Radio Demon’s Hotel Life - dakuness (2024)

Chapter 1: chapter 1, here comes hell


I am dyslectic so grammar errors and spelling will occur.
As for the one shot series to this one, then while Rosie’s meeting did occur but Alastor changed his form sense back then. The other two one shots in that fic is alternate-world to this one, Alastor and Lucifer never meet in person and the meetings are off-hand approach so he don’t keep track on the overlords at all, being more reclusive king that’s rarely seen, he do know of Alastor thought and listened to several of the broadcasts given his entrance was rather hard to miss even for a borderline recluse.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Alastor rematerialized in in his broadcast tower, a building with several floors yet only looked to be two from the outside... well for those able to see it that is, this specific tower is hidden and unseen, shielded by magic preventing any who don’t work here be able to see, or enter it at all.

Alastor isn’t stupid, a bit insane yes which is to be expected given everything, but he’s not business stupid. Sure he can’t use technology past curtain point his magic interfere with it to much, causing the tech to either short out, to outright explore or sometimes come to life and literally try to take a bite out of you. modern tech wasn’t worth those issues, but that don’t mean magical one can’t keep up.

No instead he went for enchanted tech or magical one easily rivaling if not surpassing the normal tech counterpart that’s recently been truly surfacing. From the computer like energy-crystals to the mirror-phones, even crystal-tablets, to headphones and radios, with miniature music-players able to store music or broadcasts, but also pick them up. Adding the fact that it’s just a single broadcast sent at random... no instead he had several different regular shows, of various kinds switching them up over the years, from audio books to music as well either added to their own shows or as addition to other ones.

His own broadcasts added as another channel or took over them all depending on Alastor’s own choice when choosing to do so.

One of the main causes to why box hates him, his enchanted tech is one Vox can’t control or see thru, it being magical not mortal tech in origin... but that he also on the dominant peak of audio and music markets, something not truly restricted to one ring either.

This empire was an accidental one, and completely unintentional making the territory quite non-tangible thus even harder to take over, with how long he’s had time to dig it in.

After all the magical world invented radio 400 years before the mortal one, and it’s also something Alastor took with him to hell, five hundred years ago.

my little darlings, I’m so sorry for not being able to be here in person for the last few years” Alastor greeted and three small living porcelain dolls paused for a moment before their expressions lit up.

“Alastor!” came the cheer, each dressed in Victorian like fairy dresses in summer like fit, being clearly Lemon, Melon and Grape as the little dolls tended to switch up who monitored the broadcast tower and studio.

Each one with fitting hairstyles sharing the same dark yet bright red hair color, even if they styled it differently from a bun to screw-curls or braid. Possessing glowing eyes with colored eyelids and lips painted in fitting color. the dolls are small to easily able to sit in the palm of his hand if choosing, and even if their dresses are Victorian-fairy styled in a season-theme they lack wings to complete the look.

Not like they need any wings, with their enhanced speed easily surpassing normal demons to their almost weightless steps, added to their enhanced strength easily able to deal with most demons, and can use shadows themselves to in addition to more normal magics.

These three where all summer themed, with lemon having yellow dominated cloths, while Melon’s is fittingly bright and dark green with red underskirts and inner layers... Grape’s on the other hand is a stunning purple with some blue tones, apparently having chosen names based on their colors much to Alastor’s amusem*nt over the fact, which ended in fruits or berry themed names.

Which wasn’t surprised, given the little dolls are of far higher quality and hand-crafted compared to the puppets formed from shadows on whim. While the puppets are also sentient and aware to some extent it’s closer to a child’s level and nowhere close to be as intelligent as the little dolls.

No they’re special. Nine little dolls possessing sharp advance intelligence and awareness, equal to any magical or demon, and only their animated-created nature makes them bound to him... given that animated beings typically are bound to a family-magic or magical location of some kind, with being bound to a person instead being a bit more unusual.

have you had fun?” Alastor asked as the three quickly jumped up and climbed up to his shoulders, with Melon standing in his palm.

“hmm!” was the shared response.

“we’ve got two new music stars” Lemon stated quite pleased at that.

“five newer books also became really popular read” Melon continued as the two shared a nod.

“the tv idiot did try and do still try to overpower the radio network after a while but haven’t managed anything more then normal which where quickly drawn back” Grape giggled.

that’s wonderful” Alastor’s grin widened further “well then continue your work my little ladies” he continued, before setting Melon down on one of the tables, with the other two quickly following.

“yes sir” was the chirped answer.

Waving before he spun around and vanished in another shadow.


His return haven’t been noticed by the rest of the pride ring yet.

no only the cannibal town had noticed and welcomed him back happily as he cheerfully meet with Rosie who’d been a little bit put out that he haven’t been able to come in person for a while.

That the rest of the pride ring’s cities haven’t noticed him didn’t surprise Alastor. Not when fans who do dress up like him exist, even with the close to 7 year absence due to the magical worlds mess. No his influence and scary enough fanbase here haven’t weakened in the slightest.

Regardless of Vox’s opinion and conflicting feelings on the matter.

It made him wonder how much longer before they would notice, another week would make almost a month, but he continued walking for now, taking in the current changes in person.

Only to stop with a baffled blink at the absurd notion he just heard from a tv’s speaker.

‘work for redemption?’ Alastor thought baffled even if no shift in his expression occurred walking closer to the audience and looked at the tv screen, unsure if he had heard right. but there on the screen is their resident princess truly speaking of such an absurd notion.

Has she gone insane?

Maybe, Alastor tilted his head at the rainbow themed song she where singing. Not a bad song but still this is hell not some kind of fantasy, and everyone’s opinion where blatantly obvious when they broke out in burst of laughter.

A laughter that stopped when a news report of the turf war came in, before a all out brawl started in the news studio because of it, making Alastor chuckle. “what a wonderful absurd idea” Alastor spoke with his grin widening.

the few demons near him stilled as they heard static now very much hearable over the area together with that radio filtered voice because of what that presence alone mean.

A few of them brave enough, carefully looking at the corner of their eye seeing the deep crimsons and blacks suit n coat Alastor is wearing.

‘sh*t’ was the shared thought because that’s the radio demon. The radio demon is back from his sabbatical or whatever his disappearance where, something that held several rumors one being fallen to angel-weapons but that also as often dismissed.

Dismissed due to one of the stories from when he first surfaced. When a demon manage to shot him with a angel-tipped gun but the Radio demon merely looked the hole in his chest and had his shadows swallow the shooter before continue on as if he hadn’t ever been shot. A insane story with no one really knowing if it’s real and if it is then the gun probably weren’t a angel-tipped one, the story in it’s self do still carry allot of power.

That his radio-network also didn’t budge or weaken actually growing a little bit stronger spoke of him still being precent even if not in person his power definitely where, and those who’s contracted to him still are which is another tell of Alastor being alive.

Just maybe not in hell for whatever reason, or somewhere else. no one’s quite sure if he’s a natural born demon or a sinner one given that sinner’s don’t get that level of power from the get go.

The demons there thought sank down unto the ground with relief as Alastor didn’t do anything to them but rather walked away humming a tune happily with his statis playing a song, completely and utterly dismissing them.

is that even possible?” Shadow asked curiously as they reformed to walk next to Alastor, a hotel for sinners to enter heaven by redeeming oneself?

I’d admit I’m curious, no one ever managed so who knows” Alastor answered musing, as he thought of this insane idea that in logic fit better for the magical world then well hell.

It’s also a potential deal then after all she will need assistance after all “but if she accepts that deal then the princess truly is insane, far more than me in any case” Alastor laughed.


Charlie sank down against the door of her hotel, having just ended a call that only got to voice mail.

this was a horrible day, the interview for the hotel was treated as a joke, laughed at and ridiculed it didn’t help that Angel joined in on the turf war making her hotel even more ridiculed before a all out fight broke out there a well.


Charlie blinked as the door knocked ones and followed by several more each getting somehow louder before it stopped as Charlie carefully stood up somewhat verily before opening the door.

At that she froze, seeing dark red hooded eyes snap open in ominous intense glowing crimson, to the pointed furred ears and Cheshire like golden grin, and crimson cloths was hard to miss.

hel-“ he started and the door closed instantly as Charlie felt dreed as who it where on the other side registered.

opening the door again “-lo” and closed it just as quickly.

“hey Vaggie” Charlie called out trying not to freak out “the radio demon is at the door” she continued.

At that Vaggie startled up “what!?” came out in mix of horror.

While Angel Dust looked somewhat confused as to who that is.

“what should I do?” Charlie asked while Alastor merely waited.

“don’t let him in” was Vaggie’s instant response, but that wouldn’t really work either given this is an overlord of overlords because he’s captured other overlords under him, thought if those are still overlords are a bit up to debate.

It don’t change the fact that they wouldn’t be able to do much if Alastor actually chose to simply take down the door, even if she’s hell’s princess Charlie didn’t know if she had the actual power to fight this demon. The power she could feel merely from the door was immense at surface glance, and she’s curtain that it could easily get way deeper if he actually let it loose with no way to tell just how deeper it could get when used.

Getting to the door again as Charlie carefully opened it as she made her decision and seeing him still stand there.

A brow raised calmly “are you done now?” he asked simply as if he’d expected that.

“I am” Charlie replied.

Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you” Alastor spoke quickly as he shook her hand before entering, “how delightful, I saw the whole fiasco on a passing tv screen and I just couldn’t ignore it. what a performance” he continued to explain which didn’t say much other than that the overlords also saw the whole mess.

Which just struck her confidence down even harder.

Vaggie at that interrupted with spear in hand and aimed directly at him making Alastor glance at it with half-lidded eyes, his grin eerily still as his teeth looked together unmoving, yet that spear. That’s an angelic steel spear, angel-weaponry unchanged at that, which made it odder given it still held it’s shine.

But this demoness felt off as if she wasn’t a proper demoness, he mused pinning that train of thought down as note for later, while Vaggie cursed.

“-I know your game and I’m not going to let you hurt anyone here” Vaggie continued pushing the spear closer “you pompous talk show sh*t lord” she finished.

Yet Alastor merely looked at the spear with a bored look and a smaller cheshire smile with single eyebrow being raised slowly, asking why she even bother without saying the words. Then claws clanked against the spear as he pushed it aside completely unaffected by touching it’s edge much to Vaggie’s surprise becuase that typically or no it should caused some pain.

Dear if I wanted to hurt anyone here” he started as the entire area darkened in an instant, crimson markings materializing in the air as deafening static crackled.

Eyes turned void like black with pupils slitting forming almost dials that glowed in a eerily crimson... all while his presence radiated devastating darkness that appear to swallow the area flicking with vissible static and glowing crimson markings as if straight out of a ghost-horror.

I WoUld dOne So aLrEadY” his voice distorted further as both Charlie and Vaggie stood frozen, at the so very casual display of immense power.

Then it all vanished just as quickly as it appeared throwing them off.

Yet Charlie could still feel that darkness now when she knew of it, it explained so much of that regal charismatic sense od danger that made him so demonically terrifying.

now I’m here because I want to help” Alastor offered and both of them blinked in disbelief.

“say what now?” Charlie asked not believing it in the slightest or well not without some stipulation that is.

apologies, is this thing on? I’m curtain I where heard” Alastor wondered tapping his staff with the tip of his claw.

An glowing red eye opened up on it “well I heard you loud and clear” came from the staff, as the two girls just stared in confusion and disbelief, at least they now somewhat knows why the Radio demon is called chaotic.

“um, you want to help with-” Charlie didn’t finish the question because this entire situation is getting a bit to bizarre, but startled as Alastor vanished only to reappear in a black shadow behind them.

this insane thing you’re trying to do this hotel” Alastor answered claws buffering against his dress-shirt for a moment “I want to help you run it” he finished.

“but why?” she asked.

why do anyone do anything? For the joy and curiosity of it of course. this is the most interesting and entertaining thing I’ve heard for decades, while my last decade been amusing it’s also been just as frustrating if not more so a times even with the so sweet chaos” Alastor answered.

Charlie blinked verily, “does getting into a fistfight with a reporter count as entertainment?” Charlie asked hesitantly and very confused.

Alastor laughed spearing his arms wide, with his staff nowhere in sight “of course it does my dear, action drama, true passion all live the only thing better would be seeing the world’s stage in person” tilting his head slightly as Alastor slipped his hands behind his back.

Tilting her head to one side then the other for a moment as Charlie spoke “does this mean you think it’s possible to redeem a demon?”

That earned her a easily laugh “don’t know about such bizarre nonsense” came the far to offhanded response.

oh no the none-existent humanity, undoing what’s done isn’t possible,” Alastor explained

Charlie shook her head “wait why do you want to help me if you don’t believe in my cause?” she asked very much confused.

you get overlord protection and investment as I sate my curiosity while helping you with this sanctuary of yours, while I get to watch others try and fail over and over again or see a miracle in action if it do work” Alastor answered as he spun her around for a moment.

“right” Charlie said slowly, as she carefully took Alastor’s claws off her shoulder, eying them warily because those are some powerful claws, shimmering almost as if crimson metal, quite beautiful really in an deadly way.

of course” Alastor said, “you’ll do great things, I just know it” he continued, as the two walked a bit further into the main hall.


Angel dust stared at the two, with arms crossed “so what’s the deal with smiles over there?” Angel asked stunning Vaggie who turned toward him.

“wait you’ve never heard of him before?” she asked because that made no sense what so ever.

Angel just shrugged his shoulders.

“the radio demon one of the most powerful beings hell have ever seen?” she continued.

At that Angel just leaned back “nah, not big on politics” making Vaggie groan.

Centuries ago Alastor appeared in hell out of nowhere and overnight began to topple Overlords that’s been dominant for centuries

No one believes he’s a mortal soul but something else as that kind of raw power has never been harnessed by a mortal soul before.

He broadcasted the carnage all through hell just so that everyone could witness his power using the radio technology he apparently bought with him.

Rightfully earning him the name of Radio Demon with his control unmistakable, even if the name is rather dull.

Many have speculated on the unimaginable forces that enable him to rival our worlds strongest, most ancient and destructive evils with no sign of him being a sinner or natural born demon.

But one thing for sure he’s an unpredictable source of danger that no one knows, a wicked spirit of mystery and violent monster of chaos the likes you’ll never see elsewhere.

And someone we can’t risk getting involved with unless we want to end up erased” she finished the story one that practically everyone learns sooner or latter for their own safety.

“you done?” Angel asked leaning against the sofa, gesturing toward Alastor

“he looks like a strawberry pimp” which given his suit and coat isn’t to far style.

“I don’t trust him” Vaggie said bluntly arms, crossed as she sank into the sofa.

“to be fair, do you trust any man? Any men?” angel asked to that statement.

Vaggie ignored that question and stood up, grabbing Charlie’s arms worried. “Charlie listen to me you can’t believe this creep” Vaggie started glancing at the crimson demon.

“he isn’t just a happy face. He’s a deal maker, pure unimageable danger, he can’t be redeemed and is most likely looking for a way to destroy everything we’re trying to do” she continued and Charlie looked hesitant.

“I” Charlie paused “we don’t know that, look I know he’s bad and I know he probably doesn’t wanna change, but the whole point of this is to give people a chance. I have faith things will be better how can I turn someone away” Charlie spoke glancing toward Alastor for a moment who were observing one of the portraits, before she looked down at the floor with a sight.

“I can’t it goes against everything I’m trying to do, everything I believe in. just trust me I can take care of myself” Charlie finished as she rested her hands on Vaggie’s shoulders.

“Charlie whatever you do, do not make a deal with him” Vaggie said worried both of them looking toward him and saw the sharp claws.

“don’t worry I picked up one thing from my dad and that’s you don’t take sh*t from other demons” Charlie said determined as she walked up back to Alastor.

It didn’t stop him from noticing the nervousness thought.

“okay Al you’re sketchy as f*ck and you clearly see what I’m trying to do here as a joke” Charlie said a bit put out at that, but could hear the static grow louder for a moment before quieting a bit again.

“but I don’t, I think everyone deserves a second to prove they can be better so I’m taking your offer to help on the condition that there will be no trickster voodoo stuff attached” she continued, and clearly couldn’t hide the fear she had of that particular magic.

Alastor merely smiled calmly a smaller smile as he spun his staff for a moment, “So it’s a deal then?” he asked hand forward as the area lit up in eerily deathly green light forcing the others to close their eyes.

Charlie stood still for a moment before pushing the hand away and quickly denied it “no, no checking no deals. I” Charlie stopped frowning slightly and took a step back in thought.

Turning back to Alastor “as princess of hell and heir to the throne. I herby order you to help with this hotel - for as long as you desire” Charlie decided instead with sheepish bullsh*t smile as she didn’t believe that would work in the slightest bit.

Carefully looking at Alastor, at his reaction who appear to be almost pleased? Or well the cheshire smile hadn’t budged at all but it where his eyes that held that look.

“sound’s fair?” she asked, not having any clue as to why her denying a deal would make the overlord potentially pleased, or perhaps she just succeeded with some unknown test he had for her.

Alastor hummed, arms raised as he shrugged “sure enough” was the easy response, as his staff vanished into shadows and arms folded behind his back again.

It didn’t stop the others from feeling relief as Charlie leaned down exhausted before giving both thumbs up.


Alastor looked around and the sound of his static with a humming accompanying it together with faint clip-clop sounds of his heels or was that hooves? Charlie could sworn she saw red hoof marks on those soles.

Yet as he looked around he couldn’t find anyone else there apart from them. circling back to Charlie at that point ”So where is your hotel staff?” he had to ask you can’t run a hotel without some staff at the bare minimum.

”ah well” Charlie outright hesitated in answering that while Vaggie growled.

hoho, you’re going to need more then that” Alastor bluntly stated walking away, to the third demon here.

and what can you do my effeminate fellow?” he asked,

“I can suck your dick”

not happening” came the swift reply and Alastor stepped away from the pervert or lust sinner, yeah definitely a lust sinner.

“your loss” Angel dust commented not really bothered, as he leaned his head in one of his four hands.

well this just won’t do” Alastor stated and materialized his staff again. “I suppose I can cash in a few favors to liven things up

Snapping his fingers and the fireplace came to life yet a black figure landed in said fire, at the same time letting out a puff cloud of smoke in the process. walking up to the fireplace as the tiny demon remained there covered in coal and soot before he lifted them up by the shirt.

A large single eye opened up in mix of red and yellow before the sot where puffed off in tiny black clouds.

this little darling I Nifty” Alastor introduced and dropped her.

Standing up and waving a hand quickly “hi I’m Nifty it’s nice to meet you it’s been a while sense I made new friends. why are you all women?” Nifty trailed off and lifted Charlie right up in the air before putting her down. “I’m sorry that’s rude- oh man this place is filthy” at that point she vanished in burst of speed.

“needs a ladies touch which is weird because you’re all ladies no offence- oh gosh this place is awful” Nifty trailed off again and disappeared in another burst of speed this time with a feather duster after several of the cobwebs along the walls.

They merely stared at her somewhat stunned, before a table and another appeared holding onto the table at the sudden shift.

“whooa, what the hell is this... you” Husk wondered before realized what where going on and pointing at Alastor.

Husker my old friend glad you could make it” Alastor greeted considering if he should bring along one of his reapers to or is that overkill for now? they do need to get the hotel up and running properly first so perhaps later on.

“Don’t you husker me you son of a bitch. I was about to win the whole damn pot!” Husk cursed, gesturing to the large sum of money at the table before it disappeared in static.

Good to see you to” Alastor said instead making Husk facepalm.

“what the hell do you want with me this time?” he asked instead sinking down on a chair.

Arm slung around his shoulder “I’m doing some charity work and thought you’d be perfect for the job. That’s okay of course” Alastor explained and ignored the growl.

“ are you kidding?” husk snapped back before pushing Alastor off.

of course not” Alastor answered merrily.

“you think it would be some big f*cking riot to drag me out of nowhere. You think I’m some kind of f*cking clown?” Husk demanded as Alastor casually brushed off some dust from his coat.

my thought where a stack of cards” Alastor countered grin wide, amused at the argument given that Husk is one of the few who actually dared, well as long as Alastor weren’t ticked off that is. which is harder now to trigger in that specific way then when he where a teen, thus currently more or less safe to argue with.

don’t worry my friend I can make this more welcoming if that’s what you wish” Alastor said walking up to the desk that had materialized with the bar now resting in the room extension that rests where there used to be a wall. Colors shifting in moments from the luminescent greens to a warm glowing bronze and electrical gold becoming more compatible with the surroundings of the hotel in the process.

Lowering his arm in a half circle before retracting it against him, a bottle of cheep booze now resting on the table desk.

Husk stared at it for a moment as Alastor leaned against the desk. “what you think you can buy me with some cheep booze?” Husk stopped picking up the bottle “well you can” he admitted not even bothering trying to lie about that.

“hey, don’t this- no, no bar no alcohol, this place is to discourage sin not enable it!” Vaggie complained only to be pushed down onto the floor by Angel Dusk who really wanted the bar to remain before leaning up against the desk and almost against Husk who leaned away from him.

“hey” came out seductively.

Husk merely snorted “go f*ck yourself”

“only if you watch me” Angel Dust said before having to back away as Charlie came up hand stretched out with massive smile.

“oh my gosh, welcome to the happy hotel” Charlie cheered as Husk merely stared blankly at that.

so what do you think?” Alastor asked and Charlie turned toward him.

“this is awesome” Charlie almost squealed in delight because something is going right, scarry as f*ck yes, but going in the right direction.


Alastor chuckled as he got an idea for fun, that the princess will most definitely enjoy, as a laugh track sounded from his static, and music started up as he conjured a flame.

Changing his cloths to a tail-coat suit and his familiar top hat as well in red and black, the ribbon and ridge decorated with a skull on one side a clock and compass on the other as well as a tiny hourglass and several black roses, making it mildly insane yet strangely fitting.

you have a dream” he started singing spinning her around

you wish to tell” before stopping and changed the cloths into a dress and jacket with fitting hat and hairstyle to it.

it’s so laughable but hey kid what the hell” Alastor continued ignoring how Vaggie growled at him again, as he threw Charlie up into the air.

Charlie blinked delighted at the sudden changes, shifts, area lighting up in gentle blue-teal tones.

cause you’re one of a kind a charming demon bell” Alastor continued as both danced and slid down what should been stairs.

now lets give these burning fools a place to dwell” changing up their cloths and hairstyles as well much to their apart of Husk’s startlement.

now take it boys” Alastor called out snapping his claws as several shadowy puppets formed with golden instruments and started playing.

Hugging both Husk and Angel “inside every demon is a lost cause but we’ll dress them up for now with just a smile” Alastor continued, adding a hat and fox fur to Vaggie’s shoulders that she quickly threw off.

“make it smile” three puppets joined in as choir.

to chlorinate this cesspool with some old redemption flare and show these simpletons some proper class and style” Alastor sang enjoying himself while he danced tapping his staff against the fireplace.

His shadow materializing with wide mad grin claws resting on his shoulders while Alastor looked far to pleased.

“class and style”

oh here below the ground, I’m sure your plan is sound” Alastor continued pulling Charlie into a spin.

they’ll spend a little time down at this hazbin Ho-“ he didn’t get to finish before a wall exploded, music scratching and stopped moment after at that.

All of them peeking out of the new hole, Alastor tilting his head as he saw the large airship rather close by.

“well, well, well, look who it is harboring the striped freak, we meet yet again Alastor” the snake demon spoke looking out of a window, while Alastor left the hotel.

do I know you?” he asked instead.

The hod fell down at that question as Sir Pentious retreated into the ship again, “and this time I got the element of surprise!” he called out, while a massive weapon extended from the ship.

The snake laughed madly, while Alastor merely glanced at the weapon before snapping his fingers finding the attempt a bit pathetic.

Gigantic shadowy tendrils-tentacles appeared rising up from the ground twisting around the ship as a kraken sea movie crushing it slowly, and shattered the weapon on the spot.

Before Alastor snapped his hand shut in a fist and the gigantic tendrils mirrored it shattering the ship in a large explosion before dissipating into the ground again vanishing as if never there in the first place.

The others stared with wide horror stricken eyes.

Alastor’s eyes stopped glowing ominously at that point returning to their normal red on red combo “well I’m starved, who wants some jambalaya. I found a wonderful recipe while visiting New Orleans a few decades ago” Alastor spoke arms stretched wide, with staff now missing again.

Starting to walk back to the hotel while he sent a few puppets to fix the broken wall.

The others completely missing him changing the hotel sign from happy hotel to Hazbin hotel.


chapter 1 done

A side note, yes Alastor can pick up on others emotions, fear, anger, joy, as a magicborn and predatory one at that picking up on others emotions is useful for hunting.
The magicborn name is interchangeable with earthborn or fae. Which is used varies depending on person and theme they’re talking about, magicborn in general from neutral to demonic or angel like, earthborn is short for earthborn demon where the magical is demon aligned like Alastor is.

Chapter 2: chapter 2, hazbin hotel



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Even if the hotel have proven interesting for the last three days, with one of the main reasons was how condemned the entire building actually where, his shadow ended up cackling in glee way to often with his natural deathly and shadowy presence having taken a way more eerie feel simply due to how at home it where in the environment.

But Alastor couldn’t help but to shake his head, really have him of all people make a video for the hotel?

the attempt is truthfully a joke.

