., OH, at age 89.1744 Seaver says she died young, Bowman lists 1826 death date and a husband, McCracken justs lists birth.

vi. NORMAN was born on 15 Nov 1774 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Olive Thompson in 1814. He died on 16 Nov 1856 at Vernon, Trumbull Co., OH, at age 82. Norman moved in 1808 to Vernon Twp. from Connecticut by ox team to occupy land bought from the Conn. Land Co., on which he established a farm and homestead. Norman and Olive were enumerated in the 1850 Vernon, Trumbull Co., OH, federal census. He was a farmer age 68, she was 66. Children in the household were George 30, and Collins 23.

vii. BENAJAH was born on 1 Jan 1776 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1745 He married Mille Alderman. He lived at Chester, MA.

viii. JOTHAM was born on 23 Nov 1777 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1746 He married Ruth Banning. He married Ruth Kent.1747 Jotham is enumerated in the 1850 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census, age 72, as the head of the household, with Nathan and his family.

ix. ALANSON was born on 27 Dec 1779 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1748 He married Minty Roby. He married Aurora Spring, daughter of Thomas Spring II and Jerusha Pomeroy, on 7 Dec 1845 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1749 He died on 5 Jun 1862 at age 82.1750 He was buried at Spring Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1751 At the time of his marriage to Aurora, Alanson was listed as "of Ill." Alanson and Aurora were enumerated in the 1860 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census. He was 79, she was 64. It is apparently Aurora who is enumerated in the 1870 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census, living alone, age 74.

x. FLAVEL was born in 1787. xi. COLLINS was born in 1812. He married Sarah Hudson. He died between 1 Jun 1850 and 1 Jun 1860.

Collins and Sarah were enumerated in the 1850 Manchester, Ontario Co., NY, federal census. He was a farmer age 37 (or 57), she was 47. Children in the household were James 20, Oliver 18, Sarah 16, Edgar A. 14, Collins 12, Mary 9, Frances 7. Also in the household was Ruby Char**, age 70. Sarah was enumerated in the 1860 manchester, Ontario Co., NY, federal census. She was 57. Children in the household were Oliver 26, Edgar A. 23, Collins, 21, Mary 19, Alice F. 11.

528. JUDAH5 HOLCOMBE (Judah4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 27 Aug 1746 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1752 He married Anna Hubbard, daughter of Hezekiah Hubbard and Hannah Olcott. He died on 2 Nov 1826 at North Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 80. He was buried at Old Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. His marker in the Baptist Cemetary plot #39 shows death 11/2/1826 at age 81. He was a member of the Baptist Church, Revolutionary War soldier. Seaver shows one wife, Anna; McCracken shows another, Martha Benjamin; Bowman shows both with different dates. In the old Baptist Cemetery on Old Granby Road, near the Judah Holcombe House, there is a tombstone that clearly says "In Memory of Anna, Wife of Judah Holcombe who died 11-27-1828." It seems obvious that all of the children were Anna's; don't know where McCracken got Martha.

1742Ibid. 1743Patriot Judah Holcombe, Sr. Application, 1 April 1946 Eloise Sloane, 28 Glenwood Blvd., Mansfield, OH. 1744Ibid. 1745Bates, Simsbury, Page 226. 1746Ibid. 1747McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 182.1/Item A-8-1-6-5-6. 1748Bates, Simsbury, Page 226. 1749Christina Bailey and Lorraine Cook White, Barbour: Granby, Page 112. 1750Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 75. 1751Ibid. 1752Bates, Simsbury, Page 66.

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The Granby Town Records first mention Judah Junior at the inaugural Town Meeting, December 1, 1786, where he was chosen the first Town Clerk and last mention him in 1814 when he was still Town Clerk. from Tempest: It must have been an exciting moment in October, 1786, when the Connecticut General Assembly declared that "the Northern Part of the sd Town of Simsbury . . . Shall be and are here by Incorporated into and Constituted a Town by the Name of the Town of Granby & Shall Ever Here after have and injoy all the Rights Privilidges & Immunities That other Towns in this State are Legally Intitled to." Just three years earlier Great Britain had recognized its former Atlantic seaboard colonies as "free and independent states" and now the parishes of Salmon Brook and Turkey Hills seemed to have won an even more important recognition. They were no longer a backwater of Simsbury, but their own community, controlling their own affairs in their own town meeting and electing their own men to run their government. It was in this context that Asahel Holcomb thumped the gavel at the first "town meting of the Inhabitens of Granby Legally Held at the meting House in Salmon Brook Society on the first Monday of December 1786." Their first act was to elect Judah Holcomb Jr. the town clerk, at which time Judah took up the quill and dutifully recorded the subsequent election of his brother-in-law, Captain Samuel Hays as the town's first selectman. Children of Judah5 Holcombe and Anna Hubbard were as follows: i. ANNA6 was born on 25 Jan 1774 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1753 She married Dr. Horace Hillyer, son of Asa Hillyer and Rhoda

Smith, on 22 Sep 1796 at First Congregatinal Church, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1754,1755 She died on 16 Aug 1847 at Hartford, Hartford Co., CT, at age 73.1756,1757 She was buried at Baptist Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1758 Anna's gravestone: He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces..1759

ii. MILLICENT was born in 1776. She married Hezekiah Goodrich, son of Hezekiah Goodrich and Submit Stocking. She died on 26 Dec 1847.1760 She was buried at Baptist Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1761

iii. WARREN was born on 22 Sep 1778.1762 He married Ascenath Holcombe, daughter of Roger Hayes Holcombe and Mercy Gillett. He died on 4 Mar 1864 at age 85.1763 He was buried at Baptist Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1764 Warren and Asenath were enumerated in the 1850 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census with Henry and a number of boarders. They lived near Hezekiah Goodrich Sr., Warren's brother-in-law.

529. DAN5 HOLCOMBE (Judah4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 21 Oct 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1765 He married Hannah Gillett, daughter of Othniel Gillett and Eunice (--?--), in 1769. He married Sybil Drake on 21 Feb 1808. He died on 2 May 1812 at North Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 63. He was buried at Baptist Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1766 His marker in the Baptist cemetery shows death 5/12/1812 at age 62. The 1790 Census in Granby, CT, listed 2 Males over 16, 3 Males under 16, and 5 Females.

1753Norment, John Hillyer, Page 136. 1754Christina Bailey and Lorraine Cook White, Barbour: Granby, Page 113. 1755Norment, John Hillyer, Page 136. 1756Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 25. 1757Norment, John Hillyer, Page 136. 1758Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 25. 1759Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones. 1760Ibid., Page 22. 1761Ibid. 1762Ibid., Page 28. 1763Ibid. 1764Ibid. 1765Bates, Simsbury, Page 66. 1766Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 34.

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The 1800 Census in Hartford Co., CT the family consisted of the following: 1 male over 45, 1 male 16-26, 2 males 10-16, 2 males 0-10, 2 females over 45, 3 females 16-26, 1 female 0-10. There is a little confusion here. Dan or Daniel, Hannah Shepherd or Hannah Gillette? There are probably two marriages here, needs more research. Children of Dan5 Holcombe and Hannah Gillett were as follows: i. WEALTHY ANN6 was born on 9 Oct 1773 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Eber Banning Clark, son of Elijah Clark and

Hannah Banning, on 28 Mar 1796 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 7 Jan 1861 at Greenville, PA, at age 87. She was buried at Center-Pioneer-Brockway Cemetery, Vernon, Trumbull Co., OH. Weir has Welthia Ann as a daugher of Dan, Seaver does not mention her parents.

ii. PHILETUS was born in 1780 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1767 He married Theodocia Reed, daughter of Benjamin Reed and Thula Wilcox. He died on 14 Mar 1828.1768 He was buried at Baptist Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1769

iii. DEBORAH was born in 1784. She married Parley Cooley, son of Ensign Noah Cooley and Lois Holcombe, in 1803. She died on 3 Sep 1826.1770

iv. ASAHEL was born in 1786 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lucy Holcombe, daughter of Elijah Holcombe and Lucy Holcombe, on 20 Feb 1810 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1842 at New Ohio, NY. He began military service on 18 Aug 1814 Served as a private in Captain Isaac Phelps, Jr.'s Co. of Connecticut Militia, War of 1812. Served as a private in Captain Isaac Phelps, Jr.'s Co., of Connecticut Militia (War of 1812). This is probably the Asahel listed in "Connecticut Pensioners of 1835" listed as from Hartford Co., Private. The 1840 and 1830 Census' show him in Colesville, Broome Co., NY. Lucy was enumerated in the 1850 Colesville, Broome Co., NY, federal census, page 27, with daughter Lucy Ann. They were living next door to Edwin.

v. CHAUNCEY SMITH was born in 1790 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 14 Aug 1808.1771 He was buried on 16 Aug 1808 at Baptist Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1772

vi. CARLOS was born on 25 Feb 1793. He married Mercy Hayes, daughter of Dudley Hayes. He married Charlotte (--?--). He died on 11 Sep 1857 at New Ohio, NY, at age 64. Carlos and Charlotte were enumerated in the 1850 Census Colesville, Broome Co., NY p 145/6 & 146, dwelling 213, family 219, lines 37-42 and 1-3; National Archives micofilm M432, roll 477, microfilm number M432-477. He was 51, she was 48. Children in the household were Cassandra 23, Charlotte 18, Almira 15, Eliza V. 12 N. Eugene 10, Chancy L. 8, and Ellen J. 4.

vii. HORACE was born on 18 Apr 1795. He married Julia Ann Gillet on 7 Apr 1814. He died on 23 Mar 1833 at age 37. Moved to New Ohio, NY and married.

There were no children of Dan5 Holcombe and Sybil Drake. 530. PENELOPE5 HOLCOMBE (Judah4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 29 Feb 1752 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1773 She married Elizur Goodrich, son of Gershon Goodrich and Elizabeth Savage, on 9 Nov 1772.1774 She married Elijah Hubbard in 1785. She married James Hillyer IV, son of Captain James Hillyer and Mary Eno Humphrey, on 12 Oct 1823 at First Congregatinal Church, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1775 She died on 29 Sep 1837 at age 85.1776 Penelope and Elijah are listed a members of the First Church in 1785.

1767McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 184.2, Item A-8-1-6-8-5. 1768Ibid. 1769Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 27. 1770Ibid., Page 33. 1771Ibid., Page 26. 1772Ibid. 1773Bates, Simsbury, Page 66. 1774Norment, John Hillyer, page 129. 1775Ibid., Page 125. 1776Ibid., Page 129.

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There is apparently a will written by Penelope in Oct 1823 GPR 7-27, that Carol Laun speculates may have been written to protect the inheritance of her children before she married James Hillyer. Mentioned in the will are her sons David and Silas Goodrich and her daughter Luna Goodrich.1777 Children of Penelope5 Holcombe and Elizur Goodrich were as follows: i. DAVID6 was born on 7 Nov 1773 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1778,1779,1780 He married Hilpah Hayes, daughter of Seth Hayes

and Mehitable Topping, on 11 Sep 1803 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1781 He died on 12 Oct 1857 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 83.1782,1783 The George Hayes Genealogy states that Penelope Holcombe married Elizur Goodrich and their son, David, was born Granby 7 Nov 1773.1784 David and Hilpah were enumerated in the 1850 Granby, Hartford Co., CT census with Ellen Holcombe, age 21 also in the household (probably granddaughter Martha Ellen Holcombe).

ii. LUNA. iii. SILAS. There were no children of Penelope5 Holcombe and Elijah Hubbard. There were no children of Penelope5 Holcombe and James Hillyer IV. 531. ROGER5 BUTTOLPH (Mary4 Holcombe, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 4 Oct 1734. He married Mary Gardner. Roger was a private in Capt. Silas Goodroch's company from Berkshire Co., conn.; said to have participated in the Battle of Bunker Hill, settled in Great Barrington, Mass., but not found in the VR thereof. McCracken references DAR LB 35:2. Children of Roger5 Buttolph and Mary Gardner were: i. LATHAM6 married Martha Holcombe. 532. ELIJAH5 BUTTOLPH (Mary4 Holcombe, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born at Wintonbury, Hartford Co., CT. He was baptized on 16 May 1742 at Wintonbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Unknown (--?--). He married Deborah Field, daughter of Ebenezer Field Jr. and Hannah Mills, in Feb 1780. He died on 23 Feb 1835 at Middlebury, VT. McCracken's discussion of Elijah's wives is extensive: Elijah resided Canaan and Salisbury, Conn., before moving to Vt. He certainly m. twice, perhaps thrice, and if so, the third wife was named Ruth and nothig more is known of her. Nothing his known of the first wife except that the claim that the second wife was a Reyburn cannot be substantiated and this may be really true of the first wife. Stiles says that he m. at Norfolk, Conn., in Feb. 1780, Deborah Rayburn, widow of Joseph Plumly. Information on this family came to Stiles from Jonathan Buttolph of Iowa Falls, Iowa, a son of George (1755-1820), a person not discovered by McCracken, but in the errata this is listed as error, though what is true is not stated. Katie R. Mills' Mills Genealogy pp. 27f. itentifies the 2nd wife as Deborah Field, b. 13 march 1765, m. (1) March 1776 (a very early age), Norfolk, Conn., Joseph Plumly (d. there Oct. 1778). She was dau. of Ebenezer Field Jr. (1706-1783) by his 3rd wife Hannah Mills (John, Simon) and Hannah Adams. Miss Mills says Elijah moved to Vermont in 1786 and in 1790 he was of Middlebury, Vt. in 1791 (4/4/4). There were two Plumly children: Abigail, b. 1777, m. 1801 John Austin Sumner; Joseph, bur. Norfolk, Conn., 1779. Children of Elijah5 Buttolph and Unknown (--?--) were: i. EZEKIEL6 was born on 27 Nov 1764. He died on 4 Feb 1805 at age 40. Children of Elijah5 Buttolph and Deborah Field were as follows: i. ABIGAIL6 was baptized on 11 Apr 1784 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT. ii. JOANNA was born in 1781. She was baptized on 11 Apr 1784 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT. She died on 1 May 1818. iii. SARAH was baptized on 11 Apr 1784 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT. She died on 25 Mar 1818. iv. JOSEPH was born in 1786. He was baptized on 11 Apr 1786. v. ELIJAH was born in 1788.

Elijah appears to have been aet. 26 14 April 1814, and to have given data for the History of Middlebury, Vt. in 1859, and to hav had a half sister, really step-sister, Abigail Plumly.

vi. DAVID was born in 1790. He died on 30 Jun 1869 at Middlebury, VT. vii. JONATHAN was born on 1 Aug 1797.

Jonathan is not listed by McCracken, but is listed by McPherson and Bowman.

1777Carol Laun, "Penelope Holcombe," e-mail message from [emailprotected] (c/o Salmon Brook Historical Society) to James H. Holcombe, 9 March 2001. Hereinafter cited as "Penelope Holcombe". 1778Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 81. 1779Hayes, George Hayes, Page 58. 1780McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 186.1, Item A-8-1-6-9-1. 1781Hayes, George Hayes, Page 58. 1782Ibid. 1783Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 81. 1784Hayes, George Hayes, page 58.

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533. PHILIP5 CASE (Sarah4 Holcombe, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 12 Feb 1731/32 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1785 He married Lydia Soveril, daughter of Abraham Soveril and Jemima Adams, on 30 Nov 1757 at Sheffield, Berkshire Co., MA. He died in 1814 at Candor, Tioga Co., NY. Will of Philip Case, Tioga Co., NY; Will book 13, p 104-105; 10 Jul 1811. Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War. Boston, MA; Wright & Potter Printing co., 1897. p184. DAR Patriot Index: and Index to the spouses of the DAR Patriots, v. 3. Washington, DC national Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. 1986, p 676. Children of Philip5 Case and Lydia Soveril were as follows: i. LYDIA6 was born circa 1758 at Hampshire Co., MA. She died in 1834. ii. TIMOTHY was born on 28 Sep 1759 at Hampshire Co., MA. He died on 30 Jul 1844 at Chicago, Cook Co., IL, at age 84. iii. ABRAHAM was born on 28 Dec 1761 at Berkshire Co., MA. He married Ruth Preston, daughter of Othniel Preston and Anna Love,

circa 1784 at Washington Co., NY. He married Naomi Preston, daughter of Othniel Preston and Anna Love, circa 1792 at Hebron, Washington Co., NY.1786 He died on 8 Feb 1831 at Hebron, Washington Co., NY, at age 69. He was buried at North Hebron Cemetery, Hebron, Washington Co., NY. David Stielow used the following sources: Hebron Preservation solciety. Hebron: A Century in Review; Coneco Laser Graphics, Glens Falls, NY, 1987; p224-225. Will of Philip Case. Tioga Co., NY Will book 13, p 104-105, 10 Jul 1811. The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Revolutionary War graves register p113.

iv. RACHEL was born circa 1764 at Berkshire Co., MA. She died circa 1846 at Middlebury?, Wyoming Co., NY. v. REUBEN was born on 26 Dec 1766 at Berkshire Co., MA. He died on 30 May 1847 at Spencer, Tioga Co., NY, at age 80. vi. AARON was born circa 1768 at Berkshire Co., MA. He married Abigail (--?--) circa 1787 at North Hebron, Washington Co., NY.

He died circa 1827 at Troy, Bradford Co., PA. Information on Aaron and his descendants is from a gedcom prepared by Betty Nuttall and found on the internet.

vii. SAMUEL was born circa 1772 at Berkshire Co., MA. He died on 17 Jun 1836 at Troy, Bradford Co., PA. viii. SARAH was born on 16 Dec 1778 at Berkshire Co., MA. ix. SEMANTHY was born circa 1780 at Berkshire Co., MA. She died circa 1815. x. LEONARD was born circa 1784 at Berkshire Co., MA. xi. JUSTINA was born circa 1786 at Berkshire Co., MA. 534. MARTIN5 HOLCOMBE (Peter4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 27 Jul 1741 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1787 He married Olivia Spencer. He married Deziah Haynes. Settled in Southwick, Mass.; was an inn-keeper, having moved there from Granby and Simsbury. Children of Martin5 Holcombe and Deziah Haynes were: i. DEZIAH6 was born on 29 Sep 1767 at Southwick, Hampden Co., MA. She married Bethuel Holcombe, son of Eldad Holcombe and

Michal Church, on 2 Mar 1786. There were no children of Martin5 Holcombe and Olivia Spencer. Children of Martin5 Holcombe include: i. MARTIN6 married Grace Loomis, daughter of Capt. Noah Loomis and Rhoda L. Clark. ii. SAMUEL married Sarah Johnson. iii. CLARRISSA. Bowman does not list Clarissa, Seaver does, but Bowman does have a vacant place as 4th child where Seaver has

her. iv. OLIVER was born on 9 Nov 1775 at Southwick, Hampden Co., MA. v. NOADIAH NORMAN was born on 20 May 1777.1788 He married Mary Loomis, daughter of Noah Loomis and Mary Dewey, on 27

Feb 1800.1789 He died on 7 Jun 1855 at age 78.1790 He was buried at Old Marcellus Village Cemetery, Marcellus, Onondaga Co., NY.

1785Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 13. 1786David Stielow, "Descendants of Philip Case," e-mail message from [emailprotected] (PO Box 10373, Burbank, CA 91510) to James H. Holcombe, 21 January 2004. Hereinafter cited as "Philip Case". 1787Bates, Simsbury, Page 97. 1788Loomis, Joseph Loomis, Page 183, Item 1465.

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Possibly moved to Marcellus, NY and died 7 Jun 1855 age 79, bur. Old Marcellus Village Cemetery. The family of his second cousin Hemon Holcombe, also seems to be there.

vi. EDMUND was born on 28 Jul 1780 at Southwick, Hampden Co., MA.1791 He married Sally Cardell. He died on 10 Feb 1857 at Van Buren Township, Onondaga Co., NY, at age 76.1792 Bowman does not list a 7th child, Seaver does. David Waid indicates that the connection between this Edmond and Martin is from IGI records and further documentation is needed. Edmund was enumerated in the 1830 Van Buren, Onondaga Co., NY census as head of the family; 1 male 20-30 yrs.; 1 male 40-50 yrs.; 1 female 5-10 yrs.; 1 female 10-15 yrs.; 1 female 40-50 yrs. Edmund was enumerated in the 1850 Van Buren, Onondaga Co., NY census, age 70 yrs., b. MA; Sarah, 66 yrs., b. CT.

535. MARGARET5 HOLCOMBE (Peter4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 18 Feb 1745/46 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1793 She married Col. Giles Pettibone, son of Jonathan Pettibone and Martha Humphrey. Simsbury Soldires lists the first three children; Weir the last two. Children of Margaret5 Holcombe and Col. Giles Pettibone were as follows: i. JONATHAN6 married Elizabeth Welsh. ii. RUFUS was born in 1784. He married Louise Cecelia Esther Le Droit de Busey. He died in 1823. iii. GILES was born in 1760. He married Louisa Pease. He died in 1811. iv. CEPHUS was born in 1763. v. AUGUSTUS was born in 1766. He married Sarah Lawrence. vi. LEVI was born on 17 Dec 1780. He married Martha Lowry in 1831. He died on 24 Jun 1881 at age 100. vii. LUCY was born in 1787. She married Augustus Phelps. 536. NOADIAH NORMAN5 HOLCOMBE (Peter4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 4 Oct 1749 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1794,1795 He married Affiah Buttolph, daughter of Capt. Jonathan Buttolph and Jerusha Dibble, on 28 May 1778. He died on 24 Mar 1809 at age 59.1796 See the notes on Noadiah's older, deceased brother by the same name. We are following the assumption, like McCracken, that the first Noadiah died and the next son was then also named Noadiah. Seaver shows the two Noadiah's marrying Affiah Buttolph and Apphia Butler, apparently the same woman, either last name could also have been a married name and she a widow as she was in her 30's when she married Noadiah. Probably the Noadiah who was in Massachusetts, a Sergeant, Capt. Malcolm Henery's Co., Col. David Brewer's (9th) regt.; company return dated Oct. 7, 1775; also, Capt. Henry's co., Col. Rufus Putnam's (late Brewer's) 9th regt.; order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Roxbury, Dec. 23, 1775. Children of Noadiah Norman5 Holcombe and Affiah Buttolph were as follows: i. CANDANCE6 was born in Sep 1780 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 17 Sep 1783.1797

ii. JONATHAN was born on 7 Nov 1783 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1798 He married Annis Phelps. He died on 8 Sep 1851 at age 67.1799 He was buried at Center Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1800

1789Ibid. 1790Ibid. 1791David M. Waid, "Descendants of Edmond Holcombe," e-mail message from [emailprotected] (unknown address) to James H. Holcombe, 16 Sep 2001. Hereinafter cited as "Edmond Holcombe". 1792Ibid. 1793Bates, Simsbury, Page 97. 1794Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 128. 1795Bates, Simsbury, Page 97. 1796Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 128. 1797Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 112. 1798Mark Williams Granby VR, Page 253. 1799Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 120. 1800Ibid.

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Jonathan's grave stone gives birth as 8 Oct 1782, Town Records as 7 Nov 1783. He was recorded in the 1850 census of Granby as a farmer, owning real estate, $3,500.

iii. SERENO was born on 11 Oct 1785 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1801 He married Cynthia Ann Wilcox, daughter of Sadoce Wilcox and Roxy Hayes, on 29 Jan 1807. He married Anna Clements. He died on 24 Oct 1863 at age 78.1802 He was buried at Lee Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1803 Sereno and Ann were enumerated in the 1850 Granby, Hartford Co., CT federal census. He was a farmer, age 64, she was 62. Also in the household was Jane, age 28. Sereno and "Alma" are enumerated in the 1860 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census with a "Lyman?" or "Symon?" Holcombe, age 17, born in Ohio. Granby Vital Records has Sereno as 10 Oct 1785 - 31 Oct 1863.1804

iv. HARLOW was born on 28 Mar 1788 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1805 He married Anna Clements.1806 He died on 5 Nov 1826 at Granville, Hampden Co., MA, at age 38.1807 He was buried at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1808 His body was probably moved to the Granvile, MA, cemetery, as there is a stone there, and no stone in the West Granby Cemetery.1809

v. ANSON NOADIAH was born on 27 Dec 1792.1810 He married Harriet Maria Street, daughter of Ebenezer Street and Rebecca Bradley, on 17 Jul 1826. He died on 11 May 1863 at age 70.1811 He was buried at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1812 Seaver, Kuhns, and McPherson call him Anson Noadiah and Bowman calls him Noadiah Anson. He is recorded as Anson N. in the 1850 Granby census as a farmer, age 57, owning real estate, $4,000. Harriet is 43, Mary age 27, Harris 20, Edward 12, Estella 6, and Helen 4. Anson N. and Harriet M. were enumerated in the 1860 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census with Edward, Estella, and Helen.

vi. NANCY was born on 2 Mar 1795.1813 She died on 4 Mar 1811 at age 16.1814 She was buried at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1815

537. ASAHEL5 HOLCOMBE (Peter4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 15 Oct 1752 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1816 He married Abigail Hoskins, daughter of John Hoskins Jr. and Zillah Humphrey. He married Hannah Smith. He was buried on 2 Oct 1832 at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1817

1801Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 56. 1802Ibid. 1803Ibid. 1804Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones. 1805McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 189.2. 1806Ibid. 1807Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 113. 1808Ibid. 1809Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones. 1810Ibid., Page 111. 1811Ibid. 1812Ibid. 1813Ibid., Page 116. 1814Ibid. 1815Ibid. 1816Bates, Simsbury, Page 97. 1817Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 111.

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Seaver spells his name Asahel. Bowman shows the second marriage after his death! He was a volunteer from Simsbury at the Lexington Alarm. He was in Sheldon's Light Dragoons to the close of the war, and rose to the rank of captain. He was a pensioner when he died, 1832, aged eighty. Children of Asahel5 Holcombe and Abigail Hoskins all born at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. LUCINDA6 was born in 1785. She married Samuel Holcombe, son of Lt. Benjah Philo Holcombe and Mary Case, in 1806. She

died on 12 Mar 1873.1818 She was buried at Simsbury Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1819 Seaver notes that this Holcombe is son of Lieutenant Benaha, Joshua Line.

ii. GAYLORD was born circa 1792.1820 He married Nancy Messenger. He died on 8 Mar 1848.1821 He was buried at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1822 He lived at New Britain, Hartford Co., CT.

iii. MARIA was born in 1804. She married Dr. Roland Holcombe, son of Samuel Holcombe and Sarah Johnson, on 30 Dec 1829. She married Owen Ruick. According to Carol Laun at the Salmon Brook Historical Society, Maria (sometimes known as Hannah) remarried after Dr. Roland died and in probate records she is named guardian to Roland's children.

iv. LUMAN was born in 1805. He married Harriett Newell on 8 May 1829 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1823 Luman was recorded in the 1850 New Brittain, Hartford Co., CT, census as an iron founder.

There were no children of Asahel5 Holcombe and Hannah Smith. 538. KEZIAH5 HOLCOMBE (Peter4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 23 Nov 1755 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1824 She married Elijah Spencer. She died on 29 Apr 1830 at age 74. Children of Keziah5 Holcombe and Elijah Spencer were: i. ELIJAH6 was born in 1775. He died in 1852.

17 congress from NY-Benton. 539. LT. COL. PETER5 HOLCOMBE (Peter4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 24 Jul 1759 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1825 He married Zillah Hoskins, daughter of John Hoskins Jr. and Zillah Humphrey. He died on 24 Feb 1838 at age 78.1826 Peter served seven years in the Connecticut line militia in the American Revolution under General George Washington. He fought in the battles of Monmouth, Brandywine and Trenton and spent the winter at Valley Forge in Capt. Burr's Co., Col. Moseley's Regt. After the battle of Monmouth June 28th, 1778; arrived at camp on the Hudson, July 13, 1778; promoted from the ranks until commissioned Lt. Col. On record in Hartford, Ct., past 73 years old, June 27, 1833 and in 1832 as a Revolutionary pensioner for services as a private in the continental Line, at $60 per year. Children of Lt. Col. Peter5 Holcombe and Zillah Hoskins were as follows: i. PETER6 was born in 1780 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 22 Aug 1780.1827 ii. ARDEN J. was born in 1782 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Rachel Hoskins, daughter of Ashbel Hoskins and Rachel

Marvin, on 5 Apr 1805. He died on 1 May 1834 at fell out of a tree.1828 He was buried at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1829

1818Joyce A. Cahill Simsbury Cemetery, Page 161. 1819Ibid., Page 160. 1820Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 113. 1821Ibid. 1822Ibid. 1823Bates, Simsbury, Page 294. 1824Ibid., Page 97. 1825Ibid., Page 98. 1826Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 116. 1827Ibid. 1828Ibid., Page 111. 1829Ibid.

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Was in War of 1812. He was killed by a fall from a tree which broke his back. He and Rachel have an inscribed memorial stone marking the site of the roots of that tree. The memorial stone says "who was killed on this spot by a fall from a tree 30 Apr 1834", which differs from other records of the date. "Ardin" was enumerated in the 1810 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, federal census. He had 2 sons under 10 (probably Arden Jay and Guy), and a daughter under 10 (probably Lorenda). He was 26-44, his wife was 16-25. Arden was enumerated in the 1820 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, federal census, page 12. There were 4 boys under 10 (probably Alson, Chester Reuben, Asahel, and Frederick), and 2 boys 10 to 15 (probably Arden Jay and Guy). Arden was 26-44. There was one girl under 10 (probably Rachel), and one 10-15 (probably Lorenda; if Irene was born 1810-1820 she must have been out of the household at the time of the census), Arden's wife was 26-44. "Ardon" was enumerated in the 1830 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, federal census. There were 2 boys 10-14 (probably Asahel and Frederick), 1 boy 15-19 (probably Chester), 1 boy 20-29 (probably Alson), and Arden was 40-49. There was one girl 5-9 (probably Pluma), one girl 10-14 (probably Rachel), two girls 15-19 (probably Lorenda and Irene), and Arden's wife was 40-49. The Arden II listed by McPherson on page 190.2 is Arden Benjamin Holcombe, son of Levi and Martha (Benjamin) Holcombe, and does not belong in this family. There was a Jay Holcombe enumerated in the 1830 Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT federal census, with 2 males 20-29 and one girl 10-15. This could be Arden Jay and his brother Guy, and a sister?

iii. STEPHEN was born on 25 Jan 1787.1830 He married Experience Miller, daughter of Solomon Miller and Lydia (--?--). He died on 4 Dec 1867 at age 80.1831 He was buried at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1832 Stephen and Experience apparently had three other children who did not live past childhood and are buried in the West Granby Cemetery. They are recorded without an indication of their sex, as having died in 1814, 1814, and 1818. 1833 Stephen and Experience were separated in 1821, reconciled by 1850. Stephen and Experience were recorded in the 1850 Granby, Hartford Co., CT census with their dughter Deborah's family in the household. Stephen was recorded in the 1860 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census, with his daughter Deborah's family in the household.

iv. ALMON was born on 26 Jan 1789.1834 He married Nancy Smith. He married Harriett Higley, daughter of Enoch Higley and Rosalinda Moore, on 29 Oct 1821 at Hartland, Hartford Co., CT.1835 He married Mabel Caldwell. He died on 30 Sep 1836 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 47.1836,1837 He was buried on 1 Oct 1836 at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1838

v. PETER was born in 1790 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Achsah Case, daughter of Asa Case and Sarah Robe, on 13 Apr 1826 at Simsbury First Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1839 He died on 22 Aug 1831 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He was buried at Simsbury Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1840

vi. HUMPHREY was born in 1793. He married (--?--) Unknown. He married Roxanna Case, daughter of Asa Case and Sarah Robe. He died on 3 Aug 1854 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He was buried at Simsbury Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1841 Humphrey was recorded in the 1850 Simsbury census as a farmer, woning real estate, $4,000.

1830Ibid., Page 118. 1831Ibid. 1832Ibid. 1833Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones. 1834Ibid., Page 111. 1835Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 1836Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 111. 1837Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 1838Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 111. 1839Bates, Simsbury, Page 290. 1840Joyce A. Cahill Simsbury Cemetery, Page 161. 1841Ibid., Page 160.

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Except Watson and Mary Emma, others here offered as children are by inference and association, his wife, in 1850, Roxanna, being too young to have been the mother of any except Mary Emma, indicating that she was not his first wife.1842

vii. SHALER was born in 1795. He married Candace Hoskins, daughter of Asa Hoskins and Abigail Case, on 1 Feb 1821 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1843 He died in 1835.1844 He was buried at Simsbury Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1845

viii. ZILLAH married Jason Case, son of Asa Case and Sarah Robe, on 19 Feb 1818 at First Congregatinal Church, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 7 Feb 1838 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. Also called "Tilla."

540. EBENEZER5 HOLCOMBE (Peter4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 14 May 1761 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1846 He married Chloe Bacon, daughter of Maskill Bacon and Abigail (--?--), on 3 Apr 1788 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1847,1848 He died on 5 Mar 1825 at age 63.1849 Seaver gives birth date as May 4, 1761. Ebenezer served, 1778-79, in Capt. William Judd's company, Col. Samuel Wyllys's Connecticut regiment. DAR application 73223 gives death as 5 Mar 1825. Children of Ebenezer5 Holcombe and Chloe Bacon were as follows: i. ZOPHAR6 was born in 1790 at CT.1850 He married Lucy Goddard, daughter of Isaac Goddard and Rosanna Holcombe, circa

1811 at CT. He died after 1850 at LaSalle Co., IL. He was also known as TOPHER HOLCOMBE. Lived in Iowa. Zophar and Lucy were enumerated in the 1850 Troy, LaSalle Co., IL, federal census. He was a farmer, age 60, she was 57. The only child in the household was Warren 21.

ii. EBENEZER SEYMOUR was born on 16 Jun 1790.1851 He married Almira Alderman, daughter of Epaphras Alderman and Chloe Hayes. He died on 11 Nov 1876 at age 86.1852 Ebenezer is recorded in the 1850 census of Simsbury as a laborer and had his mother, Chloe living in his home with him, wife and a child who turns out to be their grandchild. Ebenezer and Almira are recorded in the 1860 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census with Lewis M. Ebenezer and Almira are recorded in the 1870 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census, page 24. McPherson lists a child Lewis M. born in 1840-41. Carol Laun goes into great detail in explaining that this was their grandchild and that their son Lewis Monroe Holcombe Sr. was widowed and had gone west and had since died. See the Connecticut Nutmegger September 1995 and September 1996 for complete details and primary source material. Carol can also be contacted at the Salmon Brook Historical Society, Granby 06035; or through the Connecticut Society of Genealogists, Inc., the publisher of the Connecticut Nutmegger, at Box 435, Glastonbury, CT 06033-0435. It is not known if Ebenezer is burried in West Granby or in the Granby Center Cemetery, but his fahter owned a plot in West Granby. 1853

iii. ELAM was born on 20 Jul 1792.1854 He was buried on 20 Sep 1860 at Center Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1855

1842McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 1843Bates, Simsbury, Page 282. 1844Joyce A. Cahill Simsbury Cemetery, Page 161. 1845Ibid. 1846Bates, Simsbury, Page 98. 1847DAR DAR Lineage book, Vol. LXXIV:Pg. 84/Item 73223. 1848Dora Marcia Spring Norton Supplemental Application 73223, March 13, 1909. 1849Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 112. 1850Zophar Holcombe, online http://www.pe.net/~kathys/holcomb6.htm. Hereinafter cited as Zophar Holcombe. 1851Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 131. 1852Ibid. 1853Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones.

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It is not know if Elam was buried in the West Granby or Granby Center Cemetery, but his father owned a plot in West Granby.1856

iv. HORACE was born on 7 Jan 1794. He died in 1873. v. CHLOE was born on 7 Jan 1796. She married Hector Pettibone. vi. CAMPBELL was born on 25 Jan 1800.

1854Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 131. 1855Ibid. 1856Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones.

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Terry-Holcombe Bible

Page 2 - Marriages vii. ESTHER was born on 5 Aug 1808 at CT.1857,1858 She married Orwin Terry on 17 Nov 1830 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She

died on 8 Sep 1865 at age 57.1859

18571850 Federal Census, unknown repository address, On-line.

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Orwin and Esther were enumerated in the 1850 Avon, Hartford Co., CT, federal census. He was a laborer, age 39, she was 41. Children in the household were Milo 12, and Lucius 7. Widow Esther was enumerated in the 1860 Avon, Hartford Co., CT, federal census. She was 52 and son Lucius was 17.

viii. CANDACE was born on 20 Jun 1809. She married Thomas Spring III, son of Thomas Spring II and Jerusha Pomeroy, in 1824. She died in 1869. Bowman, on vol. 1, page 161, lists two husbands for Candace, Thomas Spring and Anson Cooley. This is apparently an error, which she corrects in vol. 2, page 128, item 810425. Seaver and SS say Candace's spouse was Thomas Spring. DAR Records #7395 and #12026 also listed Thomas Spring. McPherson only lists Thomas Spring. There was a second Candace, daughter of Sereno and Cynthia Ann (Wilcox) Holcombe. Documentation for her marriage and children is listed there.

Jacob Holcombe

1764-1856 Granby Center Cemetery

541. JACOB5 HOLCOMBE (Peter4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 27 Oct 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1860,1861 He married Theodocia Bacon on 22 Feb 1791. He married Susannah Rowe, daughter of Abijah Rowe and Deborah Forward, on 22 Jan 1805.1862 He married

1858unknown family info, Terry-Holcombe Bible (New York: American Bible Society, 1848); Salmon Brook Historical Society, New York. Hereinafter cited as Terry-Holcombe Bible. 1859Ibid. 1860Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 126. 1861Bates, Simsbury, Page 248.

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Hannah Smith on 9 Nov 1836. He died on 15 Oct 1856 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 91. He was buried at Center Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1863 There is no specific reference in Seaver as to the mother of the children listed so all born befoe 1805 will be listed to Bacon, all after to Rowe. Jacob, Theodocia and Susannah are all buried in the Granby Center Cemetery. Jacob was enumerated in the 1850 Granby, Hartford Co., CT census. Sylvester age 41, wife Sarah and their child Wilbur were also in the houehold, as was Charles, age 38. Hannah, age 78 was listed last after all the children and hired help. Children of Jacob5 Holcombe and Theodocia Bacon were as follows: i. CHESTER6 was born on 17 Dec 1791 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lucy Thompkins, daughter of Gilbert Thompkins.

He died on 14 Sep 1798 at age 6.1864 If Chester was buried in the Granby Center Cemetery at age 7, he certainly couldn't have had a wife, Lucy.

ii. ORATOR was born on 25 Apr 1794 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Cyrena Reed, daughter of David Reed and Sarah Wild. He died on 3 Mar 1876 at age 81.1865 Orator and "Sirena" were enumerated in the 1850 Granby, Hartford Co., CT census with Chauncey age 20, Electa age 17, and Burt 12. Orator and Cyrena were enumerated in the 1860 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census. Orator and Cyrena were enumerated in the 1870 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census.

iii. THEODOCIA was born on 5 Feb 1796 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Nelson Reed. She died on 15 Apr 1885 at age 89.1866

iv. CHAUNCEY was born on 12 Aug 1798 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1867 He married Samantha Goddard, daughter of Titus Goddard and Samantha Adams, on 13 Sep 1831 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1868,1869 He married Polly Holcombe, daughter of Hull Holcombe and Lorinda Buell, on 8 Mar 1843 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1870 He married Alma Wells, daughter of Ralph Wells, on 8 May 1849 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1871 He died on 20 May 1894 at age 95.1872 A farmer near Barn Door Hills, Granby, CT. Chauncey and Alma were enumerated in the 1850 Granby, Hartford Co., CT census. Alonzo age 18, Lucia age 15, a female age 13, Samantha age 9, and Mary age 6 were in the household as was Mary Nability(?) age 19. Chauncey and Alma were enumerated in the 1860 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census. Alonzo, Samantha, Mary, and Isadore were in the household. Chauncey and Alma were enumerated in the 1870 Granby, Hartford Co., CT census. Isadore was in the household along with three farm laborers. Chauncey and Alma were enumerated in the 1880 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census. There were two hired help in the house but no children. Alonzo lived next door.

v. PLINY was born on 15 Apr 1803. He died on 3 Jan 1804.

1862The Heritage of Granby Page 172. 1863Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery. 1864Ibid., Page 126. 1865Ibid., Page 111. 1866Ibid., Page 77. 1867Ibid., Page 115. 1868Christina Bailey and Lorraine Cook White, Barbour: Granby, Pages 101, 114. 1869Winfred R. Goddard, Goddard, Page 77. 1870Christina Bailey and Lorraine Cook White, Barbour: Granby, Pages 114, 118. 1871Ibid., Page 114. 1872Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 115.

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Children of Jacob5 Holcombe and Susannah Rowe were as follows: i. PLINY6 was born on 28 Mar 1806 at CT. He married Julia Loomis, daughter of William Scott Loomis and Elizabeth Griswold, in Jul

1859.1873 ii. SYLVESTER was born on 27 Mar 1809 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Holcombe. He married Sarah Lucinda

Hoskins on 21 May 1845. He died on 9 Dec 1865 at age 56.1874 Sylvester and Sarah were enumerated in the 1860 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, census with Wilbur and an unnamed son, age 6 mos.

iii. CHARLES was born on 11 Jan 1812 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1875 He died on 7 Feb 1897 at age 85.1876 There is a Charles R. Holcomb, age 58, in the 1870 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, federal census, page 1.

iv. SCHUYLER was born in 1820. The 1850 Granby, Hartford Co., CT census has a Schuyler Holcombe as head of household, a carpenter age 30. A "Delura Holcombe" is also in the household along with Jason E. Case a farmer age 30 and Almira Case (Almira Dency Holcombe), age 23.

There were no children of Jacob5 Holcombe and Hannah Smith. 542. ABEL5 HOLCOMBE (Peter4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 2 Nov 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1877 He married Lydia Lamson on 23 Oct 1788. He married Roxanne Higley, daughter of Seth Higley and Mindwell Higley, on 11 Feb 1790 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1878,1879 He died on 16 Dec 1809 at Westfield, Chatauqua Co., NY, at age 43.1880 He was buried at Old Village Cemetery, Marcellus, Onondaga Co., NY. Seaver notes that wife may have been Roxanna Higley, but Bowman lists her as second wife. Seaver justs lists children Lydia and Polly, Granby records indicate that he had Sarah, while Weir states that he also had James Henry and Abel. The Granby Town Records and the Census list him as Abel 2nd. The 1790 Census lists 1 male and 1 female for Abel 2nd. The 1790 Census lists another Abel with 1 Male over 16, 2 Males under 16, and 4 Females. Children of Abel5 Holcombe and Lydia Lamson were: i. LYDIA6 was born on 3 Mar 1789. Children of Abel5 Holcombe and Roxanne Higley were as follows: i. SARAH6 was born on 1 Jan 1791 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1881 She married Hiram Jones in 1835. ii. POLLY was born on 3 Mar 1792. iii. JAMES HENRY was born in 1796 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1882

iv. ABEL was born on 17 Jan 1808 at Marcellus, Onondaga Co., NY.1883 He married Amanda Curtis circa 1825 at NY.1884 He died on 28 Aug 1881 at Westfield, Chatauqua Co., NY, at age 73.1885

1873Loomis, Joseph Loomis, Page 452, Item 9355. 1874Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 111. 1875Ibid., Page 126. 1876Ibid. 1877Bates, Simsbury, Page 249. 1878Mark Williams Granby VR, Page 252. 1879Christina Bailey and Lorraine Cook White, Barbour: Granby. 1880Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 1881Ibid. 1882Ibid. 1883Ibid. 1884Ibid. 1885Ibid.

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Abel and wife Helen were enumerated in the 1880 Westfield, Chautauqua Co., NY, federal census. He was 72. Also listed was "daughter" Helen Woods, perhaps Helen's daughter from a previous marriage?

Children of Abel5 Holcombe include: i. SYLVIA6 was born in 1790. 543. NAOMI5 HOLCOMBE (Peter4, Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 12 May 1771 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1886 She married Seth Filer Higley, son of Seth Higley and Mindwell Higley, in 1790. She died on 20 Jan 1817 at age 45. Seaver lists Naomi's spouse as Taylor Higley, while Bowman lists him as Seth Filer Higley. DAR supplemental application 73223 lists him as Taylor. The Higley Genealogies list his as Seth Filer Higley. Children of Naomi5 Holcombe and Seth Filer Higley were as follows: i. NAOMI6 was born on 3 Sep 1791 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1887 She married Allen Dean circa 1814.1888 She died on 12

Jul 1853 at Southwick, Hampden Co., MA, at age 61.1889 Allen and Naomi were enumerated in the 1850 Westfield, Hampden Co., MA, federal census. He was 55, she was 58. Children in the household were Daniel 28, Marcus 21, and Silas 2/12?

ii. LOHAMA was born on 13 Apr 1793 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1890 She died on 1 Nov 1793 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1891

iii. NANCY was born on 2 Nov 1794 at Stephentown, Rensselaer Co., NY.1892 She married Asa Wyman on 13 Feb 1806 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1893 She died on 14 Sep 1885 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 90.1894 Asa and Nancy were enumerated in the 1850 Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, federal census. He was a joiner, age 57, she was 55. There was no one else in the household. There were no other Wyman's enumerated in Simsbury.

iv. SETH was born on 25 Aug 1796 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1895 He married Lura Gossard, daughter of Abel Goddard and Lydia (--?--), circa 1820 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1896 He died on 21 Jul 1856 at Mantua, Portage Co., OH, at age 59.1897

v. LYMAN was born on 28 Oct 1798 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1898 He died on 13 May 1888 at Eau Claire, Eau Claire Co., WI, at age 89.1899

vi. LOHANNA was born on 8 Sep 1800 at CT.1900,1901 She married Israel Messenger. She died on 3 Mar 1888 at age 87.1902 She was buried at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1903

She was also known as LUHAMA HIGLEY.1904 She was also known as LOHAMA HIGLEY.1905

1886Bates, Simsbury, Page 249. 1887Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 1888Ibid. 1889Ibid. 1890Ibid. 1891Ibid. 1892Ibid. 1893Ibid. 1894Ibid. 1895Ibid. 1896Ibid. 1897Ibid. 1898Ibid. 1899Ibid. 19001860 Federal Census. 1901Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 128. 1902Ibid. 1903Ibid. 1904Ibid.