Vaggie stared for a moment longer “I’m sorry what the f*ck was that?” she demanded.

a video of course” came Alastor’s swift reply making them blink surprised.

Giving them a pointed look yet his static sounded far to calm then it should be if he was irritated.

“yeah one note” Charlie paused “Alastor first of thank you so much for trying to make this even if maybe the tone is a bit...” Charlie did try.

“we want people to want to come here not well this who make it look” Charlie tried to find the words, not really wanting to insult him.

“it didn’t explain anything about how we’re trying to save demons from extermination which is the whole f*cking point” Vaggie stated.

“Vaggie’s right the commercial was to let sinners know we are trying to help them” Charlie explained.

come on now, I’m well aware that this video is a joke. I deal with Sound not film” Alastor deadpanned as he toned the static down a little as his shadow grew with an eerie cackle as he shushed it away even as the others stared stunned and a bit freaked out at the interaction.

I haven’t been present in hell for some time, and you insisted on this noisy TV, honestly why it’s not explored yet eludes me” Alastor commented as he tapped the tv with a suspicious look. normal tech and magic don’t tend to get along, and for someone who got Chaos Magic at that, well either it’s going to explode quite soon or end up coming alive if they don’t end up lucky and it simply shuts of instead.

“a joke? You had a little fun with it?! this is not what we want to represent us” she continued standing up “when you showed up here a week ago you told us that you’d help run this hotel. This isn’t helping, this is mocking us and Tv’s don’t explodes” Vaggie snapped out.

At that Alastor to their startlement rolled his eyes “of course they do, normal tech and olde magic isn’t exactly compatible. they tend to explode, shut off or come to life and then you’d have a sentient machine running around hunting stuff” Alastor explained and both stared at him stunned at that remark.

“right I’m ignoring that” Vaggie muttered dismissing that comment for now because none o fthem have any clue if it’s actually true or some twisted sense of humor or by some chance both. “no one will come to a place a Powerful overlord like you think is a waste of time!”

Eyes turned to Angel Dust who laid in another sofa, and raised one arm “what?” Vaggie asked sitting back down.

“if you’re filming a commercial can I suggest you take better advantage of the talented celebrity you have right here?” Angel said pointing at himself as he now sat up leaning back against the sofa.

“Angel you’re a p*rn star” Vaggie deadpanned.

”a famous p*rn stars. I’ll have the hornie*st sinners knocking these walls down to get in”

“we’re not filming a p*rn as a commercial” Vaggie denied on the spot.

“why not? sex sells and I swear if you film me going at it with mister fancy talk-creepy voice here you’d be rollin in participants willin to stay at this tacky hotel” Angel continued.

did sex addle your brain? That won’t happen” Alastor snorted dismissing that on the spot.

“Angel I appreciate you wanting to use your special skills to um, attract folks to the hotel but I really don’t want to exploit you in that way” Charlie hesitated on what she would say.

“oh please-“Angel didn’t get to finish before a shadow shut his mouth muffling his words in an instant while Angel startled surprised at the sudden gag while Charlie’s phone started calling.

“wait hold that thought” Charlie interrupted Alastor from saying anything, and entered the hallway to answer her phone.

After a moment Alastor choose to remove the shadow cloth from Angel’s mouth. “that’s a hot display of power” Angel commented, a bit breathless at the casual display of for lack of words, tangible darkness that just moments ago used as a gag.

Laying back down on the sofa, “but I do got a question” he admitted “if strawberry daddy over there is so powerful then why can’t he just make people stay here?” Angel asked.

oh trust me. I can” the area darkened before it vanished just as quickly “but then this insane little place would be mote point even if I think the angels are more likely to kill any who by some impossibility do manage rather then allow them in” Alastor stated and Husk didn’t bother to cut in at that comment, as he’s here as a worker if by force, not a hotel guest,

All while Vaggie shivered at the comment. “that’s well, sinners need to choose to stay here or it don’t exactly work” Vaggie tried to gather herself because that remark of heaven, it felt far to close to comfort, and the cold brutal truth on the matter she could see them do that.

“I’m choosing to be here and I think it’s all stupid” Angel Dust stated “we’re in hell tutts it’s kind of the end of the road ain’t it?” Angel questioned.

“well maybe it doesn’t have to be? just because no one made it out before doesn’t mean it’s not possible” Vaggie countered.

“hey whatever means I can keep crashing here rent free” Angel said putting a hand on Vaggie’s shoulder.

hmm, while redemption is a idea straight out of madness, given no one knows what it takes to end up one way or the other” Alastor started and Vaggie blinked ones then again.

“wait what?” and her question as to what the hell he’s talking about where completely ignored.

there do exist one option that will be more welcomed and could make the madness calm enough to be considered” Alastor continued.

“eh? what do you mean?” Angel asked confused at to what could possible make this more appealing.

a sanctuary of course, where you can choose to recover, a safe place from both potential murderers but also allowing you to escape any abusers that may have caught you even if only for a little while, it could also allow you to become strong enough to thrive or at the very least actually live without harming oneself” Alastor explained while Angel Dust held back flinching because that where pretty much how he were using the hotel in the first place.

A safe place to stay.

While Vaggie took in those words and the meaning of it. Both his ears turned toward the hallway as Charlie cheered stopping the conversation from going on.

“yes, Yes!” she laughed, “Vaggie! Holy sh*t” leaning back into the room.

“ahh what?!” Vaggie started as Charlie gestured for her to come there.

Charlie where practically bounding, “so what?” Vaggie questioned.

“my dad just called, he said that the leader of the army wants to meet. He asked if I could go instead” Charlie said holding Vaggie before taking a step back and trying to calm down.

“but the extermination just happened” Vaggie wondered frowning “what could they want this soon?”

“I can do this, Somehow I know it” Charlie sang out, “I’ll get heaven behind my plan”

Vaggie shook her head “Charlie hold on” Vaggie tried and Charlie dodged it

“there’s just no way I could blow it”

“not in this once in a lifetime chance” Charlie continued, and caught all of their attention as they followed her movements.

“it’s just a meeting” Vaggie tried to interrupt.

“to change their minds and touch their hearts. Or whatever angels have”

“this could be bad” Vaggie stated.

“Cheer up Vaggie” Charlie as she quickly went up to her “this could be swell”

“something tells me that today will be a happy day in hell” Charlie continued to sing, as she spun Vaggie around before disappearing out the door.

Angel dust at that point had already stood up next to the door.

“Okay but just don’t sing to them” Vaggie tried as she stopped spinning.

That bitch is halfway down the street” Angel stated.

“is she?” Vaggie hesitated even to finish that question.

“oh she’s dancing alright” Angel confirmed.

Alastor chuckled as a laugh track went thru his static. “ah music magic struck again, how delightful” he hadn’t even stopped chuckling even as the others blinked the moment that specific comment registered in their minds.

“wait what magic now?” was the shared question.

Alastor tilted his head. “you don’t know?” he asked smile twisting with confused tilt, because the magic is so brutally obvious that missing it- or maybe it’s only obvious to someone able to sense it, for everyone else it might as well be just how the world’s nature works even if they can sense it. it would just be perfectly natural and not even bother with it.

“no I don’t know what you’re talking about” Vaggie complained as she rubbed her templates, wondering if having the overlord here was worth the headaches.

hell got ridiculous large amounts of ambient Magic of Music, it’s why songs breaks out at random, the force is ridiculous hard to dismiss or ignore when it well starts, but it’s one of the best ways to get out some emotions that rests particularly heavy” Alastor answered as he headed back into the hotel and away from the door.

Angel Dust raised a brow at that “you don’t say” he mused because that was one of the questions every sinner had gotten at some point but no one really dared to ask why, sudden songs broke out.

They had returned to the common room for a meeting of sort, as Vaggie walked back and forth in front of them.

“so Charlie is dealing with something very important so while she is gone we are making a new commercial, one that represents her vision and what we’re doing here” Vaggie spoke walking back and forth.

“as such we need a camera, Alastor?” she requested and he snapped his fingers.

But perhaps she was not literal enough given the photo camera now in her hand. “a video camera” Vaggie corrected herself.

hmm” Alastor eyed her for that before snapping his claws again and the camera switched to a video one.

“all right let’s do this” Vaggie cheered, Alastor merely shook his head.

This is going to end in a disaster. And he where quickly proven right given Vaggie’s frustration with Angel’s acting... sure he’s a good actor for p*rn films anything else not so much, especially when he’s pissing Husk off as well.

“Cut!” Vaggie called out with a faint growl of her own, “I need you to be less horny if possible” Vaggie deadpanned before straightening up.

“and Husk can you maybe not have the script in front of your face?” she asked.

He instantly shook his head at that “I ain’t an actor, I can’t memorize this sh*t”

At that Angel twisted to almost lay on the bar desk “well we could improv this sh*t baby cakes, Rawrr” he purred only for Husk to push him down the desk.

Alastor where barely keeping his static from bursting out into laughter and end up laughing himself even if he blinked ones in mild surprise as the current attempt registered.

Or well not attempt rather as Nifty wasn’t doing anything.

She just stood there frozen, not moving a single muscle or saying any words at all.

They all stared at that for a moment, as that fact sank in.

“and... cut” Vaggie said out slowly not quite sure what was going on, and at those words Niffty snapped out of whatever that where.

“how was that?” she giggled

“well Niffty you actually have to say the lines, so let’s roll again” Vaggie stated “and action” she stated with only the same results as nifty blank-froze again.

“cut!” Vaggie shouted out, as she almost facepalmed. “alright, uh we can try to fix it in post?” yet it came out more as a question.

“do you even know what that means?” Angel asked bluntly as Vaggie snapped back at him, while Alastor at that point left.


Vaggie groaned as she sat in one of the chairs looking at the film they manage to make and the utter disaster it where, with image going so full of static that it’s not even worth looking at.

Alastor rematerialized from the shadows as he entered the room “seems like you’ve having a bit of trouble there” Alastor voiced

“urg, este pendejo... why are you even here?” Vaggie asked as Alastor sat down in the sofa.

for the entertainment” came the answer “watching souls rise or fall, all depending on what they’re trying to do and failing along the way with the select few able to rise above and succeed with everyone else failing spectacularly” Alaster admitted as his shadow silently laughed behind him with eyes glowing ominously, but appeared less eerie compared to earlier.

like you are doing right now” Alastor continued and leaned forward to be at eye-height to Vaggie.

At that Vaggie stood up with camera in hand “and here is Alastor the egocentric piece of this that-“ she didn’t get to finish that as the video camera’s image just distorted and warped before the camera crackled and puffed with cloud of dark smoke making Vaggie drop it.

Alastor merely looked at his claws bored “I wouldn’t try that my dear” he said easily. “video don’t work well on my kind” Alastor continued tilting his head as the area flickered as if static film for a moment before reverting back to normal as if nothing ever happened.

Yet his static where definitely louder now than before with clear reason to dislike the non-magical and non-enchanted tech.

“that’s it! I don’t care who or what you are. if you are staying here you are going to make this work” Vaggie demanded as she walked up to him “because it won’t be so entertaining to watch over a empty hotel will it sh*tass?” Vaggie asked before walking back to the chair

fair enough fallen” he responded and Vaggie froze as her body felt like it just got dropped into a glacier.

Pure dreed and fear ran thru her spine at that very word, “I don’t know what you’re talking about” Vaggie denied quickly making Alastor raise a brow at her

you have a giant X on your eye and wield an angelic spear with a working halo at that, while dressing in same color scheme, not really trying to hide it” Alastor said dryly making Vaggie flinch at the rather on mark points. “Something where off the moment I meet you and a touch of heaven explains it especially with hells ambient forces carving changes into your body to throw off the heavenly traits” he continued.

“of course you’d notice- wait carve into” Vaggie paused and frowned, what did he mean with that? before it clicked, she have been changing a bit, slowly, but definitely changing, her hair long with moth wing look to them, and the grey toned skin she now have.

Fallen’s don’t look like angels everyone knew that, even if they still held some touch of it, they where distorted, warped, just as demonic as the demons of hell, no not just like but are part of the demons of hell.

Taking a deep breath as she steadied herself seeing that Alastor’s eyes were still half-lidded yet the crimson color glowed ominously with undeniable restrained power but he appeared as unbothered by it as prior.

Far to calm or perhaps he just didn’t care for such details, it’s not like anyone actually knew what Alastor truly is because sinner is most definitely not it.

“you’re not bothered at all” Vaggie eventually stated not even bothering to ask it.

Alastor blinked slowly at the statement “should I be?” he wondered openly curious about it because honestly it would be strange if he were, given that his two strongest hunters were angels at one point. but he’s never had many hunters at the same time, most who get the offer, chooses to die without pain and in piece and that’s something Alastor don’t mind either, given what it takes to become one of his kind in the first place.

Humming as he walked up to Vaggie “I’ll tell you what, let’s make a deal” he started getting back on track again.

“pfft” turning around toward him “you think I’m that stupid? Making a deal with a demon like you?” she practically demanded.

not for your soul, just a simple deal an simple exchange of equal value which is just what I prefer” Alastor countered as he flicked his wrist “I do this for you and you don’t ask me to engage with normal tv technology again, I’ve had enough experience with living technology to last several life times

Vaggie looked thoughtful as she considered the offer. “we can always wait for Charlie to return and try again then” Alastor continued.

She raised her hands in I give “fine” she agreed not wanting Charlie to come back to nothing.

Picking up the video camera and placed it in Alastor’s hand where green ghostly energy swirled around it before he clapped his hands and the camera vanished.

now then” snapping his claws, and the room lit up with lights and cameras with the others teleported in. cloths changing in an instant, as they looked around, with music sounding muting the static under the tones.

“all right everyone let’s make a f*cking commercial” Vaggie called out, ignoring that her own cloths also changed, while Alastor moved behind the cameras and his puppets that had appeared, to control them.

He wasn’t going to be in it without causing the image to go all staticky if not outright vanish and shut down. a downside of his triple embodiment nature, his magic got way to intense for normal technology and could even be a bit much for magical one as well as times, depending on how good quality the enchantments where.

But this is more like it. “is she going to notice you said normal technology” Shadow mused leaning on Alastor’s shoulders as they materialized. White eyes blinking slowly, as half-lidded as Alastor’s own.

who knows” Alastor answered his grin widening a bit.

Yet maybe they can have a working film when Charlie came back from the disaster of a meeting because he refused to believe it would be anything else then a disaster.


Charlie opened the door and quietly closed it as she got back to the hotel looking a little bit down.

“Charlie!” Vaggie called out before pulling her into a hug, “how did it go? Did they listen?” she asked.

“oh, uh, they sure did... hear it but um” Charlie stammered a bit.

Alastor mentally whistled at that, ‘heaven is as brutal as ever I see’ he thought, and while Alastor haven’t ever been to heaven, frankly finds no point of even attempting for several reasons, one of the more primary ones is what could he possible eat there?

The other being he’s an entity of chaos and heaven is a place of order, it would rub his magic so very wrong and who knows how long he could stay before snapping, and for a spirit of vengeance that’s a horrendous idea to allow.

That don’t stop him from encountering angels when visiting the human world, and in the past those encounters were less him meeting said angel but more watching the brutal destruction they caused due to some ridiculous judgment.

He got one of his hunters due to that, as they just broke not able to handle it anymore.

Sure, they recovered with a bit assistance but they’re not an angel anymore either, with no intention of ever going back to heaven to. but considering those in heaven also had a running bet when he would break and die, Alastor got more then one reason for his distaste of the place.

“come here, we got something exciting to show you” Vaggie said grabbing Charlie’s hand.

“Alastor pulled some strings but it’s good” Vaggie continued pulling her into the first floors common room.

Claws against his chest as the two reached the sofa “it is not bad for a video clip” he hummed.

“wait the commercial you made a new one?” Charlie asked as it sank in.

“yeah, one of my better performances, if I do say so myself” Angel commented rather pleased.

“that’s amazing” Charlie said out before being shushed as they started up the new commercial.


Elsewhere in a castle Lucifer frowned in confusion staring at the mountains of ducks that laid scattered about, as he wondered what had just happened.

Have he truly gone insane and been dropped into utter and total madness, yet slowly picking up the small duck that Lucifer know he’s never made but one that clearly is his design.

It’s very, well made, and dressed in a fine pin-striped red coat, with rather peculiar decorated red n black hat with small horns no antlers pocking up from it together with a red tinted monocle on one eye, absolutely adorable with very specific style to it, but...

It’s not one he’s made yet the design of the duck is clearly one of his even with the dress-up look to it, and it’s ridiculous well made into the smallest of details the tiny black roses on the hat’s bring very petals to the sand grains in the tiny hourglass. But he could also tell it’s old, and Lucifer knows he never made this one.

Which proves that what just happened really where real, some sort of bizarre mirror-alternate phone call?

Yeah that’s the easiest way to describe it, a meeting between realities, which left the duck on this side proving that it’s all real and not well fake hallucination, even if he felt like he’d been dropped into utter insanity.

Frown deepened for a moment as Lucifer recalled what the other had said, offered a way out. well that’s if the cure for his boredom works as well for Lucifer’s depression then maybe, and he wondered if it where worth trying

The other had gained a look of utter bafflement when lucifer asked who the radio demon where. he found the title familiar and that where the owner of the radio network weren’t he, but lucifer didn’t really know much more then that, haven’t kept track of the ongoings for several millennia now, and he can admit that he went from recluse to total hermit, way more then his counterpart who while reclusive hadn’t become a complete hermit as of yet.

His alter had sighted but stated that there is one demon that should raise his curiosity, an interesting case and immense power able to rival his own for the throne yet holds no interest what so ever in doing so, which likely the same in this world as well, given that the two of them are both reclusive if by varying degrees and the other gotten better the last century.

That means that even with the differences Alastor the Radio Demon here would also not be a threat or enemy, a potential threat yes, given that the demon can potentially rival him if so choosing. Which is doubtful even here given that lucifer could swear he first heard that name a few centuries ago and a demon with ambition would have tried something by now and this one simply haven’t, telling him that either this demon have patience surpassing every saint he know of or he simply holds no interest for the throne.

A mystery that can and fully have held his alters attention, interest and curiosity for two centuries now and counting. A time-period that told Lucifer that the demon’s arrival to hell differed between the two worlds because he’s curtain that the radio demon title surfaced five centuries ago here.

Thought that’s his choice if he where to do so. then his alter had gotten way more serious and told him, not suggest but told him to help his dotter with the hotel before it’s to late... he hadn’t gotten to say anything more before his image faded and the duck fell down apparently left behind here.

But that hadn’t been a suggestion.

Why would he say that, what’s so important that it weren’t a suggestion but outright order from himself to do so? will something happen or no did something happen in that world that made him say go there before it’s to late.

Something that could happen here as well but haven’t occurred yet and his presence there could change things for the better.

Do that mean his little ducky is in danger? No Lucifer did not accept that.

Pulling himself up at that point because he had a hotel to get to.


Charlie and Vaggie where talking about the commercial, and the princess mood clearly allot better and more positive then when she came back from that disaster meeting.

Which is good, the princess should be bubbly not sad, he would prefer if she had a bite fitting the dotter of prince of pride sin title but one thing at the time.

Alastor thought is humming a jazz tune while listening to various frequencies as he worked on the hotel itself. the entire building is condemned, there’s no avoiding that, and why she bought this place of all buildings for the hotel he don’t know. that don’t stop him from fixing it up as the building need allot more work then a mere housekeeper hunting bugs and rodents.

No to get more attention the rest of the building needs to look the part of a place that sinners would want to come to heal, to get better or at least willing to try.

And so far the common room, and bar attached to it, with kitchen included are the only true parts of the building truly fixed up, which is why he’s changing the main entrance at the moment.

Ears twitching slightly as Alastor picked up the news, very specific news, ‘oh my’ he thought because that sound record where one of a emergency broadcast talking about heaven speeding up the time to the next extermination.

“hoohoo” Hedwig hooted from her current perch at the staircase’s railing.

a visitor?” Alastor questioned a bit surprised as the hotel haven’t opened yet and probably wouldn’t for at least a month more or so unless Charlie is speeding up the timeline. That Angel is living here is more of experimental test, to see if it’s even potentially viable or not.

Even if the hotel were open, then no one would come due to every demon treating both Charlie and her plan as a joke. They simply wouldn’t be willing to come here no matter if they want to try it or need the help.

good evening” Alastor greeted as he opened the door and saw a small demon... the same demon on the family portrait that’s hanging in this very entrance hall at that. and clearly the king but Lucifer looked rumpled.

His image not as impeccable as on the painting and the faint familiar bubbly presence Charlie had is there as well just muted for lack of better words as the King shifted slightly.

Yet there’s faint recognition which is a bit odd given that everyone knows that Hell’s king is not only a recluse that’s typically never really seen in person. R at least not for the last three centuries or so, Alastor had heard of some very few and rare occasional sightings prior that time.

“dad?!” Charlie startled eyes getting almost impossible wide, before running forward and grabbed the small king into a bone crushing hug that made Alastor freeze his smile so that it didn’t budge.

Because the king for some reason set off his instincts, and not ones of I’m facing a prey but rather the ones of I found a prey-victim, someone that a prey have hurt and for the king to set off that instinct response is a bit worrying, thought might explain why the king is a hermit in the first place.

Mentally sighting while Charlie happily chattered glad that he came here while lucifer slowly soothed down and started to relax rather then barely hide the nervous hesitant feel he had earlier.


perhaps a cliffhanger but it works
This Lucifer is way, more hermit then the one from my earlier one shot series which is also the Alternate Lucifer he ended up meeting due to a magic mishap he’s still not sure is true, duck or not. unlike that Lucifer, who suffered from insanity inducing boredom, this one suffers from well something like or outright depression, he’s a sad fallen that’s one thing for sure. The Lilith in the other world where neutral with Lucifer the one here isn’t, but she’s not in the picture sense she disappeared some time ago, here.
As for normal tech vs magical one, Alastor as said in chapter have a reason to dislike normal tech, having it blow up on you, shut down when most inconvenient to outright come to life. it’s not worth the issues and he got a point, and it’s an effect not only caused by him but by all magicals thought if not embodiment then it’s a lesser degree making it take longer time. an harry potter canon example is Mr Weasley’s car that runs around the forbidden forest chasing-hunting giant spiders.

Chapter 3: chapter 3, radio killed the video star



dyslectic reminder, gramar and spelling errors will occure even with my spelling program catching most.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Charlie where happy, her father came to visit, came to see the hotel, that means he trust she can do this right?

Either that or something else caused him to come here, because something could gone wrong... like the trouble with heaven for one thing that she knows is a problem.

“Dad, I didn’t expect you” Charlie started before pausing “do you need my help?” she asked.

Lucifer stopped at that, and were at a loss as to what to say, or explain why he came.

Charlie’s eyes widened before her smile brightened even further. “you came to see me?” she asked.

“yes I did” Lucifer admitted, because that’s true and his other self had said help with the hotel before it’s to late. What where to late he didn’t know, the other didn’t say that annoyingly enough.

Taking a step back as she gestured to the hall, “Welcome to the hazbin hotel” Charlie said out with wide grin as the cat demon came up against him “well hello there keykey” Lucifer said scratching the feline behind the ears.

“Razzle, Dazzle. Aw look how much you haven’t grown, still fun-sized” Lucifer continued as the two chibi demons flew around him.

“wow this place sure looks interesting” he decided to say, given that for a condemned building it’s not actually bad.

just some renovations we’re doing, still got the other floors left, but it adds a flare no” Alastor stated but where intrigued about the apparently small sized king, considering the sizes of the other sins he’s well tiny.

“who’re you?” Lucifer asked even if he pretty much suspected who they are given that rather odd effect filter on his voice being very hard to miss.

I’m Alastor, pleasure to meet you person Sire, pleasure indeed” Alastor answered easily.

“you might know of him already. But Al’s been so nice and helping me run the hotel. we’re not open yet but the building is in far better now than before Alastor came and became my hotel host and main backer” Charlie chimed in.

“this is Angel Dust he’s our first and currently only guest. While Niffty here is our housekeeper” Charlie started “the one drinking vodka right now is Husk and our barkeeper, and this is my girlfriend Vaggie”

Lucifer looked slightly startled at that. “you like girls? That’s wonderful” Lucifer said with slight stumble

“uh, lovely to meet you err, sir” Vaggie answered as she got a hug.

Alastor thought tilted his head confused because the king is nervous, painfully obvious and for some reason sending up red flags in his mind, which is worrying in it’s self.

“you’re staying for a while right?” Charlie asked or requested, begged perhaps it was hard to pinpoint.

Lucifer at that question practically lit up, “of course ducky” he answered making Charlie hug him again, and he could feel a few of his ribs crack at that.

Humming for a moment as he rematerialized next to the two startling Charlie “why don’t you go and fix a room for him demon belle while I show your angelic father around” Alastor offered arms folding behind his back.

Lucifer’s jaw dropped with the others who looked just as startled even as Alastor ignored the other’s surprise, focusing in on Lucifer’s alone. picking up on the disbelief but also flicker of hope which was somewhat worrying.

“I, that, I what?” Lucifer stammered taking a step back with barely restrained blush as he stared at the deer themed demon who looked far to pleased by the reaction then he should be allowed to be. yet Lucifer while stunned didn’t feel bothered by it, and that left him internally confused.