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vii. HARLOW was born on 18 Jul 1802 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1906 He died in 1882 at Cuba.1907 viii. ANSON was born on 11 Feb 1806 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Susan Parsons Griswold on 29 May 1831 at Suffield,

Hartford Co., CT.1908 He married Lucy Keep Holcombe, daughter of Walter Holcombe and Fluvia Rockwell, on 30 Sep 1841. He died on 10 Jul 1851 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 45.1909

He was also known as ORSON HIGLEY.1910 Orson and Lucy were enumerated in the 1850 Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, federal census. He was a laborer, age 42, she was 28. Children in the household were Susan 10, Walter 8, a female 6, Sarah 4, and Marilla 1.

ix. PETER was born on 9 Mar 1807 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1911 He died on 4 Mar 1890 at Corry, Erie Co., PA, at age 82.1912 He was buried at Steward Cemetery, Corry, Erie Co., PA.1913

x. DIANA was born on 19 Mar 1815 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1914 She married Luke Mason, son of Robert Mason and Chloe Case, on 12 Mar 1831. She died on 6 Jun 1888 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 73.1915

544. ELIZABETH5 WILCOX (Elizabeth4 Holcombe, Jonathan3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 12 Oct 1723. She married Joseph Holcombe, son of Capt. Nathaniel Holcombe and Thankful Hayes.1916 She died on 16 May 1824 at age 100.1917 She was also known as Elizabeth Willco*ckson. Children of Elizabeth5 Wilcox and Joseph Holcombe were as follows: i. MICHA6 was born on 11 Sep 1751 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1918 He married Hannah Hayes on 13 Oct 1784.1919 He died in

1839 at Washington, Macomb Co., MI.1920 Moved 1st from Granby or Simsbury to Bloomfield, NY and later to Washington, Macomb Co., MI. He is recorded in the 1790 census of Rensselaer, Albany Co., NY, with family composed of 1 male over 16, and 3 females.

ii. ROSANNA was born on 9 Oct 1752 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1921 She married Isaac Goddard, son of John Goddard Jr. and Mary Hillyer, in Apr 1776.1922 She died on 20 Jan 1843 at age 90.1923

iii. LOUISA was born in 1754 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Abner Phelps, son of Charles Phelps, in 1785. She died on 6 Jul 1815 at Johnstown, Fulton Co., NY. Abner was a farmer in Bloomfield. After his death, Louisa and a son moved to Johnstown, Fulton Co., NY.

iv. ELIZABETH was born on 8 Jul 1755 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. v. JOSEPH was born on 14 Feb 1758 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Ford, daughter of John Ford and Sarah Wood,

on 9 Mar 1784. Served as Sgt. and Lt. in Lt. Joel Hayes' command, arriving in NY Aug 22; discharged Sept 16, 1776. He moved with his children to Peru, Berkshire Co., MA June 26, 1833. He was on revolutionary pension rolls for services in CT Militia and State Troops.

1905Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 1906Ibid. 1907Ibid. 1908Ibid. 1909Ibid. 1910Ibid. 1911Ibid. 1912Ibid. 1913Ibid. 1914Ibid. 1915Ibid. 1916McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 105.2. 1917Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 126. 1918McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 105.2. 1919Ibid. 1920Ibid. 1921Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 122. 1922Goddard, Granby Goddards, Page 74, Item 37. 1923Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 122.

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Sarah and Joseph moved to Peru, MA, circa 1825-1835. Details on the family of Joseph and Sarah is from research by Carol Laun into the Worthington, MA, vital records. It is apparently Joseph enumerated in the 1840 Census of Pensioners in Worthington, Hampshire Co., Massachusetts, age 81.

vi. BETSEY. vii. LEVI was born on 19 Jul 1767 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1924 He married Martha Benjamin in May 1797 at North Granby,

Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 17 Jan 1831 at North Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 63.1925 Levi's wife Martha, is also attributed to Levi's cousin of the same name, son of Amos and Mary Dibble Holcombe.

545. MICHAEL5 HOLCOMBE (Jonathan4, Jonathan3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 11 Jul 1733 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1926,1927 He married Mary Hillyer, daughter of Captain James Hillyer and Mary Eno Humphrey, on 3 Feb 1757.1928,1929 He married Mabel Holt in Nov 1799.1930 He died on 20 Jan 1817 at Sheffield, Berkshire Co., MA, at age 83.1931 Seaver indicates that he moved with his brother Jonathan to St. Albans, Vt., an opinion which McPherson shares. DAR records seem to indicate otherwise, showing his death in Massachsetts. McCracken asks: Did he marry Mary Hillyer, daughter of James and Mary (Humphrey)Hillyer? He is mentioned in his grandfather's will and was probably living 1790 in Sheffield, MA (3/0/2), next to Plinny (1/1/1). Michael served as a 2d Lieutenant, Capt. John Spoor's 2d co. (West co. in Sheffield), 1st Berkshire Co. regt. of Mass. militia; list of officers chosen by the several companies in said regiment, as returned by Mark Hopkins and others, field officers, dated Great Barrington, March 26, 1776; ordered in Council May 6, 1776, that said officers be commissioned; reported commissioned May 6, 1776; also, Lieutenant, Capt. John King's co., Col. Hopkins's (Berkshire Co.) regt.; entered service July 15, 1776; discharged Aug. 4, 1776; service, 20 days; mileage out and home (180 miles) allowed; company marched by order of Brig. Gen. Fellows; also, 2d Lieutenant, Capt. Ephraim Fitch's (4th) co., Col. Benjamin Simonds's detachment of Berkshire Co. militia; muster roll dated Camp at Ticonderoga, Feb. 25, 1777; entered service Dec. 16, 1776; engagement to expire March 15, 1777; also, Capt. Ephraim Fitch's co., Col. Benjamin Simonds's detachment; return dated Sheffield, May 1, 1777, signed by John Fellows, of a detachment made from said Fellows's (Berkshire Co.) brigade, to reinforce the Continental Army, agreeable to order of General Court, and which marched the beginning of Jan. [1777]; also, Lieutenant, Capt. John Spoor's co., Col. John Ashley's (Berkshire Co.) regt.; entered service July 7, 1777; discharged July 28, 1777; service, 22 days; company marched to Kingsbury near Fort Ann; also, same co. and regt.; entered service Sept. 19, 1777; discharged Oct. 19, 1777; service, 31 days; company marched to Stillwater; roll certified at Sheffield by Brig. Gen. John Fellows; also, 1st Lieutenant, Capt. John Spoor's (2d) co., Col. Asheley's (Ashley's) 1st Berkshire Co. regt. of Mass. militia; list of officers; commissioned June 9, 1778; also, 1st Lieutenant, Capt. John Spoor's co., Col. John Ashley's (Berkshire Co.) regt.; engaged Oct. 15, 1780; discharged Oct. 17, 1780; service, 4 days; company marched to the Northward by order of Brig. Gen. Fellows on an alarm at the time Forts Ann and George were taken by the enemy. McPherson only lists one child, Mary. Norment lists others. Children of Michael5 Holcombe and Mary Hillyer were as follows: i. MARY6 was born on 6 Oct 1757.1932 She married Joel Bullard, son of Eleazer Bullard and Hannah Rawson, in 1784. She died

on 20 Sep 1851 at age 93.1933

ii. PLINY was born on 3 Sep 1760.1934 He married Frances Andrews on 30 Aug 1786.1935 He died on 6 Dec 1820 at age 60.1936

1924Ibid. 1925Ibid. 1926Bates, Simsbury, Page 123. 1927Norment, John Hillyer, Page 123. 1928Ibid., Page 122. 1929McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 197.2, Item A-8-3-3-2. 1930Ibid. 1931Norment, John Hillyer, Page 123. 1932Ibid. 1933Ibid. 1934Ibid. 1935Ibid. 1936Ibid.

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iii. ASENATH was born on 26 Oct 1764.1937 She married Elisha Cowles on 20 Feb 1783.1938

iv. APPHIA was born on 22 Nov 1767.1939 She married Josiah Kellogg on 16 Sep 1789.1940 There were no children of Michael5 Holcombe and Mabel Holt. 546. JONATHAN5 HOLCOMBE (Jonathan4, Jonathan3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 19 Aug 1735. He married Abigail Hillyer at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 9 May 1790 at Sheffield, MA, at age 54. Chose at age 14, 7 Nov. 1746 as guardian, Joshua Boardman (mother's 2nd husband). Family bible shows birth as Feb 29, 1732. Children of Jonathan5 Holcombe and Abigail Hillyer were as follows: i. DIADEMA6 was born in 1754. She married Phineas Loomis, son of Eliakim Loomis and Mary Loomis, on 24 Mar 1774. She died

on 26 Feb 1831. ii. ARTEMISA married James Webb. iii. ROSETTA was born in 1760. She married Christopher Dutcher in 1799. She died in 1813. iv. JONATHAN was born on 19 Jun 1762 at Sheffield, MA. He married Hannah Everest on 10 Sep 1786. He died on 1 Oct 1847 at

Warren Co., OH, at age 85. He died on 5 Oct 1847 at Mason, OH, at age 85.1941 Jonathan enlisted from Sheffield, Berrkshire Co., MA, as a fifer at the age of fifteen. He was a pensioner when he died n Warren county, Ohio.

v. JAMES was born in 1763 at Sheffield, Berkshire Co., MA. He married Irene Williams, daughter of John Williams and Sara Chamberlain, on 1 Jan 1794 at Richmond, Berkshire Co., MA.1942 He died in Oct 1837 at Richland, Sangamon Co., IL.1943 Enlisted at the age of 13, as waiter or drummer boy in his Uncle, Capt. Michael Holcomb's Co., at Sheffield, 3-4-1777; then served 8 months as clerk in Stephen Pearl's Co. (Col. John Fellows). Later he became a private in Capt. Enoch Noble's Co., Col. John Ashley, Jr.'s (Berkshire Co.) Regiment. After their marriage James and Irena lived at Oak Hill, near Durham, Greene Co., NY, for several years but he failed to provide for her and she went home to her father. As can be seen from letter she wrote, Irena moved around NY a good deal, living with her son Franklin and sometimes with her brother David. In 1844 she was in Hamburg, Sussex Co., NJ. Eventually she moved to IL to live with her son Alonzo.1944

vi. LUCY was born on 22 Jun 1766 at Sheffield, Berkshire Co., MA.1945 She married Solomon Noble, son of Peter Noble and Abigail Eggleston, on 5 Jun 1783.1946 She and Solomon Noble were divorced.1947 She died on 16 Mar 1848 at the house of her daughter Mira, Rockford, Winnebago Co., IL, at age 81.1948

vii. RICHARD was born on 13 Apr 1769 at Sheffield, MA. He married Elsey West. He died in 1812 at Plattsburg, NY. Was in War of 1812.

viii. PLINY. Pliny only appears in Weir. 547. ABNER5 HOLCOMBE (Azariah4, Jonathan3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 3 Apr 1731 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1949 He married Lucinda Willco*ckson, daughter of Joseph Willco*ckson and Mary Buttolph, on 4 Jul 1751 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1950 He died on 4 Apr 1767 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 36.1951

1937Ibid. 1938Ibid. 1939Ibid. 1940Ibid. 1941McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 194.2/Item A-8-3-3-1-5. 1942Oliver Popenoe, "Descendants of William Williams of Salem MA", June 2000 (unknown compiler address). unknown memo. Hereinafter cited as "Williams, William". 1943Ibid. 1944Ibid. 1945Lucius M. Boltwood, Thomas Noble, Page 413. 1946Ibid. 1947Ibid. 1948Ibid. 1949Bates, Simsbury, Page 129. 1950Ibid., Page 174. 1951Ibid., Page 188.

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The Vermont Historical Gazetter, Vol, *, pt 1, pg 83, indicates they moved in 1802 to Westport, VT. Simsbury records, Loomis, and Weir indicate that they had the following children. Seaver has this family confused with others, among them his son, Abner G., and with Abner Johnson Holcomb, the ancestor of Deanna Holcomb Bowman. Seaver lists the follwing children which belong elsewhere 2. Mindwell m. William Everet 3. Abner Gran m. Chamberlain 4. Diodorus m. Sybil Spaulding 5. Hiram 6. Luther m. Abigal Pan 7. Julia m. Elijah Stone 9. Welthia m. Calvin Hammond. Children of Abner5 Holcombe and Lucinda Willco*ckson were as follows: i. ABNER G.6 was born on 16 Sep 1752 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1952 He married Mindwell Buel in 1773. He died on 14 Oct

1839 at Westport, Essex Co., NY, at age 87. Abner served as a private in Lt. Joel hayes' command, arriving New York, Aug, 22, discharged there Sept 6, 1776 for which service he was placed on US pension rolls as a resident of Essex Co., NY in 1832. In the Spring of 1788 he moved from Granby or Danbury, Ct., to a house he had built in Panton, Addison Co., Vt, accompanied by his uncle, Benjamin Holcombe, who with Phineas Holcombe were among those early settlers in Panton whose descendants have constituted a large proportion of its population.. He moved in 1802 to Westport, NY where church records show him as a deacon in 1812; took a deed for 3/4 of an acre in the village of North-West Bay in the town of Elizabethtown (now Westport), Essex Co., NY. He died there where he had long been a physician.

ii. LUCINA was born in Nov 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1953

iii. CHARITY was born on 29 Dec 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1954

iv. JONATHAN was born on 24 Feb 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1955 v. HANNAH was born in Jan 1764. vi. BETHIA was born on 3 Mar 1765 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1956 548. ELDAD5 HOLCOMBE (Azariah4, Jonathan3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 9 Jan 1734/35 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1957 He married Michal Church, daughter of Samuel Church and Elizabeth (--?--), on 23 Dec 1756 at Granville, Hampden Co., MA. He married Martha (--?--) in 1779. He died in 1789 at Granville, Hampden Co., MA. Corporal, Capt. William Cooley's Co., Col. John Mosley's (Hampshire Co.) Regt.; engaged Oct. 21, 1776; discharged Nov. 17, 1776; service, 28 days; mileage out and return (320 miles) allowed; company marched under command of Lieut. Col. Timothy Robinson to reinforce Northern army; roll dated Granville; also, Sergeant, Capt. Aaron Coe's co., Col. John Moseley's (Hampshire Co.) regt.; entered service Sept. 21, 1777; discharged Oct. 23, 1777; service, 33 days; company marched by order of Gen. Gates to reinforce Northern army on an alarm. "Massachusetts soldiers and Sailors in the Revolutionary War, Vol. 8, page 91, lists two Eldad's, one being listed as "3d" . Seaver and Loomis list the first three children, Weir add the last three. Children of Eldad5 Holcombe and Michal Church were as follows: i. BETHUEL6 was born on 9 Sep 1758 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Deziah Holcombe, daughter of Martin Holcombe and

Deziah Haynes, on 2 Mar 1786. He lived at Plymouth Rock, Iowa.

1952Ibid., Page 176. 1953Ibid. 1954Ibid. 1955Ibid., Page 177. 1956Ibid. 1957Ibid., Page 129.

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The different birth dates are obviously misreadings of the same source, possibly a gravestone. ii. ELDAD. Some of the Revolutinary service attributed to Eldad may have been served by his son Eldad II. iii. AZARIAH was born in 1758 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Christina Shepard in 1789. He died in 1835 at Sand Lake,

Rensselaer Co., NY. A private in Capt. John Carpenter's co., Col. Ezra Wood's regt.; arrived at camp June 23, 1778; discharged Jan. 27, 1779; service, 7 mos. 22 days, at North river, N. Y., including 3 days to prepare for camp and 14 days (280 miles) travel out and home; company raised for 8 months; also, Capt. Samuel Thrall's co.; enlisted Aug. 21, 1781; discharged Nov. 9, 1781; service, 2 mos. 29 days, including 9 days (180 miles) travel home, under Col. Marinus Willet on Mohawk River; company raised for 3 months.

iv. MICHAEL was born on 20 Oct 1768 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Zadock Cooley, son of Clark Cooley and Sabra Bancroft, on 10 Apr 1788 at Granville, Hampden Co., MA.

v. CANDACE was born on 20 Aug 1771 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Clark Cooley II, son of Clark Cooley and Sabra Bancroft, on 28 Apr 1790.

vi. STATIRE was born on 1 Jun 1773 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ephriam Pelton in 1791. She died on 16 Apr 1861 at age 87. Ephraim was a farmer. He lived at Otis, Massachusetts, until 1812, when he located at Alburgh, Grand Isle county, Vermont. He removed afterward to Godmanchester, Huntington county, Quebec, Canada, and finally to Constable, Franklin county New York, where he died. Satira was enumerated in the 1850 Constable, Franklin Co., NY, federal census. She was 78. She was enumerated in the household of Francis and Serena Wagner.

There were no children of Eldad5 Holcombe and Martha (--?--). 549. OBED5 HOLCOMBE (Azariah4, Jonathan3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 8 Jan 1736/37 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1958 He married Mercy Holcombe, daughter of Capt. Nathaniel Holcombe and Thankful Hayes.1959 He died in 1789. Served as a lieutenant in Capt. Johah Gilett's company, Wadsworth's brigade, Connecticut Line. Obed moved to Panton, Addison Co., VT, in 1795; to Isle-La-Motte, Grand Isle Co., VT in 1800, later settling in Lewis, Essex Co., NY. Obed's birth is given as 8 June 1736 in McPherson.1960 Children of Obed5 Holcombe and Mercy Holcombe all born at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. MERCY6 was born on 4 Oct 1763.1961 She married Enoch Hayes, son of Daniel Hayes II and Abigail Hayes. ii. OBED was born on 31 Jan 1765.1962 He married (--?--) Hayes. He married Elizabeth Kile. He died in 1837.

Moved to Elizabethtown, Essex Co., NY. iii. ELIHU E. was born on 15 Dec 1767.1963,1964 He married Electa Hillyer, daughter of James Hillyer IV and Ruth Holcombe. He

died on 2 Apr 1845 at age 77.1965 He was buried at Center Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1966

iv. HARMON was born on 23 Nov 1772.1967,1968 He married (--?--) Pease. He died on 21 Jan 1814 at Typhus fever at age 41.1969

1958Ibid. 1959McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 203.1. 1960Ibid., page 197.2. 1961Bates, Simsbury, Page 225. 1962Ibid. 1963Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 125. 1964Bates, Simsbury, Page 225. 1965Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 125. 1966Norment, John Hillyer, Page 147. 1967Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141. 1968Bates, Simsbury, Page 225. 1969Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141.

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v. OLIVER was born on 9 Nov 1776.1970 He married Martha Barber at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1971 He died on 23 May 1851 at NY at age 74.1972,1973 He died in 1861.1974 Oliver moved from Granby to Lewis, Essex Co., NY in May 1800, where on April 16, 1815 he was appointed Ensign in the 9th Regt.

vi. ISHMAEL HARDY was born on 3 Oct 1778.1975 He married Hannah Knowlton, daughter of Benjamin Knowlton and Phoebe Wright. He died in 1866 at Lewis, Essex Co., NY. Ishmael H. was enumerated in the 1850 Lewis, Essex Co., NY, federal census. He was 71. He was the head of the household. Enumerated next in the household was 41 year-old Ephraim Kile and wife Caroline, age 35.

vii. LUMAN was born on 29 Sep 1780.1976 He married Chloe Alderman, daughter of Epaphras Alderman and Chloe Hayes. Luman served as a private at New London, CT, Aug. 2 to Sept. 16, 1813 in command of Sereno Pettibone. Chloe was also descended from Thomas Holcombe. Luman was old enough at the marriage to Harriet for it to have been a second marriage.

550. HANNAH5 HOLCOMBE (Azariah4, Jonathan3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 19 Jan 1738/39 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1977 She married Nathaniel Holcombe V, son of Nathaniel Holcombe IV and Margaret Cossett, on 16 Apr 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1978 Children of Hannah5 Holcombe and Nathaniel Holcombe V were as follows: i. BILDAD6 was baptized on 3 Oct 1773.1979

He was also known as WILLIAM BILDAD HOLCOMBE.1980 Lived near Schenectady, NY.1981

ii. NATHANIEL was born on 15 Feb 1761 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1982,1983 He lived at Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY. Seaver shows wife Jennie Adkins here, Bowman shows Adkins as the second wife of Nathaniel's father, Nathaniel V. McPherson shows no children, Seaver shows Geneva and Medad. McPherson shows Medad and Jemime as children of Nathaniel V.

iii. ZACHEUS was born on 21 Sep 1762 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1984 Zacheus is not mentioned by McPherson, but Bates shows this birth noting that he was the son of Nathaniel Holcomb 4th, but that "the '4th' is in a different ink and apparently a later hand." It is to be noted that Zacheus' uncle Zaccheus Holcombe died earlier that same year. It is entirely possible that Zacheus is the child of Nathaniel and Margaret Cossett, named after their recently departed son.

1970Bates, Simsbury, Page 225. 1971Carol Laun, "Nutmegger 38:1 Holcomb Family". 1972McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, page 204.1/Item A-8-3-4-4-5. 1973Carol Laun, "Nutmegger 38:1 Holcomb Family". 1974DAR DAR Lineage book, Vol. CIII:Pg. 152/Item 102495. 1975Bates, Simsbury, Page 225. 1976Ibid. 1977Ibid., Page 96 (also page 101 which says Jan 9th.). 1978Ibid., Page 174. 1979McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 102.1. 1980Ibid., Page 101.2. 1981McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 1982Bates, Simsbury, Page 202. 1983McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 1984Bates, Simsbury, Page 109.

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iv. HANNAH was born on 20 Oct 1763 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1985,1986 She was baptized on 15 Apr 1764. She married Smith Miller in 1786.1987 Hannah and Smith took Margaret when 6 years old to fish Creek, NY, 90 miles from Granville, MA, and she never saw her father again, who died at the home of her half-brother, Medad, in NY. Later Hannah and her husband moved to Ft. Stanwix on the Mohawk River 75 miles from Canada and by about 180_ removed to Natchez, Miss. Ter. She died in the Spanish settlements west of the Mississippi River. No children.1988

v. BATHSHEBA was born on 9 Dec 1767 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1989 She was also known as BETHIA HOLCOMBE. Baptism is recorded as 5 April 1767 by Roger Viets, but perhaps Bathsheba and Bethia are different people, since unless one of the dates is wrong, the baptism precedes the birth. Even the fathers may not be identical.

vi. ZEBIAH was born on 8 Apr 1770 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1990

Her baptism name was ZERVIAH HOLCOMBE.1991 Seaver spells this name Lebiah. Zebiah married and lived in NY. She was old enough at her mother, Hannah's death, to remember her and before 1820 told her sister, Margaret, much of their mother.1992

vii. MARGARET was born on 5 Jan 1780.1993 She married Lorenzo Dow, son of Humphrey Bean Dow and Tabitha Parker, on 4 Sep 1804 at NY. She died on 6 Jan 1820 at Tuberculosis at age 40. She was also known as PEGGY HOLCOMBE.1994 Lorenzo early in life became an enthusiastic missionary and evangelical preacher, traveling far and wide into the cities, countrysides, frontiers, wildernesses and among the Indians in New England, the Canadian border, NY State and North Atlantic seaboard and its interior preaching incessantly to the extent of this frail physical power. He made a challenging appeal wherever he went. The originality of his doctrines and philosophies, his novel expressions in presenting Christianity, in connection with his most unusual abilities and personality arrested the attention of all classes hearing him until his reputation spread rapidly to most American frontier settlements as well as to the British Isles and beyond. For one of these appointments to preach he came to one of the NY State communities where Peggy was living in the home of her oldest sister, Hannah and husband and finally lodged, at least, for a meal with them. While there, - out of her presence, - he inquired of her religious attitude. Upon learning of her interest in the spread of Christianity, he soon mentioned to her consideration of their marriage, but made clear to her that he could not relax his missionary work to remain home with a family, saying that she should have two years to consider the sacrifices such a life would impose upon her, before accepting, as he could not accompany him on much of his evangelistic touring. Within those two years they were married. Peggy did not see him for months at a time, - occasionally as much as nearly a year. In efforts to be with him she did make many long, burdensome trips, - by horseback, on river boats, ocean sailing boats and other uncomfortable and dangerous means of travel. Lorenzo and Peggy sailed 10 Nov 1805 from New York City for Liverpool, England. He next preached in England and Ireland for eighteen months. Within the first few months after Letitia was born, Peggy became so ill that the infant was found a nurse in the country and after long weeks she was convalescent enough to be also carried to the country nearer the nurse and had the baby brought to see her. It soon died before Peggy saw it again and was buried at Warrington. After eighteen months abroad they sailed for America, May 6, 1807. Upon landing they soon toured together again, - from the home of Lorenzo's father in Vermont, through Westmoreland, Albany, NY State, New York city meeting appointments for preaching at meetings extending southwesterly across PA, NJ, into VA with stops at Winchester and Staunton, VA, WV, and down the Ohio River on a freight boat which would not take Lorenzo's team. He had to drive it overland to Natchez, Miss. Ter., she following by boat as a loan woman passenger, to Natchez. After a long stay amid the disease, danger and alarm there, they

1985Ibid., Page 202. 1986McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 1987Ibid., Page 102.1. 1988McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 1989Bates, Simsbury, Page 202. 1990Ibid. 1991McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 101.2. 1992McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 1993Ibid., Page 102.1. 1994Ibid., Page 101.2.

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road together horseback to Georgia through wilderness in Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia, sleeping by campfire in the open at nights, settlements being more than a day's journey apart, -often enduring severe weather. Continuing northward they were in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia, Lorenzo preaching all the while wherever an audience was found until they came again to Lorenzo's father's home in VT. Peggy kept a diary, at least from 9 Jan 1813 to 27 Jul 1818 which was published as a supplement to her book The Vicissitudes of Life in the Wilderness. Compiler has found nothing as to her opportunities for an education. The writings she left show a brilliant mind, unbounding faith and trust in her Creator, thorough accord with her husband's zeal for the souls of people and her noble principles of character and willingness to sacrifice and endure all hardships to advance Christianity. The mutual devotion of husband and wife was so singularly perfect between them as to excite the highest admiration for the sincerity of their Christianity in foregoing more constant companionship for its promotion. Throughout her final lingering illness Lorenzo nursed her as he had done through other long illnesses with which she had been afflicted.1995

551. LT. BENJAMIN5 HOLCOMBE (Azariah4, Jonathan3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 3 Mar 1745/46 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1996 He married Mary Kendall, daughter of Ebenezer Kendall and Mehitable Holcombe. He died in 1817 at Essex Co., NY. Seaver notes that wife could have been Mary or Mercy and questions if Ebenezer was her father. Seaver and Loomis list 7 children, Weir lists 7 others. Children of Lt. Benjamin5 Holcombe and Mary Kendall were as follows: i. BENJAMIN SULLIVAN6 married Abigail Johnston Lee. ii. HARVEY married Rosanna (--?--). iii. LYMAN HARDY married Hannah Let. iv. SAMUEL. v. HENRY LAWRENCE married (--?--) Fairchild. vi. MEHITABLE married Darius Holcombe, son of Phineas Holcombe and Sarah Tuller. She died say 1797. vii. MERCY married David Brooks in 1813. viii. TABITHA married Elijah Bishop II, son of Elijah Bishop, in 1786. ix. ELECTA married Herman Finny. x. ANSEL. xi. JERUSHA. xii. JOHN was born in 1782. He married Mary Lynde, daughter of Jonathan Lynde and Molly Franklin.

In an ironic difference, McPherson and Seaver have confused this John, born 1782 in Ct. Seaver says this John is his Great Grandfather, but that he is descended from Thomas-Joshua-Joshua-Phineas-John; on Page 20 of his book. For now, Seaver himself appears where he wanted, under the Joshua line, while further research is done. Finding birth records in CT will not be very helpful, there were apparently two Johns who went with their fathers John and Benjamin, to Panton, Vt. Perhaps wills or probate records will help. John was a farmer, stockman,"champion" deer hunter and trapper in the Adirondack Mountains, NY. During the War of 1812, while at his hunting shanty in the mountain forest, he was captured by the Indians and sold to the British as a prisoner of war. His family considered him dead, but after a time, when it was ascertained that he was not a soldier, he was liberated and returned home. After his release he moved to Cattaragus Co., NY. During his absence, his wife "distributed" the children among relations.

xiii. SUSAN was born on 8 Aug 1789 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married George Miller Payne on 16 Jan 1815 at Madrid, St. Lawrence Co., NY. She died on 12 Dec 1866 at Queensville, Jennings Co., IN, at age 77. She was buried at Greenlawn Cemetery, Franklin, Johnson Co., IN.

552. LOIS5 HOLCOMBE (Azariah4, Jonathan3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 5 Jul 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.1997 She married Ensign Noah Cooley, son of Daniel Cooley III and Frances McIntyre, in Jul 1772 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.1998 She died on 6 Jul 1827 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 79.1999 She was buried at Cooley Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2000

1995McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 1996Bates, Simsbury, Page 96.

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Gravestone has Louis instead of Lois. Respected in life and lamented in death. Bowman cross references to Lois Holcombe/Noah Cooley who was daughter of Matthew Holcombe. Bowman has two Lois and Noah Cooley families. The first one, her #8347, page 73, she does not continue. #8347 is dau. of Deacon Azariah Holcombe and Hannah Loomis. The second one, her # 4564, page 131, she does continue and shows six children including Philetus. #4564 is dau. of Mathew Holcombe and Lois Drake. McPherson lists a Lois as her # A-8-3-4-9 on page 209.1 and shows a marriage to Ensign Noah Cooley with all six children. McPherson lists a Lois as her # A-4-5-5-4 on page 65.1 and does not continue her. Children of Lois5 Holcombe and Ensign Noah Cooley all born at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. PHILETUS6 was born on 14 May 1773.2001 He married Polly Hinman. He married Bernice Kendall.2002 He died on 22 Mar 1844

at age 70.2003 He was buried at Cooley Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2004 ii. DORIS was born on 31 May 1776. She died on 18 Jul 1778 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 2. iii. FORREST was born on 27 Oct 1778.2005 He married Sally Lewis.2006 He married Dorothy Dibble.2007 He died on 13 Jan

1845 at age 66.2008 He was buried at Cooley Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2009

iv. PARLEY was born on 4 Dec 1780.2010 He married Deborah Holcombe, daughter of Dan Holcombe and Hannah Gillett, in 1803. He married Philura Dibble.2011 He died on 9 Sep 1839 at age 58.2012 He was buried at Cooley Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2013

v. DORRES was born on 7 Sep 1782.2014 She died on 26 Oct 1839 at age 57.2015 She was buried at Cooley Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2016

1997Ibid. 1998Mark Williams Granby VR, Page 245. 1999Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 34. 2000Ibid. 2001Mark Williams Granby VR, Page 245. 2002Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 34. 2003Ibid. 2004Ibid. 2005Mark Williams Granby VR, Page 245. 2006Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 33. 2007Ibid. 2008Ibid. 2009Ibid. 2010Mark Williams Granby VR, Page 245. 2011Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 34. 2012Ibid. 2013Ibid. 2014Mark Williams Granby VR, Page 245. 2015Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 33. 2016Ibid.

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vi. PATTEE was born on 5 May 1785. She married Starling Reed.2017 She married Robert Case.2018 She died on 18 Apr 1876 at age 90.2019 She was buried at Cooley Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2020

She was also known as PATTY COOLEY.2021 553. JONATHAN5 WARD (Damaris4 Holcombe, Jonathan3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born either 1 Mar 1727 or 1728. He married Dorcas Chick on 31 Dec 1747 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Jonathan5 Ward and Dorcas Chick were: i. RUBEN6 was born on 13 Nov 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 554. SIMEON5 WARD (Damaris4 Holcombe, Jonathan3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 12 Apr 1731. He married Elizabeth Phelps on 6 Dec 1752 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. McCracken indicates that Elizabeth was a widow of Holcombe. Children of Simeon5 Ward and Elizabeth Phelps were as follows: i. SIMEON6 was born on 29 Jun 1753. ii. WILLIAM was born on 28 Feb 1757. 555. RUTH5 WARD (Damaris4 Holcombe, Jonathan3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 14 Jul 1747. She married Chadwell Parsons. She married David Phelps. She died in 1825. Children of Ruth5 Ward and David Phelps were: i. PELEG6 was born in 1776. He married Cynthia Case. He died in 1840. There were no children of Ruth5 Ward and Chadwell Parsons. 556. ANNE5 WARD (Damaris4 Holcombe, Jonathan3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in Jun 1751. She married Isaac Messenger, son of Isaac Messenger and Hannah Alford. Children of Anne5 Ward and Isaac Messenger were: i. HANNAH6 was born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Tuttle, son of John Tuttle and Eunice Allen. She died on

31 Jan 1812 at Pompey, Onondaga Co., NY. 557. RUTH5 GRANGER (Ann4 Holcombe, John3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 19 Jan 1737/38 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ezra Hoskins at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died before 7 Dec 1812 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Ruth5 Granger and Ezra Hoskins were: i. RUTH6 was born in 1768. She married Amasa Holcombe, son of Joshua Holcombe IV and Martha Griffin. She died on 6 Feb

1835.2022 She was buried at Baptist Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2023 558. GEORGE5 GRANGER III (Ann4 Holcombe, John3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in Sep 1740. He married Lucy Campbell on 14 Oct 1762. Children of George5 Granger III and Lucy Campbell were: i. LUCY6 was born on 29 Jan 1767 at Southwick, Hampden Co., MA. She married Silas Noble Jr., son of Silas Noble and Bethia

Dewey, on 5 Jan 1786.2024 She died on 23 Aug 1851 at Russell, Hampden Co., MA, at age 84. 559. JOHN5 HOLCOMBE (John4, John3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 6 May 1743 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2025 He married Eunice Marshall, daughter of Capt. Samuel Eno and Eunice Marshall, on 31 Mar 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2026 There is some confusion about Eunice, Bowman indicates she is dau of Samuel Eno and Eunice Marshall? Children of John5 Holcombe and Eunice Marshall both born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. EUNICE6 was born on 14 Feb 1764.2027 She died on 23 Aug 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2028

2017Ibid. 2018Ibid. 2019Ibid. 2020Ibid. 2021Ibid. 2022Ibid., Page 27. 2023Ibid. 2024Lucius M. Boltwood, Thomas Noble, Page 230. 2025Bates, Simsbury, Page 84. 2026Ibid., Page 193.

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ii. EUNICE was born on 25 Aug 1770.2029 560. MARY5 HOLCOMBE (John4, John3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 6 Apr 1749 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2030 She married Thomas Copley IV on 11 Jul 1774 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. Seaver does not mention this child, only (and 5 other dau). Bowman lists two Mary's with different birth/death dates. Children of Mary5 Holcombe and Thomas Copley IV were: i. EBENEZER6 was born on 19 Dec 1787 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2031 He married Annis Alvord, daughter of Asahel Gould

Alvord and Sarah Morey, on 19 Jan 1809 at Jefferson Co., NY.2032 He died on 15 Mar 1841 at Volinia, Cass Co., MI, at age 53.2033

561. NOAH5 HOLCOMBE (John4, John3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 26 Feb 1751/52 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2034 He married Jerusha Buttolph, daughter of Capt. Jonathan Buttolph and Jerusha Dibble, in 1771. He married Sarah (--?--).2035 Noah moved with his father, John, from Granby, CT to Dorset, Bennington Co., VT, in 1775, where he is recorded in the 1790 Cnesus with family having males, 3 and females 3; became one of a large group of incorporators to whom was granted June 26, 1782 a charter for the town of Albany, Orleans Co., VT. Noah was enumerated in the 1800 Rupert, Bennington Co., VT, federal census, next to Laomi. Noah was enumerated in the 1810 Bristol, Addison Co., VT, federal census with family of males: 1 16-25, 1 45 and over; females 1 45 and over. Noah Jr. was enumerated next door. Noah was enumerated in the 1820 Harrisville, Medina Co., OH, federal census. The household consisted of males: 45 and over 1; females 26-45 1, 45 and over 1. Noah was enumerated in the 1830 LaGrange, Lorain Co., OH, federal census. He was 70-80; his wife was 70-80 There is a lot of confusion about the wifes and children of Noah. McPherson shows a second wife Sarah who bore Noah II. Seaver shows the second wife to be Tirfene Young, but Bowman thinks Trifene married a different Noah. Simsbury BMD records are specific, naming both Noah and Jerusha as parents of Noah and Jerusha. Children of Noah5 Holcombe and Jerusha Buttolph were as follows: i. SUBMIT6 was born on 2 Aug 1772. She married Simeon Phelps at Rutland Co., VT. She died on 9 Mar 1851 at Tinmouth,

Rutland Co., VT, at age 78. ii. JERUSHA was born on 21 Jun 1773 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2036 She married Joseph A. Graves.2037

Joseph and Jerusha probably lived in NY, possibly Jefferson Co. The family was one of the first to settle in LaGrange, Lorain Co., OH. Curtis Hastings, Joseph A. Graves, and Noah Holcombe, were three of the first ten families to arrive in the township.2038

2027Ibid., Page 197. 2028Ibid., Page 188. 2029Ibid., Page 197. 2030Ibid., Page 196. 2031samuel M. Alvord, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Alexander Alvord (Webster, NY: A. d. Andrews, 1908), Page 343. Hereinafter cited as Alvord. 2032Ibid. 2033Ibid. 2034Bates, Simsbury, Page 196. 2035McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 212.1. 2036Bates, Simsbury, Page 244. 2037Descendants of Joseph A. Graves and Jerusha Holcombe, online http://www.gravesfa.org/gen017.htm. Hereinafter cited as Jerusha Holcombe. 2038Ibid.

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iii. LAOMI was born in 1774. Laomi was enumerated in the 1800 Rupert, Bennington Co., VT, federal census with a family of: males 3 under 10, 1 26-45; 1 female 26-45. Noah was next door. Laomi was enumerated in the 1820 Harrisville, Median Co., OH, federal census. The household was males: under 10 3, 10-16 2, 26-45 1; females: under 10 1, 26-45 1, 45 and up 1. Noah and Levi were enumerated nearby. Laomi was enumerated in the 1830 Carlisle (LaGrange), Lorain Co., OH, federal census, enumerated adjacent to Noah Holcombe Jr. and Laomi Holcombe Jr. Laomi's household consisted of males: under 5 2, 5-10 2, 10-15 2, 15-20 1, 30-40 1, 50-60 1; females: 5-10 1, 30-40 1.

Children of Noah5 Holcombe and Sarah (--?--) were: i. NOAH6 was born on 14 Oct 1774 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2039 He married Eunice (--?--). He died in 1853. He was buried

at Knowles Cemetery, LaGrange, Lorain Co., OH. McCracken speculated that he was perhaps married when of Canaan, at New Hartford, 26 Jan 1794, Elizabeth Cadwell. Not he of Litchfield Co., 1790 (3/3/5). Noah was enumerated in the 1800 Bristol, Addison Co., VT, federal census with family: males 1 under 16, 1 16-26; females 1 under 10 and 1 16-26. Noah Jr. was enumerated in the 1810 Bristol, Addison Co., VT, federal census with family of: males 1 26-44, 1 10-15, and 4 under 10; females 1 26-44. Noah Jr. served in the War of 1812 in Sumner's Vt. militia Regt. 2040 In the spring of 1826 Noah and the Disbro, Graves, Merriam, Pelton, Johnson, Hastings, Rounds, Robbins, Townsend, and Rockwood families arrived in the LaGrange Township; it was a Yankee Exodus into the Western Reserve territory! In the first election Noah was elected Trustee. At one point Noah tried to grow mulberry bushes and silk worms, the the silk worms died and the business folded. Noah was enumerated in the 1850 LaGrange Twp., Lorain Co., OH, federal census. He was 70 and listed as the head of the household of his son Noah III, enumerated as Noah Jr. McPherson takes the fact that there were a number of Holcombes enumerated in LaGrange Twp. indicates that they were all brothers, sons of Noah (b. 1774). in the Knowles Cemetery, LaGrange, Lorain Co., Ohio, are the following burials: HOLCOMB Noah, 1818-1877 Emily, wife Noah, 1820-1901 Ellen, dau Noah, 1841-1851 HOLCOMB Noah, July 28, 1853, 73y Eunice, wife d Sept 26, 1845 (or 46), 60y Levila, dau Noah, d Dec 13, 1845, 24y 9m 11d Grizella, wife S. C. HOYLE, d Dec 15, 1844, 37y HOLCOMB Egbert, Sept 28, 1840-Mar 11, 1903, CW, Co B. let O. V. L. A. Margaret, wife, Sept 17, 1845-Mar 8, 1899 Bert, July 17, 1879-July 3, 1910 Reid, son B&B, d Sept 23, 1905 HOLCOMB Asahel, d Mar 13, 1867, 55y 4m 13d Fanny HASTINGS, wife, d Mar 1, 1855 (or 53) 41y Maria HUNTER, wife, d Aug 28, 1861, 36y 5m 26d Wesley, son A&M, d Aug 28, 1861, 2y 7m A., d Mar 1, 1853, 11y

2039Bates, Simsbury, Page 244. 2040McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy.

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It is possible that the Laomi listed by McPherson as the son of Noah Holcombe II is actually Laomi Holcombe Jr. his nephew.

562. BREWSTER5 HIGLEY III (Hester4 Holcombe, John3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 3 Mar 1734/35 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2041 He married Esther Owen, daughter of John Owen and Esther Humphrey, on 7 Apr 1757 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2042 He died on 11 Apr 1805 at Castleton, Rutland Co., VT, at age 70.2043 Children of Brewster5 Higley III and Esther Owen were: i. BREWSTER6 was born on 4 Mar 1759 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2044 He married Naomi Higley, daughter of Joseph Higley

and Eunice Smith, on 25 Feb 1783 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2045 He died on 20 Jun 1847 at Rutland, Meigs Co., OH, at age 88.2046

563. SETH5 HIGLEY (Hester4 Holcombe, John3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 29 Oct 1746 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2047 He married Mindwell Higley, daughter of Nathaniel Higley and Abigail Filer, on 3 Mar 1768 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2048 He died on 11 Feb 1794 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 47.2049 Children of Seth5 Higley and Mindwell Higley all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. SETH FILER6 was born in Feb 1769.2050 He married Naomi Holcombe, daughter of Lt. Peter Holcombe and Tryphena Case, in

1790. He died on 19 Aug 1821 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 52.2051

ii. ROXANNE was born on 5 Dec 1770.2052 She married Abel Holcombe, son of Lt. Peter Holcombe and Tryphena Case, on 11 Feb 1790 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2053,2054 She died on 12 Jul 1854 at Westfield, Chatauqua Co., NY, at age 83.2055

iii. LEVI was born in 1771.2056 He died on 29 Apr 1853 at Spafford, Onondaga Co., NY.2057

iv. WARREN was born on 10 Nov 1775.2058 He died on 16 May 1848 at Onondaga Hill, Onondaga Co., NY, at age 72.2059

v. OLIVER was born on 2 May 1778.2060 He died on 2 May 1778 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2061 He was buried at Simsbury Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2062

vi. AMELIA was born on 10 Mar 1779.2063 She died on 9 Aug 1838 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 59.2064

2041Bates, Simsbury, Page 115. 2042Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 2043Ibid. 2044Ibid. 2045Ibid. 2046Ibid. 2047Ibid. 2048Ibid. 2049Ibid. 2050Ibid. 2051Ibid. 2052Ibid. 2053Mark Williams Granby VR, Page 252. 2054Christina Bailey and Lorraine Cook White, Barbour: Granby. 2055Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 2056Ibid. 2057Ibid. 2058Ibid. 2059Ibid. 2060Ibid. 2061Ibid. 2062Joyce A. Cahill Simsbury Cemetery. 2063Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 2064Ibid.

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vii. RHODA was born in 1783.2065 She married Pliny Humphrey, son of Deacon Theophilus Humphrey and Hepzibah Cornish, on 29 Oct 1800 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2066 She died on 15 Sep 1867 at Riley Co., KS.2067 They settled in Canton, Ct.; removed from thence, in teh fall fo 1839, to Attica, Wyoming Co., N.Y. He was a farmer. In 1866 Rhoda went with her son Myron to Riley County, Kansas, where she died.2068

viii. SALLY was born on 20 Nov 1785.2069 She died on 20 Nov 1870 at Hartford Co., CT, at age 85.2070

ix. POLLY was born circa 1786.2071 She died circa 1852.2072

x. DAUGHTER was born circa 1786.2073 She died circa 1788.2074

xi. OLIVER was born on 21 Oct 1790.2075 He died in 1883 at Decatur, Burt Co., NE.2076 564. HULDAH5 HIGLEY (Hester4 Holcombe, John3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 1 Feb 1749/50 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2077 She married Abel Case, son of Amos Case and Mary Holcombe, on 8 Jul 1777. She died on 12 Aug 1810 at age 60. Children of Huldah5 Higley and Abel Case all born at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. HULDAH6 was born on 19 Aug 1778.2078 She married Jabez Hamblin on 25 Dec 1799 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT.2079 She

died on 25 Feb 1867 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 88.2080 ii. ABEL was born on 12 Apr 1783. He married Rachel Humphrey, daughter of Charles Humphrey and Hannah Case. He died on 29

Sep 1831 at age 48. iii. DINAH. iv. TIRZA. v. CARMI was born on 20 Jul 1793.2081 He died on 8 Jul 1815 at age 21.2082 565. ENOCH5 HIGLEY (Hester4 Holcombe, John3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 25 Aug 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2083 He married Rosalinda Moore, daughter of Job Moore and Mehitable Case, on 28 Oct 1783. He died on 12 Jul 1827 at North Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 72.2084 Enoch is listed in the Andrew Moore genealogy as the son of Brewster and Esther (Holcomb) Higley. However, the confusion of marriages between different Brewsters and different Esthers (Hesters) makes it impossible to assign parents at this time. Children of Enoch5 Higley and Rosalinda Moore were:

2065Ibid. 2066Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys, Page 446. 2067Ibid. 2068Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys. 2069Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 2070Ibid. 2071Ibid. 2072Ibid. 2073Ibid. 2074Ibid. 2075Ibid. 2076Ibid. 2077Bates, Simsbury, Page 115. 2078Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 2079Ibid. 2080Ibid. 2081Duncan, John Case 2nd Edition, Page 32. 2082Ibid. 2083Hon. Horace L. Moore, Andrew Moore, Page 62. 2084Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1.

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i. HARRIETT6 was born on 2 Sep 1798 at North Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2085,2086 She married Almon Holcombe, son of Lt. Col. Peter Holcombe and Zillah Hoskins, on 29 Oct 1821 at Hartland, Hartford Co., CT.2087 She died on 18 Feb 1829 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 30.2088,2089 She was buried at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2090 Farewell my friends and children dear, Prepare for death while I sleep here..