Charlie blinked again, as she still tried to register what Alastor had just caller her father. “right” she eventually agreed deciding to ignore the comment and the very evident blush it caused her father.

“I’ll do that” Charlie nodded choosing to back away and if this happen to lead to something more then good for her dad.

Alastor held out an arm “this way then” he offered as a perfect gentleman while Lucifer stared stunned for a moment before accepting the arm. Yet Alastor picked up on the sheer hesitance, that he could practically taste, locking his smile in place for a moment to avoid having it falter.

Yet the Red flags, so many red flags flaring his instincts in response.

Somone harmed the king of hell which is a ridiculous notion on it’s own, unless it’s lingering harm from the fall, then it can only be someone strong enough or someone close enough to break him down into the reclusive hermit like king they have now. that left one person because it’s definitely not Charlie who clearly haven’t seen her father for years and far to happy to have him here... thus likely unaware of said pain.

‘if I ever meet that damned ex-queen again I will tear more of her, then just an arm this time’ Alastor decided even as he had no clue how deep the wounds ran, just that they are there. thought if the king stay long enough then perhaps something can be done about it.

they walked thru the hotel, Lucifer absently listen even as he realized now why his counterpart said that the radio demon could possible help with his depression.

Interest, a curious mystery and fascination at that.

A deer themed demon yet held the sheer overwhelming presence of an absolute apex-predator with teeth that fit that feeling. to the soft tones of music running from the static that appear to be a ambient magical-effect that just should be there. to the voice that Lucifer liked, one holding a sheer charismatic alure to the peculiar yet fun radio filter that coated it with a static-crackle that sounded nice to his ears.

Yet the feel and scent of the other’s impressive aura who’s so very strange, akin to a duality in an almost familiar way. A sheer might, and so very enticing dark presence radiate off him in relaxed waves, even as Lucifer could tell that this was only the mere surface of it.

Wearing it as a familiar cloak even as the power could very much rival his own and very much comfortable with the strange eldritch blend of primordial forces that ran thru his magic, like it belongs there.

Very few outside of the other sins would be able to match this demonic deer, and with Lucifer having no need or intention to challenge him, given that if Alastor had wanted to try and take his throne then the deer would done so long time ago already, which he provenly haven’t.

‘what an intriguing being’ Lucifer thought honestly, unaware that Alastor where just as curious about the king thought for whole other reasons.


As morning rose the news reached the hotel and rest of the pride ring, making Charlie have a stressed panic as she tried to figure out a way to speed up her plan which no one knows if it can even work in the first place.

Her father haven’t woken up yet, and they don’t know where Alastor is at the moment.

“everyone’s losing their sh*t” Angel said after quickly backtracking form Valentino’s message.

“yea that’s true everyone’s desperate” Vaggie mused “maybe desperate enough to try anything to escape the extermination” she offered.

“this is the perfect time to recruit more sinners for the hotel” Charlie cheered

“cute idea and all but are you really going out in all of this?” Angel asked looking at his phone before showing them a burning video clip

“well it’s not like they’ll just show up on our doorstep” Charlie shrugged, that Alastor showed up like that to help run the place aside which is still a bizarre thought in it’s own is something completely different.

Not like she got to say anything more as the wall exploded.

“show yourself Alastor!” Sir Pentious shouted from his airship “Come and face-” he stopped at that seeing that Alastor where sitting in a chair on the balcony, drinking a cup of tea with said cup having the text oh deer written on it.

“oh there you are” he commented as that sank in. “face my wrath!” Sir Pentious hissed.

Alastor leaned his head and looked at the idiot for a moment trying to figure out why he felt familiar or just sharing the same idiocy as others. “who are you?” he openly asked.

“who am i? who am I?” Sir Pentious repeated, “I am the great Sir Pentious! Inventor, architect of destruction villain extraordinaire!” Sir Pentious answered, agitated.

As Alastor vanished into a shadow and reformed on the ground outside of the hotel.

“ooh he’s a bad boy” Niffty said having moved to stand on Alastor’s shoulder, before he grabbed her shirt and put her down on the ground.

if that’s true you’d think I’ve heard of you before” Alastor commented.

“I attacked you literally last week” sir Pentious deadpanned and Alastor tilted his head the static being a very hearable question mark that both confused the others btu also forced them to hold back laughing at the fact that the other demon didn’t make any impression on their resident overlord.

“we’ve done battle like 20 times” he continued.

well you must have been really bad at this” Alastor answered with a absent nod.

“Silence! Now Cower!” Sir Pentious shouted. “for when I’ve slain you the almighty Vee’s will finally acknowledge me as their equal”

Alastor’s ear twitched at the mention of those fools. “ooo wait who are the Vee’s?” Niffty asked.

oh nobody important” Alastor commented waving them off, neither of the three are any real issue rather the main V is more fun to crash on regular basis, especially after their disagreement a few decades ago. You can’t say Alastor isn’t petty, but that depended on what kind of anger you manage to raise and draw from him, if it’s at best petty or at worst outright vicious.

Snapping his claws as the massive shadowy tentacles rose up and began tearing the airship apart, even if it felt familiar. well tear something apart with giant shadowy tentacles and you’ve torn apart everything at some point.

the explosion earlier having drawn Lucifer’s attention as he now got to the main entrance and stared at the hole before going thru it, and observed the rather sheer eldritch destruction going on. “what the hell’s going on?” Lucifer couldn’t help but to ask even as he wondered how that magic worked because he hadn’t seen that before.

“a pretender for overlord wanted to challenge Alastor” Angel Dust answered easily enough.

While Alastor laughed, his eyes aren’t even open Lucifer noted while his dotter looked somewhat hesitant at the destruction.

“err Alastor, I think he’s had enough now?” she suggested, carefully and with good reason given the power display currently being shown.

“nah he got a few more hits in him” Angel countered, even as Alastor kept on laughing.

As Sir Pentious fell down from the now destroyed airship Alastor paused in his laugher and spun his staff, who materialized halfway thru the destruction.

thanks’ for another forgettable experience” Alastor said cheerfully leaning on his staff.

“thank... you” Sir Pentious started a arm partially lifted but still conscious “for letting your guard down” head snapping out and tail lashed forward managing to tear off a small part of Alastor’s coat.

Everyone’s eyes widened in horror while the snake demon paled drastically as magical haunting aura suddenly crashed down on the entire are as Alastor grew in size with his antlers extending form their small form to larger branching ones that almost reminded lucifer of a shattered halo like crown of primal terror.

But they all had problem seeing Alastor with the black and crimson static flickering in the air as a static screen missing it’s connection, only hinting at eyes and symbols materializing in the air behind the static or maybe from within the static.

“oh sh*t” Sir Pentious gulped, not getting a chance to event try and escape as the entire area where covered in a massive green explosion and the snake demon sent hurtling thru the sky screaming and who knows why still alive.

A blink at that sudden realization and Alastor where back to normal as if that never happened, making Lucifer wonder why he hadn’t done something worse?

looks like I need a visit to the tailors” Alastor said and turned around to leave for a while, while Vaggie at that ran forward at that.

“wait you’re leaving? Alastor we need your help we need you to do your job” she snapped out.

Angel leaned forward “we need a wall” he stated.

Alastor at that turned around, “of course, can’t let my new project fall into disrepair already, what would the papers say” he agreed snapping his claws again as several monochrome shadow puppets appeared.

But the puppets didn’t appear alone. two small porcelain dolls also materialized, both with silvery white hair, dressed in Victorian-fairy dresses but distinctly wintery in style. One yellow-red combination with the other one a stunning dark blue.

Apple, Blueberry be a darling and help renovate the building will you” he told them.

“yes sir” both chimed, and vanished in a burst of speed, ignoring that Angel dust where flirting with one of the shadow puppets, who looked somewhat uncomfortable with it, regardless of how inhuman the puppet are.


The two dolls were efficient Lucifer decided as they had already gotten the wall fixed and moved on the second floor at rapid pace and would likely be finished in a day or two with it.

Yet they felt as if they’re not alive? something with their aura made them feel like the dolls they were, not alive but animated, real yet not living like normal demons even a doll-demon and that made the two fairy-dolls interesting.

‘wonderfully demonic’ Lucifer mused, because that’s a fitting comment for the magical because he had hard time believing Alastor to be anything else but a magicborn and with his sheer power-level an Embodiment at that.

Chaos or-and Shadows from the feeling he’s manage to trace down so far. Either way that the shadow magic Alastor got is natural with no trace of any shadow contract of adoption any magical, angel or demon gains when swearing themselves to the magic, allowing it some parental power over the other which normally isn’t an issue unless you manage to do something to drastic against it to cause a punishment.

Instead it seam to be the other way around with Alastor having the parental power over the shadows, it vying for his attention like a particularly pleased cat, with the chaos magic being as natural to his being as breathing, it’s just there.

Dual embodiment, on par with any of the sins himself included, yet Lucifer and apparently everyone are completely unaware of what Alastor is, a deer demon is the general belief but that’s ridiculous. Sheep-demons and goat ones happens but a Deer?

Lucifer couldn’t help but to stop short at that specific detail because it made no sense, he’s never ever heard of a deer demon before, even with the eccentric forms sinners takes on there are determined species, thought forms varies slightly and hybrid cases do occur.

Deer isn’t one of them, unless Alastor is the first and only of his kind which makes no sense what so ever unless the human world changed allot in his absence to allow for new species to form. Tv demons comes to mind but, Alastor is alone?

Which means that Alastor then is something else. deer like but not an actual deer, even if he’s very much demonic and clearly some kind of magical demon which explains some things even if Lucifer still hadn’t figured out what the other is.

But perhaps he will eventually figure it out?

Opening the door and entered the room before he blinked startled because this wasn’t his room but rather a radio studio?

‘oh’ Lucifer’s eyes widened as he realized that this is Alastor’s radio tower, which he probably shouldn’t be in but before Lucifer could leave the room it filled with darkness who slowly retraced with Alastor standing in the center, door now closed.

The radio Demon either hadn’t noticed him or didn’t care, as long as he didn’t interrupt and lucifer had no intention to interrupt as he focused on the screens and panels in front of him.

Switches and dials adjusted, turning on before a sign outside the window lit up and the main screens turned on.

At that Lucifer shrunk further into the corner feeling not just a little out of place. but if he spoke it would be heard by everyone and lucifer wasn’t keen on doing that, and who knows how Alastor would react. Lucifer is more then aware of how his fellow sins often snaps if one of their shows get interrupted so that’s a general very bad idea to attempt.

That means he will have to sit down and be quite for now, make himself comfortable as he could in his corner and watch the show.

Sound come on, as a image where shown of a tv demon currently singing.

“now he’s medium is getting bloody rare”

“hells been better since he split where’s he been? Who gives a sh*t?” Vox’s voice turned a bit hysterical at that point,

Alastor’s grin widened as he leaned in toward his staff-microphone “Salutation! Good to be back on the air

yes I know it’s been a while since someone with style. Treated hell to a broadcast sinners rejoice” Alastor continued with all of the charisma of a professional legendary performer carries with well-practiced ease.

“what a dated voice” Vox snapped back

instead of a clout chasing video podcast” Alastor continued and the clearly enchanted screen split between the two, the TV demon in front of a blue screen and Alastor in front of a red one, yet showed the Tv’s demons clear annoyance.

‘is he taking over the signals?’ Lucifer wondered because that would make sense, radio waves are used to get wireless signals, meaning the radio demon likely had more power if he choose to use it.

“Come on” Vox turned toward Alastor’s screen at that, even as Alastor poked it.

is Vox insecure pursuing allure?” he continued as the screen bounced and the two flipped as Vox tried to get rid of Alastor’s side. “flitting between this fad and that” without missing a beat.

is nothing working?” Alastor continued way to calmly with a beat of music mixing with the electric tones the Tv demon had been using.

“ignore his chirping” Vox huffed, as he tried ones again to get rid of Alastor’s screen only to fall out of his own leaving Alastor’s image on the blue screen.

every day he’s got a new format” Alastor continued easily, and at this point Lucifer had summoned a bag of popcorn very much enjoying the show as he used a tiny spell to make sure he didn’t let out any noise.

A red screen pushed back up with Vox in front of it “you’re looking at the future” he snapped out “he’s the sh*t who comes before that!”

is Vox as strong as he purports or is it based on his support? He’d be powerless without the other Vees” Alastor where truly singing now.

“oh please” Vox huffed. As the screen turned orange with how pushing the image of the other two away, much to Lucifers amusem*nt because this is probably the most entertaining event he’s seen in a long time.

and here’s the sugar on the cream. He asked me to join his team” Alastor continued, and Vox appeared in front of the demonic radio only for the actual one to remain in place and he only appearing on the screen.

“hold on!”

I said no and now he’s pissy, that’s the tea” Alastor were now leaning on the chair, legs relaxed in the air as he almost laid in it enjoying this far too much, for the Tv demons comfort.

“you old timey prick!” Vox snapped “I’ll sho-w y o-u suf fe-ri-ng!”

uh oh, the TV is buffering” Alastor sang looking very much pleased as the screen turned empty, and lucifer were now really glad for his little spell.

“I’ll destroy yoo-o-u-u you little--“ Vox tried only for the buffering to get even worse before the power grid went dark with the entirety of Pentagram City following suit.

I’m afraid you’ve lost your signal” Alastor sang his signal still running without anything to stop it. power in the city not needed for him to continue but perhaps Lucifer should look into that power bit.

Now the beat of music turned far more dramatic and ominous,

lets begin” standing up with hands placed on the control panel in front of him.

I’m gonna make you wish“ eyes turned black with glowing red iris within them.

“That I’d stayed gone” horns growing in size branching and splitting, as they curved forming that fractured halo like crown he had almost seen earlier today.

tune on in” increasing in size as he slowly transformed into a full demon form, easily three times that of normal,

“When I’m done” Lucifer’s eyes widened as wings extended from Alastor’s back growing in size and to his shock number, deep black just as his coat appear to shine as if fresh blood.

“your status quo will know its race is run” tail feathers extended from under the coat, with two longer streaming like ones flicking as the air darkened.

oh this will be fun” Alastor finished with a maniacal laughter the screen finally going blank with no-signal written across it.

Lucifer stared mouth slightly opened as he stared at the deer-avian hybrid with wings and tailfeathers the deepest black with crimson light shimmering from within it with tribal-line like forms almost visible mixing various voodoo to ancient symbols and similar twisting shadows as they flicked in and out of sight. yet the feathers almost look like they formed up out of energy, or maybe glowing with a dark black light.

There’s several, with two of the smaller wings folded forward resting on his shoulders as a elbow long cloak, with two more larger wings curled partially around his arms as extra void like sleeves. Then came two larger pairs fanning out wide and covered most of the room and it took a moment for Lucifer to realize that it wasn’t two pair but four, in similar size, as the wings from wing-wrist out split apart... as if he linked the wings together for easier movement, yet counted then up to 12 wings in total.

Lucifer had to admit Alastor’s demonic form is breathtaking, devastating and so very fear inducing in a way that sent a chill down his spine, as a deathly eerie green crackle sparked along the primaries, tailfeathers and his coat’s inside with a deathly light as it flicked and shifted... fading in and out of sight and not staying in the same place.

And yet Lucifer couldn’t help but to feel curious, and intrigued at this primordial-force embodiment.


Alastor took a deep breath as he shrunk back down to his normal form and shadows retreating to their normal state. His wings remained with the larger pairs partially folding even as you can see the wing-wrists arching up from behind his shoulders, the deathly green had dissipated leaving the faint crimson inner light behind.

Turning around as the control panel started to shift again, turning off the broadcast, and tilted his head at the fallen angel.

‘Why is Lucifer in one of my private broadcast studios?’ Alastor wondered, but ears twitched now picking up on the tune Lucifer where humming, as the spell fell.

A silencing charm which proved very useful, Alastor wasn’t curtain how he would react if his music battle got interrupted. Thought it appears that their little king found the music catchy or entertaining enough to remember.

A ear tilted slightly in confusion as lucifer meet his eyes.

“ah, right I can explain” Lucifer started shifting slightly with a sheepish expression that reminded Alastor directly of Charlie.

‘so that’s where she get’s it from’ he thought absently.

“I got lost and ended up entering the wrong room but before I could leave you teleported in and the door well- closed with me still here, hehe” Lucifer continued which only made Alastor raise a single eyebrow for a moment in amusem*nt.

Of all places to end up, how did he even open the door in the first place, given it’s enchanted to prevent outsiders... and at that Alastor picked up on a silent crackle which explained how Lucifer got in accidental or otherwise, his shadow is part of the cause.

Well it’s not like he could get mad at the really adorable king, who is honestly trying to apologies at that.

it’s not your fault” Alastor interjected “my darkness either where being playful or thought you needed to see this, for who knows why” he continued.

Lucifer blinked a few times “your darkness?” he asked confused only for Alastor to point toward the wall where a shadow stood, looking similar to Alastor just without the wings and horns still extending in the larger form.... eyes and mouth glowing white as he waved.

“sentient shadow, that actually fits” Lucifer mumbled.

Alastor hummed “well let’s get back to the hotel your daughter should have come back by now” Alastor stated as he opened the door only for darkness on the other side.

“is that normal?” lucifer frowned as Alastor grin widened

you’re not scared of some shadows are you?” Alastor wondered, practically teasing with the question.

“don’t take me for a fool I’m more then aware that shadows are one of the major primordial magics, and you’re natural not declared” Lucifer snorted, it’s a force that demand respect while also being one of the more balanced forces.

Yet at that the darkness shifted, as if opening and the familiar hallway of the hotel became visible on the other side.

good” was all Alastor said as he offered an arm to the king, who eyed him for a moment before accepting it.

Yet as they entered the hallway the door faded from sight behind them even as Lucifer glanced down at Alastor’s wings.

Pristine, without a single feather out of place, yet looked more solid now then earlier, they still radiated a faint blackness from them. their flawless condition and perfect health made lucifer mentally grimace as he thought back to his own, that could be in far better condition then they currently are.

Thought as they got back to the first floor Alastor retracted his wings... so maybe the others aren’t aware he got any?


“so how did it go?” Angel asked, as Charlie entered the room only to fall on the sofa face first.

“not a single new recruit” Vaggie admitted

“yeah well who would want to use their last days not f*cking and fighting?” he asked, as the door knocked.

Vaggie at that turned toward it somewhat confused before opening the door to familiar snake demon.

“why hello my dear-“ Sir Pentious started only to be punched before falling down on the ground to avoid the spear. “wait, wait, wait” he repeated quickly.

“I come in peace” he said arms raised in I give.

“what are you doing here?” Vaggie demanded.

“Vaggie what’s the problem?” Charlie asked as she leaned into the door frame before gasping.

“I didn’t come looking for a fight. I heard that you’re helping people. people who want to be better?” Sir Pentious said thought it sounded somewhat hesitant.

Charlie at that ran forward and grabbed his hands, “you heard right. welcome to our home of healing, our resort of restoration. Our-“ Charlie started. Even as Angel had come up to the door.

“are you f*cking nuts?” he demanded “this chump was truing to kill us like literally 6 hours ago” Angel continued. “and now you want to bring him in here to live with us?” Angel asked with his lower arms crossed.

“absolutely” Charlie answered. “this place is about second chances and who deserves one more than this... slithery, slippery... special little man” that sounded way more confusing and hesitant then she would have liked.

“aren’t you suppose to protect this place?” Angel asked Vaggie who faced them only to get full view of Charlie’s puppy dog eyes.

Vaggie sighted “I guess he’s not much of a threat without the war machine” Vaggie admitted “or even with the war machine” she continued and crushed Sir Pentious confidence in the process.

“thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you” Charlie rapidly repeated as she hugged her girlfriend.

“sir Pentious welcome to the hazbin hotel” Charlie greeted, apparently having accepted that name over the original happy hotel. Which is good, because that first name is absolutely ridiculous for hell.

“oh no darling thank you, you won’t regret this” Pentious countered, as Charlie started to show him around, intruding both Husk and Niffty.

Turning toward the stairs “and over here we have-oh Alastor our gracious facility manager” Charlie stopped short mid-sentence “you’ve met our newest guest, Sir Pentious hehe” and only sounded even more hesitant at that.

They hadn’t even noticed that Luficer is standing behind Alastor yet, much to the king’s amusem*nt.

ah yes you’re the one who ruined my coat” Alastor started and the area got darker in an instant, his eyes glowing even more ominous as the static increased in volume. “I definitely remember you now” his voice sounding outright deadly and undeniable threatening making the two gulp.

“I guess this is a great time for your first lesson how to apologize” Charlie decided. “the first step to becoming a better person is to admit when you are wrong. why don’t you give it a try?” Charlie quickly spoke before going behind the snake demon and pushed him forward.

“yes um. Mr, um Radio demon sir, please forgive me for attacking you and ruining your very lovely coat. Um here” Sir Pentious started sounding not just a little hesitant before handing over a small piece of red cloth.

oh? not many people have been able to take even this much off me” Alastor commented before burning up the piece, “now when that’s done with, I’ll head to the second floor and check on my dolls progress” Alastor stated as he walked back up, whistling while his static tuned toward a song.

Lucifer shrugged as the group blinked now finally noticing.

“ah, sir?” Sir Pentious asked confused.

“dad, ah right Sir Pentious this is my Dad, Lucifer, Dad this is my new hotel guest” Charlie introduced.

“I can see that” he stated not all to sure why the demon who tried to kill the hotel a few hours ago is here as a guest, but the other felt rather harmless as a whole.


Chapter 3 over and Alastor being a gentleman.
As for Alastor wings from first chapter and current is due to his peryton nature to shift. While his form often changes more subtle over time, the wings are a more drastic change, remaining constant for centuries before switching in extreme forms, not able to decide form for a while before settling again, which they recently finally did.
As such the more non tangible shadowy-tendril state where the wings unable to determine a form they would settle in.

Chapter 4: chapter 4, Wings



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lucifer mumbled slightly as he decided to try and actually preen his wings for ones. only for them to freeze just as he unfurled the wings, making Lucifer gasp at the sudden flare of pain.

The wings strained and shook as the pain grew more intense as the muscles in them protested the movement, causing Lucifer to dig his claws into the bedframe. He knew it would be bad he haven’t unfurled his wings in several decade but this bad he hadn’t expected.

Taking a few shaky breaths as the wings finally collapsed, and the pain lessened slightly but now he had problem feeling them.

“aw sh*t” Lucifer cursed, this wouldn’t do and he couldn’t tuck them away again no that would hurt even worse.

“how the hell do he keep them tucked away all the time?” Lucifer wondered thinking back to Alastor’s own wings something others are apparently unaware of from his research into the demon over the last few days.

Sure he himself have 8 wings but only 6 of them are usable with the last pair being small and more decoration, nothing strange. Most angel species only had two usable-flight capable wings with noble races able to have four or like himself six usable ones, but you could have a few more smaller wings as decoration and some only had the decoration-wings.

Alastor on the other hand, thinking back to the wings... all of them, even the two pairs that draped over his shoulders and arms where too large to be just decoration, the feathers to strong because Lucifer could pick up on the strength of the wings, easily matched with the other pairs even those who appeared almost locked together, giving an illusion of smaller wing-number.

Yet that number, it’s strange.

Demon with wings are on the unusual side, unlike angels who even if they don’t always got flight capable ones always had at least one decoration set. The number and usability mirrored. Six wings in total being extremely rare bordering legendary in how uncommon that where for demons could happen but the chance of it happening is miniscule. Four and two wings being more normal for demons, and typically only had two wings unless they where a insect based species.

And yet Alastor got 12 wings, that’s 6 pairs each and every one of them usable, he also had tailfeathers instead of a fluff deer tail as expected but to tuck all of those feathers away on regular basis to such point that the demons of the pride ring believe he don’t have any?

Don’t that hurt him? or maybe Alastor do untuck his wings when in private? that would make sense, as the deer showed no strain or pain and with how pristine they looked with perfect health. or maybe he simply use some other method to keep out tucked away without harming himself.

Lucifer sighted, the Radio demon who no one appear to know have wings also seem to take perfect care of them, while Lucifer who is suspected to have or at the very least Had wings can’t...

“this is not good for my mental space” Lucifer mumbled feeling a bit defeated.

But still his wing’s don’t appear to be that bad, not like the last and only time he ever asked Lilith for help, flinching at the reminder because that had been bad.

Right now apart of the strain-cramped muscles and broken-tangled feathers that time several of the wings bones had been broken, and feathers that should been untouched torn, bleeding almost like a waterfall until he manage to fix them up.

He didn’t need to worry about that anymore thankfully, but thinking about it again didn’t do him any good.

Lucifer stilled with his eyes widening as the door knocked.

hello? Little king?” Alastor’s smooth voice were heard from the other side. “you missed breakfast and lunch, Charlie dear worries” he continued and Lucifer didn’t need to have the door open to sense how Alastor’s eyes narrowed.

and you’re bleeding” it weren’t a question and Lucifer had practically expected that given that the deer while being deer themed is an undeniable predator who’s primary food is the flesh of sinners, he’s a well known cannibal for a good reason and one of the few things Lucifer had manage to find out so far, with a few other rumors he haven’t a foggiest if they’re real or fake.

“it’s fine” Lucifer called out which sounded fake even to him.