566. SARAH5 MILLER (Sarah4 Holcombe, John3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 2 Sep 1749 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married John Merritt, son of James Merritt and Katherine Rogers, on 24 Aug 1769 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. Waller references Simsbury CT/Town records, Vol 3, pages 184 and 199, in the Barbour Collection; Brown, A Genealogy History of West Simsbury Hartford, 1856. Children of Sarah5 Miller and John Merritt all born at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, were as follows: i. JOHN6 was born on 9 May 1770. He married Lucy Mills, daughter of Col. Amasa Mills and Lucy Curtis, on 20 Sep 1793 at

Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died on 14 Dec 1806 at perhaps Onondago Co., NY, at age 36. Waller references Barkhamsted CT/Vital reocrds Vol 1, page 111, from the Barbour Collection.

ii. SARAH was born on 25 Oct 1772. She married Zeben Case, son of Eli Case and Athilred Reed, on 5 Nov 1795 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. She died on 3 Mar 1870 at age 97. Although Sarah joined the Barkhamsted Congregatinal Church in 1807, she was dropped from membership in 1820 and they probably became Methodists.

iii. SABRA was born on 1 Jun 1776. She married Harris Emmons on 2 Oct 1794 at Hartland. iv. JERUSHA was born on 13 Jun 1779. v. NAOMI was born on 27 Jul 1781. She married Joseph Hurlburt on 27 Aug 1809 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. vi. OLIVER was born on 4 Aug 1784. He married Pamela Bushnell, daughter of Martin Bushnell and Lucy Bates, on 19 Mar 1806 at

Hartland. Oliver boiught a small dish mill and farm in Claridon, Geauga Coiunty, OH, in 1815.

vii. FREEMAN was born in 1787. He married Patty Carrington on 26 Nov 1805 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died after 8 Oct 1821.

viii. FREEDOM was born on 18 Oct 1792. 567. ASAHEL5 HOLCOMBE ESQUIRE (Asahel4, John3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 12 Nov 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2091 He married Sarah Eno on 3 Feb 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2092 He married Sarah Kent in 1802. He married Martha Barber, daughter of Daniel Barber and Martha Phelps. He died on 1 Jun 1816 at age 73. He was buried at East Granby, Hartford Co., CT. McCracken: Died testate. Martha was the wife named in the will. This man was called and so signed his will dated 4 Jan 1816, probated 3 June 1816, witnesses Zerviah Owen, Lydia Owen, Isaac Owen Jr., Asahel Holcomb Jr., to distinguish him from his like-named uncle who actually survived him. The will names beloved wife Martha, son Asahel, son-in-law Reuben Barker, son Calvin, and the following grandchildren (parents not identified): Ariel or Uriel Holcomb, Hervey Holcomb [in distribution called J.H. Holcomb], Solomon Flagg Holcomb, Sopohia, wife of Lyman Phelps, Sally wife of Hervey Alderman, Cynthia Holcomb, and the wife of Reuben Barker is named Sarah. There is an executors bond of $20,000 signed by Reuben Barker, James H. Holcomb and the mark of Martha Holcomb, 3 June 1816. The inventory is lengthy and the setting out of the various pieces of real estate to the heirs is detailed. Children of Asahel5 Holcombe Esquire and Sarah Eno were as follows: i. ASAHEL6 was born on 28 Aug 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2093 He married Patty (Martha) Flagg, daughter of Abijah

Flagg and Sarah Clark, on 6 Jun 1788. He died on 30 Mar 1830 at age 65.

2085Hon. Horace L. Moore, Andrew Moore, Page 63. 2086Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 2087Ibid. 2088Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 114. 2089Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 2090Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 114. 2091Bates, Simsbury, Page 84. 2092Ibid., Page 97. 2093Ibid., Page 227.

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On 2 Dec 2002 Jay Robbins of Springfield Mass. transcribed the following page from The Connecticut Archives: Crimes & Misdemeanors, Series 2, Vol 4, p23: Upon the memorial of Asahel Holcomb Jr. Shewing to this assembly that his son Asahel Holcomb 3rd was sentenced & committed to Newgate Prison for the term of two years for the crime of forgery & was taxed with a bill of cost to the amount of $56.67 and altho he acknowledges the sentence was just yet he says that sd Asahel 3rd had no intention of committing any fraud on any person as he verily believes and altho he had contractd habits of ileness & dissipation preventd him fro acquiring any property, yet your Memorialist entertained hopes that his son by suffering sd punishment would tereby become reformed and that during hsi confinement he paid several sums for the support of his family and at the expiratin of the term for which his son was snetenced he was induced from parental feeling to engage one othr of his sons viz Luther Holcomb, sd Asahel 3rd being very poor, his note for sd bill of cost as pr memorial on file. Resolved by this assembly that sd sum as aforesaid be & the same is remitted by the overseer of sd Newgate Prison. May 1808.

ii. SARAH was born on 17 Oct 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2094 She married Reuben Barker. iii. OLIVER was born on 18 Apr 1769 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2095,2096 He married Eunice Griswold, daughter of Elisha

Griswold and Eunice Viets, on 30 May 1790. He died in 1797.2097

iv. LUTHER was born on 27 Apr 1774 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2098 He married Suzannah Holcombe. He died on 2 Feb 1809 at age 34. Served in East Granby as town and township clerk and on school committees. Carol Laun cites the Simsbury Vital Records, pages 68, 217, 227; East Granby Vital Records, pages 95, 98, 129; East Granby Church Records, pages 34, 47, 123; the Alderman Genealogy; the Episcopal Church Records, page 57; and "The Report, Oct 1968, OH Genealogical Society" - all viewable at the Salmon Brook Historical Society in Granby of which she is Curator.

v. CALVIN married Eleanor Thrall. Calvin is mentioned in his father's will, but no other data. Bowman notes that he is not mentioned in Simsbury Soldiers or Simsbury records.

There were no children of Asahel5 Holcombe Esquire and Sarah Kent. There were no children of Asahel5 Holcombe Esquire and Martha Barber. 568. AHAS5 HOLCOMBE (Asahel4, John3, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1745. He married Hannah Stevens. He died on 17 Jul 1813. Seaver lists this child, but Bowman shows Amaziah and Ahaz as the same person, citing Simsbury records. McCracken only lists Amaziah. The Records of the Congregational Church on page 51 notes: "Dec 18 1777 Ahaz Holcomb upon a confession for Stealing & disobedience to Parents was received into Charity." He was also known as Ahaz Holcombe. Children of Ahas5 Holcombe and Hannah Stevens were as follows: i. HANNAH6 was born on 3 Dec 1777 at Turkey Hills Parish, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2099,2100 She married Cephas J.

Holcombe, son of David Holcombe II and Elizabeth Griffin, on 11 Mar 1797. She died on 18 Jul 1822 at age 44.2101

ii. MOSES was born on 16 Jan 1780 at Turkey Hills Parish, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2102 He married Hannah Wells circa 1800. He lived at Hartland, CT.

iii. THANKFUL was born on 5 Feb 1783 at Turkey Hills Parish, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2103 She married Benjamin Slater in 1803.

iv. LYDIA married Sidney Smith on 26 Jan 1806. v. ROSWELL was born on 20 Apr 1785 at Turkey Hills Parish, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2104 He married Polly Spelman, daughter

of David Spellman and Mary Moore, on 28 Dec 1807.2105 He died at Luzerene Co. (now Wyoming Co.), PA.2106

2094Ibid. 2095Ibid. 2096Griswold Griswold 6 & 7, Page 77. 2097Ibid. 2098Bates, Simsbury, Page 227. 2099Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141. 2100Albert Carlos Bates, Records of Congregational Church, Page 20. 2101Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 141. 2102Albert Carlos Bates, Records of Congregational Church, Page 21. 2103Ibid., Page 23. 2104Ibid., Page 24.

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Roswell grew up in the home of his grandfather, Asahel Holcomb; in 1803 moved to Hartland, Litchfield Co., Conn. with his father, Ahaz and brother, Moses; thence moved to Canaan, Conn., and from Litchfield Co., Conn. in the fall of 1818 to the heavily forested wilderness "back of the mountains, 6 miles west of Kingston and 8 miles west of Wilkes-Barre or "Dallas" and his children grew up at Truscksville (Westmoreland), all in Luzerne Co., PA. In that mountainous region all beasts of burden were oxen except an only horse brought by him. 2107 Mary, riding horsseback from Kingston, Pa. to her home along narrow and dangerous paths was unable to urge her frightened horse forward as it had discovered a snake in the path, threatening the horse's advance. Mary tied her horse and advanced on foot to attack the snake with her riding whip with which she killed it and completed her trip. 2108 McPherson indicates that Roswell and Poly had 10 children but only lists 7.

vi. ELIHU was born in 1791. vii. SAMUEL. 569. DANIEL5 HAYES III (Daniel4, Martha3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 4 Apr 1744 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2109,2110 He married Mary Holcombe, daughter of Thomas Holcombe and Sarah Loomis. He married (--?--) Gaines. He died on 27 Apr 1825 at age 81.2111 Farmer, Revolutionary War soldier. Children of Daniel5 Hayes III and Mary Holcombe were as follows: i. DANIEL6 was born in 1775 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Deziah Hillyer, daughter of Theodore Hillyer and Lodammi

Humphrey, in 1803. He died on 18 Aug 1859 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2112 ii. MARY was born say 1779. She married Levi Holcombe, son of David Holcombe II and Elizabeth Griffin, on 22 Jul 1804. She died

on 17 Feb 1818 at Consumption.2113 There were no children of Daniel5 Hayes III and (--?--) Gaines. 570. ENOCH5 HAYES (Daniel4, Martha3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) married Mercy Holcombe, daughter of Obed Holcombe and Mercy Holcombe. Children of Enoch5 Hayes and Mercy Holcombe were as follows: i. ENOCH6 was born on 31 Oct 1785.2114 He married Asenath Gillett, daughter of Calvin Gillett and Thankful Warner, in 1809 at

Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2115 He died on 17 Apr 1868 at Fowler, Trumbull Co., OH, at age 82.2116 Enoch and Asenath "Hays" were enumerated in the 1850 Fowler , Trumbull Co., OH, federal census. He was a farmer age 67, she was 63. The only child in the household was Richard 21. Enoch "Hays" was enumerated in the 1860 Fowler, Trumbull Co., OH, federal census. He was a farmer age 76. Also in the household was son Richard age 31, and his wife Julia 26, and their children Amoret 5, and Orlin 2.

ii. HELON was born on 30 Aug 1791.2117 He married Mary Hawley, daughter of Thomas Hawley and Mary Bacon.2118 He died on 1 Oct 1852 at Hayesville, IA, at age 61.2119

2105McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 217.1. 2106Ibid. 2107McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 2108Ibid. 2109Ibid., Page 144.1. 2110Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 140. 2111Ibid. 2112Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery. 2113Ibid., Page 141. 2114McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, page 147.2. 2115Ibid. 2116Ibid. 2117Ibid. 2118Ibid. 2119Ibid.

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Helon moved from Granby, Conn. to Chenango Co., N.Y., farmer, then moved in 1834 to Fowler, O.2120

iii. BENONI. iv. SOLON. v. HADASSAH was born circa 1804 at MA.2121,2122 She married Truman Alderman.2123

Truman and "Harty" were enumerated in the 1850 Chester, Hampden Co., MA, federal census. He was a farmer age 51, she was 45. Children in the household were Antoinette 26, Sylvester 24, William 17, Oscar 15, Warren 14, Dwight 12, Ann 10, and Webster 7. Truman was enumerated in the 1870 Chester, Hampden Co., MA, federal census. He was 71. Also in the household were Amerette 46, Warren 32, Alma 18, and Dwight 30.

571. KEZIAH5 HAYES (Daniel4, Martha3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 13 May 1749 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Moses Goddard, son of Aaron Goddard and Mary Huxley, in Dec 1768 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Keziah5 Hayes and Moses Goddard were: i. MILES6 was born on 2 Jun 1778 at North Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Cleopatria Dibble on 28 May 1799. He

died on 23 Mar 1856 at North Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 77. Miles Godard was enumerated in the 1850 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, federal census, dwelling 114. He was a farmer, age 72. Also in the household was Orin Godard 49, Minerva 47, Harvey 27, Nelson 25, "Almina" 23, Jane 18, Anson 13, Miles 5, Oren Jr. 2, Eliza J. 2, and California 10 months.

572. OBEDIAH5 HAYES (Daniel4, Martha3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 14 Jun 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2124,2125 He married Ahinoam Holcombe, daughter of Joshua Holcombe IV and Martha Griffin, on 25 Sep 1780 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2126 He died on 23 Mar 1817 at age 62.2127 Obediah was a farmer, Revolutionary soldier, and school commissioner, in North Granby. "Aloud I call to all around, While here inclos'd I lie, Let faith and love in you abound, For you must shortly die." Children of Obediah5 Hayes and Ahinoam Holcombe all born at Salmon Brook Ecclesiastical Society, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. OBADIAH6 was born on 24 Sep 1781. He married Catherine Shelden. He died on 2 Jun 1844 at North Granby, Granby, Hartford

Co., CT, at age 62.2128 He was buried at Baptist Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2129 ii. AHINOAM was born between 29 Sep 1782 and 1783. She married Oliver Coe, son of James Coe and Rachel Benton, on 12 Sep

1802 at North Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 12 Jun 1867 at NY. iii. CEPHAS was born on 19 Sep 1785. He married Betsey Rice on 5 Mar 1809.2130

iv. AMHERST was born on 3 Mar 1788.2131 He married Sallie Coe on 10 Sep 1811 at CT.2132 He married Martha Newton in 1825 at Colesville, Broome Co., NY.2133 He died on 2 Aug 1871 at Colesville, Broome Co., NY, at age 83.2134

2120McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 2121Ibid., page 147.2. 21221850 Federal Census, unknown repository address, On-line. 2123Ibid. 2124McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 2125Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 24. 2126Bates, Simsbury, Page 220. 2127Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 24. 2128Ibid. 2129Ibid. 2130McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 145.1. 2131Ibid., Page 144.2. 2132Ibid., Page 145.1. 2133Ibid., Page 145.2. 2134Ibid.

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v. BATHSHEBA was born on 6 Jun 1790. She married Sylvester Hart.2135 She married Adijah Dibble, son of Moses Dibble Jr. and Elizabeth Hoskins.2136 She died on 20 Jan 1871 at age 80.2137 She was buried at Cooley Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2138 Gone, but not forgotten..

vi. CHESTER was born on 12 Mar 1792.2139 He married Fidelia Holcombe, daughter of Nahum Holcombe and Rebecca Moore, on 24 Oct 1815 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2140 He married Sally Betsey Logan on 8 Oct 1844.2141 He died on 22 Nov 1876 at Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 84.2142 He was buried at Baptist Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2143 Chester and Sarah were enumerated in the 1850 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, federal census. He was a farmer age 58; she was 49. Children in the household were Emerson 9, and Marshall 3. Chester and Sarah B. were enumerated in the 1860 Harwinton, Litchfield Co., CT, federal census. He was a farmer, age 68; she was 60. The only child in the household was Emerson, 19.

vii. ROLAND was born on 3 May 1794. He married Patience Barnes, daughter of Thomas Barnes and Phoebe (--?--), on 27 Aug 1817 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2144 He died on 18 May 1877 at Southington, Hartford Co., CT, at age 83.2145 Roland and Patience were enumerated in the 1850 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, federal census. He was a farmer, age 55, she was 53. Children in the household were Frances 19, Lucia 17, Elizabeth 8, and Franklin B. 23. They were enumerated in the same dwelling with son James.

viii. HARVEY HOLCOMB was born on 23 May 1796. He married Anna Maria Porter, daughter of John W. Porter and Rebecca Cheney, on 19 Apr 1839.2146 He died on 20 Jul 1867 at Rock Island, IL, at age 71.2147 Harvey graduated from Union College in 1824 and Princeton Theological Seminary; served as Chaplain in the US Navy, 1825-31; was principal of the school, Yelinople, PA, 1831-36; Professor in Marion (MO) College; pastor in IL and IA until 1866, when he lived in Washington, DC; on the church roll, Salmonbrook, CT, 1818.2148

ix. GORDON was born on 24 Apr 1798. He married Mary Dewey Fassett on 25 Apr 1829 at Cambridge, Washington Co., NY.2149 He died on 26 May 1874 at Muscatine, Muscatine Co., IA, at age 76.2150 Gordon was on the Church Covenant, Salmonbrook, Hartford Co., CT 1816; graduated Yale University, 1823; Andover Theological Seminary, 1827; ordained July 32, 1828 as Presbyterian Minister at Cambridge, NY; moved to Washington, Conn., 1829, where he was pastor 23 years, - later at Arlington, VT and Brighton, IA; lived in Muscatine, IA, after 1865. 2151

2135Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 35. 2136Ibid. 2137Ibid. 2138Ibid. 2139Ibid., Page 23. 2140McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 145.2. 2141Hon. Horace L. Moore, Andrew Moore, Page 73. 2142Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 23. 2143Ibid. 2144McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 146.1. 2145Ibid. 2146Ibid. 2147Ibid. 2148McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy. 2149Ibid., Page 146.2, Item A-8-1-5-1-5-9. 2150Ibid. 2151McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy.

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Gordon and Mary D. were enumerated in the 1850, Washington, Litchfield Co., CT, federal census. He was a Cong. Clergyman, age 52, she was 48. Children in the household were Edward 14, John 12, Lydia 10, and Daniel 7.

x. NANCY was born on 24 Aug 1800. She married Chester Alderman II, son of Chester Alderman and Dorcas Haskins, on 18 Feb 1826. She died after 1 May 1883 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.

xi. HOMER was born on 7 Feb 1803. He married Dorcas Alderman, daughter of Chester Alderman and Dorcas Haskins, at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He married Emily L. Crocker, daughter of William Crocker and Deborah Benedict, on 6 Nov 1842 at Constantia, Oswego Co., NY.2152 He died on 27 Jul 1883 at age 80.2153 Homer was a teacher, farmer, Postmaster and Justice of the Peace in Constantia, Oswego, Co., NY. Homerand Emily "Haze" were enumerated in the 1850 Constantia, Oswego Co., NY, federal census. He was a farmer age 47; she was 42. Children in the household were Elmer Coe 11, and Charles Haze 6. Homer and Emily were enumerated in the 1880 Schroeppel, Oswego Co., NY, federal census in the household of his son Charles. He was 77, she was 73.

573. LT. ASA5 HIGLEY (Joseph4, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 31 Jan 1746. He married Eunice Colton in 1770 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2154 He died on 28 Feb 1805 at age 59. Children of Lt. Asa5 Higley and Eunice Colton were as follows: i. ASA6 was born on 13 Oct 1771 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2155 He married Ruth Kendall circa 1800.2156 He

died on 2 Sep 1840 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 68.2157

ii. EUNICE was born on 24 Sep 1777 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2158 She married Thaddeus Hayes, son of Benjamin Hayes and Rosanna Hayes, on 5 Feb 1801 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2159,2160 She died on 15 Jul 1863 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 85.2161 She was buried at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2162

574. OZIAS5 HIGLEY (Joseph4, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 20 Mar 1748. He married Martha Gillette, daughter of Joseph Gillett and Elizabeth Hayes, on 3 Dec 1772 at Hartford Co., CT.2163 He married Elizabeth (--?--). He died on 22 Jun 1827 at age 79. Children of Ozias5 Higley and Martha Gillette both born at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. BETSEY6 was born in 1775.2164 She married Alpheus Hayes, son of Benjamin Hayes and Rosanna Hayes, at Granby, Hartford

Co., CT. She died on 1 Mar 1807 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2165

ii. SILAS was born in 1780.2166 He married Melissa Hayes, daughter of Seth Hayes and Mehitable Topping, circa 1805 at Hartford Co., CT.2167,2168 He died on 21 Jun 1853 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2169,2170

2152Ibid., Page 147.2. 2153Ibid. 2154Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 2155Ibid. 2156Ibid. 2157Ibid. 2158Ibid. 2159Ibid. 2160McPherson, Holcombe Genealogy, Page 149.1, item A-8-1-6-1-1-1. 2161Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 2162Ibid. 2163Ibid. 2164Ibid. 2165Ibid. 2166Ibid. 2167Hayes, George Hayes, Page 59. 2168Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 2169Hayes, George Hayes, Page 59. 2170Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1.

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There were no children of Ozias5 Higley and Elizabeth (--?--). 575. SIMEON5 HIGLEY (Joseph4, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1751. He married Margaret Phelps on 17 Dec 1771. He died on 30 Oct 1822. Children of Simeon5 Higley and Margaret Phelps were as follows: i. SARAH6 was born on 26 Sep 1781 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT. She married Alpheus Hayes, son of Benjamin Hayes and

Rosanna Hayes, in 1809 at Cannan, CT. She died on 1 Apr 1872 at Washington, PA, at age 90. ii. SIMEON was born on 17 Oct 1786 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2171 He married Wealthy Noble, daughter of Matthew Noble

and Elizabeth Ensign, on 20 Feb 1822.2172 He died on 1 Dec 1871 at Canaan, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 85.2173 576. NAOMI5 HIGLEY (Joseph4, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 1 Jan 1761 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2174 She married Judge Brewster Higley, son of Brewster Higley III and Esther Owen, on 25 Feb 1783 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2175 She died on 4 Feb 1850 at Rutland, Meigs Co., OH, at age 89.2176 Children of Naomi5 Higley and Judge Brewster Higley were: i. BREWSTER6 was born on 30 Mar 1784 at Castleton, Rutland Co., VT.2177 He married Achsah Evarts in 1814 at Rutland, Meigs

Co., OH.2178 He died on 19 Aug 1823 at Rutland, Meigs Co., OH, at age 39.2179 He was buried at Higley Cemetery, Rutland, Meigs Co., OH.2180

577. RUTH5 HIGLEY (Joseph4, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1763. She married Judah Case, son of Capt. John Case and Sarah Barber, in Jun 1787. She died in May 1790. On page 6 Ruth Cost Duncan states that Ruth died in May 1790, but on page 47 she states she was still living in 1797 at the time her father's will was probated. Children of Ruth5 Higley and Judah Case were: i. ELEAZER6 married Mary Mason, daughter of Robert Mason and Chloe Case. 578. PELATIAH5 MILLS (Hannah4 Higley, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 12 Oct 1743 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lois Gillett, daughter of Abel Gillett and Abigail Ensign, on 28 Jun 1763 at Bloomfield, Windsor, CT. He died between 1814 and 1818 at Whitestown, Oneida Co., NY. Children of Pelatiah5 Mills and Lois Gillett were as follows: i. LOIS6 was baptized on 1 Jul 1764 at Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), CT. She married Noah Brown on 20 Sep 1783. She died on 3

Oct 1849. She was buried at Spencer's Corner Burying Ground, Amenia, Dutchess Co., NY. ii. JESSE was baptized on 2 Mar 1766 at Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), CT. iii. BILDAD was baptized on 10 Jul 1768 at Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), CT. iv. SARAH was baptized on 6 Sep 1772 at Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), CT. v. PELATIAH was baptized on 1 Feb 1778 at Wintonbury (now Bloomfield), CT. 579. MARTHA5 MILLS (Hannah4 Higley, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was baptized on 5 Jul 1752. She married James Barnett, son of John Barnett and Rebecca Holcombe, on 31 Mar 1774 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. She died probably 1824. Helen Ullman cites the Bloomfield Church Records. Children of Martha5 Mills and James Barnett were as follows: i. ?ATTA MILLS6 died on 31 Aug 1779. ii. GEORGE died on 26 Dec 1791. 580. JAMES5 CASE (Ester4 Higley, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 2 Apr 1744 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Phebe Tuller, daughter of Isaac Tuller and Phebe Case, on 13 Jul 1768 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lydia Case, daughter of Noah Case and Miriam Holcombe, on 16 Dec 1777 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died either 7 Jan 1820 or 1822. Children of James5 Case and Phebe Tuller were:

2171Lucius M. Boltwood, Thomas Noble, Page 435. 2172Ibid. 2173Ibid. 2174Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 2175Ibid. 2176Ibid. 2177Leroy E. Higley, John Higley. 2178Ibid. 2179Ibid. 2180Ibid.