Alastor at that sighted “no it’s not” he said simply. “your majesty I can taste your pain and blood from here. it’s hard to miss, it is not fine” he continued, and the edge of the door darkened, as Alastor vanished into a shadow only to reform on the other side of the door.

At that Lucifer sank down, wanting to get away from here but the sudden flare of pain prevented him.

Alastor’s eyes widened as he took in the king, “oh my I knew it would be bad but this” Alastor murmured his voice softer than earlier.

“what’s bad? I’m fine, just fine” Lucifer countered only to meet by a deadpanned look as Alastor gestured one hand toward the practically paralyzed wing.

Ears flicked back “I’m more then aware that some features can get frustrating at times, and sometimes proper care get tricky” Alastor decided instead, not only referring to his own wings but also his horns.

The wings who’s more than capable of driving him off the wall every time it happens which thankfully far between with around two millennia before going thru a new shift. But when it happens the wings takes months if not a year or two before settling into a new form, with this time it having taken close to 2 years... but his horns also shed and regrew every time they got damaged and that itching...

Lucifer flinched at that. “I’m good” lucifer decided which was a weak attempt.

your wings are bleeding” he deadpanned at that, pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment as Alastor considered a few options.

why don’t we make a deal?” Alastor offered as he made up his mind, and Lucifer stilled.

“I’m not stupid enough to make a deal with a demon like you” he stated blandly.

not something like that” Alastor dismissed easily, waving the no off easily. “just a normal deal, an exchange where I help tend to your wings for now and in return you get to preen mine if you choose, it won’t even last for more than one preening each if we choose to do so” Alastor offered and Lucifer stared.

Mouth agape, because that offer where far to enticing to be allowed, and pretty much what he expected as well because Lucifer suspects that the other is a True Dealmaker with Capital T and D, and those are really dangerous.

Normally a dealmaker isn’t that dangerous, risky yes as they tend to twists the contract, but still follow their side and the other is forced to follow along on their end. These deals are kept in power by contract who while have some magical power can be broken by anyone stronger then the one singed said contract unless it’s one made by a sin.

This kind of dealmaking is also the most common known one, due to being more used.

then there’s the True Dealmakers the real deal who don’t need any written contract for said deal just a simple handshake or kiss is enough to confirm it with magic, thus far stronger... but they are also extremely to ridiculous rare.

A true dealmaker don’t quite have limits due to not using the same methods as a contractor. Instead of political power, raw might, fear or money in any combination and similar they use magic. using their magical power to complete their side of the deal just as they used it to sign said deal in the first place... as result a True Dealmaker can be capable of granting ones wildest dreams depending on what kind of magic they are capable of wielding and skilled at.

The actual limits only restrained by the dealmakers power level and skills, and for someone like Alastor who’s most likely or definitely is an embodiment?

There’s no telling if he even got a limit, perhaps some personal chosen ones due to complications but that’s pure guessing, given Lucifer hasn’t ever heard of a dealmaker of this kind before.

It didn’t stop him from considering the offer, for what it where.

Because there’s one more detail a very important one when dealing with true dealmakers they’re honest, and normally don’t twist the deal either due to the pure fact that they have no need to do so. instead it’s the wish itself when the person finds out that they didn’t want that or needed it but now stuck with it, to said price being to high.

Considering the offer, who would give Lucifer help with his wings and in return he can get to preen Alastor’s who didn’t look to really need it. but it’ an exchange of preening for a preening, yet on the other hand it means it will hurt, especially with his wings in their current condition.

“okay” Lucifer eventually agreed accepting Alastor’s help if only because he knew he couldn’t continue like this.

And suddenly the room was bathed in green light with powerful magic surging before settling, and dissipated, even as Lucifer could feel the ribbon connecting them, thought isn’t Alastor’s magic red?


Alastor where frowning, or at least his version of a frown, the smile smaller and thin line his eyes narrowed and ears flicked backwards.

Having snapped his claws a little while ago to get full damage report, and it’s bad. Far worse the visible, because several muscles are well snapped.

“be careful” Lucifer said sitting at the edge of the bed, but not fully able to stretch the wings out for Alastor to see them properly.

Alastor hummed before lightly stroking a feather with the backside of his claw, pocking one loose feather with the tip that easily slipped out, much to Lucifer’s surprise. Thought glancing down at the king’s hands, the gloves that covered them fully, even if the tips are slight pointed the claws are small almost hidden really even if there. they’re clearly not fit to deal with problematic feathers, or at least not on his own.

Alastor’s own claws makes up the dominant part of his fingers which would cause problem for others but not for him... given that they’re also inhumanly flexible allowing Alastor to shift and move them as if there where normal fingers. Added that the sharpness is optional like a switch, going from able to cut thru the strongest steels to holding a fragile glass without even leaving a scratch. It’s all about will and made them perfect to deal with problematic feathers an adaptation he formed naturally over the first century to deal with his own.

Without leaving deep gauges in either skin or wings.

Carefully carding his claws thru the feathers, straightening them out as he untangled some of the trickier ones even as Lucifer stopped breathing for a moment as Alastor got to a partially painful one.

Yet Lucifer blinked ones then again and a third time because no pain hit him. actually the pain appeared to be vanishing? Looking over his shoulder to see a faint red glow around the claws that carefully nestled into the feather who were tugged to right point and now straightened again.

He hadn’t even noticed that Alastor was using a small touch of magic to numb the pain as he carefully healed some of the bent feathers only to stop at one of the more problematic feathers.

Dried blood gluing the feather in place, much to his annoyance. Scratching carefully with his claws tip to cut the feather loose from the blood, making sure he kept them numbed in the process much to Lucifer’s relief even as the feather came loose.

A hand gently pushing against a few of the feathers “when was the last time you preened them?” Alastor couldn’t help but to ask, because some of these blood are.

Lucifer opened his mouth only to shut it again and that’s enough answer on it’s own given that the kind couldn’t recall.

At that Alastor leaned back and stared at the king before another option surfaced in his mind. “okay let’s do this somewhere else shall we?” Alastor didn’t quite ask as he snapped his claws and teleported them elsewhere.

Lucifer startled as he where suddenly dropped in soothing water.

Sputtering for a moment before blinking at the lagoon? Or bathroom? No merger “what the?” Lucifer asked very much baffled because this looked like someone merged a tropical lagoon with a bathroom or a bathhouse. from the plants gently shifting in a faint breeze to the smooth stone, of the water flooring, to the edge, and gentle water that appear to be moving from a water fall or no there where several, a larger one and several smaller ones keeping the water in constant yet gentle motion.

As if a soothing massage.

Turning around to see Alastor having removed his coat and folding the sleeves up over his elbows, which is probably the most undressed he’s seen the deer sense coming here a few days ago.

“were are we?” Lucifer asked.

the bathroom in my manor” was the offhanded answer making Lucifer blink before looking up ‘this is indoors?’ he wondered confused but looking up then yes there was a cealing.

I need to get the dried blood out before it causes more damage, and this is most painless way to do so” Alastor continued.

Glancing down at the water that’s soaking right thru his cloths, yet the water weren’t being dyed gold by his blood strangely enough. And felt how the water gently washed over the feathers as Alastor continued to work, having easier time to get thru now as several loose feathers slipped down.

“how come others in the pride ring aren’t aware that you got wings?” Lucifer asked wondering if he would get an answer even as he in reality had a very different question to ask as well.

hmm?” pausing for a moment as he moved on to the second wing, “that’s because most demons are fools, who completely misses that my wings aren’t a fur cloak or coat for that matter” Alastor answered with a chuckle shaking his head.

At that Lucifer laughed... yeah, he could believe that, it do sound like something that would happen.

“but why are you helping me? what are you getting from it?” Lucifer finally asked.

because Charlie wouldn’t want to see you in pain and no one deserves the pain you’re feeling” came Alastor’s response, as if the answer had been obvious thought it did mark some things for that odd moral the Radio demon is rumored to have, which is also something laughed out by other demons when they dare to raise the possibility of Alastor having specific niche of prey.

“huh” lucifer mused choose to relax in the silent atmosphere.

Thought blinking rapidly when he noticed that he where back in his room. Lying on the side with the wings folded down.

Sitting up at that “I, I fell asleep?” he wondered stunned, yet the wings felt numb and which was far more soothing then the pain from before.

Thought looking around he couldn’t find Alastor there.

He did find a note next to the bed.

You fell asleep halfway thru and I choose not to wake you up, deciding to dry your cloths with a little bit of magic when I where done.


Your wings were really badly off. several muscles in them were outright severed, while there’s fractures in the bones as well and damaged nerves on top of that. this isn’t even starting on the damage of the feathers.

I suggest you make the wings invisible for now if you sire don’t want others to know of them. because if you tuck the wings in again the patched muscles may snap and damage even worse given they didn’t get chance to heal.

Do try and rest your majesty.

With regards, Alastor

Lucifer reread it again and flinched at the damage, snapped muscles, fractured bones and damaged nerves? So it wasn’t just a wing cramp, that’s bad, and may explain why the wings are numb now.

Alastor did numb the pain when he worked on some of the trickier feathers but apparently ending up numbing the wings as a whole for a while longer because Lucifer could feel the eldritch toned and so very ancient magic resting over his wings.

“invisibility spell eh” he mused that could work, because he really didn’t want to rip the wings off and regrow new ones. something that while Lucifer is more then capable of, are also agonizingly painful and thankfully only something he’s been forced to do two times prior.

Tugging carefully at a wing, Lucifer couldn’t help but to stare agape in shock.

He’s, he’s never seen his wings this untouched otherworldly pristine sense falling in hell. The white outside sparkled like new fallen snow and frost while the crimson inside? That shone almost glowing as if fresh spilled blood, more vibrant and brilliant then ever before as it shifted from luminescent to darker tones.

His wings after turning demonic never could match his old heavenly ones, and yet right now they are, but in a far more fear inducing deadly kind of way.

“who and what in all of hell is the Radio demon?” Lucifer asked out thought it did explain why Alastor’s own wings had looked so pristine as they did.

“excuse us” came two feminine voices, and lucifer blinked not sure when they entered but there where the two small dolls, holding up a tray with food.

“Sir Alastor told us to bring some food to you” the red-yellow colored one stated,

“it’s charmed to keep warm so you eat it when you feel hungry” the other one chimed before they put the tray down next to the bed and bowed before disappearing in a mist of shadows.

“well that happened” Lucifer mused.


‘a sorry song?’ Alastor wondered, as looked at the group from the shadows, tilting his head for a moment.

“let’s get some rest” Charlie said out and coached the others back toothier rooms.

At that the static turned louder as his smile and eyes became visible. Walking up to the watch and picking it up.

“what?!” Vox snapped out appearing back on the screen.

you’ll have to try harder than that next time, ol’ pal” Alastor said as he crushed the tiny screen while Vox screamed in rage.

Laughing before disappearing back into the shadows with several shadows silently laughing with him.

Really a spy and the snake of all people? Vox have to try better than that, especially as he practically gave Charlie an actual guest that could potentially make it.

Such a silly little snake, but if he got some proper support and allies the Sir Pentious could be a good ally to have on ones side. Eccentric sure but not more then any magical, frankly magicals tended to be even more eccentric especially now days when they are allowed to be.

Alastor is more then aware that not all sinners here are here due to something sever, some cases are self defense while others desperation, having no other choice if you want to live but they still get sent here.

There were even accidents that didn’t count as such or at least not to heaven, but for those people then the hotel could become a safe-heaven and if it where possible actually rise.

Something not to far off from his own sanctuaries, the HQ Radio studio being one, known yet not seen, but he had other places as well even if the general population are under the belief he don’t own a physical territory.

There’s in reality several buildings that he owns and runs. Minor radio studios that are visible yet heavily protected preventing incidents due to how h wove the wards of the place, with similar wards placed on other locations he gotten thru various means. Like the several casino’s he got from Husker, even if the feline still runs them when he’s not delegated the work to an assistance to run another assignment in person.

Then there’s the fully hidden ones, allowing sanctuary for those who’s been granted his protection... most of which are sinners due to outside causes and failure of heaven’s ridiculous high standard. But it means he’s not truly lost a soul to the exterminations for the last five hundred years.

Yet the difference between the sanctuary dorms, and this hotel is that the hotel is visible, known want attention for a goal that may or may not be possible. Redeeming sinners either can work or fail because no one truly tried before there’s no prior case for either, an unknown that Alastor is still very curious about, but even if it don’t work the few guests who do come here can get stronger, recover and heal as they get out of a bad situation.

Thought they do need to get guests here first.


Whistling to the music that flowed from his Static at the moment, as Alastor headed toward a specific place.

Seeing the whimsical crimson and silver colored building coming into sight, with it’s lights shimmering as if night-stars, to the large gate that’s guarded. A building that’s while do have some club aspects that’s more modern-like the dominant flare is more Victorian theater and fantastical-dream in general, with said building being not only a show, but also a restaurant.

A theater-club that’s of far higher quality then any riff-raff around, considering the defenses and protections in place that if you where to break one, from threatening a guest to picking a fight then you’re thrown out by the building’s wards if not outright killed on the spot. This in turns causes the theater to cater to higher classes and more expensive clientele, with nobles visiting on regular basis to others who saves in money to watch a single one of the shows preformed on stage.

In addition to that even if you can’t afford to watch the shows in person they’re also sent live across Live-stage’s own radio program with several of the songs preformed being released on other channels as well.

Both guards stilled for a moment while the receptionist quickly sent a message to the manager, as Alastor walked thru the doors.

Hazard would meet him in a while at their private balcony so Alastor headed directly there.

In the meantime he could order a bit of venison as he waited.

not bad” Shadow mused, materializing next to Alastor and watched the show that where starting.

A new star but a good one at that, perhaps that’s one of the two new ones that had been found while he where in the magical world?

“Alastor!” Haza greeted entering thru the door to the balcony. “I haven’t seen you in person sense you requested my assistant with that dementor nest” he continued.

It where a few interesting years I’d admit” Alastor nodded as he greeted the fellow peryton.

Hazard is wearing a pair of black pinstriped dress-pants with red lower hem, a fine black dress-shirt covered with a silvery and red embroidered corset-vest, in addition to a fine classic coat with red-black shimmering inside yet stunningly white outside, with a pair of white fingerless gloves similar to his own showing the black claws but covered the rest of the hands.

His long hair is in a stunning snow white color as it reaches almost his knees before stopping... currently pulled into a low ponytail at the base of his neck with chin n shoulder long bangs framing his face. while his skin is paler then Alastor’s own thought sharing similar crimson shaded eyelids. Haza’s eyes on the other hand is a startling molten gold, with pale gold sclera, and his horns are distinctly dragon like with the s like curve as they flow back from his head. he also have similar fluffy ears even if they appear to lean back slightly in with more relaxed tilt, in stunning white with red edge and tip to them.

Unlike Alastor on the other hand Haza, had his tailfeathers shown allowing them to stretch out from under the coat’s lower half, in similar white with red lighting like markings painting along the tips.

Thought neither of them had their wings out, didn’t see much point, as the former angel took the other seat.

“you’re not here simply to watch a show are you?” Haza didn’t quite ask.

At that Alastor tilted his head slightly, ear twitching, “I meet your cousin” he said instead making hazard blink ones then again.

“eh?” staring at his boss somewhat confused at that remark, “wait are you talking about Lucifer?” Haza asked stunned getting a hum in response.

yes, you’ve heard of our princess hotel no? a few days ago Lucifer showed up, yet he keeps setting of red flags in my mind” Alastor explained.

Haza frowned at that, any trace of a smile vanishing, just as Alastor unlocked his own grin letting it drop to a miniscule one.

“that’s concerning yet also should bene expected given what Lilith tried to do 8 years ago” he mused, thinking back to the incident.

A few months before the former queen’s disappearance she approached the theater, while Alastor where visiting and tried to have him release his souls or they’ll be killed because he can’t have that many of them.

Neither Hazard, Alastor and Gabe who had come for their decade meeting n dinner could believe what they had heard. but when she tried to enforce that judgement and take out one of Haza’s workers their restraint snapped.

Her stunt had blown up any disguise she had to their senses, and triggered all three of them at the same time... so even as she managed to escape with her life proving herself powerful enough to have be worthy of the queen title. She didn’t came out of it unharmed with broken horns and missing arm, possible several broken bones, it didn’t matter if she was hell’s queen or former queen for the last century.

Setting off three spirits of vengeance with one of them being a primordial and the other two former angel nobles? Yeah only an idiot thinks they can get out of that unharmed.

Not that anyone seen her sense a few months after or so after that incident with her song’s being dismantled and removed from radio, live performances, in addition to tv, as Alastor messed with the signals enough to leave static screen and text of technical difficulties.

While the popular belief are that the sins are the strongest beings in hell, which to some degree is true, it’s trickier then that. the real truth it’s not the sins who’s strongest but the embodiments, and each of the seven sins are an embodiment as such they fit the frame, a frame that Alastor also fits thought his is less feeling themed and more elemental-nature.

When it comes to overlord or Goetia then it’s actually even in power, thought not all overlord can manage that. with most overlords focusing on souls, territory and political power who’s not enough to gain enough magical power to match the noble demons, but those who do gather enough magical power like Zestiel and Rosie they can match if not out power a goetia.

It’s part of why Alastor is a overlord in the first place, a few months after arriving a overlord triggered his instincts, which set of a chain effect causing Alastor to get rid of almost every one of the old overlords, one of which who where a goetia as well.

It’s also why Lilith had so much power in the first place considering she’s the first sinner.

“how badly is it?” Haza eventually asked.

Alastor at that sighted “the little king got signs of a depression” Shadow stated.

nervous and hesitant, but given the state of his wings. I’m not sure of they hadn’t been torn off yet due to the muscle and bone damages” Alastor answered and Haza grimaced.

“his, the king still have wings? oh that’s bad” Haza muttered.

hmm, I tended to them most of yesterday, after noticing the scent of blood. offered a deal where I tend to his wings for now and he can if chooses to do so preen mine. Lucy ended up falling asleep halfway thru, which were good, I could cast more intense numbing spells to reattached the severed muscles, they’re in one piece now but the internal healing is still frail for a few more days” Alastor described.

Haza’s eyebrows shot up at that “severed muscles that weren’t visible externally? Oh sh*t” he cursed before registered one part of that sentence.

“wait did you just say you got a deal with the king of hell?” Hazard blinked.

At that Alastor grinned with an absent shrug. “more trade favors for preening” Alastor stated, before his smile shrunk slightly “it where the only way I could get Lucy to agree to me tending to them. offer him a chance to preen mine in return

“you don’t need help with that unless you get into a bad fight” Haza deadpanned.

went thru a wing shift for the last two years. they recently finally settled on new form, so my wings are a bit tense” Alastor countered.

“true enough” Haza agreed easily, remembering his own three centuries ago. While it only lasted a year, to have the wings constantly shifting changing reforming, over and over again even if nontangible it it’s not only ridiculous uncomfortable but also itches in a mental way that’s ridiculously frustrating.

Thankfully it’s far between each incident.


chapter 4 over.
the demon Alastor is talking to at the end is actually the same one he fought with to kill the dementors in the fic prior this one.
Haza or hazard, former angel, and still alive even if heaven don't know it. techncially a fallen, but share same species as Alastor due tothe price to save his life. did get option to die without pain, or alastor do nothing and they died due to some spiritual collapse-suicide they had been trying due to breaking.
side note hazard's shadow is more smart animal in terms of sentience-intelligence, but weren't present here due to not needing to be,

Chapter 5: chapter 5, overlord Meetings


#text messengers#

Different timeline. As in an possible au helluva boss events happened before hotel opening and some part under, this chapter is about 2months after the prior chapters, and said opening, but it’s a general guess.

reminder, i am dyslectic, so gramar and spelling errors can and will occure.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Alastor where humming a tune as he cut into the meat, listening to some music at the same time before his door snapped open.

“Alastor-“ Vaggie started and her thoughts screeched to a halt for a moment and stared in disbelief at the room, who started out normal at the wall the door rested on but from there the wood floor twisted, into smooth ground, with grass here and there with some stone edging water.

Water that twisted forming mini lakes and rivers between them as massive trees rose up with water-side grass scattered about along the edges. The bed resting partially carved or shaped out of a tree trunk with a fireplace seemingly resting out of nowhere, similar case with the door that rested next to a tree, to other furniture as well all who’s style appear mix of early 1900 century and fading over into something formed directly out of nature.

The entire room was odd and bizarre fusion of a room and something akin to a swamp, being nature at the same time as a room that didn’t appear to end.

And strange, very strange.

do you mind? I’m in the middle of breakfast” Alastor questioned.

At that Vaggie decided against asking about the room “Pentious’s eggs are all over the place I need you to get rid of them” Vaggie requested.

oh in that case I’d be delighted to” Alastor chimed cheerfully as he materialized his staff and stood up and walked up to the door.

“humanely” Vaggie stated

hm, well that’s allot less fun” Alastor mused claws sharpening for a moment before reverting to their normal state. “well I suppose I can take care of that on my outing today

Leaving the room, while Vaggie still stared at the dead deer that rested on the table but before she could comment on it two shadows appeared and the deer just vanished and the door closed right in front of her.

The eggs following him before a thought occurred to Alastor, perhaps he could place them in an enclosure for now of some kind. actually didn’t one of his larger radio-studios have a playpen for the children of those who worked there?

Teleporting thru the shadows with the eggs tumbling thru it, before materializing at the radio-studio.

The poor sheep demon and imp there at the moment startled, paling at the sight of him even as Alastor tapped the floor for a moment while the eggs came tumbling out.

“sir?” the imp asked confused at his presence and even more confused at the living eggs. given that he rarely visits unless it’s the main HQ radio tower.

apologies for the unannounced visit, but this is one of the child friendly places” Alastor greeted. “I needed to get these eggs out of the hotel I’m currently backing and this is one of the more humane solutions for it” Alastor contained even as one ear tilted back slightly.

Blinking for a moment “oh of course sir, we’ll take good care of them, how long will they stay?” the sheep asked.

hmm, that I don’t know, anything form few hours to a few days, depends on when their owner stops causing problems for the other hotel residents” Alastor answered, with a grin before looking at the eggs, “don’t cause problem for the ladies is that understood?” he ordered.

“yes, sir boss man!”

His ears twitched again, before simply teleporting out leaving the two demons a bit confused and hesitant. Wondering if the eggs are just that problematic or just that frustrating, maybe both?


A rattling sound where heard as Alastor walked dismissing the sounds of explosions nearby.

hark Alastor” Zestiel greeted his voice echoing as he reformed in front of him. “how fare thee this day?” Zestiel asked.

Greetings Zestiel” Alastor greeted, while the nearby demons jolted, one even running away from there.

ah the weather doth become this fine day” Zestiel hummed.

indeed, it do look like we’ll have some acid rain this afternoon” Alastor agreed, ignoring the demon who just set themselves on fire.

if our luck doth hold, I do revel in the screams wow art thou?” Zestiel questioned as the two started walking. “it has been an age since thou hath graced us with thy presence, some hath spun wild tales of you falling to. holy arms” Zestiel continued.

At that Alastor laughed, holy arms? angel weapons don’t work on him due to his specific nature. “oh you’re more then aware that angel weapons don’t work on me other then ticking me off. no I just had some things to fix in the magic world which ended up taking longer then expected I’ll admit” Alastor explained, choosing not to say that while angelic weapons can’t kill him they do hurt allot.

but it’s fun to keep everyone on their toes, haha” Alastor chuckled and so did Zestiel.

there too hath been rumor of thy involvement with the princess and her recent flight of fancy” Zestiel mused before stretching out his arms showing the green web design of the cloak’s inside “tell me how does thou fall in such folly?”

pure and utter Curiosity” Alastor grinned, his smile sharpening with edge of chaos madness tinting it that Zestiel was so very familiar with. “but do please tell me, I love to hear the theories” Alastor continued closing his eyes for a moment before they continued on.

Zestiel laughed, “t’would be grander folly by far to assume the workings of your mind Alastor, thou hath been naught but an enigma since thy manifested in this realm” Zestiel stated voicing the blunt point.

Coming from someone who’s been here for so long I take that as quite the compliment” Alastor responded as they arrived and entered the elevator.

Only a moment later it stopped and they could exit the elevator, jazz playing along his static as they all headed toward the main chamber and meeting room.

Finding his own chair as Carmilla where already there waiting.

“Welcome hell sovereign overlords I’ve invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city together you own millions of souls. Souls at risk with the new extermination schedule” Carmilla explained before hitting her fist into the table. “we need to discuss what can be done to minimize to our interest”

A faint rattling where heard as Zestiel sat down in his chair and summoned forth a cup of tea.

“Zestiel so good to see you my friend” Carmilla greeted.

enchanted as always Carmilla” Zestiel replied.

Yet when he looked at those there eyes widened in surprise “Alastor?”

yes I know I’ve been absent with only my shadow here for some time, my errands in the magic world took way longer then I expected it would” Alastor answered.

“the magic world? why don’t that surprise me, but welcome back in any case” Carmilla stated, because that wasn’t even surprising to find out that the one overlord known for his sheer magical might got connections to the magical world, it is a bit on the nose all things considered.

Snapping her fingers for the notes “this years extermination was brutal, far more even than years past. we have assessed that about 16% of the population was lost with the angelic legions now returning twice as quickly I think it prudent we-“she didn’t get to finish it even as stats where shown behind her.

The door slamming open “yes, I’ve got it handled Vox are you doubting me? really? me? that’s what I thought” Velvette spoke into the phone, laughing “yes I know they’re all a joke, thank you Vee, see you soon, kisses darling” Velvette continued practically ignoring the meeting she just interrupted.

“nice of you to join us Velvette will your colleagues be joining?” she asked.

“no they have better sh*t to do than to listen to an old windbag who thinks she’s thought sh*tt, I’m here to represent” Velvette replied as she sat down, but that attitude got Carmilla to narrow her eyes at the young demon.

“charming” was the sarcastic response. “so as I was saying we need to discuss-“ Carmilla didn’t finish it as Velvette waved her hand.


“on the subject of discussion” she started and threw a angel head unto the table.

oh?” Alastor looked at it curious even as everyone there startled surprise at the sudden head, but they reacted more to it being an actual angel head.

“where did you get this?” Carmilla asked.

“we found it during extermination day, if these holy rollers can be killed the game has changed” Velvette spoke and jumped up on the table, “we can take the fight to them, the boys and I have come up with a full assault plan”

At that Zestiel interrupted as he slurped up the tea, before putting the now empty cup on a plat at the table. “if it be true thee and thy colleagues desire to war with such meagre proof? Thou art far more foolish than I be thought” Zestiel asked.

Velvette huffed “meager proof? It’s a dad f*cking exorcist” she snapped crossing her arms “I say that’s pretty f*cking definitive you going blind old man?”

Zestiel merely looked at her at that “we do not know this perished, meyhaps t’was not by a demon’s hand at all. if we rush to war without knowing mightn’t they purge all of hell for daring an uprising?” Zestiel countered.

“it could happen”

that do sounds like heaven” Alastor mused hearing similar agreements.

“oh I get it, so grandpa is too puss* to fight so I guess there’s no point right?” Velvette asked.

‘really, who’s to say this is due to a demon? It can just as likely be an angel who snapped. It’s keeping the angels dead that’s the question’ Alastor thought even if there is a chance of it being due to a demon. It means they got a weapon capable of slaying immortals, or it wouldn’t work.

Tilting his head, at the familiar sense of magic surging.

Velvette practically leaning toward Zestiel “too senile to make a real power grab for-“

“you better show some respect!” Carmilla snapped, and music surged. “check your behavior, no one speaks to Zestiel that way” she sang

“Did you expect us to sit back and take your insolent brazen display?” Carmilla continued,

Velvette laughed “haha, you’ve got it twisted. I’m not the one who needs a new attitude” she countered

Sitting down on the table “maybe you missed it but I’m that hashtag bitch. And I will do nothing less than what I please woo!”

“I’m the backbone of the vees mad that I acted respectless? Well it’s cause no one could respect this” dance like steps on the table.

“Sorry group attending since when are overlords too scared to fight?”

“you’re long past trending sorry babe but I ain’t swiping right” Velvette continued now holding her phone.

“you’ve lost your relevance” she kept going, leaning against Zestiel’s chair.

We can’t act without more intelligence” Zestiel stated.

“no wonder I’m so respectless I could eat you lot for breakfast” she huffed

“you and the vees are inane and uniformed. Smug wannabes who don’t heed when you’ve been warned” Carmilla countered,

“oops? Did I strike a nerve?” Velvette questioned as she sang, picking up the angel head again “cause when I brought out the angel’s head. couldn’t help but observe that your wrinkled face was turning red” she kept going, throwing it back onto the table.

“and why are you avoiding war? That’s what the guns you sell are for thanks to me bein’ respectless one thing I’m starting to suspect is” Velvette began walking toward Carmilla.

Leaning forward with wide grin “you know why this angel’s headless. Do you have a disclosure?”

Carmilla snarled at that “this meeting’s over!” was the ending point.

for a moment it where silent after that, the music ending.

such a productive meeting” Alastor voiced, because with it ending now instead of spending hours of endless arguing if not outright days to sort out some kind of agreement made it productive. Thought a new meeting is likely to be called, sooner then normal.

Disappearing into shadows as he left.


That meeting had been really productive, an angel been killed and large segment of the other’s power base killed as well. larger then ever before apparently, thought those under his protection is still safe and untouched by the exterminations.

Hard to kill someone when you don’t know they exist.

But given the sudden shortened time limit to the next extermination, the angel is most likely Dead-dead, and not just waiting to reform.

‘but no high noble angel snapped, because a falling like that would been heard of and even with extermination going on been very Public. No it means something else’ Alastor mused.

Angel weaponry perhaps?

That would make sense given the weapons are used to kill sinners who’s also immortals. don’t work on any embodiment as they’re of higher tier, ones life closer tied to the force of magic that’s bonded to ones being.

Even temporary death would be ridiculous hard to achieve, even less a permanent one, it’s why angelic weapons don’t work on him even if they hurt allot.

For normal sinners and exorcists temporary death wouldn’t be harder for one or the other. it’s just no one really tries to fight against the angels wielding permanent death weapons, that’s silly and foolish for ones health.

When staying hidden was so far more useful, no if you fought then it’s to get away, or because you have no other choice.

During the exterminations his radio studio, his theater and the dorms they all closed down, entering barricade mode just on the off chance of someone getting past the stealth. And several others did similar, from the various shelters scattered and hidden about the city only enforcing that.

a dead angel eh, this brings the risks up quite the bit” Alastor mused.

But it also means that they may be forced to fight in the coming extermination in few months time, thought maybe this is why the extermination was pushed forward.


In one of the other rings, both Fizzarolli and Asmodeus paused as a phone rang signaling a message.

It took a while to find it and by that time several more messages had been sent.

“it’s Charlie” he said out, looking at the message, their little niece while taller then Lucifer is young, and could get rather naive at times.

But none of the other sins have any children, so Charlie became that to pretty much all of them to some degree, and it took so long for Lucifer to have her to, given Lilith curse yet they eventually after several millennia managed.

They all adore the new addition, which is one thing they actually agree on, thought it’s a bit questioning when it comes to Lilith who vanished almost a decade ago due to her not quite being present even before vanishing.

Yet this message didn’t end with Charlie’s usual use of exclamation marks which is odd.

# hey uncle Ozzie, I need advice about something #

# you know of the hotel I were starting up to redeem sinners? It’s finally done, and I even manage to get a backer for it, who’s helped so much, from getting staff to even renovating the entire building. We even have two guests now!! Dad even showed up almost a week after the hotel started, he’s still well a hermit but tries to be present at least!!!#

# what I need help with is, I think my dad have a crush on my hotelier/backer? #

At that Asmodeus stared stunned and had to reread it due to how absurd that question sounded, and he wasn’t alone in that.

“wait she thinks Lucifer got a what?” Fizzi sputtered stunned because everyone knows that Lucifer is a recluse and outright hermit with the former queen being questionable at best for the last few centuries.

“Lucy fell in love again?” Ozzie wondered, fascinated by the possibility because one that means someone actually captured his attention and intrigue with actual attraction... but that he’s also trying to be happy and Lucy deserves to be happy.

Asmodeus have suspected that something where off with Lucifer and Lilith for the last millennia at the very least. That she acted so cold with Charlie didn’t help either with the image as it raised questions if Lilith even cared for her own dotter. Especially given the curse made it so hard for them to get a child, to point where they believed she couldn’t get one, and then now just vanish with no contact what so ever sense disappearing.

It didn’t paint a good image for the former queen, but he hadn’t gotten any actual proof either.

# hey cutie, why do you think your dad got a crush? #

# there’s definitely something there! I choose not to think about it at first, but dad blushed when Al offered a tour thru the hotel. There’s also him hiding from the kitchen yet keep glancing into it, while Al is cooking for the last few weeks, often with a blush, that’s a crush #

Came the fast reply, which only confirmed that there is something, or at least interest.

# have Lucy tried to talk? #

# anything apart from his obvious feelings #

Now that made both blink, Asmodeus especially considering that when Lucifer falls for someone he falls hard and deep, and makes it rather obvious for everyone nearby.

# it don’t help that Al is well himself, he tend to flat out deny Angel’s attempts at flirting so Dad might think he’s not interested? #

That were somewhat unexpected, given the fact that having a sin’s positive attention isn’t something you just ignore.

“okay what’s going on in her hotel?” Fizz asked confused looking at Asmodeus who shook his head equally confused.

“I don’t know but now I get why Charlie is asking for help” Ozzie stated. It’s clear that Lucifer finds this Al to be attractive, both physically and behavior given the blushing, but hiding? That’s a bit off thought last time he fell for anyone where Lilith several millennia ago so perhaps his sad reclusive behavior nowadays is affecting things... which would make sense given what Charlie is telling them.

But why would this Al back her insane idea to redeem sinners? She’ll be laughed at for sure and the sinners they wouldn’t even want to get redeemed, so the demon might just be there to see if it’s possible, or maybe tug it into a different more workable direction... Like a safe place to recover in pride, which is similar to what Charlie wants just not as extreme. Asmodeus have no way to know why this demon is helping other then apparently he’s doing a good job at it.

As for Lucifer being there, it’s clear it’s merely him trying to reconnect with his dotter which on it’s own is really good it means Lucifer is trying to heal instead of just being cooped up in his room at the castle. Which is most likely what he’s been doing for the last decade or two, with non of them having been able to pull him out without some excessive amount of force, and you can’t say Lucifer is weak, no he’s one of if not the strongest of the sins.

Lucifer just don’t really use that power allot.

# I would need to talk with either of them to get better picture on what’s actually going on. but it does sounds like your dad have a crush. this is good thing it means he’s moved on even if only starting to do so, that won’t stop him form adoring you little one #

# what do you say we come and visit after the clown pageant in three days. How do that sound? #

Asmodeus hoped this would be the last time, given that Fizzarolli have won it ten years in a row now. he don’t need to keep competing in it, and get a way in a remote hotel may do some good, afterward, considering some of his lover’s fans tended to get well to close for comfort, and the whole kidnap incident don’t help.

# yes! Yes! Yes! I’d love to have you here and meet our patrons, see the hotel #

# Great, we’ll love to meet them all #

“looks like we’re taking a trip to Pride” Fizzarolli stated curious about the ring he rarely ever visits, mostly due to how dangerous it can get and the fact that Fizzarolli isn’t a fighter means he don’t have as easy to defend himself if needed.

Even if he could defend himself it would be with great difficulty given that sinner demons are stronger then hellborn, with only the nobles outpowering them, but then there’s the higher classed sinners who can match those powers head on, with some potentially even overpowering them. both the cannibal queen and a fellow entertainer came to mind at that.

In the other rings he didn’t need to worry about sinner demons due to them being restricted to pride, but that’s only the last 600 years or so. before that point then sinner demons could go to any ring, and if the exterminations where to stop then what keep them contained wouldn’t do so anymore.

On the other hand going to the pride ring and meeting Charlie in person for the first time, given that they’ve only talked over phone. While she’s a ball of sunshine more often then not, Charlie’s not so good at being subtle, at least with this it would be restricted to the hotel hopefully.

In the pride ring thought Charlie where delighted as she delivered the news that Asmodeus would be coming with his for several years now lover as well.

Lucifer had startled, surprised at the sudden visit, as did the others thought Alastor simply shrugged and apparently that’s that. Angel Dust’s reaction thought where practically drooling at the thought of the lust sin.


Alastor where currently cooking a feast for the two’s arrival in a little while, but he where also humming to a specific song his static is currently playing for kicks, and Alastor found it hilarious. Especially as it’s a song dedicated to curse the greed sin he didn’t like at all.

But for them to come here means that the two can get away from the aftermath of the clown pageant which is likely needed, given that Asmodeus declared his love for the imp in front of the entire greed ring. News that quickly spread much to everyone delight and Alastor’s amused surprise with just the sheer number of demons shipping the two prior that point.

Charlie’s reaction to the news was a loud shout of I Knew It, before sending a quick message asking if they’re all right after confronting Mammon, which she got reply that they are.

In the main hall of the Hotel Charlie where practically bouncing on the spot, she wants them to be here now, not later.

“Charlie calm down, they’ll arrive when they arrive” Vaggie said wanting her to calm down a little at the least.

“but I’ve not seen uncle Ozzie for two decades now” Charlie complained, thought one thing did occur to her. ‘Where’s Alastor and my dad for that matter?’ Charlie wondered and didn’t see either of them here.

Were Alastor still cooking? That’s possible, given the two were going to arrive near dinner time, having a good meal ready is good treatment.

Outside of the Hotel a car stopped, and two figured stepped out and paused staring at the hotel.

It’s bizarre, as Fizz tilted his head slightly Fizz tilted his head “is that a carnival?” he wondered, and that’s a good description of said hotel building.

Bright lights decorating it with painted glass windows yet the building shape. Having a giant glowing sign saying Hazbin hotel, with massive eye just under it. to the thankfully dark red color with black parts being quite good combination, it’s just that said building looked like you had stacked several different houses on top of each other... together with a carnival tent at the entrance, an small tower that defies gravity, a cruise ship resting on the tip of all things.

“it’s interesting to say the least“ Asmodeus agreed finding it fascinating that the entire structure actually share the same color scheme over having a mish mash one.

Yet they didn’t get to actually enter the building before the hotel’s double doors flew open and a blur crashed into Asmodeus who barely caught his niece who were now hugging him. holding back a flinch as Fizzy’s claws dug into his shoulders and grip tightened to avoid falling off, at the sudden movement, before loosing again.

“hey little Cutie” Ozzie greeted thought neither of them understood what Charlie just said into his jacket.

Tugging her loose from the hug, “let’s try that again shall we?” Ozzie asked.

And Charlie laughed “sure, uncle Ozzie” grinning with eyes alight in joy before noticing Fizzarolli.

“you must be Fizzi I’ve heard so much about. It’s wonderful to finally meet you in person” Charlie quickly went off.

“yep that’s me, honored to finally meet you, Princess” Fizz greeted, with his best performance smile, yet Asmodeus could sense the other where somewhat nervous. Not surprising he would be meeting two of Ozzie’s family so that’s to be expected.

“Call me Charlie, we’re family after all” she quickly dismissed the princess title, and the moment she got the chance pulled the imp into a hug.

“Where is your father by the way?” Ozzie wondered, as he noticed a familiar lust figure at the bar yet the other four are unknown and the resident king of hell wasn’t in sight either.

“ah he’s” Charlie hesitated at that.

“right here” Lucifer said startling them. giving Asmodeus a smile “good to see you again, Ozzie” he greeted not quite sure who Fizzarolli is given the slight confusion that shone in his eyes for a moment. But that didn’t surprise the other sin, Lucifer likely not been up to date with current events for decades.

The two lovers on the other hand did share one thought at the moment, seeing the two small fairy like dolls hanging off Lucifer’s shoulders, that gave a merry wave for a moment.

“dad, this is Fizzarolli he’s Uncle Ozzie’s boyfriend” Charlie chimed introducing the jester.

“yep that’s me, honored to meet you, your majesty” Fizz greeted.

Lucifer jolted slightly “ah, oh no you’re family no titles” Lucifer quickly denied which was pretty expected for Asmodeus. “these little two ladies are Apple and Blueberry they’re the ones renovating the hotel” he continued gesturing to the two dolls.

“now lets introduce you to my friends” Charlie said taking Ozzie’s hand as they entered the building.


The inside had gotten a color change from earlier, less bright reds, and more darker ones mixing with bronze, and warm browns, making the hotel very comfy together with the black and gold details, adding a expensive regal feel, thought the bar had some morbid yet interesting decorations even if it followed similar color scheme.

There where also decorations from balloons set up to a banner that said welcome, as he wrapped a arm around Fizz, as he felt tail wrap around his leg.

Fizzarolli where nervous not only due to meeting his niece but also meeting lucifer to boot, in addition as a few sinners, even as Charlie quickly let go before grabbing a grey colored girl, with long grey-white mixed hair that reminded him somewhat of moth wings, but she also had a eyepatch covering the left eye.

“uncles, this is Vaggie my girl friend I’ve been telling you about” Charlie introduced, who also appeared a bit nervous.

“I’m glad to finally meet you Charlie talks allot about you” Vaggie greeted.

“I can say the same. it’s wonderful to finally meet the girl who captured my niece’s heart four years ago” Ozzie responded, thought he could swear that something where off about her. She didn’t feel like a sinner but didn’t register quite as a hellborn due to that off feeling, almost as if she where an-

“this is Husk our bartender, and while he may be grumpy he’s a good listener” Charlie introduced the very much grumpy winged cat who had rather interesting markings, a deck of card, from white, black and red mixing, dressed in a pair of dress-pants, with matching cuffs at his wrists.

“and our housekeeper Niffty who we are 80% curtain she’s harmless” Charlie heisted slightly, as she gestured to the tiny cyclops, that practically vibrating.

“hey! I’m Niffty are you a bad boy?” she asked and Asmodeus leaned back slightly taken back for a moment due to how unexpected that where, for a introduction. Perhaps the 80% curtain being harmless had something to do with it, or something else, the cyclops was confusing to his senses to say the least. As if titled for lack of better words?

“as much as you want me to be” Ozzie decided and chuckled when she swooned.

Charlie on the other hand sighted as Lucifer awkwardly patted her shoulder “really you should have expected this” Lucifer commented, on the very literal and obvious point.

“guess I should have” she laughed awkwardly for a moment. “and these two are our guests, Sir Pentious and Angel dust” Charlie continued, gesturing to the snake first before moving onto the spider.

Fizz’s eyes drew to the sentient hat? It’s alive probably, fun actually, but that’s allot of eye markings on the mostly black colored serpent, looked like an interesting fellow to say the least.

“your sinfulness” Pentious greeted with a salute of all things.

Angel Dust, the actual real Angel dust as one of the guests surprised both of them and Fizz perked in excitement. Ozzie had also wanted to have Angel preform at his club for ages now, and would managed it to if not for the ban of sinners traveling to other rings and his well boss being questionable at best.

He had a fitting playful yet sensual smirk gracing his lips “hello big daddy. And the real Fizz it’s a true pleasure and my lucky day to meet you” he practically purred much to Asmodeu’s amusem*nt, because for a sinner demon there’s no doubt in his mind that this spider is one of lust.

“I wouldn’t mind a three way” Ozzie grinned as Angel dust’s eyes widened for a moment before his expression brightened.

“oh I’d love to give you a private show, if ya know what I mean” Angel continued, truly delighted.

“Angel” Charlie interrupted, “don’t steal my uncles” she pouted at that, before turning to the pair. “and please don’t sleep with my guests while you’re here” she begged them in a quieter tone.

Asmodeus frowned lightly at that. “Charlie, while I love you I can’t and won’t promise that, especially not if they consent” he said bluntly.

“there’s one more but it looks like he’s still working on the dinner, so his introduction will have to wait for now” Vaggie interjected as the two dolls jumped down and vanished off somewhere into the building.

“your backer right” Ozzie commented, and Charlie grinned nodded her head quickly.

“yes, Al’s wonderful and his cooking is to die for!” she squealed.

Angel chuckled “yeah smile’s a five star chef that’s for sure, from the music we’ll be having a feast tonight” he agreed easily.

‘music?’ was the shared thought, as Fizzarolli and Asmodeus shared a glance but yes when listening closer, there where a familiar song hearable in the air even if on a low volume.

“I’m guessing he liked my song” Fizz commented, recognizing it from the clown off finals.

At that Lucifer burst out laughing. “he found it hilarious and Al for some reason don’t like Mamon” Lucifer explained, with shrug as he haven’t a clue as to why, even if most sins dislike Mamon in general for rather good reasons to. Mamon tended to be well problematic and clash allot with the others for no apparent reason allot of the time.


An, chapter over...

And yes it ended up with lucifer getting a crush on Alastor, still if it becomes a relationship, it won’t be sexual.

Alastor is still asexual in this fic, but he’s not aromantic in this.

still ace, even if he where to shift into a different species and be as sensual as he feels like at the moment he still don’t care about sex at all, but depending on form would be more willing, as the form’s current apparent-species do affect a peryton in varying levels.

on the other hand he’s not Aromantic in this fic, this is due to Alastor is harry, and one thing that’s core to harry is his capacity to love, and have taken partners before but often far between with few centuries between each.
Update and possible minor alteration about peryton in this fic.
Their shadows tend to be sentient as norm but this sentience vary in level from common animal to small child or a adult being with sharp intelligence, depends on the peryton.
The eat a fresh heart to be sexual/fertile have been decided to be split apart. a peryton can be however sexual as they like, but varying levels of asexual is normal for them, to care little to outright ignore it. there are those who are sex positive or more willing, this thought is rarer and considered uncommon for the species.
The Fresh heart still rings true but that’s if the peryton wants to have children

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 masquerade



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The others where talking as a voice flowed thru the room smoothly “and the feast is complete” you could practically hear the grin in the words.

Fizz and Asmodeus turned toward where the voice had come from but didn’t see anyone there until a figure appeared out of thin air and shadows, as if he just teleported or some version of it.

Welcome to the Hazbin hotel” Alastor greeted with charismatic pull while the two took him in “I’m Alastor the hotelier of this interesting place” he continued gesturing his hand toward the general area that is the hotel itself.

‘al? Alastor?’ was the single thought for a moment before it clicked who the hotel host and sponsor actually is and Fizz’s eyes widened but otherwise tried to kept his face straight. Yet Asmodeus could tell the imp is not nervous but exited and then it clicked who this is.

“I didn’t know I would be meeting celebrity” Fizz said clearly exited as he offered a hand and Alastor tilted his head for a moment before accepting the handshake. “I love meeting fellow entertainers” he continued cheerfully even with this one being possible one of the most dangerous demons around.

the Radio Demon, Alastor one of hell’s most famous entertainers for several centuries now and still running, not even weakening in that status at all even with the close to 7 year vacation, but also Charlie’s sole backer and fellow manager of the hotel. Thought why he would offer that none of them knew unless Alastor where outright serious with doing it out of curiosity, like Charlie told them he had come here for in the first place.

that’s something I agree fully on, but weren’t greed ring, person non grata” Alastor a single ear tilting confused, he’s curtain that the radio signal there is well shot to hell as the saying goes. There outright is no signal there, even tv have problems getting one with the quality being far lower then other rings, as the sound tended to vanish and image often very staticky at best of times, they’re lucky to have some phone signal at all.

“Mamon got a specially made radio to get signal from another ring, I think, not quite sure what the did but the sin often complained at how much it cost to have it made, I mostly heard several of your shows from Lust ring” Fizz answered without any problem. But it did partially explain why the greed ring have zero radio signals, even if you bring a radio there it just wouldn’t pick up on anything, explaining why Mamo’s radio took signals from other rings instead which apparently cost him allot to get.

“so Lucy wasn’t joking with you having a dislike for Mamon?” Asmodeus asked curiously, as Alastor gestured for them to follow into the dining lounge.

“hm?” was a hummed response.

Charlie shared a glance with Vaggie both relived that nothing happened, and it didn’t seem that Alastor’s normal scarry self-did anything other than startle the two at his sudden appearance.

“I have been wondering about that also” Lucifer admitted, haven’t gotten to ask why.

The ever present static got louder for a moment as Alastor’s grin sharpened into something more predatory, dangerous, lethal making Fizzarolli shiver tail instantly wrapping around Asmodeu’s leg, but the others also shivered while the air got darker.

400 years ago I where actively traveling the rings sating my curiosity and I am a traveler by nature. I encountered Mamon in greed, he wanted a business agreement, something I normally avoid unless charity which have an odd habit of turning to profit for me when I try to get rid of money” Alastor started making them all blink at that peculiar comment even as the area where still draining of all light sources. “I did entertain him by listening to said offer until he got to more sexual content” and at that all residents of the hotel violently flinched, while the pair shared a confused look for a moment.

“the f*ck? The sin asked an asexual do sex work?” Angel sputtered shocked, and that explained the prior flinch.

Alastor blinked at that light returning to normal and the lethal feel vanished into thin air “the what now?” he asked smile smaller and twisted slightly into his version of a smiling frown.

“you don’t, actually that don’t uprise me, someone who don’t feel anything for sex or outright repulsed by it the level varies depending on the person” came Angel’s swift reply.

well that tracks” Alastor shrugged not like mortal sexual tags ever bothered him, with magicals a partner is a partner what gender or preferences for who or what said partner is, so specific tags for it haven’t ever formed.

“never mind that, I’m guessing you left at that point?” Lucifer asked but he suspected something else happened.

I punted the bastard thru a mountain” Alastor deadpanned and yaws dropped.

‘he what!?’ Ozzie thought stunned, before truly taking in the supposed sinner or no a hellborn? He couldn’t feel a trace of a mortal soul, something sinners still had touch of even if they weren’t mortal anymore and Alastor had none of that touch. No he had the feel of an immortal, one who’s magic radiated off his form akin to that of an Ars Goetia... just that from Alastor it’s several times more intense and denser then the avian demons.

The presence flowed with the fluent smooth chill of shadows together with the unpredictable playful feel of chaos weaving thru it in seamless blend of immense depths and strength. Strength that far surpassed that of a noble demon, and felt closer on par with his own or Lucy’s, which speaks of one thing and one thing alone.

“you’re a embodiment aren’t you” the lust sin spoke the words before he could stop them.

The others stilled even Lucifer who while suspected and practically confirmed it, haven’t actually asked.