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i. ALMIRA6 was born on 13 Jun 1769.2181 She married Deacon Alvin Humphrey, son of Deacon Theophilus Humphrey and Hepzibah Cornish.2182 She died on 14 Oct 1832 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 63.2183 Alvin was a farmer. After the death of his father, he was appointed a deacon in his place, and so remained through life; was a man of eminent piety and exerted a great influence in the town and church. He capably filled many places of trust and honor; was Representative from Canton to the General Assembly in 1821. He was also Justice of the Peace. He bore the title of Captain on account of his military services.2184

There were no children of James5 Case and Lydia Case. 581. ESTHER5 CASE (Ester4 Higley, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 16 May 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Thomas Case, son of Thomas Case and Elizabeth Woodford, circa 1762.2185 She married Carmi Higley, son of John Higley and Apphia Humphrey, in 1771 at Hartford Co., CT.2186 She married Abram Pinney circa 1775 at Hartford Co., CT.2187 She died in 1791. Children of Esther5 Case and Thomas Case were: i. THOMAS6 was born on 1 Jul 1764 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abigail Tuller, daughter of Elijah Tuller and Sarah

Case, on 24 Oct 1785. He died on 8 May 1853 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 88. Children of Esther5 Case and Carmi Higley were: i. CARMI6 was born in 1772 at Hartford Co., CT.2188 He died in 1814.2189 Children of Esther5 Case and Abram Pinney all born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. LOIS6 was born circa 1775.2190

ii. HESTER was born circa 1777.2191

iii. DAVID was born circa 1785.2192

iv. HORACE was born circa 1790.2193 582. ELIZABETH5 CASE (Ester4 Higley, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 20 Apr 1752 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married John Barber, son of John Barber and Lydia Reed, in 1773 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 26 May 1817 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 65. Children of Elizabeth5 Case and John Barber were as follows: i. INFANT6 was born in 1774. He/she died in 1774. ii. ELIZABETH was born on 27 Mar 1775. She died on 15 Jan 1817 at age 41. iii. RHODA was born in 1777. She married Gideon Hurlburt, son of Charles Hurlburt, on 20 Nov 1799 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. iv. CYNTHIA was born on 11 Mar 1779 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Chauncey Sadd, son of Dr. Thomas Sadd

and Delight Warner. She died on 5 Jan 1840 at Peru, Miami Co., IN, at age 60. v. JOHN was born on 18 Feb 1782 at probably Simsbury, CT. vi. ABIAH was born on 4 Mar 1784 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Elisha Case, son of Elisha Case and Delight Griswold,

on 7 Sep 1803 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married John Brown in 1844 at New Hartford, Litchfield Co., CT. She died on 12 Mar 1867 at New Hartford, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 83.

vii. SYLVIA was born in 1785. She died in 1786. viii. SYLVIA was born on 9 Jul 1787. She married Daniel Case, son of Capt. Daniel Case and Rachel Foote, in 1808 at Canton,

Hartford Co., CT. She died on 24 Jan 1861 at age 73. ix. LUKE was born on 17 Dec 1789 at probably West Simsbury, CT. He married Clara Foote, daughter of John Foote Jr. and Lois

Mills, on 24 Jun 1816. He married Lavinia Hosmer. He died in 1866. x. AUSTIN was born in 1792 at probably West Simsbury, CT. He married Lucy Allen on 20 Mar 1828 at Becket, MA.

2181Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 56. 2182Ibid. 2183Ibid. 2184Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case. 2185Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 2186Ibid. 2187Ibid. 2188Ibid. 2189Ibid. 2190Ibid. 2191Ibid. 2192Ibid. 2193Ibid.

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Don Barber included as children of Austin and Lucy the following who were in the 1850 census at Lee, each alone, living with another family: John, b. 1829, a carpenter Henry, b. 1833.

583. CAPT. FITHIAN5 CASE (Ester4 Higley, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 17 Sep 1758 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Amarilla Humphrey, daughter of Sylvanus Humphrey and Charity Pettibone, on 20 Sep 1780 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2194 He died on 25 Aug 1829 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 70. He was buried at Center Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Capt. Fithian5 Case and Amarilla Humphrey all born at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. MAMRE6 was born on 23 Mar 1786.2195 He married Abia Tuller, daughter of Elijah Tuller and Polly Eno, on 4 Nov 1807.2196 He

died on 14 Feb 1859 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 72.2197 He was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

ii. AMARILLA was born on 12 Feb 1788.2198 She married Chauncey Eno, son of Jonathan Eno and Mary Goodrich Hart, on 4 Nov 1807 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2199 She died on 22 Aug 1860 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 72.2200

iii. JASPER was born on 15 Dec 1796.2201 He married Flora Humphrey, daughter of Dea. Theophilus Humphrey and Cynthea Hayden, on 20 Mar 1817. He died on 29 Jul 1825 at age 28. Jasper and Flora resided at Sheldon, N. Y., to which place they removed in March, 1818, with her parents. Flora had no children by her second marriage.2202

584. APPHIA5 HIGLEY (John4, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 27 Mar 1747 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2203,2204 She married Jared Mills, son of John Mills and Damaris Phelps, on 11 Mar 1767 at Hartford Co., CT.2205 She died in 1783 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2206 Children of Apphia5 Higley and Jared Mills were as follows: i. LUCRETIA6 was born on 11 Dec 1767. She died on 15 Apr 1771 at age 3. ii. SON was born on 20 Aug 1769. iii. CHLOE was born on 14 Jul 1770. She married Frederick West 01, 1790. She died in 1838. iv. JARED was born on 19 Dec 1772 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Susannah Case, daughter of Capt. Uriah Case and

Susannah Lawrence, on 27 May 1793 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Fowler. He died on 1 May 1821 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 48.

v. JOEL was born on 10 Feb 1775. He died in 1776. vi. JOEL was born on 3 Dec 1776. He married Joanna Russell. He died on 27 May 1823 at age 46. vii. DAUGHTER was born on 13 Dec 1778. She died young. viii. SON was born on 20 Aug 1779. ix. DAUGHTER was born on 20 Jul 1780. x. SON was born on 1 Dec 1781. 585. JOHN5 HIGLEY (John4, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 14 Feb 1747/48 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2207,2208 He married Hannah Dibble in 1772 at CT.2209 He died in May 1802 at age 54.2210

2194Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 57. 2195Ibid., Page 101, Item 245. 2196Ibid. 2197Ibid. 2198Ibid., Page 57. 2199Ibid. 2200Ibid. 2201Ibid., Page 58. 2202Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys. 2203Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 2204Bates, Simsbury, Page 69. 2205Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 2206Ibid. 2207Letter, M. Diane Guildner to James H. Holcombe Jr., 24 April 2004. 2208Bates, Simsbury, Page 69. 2209Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, Page 39.

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Children of John5 Higley and Hannah Dibble were: i. LOIS6 was born on 1 Oct 1776 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2211 She married Truman Messenger, son of Simeon Messenger

and Mary Paine.2212 She died at Madison Co., NY.2213 586. CARMI5 HIGLEY (John4, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 16 May 1749 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT.2214 He married Esther Case, daughter of Capt. Josiah Case and Ester Higley, in 1771 at Hartford Co., CT.2215 He died on 25 Aug 1776 at Brooklyn, NY, at age 27.2216 Children of Carmi5 Higley and Esther Case were: i. CARMI6 was born in 1772 at Hartford Co., CT.2217 He died in 1814.2218 587. OBED5 HIGLEY (John4, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born circa 25 Oct 1757. He married Rebecca Mills, daughter of John Mills and Wait Miller. Children of Obed5 Higley and Rebecca Mills were as follows: i. LUTHER6 was born on 9 Nov 1794.2219 He died in 1857.

Luther married three times, (1) Electa Woodford, (2) Flora Bidwell, (3) Sarah F. Bidwell.2220

ii. POMEROY was born on 10 Nov 1798.2221 He married Eunice Delight Humphrey, daughter of Hon. Loin Humphrey and Rhoda Case, on 7 Aug 1821.2222 He died on 7 Nov 1868 at age 69.2223

iii. AMELIA was born on 7 Oct 1801. She married Col. Austin Nelson Humphrey, son of Hon. Loin Humphrey and Rhoda Case, on 4 Sep 1821. She died on 16 Feb 1886 at age 84. She was buried at Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Bainbridge, Chenango Co., NY.

588. MARTHA5 HIGLEY (John4, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 29 Jun 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Job Mills, son of John Mills and Wait Miller. Children of Martha5 Higley and Job Mills were as follows: i. MIRANDA6. ii. JOB. iii. MARY. iv. SARAH. v. EMILA. vi. LUTHER was born at Tyringham, Berkshire Co., MA. He married Harriet Stebbins in 1828. vii. MARTHA was born circa 1788. viii. RUTH was born circa 1794. She died on 23 Jul 1812 at Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., MA. 589. GIDEON5 MILLS (Elizabeth4 Higley, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 16 Oct 1749 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2224 He married Ruth Humphrey, daughter of Hon. Oliver Humphrey and Sarah Garrett, probably 1771. He died on 15 Mar 1813 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 63. He was buried at Center Cemetery, Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. The following DAR members claim Gideon as their patriot: 21251, 55908, 59459 and 105615. Helen Ullmann cites Simsbury Vital Records, Connecticut State Library Inscriptions, Connecticut Public Records, Canton Church Records, Barkhamstead Chruch Records, Simsbury Deeds and other sources.

2210Ibid. 2211Letter, M. Diane Guildner to James H. Holcombe Jr., 24 April 2004. 2212Ibid. 2213Ibid. 2214Leroy E. Higley, John Higley, CD Supplement #1. 2215Ibid. 2216Ibid. 2217Ibid. 2218Ibid. 2219Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys, Page 261. 2220Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys. 2221Ibid., Page 261, 439. 2222Ibid. 2223Ibid. 2224Bates, Simsbury, Page 56.

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Children of Gideon5 Mills and Ruth Humphrey were as follows: i. RUTH6 was born on 26 Jan 1772 at West Simsbury (now Canton), Hartford Co., CT. She married Owen Brown, son of Capt. John

Brown and Hannah Owen, on 11 Feb 1793 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 13 Dec 1808 at Hudson, Summit Co., OH, at age 36. She was buried at Old Hudson Township Burying Grou, Hudson, Summit Co., OH.

ii. GIDEON was born on 2 Feb 1774 at West Simsbury (now Canton), Hartford Co., CT. iii. OLIVER was born on 27 Oct 1777 at West Simsbury (now Canton), Hartford Co., CT. iv. ELIZABETH was born 15 or 16 June 1780 or 1781 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Dr. Moses Thompson on 22 Dec

1797. She died on 18 Nov 1850. She was buried at Old Hudson Township Burying Grou, Hudson, Summit Co., OH. Helen Ullmann notes that the records for the children were from the Hudson manuscript and Ancestal File at the LDS Family History Centers.

v. SUSANNAH was born on 11 Feb 1782 at West Simsbury (now Canton), Hartford Co., CT. She married Daniel Richardson on 7 Apr 1808 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. Helen Ullmann cites the Barkhamsted Vital Records and the Barkhmasted Church Records.

vi. SARAH ANN was born on 14 Feb 1784 at West Simsbury (now Canton), Hartford Co., CT. She married Capt. Daniel Woodruff, son of Elisha Woodruff and Anna Griswold, on 14 Jun 1819 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT.

590. SAMUEL5 MILLS (Elizabeth4 Higley, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 22 Jun 1752 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Gilpin, daughter of Thomas Gilpin and Ann Caldwell, on 28 May 1778. He married Rebecca Belden, daughter of Col. John Belden and Rebeckah Reynolds, on 27 Feb 1798. He married Catherine Seymour, daughter of Moses Seymour and Rachel Goodwin, on 1 Jun 1802 at Newington Parish. He died on 17 Feb 1814 at typhus fever at age 61. He was buried at Old Town House Hill Cemetery, Chester, Middlesex Co., CT. Helen Ullmann cites the Chester Church Records, the Connecticut State Library Inscriptions, Wethersfield Vital Records, the Newington Parish Records, among others. Children of Samuel5 Mills and Sarah Gilpin were as follows: i. MARY HIGLEY6 was born on 28 Sep 1780. She was baptized on 1 Oct 1780 at Congregationalist; Wethersfield First Church,

Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT. She married William Buck on 27 Mar 1798 at Saybrook, Middlesex Co., CT. She died in 1875. ii. SARAH GILPIN was born on 29 Jul 1782. iii. SAMUEL THOMAS was born on 6 Mar 1785. He was baptized on 13 Mar 1785. iv. TWIN SON was born on 6 Mar 1785 at Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT.

Helen Ullmann questions the existence of this child, saying that if there was such a son, it must have died before the baptism on March 13.

v. EMILY ABIGAIL was born on 10 Aug 1787. vi. ANNE HANNAH was born on 26 Sep 1789. She was baptized on 1 Nov 1789 at Chester, Middlesex Co., CT. She married David

Dennison. She died on 5 Jun 1825 at New York City, NY, at age 35. vii. GIDEON JOHN was born Decmeber 14, 1791. He married Margaret Visscher on 30 Nov 1820. He died in 1825 at yellow fever. viii. ELIZABETH TRUMBULL was born on 15 Jun 1794. She married Samuel Stillman Conant, son of John Conant, on 6 Aug 1818. She

died on 26 Oct 1884 at Montclair, NJ, at age 90. ix. JEDIDDIAH BENONI was born on 7 Oct 1796. He died on 24 Sep 1815 at drowned, Litchfield, Herkimer Co., NY, at age 18. Children of Samuel5 Mills and Rebecca Belden were: i. JOHN BELDEN6 was born on 29 Mar 1800 at Chester, Middlesex Co., CT. He married Amelia Brown Haden on 25 Oct 1836 at NY. There were no children of Samuel5 Mills and Catherine Seymour. 591. ELIZABETH5 MILLS (Elizabeth4 Higley, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 5 Feb 1754. She married Gideon Curtis, son of Peter Curtis, circa 1773. She married Rev. Rufus Hawley, son of Timothy Hawley and Rachel Forward, on 13 Nov 1798 at West Avon Congregational Church, West Avon, CT. She died on 1 Jul 1825 at age 71. She was buried at West Avon Cemetery, Avon, Hartford Co., CT. Helen Ullmann cites as sources on Elizabeth and her family the Connecticut State Library Inscriptions on Headstones, and the Simsbury Vital Records. Children of Elizabeth5 Mills and Gideon Curtis were as follows: i. INFANT6 died either 1773 or 1774. ii. GIDEON was born November 18, 1776 or 1775.

Gideon married an adopted daughter of Capt. Sweet of Norfolk. iii. SOLOMON was born March 2 or 20 or 26, 1778. He married Chloe Eggleston, daughter of Samuel Eggleston. iv. DRAYTON MILLS was born October 7, 1783 or 1782.

Drayton married a "lady educated by the Moravians." v. NORMAN was born on 20 Feb 1785. vi. ELIZABETH was born on 9 Feb 1788. She married Thomas Gleason. There were no children of Elizabeth5 Mills and Rev. Rufus Hawley. 592. JEDIDIAH5 MILLS (Elizabeth4 Higley, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 9 Feb 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Andrews, daughter of Joseph Andrews and Sarah Welles, on 6 Jun 1776 at Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT. He died either 24 Mar 1832 or 25 1832. He was buried at Old North Cemetery. Children of Jedidiah5 Mills and Sarah Andrews were as follows: i. ELIZABETH H.6 was born on 20 Sep 1776 at Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT. She married Thomas Hart Hooker, son of Thomas

Hart Hooker and Sarah Whitman, on 27 Sep 1798. She died April 4 or 5, 1849 at Columbus, Pike Co., OH. ii. SARAH A. was born on 21 Feb 1778 at Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 11 Nov 1832 at age 54.

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iii. JULIA was born on 31 Aug 1779 at Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 19 Sep 1817 at West Hartford, Hartford Co., CT, at age 38.

iv. JEDIDIAH WELLS was born on 2 Jan 1782 at Weathersfield, Hartford Co., CT. v. HARRIET was born on 26 Dec 1784 at Sheffield, Berkshire Co., MA. She married Rev. Moses Gillett, son of Matthew Gillett and

Lois Douglas, on 25 Jan 1816 at West Hartford, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 8 Apr 1869 at age 84. She was buried at Rome, Oneida Co., NY. Helen Ullmann says she was "probably" born at Sheffield.

vi. PHILO LEWIS was born on 24 Aug 1786 at Sheffield, Berkshire Co., MA. Helen Ullmann says he was "probably" born at Sheffield.

vii. EDMUND FOSTER was born on 17 Oct 1788 at Windsor, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 29 Sep 1812 at Fall of his horse, Hartford, Hartford Co., CT, at age 23.

viii. ANNA was born on 10 Sep 1790 at West Hartford, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joel Hayes III, son of Joel Hayes Jr. and Mary Bliss, on 11 Jun 1821 at Hartford, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 4 Nov 1845 at Cancer, South Hadley, MA, at age 55.

ix. SILVESTER HIGLEY was born on 14 Aug 1792. He was baptized on 3 Feb 1793 at West Hartford, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 4 Feb 1851 at Verplanks Point, Cortland Township, Westchester Co., NY, at age 58.

x. LUCIA was born on 9 Sep 1794. She married Erastus T. Smith on 25 Aug 1839 at Hartford, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 19 Mar 1857 at Rochester at age 62.

xi. LEVI ANDREWS was born on 24 Feb 1798. He died on 31 Jul 1858 at Railroad Accident; Lanesville, New Milford, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 60.

xii. GIDEON JOHN was born on 2 May 1800. He married Hannah Hopson Pratt, daughter of Hopson Pratt and Delia Skiff, on 10 Oct 1831 at Kent, Litchfield Co, CT. He died on 10 Jan 1855 at Kent, Litchfield Co, CT, at age 54.

593. ANNE5 MILLS (Elizabeth4 Higley, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 11 Jun 1761. She married William Robinson, son of Ichabod Robinson and Lydia Brown, on 13 Aug 1787 at Kensington Congregational Church, Berlin, CT. She died on 10 Jul 1789 at measles, Southington, Hartford Co., CT, at age 28. Children of Anne5 Mills and William Robinson both born at Southington, Hartford Co., CT, were as follows: i. NAOMI SOPHIA6 was born on 30 May 1788. She married James Woodruff. She died on 21 Nov 1849 at age 61. ii. STILLBORN CHILD was born on 7 Jul 1789. He/she died on 7 Jul 1789 at Southington, Hartford Co., CT. 594. FAITH5 MILLS (Elizabeth4 Higley, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 3 Jul 1766. She married Roswell Spencer, son of Caleb Spencer and Hannah Spencer. She married Eber Alford, son of Nathaniel Alford Jr. and Abigail Hill, on 15 Sep 1808 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 26 Apr 1850 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 83. She was buried at Dyer Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Faith5 Mills and Roswell Spencer were as follows: i. ROSWELL6 was born on 11 Apr 1787. He died before 1807. ii. MOSES ROSWELL was born on 6 Jan 1789. He married Alma Flagg on 1 May 1811. He died on 23 Sep 1860 at Adams Co., IL, at

age 71. He was buried at New Cemetery, Payson, Adams Co., IL. iii. GIDEON was born on 2 Sep 1790. He died before 1807. iv. FAITH ANN was born on 27 Feb 1795. She was born circa 25 Mar 1795. She married Harlow Mills, son of Amasa Mills and

Patience Baldwin, on 20 Nov 1814 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 11 Oct 1872 at Typhoid Fever at age 77. She was buried at Denmark Cemetery, Denmark, Lee Co., IA. Helen Ullmann shows two birth dates, the earlier from Edward C. Mills, Mills Family Genealogy, the later calculated from death date. She lived in 1870 at Denmark, Lee Co., IA.

There were no children of Faith5 Mills and Eber Alford. 595. SOLOMON5 HUMPHREY JR. (Naomi4 Higley, Hester3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 2 Aug 1753. He married Lucy Case, daughter of Ezekiel Case and Lucy Cornish, in 1772 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Brown in Jun 1778. He died on 24 Dec 1834 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 81. Solomon settled in West Simsbury, Ct., where he resided till 1785, when he removed to that part of Bristol which is now included in Burlington, Ct., and there remained till 1813. In that year, he went to reside in Barkhmasted, Ct., where he passed the remainder of his life, dying in that town, ae. 81 years. He was a Revolutionary soldier, and drew a pension. He was a man of sterling character and deep piety. His grandson, Judge Heman Humphrey Barbour, writes concerning him: "I remember very clearly his pleasant and sedate countenance, and his easy dignity, urbanity and quietness of manners. He was a natural gentleman." Notwithstanding great adversity of circ*mstances and limited opportunities, through their zeal for the education of their children, Mr. Humphrey and his wife secured for them very good,early, religious and scholastic acquirements, and laid the foundation for that love for learning and devotion to usefulness, and for the eminence and distinction in their descendants, to which the Christian civilization of our land is so much indebted.2225 Children of Solomon5 Humphrey Jr. and Lucy Case were as follows: i. HORACE6 was born on 2 Aug 1773. He died in Oct 1855 at age 82. ii. SOLOMON was born on 23 Sep 1775. He married Ursula Andrews. He died in Feb 1835 at age 59. Children of Solomon5 Humphrey Jr. and Hannah Brown were as follows: i. HEMAN6 was born on 26 Mar 1779.2226 He died on 3 Apr 1861 at age 82.2227

2225Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys. 2226Ibid., Page 545.

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ii. LUCY was born on 19 Sep 1780.2228 She married Jason Squires on 22 May 1800. She died on 16 Feb 1809 at age 28.2229

iii. LUTHER was born on 7 Oct 1783.2230 He married Sarah H. Lawton circa Jan 1815.2231 He married Julia (--?--) on 22 Oct 1849.2232 He died on 16 May 1871 at age 87.2233 Luther and his wives had no children. With only the ordinary educational advantages of he common school, during his minority, Luther Humphrey began to prepare for college at about he age of twenty-four, and graduated at Middlebury College, Vt., in 1813. In 1814, he entered the ministry, and, in March, 1815, was ordained as a Missionary to the Western Reserve, Ohio, --then called new Connecticut. In the following May, he set out on his way to Ohio, visiting schools or preaching almost every day on the journey, so that he did not reach his place of destination till the 2d or August. He was installed pastor in Burton, Geauga Co., Ohio, 25 Oct, 1815. Late the same year, he returned to Becket, Mass., for his wife; and, the January following, with his goods packed in a wagon, started with his wife and youngest sister for his parish, which they reached in forty-two days. They settled in a "hired log-house; borrowed two chairs, made three stools, ate upon a chest, slept on the floor, and were truly happy." He was here settled over two townships five miles square, and labored half of the time as a missionary. He continued here in this work thirteen years; subsequently, for a short time, he labored in Vienna, Trumbull Co., Ohio, with great spiritual success. He afterward received and accepted a call to a pastorate in Connecticut, where he remained two years. In 1830, he removed to Michigan, and resumed pastoral and missionary work in Cass County, then a wilderness with a sparse population, with only one bridge, --and that a poor one of logs -- across any of the streams between there and Detroit, a distance of 170 miles. This region was mostly without roads, the points of the compass being the chief guide across prairies and through forests. On one occasion, in making a journey of thirty miles in a sleigh, in midwinter, to fulfill an appointment to preach, he lost his way in the forest at night, his sleigh became locked fast by a tree, and he was compelled to remain there till daylight, his feet and hands becoming frozen. He proceeded on his journey however, and preached to his waiting congregation at two o'clock the next day. On this field his first wife died, and he married his second. They removed to Windahm, Portage Co., O., where he resided until his death. In this arduous work he had been engaged for about thirty-six years. He was a glorious type of the American pioneer clergyman, and a noble example of Christian zeal, benevolence and faith. His widow resided in 1881 in Windham, O.2234

iv. CHILD was born in 1784.2235 He/she died in 1784.2236

v. CHILD was born in 1786.2237 He/she died in 1786.2238

vi. CHILD was born in 1787.2239 He/she died in 1788.2240

vii. CLARINDA was born on 19 Feb 1789.2241 She married Harvey Webster on 7 Jan 1817. viii. CHILD was born in 1791.2242 He/she died in 1791.2243

ix. CANDACE was born on 11 Jul 1793.2244 She died in Sep 1871 at unmarried, Farmington, Hartford Co., CT, at age 78.2245

x. NAOMI was born on 28 Sep 1794 at Bristol, Hartford Co., CT.2246 She married Henry Barber, son of Jonathan Barber and Abi Merrill, on 2 Apr 1817 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT.2247,2248 She died on 7 Jan 1863 at Canton Center, CT, at age 68.2249

2227Ibid. 2228Ibid., Page 399. 2229Ibid. 2230Ibid. 2231Ibid. 2232Ibid. 2233Ibid. 2234Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys. 2235Ibid., Page 400. 2236Ibid. 2237Ibid. 2238Ibid. 2239Ibid. 2240Ibid. 2241Ibid. 2242Ibid. 2243Ibid. 2244Ibid. 2245Ibid.

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Naomi taught school in 1812 in Burlington, Ct., and, in 1816, at Barkhamsted, Ct., to which place her father had removed. She was married at his residence by William Taylor, Esq. Naomi and Henry settled in Canton, Ct.; in 1820, removed to what is now called Canton Center. The nobility, grace and purity of Mrs. Naomi Barbour's character are faithfully delineated by her son, Judge Heman Humphrey Barbour, of Hartford, Ct., in a work entitled My Wife and My Mother, published in 1864, which contains much of her correspondence. Their family are well-known as worthy and influential members of society.2250

xi. HANNAH was born on 4 Dec 1796 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Alson Barber, son of Reuben Barber and Elizabeth Case, on 18 Nov 1814 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT.2251 She died on 19 Apr 1877 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 80.

xii. HARRIET was born on 28 Feb 1799.2252 She died in 1874 at Farmington, Hartford Co., CT.2253

xiii. ELECTA was born on 28 Feb 1799.2254 She married Sidney Hart on 20 Oct 1840.2255 She died in 1866.2256 Electa and Sidney resided in Burlington, Ct.2257

596. ESTHER5 NORTH (John4, Margaret3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 17 Mar 1739. She married Isaac Humphrey, son of Ensign Samuel Humphrey and Mary Orton, on 11 Nov 1758. She died on 1 Jun 1818 at age 79. Gayle Ghbesh cites the following sources for the descendants. A Family History written by Mary Frances Millard Hall and Sylvester Millard. Sources at Burton Historical Collection. History of Ontarion County and its People by Charles F. Millikan. History of Hatfield, Massachusetts by Daniel Wells & Reuben Field Wells, 1910 The Rev. Jonathan Lee & His 18th Century Salisbury Parish The History of the Town of Salisbury, Conn. by Julia Pettee Salisbury Assoc. Inc., Salisbury, CT, 1957. The Chapin Book of Genealogical Data with Brief Biographical Sketches of the Descendants of Deacon Samuel Chapin compiled by Gilbert Warren Chapin; Vol I, the First 7 Generations Published an dcopyrighted by Chapin Family Association, Hartford, CT, 1924. Children of Esther5 North and Isaac Humphrey were as follows: i. SAMUEL6 was born on 31 Aug 1759. He died on 10 Feb 1844 at age 84. ii. ISAAC was born on 26 Jun 1761. He died on 31 May 1837 at age 75. iii. ABRAHAM was born on 12 Mar 1763. He died on 30 Aug 1835 at age 72. iv. ESTHER was born on 24 Apr 1765. She died in 1806. v. ETHAN was born on 25 Apr 1765. vi. ROSEANNA was born on 14 Sep 1767. She died on 27 Sep 1807 at age 40. vii. EUNICE was born on 28 Apr 1769. She died on 6 May 1786 at age 17. viii. JOHNATHAN was born on 21 Mar 1771. He died on 10 Apr 1835 at age 64. ix. ROSWELL was born on 22 Jun 1774. He died on 31 May 1836 at age 61. x. ELIZABETH was born on 17 Apr 1776. She died on 28 Jan 1844 at age 67. xi. ELECTA was born on 18 Jul 1778. She married Heman Chapin circa 1800. She died on 13 Dec 1847 at age 69.

2246Ibid. 2247Ibid. 2248Donald S. Barber, Thomas Barber 1st Ed, Page 173, Item 204. 2249Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys, Page 400. 2250Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys. 2251Ibid., Page 403. 2252Ibid., Page 404. 2253Ibid. 2254Ibid. 2255Ibid. 2256Ibid. 2257Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys.

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Some of the unmarried children of Electa and Heman are said to have opened up a well known school called the Chapin School for girls. Gayle believes it is still in existence in New York State. Gayle Ghbesh cites the following sources for the descendants. A Family History written by Mary Frances Millard Hall and Sylvester Millard. Sources at Burton Historical Collection. History of Ontarion County and its People by Charles F. Millikan. History of Hatfield, Massachusetts by Daniel Wells & Reuben Field Wells, 1910 The Rev. Jonathan Lee & His 18th Century Salisbury Parish The History of the Town of Salisbury, Conn. by Julia Pettee Salisbury Assoc. Inc., Salisbury, CT, 1957. The Chapin Book of Genealogical Data with Brief Biographical Sketches of the Descendants of Deacon Samuel Chapin compiled by Gilbert Warren Chapin; Vol I, the First 7 Generations Published and copyrighted by Chapin Family Association, Hartford, CT, 1924.

597. JOSEPH5 MESSENGER (Isaac4, Catherine3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1741. He married Jemima Barber, daughter of Jonathan Barber and Jemima Cornish. Resided at Barberton road in Canton Center, CT, at Otis MA, and at Delaware Co., PA. Children of Joseph5 Messenger and Jemima Barber were as follows: i. CORNISH6. ii. JEMIMA. iii. ZEBINA. iv. JOSEPH. v. JEDIAH was born on 16 Aug 1765. He died on 16 Jul 1766. 598. SIMEON5 MESSENGER (Isaac4, Catherine3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born circa 1746 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2258 He married Mary Paine in 1767.2259 He died on 8 Sep 1821 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT.2260 Children of Simeon5 Messenger and Mary Paine were: i. TRUMAN6 was born on 4 Feb 1775 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT.2261 He married Lois Higley, daughter of John Higley and

Hannah Dibble.2262 He died at NY.2263 599. ISAAC5 MESSENGER (Isaac4, Catherine3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 25 Sep 1746 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Anne Ward, daughter of William Gamaliel Ward and Damaris Holcombe. He died on 8 May 1839 at Lake Co., OH, at age 92. Information on Isaac and his descendants is from Sheri Nye, [emailprotected], found on RootsWeb WorldConnect Project, at worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com. Children of Isaac5 Messenger and Anne Ward were: i. HANNAH6 was born at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Tuttle, son of John Tuttle and Eunice Allen. She died on

31 Jan 1812 at Pompey, Onondaga Co., NY. 600. ELIJAH5 MESSENGER (Isaac4, Catherine3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1758 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lucretia Matson. Information on Elijah Messenger and his descendants was imported via GEDCOM from: Chris Hankins 664 Olympus Blvd. Port Ludlow, WA 93865 [emailprotected] http://www.vitrex.net/~foffer/.

2258Letter, M. Diane Guildner to James H. Holcombe Jr., 24 April 2004. 2259Ibid. 2260Ibid. 2261Ibid. 2262Ibid. 2263Ibid.

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Children of Elijah5 Messenger and Lucretia Matson were: i. BEULAH6 was born on 5 Mar 1798 at CT. She married John Parks on 23 Nov 1820 at Harrison Co., OH. She died on 2 Aug 1884

at Lincoln Co., KS, at age 86. She was buried at Sunnyside Cemetery. Information on Beulah Messenger and her descendants were imported via GEDCOM from: Chris Hankins 664 Olympus Blvd. Port Ludlow, WA 93865 [emailprotected] http://www.vitrex.net/~foffer/.

601. LEMUEL5 MESSENGER (Nathaniel4, Catherine3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 20 Jul 1759 at Simsbury (now West Granby), Hartford Co., CT.2264 He married Abigail Lampson, daughter of Elnathan Lampson, on 9 Nov 1791 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2265 He died on 4 May 1839 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 79.2266 Children of Lemuel5 Messenger and Abigail Lampson were as follows: i. JOSEPHUS6 was born circa 1794. He married Betsey Day circa 1817. He died in Feb 1834. ii. ELAM married Julia Dewey. iii. SERENO married Nancy Hayes on 2 May 1831 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.

The members of Sereno and Nancy's family are mostly supposition. 602. AMOS5 MESSENGER (Nathaniel4, Catherine3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born circa 1764.2267 He married Matilda (--?--).2268 He died on 19 Dec 1840.2269 He was buried at West Granby Cemetery, Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2270 Children of Amos5 Messenger and Matilda (--?--) were as follows: i. SEYMOUR6 was born say 1790 at CT. He married Sally Beman.

Seymour and Sally were enumerated in the 1860 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, federal census. He was a farmer, age 70, she was 48. Children in the household were Rufus 24, Albert A. 18, Birt 14, and Betsey M. 8. Seymour and Sally were enumerated in the 1870 Granby, Hartford Co., CT, federal census. He was a farmer, age 79, she was 57. Children in the household wre Rufus 34, Burt B. 24, and Betsy 18. In the 1880 Granby census, Rufus, age 36 was listed as the head of the household with his mother Sarah 66, Grandmother Polly Beman 94, and brother Albert 36.

ii. DAUGHTER was born circa 1795.2271 She died on 24 Aug 1798.2272 603. SAMUEL5 BARBER (Samuel4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 6 Mar 1740 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Eunice Cowles, daughter of Samuel Cowles and Abigail (--?--), on 24 Mar 1762 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT. He died in 1779. He was buried in Jan 1779 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT. He left a will at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT. Children of Samuel5 Barber and Eunice Cowles all born at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT, were as follows: i. EUNICE6 was born Arpil 19, 1763. She married Amos Gaylord.

Don Barber thinks that Amos is probably the Amos b. Norfolk 28 Aug 1766, son of Edward and Wealthana (Hopkins) Gaylord. ii. SAMUEL was born on 23 Dec 1764. He died probably young. iii. RUTH was born on 8 Mar 1767. She married Matthew Blakesley, son of Matthew Blakesley and Rhoda Beach, in 1785. iv. HEMAN. v. AMOS was born on 17 Apr 1771. vi. TIMOTHY was born on 16 Aug 1773. vii. KETURAH was born on 27 Jun 1775.

2264Carol Laun, Beneath These Stones, Page 128. 2265Ibid. 2266Ibid. 2267Ibid., Page 126. 2268Ibid. 2269Ibid. 2270Ibid. 2271Ibid. 2272Ibid.

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viii. MARTIN was born on 11 Jul 1777. He married Elizabeth Brown, daughter of Stephen Brown and Hepzibah Dowd, on 31 Mar 1796 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT.

604. JOSEPH5 BARBER (Samuel4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 12 Aug 1744 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Betsey Anderson. He married Leah Grover. He died on 31 Dec 1807 at Pownal, VT, at age 63. Children of Joseph5 Barber and Betsey Anderson both born at Bennington, Bennington Co., VT, were as follows: i. MOLLY6 was born in 1768. She married Ira Morgan, son of Joseph Morgan and Anna Thorp. ii. JOSEPH was born in 1769. Children of Joseph5 Barber and Leah Grover were as follows: i. BENJAMIN6 was born on 14 Oct 1777 at Bennington, Bennington Co., VT. ii. SAMUEL was born on 28 Dec 1778 at probably Pownal, VT. iii. TIMOTHY was born on 19 Feb 1783 at Pownal, VT. iv. DAVID was born in 1784 at Pownal, VT. He married Sally Bamford on 24 Jan 1813 at Pownal, VT. He died circa Mar 1821 at

Pownal, VT. v. SARAH was born in 1784 at Pownal, VT. She married Amasa Thompson. She died in 1853. vi. JEREMIAH was born circa 1785 at Pownal, VT. He married Huldah Griswold, daughter of Benjamin Griswold and Elizabeth

Eastman, on 26 Apr 1816 at Cambridge, VT. The 1820 census indicates there were two additional boys.

vii. TRYPHENA married Timothy Thompson on 27 May 1804. viii. DANIEL was born on 21 Feb 1796 at Pownal, VT. He married Nancy Mason, daughter of Allen Mason and Bethiah (--?--), on 12

Mar 1820 at Pownal, VT. He died on 16 Apr 1821 at Pownal, VT, at age 25. None of their children lived; Daniel's estate was distributed to his brothers.

ix. ELIJAH was born on 11 Nov 1797 at Pownal, VT. x. LEAH was born on 11 Nov 1797 at Pownal, VT. She married Christopher Mason, son of Allen Mason and Bethiah (--?--), on 1 Oct

1818. xi. BETSEY was born perhaps 1798. She married Solomon Towslee, son of Gideon Towslee and Anna Moore. She died before

1817. xii. RACHEL was born at Pownal, VT. She married David Dean on 9 Nov 1817 at Adams, MA. 605. DAVID5 BARBER (Samuel4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 12 Jul 1746 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Lawrence, daughter of Samuel Lawrence and Patience Bigelow. He died on 2 May 1783 at age 36. DAR record number 19307. Children of David5 Barber and Sarah Lawrence were as follows: i. DAVID HUMPHREY6 was born on 15 Mar 1770 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. ii. TRYPNENE was born in 1773. She married E. Whipple. She died in 1802. iii. DANIEL was born on 1 Apr 1775 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hannah Cobb, daughter of William Cobb and Mary

Carpenter. DAR record 19307.

iv. LEVI was born on 16 Oct 1777 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2273 He married Elizabeth Rouse in 1802. v. TIMOTHY was born in 1780 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. vi. LUTHER was born in 1783. He died young. 606. ELIJAH5 BARBER (Samuel4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 25 Jul 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Pettibone, daughter of Abel Pettibone and Elizabeth Case, circa 1774. He died on 13 Dec 1820 at age 72. Children of Elijah5 Barber and Sarah Pettibone were as follows: i. SARAH6 was born in 1774. She died in 1777. ii. SARAH was born in 1777. iii. ANNIS was born on 28 Feb 1780. iv. LODAMA was born in 1782. She died in 1796. v. ELIJAH was born in 1785. He died in 1786. vi. ELIJAH was born in 1787. He died in 1804. vii. DANIEL was born in 1789. He married Anna Betts. He died on 24 May 1867 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. viii. INFANT was born in 1792. He/she died in 1792. ix. JOSEPH was born in 1794. He died in 1804. 607. EZEKIEL5 BARBER (Samuel4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 12 Apr 1750 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lourancy (--?--). He married Elizabeth Goddard, daughter of Ebenezer Goddard and Elizabeth (--?--), on 15 Jan 1779 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died in 1806 at IL. There were no children of Ezekiel5 Barber and Lourancy (--?--). Children of Ezekiel5 Barber and Elizabeth Goddard were as follows: i. ALEXANDER6 was born on 3 Sep 1780. ii. LURANEY was born on 7 Oct 1783.

2273Donald S. Barber, Thomas Barber 1st Ed, Page 148, Item 170.

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608. TRYPHENE5 BARBER (Samuel4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 6 Dec 1755 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Nathaniel Johnson, son of Samuel Johnson and Martha Harris. Children of Tryphene5 Barber and Nathaniel Johnson were as follows: i. CHLOE6 was born in 1777. She married Charles Adams. ii. SAMUEL was born in 1779. He married Elizabeth Steele. iii. OLIVE was born in 1781. She married Medad Warner Merrell. iv. CHILD was born in 1783. He/she died in 1783. 609. JOEL5 BARBER (Samuel4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in Mar 1757 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Phelps, daughter of Thomas Phelps and Margaret Watson, between 1775 and 1776. He married Sarah (--?--). He died circa 1834 at St. Remi, Québec, Canada. Children of Joel5 Barber and Mary Phelps were as follows: i. JOEL6 was born on 17 Feb 1776 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Asenath Melvin on 12 Jun 1802. He died on 11 Sep

1863 at Lancaster, Grant Co., WI, at age 87. ii. LOIS was born in 1780. She married Nehemiah Hoyt, son of Benjamin Hoyt and Patience Smith. She died on 8 Oct 1871. iii. CLEMENTINE was born in 1783. She married Gershom Ramsdell. iv. ALLEN was born in 1788. He died in 1806. Children of Joel5 Barber and Sarah (--?--) were as follows: i. NUMA6. ii. SOLON. 610. SARAH5 BARBER (Samuel4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1761. She married John George Bandell. She died in 1829. Children of Sarah5 Barber and John George Bandell were as follows: i. ALANA6 was born in 1781. She married Grove Case, son of Elisha Case and Judith Case, on 24 Sep 1797 at First Congregational

Church, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died in Jan 1864 at IL. ii. GEORGE was born in 1782. He died in 1846. iii. DANIEL was born in 1784. He married Lucy Jones. iv. FREDERICK was born in 1786. He married Susan Bunce. He married Tirzah Eaton. v. WILLIAM was born in 1788. He married Lydia Andrus. vi. KETURAH was born on 22 Jan 1791. She married Levi Case, son of Silas Case and Jane Leete. She died on 8 Apr 1881 at

Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 90. vii. ASAHEL was born in 1794. He married Emily Carrier. viii. MERCY was born in 1796. She married Bishop Nichols. ix. SAMUEL was born in 1799. He married Amelia Hart. He married Tirzah Russell. x. OLIVE was born in 1802. She married Levi Gridley. xi. ROXY was born in 1804. She married Roswell Russell. xii. ROXANA was born on 11 Feb 1807 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Eli Case, son of Giles Case and Mary Case, on 22

Oct 1828 at Canton Congregational Church, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 29 Mar 1879 at age 72. 611. ASAHEL5 BARBER (Samuel4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1763 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Collar. He died in 1851. Children of Asahel5 Barber and Mary Collar were as follows: i. ROACY6 was born on 6 Aug 1808. He/she died on 21 Aug 1840 at Richford, VT, at age 32. ii. ASAHEL B. was born in May 1814 at Canada. 612. JESSE5 BARBER (Samuel4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 16 Jan 1766 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Hepzibah Humphrey, daughter of Deacon Theophilus Humphrey and Hepzibah Cornish, in 1787 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1813 at Fairfield, VT.2274 Children of Jesse5 Barber and Hepzibah Humphrey were as follows: i. ROSWELL6 was born on 26 Sep 1788 at West Simsbury (now Canton), Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Robinson, daughter of

Israel Robinson and Mary Spencer, in 1809. He married Polly Green. He died on 1 Jan 1818 at Swanton, Franklin Co., VT, at age 29.

ii. HEPZIBAH. Died young, scalded by boiling water. iii. HEPZIBAH was born on 6 Dec 1790. She married Timothy Foster. She died on 6 Feb 1874 at Swanton, Franklin Co., VT, at age

83. iv. ACHSAH was born on 25 Jan 1793. She married Philip Hall. She died on 1 Sep 1884 at Swanton, Franklin Co., VT, at age 91. v. GILES was born on 2 Dec 1795. He died in 1883. vi. THEDA was born between 19 Oct 1797 and 1798 at Fairfield, VT. She married Joseph Sumner Jennison, son of William Jennison

and Sarah Sumner, on 8 Mar 1819. She died on 6 Jun 1889 at Howard Co., IA. vii. LAURA was born in 1800. She married Watson Noble, son of Eli Noble and Eunice Wilcox, in 1820. She died on 10 Jun 1863. viii. THEOPHILUS was born on 22 Apr 1803 at probably Canton, CT. He married Amanda Warner, daughter of Isaac Warner and

Experience Allen, on 3 May 1829. He died on 10 Nov 1879 at Swanton, Franklin Co., VT, at age 76. Information on Theophilus and his descendants is from Holly Lorraine McKenzie; [emailprotected] who got most of it from Don Barber, author of Barber Genealogy [emailprotected].

2274Ibid., Page 69.

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ix. JESSE was born on 23 Oct 1806 at Swanton, Franklin Co., VT. He died on 3 Jun 1884 at St. Albans, Franklin Co., VT, at age 77. Information on Jesse and his descendants is from Holly Lorraine McKenzie; [emailprotected] who got most of it from Don Barber, author of Barber Genealogy [emailprotected].

x. DIANA was born on 2 Feb 1810. She married Patrick McLaughlin in 1827. She died in 1871 at Warden, Quebec, Canada. 613. GILES5 BARBER (Samuel4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 22 Sep 1769 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Garrett, daughter of John Garrett II and Mary Case, in Apr 1796. He died on 19 Jan 1826 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 56. He was also known as Giles Barbour. Children of Giles5 Barber and Mary Garrett were as follows: i. JESSE LYSANDER6 was born in 1797 at probably Canton, CT. He married Melissa Andrus, daughter of Philemon Andrus and

Phebe Case, on 18 Nov 1819. He died on 10 Sep 1845 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. ii. FLAVIA ANN married Anson Wheeler, son of Nathan Wheeler and Mary Doolittle, in 1822 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died in

1858. iii. CORYDEN was born in 1799. He died in 1803. iv. LINA married Dudley Case, son of Capt. Elias Case and Lucretia Foote. She died in 1848 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. v. MARY was born on 5 Jun 1803. She married Noah Russell Lyman Bristol, son of Philo Riggs Bristol and Nabby Lyman, on 1 Jan

1829 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 4 Sep 1887 at age 84. vi. VOLNEY G. was born in 1805 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 18 Jan 1859 at Bristol, Hartford Co., CT. vii. JULIA MARIA was born on 3 May 1807 at Canton Center, CT. She married Ezekiel Thrall Case, son of Japhet Case and Chloe

Thrall, on 8 Jul 1832 at Canton Center, CT. She died on 19 Nov 1886 at Sutton, NE, at age 79. viii. QUINCY was born in 1809. He died on 18 Feb 1826. ix. LUCIAN was born on 4 Mar 1811 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Alice Thomas Barbee on 11 Oct 1842. He died on 19

Jul 1880 at age 69. He was also known as LUCIAN BARBOUR.

x. DIDAMA HANNA was born on 2 Mar 1813 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Hon. Selden White, son of Friend White Jr. and Roxanna Hamlin, on 30 Aug 1836 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died in 1902. Information from Family Group Sheet from Diane Graham, 3912 5th Ave., Sioux City, IA 51106.

xi. DRYDEN was born on 4 Apr 1815 at probably at Canton, CT. He married Keturah Ann Barber, daughter of Daniel Barber and Anna Betts, on 25 Jun 1837. He married Jane Wilcox, daughter of Zaccheus Wilcox and Temperance Case, on 16 Mar 1843. He died on 21 Dec 1896 at age 81.

xii. KATHARINE KETURAH was baptized on 16 Sep 1827 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married William McLeod in 1840 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT.

xiii. LINNAEUS died unmarried. 614. JACOB5 BARBER (Thomas4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 23 Sep 1738 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Patience Lawrence on 24 Jan 1765 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died in 1817 at Cazenovia, Madison Co., NY. Children of Jacob5 Barber and Patience Lawrence were as follows: i. ZIMRI6 was born on 24 Mar 1766 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. ii. JAMES was born on 16 Feb 1767 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Lovina Humphrey, daughter of Noah Humphrey

Jr. and Margaret Humphrey. iii. PATIENCE TABITHA was born on 17 Mar 1770 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. She married Roger Moses, son of Daniel Moses

and Mary Wilcox, on 9 Feb 1792 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. iv. EZEKIEL was born in 1770 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He died young. v. THOMAS was born on 13 Apr 1773 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Percy Merrill on 15 Nov 1797. He died on 17

Sep 1848 at age 75. vi. PETER was born on 6 Mar 1775 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. vii. SUSANNAH was born on 9 Jan 1777 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. She married Benjamin Hosford, son of Ezekial Hosford

and Mercy Miller. She married /Whafles/ (--?--). viii. CANDACE was born on 30 Sep 1779 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. She married Naaman Phelps, son of Abijah Phelps and

Huldah Hutchinson. ix. DANIEL was born on 18 Dec 1781. He married Sally Bishop, daughter of Abrahma Bishop and Mary (--?--), on 30 Apr 1804 at

Hartland, Hartford Co., CT. x. DELIVERANCE was born on 21 Feb 1784 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. She married Darius Case Jr., son of Darius Case and

Mary Giddings. xi. MERCY was born on 11 Oct 1787 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. She married A. M. Johnson. xii. INFANT was born in 1790 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT. He/she died young. 615. LUCY5 BARBER (Thomas4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 17 Oct 1742 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Moses Gaines. She died in 1831. Children of Lucy5 Barber and Moses Gaines were as follows: i. LUCY6 was born in 1762. She married Elijah Simmons. ii. MOSES was born in 1764. He married Hannah Miller. iii. LOIS was born in 1766. She married James Simons. She married (--?--) Loomis. iv. EUNICE was born in 1769. She married Jeremy Graham. She married Daniel Pettibone. v. ELIZABETH was born in 1772. She married Levi Hart. vi. ALPHEUS was born in 1774. He married Susan Miller. vii. ENOCH was born in 1777. He married Anna Warner. viii. THERESA was born in 1779. She married Richard Case, son of Sgt. Richard Case and Jemima Moore. ix. RUTH was born in 1781. She married Jehiel Wilcox.