Alastor on the other hand closed his eyes with amusem*nt, with wider smile, “I am” he agreed easily not even bothered by it.

but unlike you I’m a force of nature not an emotional concept” Alastor continued with absent shrug.

Fizz looked back and forth for a moment as stunned as the others at hearing that because he hadn’t known elemental forces could be embodiments, outside of the novel series he tend to read... but that one is about a imp traveler as they learn more of magic and the nature personifications not actual embodiments thought those do exist in the series as ancient myths for the in lore of the novel. but that still held a slight truth, with personifications being a step or two under the embodiments, with every ones in a while a demon or odd case human will appear that truly personify a specific sin.

“I didn’t know that where possible” Charlie murmured sitting down in one of the chairs a bit shocked, not even registering the food on said table yet.

“sin’s are more common to personify in hell” was Lucifer’s offhanded answer because Lucifer already knew, he practically confirmed it within the first week and hadn’t really bothered asking, so he weren’t surprised or shocked by it like the others where.

Taking in the feast with bright eyes, as he almost salivated, “and you outdid yourself, this scent is absolutely mouthwatering” Lucifer continued eyes quickly moving from one dish to another, wondering what he should pick, and having major problems deciding.

you compliment me so” Alastor responded as if it’s normal, and the others took in the feast at said table.

From how the food appear to sparkle with something magical and the scent alone, was a experience all on it’s own as they filled their plates with food.

“talk about welcome” Fizz said as he swallowed a bite of the food who were not only magical but outright otherworldly.

“it’s been centuries sense I encountered a chef able to cook food to this degree” Ozzie admitted because this is incredible delicious, but is it Alastor’s normal standard if so then they will be spoiled by staying here.

Alastor grin widened, pleased that they’re enjoying his food as he put some meat dishes on his own place.


It where Nifty who cooked breakfast the morning after, and apparently the only other apart of in rare cases Angel dust that’s trusted to cook.

Or trusted with the kitchen it’s a bit hard to tell.

He did find Lucifer on the balcony drinking a comically large cup of coffee of all things. “I’m not sure I want to ask” Ozzie commented.

“I am better then before” Lucifer countered, but didn’t say he’s good, no he’s well aware that he got problems.

“and that’s a relief. Thought do you mind explaining why your dotter think you got a crush on a curtain hotelier?” Ozzie asked and Lucifer blushed bright red as that registered.

“I well he is a impressive demon” Lucifer started and Asmodeus raised a brow to that, sitting down in a new chair he conjured more fitting for his size.

“his demonic form is breathtakingly terrifying, he grows larger in that form which kind of expected I’m the only embodiment I know of that don’t get a size increase. But Alastor’s it’s terror, it’s unknown fear, as if the void of shadows and that makes it truly breathtaking. From the regal tailfeathers to the otherworldly wings, his antlers growing into several set that enhanced feel of a shattered crown and something primal. The absolute control and practiced ease he exorcised that haunting aura is incredible” Lucifer continued with a laugh as he thought back to the song battle with the tv demon.

Asmodeus hummed “yes he did appear to hold an aura of terror draping over his form with practiced ease” the lust sin agreed.

“given he is shadows, thus unseen, the horrors in the dark that’s capable of playing with your mind, where you don’t know if any of it is real or not? shadow magic is freaking terrifying, and he’s very good at it” Lucifer nodded.

“shadows huh” Ozzie mused and noted the kind of gesture which confused him.

“either shadows or chaos, maybe both I’m not sure” Lucifer admitted, “still haven’t figured out what he is, outside of probably, no defiantly a magicborn species” he continued.

Blinking for a moment, “wait did you say wings?” Ozzie asked.

“ah yes, Al got wings, 12 of them in total, an void black with crimson inner light shimmering thru them feathered with faint shadowy-energy feel as if the feathers aren’t solid making them very, very smooth to the touch” Lucifer answered.

Asmodeus stared at his chosen brother for a moment “and why do you know how the Radio demon’s wings feel like?” that question came out insinuating something making Lucifer blush again.

Grumbling for a moment before sighting. “a week or so, after choosing to stay here, I got to see Alastor’s demonic form, his healthy and pristine wings reminded me of my own. And well they were bad, really bad” Lucifer grimaced and sank down into the chair further. “apparently I missed both breakfast and lunch, which made Alastor come looking for me, he picked up on the scent of blood, before I could do anything, I tried to talk the damage down with Alastor dismissing my attempts on the spot before offering a deal to help me with my wings and in return I get to preen his, so I have preened Alastor wings ones” Lucifer quickly finished.

Blinking slowly, “well that’s a chaotic demon” Asmodeus commented, a deal to preen Lucifers wings and price is preen his in return? that’s equal, with reward and price being the same, and all too simply tend to Lucifer’s clearly injured wings?

“how bad where your wings, if you were bleeding” Ozzie started, already knowing that, if the wings are bleeding at points then it’s bad.

Lucifer mumbled for a moment before sighting “broken feathers, bleeding ones, as well as fractured bones and I haven’t a clue as to how but severed muscles as well. Alastor patched it all together, he’s strangely a good healer for someone known to eat overlords” Lucifer admitted.

“you should have tended to them long before they got to that point” Ozzie stated, not likening that Lucifer had neglected his own health to such point where he ended up breaking his wings, and the sheer pain that would cause alone.

“yeah I know, Alastor said that as well when he looked over how well they were healing a few days later” Lucifer admitted, sighting “for a demon that’s purely here out of intrigued curiosity and entertainment he do care allot, thought I haven’t a foggiest what’s up with that cheshire smile of his”

“that might be a species quirk” Asmodeus suggested making Lucifer blink repeatedly, before trying to get the conversation back on track. “that don’t answer to why you haven’t done something of your affections” he continued.

“I well, he’s ace” Lucifer tried to backtrack.

“that don’t mean aromantic” came Ozzie’s swift counter not dropping it

“I just, I’m not sure I deserve to try” Lucifer admitted, and Ozzie stood up instantly at that.

“no, no, no you don’t get to think that” he practically ordered. “if you like him then try, Alastor seams to the kind of demon who allows something if only to see where it might go. And if he makes you happy then he makes you happy. You are allowed to be happy” Asmodeus continued pocking Lucifer in the chest.

“you can’t say your rank affect anything either because Alastor is also an embodiment, likely only became a overlord by technically given he’s never ones promoted his true nature to hell who’s very much unaware of a 8th king” he continued. “if Alastor don’t want a relationship then so be it, but you won’t know until you ask” Asmodeus continued.

Lucifer where quiet for a while after that. “I know” Lucifer admitted quietly, he wasn’t sure if he dared to hope.

“Lucy you deserves to be happy to be loved” Ozzie stated his belief as he sat down again “let yourself believe that also”


Fizzarolli where delighted and somewhat confused, he hadn’t known that shadows could be sentient, but it where interesting talking about entertainment with Alastor, one of the few entertainers Fizz had looked up to, and unlike his hero this one where allot more pleasant.

Terrifying and capable of killing overlords when choosing, but a polite gentleman, if chaotic tease at the same time.

Alastor laughed “oh I’d love to have your song recorded with proper audio quality, of course you’d get the dominant profits from it but I can just imagine the bastard expression when the song get a proper track” he grinned almost hungry at the thought making Fizz blink.

‘huh, the radio demon can get petty’ he thought amused and intrigued by the fact.

The demon wasn’t only an terrifying force to be reckoned with but also a person.

Ozzie entered the common room, dodging under the door for a moment as he entered, “what are you talking about Froggie?” he asked curious as Alastor snapped his fingers and a armchair more fitting for his size appeared.

“performances, Ozzie” Fizz answered before the offer registered in his mind. “wait, wait you want me to record the song?” he asked head snapping back to Alastor.

it deserves the attention” Shadow stated.

of course it’s your choice, if you don’t want to then so be it” Alastor continued his smile softer. “both me and Haza would be delighted having you preform at live stage or join one of my programs as a guest host or singer” he continued.

Asmodeus looked at the deer based demon for a moment as he took apart the words, “you really run hard on choice don’t you” he stated after a moment.

free will is important” Shadow nodded, arm wrapping around Alastor’s neck.

we hold free will to choose, freely given very highly” Alastor explained.

when it comes to spells, then forcible taking something tend to twist and corrupt the spell in unnatural way, but also makes contracts weak because the intent is against the deal, while one done out of free will and or acceptance is terrifyingly strong” Shadow continued.

“huh” Asmodeus mused he hadn’t know that, given he had been recently reminded that deals made with sins are ever binding, it’s part why none of them ever tried to become a dealmaker of any form. even Mamon is only a businessman.

Thought at that train of thoughts his mind screeched to a halt because Alastor is a dealmaker renown one, everyone who’s heard of the radio demon is aware of that, but he’s also a embodiment meaning his deals are permanent so how?

“how, how can you be a dealmaker and an embodiment? The mere contracts becomes everlasting as a curtain owl reminded me a deal is higher specially with true dealmakers that would be even stronger” Asmodeus asked trying to understand how this enigma, undeniable enigma of a demon can be both and continue with it so seamlessly.

Alastor hummed amused, while Shadow cackled.

I’ve had millennia’s of experience in voiding or neutralizing deals, rewriting to overwriting contracts, wouldn’t be much of a dealmaker if I didn’t know how to do that” Alastor answered easily, offhandedly even if he just said he could void a contract made by a embodiment.

“you can break contracts” Fizz said out stunned, only for Alastor to grimace of sort, his smile shrinking to a thin line as his ears snapped back pinning against his head and his shadow mirrored the expression if with slight different twist to the smile.

no, no, no that’s a horrible idea” Alastor quickly shook his head. “breaking a contract is terrible, it’s same as a oathbreach while you can potentially survive most don’t want to live by the time the punishment is over when triggered. I’d just be tormenting the poor contractee until death which is opposite of what you want when trying to end a deal for someone” his smile returned to somewhat normal, and ears not as pinned back as moments ago.

to neutralize a contract all you need is a second contract that have priority so when that one is triggered the old contract simply fade away, voiding a deal is just what it say you claim it and then cancel the contract because you don’t need it or want it, overwriting or rewriting is similar cases” Shadow explained.

Asmodeus mused at that information and weren’t alone in that given that Lucifer stood somewhat started near the door, having just come back with a cup of warm chocolate in his hands and apparently heard that explanation. But it did cause a curtain question.

“could you, void another’s contract?” he asked.

Alastor tiled his head for a moment while shadow vanished off to who knows where “are you talking about the sex bots?” he asked instead.

“i don’t want to think about those” Fizzarolli complained.


In another room, the others where watching a movie.

Charlie covered her eyes not quite able to say anything about the film. For their film night, “enough of that, Angel what the f*ck?” Vaggie asked

“what you said it was show n tell day. I’m showing you my best film and I’m tellin you that it scored me a win over that bitch Tiffany titf*cker” Angel huffed.

“ya know not a very convincing interrogation scene” Husk stated from the bar who where next to the common room.

“alright dickhe*d what makes you think you have any right to insult my work to my f*ckin face?” Angel demanded as he leaned against the sofa’s back to look at Husk.

Putting down the glass “you really going to sit there and act like these scripts ain’t hot garbage?” Husk countered.

Gasping “f*ck you, this is classy art” gesturing toward the move who’s still playing, with only Angel and Nifty actually enjoying it, with both Charlie and Sir Pentious hiding.

“bullsh*t” husk rolled his eyes and walked up to the room n sofa, a bear in his hand. “you get drunk and bitch about them all the time. everyone likes to bitch to the bartender I know everything about you and these motherf*ckers at this point” husk complained.

Pointing at Pentious “that one is an insecure buffoon whose lonely ass watches you idiots sleep” he started and Pentious dropped before startling. “princess is a bleeding heart who wants to solve everybody else’s problems cept her own” Husk continued.

“what? no, I what?” that came out more as a stammer and no one there believed it.

Moving on to Vaggie “this one judges everyone and everything because she hates herself” that got them a groan from her.

“and Nifty” Husk paused. “you don’t even want to know what her deal is” Husk decided and drank more from his bottle.

Angel thought burst out laughing “you weren’t kidding” Angel said still laughing, “wow, kitten’s got claws” he continued sitting at the arm-rest flirting.

Husk jerked back “and you don’t get me started, I see right through you and all this bullsh*t and how fake you are” Husk continued.

“oh, me? fake?” Angel started insulted before his expression deadpanned “wow I had no idea, guess that’s why I am an actor dumbass, and what even is Smile’s and big boss issue anyhow?” Angel switched tracks rather curious.

“Lucifer? He’s poster image for depression” Husk deadpanned, and Charlie flinched because it’s not really secret, they’ve all seen those signs the longer her dad stayed and apparently Alastor picked it up first.

“as for my boss, he got the strangest relationship with games avoid them to point where you won’t ever see him playing or gambling unless some bizarre exception because even Al himself is frustrated at the fact that he never looses and when he do it’s due to outside interference cancling the game in the process” Husk grumbled, it’s why he lost his soul, and Alastor had even faceplanted his head right into the table afterwards, muttering about that he shouldn’t have played in the first place.

While Husk wasn’t an overlord anymore he still got the power level and magics he had as one, stronger now actually, and Alastor for a owner isn’t bad. A tease but his comments weren’t said with bad intention and more being his normal chaotic self.

Angel blinked as did the others “say what now?” Angel asked stunned, before his phone rang. “excuse me” he continued walking off as he answered the call.

“err, well looks like Val needs me for an emergency shoot” Angel hesitated and head toward the door while Charlie ran in front of him.

“Angel you can’t leave yet, we haven’t finished our exercises for the day” Charlie interrupted closing the door.

“I’m sure you’ll do fine without me” Angel stated.

“there isn’t much time left for the hotel to prove itself” Charlie tried.

“it’s my job” Angel snapped “I know you want to fix everything but unless you can fix my boss there’s nothing you can do” Angel stated before opening the door and left.

Charlie sank down to the floor “urrgh why is this so hard?” she complained.

“well I mean. You are the princess of hell” Vaggie tried as she walked thru the entrance lobby both the bar and their mainly used common room are connected to.

“so?” she wondered.

“so, you don’t really use the power that comes with that, which I love about you, but maybe you can I don’t know command a little more authority?” Vaggie suggested.

“but that’s so mean” Charlie complained.

“it’s not mean exactly it’s aggressive kindness” Vaggie tried.

“okay” Charlie cheered up at that standing up “I can be so aggressively kind to Angel’s boss-“ Charlie started only to almost fall down again as shadows wrapped around her legs.

“what? what gives” Charlie frowned trying to get loose.

no, not going to happen” a voice said out with similar radio filter but didn’t sound like Alastor, similar but not the same. the black figure rose from the floor, eyes glowing white and smile a thin line.

you going there can make it way worse then it already is, and two don’t mess with his chance of getting free” Shadow stated with his fingers counting.

“get free? Angel’s under soul contract for his work” Husk pointed out.

two actually, as he’s a registered guest at the hotel it counts as a contract, one that’s not only stronger but dominant with priority over his work contract as it’s one for protection. It don’t matter if Angel is in the hotel or outside of it, meaning any who do harm him will forfeit their life and soul to me, releasing Angel and all other souls owned by that person in process” Shadow continued.

Husk stared stunned “you secretly bastard, you’ve been preparing Angel’s freedom from the start” he said and decided to take an even larger gulp of booze.

Shadow shrugged “either that or make his work easier” he admitted, even if it had been an accident considering that Alastor hadn’t known who Angel’s boss where until a week after arriving at the hotel.

“wait if Angel looses his work, he can stay here all the time but, he still looses his work” Charlie shook her head.

he’s good at singing” Shadow grinned a more twisted one due to how the white fangs n mouth curled into almost spirals at points.

“Alastor will offer a new job?” sir Pentious realized, before the shadow vanished and Charlie where released.


At the p*rn studio Angel had started working, and quickly realized that it would be a long night hard night.

“and Action” Valentino started for a retake of the scene even as music surfaced from somewhere.

Eyes snapping open “I’m not above a love to cash in” Angel started singing and danced to the bed. “another lover underneath those flashing lights”

“another one of those ruthless nights” he continued as the group came close, but it made things interesting. A different flare that sells just as good as Angel’s normal stuff, yet he where completely unaware of the white almost see thru owl that where looking at all of them from a hidden spot near the ceiling.

Yet the song ended up fading after that point to Valentino’s confusion, normally a song runs to it’s completion or perhaps the film acting interrupted it? thought the song ended up scattered and fractured in pieces across the entire night, a single sentence and stopping before picked up at different point as Angel worked.

“I got so good at bein' untrue, I got so good at tellin' you what you wanna hear. I disassociate, disappear”

The night were getting steadily and rapidly worse, becoming harder then normal.

“I'm chokin' from the taste and I can't help but swallow up your poison. I made my choice, and every night, I'm wasted like there's no tomorrow” Angel sang the next lines, of the shattered song. Wanting the day to be over.

As Angel felt his body break, his mind hurting even worse, as exhaustion seeped in, as Angel finally could stumble back into his own dressing room, the song drifting on his mind as he sank down.

Repeating it in it’s completed state yet voice quiet not hearable for anyone outside of the room,

“I'm not above love to cash in
Another lover underneath those flashin' lights
Another one of those ruthless nights
Yeah, yeah, yeah

I shoulda guessed that this would happen
I shoulda known it when I looked in your red-hot eyes
Spewin' all your red-hot lies
Yeah, yeah, yeah

What's the worst part of this hell?
I can only blame myself

'Cause I know you're poison, you're feedin' me poison
Addicted to this feelin', I can't help but swallow up your poison
I made my choice, and every night, I'm livin' like there's no tomorrow

Oh-oh, oh-oh
Any way you want me, baby, that's the way you got me
I'll be yours
My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison

I got so good at bein' untrue
I got so good at tellin' you what you wanna hear
I disassociate, disappear
Yeah, yeah, yeah

So far beyond difficult to resist another gulp

Yeah, I know it's poison, you're feedin' me poison
I'm chokin' from the taste and I can't help but swallow up your poison
I made my choice, and every night, I'm wasted like there's no tomorrow

Oh-oh, oh-oh
Any way you want me, baby, that's the way you got me
I'll be yours
My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison

Poison, I'm drownin' in poison
I'm fillin' up my glass but it's always hollow
Full of poison, I'm sick of the poison
Wish I had somethin' to live for tomorrow”

Angel finally finished, his body shaking, as Hedwig flew thru the wall n ceiling landing in front of him, with a soft hoot.

“wha? Hedwig?” Angel asked out startled as the ghostly avian hooted again, before stretching out a leg as if holding out a hand to grab.

“you’ve been watching me the entire night?” Angel asked and got a nod in response, the owl is scary intelligent and undeniable a higher class familiar. the avian typically played illusion present but not noticed, helped keep Alastor calm thought.

Or not calm per say stable? Thought when thinking of it, aren’t familiars suppose to assist their wizard with various tasks, like smile’s puppets, or those two dolls of his, yet perhaps the task this kind of familiar preformed some mental assistance instead.

Dismissing that train of thought for now, he knew way to little about magics to know how familiars works in reality outside of fiction.

Hedwig hotted at him with glowing eyes that brightened “right, you want me to grab your foot?” Angel decided to ask and got a nodded hoot in response.

When he accepted the talons Angel’s eyes widened as the wings stretched and then they vanished into a mist where Angel couldn’t even see his own hand before stumbling down his grip lost as Hedwig continued on landing on one of the decorations of the bar.

The hotel bar.

‘did the owl just teleport me back?!’ Angel thought with an inner scream.

A whistle where heard and Angel snapped his head toward it. “I where wondering since finding out who your boss were, when this would happen” Husk commented idly, grabbing a medic kit that looked like a large bag in size.

As two clawed hands settled on his shoulders gently tugging him toward a chair as shadows wrapped around his waist and legs as if crutch helping him stand to get there before it disappeared. “wait, Al” Angel wondered, aren’t Alastor slightly smaller than him normally, yet right now he’s equally tall.

Completely missing that Husk had opened the bag, and taken out bandages, disinfectant for the wounds.

you’re safe here” Alastor said instead.

Angel at that laughed “safe? Safe where he owns my soul I if he-“ trailing off with eyes widening as Alastor summoned a contract he didn’t quite recognize yet held his name on it.

It took a moment reading thru the text to realize what it where. The hotel guest registration but it’s different, Changed.

this one was formed of parchment, and the text glowing.

as a guest of this hotel you are under my protection, it don’t matter where you are or what time it is, if free time or at work” Alastor started as he accepted the cloth to clean some of the wounds on his side.

protection deals are strong and if you’re threatened to leave then it’s triggered, if you’re harmed then it’s triggered, like tonight when you where sexually work abused” Alastor continued yet how his eyes flashed to black n red made Angel snap his mouth shut and any denial or counter died on his tongue.

“even if you’re a lust demon, he took it to far” Husk stated with scowl, even Alastor’s smile was smaller thinner more baring fangs then typical smile, especially with his ears tilted back slightly in clear agitation.

“can this really work?” Angel asked almost desperately could get counter his work contract?

Husk huffed at that, as he grabbed some of the bandages for angel’s lower arm. “protection deals are one of the strongest ones existing, most don’t know that due to the chance of anyone wanting to give one out” he grumbled “red here is one of the few who actively provide such deals, and he don’t even need them for power” Husk continued.

it do well in providing your power base thought doesn’t it” Alastor countered jabbing a claw in Husk’s direction as the winged feline didn’t comment on it. it’s true,

but yes, as backer for this hotel one and strongest offer I grant it is protection for those working or live here. it’s a deal that takes priority and capable of nullifying other contracts and allows me to outright claim any culprit that causes a protectee harm” Alastor explained refocusing on the task at hand.

you won’t ever need to return to that studio and if you want work I can always provide something akin to your taste” that last part ended up being more offhanded making Angel blink.

“yeah, yeah he can earn allot with actual large stage performances in studio live” Husk rolled his eyes. “but you need to heal first”

“that’s not a p*rn studio” Angel stated it’s more a club restaurant mix with gigantic theater and one of the most well known ones to. Valentino hates the place mostly due to him being banned for some reason Angel didn’t know, but if Alastor can fix work there then that might be the answer.

Either he sponsor Studio live or chance of Alastor actually owning it which was a rather large chance given the deer themed demon liked true proper power shows, with skill over perverted p*rn movies.

it’s a Show, with varying performances depending on the performers choice. yours would be sensual in truest sense of the word, teasing enchanting and capturing but the audience isn’t allowed to touch, to their dismay” Alastor chuckled.

‘can I even preform there?’ Angel wondered if he had the strength, it’s different from what Valentino preferred with is just brutal p*rn in one way or another and from what Al just said then Studio live when doing a sexual show then it’s definition of sensual and forbidden sensations.

A Watch Only show, and that defiantly peaked Angel’s interest.

“I really don’t need to go back?” he asked.

Alastor’s smile shifted to a very dangerous one, lethal, deadly, Hungry.

oh don’t you worry about moth bastard, I’ll deal with him publically in tomorrows overlord meeting or after depending if the v shows up” humming for a moment.


Chapter 6 complete.
And contracts are complicated, using minor flare of magical oaths concept with breaking one causing several damage or outright death, breaking deals do such similar while using other means to void it, nullify, overwrite or rewrite don’t because then the contract either don’t exist anymore or uses different restrictions.
This also isn’t common knowledge, it’s something True Dealmakers knows innately and very familiar with, they learn it naturally. Anyone else? thought luck as they just remain unaware apart of the very obvious rewrite for contract transfer or nullify one to some degree.

Chapter 7: Chapter 7, retry meeting



I got done with the chapter early so here’s a treat with two releases at ones, next one might take a bit longer

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Alastor grumbled slightly to Shadow who agreed fully, he wanted to hunt down Valentino given he hadn’t gotten the chance to do so yesterday after Angel got back. they needed to tend to his injuries first and now he get a message that they’re holding a overlord meeting again?

Why do they even hold these meetings again? oh right to see if any overlord is killed, replaced or new one surfaced.

Pausing in the hallway for a moment as he looked at the game? no some trial? Before shaking his head... thought neither Asmodeus and Fizzarolli where in the common room yet, likely sleeping in, in their own quarter or having some other fun.

Not like he had time to check on them, or figure out what Charlie made up this time either. He had a meeting to get to who’s hopefully not going to take long time.

Vanishing into the shadows as he headed toward the meeting building.

“Alastor!” Rosie greeted meeting him at the elevators.

Rosie, Darling” Alastor returned as he accepted her hug.

“where have you been, you know things aren’t the same without your smile” Rosie asked her own smile not budging.

have been working to get the hotel up and running, using a condemned building for a potential sanctuary is a big no, no” Alastor answered easily as they entered the elevator to the meeting room.

Rosie hummed “yes, condemned buildings have no place as sanctuaries” he agreed, and if the redemption plan get tugged toward that direction then all the better. The princess would get higher chance of getting guests, given that no one believed redemption works in the first place-

It also explains why Alastor where there... given that every radio studio Alastor have is a sanctuary and the dorms and the HQ radio tower being even stronger ones, due to their secrecy... Rosie is one of the few demons that isn’t dealbound to Alastor in one way or another.

Black eyes picking up on how much sharper Alastor’s smile is then normal, it wasn’t just cheer, there’s hunger precent which means blood will be running soon, and she do wonder who it is this time.

Glancing at the other arriving overlords, both realized that all of the Vs are here for ones.

And Rosie weren’t the only one who stilled and eyed Alastor verily as his ears suddenly went from their normal perked state to leaning slightly back in visible tilt that read aggression which is their only warning of something having triggered Alastor again.

now, now this meeting is only for overlords, if you have no permission do leave” Alastor stated far to calmly and made the rest blink at that statement alone.

“what?” one of them mouthed, while Valentino frowned.

“have you amnesia? I am a overlord” Valentino snapped back, while Vox and Velvette looked confused at each other, because Alastor shouldn’t have ammunition to go after Val.

no you are not” Alastor sang out instead.

“you’ve lost it” Valentino huffed, but Alastor’s smile only sharpened into something dangerous, lethal in ways his constant cheshire smile didn’t enforce. Standing up form his chair to threaten Alastor yet before Valentino could even open his mouth again luminescent green chains materialized.

Snapping into reality as they wrapped around him and sent Valentino crashing down on the floor, with chains forming not only a choker but cuffs at his arms and legs as well.

Eyes widened, Valentino’s included, because he has no recollection of selling his soul to anyone even less the Radio Demon himself, yet the chains remained even as Valentino tugged at them, if only to confirm their actual existence.

Standing up merrily, “well looks like I finally caught a little moth” he chirped with far too much delight, while Vox tried to figure out what the hell happened to cause this.

Yet at that point Alastor’s form started twisting, growing in size to such point that he stood up bending forward in a straight 90% angle just to remain in the room. Towering over Valentino as antlers grew out and eyes turned black with glowing red dial like pupil... while the area suddenly darkened with black and crimson statis.

the green chain held in his hand as the demon towered over the moth, yet the ones who’s seen it before knows that this form isn’t Alastor’s true one, no this was but a partial shift.

you are mine, your body, your life your soul are mine to do whatever I wish” coiling up the chain as he snapped it slightly making the moth flinch at the sudden pain, and Alastor’s predatory grin widened further.

I’ll take delight in ripping your wretched soul apart piece by piece and transmit your screams for all of hell to hear” Alastor’s voice distorted as sheer power crashed down on them all, and if the others weren’t already in their chairs then they would crashed down into the floor as well under this pressure.

is that understood wretch?” he asked as Valentino shook and wasn’t alone in that, but with how the chains coiled around him squishing his throat Valentino couldn’t even answer apart of a weezy breath as he tried to breath.

The static vanished and Alastor where back to normal still leaning over Valentino with chains present before dropping them as they all watch the shadows drag him down and away from the room.

“ho-how?” Vox asked shakily, because yes that happened but how did Alastor get, Valentino’s soul?????

protection deals even if accidentally holds priority and higher power than a half owned work deal” was Alastor’s blunt answer as he went back to his chair. “he pushed too far and got claimed as cause of damage, thus given over to me” he continued.

“that’s terrifying” Zilla commented, efficient but terrifying.

why thank you dear” Alastor chimed as if she just complemented him and well now thinking of it she might have done so to.

Rosie let out a startled laugh “Alastor! You finally caught the pest” she said out merrily causing the others to look at them somewhat verily in response.

Tilting his head “now can get on with this meeting” Alastor didn’t quite request.

“let’s try again in three weeks” Carmilla suggested a bit shaken up and wasn’t the only one.

Alastor just turned toward her with a neutral expression. “no” was all he said and that’s that, making Carmilla sight mentally.

While Alastor typically don’t exercise his power during any of the meetings normally more interested in watching the utter and total wreck that’s the overlord meetings then taking control over them. it’s why Carmilla typically ran them instead.

But she didn’t have full say if the meeting is over or not, the only reason the last meeting could end was because Alastor found it productive to end it there, this time he don’t agree with that sentiment thus the meeting won’t end. Alastor had higher say in that matter even if he’s only a overlord by technicality Alastor is the highest power here and they all knew it, most aren’t even sure if the power levels he’s demonstrated before even is his full power.

If he went into a frenzy again none of them could stop him, Angelic weapons always works on sinners it’s also one of the few things except for one of the king’s able to harm a hellborn noble like the ars goetia, and yet that don’t work on Alastor which raises rather drastic questions of what he is.

Hellborn, a cambion or fallen is the three popular theories, the first dismissed due to lack of connection and he’s a deer themed demon being a hellborn noble of a race that don’t exist made no sense, and angelic weapons should work on all of those. It’s confirmed that angelic weapons works on hellborn noble it’s like sinners only thing that can kill them, thought if that works on a fallen is a bit unknown, making some strength to the fallen angel theory just as the magic born noble one.

Which that is the real fact is unknown, Alastor’s an enigma but he’s the overlords enigma and the highest power in the meetings even if he don’t enforces that. the fact that he outright dismissed her suggestion to end the meeting now is highly unusual, and probably just means he want the meeting done and over with and not another repeat.

“okay, lets get started then” Carmilla stated, they’re one overlord less now but none of them will try to argue with Alastor on releasing Valentino.

The bastard moth likely deserved it considering the rumors of how he treat his souls. They have rules about that, even if those rules are just enforced to avoid becoming a target for Alastor. The deer had very specific triggers so avoiding them is fairly easy most of the time, and if you do ignore those rules then make sure you hide it, hide it and hide it so that Alastor won’t find out.

At least Alastor is polite enough to give them a breather before starting. Thought now looking at the deer he’s currently sipping a cup of tea.


While the meeting where going on late, and Charlie apparently doing a lesson plan about boundaries Angel had left the hotel.

Something Husk was somewhat agitated about because Angel shouldn’t have left the hotel especially not when he’s still bandaged. Angel is a normal sinner, not a high tier and defiantly not a overlord his healing is way slower and will take a few days at the very least before he recovers.

Finding said spider, in a aquatic themed club wasn’t his intent thought as husk glanced at the corner of his eye for a moment while ordering a whiskey bottle. Cursing his own alcohol tolerance, and Alastor’s magic given the deer didn’t like have one of his out of commission.

Especially not one of the potential fighters.


“hey baby be a doll and bring me another one, Daddy’s out of juice” Angel said as the shark, a lone-shark went to the bar right next to Husk. Taking out a pink-red bottle that released a heart formed cloud for a moment as a few drops where dropped into it, making husk’s eyes widened.

‘sh*t’ he cursed, and could feel how Alastor’s leash chilled to frigid, his own also stilled not liking where this where going at all.

Cursing and muttering under his breath for a moment as the loan shark returned to the table.

“here you go darling, just for you” the Loan Shark said only to drop the glass before Angel could take it as he where lifted up into the air with one hand and a startled Angel looked at them.

“nice try f*ckhead” Husk huffed before throwing the loan shark into the music box.

At that the others stood up, kicking away the table, “what the?!” Angel startled as he where pulled back behind Husk.

Missing how several cards materialized in Husk’s hand and quickly sliced thru the guns. “let’s go” was all Husk said and quickly pulled Angel with him out of the club.

“Husk what the actual f*ck are you doing here?” Angel asked very much confused as they reached the walkway.

“no I’m taking you back to the hotel” Husk said feeling how Alastor’s magic where calming down, thankfully.

“no let go of me” Angel snapped out and manage to slip out from Husk’s grip.

“that f*cker spiked your drink” Husk countered pointing toward the club.

“you think I can’t tell if someone put something in my drink? I do this all the f*cking time” Angel huffed.

At that Husk’s pupil thinned dangerously, claws twitching “you just let people drug you all the time?” Husk demanded.

“you think I ask for it?!” Angel screamed “I don’t as for any of this sh*t, I didn’t ask to be this way” Angel shouted, taking a step forward. “I didn’t ask for Charlie to save me, I didn’t ask for you to save me. I can handle myself” Angel continued to rant.

“really? because I just saw someone self-destructing” Husk countered, “no one at the hotel care how famous you are, how hot you are, so just cut the act and be yourself for ones” he continued as Angel walked away.

At that Angel stopped and turned around “it’s not an act! It’s who I need to be” Angel shouted before continuing quieter arms around his body for a moment.

“and this, this is my escape. how I forget it all, how much I hate- everything. A place where I can get high and not have to think about how much it hurts” Angel admitted. “and maybe if I can ruin myself enough in the process I end up broken and I won’t be his favorite toy anymore” Angel continued.

Sitting down at the edge, “and maybe he’ll let me go” Angel finished.

Wings dropping a bit as he listened. Walking forward and sat down next to Angel, “I was a overlord once you know” Husk stated catching Angel’s attention. “yeah and it were nice to have that power” he admitted.

“but when you’re dealing in souls while also being a gambler the stakes are pretty high and losing a few hands can be more then a little dangerous. So when you’re down on your luck you turn to anything to keep you afloat even making deals yourself” Husk explained “so I know what it’s like to regret your choices and know you can’t take it back”

“while dealing with Alastor did save my casinos I also ended up stuck employed by a very peculiar demon in the process” Husk continued shaking his head.

Standing up as music faintly started. “so things look bad and your back’s against the wall” he started singing “your whole existence seems f*cking hopeless, you’re feeling filthy as a dive bad bathroom stall” materializing a red n black umbrella so that Angel wouldn’t be puked all over on.

“can’t face the world sober and dopeless” he continued singing easily “you’ve lost your way. Ya think your life is wrecked”

“well let me just say you’re correct” and at that Husk caught Angel’s attention.

“wait what?” Angel asked startled.

“you’re a loser baby. A loser goddamn baby you’re a f*cked up little whiny bitch” leaning forward.


“you’re a loser just like me” husk continued.

“tnak s asshole” Angel huffed.

“you’re a screw’s loose boozer. An only one star reviews-er you’re a power bottom at rock bottom but you got company” Husk continued singing as he laid down on the walkway behind Angel

“is this suppose to make me feel better?” Angle couldn’t help but to ask.

“there was a time, I thought that no one could relate. To the gruesome ways in which I’m damaged” husk continued and pierced the window with his umbrella, “but letting walls down, it can sometimes set you straight”

“we’re all living in the same sh*t sandwich” Husk continued as he sat down next to Angel again.

“I sold me soul to a psychopathic freak” Angel picked up

“ahah, and you think that makes you unique?” Husk questioned as he sang standing up and offered a hand to Angel who accepted. “get outta here man” he continued and pulled Angel into a dance.

“we’re both losers baby. We’re losers it’s okay to be a” he didn’t continue the sentence.

“a co*ked-up dick sucking ho?” Angel asked

“baby that’s fine by me” husk replied.

“I’m a loser honey. A schmoozer and a dummy but at least I know I’m not alone” Angel sang with more feeling and allot better mood.

“you’re a loser just like me” Husk picked up.

At that the lights shifted “I got an appetite for gambling” Husk started.

“I got a appetite for sampling, every drug an sex toy I can find” Angel sang

“go ahead baby, sing that song c’mon” Husk tugged him back up.

“I got no holes left to deflower” Angel sang.

“I sold me soul to save my power” husk admitted, his hat rematerialized. “now I’m on that demon’s leash”

“I’m trapped and it gets worse with every hour” both sang together, even if it only felt more like a lie for Husk but he didn’t mind this where to drag Angel up from that mood.

“you’re a loser baby” Angel sang, as both sat down and Husk opened up the umbrella again.

“a loser but just maybe we”

“if we eat sh*t together things will end up differently” both continued together.

Standing back up “it’s time to lose your self-loathing excuse yourself let hope in. baby play your card be who you are” husk sang as he pulled Angel into a dance.

“a loser just like -” both sang together before the music screeched to a halt as the loan sharks came running.


“there they are, they’re f*cking singing!?” the shortest of them shouted.

At that husk grumbled, and to Angel’s surprise simply unfolded his umbrella who the bullets easily bounded off from with see thru energy layer expanding from it. ‘a shield?’ Angel thought stunned.

“stay down, I’ll deal with this” Husk said and Angle saw how his expression shifted, sharp bared grin, almost predatory sad*stic and so very fitting on a feline, as Husk spun the umbrella for a moment with one hand and cards materialized in his other before a quick flick sent them right thru the guns ending the bullet barrage in a instant.

Eyes widening as Husk went forward and changed much to the loan shark’s immediate horror.

Husk’s form rapidly grew, to several times larger then before as his tail split into two and claws sharpened further. His wings also grew larger, draping over his form if not for their unfolded state shadowing the entire area, as the wing-wrists spiked in sharp point while the card like symbols already present lit up with ominous gold-amber glow, several more formed along the feathers as well, as if ribbons of numbers and letters also shifted along the wing’s edges, with four familiar symbols scattered about all matching those found on game-cards.

A black coat had also materialized, with gold-orange details, as a low rumbling where heard “you shouldn’t done that” Husk purred his voice a deep thunder like rumbling and felt how his magic sang at being released for battle.

“oh wow” Angel murmured eyes wide as Husk went forward before any of the loan sharks got a chance to react.

Claws piercing thru their torsos in an instant, tails crushing two others with lighting fast whip strike, as a car where even sliced in half.

It where a massacre that ended in matter of moments, with not a single one of the loan sharks able to escape, the sole one who almost got to ran away ended up sliced in half by a card and the battle where over.

Yet Husk didn’t immediately shift back he merely let out a slow breath and tilted his head toward Angel who carefully looked at Husk. “unlike popular belief Alastor don’t take away your power” Husk admitted, and flexed his claws.

“I can see that” Angel agreed, because this power, that, this is definitely that of a overlord yet Husk openly said he weren’t one anymore, having sold his soul to Alastor.

“wait secure your power” Angel said out quickly realizing that Husk’s deal were allot more complicated then he first thought.

A rumbling hum where heard to that, “yes, dealing with Alastor have risks but he don’t do lies, half truths and silence but normally never lies because he have no need for that, it means you get what you wish for from him, making all deals even more risky because you never now how it’s granted or if the wish is what you even want in the first place” Husk mused offering a hand to Angel who paused for a moment before walked onto the palm, and lifted up as husk started walking back to the hotel.

I where losing everything, to many failed hands so I bet the last thing I had left in a game. if I lost then Alastor would get my soul, if I won Alastor would give me back my power, my casino and yet I lost before the game even started” shrugging slightly. “And then the enigmatic embodiment of chaos decided I would be perfect to manager for the casino’s giving me back my territory as a freaking job. My power also returned and all deals or games won simply adding to it and if I happen to lose a few games Alastor’s leash simply shields my power

A deep chuckle “truthfully I’m stronger and better off now then before I lost my soul. And the price for it all is being pulled at random as a battle companion or help building up some new project which isn’t bad per say, migraine inducing at times but I gotten used to it and not sure how I could return to the boredom from before getting tangled with Alastor’s unpredictable business” shaking his head.

“that’s unexpected given he’s a overlord” Angel stated somewhat confused because a overlord giving back another one their power is very confusing.

that he is, but Alastor is in reality only a overlord by technicality, he don’t want territory or money either, got to much of both for him to know what to do with it all. but no one apart of the kings are able to stop him if he went into a frenzy again, Rosie might clam him down to prevent outside causalities but that’s about it and all of the overlords knows it

Sitting down in the palm as Angel watched how other demons practically ran from them, and for good reason to.

Because even if husk isn’t a overlord anymore he still have that power and presence and with him being in his true demon form right now, made it painfully obvious. No sinner wanted to try their chance they weren’t that suicidal.

But it also explained all of Husk and Alastor’s interaction and why they appear as bickering brothers then boss and subordinate. Alastor weren’t after owning anyone he just happen to end up owning other souls, and got stuck with it, from looks of things, meaning those he do own are treated well and able to rely on Alastor as much as the deer can rely on them doing their work and do it good.

The ones higher up on the chain got more companionship like leash, like the Japanese families choosing to adopt you as my brother then my servant thing, even if I am the one in charge.

“thanks” Angel eventually said out.

hmm? I should thank you, I don’t exactly get to fight that much, I should let loose more often” Husk mused more to himself then to Angel.

“and next time can I help?” Angel questioned, making Husk blink.

hm?” he questioned.

“sex isn’t the only thing I can do” Angel stated manifesting spider-webbed decorated guns.

interesting, that wouldn’t be half bad, but after you recover” Husk decided.

“by the way why aren’t you flying you got wings” Angel asked as he couldn’t help but to wonder about that even as he where switched from the hand to Husk’s shoulder.

while wings have their uses, they also risky, you never know when someone fires an attack up into the air” came the offhanded answer.


Asmodeus tilted his head as he saw the two enter laughing and Husk’s form differed, appearing to be shrinking down but still a fair bit larger then normal.

So that’s the felines true form, an impressive sight and fitting for a gamble demon to say the least even if the power now draping over him made the sin wonder why the other isn’t a overlord. He got the power for it, but now thinking of it, the winged feline might be bound to Alastor, and due to no one knowing that the sort of deer is a king, his overlord title got revoked, or at least that’s the most likely situation.

“he had about three bills and it took 30 minutes to count it, his eyes are so sh*t” Angel continued to talk.

and this is the guy you used to take orders from?” Husk asked laughing, his voice differing due to the power lacing it, almost alluring purr.

“I know what a f*cking joke” Angel said.

“you had fun” Asmodeus commented to them.

got to let loose a bit” Husk grinned, sharp predatory and that oh so familiar feline sad*stic pleasure in hunting. Cats are very cruel to their prey that much is curtain, especially if they are good at hunting.

I’m guessing the boss isn’t back yet eh” Husk commented, not feeling Alastor nearby, having gotten good at that over the years.

But also confirmed Asmodeu’s prior thought.

“no the meeting is taking time, do they always end up being so long?” Lucifer asked more out of curiosity then anything else as his attention where pulled from the board game?

overlord meetings can be a drag” Husk confirmed before hesitating slightly.

“yeah Val used to complain about them at times, as do Vox often to” Angel mused, he ended target for that anger afterwards, and those incidents where never fun.

nah recall ones when the meeting took three days. This should be just a simple after extermination meeting as the last one got interrupted, Alastor likely just wanted the meeting done and over with rather then try again” Husk considered.

At that both sins blinked.

“he got that much power over the other overlords?” Fizz asked perfectly aware that the crimson overlord is dangerous, an entertainer but also extremely powerful, that he’s apparently an embodiment just like Ozzie only made that danger more apparent.

Normal demons even nobles don’t typically got those power levels.

kind of, no one really knows if Alastor shown full power or if he only shown a small part of it, there were literal rules added after Alastor’s overlord massacre to avoid hitting one of those triggers ever again, because if triggered then there’s nothing you can do to stop him, and they’re all aware of that” Husk answered reverting back to his normal form halfway talking.

“Al don’t want power and hold no interest of territory either, so as long as you don’t cross that bizarre moral of his or hit one of his triggers then Alastor will just watch with interest, they’re all aware of that, but he is more willing to pull rank when annoyed, or insulted” Husk admitted.

Angel raised a brow to that. “smiles really are an interesting demon” Angel stated.

“he’s hell’s resident enigma and everyone knows it” Husk deadpanned.

“Alastor is one of hell’s greatest showmen” Fizzarolli commented, being mysterious is part of the deal.


Later that evening and the meeting finally over with, Alastor didn’t return to the hotel immediately instead he went for one of his private radio towers.

The radios turning on and dialed, even without others even touching them.

“we’re ready to air!” the microphone chimed, as the former overlord where dropped out of the shadow, somewhat shaking.

Greetings listeners” Alastor started, “this night I got a very special guests with us, and I do hope you all will delight in his screams” he continued.

As he flicked his wrist and strung Valentino up in an instant.

now how shall I do this? rending someone apart can be done in so many different ways” Alastor wondered.

“why not eat him?” Mic questioned and shadow laughed.

that bad meat?” Shadow answered, even as the shadow snapped his claws ad snapped Valentino’s bones making the moth scream out.

my shadow is right, I do not want food poisoning” Alastor commented before claws dug into the moth and sliced off one hand.

Blood falling down Shadow blinked ”can you get poisoned?” he asked.

Alastor paused tilting his head considering that question. “probably not” he admitted before grinning and focused purely on Valentino.

Form shifting and to the moth’s horror it wasn’t the familiar partial one, but his full form, towering over the other as wings stretched out and shadowy tendrils flicked shifting from the feathers and vanishing just as easy not quite being there, as dial like glowing red eyes settled in black as Alastor’s fangs got even sharper.

The screams came quickly as Alastor set to work. slowly ribbing the blasted moth apart, piece by piece.

While some of the audience wondered what the other overlord or well former overlord because there’s no way this one will return after this, had done.

well look at that, he lost consciousness” Alastor clicked his tongue for a moment not surprised in the slightest.

apologies dear listeners, it appears this broadcast will come to an end far sooner then I would have liked” Alastor spoke as his eyes glowed even more fiercely.

Small Shadows curled rising up with glowing eyes as he finally let them devourer what’s left of the clearly dying moth.

Allowing the listeners to hear the small shadows tear into the moth demon before ending the broadcast

tune on in again, this show’s over” Alastor finished.

Shrinking down back to his normal form, wings merely folding down relaxed rather then directly shifting them away as Alastor vanished the blood away. He did not want to taste the moth, honestly that’s the second spoiled meat this decade.

But he hummed a tune pleased, feeling rather content even if the show were rather short.


Husk and Angel got to bond, Angel’s finally free and Valentino is dead permanently given that other overlords Alastor have killed before never apparently returned, he’ll likely not come back either.

Chapter 8: Chapter 8, annoyances



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Currently Alastor is in his office, and unlike the popular red color scheme, the office where in a dark wood one dominantly with black and silvers fabrics, stunning painted glass window thought the window and darker emerald like green markings scattered about, forming familiar runes and less then familiar hieroglyphs, then the almost voodoo like symbols thought looking closer at one of them told Asmodeus that they weren’t voodoo.

They where similar but some of the symbols twisted slightly different, the additional form completely different, more elemental like or to animal like in comparison. Then the life-sized painting who clearly alive and moving much to Fizzarolli’s curiosity and his own for that matter. as the painting depict a white-hind, its fur glowing with ethereal light silvery hoofs with blue silver shimmer sparkling thru the mist-lighted fur the antlers gleaming as if moonstone gems as the hind rested gently in the grass with a calm look in those motel silver-blue mixed eyes, as they where the sole light in a dark night.

Other decorations varied, to the bird perch for Alastor’s owl, to some old decorative weapons and artifacts from all over the human and magical worlds which fit when one thought of it.

Alastor leaned relaxed in his chair as he read thru the contract a eyebrow steadily rising further.

This is Fizzarolli’s contract for the sex robots which isn’t quite accurate.

The contract is in reality between Mamon and Asmodeus, for robots sex or otherwise based on the winner of the clow pageant.

well that’s peculiar” Alastor mused, as he read thru the lines both visible and the non tangible ones.

“something’s wrong isn’t it” Asmodeus sighted only to blink at the kind of gesture he got as response.

there was no winner this year, no official one as Fizarrolli quit before a winner got announced no?” Alastor asked instead.

The two looked at each other for a moment “do that change something?” Fizz asked confused.

allot actually” Alastor answered as he put it down with a chuckle. “give you a clown pageant winner and Mamon get’s robots that’s the letters of the contract, no winner no robot new winner new robots, remakes of old robots isn’t in the contract” he grinned with a laugh.

for someone so business oriented he sure lack in contract writing, tisk how pathetic” Alastor where still chuckling even as Asmodeus grabbed the contract and reread it himself.

Fizzarolli stared for a long moment as those words sank in, “I quit before a winner could be decided” he repeated, that means this year there is no winner.

“could he get new robots if he redo the pageant?” Ozzie questioned and got a snort as response as Alastor dismissed that on the spot.

not without a new contract for that pageant. The clown pageant is done ones a year anymore then that and it’s a separate event” came the blunt answer.

“no more robots!” Fizz cheered, sure Mamon could likely milk something out of it, raise the price of the ones he already got but no new fizzies.

Eyes closed “good for you” Alastor congratulated while Ozzie felt relieved he wouldn’t even need to find a way to break it. asking Alastor to look thru the contract had been a brilliant idea, especially given that Asmodeus have no clue how you void contracts, even less deals. He’s no dealmaker and Alastor where more then willing if it meant messing with the greed sin.

Asmodeus chuckled, this was truly a miss, especially for the greedy bastard that tend to milk anything for everything and more, to miss something so glaring. Sure Ozzie hadn’t thought of it, given that Fizz had won the pageant for 10 years straight sense the contract where made... he simply hadn’t needed to.

But this meant celebrating.

“hey Ozzie” Fizz practically purred tail wrapping around Ozzie’s arm.

“yes Froggie” Asmodeus replied.

if you’re going to dive into the gutter do so in your quarters not my office” Alastor cut in his smile sharper then before and ears tilted slightly back making both blink.

Right asexual. to much Innuendos make Alastor an annoyed deer as it been quickly discovered, and Alastor is outright and rightfully terrifying when he get irritated, so they better head to their room.


Ozzie had manage to slip Fizz onto the bed without disturbing the imp.

But he did pause seeing Lucifer with clear blush carefully looking into the kitchen, eyes wide but completely focused. “what are you doing?” Ozzie couldn’t help but to ask because that’s a silence charm in play to for some reason.

“ah well” Lucifer sputtered looking at the lust sin then back at the kitchen.

“just... look for yourself” he eventually decided.

Peeking into the kitchen Asmodeus’s eyes widened as it struck him hard why Lucy is blushing.