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616. ABRAHAM5 BARBER (Thomas4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 12 Feb 1746 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Wood. He died in 1836. Children of Abraham5 Barber and Sarah Wood were as follows: i. ABRAHAM6 was born in 1767. ii. LUMAN was born in 1770. He married Mehitable Lilley circa 1791. He died in 1796. iii. JOB was born in 1775. iv. JOSEPH was born in 1777. 617. MERCY5 BARBER (Thomas4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 11 Feb 1748 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Ebenezer Cowles, son of Samuel Cowles and Abigail (--?--). She died on 28 Oct 1787 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 39. Children of Mercy5 Barber and Ebenezer Cowles were as follows: i. EBENEZER6 was born on 13 Aug 1768 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Lucretia Wilcox. He married Clarissa Case. ii. ISRAEL was born on 4 Jan 1771 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Ruth Hoyt. iii. MARCIA was born on 23 Aug 1773 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT. She married Daniel Case, son of Lt. Daniel Case and Elizabeth

Humphrey, on 7 May 1797 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT. She died on 2 Jan 1853 at Onondaga, NY, at age 79. Matching the Cowles from the Barber Genealogy with the Case from the Case Genealogy was not exact; but the match is close enough to record, but needs further verification.

iv. CHILD died on 2 Apr 1787. v. ABIGAIL was born in 1776. She died on 25 Aug 1777. vi. SOLOMON was born on 19 Jun 1779 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT. He married Keturah Case, daughter of Joseph Case and Lydia

Mills, in Apr 1801. He died on 7 Apr 1858 at Norfolk, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 78. vii. MOSES was born on 2 Apr 1782. He married Hannah Betts. viii. JAMES was baptized on 29 May 1785. He died on 14 Jan 1788. 618. AZARIAH5 BARBER (Thomas4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 8 Mar 1750 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Humphrey, daughter of Noah Humphrey Jr. and Elizabeth Buttolph, circa 1775. He died on 13 Jun 1817 at age 67. Dr. Barber lists marriage date as 1798, in an e-mail he suggests "about 1775." Children of Azariah5 Barber and Elizabeth Humphrey were as follows: i. AZARIAH6 was born in 1776. ii. WILLIAM was born in 1778. iii. INFANT was born in 1781. He/she died young. iv. ELIZABETH was born in 1782. She died in 1796. v. ELAM was born in 1785. vi. CHARLOTTE was born in 1788. She married Treat Lambert, son of Nehemiah Lambert and Sarah Galpin, on 28 Oct 1824 at

Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 11 Nov 1845. vii. NOAH was born on 4 Dec 1791. viii. ALMIRA was born in 1793. She died on 8 Nov 1853. 619. MICHAEL5 BARBER (Thomas4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1754 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Azubah Brown, daughter of Capt. John Brown and Hannah Owen, in 1779. He died on 25 Jun 1836. Children of Michael5 Barber and Azubah Brown were as follows: i. SOPHIA6 was born on 9 Mar 1779 at West Simsbury (now Canton), Hartford Co., CT. ii. MICHAEL was born in 1780 at probably West Simsbury, CT. He married Anna Taylor in 1801 at West Simsbury (now Canton),

Hartford Co., CT. He died in 1810. iii. LEVI was born in 1782 at probably Simsbury, CT. He died on 12 Jul 1852 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. iv. AZUBAH was born in 1785. She married Stephen Harris Atwater, son of Benjamin Atwater and Mary Harris, on 16 Sep 1819 at

Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died in Mar 1866. v. LYMAN was born in 1790 at West Simsbury (now Canton), Hartford Co., CT. He died on 13 May 1862. vi. MARTIN was born in 1794 at probably Simsbury, CT. He died on 14 Jan 1877 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. vii. SALMON was born in 1800 at probably Simsbury, CT. He died on 11 Sep 1881 at New Britain, Hartford Co., CT. 620. JOB5 BARBER (Thomas4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 10 Mar 1756 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lola Mills, daughter of Col. Amasa Mills and Lucy Curtis, in 1776. He died on 11 Jan 1846 at Marcellus, Onondaga Co., NY, at age 89. Children of Job5 Barber and Lola Mills were as follows: i. ALVIN6 married Lucy Goodrich on 29 Sep 1800 at Hartland, Hartford Co., CT.

Dr. Barber notes that the 1820 census shows 2 boys and 7 girls. ii. SOLOMON. iii. ELECTA was born on 25 Apr 1782. She married Manna Case, son of Ozias Case and Mary Hill. She died on 20 Feb 1843 at age

60. Don Barber has two Manna Case's, on page 77 and on page 81, both sons of Ozias and Mary. Don corrected this via an e-mail noting that Electa on page 77 and Phileta on page 81 were actually the same person and the information on page 77 is correct.

iv. HARVEY was born on 29 Apr 1790. He married Abigail Ewen on 26 Dec 1813. v. ZENAS was born circa 1790 at West Simsbury (now Canton), Hartford Co., CT. He died after 1871 and before June 18 at County

Infirmary, Kingsville, Ashtabula Co., OH. vi. LUNA. vii. ALLEN. viii. DELILAH was born in 1797. She married Erastus Whiting. She died on 13 Oct 1833.

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Dr. Barber lists four children of Delilah with dates after her death; probably children of Roxanna. Since the first two children are listed with no birth dates, it is still a question as to who their mother is, but seems likely to assign them to Delilah.

ix. AMASA. 621. ABIGAIL5 BARBER (Thomas4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in Aug 1758 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Pelatiah Richards, son of Samuel Richards and Lydia Buck, in 1779. She died on 6 Jan 1814 at age 55. She lived at New Hartford, Litchfield Co., CT. She lived at Schroon Lake, Essex Co., NY. Children of Abigail5 Barber and Pelatiah Richards were as follows: i. NANCY6 was born on 7 May 1780. ii. GEORGE was born on 12 Apr 1782. He died on 1 May 1825 at age 43. iii. EDMUND B. was born on 2 Mar 1784. iv. PELATIAH was born on 19 Feb 1786. He married Sally Wheeler. v. MERCY was born on 19 Mar 1789. vi. SALMON was born on 5 Sep 1791. vii. PERCIS was born on 1 Apr 1793. She married (--?--) Chafa. She married Ezra Gray. viii. SALLY was born on 5 Jun 1795. ix. SAMUEL. x. BETSEY. 622. JEMIMA5 BARBER (Jonathan4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 31 Mar 1741 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Joseph Messenger, son of Isaac Messenger and Hannah Alford. Children of Jemima5 Barber and Joseph Messenger were as follows: i. CORNISH6. ii. JEMIMA. iii. ZEBINA. iv. JOSEPH. v. JEDIAH was born on 16 Aug 1765. He died on 16 Jul 1766. 623. BILDAD5 BARBER (Jonathan4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1745 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Lois Humphrey, daughter of Hon. Oliver Humphrey and Sarah Garrett. He died in 1816 at Onondaga Co., NY. Children of Bildad5 Barber and Lois Humphrey were as follows: i. TRUEMAN6 was born in 1769 at Naugatuck, New Haven Co., CT. He married Alice Beebe, daughter of David Beebe and Lydia

Terrill. ii. JONATHAN was born in 1773 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iii. HUMPHREY was born in 1775 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Azubah Willey. He died in 1832. iv. PERCY was born in 1777 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Moses F. Norton on 27 Nov 1799 at Canton, Hartford Co.,

CT. She lived at Spafford, Onondaga Co., NY.

v. ERASTUS was born on 10 Oct 1779 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. vi. RULUF was born in 1782 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. vii. LOIS was born in 1784 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Orin Brown on 11 Jun 1820 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. viii. TWINS was born in 1785 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He/she died young. ix. BILDAD was born in 1791 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Orenda Norton.

Dr. Barber: "(?David)" with no other comment. x. PHILO was born in 1793 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. 624. JOHN5 BARBER (John4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 29 Nov 1749 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Case, daughter of Capt. Josiah Case and Ester Higley, in 1773 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 3 Nov 1825 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 75. Children of John5 Barber and Elizabeth Case were as follows: i. INFANT6 was born in 1774. He/she died in 1774. ii. ELIZABETH was born on 27 Mar 1775. She died on 15 Jan 1817 at age 41. iii. RHODA was born in 1777. She married Gideon Hurlburt, son of Charles Hurlburt, on 20 Nov 1799 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. iv. CYNTHIA was born on 11 Mar 1779 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Chauncey Sadd, son of Dr. Thomas Sadd

and Delight Warner. She died on 5 Jan 1840 at Peru, Miami Co., IN, at age 60. v. JOHN was born on 18 Feb 1782 at probably Simsbury, CT. vi. ABIAH was born on 4 Mar 1784 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married Elisha Case, son of Elisha Case and Delight Griswold,

on 7 Sep 1803 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She married John Brown in 1844 at New Hartford, Litchfield Co., CT. She died on 12 Mar 1867 at New Hartford, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 83.

vii. SYLVIA was born in 1785. She died in 1786. viii. SYLVIA was born on 9 Jul 1787. She married Daniel Case, son of Capt. Daniel Case and Rachel Foote, in 1808 at Canton,

Hartford Co., CT. She died on 24 Jan 1861 at age 73. ix. LUKE was born on 17 Dec 1789 at probably West Simsbury, CT. He married Clara Foote, daughter of John Foote Jr. and Lois

Mills, on 24 Jun 1816. He married Lavinia Hosmer. He died in 1866. x. AUSTIN was born in 1792 at probably West Simsbury, CT. He married Lucy Allen on 20 Mar 1828 at Becket, MA.

Don Barber included as children of Austin and Lucy the following who were in the 1850 census at Lee, each alone, living with another family: John, b. 1829, a carpenter Henry, b. 1833.

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625. REUBEN5 BARBER (John4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 7 Dec 1751 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Case, daughter of Hosea Case and Mary Case, on 2 Jan 1776 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 17 Dec 1825 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 74. There were two different Reuben Barbers that Don Barber lists as having served in the Lexington Alarm and in the Revolutionary Army. Hopoefully he can clear this up. Children of Reuben5 Barber and Elizabeth Case were as follows: i. REUBEN6 was born in 1773. ii. MARY was born in 1776. She married Jonathan Noble, son of Elijah Noble and Maria Humphrey, in 1798 at West Simsbury (now

Canton), Hartford Co., CT. She died circa 1804 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. iii. SADOSA was born Janury 31, 1781 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Cleveland on 4 Feb 1802. He died on 19

Nov 1860 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. iv. ELIZABETH was born in 1782. She married Josiah Harrison on 22 Nov 1803 at West Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married

Zimri Barber Jr. on 27 Nov 1806. v. ALSON was born on 6 May 1792 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2275 He married Hannah Humphrey, daughter of Solomon

Humphrey Jr. and Hannah Brown, on 18 Nov 1814 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT.2276 He died on 4 Apr 1880 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 87.2277

626. JONATHAN5 BARBER (John4, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born in 1763 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Abi Merrill in 1786. He died on 23 Jan 1817 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Jonathan5 Barber and Abi Merrill were as follows: i. CLARINDA6 was born in 1789.2278 She married Col. Miles Foote on 28 Nov 1807.2279,2280 She died on 25 Sep 1864.2281

The Humphrey Genealogy gives the marriage date of Miles and Clarinda as 28 Nov. 1807, the Barber Genealogy gives it as 11 Nov. 1807.

ii. HENRY was born on 12 Mar 1793 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT.2282,2283 He married Naomi Humphrey, daughter of Solomon Humphrey Jr. and Hannah Brown, on 2 Apr 1817 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT.2284,2285 He died on 12 Apr 1868 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT, at age 75.2286,2287 He was also known as HENRY BARBOUR.

iii. SUSANNAH was born on 29 Jun 1803. She married Imri Lester Spencer, son of Amos Spencer and Candace Case, on 2 Mar 1825 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 9 Mar 1888 at age 84.

627. JUDAH5 CASE (Sarah4 Barber, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) married Ruth Higley, daughter of Joseph Higley and Eunice Smith, in Jun 1787. Children of Judah5 Case and Ruth Higley were: i. ELEAZER6 married Mary Mason, daughter of Robert Mason and Chloe Case. 628. SETH5 CASE (Sarah4 Barber, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 29 Sep 1749 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Eunice Tuller, daughter of Joseph Tuller and Martha Bunce. He died on 4 Jun 1813 at OH at age 63. Children of Seth5 Case and Eunice Tuller were as follows: i. ANNE6 was born on 16 Jul 1788. She married Sadosa Bacon, son of Maskill Bacon and Sarah Case. ii. MELISSA was born on 28 Nov 1794.2288 She married James Carpenter, son of Nathan Carpenter and Irene Reid.2289

2275Ibid., Page 171, Item 203. 2276Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys, Page 403. 2277Donald S. Barber, Thomas Barber 1st Ed, Page 171, Item 203. 2278Ibid., Page 82. 2279Ibid. 2280Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys, Page 264. 2281Donald S. Barber, Thomas Barber 1st Ed, Page 82. 2282Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys, Page 400. 2283Donald S. Barber, Thomas Barber 1st Ed, Page 173, Item 204. 2284Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys, Page 400. 2285Donald S. Barber, Thomas Barber 1st Ed, Page 173, Item 204. 2286Frederick Humphreys, Humphreys, Page 400. 2287Donald S. Barber, Thomas Barber 1st Ed, Page 173, Item 204.

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629. ASA5 CASE (Sarah4 Barber, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born either 11 Jan 1753 or 14 1753 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Sarah Robe on 8 Feb 1780 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 21 Mar 1830 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Asa5 Case and Sarah Robe were as follows: i. SARAH6 was born on 13 Oct 1781 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2290,2291 She married Zebe Ensign, son of Isaac Ensign and

Lurannah Pettibone, on 6 Dec 1806 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2292 She died on 30 Mar 1865 at Nelson, Madison Co., NY, at age 83.2293

ii. RHODA was born on 23 Nov 1785. She married Edward Case, son of Edward Case and Zervah Lawrence, on 21 May 1806. She died on 9 Sep 1867 at age 81. She was buried at Canton Street Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT.

iii. JASON was born on 21 Jan 1794 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Zillah Holcombe, daughter of Lt. Col. Peter Holcombe and Zillah Hoskins, on 19 Feb 1818 at First Congregatinal Church, Granby, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 2 Jul 1829 at age 35. He was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

iv. ROXANNA was born on 9 Sep 1797. She married Humphrey Holcombe, son of Lt. Col. Peter Holcombe and Zillah Hoskins. She died on 10 Mar 1870 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 72. She was buried at Simsbury Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2294

v. ACHSAH was born on 5 Feb 1802. She married Peter Holcombe, son of Lt. Col. Peter Holcombe and Zillah Hoskins, on 13 Apr 1826 at Simsbury First Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2295 She married Ariel Slater, son of Sherrod Slater and Rachel Holcombe, on 6 Mar 1834 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2296 She married Virgil Lampson in 1865. She died on 2 Mar 1883 at West Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 81. She was buried at Simsbury Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2297

630. SARAH5 CASE (Sarah4 Barber, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 27 Jul 1754. She married Elisha Cornish Jr., son of Elisha Cornish and Hepzibah Humphrey, on 12 Apr 1764. She died on 20 Aug 1827 at age 73. Ruth Cost Duncan also cites the Simsbury First Church records. Children of Sarah5 Case and Elisha Cornish Jr. were as follows: i. SARAH6 was born on 24 Dec 1771. She died on 16 Jan 1772. ii. SARAH was born on 20 Apr 1773. She married Jesse Case Jr., son of Jesse Case and Sarah Humphrey, on 3 Oct 1791 at

Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 6 Jun 1815 at age 42. iii. HEPZIBAH was born on 11 Oct 1775 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Horatio Gates Case, son of Jedediah Case and

Mercy Hart, on 10 Jun 1799. She died on 13 Jul 1833 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 57. She was buried at Hopmeadow Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.

iv. ASA died on 14 Aug 1839. v. ELISHA was born in 1782. He married Lydia Goodrich. He died on 27 Aug 1839. vi. ELAM was born in 1784. vii. MARY was born in 1786. She married Pardee Baker. She died on 6 Jun 1838. 631. MARY5 CASE (Sarah4 Barber, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 2 Jan 1755. She married Silas Case, son of Amos Case and Mary Holcombe, in Sep 1780. She married Capt. Uriah Case, son of Sgt. Richard Case and Mercy Holcombe, on 27 Dec 1815. She died on 15 Oct 1833 at age 78. She was buried at Dyer Cemetery, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. Children of Mary5 Case and Silas Case were as follows: i. MARY6 was born on 20 Jun 1781. She married Giles Case, son of Eli Case and Athilred Reed, on 10 Sep 1799 at Canton,

Hartford Co., CT. She died on 9 May 1850 at age 68. ii. IRA was born on 7 Dec 1782 at Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He married Mary Humphrey, daughter of Charles Humphrey and

Hannah Case, on 18 Nov 1806 at First Congregational Chruch, Canton, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 17 Sep 1848 at age 65. Ruth Cost Ducan also cites Canton First Congregational Church records.

There were no children of Mary5 Case and Capt. Uriah Case.

2288Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 45. 2289Ibid. 2290Ibid. 2291Martha Eunice Ensign Nelson, Ensign Record, Page 69. 2292Ibid. 2293Ibid. 2294Joyce A. Cahill Simsbury Cemetery, Page 161. 2295Bates, Simsbury, Page 290. 2296Ibid., Page 280. 2297Joyce A. Cahill Simsbury Cemetery, Page 159.

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632. GEORGE5 CASE (Sarah4 Barber, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 4 Mar 1759 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Electa Moore, daughter of Obadiah Moore and Abigail (--?--), on 2 Nov 1783 at First Congregational Church, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died at OH. Children of George5 Case and Electa Moore were: i. HENRY6 married Orpha Case, daughter of Martin Case and Lucy Adams. 633. LEVI5 CASE (Sarah4 Barber, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 14 Dec 1760 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Polly Humphrey, daughter of Hon. Daniel Humphrey and Rachel Phelps, on 10 Mar 1785 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 23 Apr 1802 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 41. Children of Levi5 Case and Polly Humphrey were as follows: i. POLLY6 was born on 27 Jul 1789. She married Elizur Benjamin, son of Samuel Benjamin and Rachel Holcombe, on 14 Mar 1810

at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She died on 11 Dec 1857 at North Granby, Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 68. ii. LEVI PHELPS was born on 4 Jan 1800 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. He married Harriet Jones, daughter of Elijah Jones, on 27

Nov 1823 at Hartland, Hartford Co., CT. He died on 30 Jan 1850 at Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., CT, at age 50. iii. JAIRUS was born on 20 Mar 1802 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2298,2299 He married Mary Theresa Higley, daughter of Judge

Silas Higley and Melissa Hayes, on 5 Oct 1830 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT.2300,2301,2302 He died on 30 Dec 1874 at Granby, Hartford Co., CT, at age 72.2303,2304

634. ABIGAIL5 CASE (Sarah4 Barber, Sarah3 Holcombe, Nathaniel2, Thomas1) was born on 28 Nov 1763 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT. She married Asa Hoskins, son of Daniel Hoskins and Abigail Case, on 6 Nov 1784. She died on 25 Mar 1843 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT, at age 79. Children of Abigail5 Case and Asa Hoskins were as follows: i. ASA6 was born on 26 Sep 1789. He married Abigail Mitchelson on 1 Sep 1814. He died on 11 Nov 1815 at age 26. ii. NOAH was born on 26 Sep 1791. He married Phillis Thompson in Sep 1812. He married Abigail Mitchelson on 13 Feb 1822. He

died on 17 Aug 1830 at age 38. iii. ABIGAIL was born on 25 Feb 1797. She married Jaman Hart Phelps on 1 Jan 1823. She died in 1879. iv. CANDACE was born on 4 Oct 1799. She married Shaler Holcombe, son of Lt. Col. Peter Holcombe and Zillah Hoskins, on 1 Feb

1821 at Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2305 She died on 18 Oct 1886 at age 87.2306 She was buried at Simsbury Cemetery, Simsbury, Hartford Co., CT.2307

635. ELIZUR5 SPENCER (Benjamin4, Deborah3 Birge, Deborah2 Holcombe, Thomas1) was born on 28 Jan 1728/29 at Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT.2308 He married Abigail Hazelton, daughter of Charles Hazelton and Abigail Chatfield.2309 He died before 1790.2310 Children of Elizur5 Spencer and Abigail Hazelton all born at Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT, were as follows: i. ABIGAIL6 was born on 23 Feb 1763.2311 She was baptized in Mar 1763.2312 She married Robert Brainerd, son of Benjamin

Brainerd and Mary Chapman, on 24 May 1787.2313 She died on 22 Feb 1815 at South Hadley, Hampshire Co., MA, at age 51.2314

2298Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 80. 2299Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 92, Item 215. 2300Ibid. 2301Hayes, George Hayes, Page 59. 2302Christina Bailey and Lorraine Cook White, Barbour: Granby, Page 111. 2303Carol A. Laun, Granby Center Cemetery, Page 80. 2304Ruth Cost Duncan, John Case, Page 92, Item 215. 2305Bates, Simsbury, Page 282. 2306Joyce A. Cahill Simsbury Cemetery, Page 159. 2307Ibid. 2308Jon K. Holcombe, "Spencer, Benjamin," e-mail to James H. Holcombe. 2309Ibid. 2310Ibid. 2311Ibid. 2312Ibid. 2313Ibid. 2314Ibid.

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ii. DOROTHY was born on 5 Aug 1765.2315 She married James Brainerd, son of Benjamin Brainerd and Mary Chapman, in 1787.2316 She died on 9 Nov 1825 at Barre, Worcester Co., MA, at age 60.2317 James and Dorothy had eleven children. They removed to South Hadley and then to Barre, MA.2318

iii. HENRY was born on 28 Feb 1769.2319 He was baptized in Jun 1769.2320 He married Eunice Ackley on 16 Oct 1797.2321 He married Sally (--?--).2322 He died on 2 Nov 1833 at Chatham, Middlesex Co., CT, at age 64.2323

Printed on: 12 Jan 2006 Prepared by: James H. Holcombe 3600 Eaglerock Dr. Atlanta, GA 30340 [emailprotected] http://www.holcombegenealogy.com

2315Ibid. 2316Ibid. 2317Ibid. 2318Ibid. 2319Ibid. 2320Ibid. 2321Ibid. 2322Ibid. 2323Ibid.

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