In said kitchen is Alastor cooking up breakfast, but his current appearance was what made one freeze and stare in shock.

His iconic coat is missing as is the gloves, leaving the black pants and red shimmering dress-shirt who’s sleeves is currently folded up to his upper arms... a stunning figure sown corset-vest in stunning shifting blacks with molten silver seams glinting. The collar also left partially open with a thin black string bowtie resting almost loosely at the base of his throat, with small red gem glinting eerily.

With the gloves missing and sleeves folded up it gave you a full view of the enchanting eerily crimson claws that made up most of his fingers... but also the simmering shadowy tendrils in eldritch-horror as they shifts and twists with silvery spark lighting the shadows from within as they paint his arms from hands up before tapering off near his elbows. Living tattoos that looked like the void stretching up from the abyss which is strangely fitting for a being of shadows.

And it took a moment to realize that he’s not wearing his normal dark shoes either, instead a pair of lithe hooves making up half of his feet, glinting in the same eerie crimson as his claws with similar black markings covering the feet from then and up under the hem of his pants who ended up covering most of his ankles.

‘oh that’s not fair’ Ozzie thought, and couldn’t help but to feel appreciated at the cooking performance currently happening... one that’s likely the most graceful elegance of sensual cooking he’s ever seen, and the sheer time that he had to put into to reach this level of skill and experience.

Each movement, each step, fluent in such an inhuman degree even for a demon, mixing in the slight dance and weightless feel to the song he’s humming only enhanced the effect even further.

This explained the reason to why Lucifer ends up blushing and liked to watch Alastor cook so much... especially if the deer dresses down when cooking because that’s a teasing sight all on it’s own, given he normally wears several layers with little skin shown at all.

“this is” Ozzie didn’t finish it.

“I know” Lucifer stated bluntly his eyes not moving from the kitchen, as Alastor continued, flat out ignoring the two being more focused on his cooking then them at the moment.

But it didn’t last for long as Alastor where soon done with breakfast, snapping his fingers as the dining table were done and the breakfast dish served, with likely heating charms to keep them warm for when the others arrives.

done spying?” Alastor asked, ear tilting slightly toward them with a single raised eyebrow.

“err, that, well” Lucifer sputtered as both Charlie and Vaggie entered the dinning room only to freeze.

oh you two are early today” Alastor commented the two normally don’t show until a half-hour from now at earliest.

“you, your coat, it’s, tattoos” Charlie stammered eyes wide in shock as she with Vaggie stared at Alastor who calmly sat down in one of the chairs, a dark red mug with the test oh deer written on it and steaming with hot coffee.

I don’t need my coat to be impeccable you know” Alastor grinned far to entertained. Especially considering only three pieces of cloths are missing, his gloves, his coat and his shoes and that’s it. that he made breakfast is probably the only thing Alastor will do for the hotel today, given it’s his relaxation day, hence why he’s not wearing his shoes like normal he normally do even when cooking.

The others didn’t react much better, thought Husk merely raised a brow for a moment “relaxation day of the month?” he asked instead getting a pleased hum in response.

“the what now?” Vaggie asked not getting a response from either demon.


They didn’t actually see Alastor for the entire day after that shocking breakfast thought it did explain why her dad likes watching Alastor cook, given that he apparently takes of his coat when cooking.

Thought Charlie did wonder, is he wearing fingerless gloves or gloves fitted to look like his actual claws?

Maybe she could ask eventually.

Music blared making them look at each other for a moment before the doors to the entrance slammed open.

“it’s me! yes, it’s me!” a short female demon practically shouted. “I know you where all waiting for me” she sang.

‘oh no’ Alastor thought.

“I’m here, what a gas. Took a while but I’m present at last” she continued even as the other’s expression turned to one of confusion while Alastor’s eyes thinned, and Lucifer looked mildly disturbed.

“it’s me, it’s me, Mimzzzyyyyy!” she finished.

“who?” Lucifer asked bluntly as the music ended

“didn’t you just hear me?” Mimzy asked, “why is everybody gawkin? Is it cuz I’m adorable?” she asked striking a cute pose.

Taking a slow breath for a moment “Mimzy” he greeted, but Lucifer could tell it was somewhat forced.

“alastor, sweetie doll-face, so good to see you” Mimzy started, “how you been good? good” she asked giving him a hug.

“listen I was in the neighborhood I heard you were staying at this ritzy slob factory and I figured I’d stop by say hi” Mimzy continued completely ignoring or maybe not hearing how the static went almost dead, but the volume was tuned so low at the moment that it’s barely even hearable.

of course everyone is welcome here” Alastor decided to say.

“oh how nice so you two know each other?” Charlie asked.

“oh yeah we go way back, ran in the same circles when we or I where alive, it came as a shock to find out that my pall where a demon all along” Mimzy answered. “this one used to visit the club I used to preform in, he’s the only one I knew who could pound whiskey like a sailor, then keep up with me on the dance floor”

you should have seen her in her heyday” Alastor stated and got an instant reaction as Mimzy pointed at him.

“hey watch it tall dark and creepy, I’m still in my prime” Mimzy snapped, before realizing who the other’s there are.

“oh my stars is that Lucifer?” she asked eyes wide, as she walked forward. “pleased to meetcha your highness” Mimzy greeted and Lucifer looked not just a little hesitant.

Leaning toward Alastor who’s eyes where half lidded with an almost dangerous air to him as his haunting aura started to drape even if the area itself hadn’t darkened, and both sin’s picked up on that.

“Alastor you gotta warn a girl when she’s in mixed company” Mimzy complained.

Tilting his head at that “how am I suppose to warn you if you don’t even send a letter that you’re coming” he countered instead, using his staff to push Mimzy away from the uncomfortable sort of king.

now I have a few things to look over with my fellow sponsor, why don’t you settle in and I’ll be back before you know it” Alastor continued easily as he easily moved Lucifer along with him. but he weren’t exactly lying either, lucifer is a sort of sponsor as well for the hotel just the specific way is support his dotters dream then any business.

Reaching a hallway “who where that?” lucifer asked bluntly as Alastor’s ears had dropped back.

problem that’s who” Alastor grumbled. “she got a nasty habit of being bate and really good one to, but right now she’s being bate in the whole wrong place” Alastor continued and Lucifer grimaced.

The meaning of that struck quickly, a bate means to attract food and in this case what Alastor consider prey-food, which is somewhat considering for the hotel’s safety.

“we’re going to be attacked aren’t we” Lucifer deadpanned with a sighted.

nothing I can’t handle but I can’t just throw her out without disappointing Charlie” Alastor sighted, that was the only reason he hadn’t flat out said get out to Mimzy yet.

Humming to that, because it did explain why Alastor who clearly found the other annoying if not outright dislike accepted her here.


At the bar, Mimzy sat on one of the chairs, “thanks puss* cat” she said slightly hesitant aware of husk’s clear dislike for her.

“f*ck you” Husk cursed instead.

“so uh you and Alastor are like what? friends?” Angel asked sitting down on one of the chairs.

“well that’s your word not mine, but I think it fits” Mimzy countered

That got her looks of disbelief, because non of them believed that. not with how Alastor’s eyes had thinned or how that feel of terror suddenly started draping him, or for those who could hear it, how his static went almost dead.

Even Fizz and Ozzie who’s only been there for two weeks quickly picked up on that the smile are well ever present. as Ozzie suspected a species quirk or something similar but that don’t mean his expressions don’t shift. From eyes thinning, slitting or glowing, his ears twitch, tilt or fold depending on his emotions from confusion to strong negative feelings, but the best tell is his static. Static that played music, sound tracks on good moods or released a screech whistle in surprise, to go deadbeat in dry to deadpanned feeling that’s practically asking if you’re real.

Static that had with Mimzy’s arrival gone into a dead beat, slow low drawl who Ozzie and Lucifer had picked up on able to hear it even when Alastor tune the volume way down. that his haunting aura had started drape his form was also a major tell of his mood at her presence, as were how his eyes thinned dangerously.

Both tells that the others picked up on easily “well just that. he’s been here a while and still a big creepy mystery” Angel decided fairly sure that Alastor keeps a closer nit friend circle even if he keeps the magical and demonic ones somewhat separate, mostly due to the ones from his magical side don’t appear to want to visit hell, but still.

“what’s his deal?” Angel continued.

“well you probably heard the stories, he appeared in hell suddenly making a splash quicker than anyone had ever seen” Mimzy started.

“at first people wanted to dismiss him but soon overlords started goin missing and not small ones neither. We’re talking heavy hitters no one knew what happened to em until these strange radio broadcasts started going out and all you could hear was screams”

“every time an overlord went missing, there’d be a new voice screaming in the broadcast, that’s when Alastor revealed himself as the radio demon and anyone that would mess with him” she laughed “well let’s just say his broadcasts never lacked new voices”

The story wasn’t a new one, anyone that looked into Alastor knows that story.

“but underneath it all he’s a total sweetie, put on some jazz and pour a couple fingers of rye and he becomes a kitten” Mimzy finished getting some blank looks at that statement because of how offhanded it where.

“stop with the looks he hasn’t done any of that in a while. Now can you, really?” she stopped herself seeing that Husk wasn’t at the bar anymore.


Husk had walked into one of the hallways searching for Alastor, and found him in one of the living rooms, appearing to be nursing a headache, while Lucifer held a cup of warm chocolate?

“hey boss, can I have a word” Husk started not even going to ask why the two where alone in the room.

There were a rather big chance that Alastor’s excuse earlier were merely to get Lucifer away from Mimzy.

what is it?” Alastor asked not even lifting his head yet the radio filter was barely hearable.

“you and I both know Mimzy only shows up when she needs something, that bitch is trouble and who knows what kinda demon she f*cked with to come running to you this time” Husk stated.

nothing I can’t handle, don’t worry Husker” Alastor stated accepting his own cup of hot chocolate with content sight.

Husk turned away his head at that “I mean you’ve been gone a while and it’s not like anybody knows why” Husk started.

they don’t need to know what I do in my homeland” Alastor responded as he took a sip.

“your homeland?” Husk blinked as did Lucifer.

“you’re from the magical world right?” Lucifer asked considering the statement.

unlike popular belief nowdays saying I’m form Luisiana, and the earlier one saying I’m from Paris of all places I’m actually an Avolonian” Alastor answered. “the core kingdom of the western half of the magical world. but I do visit the dragon emperor from the eastern side ever fifty years or so” he shrugged.

“av-avalon? As in merlin, king Arthur and those whole stories?” Husk stared with disbelief.

I rather not think of that pervert thank you” came Alastor’s deadpanned answer.

“pervert?” Husk blinked and Lucifer looked equally confused.

Merlin Emerys a lord ancestor and demonic just like me. but unlike me he’s a Cambion, his father where an incubus” came the flat answer, “got a habit of flirting with anything with legs, almost cut off his hands at one point or another, perverted bastard of a trickster to boot, he grates on my nerves and mood, Morgan isn’t much better but she got her head so deep into war that one worry for her sanity and I’m the mad hatter of the bunch” Alastor sighted.

Lucifer’s eyebrows had shot up, he hadn’t know there were a cambion living with such high status in the magical world and as a trickster to boot that’s not bad all things considered. But being a pervert and ally to an asexual they likely clash allot.

“the stories got twisted didn’t they” Husk didn’t ask, because Merlin in the stories are a wise old vizard and teacher to the king not a well trickster pervert that flirts with everything.

you don’t say” came the dry response.


The building shook “what now?” Vaggie demanded.

“Mimzy we know you’re in there you lousy bitch!” a loan shark screamed as they tried t take the door down with no success.

“oh sh*t” Mimzy cursed.

“what’s going on?” Charlie asked, seeing her dad opening a portal to the main entrance lobby with Alastor walking thru it just after him before it closed.

“I may be in trouble with some loan sharks. I may or may not have borrowed fifty grand from- eep” Mimzy didn’t finish it as she disappeared to hide behind the bar counter.

“you better come out!” the loan shark screamed thru the door, as the double doors still held.

“and I may have stolen a car and crashed it into the loan shark’s girlfriend. But that bitch had it coming” Mimzy continued before the window finally burst under another attack.

“and this is why sinners are horrible” Ozzie muttered, as he pulled Fizzarlli into his hand shielding him from the fire that now landed in the hallway.

“everyone get to a safe distance I’ll take care of this” Vaggie called out her spear in hand, before it was pushed down.

no my dear leave it to me” Alastor said instead, “it’s time I remind everyone why I am here” he continued as his eyes turned black with glowing dial like pupils.

“Finally took you long enough!” Mimzy complained.

The area floor lit up green in eerie light as Alastor started shifting, his voice heard even outside “a reminder to all not to mess with the Radio Demon” Alastor spoke

Shadowy tendrils lashed out and crushed the catapult the loan sharks had gotten, as his body grew and Alastor exited the hotel growing even larger in size.

“whoa” Fizz gasped, seeing wings stretch out from Alastor’s back with the shadowy tendrils apart of the primaries or extended from them? it was hard to tell, as the antlers grew twisting and extending splitting into several in ominous feel.

Tail feathers extended with two stream like ones lashed out as a lighting quick whip strike cutting one of the loan sharks in half in an instant. His coat growing longer as the inside painted black as shadows reached up form the ground while his coat shone as new fallen luminescent blood.

His larger wings split apart, and shifted in fluent motion that shouldn’t been possible as the two smaller sets settled at his shoulders and around his arms as a smaller cloak and loose sleeves formed of void.

I will devour each and every one of you” Alastor’s voice distorted as he struck.

The loan sharks screaming in horror as they tried to avoid being caught with no success.

Ozzie whistled “you’re right that is one impressive demon” the lust sin stated this battle or slather is going to be a quick one that’s curtain.

“Alastor got wings?” Vaggie asked slowly as if that fact were trying to sink down.

“I guess?” Charlie shrugged somewhat confused at that fact given the number of wings alone. “but he is protecting the hotel if a bit more bloody then I’d like” she continued as it finally ended.

The green light dissipating as the shadows returning to normal while Alastor shrunk back down to his normal size, antlers shrinking as well to the normal small form he tend to use. His coat no longer having that blood like glow to it, and the inside appeared as red as normal with no shadows painting and shifting on it’s inside.

Staff twirled quickly in his hand, “I missed getting to let off steam” Alastor commented his voice back to normal.

“oh Alastor what a fantastic show, bravo as always” Mimzy started as she walked out from her hiding spot “thanks for helping lil old me outta a thought spot, you’re always such a pal” dodging a falling piece of wood “ops hehehehe sorry about the mess, but I’m sure the little bug can take care of it for ya” she offered.

Not noticing how Alastor’s arm folded behind his back the staff vanishing in air again. “I think you should go Mimzy” he stated

“oh pff, Alastor you’re such a kidder you” Mimzy denied.

His eyes thinned, “I mean it you deliberately brought danger to a place I granted protection just to have me clean up your mess” Alastor continued. His pupils slitted dangerously, as eyes slitted further “I can’t have that here

“but you love taking care a’ me. what? you don’t actually give a sh*t about this tacky place do ya?” she asked. “come on I know you, you heartless son of a bitch” Mimzy continued pocking Alastor’s chest, as he removed her claw from his person.

this hotel is a Sanctuary for those who have no where else to go and for those giving redemption a shot. You are welcome if you actually want to try redemption but I think we both know that’s not really your style” Alastor stated his staff manifesting again walking toward the door before turning around both hands on his staff.

I’ll admit you’re a wonderful bate and gives me many snacks but I refuse to allow a bate attracting prey to a place and people holding my protection, you need to leave now” Alastor continued.

Mimzy sputtered for a moment, as Alastor had never outright called her bate before, a bate to attract food which perhaps is what she ended up doing... but protection or well perhaps the hotel is a place similar to cannibal town? She’s more than aware that if she dragged problem into that little town then either Rosie or Alastor would have her head on a platter, literally depending on who would get to her first and their current mood.

Cannibal town having both overlords protection and there’s rumors of Alastor having a protected place for those who desire a escape from abuse but she’s never seen it. don’t even know where it is, and if this hotel is the same.

‘jikes got way to close losing my own head’ Mimzy thought in realization.

“you, have fun with ya lil hotel” Mimzy eventually said deciding to escape before Alastor changes his mind and have her for dinner.

Inside Sir Pentious, Angel and Husk where eating popcorn apparently having enjoyed the show.

“you got wings” Fizz pointed out as the wings hadn’t retracted instead the wings folded almost relaxed with some of them almost linking together appearing as if the number just decreased from the earlier 12 to now 6? As the wings resting on his arms and shoulders remained relaxed, loosing almost compared to their sharper feel from earlier.

I have” Alastor nodded.

“why do you have wings?” Vaggie asked very much confused as she looked at the black wings, that had a red glow from within them.

That earned her a confused tilt, “what now? why wouldn’t I have wings” he asked in total confusion static echoing the feeling hearable for them all because Alastor didn’t understand why she even asked.

“the others haven’t seen them” Lucifer pointed out.

what do that got with anything” Alastor counter asked confused.

“no one actually know your species” Lucifer stated earning them all an full head tilt.

you’re not kidding” Alastor mused somewhat stunned, sure it took a few months for his childhood friends to discover his species but for hell not to find out in 500 years? what gives, because it’s painfully obvious, what he is.

But that statement made Ozzie and Lucifer trade glances.

“it’s right in front of our eyes isn’t it” Lucifer eventually asked because with Alastor’s reaction to them not having figured it out, said that it’s obvious.

Alastor’s lips twitched in growing amusem*nt. “it’s fascinating that no one figured out something so utterly obvious. I don’t even hide it, never had and for hell not to figure it out in five centuries, how perplexingly entertaining” chuckling, as a laugh track went off before leaving as Alastor absently wondered how much longer it would take before someone figured it out and the news spread.

They were left asking what he is without getting any answers. As Alastor restored the damage with a snap of his claws making them see how the damaged building stitched itself back together as if it never got damaged in the first place.


Later that evening, Charlie had finally made a decision, as she knocked on the living room her dad liked to use. More private then the common room next to the lobby, and perfect if you wanted some piece and quite.

“Dad can you please help me?” Charlie asked and Lucifer looked somewhat hesitant, as if aware what she where going to ask.

“I need you to fix me a meeting with heaven, someone there have to listen” she continued and lucifer faltered.

“heaven hoo boy they’re not exactly as carefree as you might think” Lucifer started carefully. “they have rules allot of them and not very pen minded as you hope”

“these are our people Dad I have to try” Charlie tried.

His expression deadpanned at that “our people are awful” he said dryly. “they got gifted free will and look what they did with it, everything’s terrible” Lucifer continued as he gripped the brim of his hat.

“Dad just... help me” Charlie begged.

“I, I can’t” he shook his head.

“why can’t you?” Charlie asked.

“Charlie! You don’t understand” he said out quickly and grabbed her shoulders “heaven never listens, they didn’t listen to me they won’t listen to you” Lucifer denied taking a few steps back.

“you don’t know that”

Lucifer turned back around tears threatening to escape his eyes “I do”

“you didn’t know that when, I tried this all before my dreams were too hard to defend” he started singing summoning forth a gold flame in his hand.

“and in the end I won’t lose it all again now you’re the only thing worth fighting for” Lucifer continued singing, as he threw the flame away.

“more than anything. More than anything I’ll shelter and adore you more than anything” pulling her into a light hug.

“dad I don’t need you to protect me from this” Charlie said.

“I just don’t want you to be crushed by them like I was” lucifer admitted shoulders dropping.

“dad” Charlie said out quietly.

“when I was young I didn’t really know you at all. I always felt so small, but I heard your stories and I was enthralled” Charlie started singing.

“the tales about your lofty dreams, I listened breathlessly imagining it could be me. so in the end it’s the view I had of you”

“that show me dreams can be worth fighting for. More than anything, more than anything I need to save my people more than anything” Charlie continued singing.

“I’ve been dying to find out who you are” Lucifer picked up.

“I’ve been waiting wanting the same thing” Charlie sang

“looks like the apple doesn’t fall far” he continued.

“took you a while” Charlie sang.

“I’ve missed that smile” Lucifer sang.

“all that I’m hoping, now that my eyes are open” both sang together as they started to dance. “is that we can start again not be pulled apart again, cause in the end” they continued as Lucifer released his wings much to Charlie’s awe.

“you are part of who I am” they sang together.

“I’ll support your dream whatever lies in store” Lucifer sang

“and who could ask for more” Charlie returned.

“more than anything” he sang

“more than anything” she picked up.

“I’m grateful you’re my father/ I’m grateful you’re my daughter” they sang at the same time.

“more than anything” the song finally came to an end, but that don’t stop Lucifer form being hesitant.

“okay I can get you the meeting but once you’re in heaven I won’t be able to go with you” Lucifer started “will you be okay?” he asked.

“I’ll be fine” Charlie answered.

“that’s my girl, good luck kiddo” Lucifer said before teleporting back to his own room.


no extra notes this time.

Chapter 9: Chapter 9, welcome to heaven



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Currently everyone where gaping at Charlie due to her question, while Alastor who she asked stared at her... his wings still out and about who only made the sheer intimidation factor worse, even if the four pairs had linked-folded together to form two thicker pairs you could still see the separation at the primaries, and the two pairs resting at his shoulder and arms only enhanced the sheer weight of his presence.

have you gone insane?” Alastor eventually asked flatly.

“no” Charlie declared and Alastor’s eyes flashed for a moment, as the static grew louder, his expression not budging at all.

you’re asking me, of all beings in hell to join you to heaven” he deadpanned. “that’s a definition of insanity” Alastor pointed out.

“well maybe” Charlie admitted to that. “but you’re a dealmaker one of the very best, and I need your advice when dealing with a court, heavenly or otherwise” she continued and Alastor felt impressed by the reason.

you’re not making yourself look any saner” Alastor said offhandedly.

Charlie grumbled to herself for a moment, she suspected getting Alastor to come with them would be hard but being called mad wasn’t what she expected would happen. “please Alastor I need your help with this” she begged.

A ear folded back to that.

“you really don’t like heaven do you?” Ozzie was the one who raised the silent question on everyone’s mind.

I find them to be cruel, hypocrites hiding their bloodthirst behind lies of justice, it don’t matter if it’s only a tiny number of them the sheer amount of pain and suffering they’ve caused over the ages is to much to think any different” Alastor answered.

“you what? sure they may be a bit cold but hypocrite” Vaggie scowled, as glowing red eyes turned toward her freezing her in place as the glow brightened eerily.

heaven is cruel and no excuses can forgive that fact, at least hell don’t lie to themselves that one’s bad” Alastor said flatly. “I still think that if this work they’re more likely going to kill the poor soul or simply cast them back down again” he continued equally dry tone, as his static ran a deadbeat.

Lucifer looked at him thoughtful because that explained some things.

“but, but heaven wouldn’t do that right?” Charlie asked yet sounded very hesitant given how absolutely curtain Alastor where about it.

unless they’ve taken a 180 and calmed down in the last few centuries then yes that’s the most likely event to occur” came the offhanded response.

“Al’s right about that” Lucifer pointed out. “heaven tend to crush dreams allot” shifting slightly as that’s from personal expereince.

Charlie chook her head “I still need to try” she declared, “please Alastor I need your help with this” Charlie asked again.

Alastor’s ears pinned back as he muttered for a moment, before they perked back up again. “on one condition” he decided and Charlie cheered up.

you’ll go to my mind healer for a session afterwards” that caused several series of blinks as the words sank in.

“your what now?” Charlie asked stunned not sure what to think of that, and she wasn’t alone in that sentiment as the others looked equally stunned.

my mind healer” Alastor said simply “while I’m as mad as a hatter I can’t have my business partner be so also” he continued with his iconic cheshire grin while Charlie simply stared.

do we have an accord?” he asked and Charlie heisted outright at that looking back at her dad who had gotten a thoughtful expression.

‘accord?’ she thought with shiver running thru her spine.

“ah, if it gets you to come with me then yes” Charlie decided and felt something faint settle in her while Alastor hummed, before heading off.

“wait where you going?” Charlie asked out startled.

a snack so that my instincts will be manageable” came the offhanded reply, and they really didn’t need to know more then that.


Angel where currently scrolling thru his phone as he worked to erase all messages from Valentino including number images and so on, as the wall exploded again. “what the f*ck’s up with that wall?” he asked before lying back down again.

“what up hoes!” Cherri called out and Angel instantly stood up.

“holy sh*t Cherri bomb long time no see baby” he greeted

“ange you bitch, I had to hear about the bastards death from rumor of all things, figured we could tear sh*t up like old times, you deserve to celebrate!” Cherri said as she entered the hallway before giving Charlie the bomb who Vaggie quickly claimed.

“give me that” Vaggie said out before throwing it out thru said hole.

“I love seeing you Cheeri, but I’m too tired” Angel stated falling back onto the sofa... But he wasn’t lying he is tired, even if it’s only been a few days he’s still recovering from what Valentino did.

“you can sleep when you’re double dead f*ckhead” Cherrie stopped him and pulled Angle back up. “come on what you really need is a recharge, a-“

“responsible night on the town” Charlie interrupted causing Cheery to get a stunned look. “that’s a great idea, hi Charlie, that’s my wall you just blew up it’s so nice to meet one of Angel’s friends he never brings anyone around” Charlie continued.

“I wonder why” Cheery said sarcastically, already aware why

“yeah me too” Charlie agreed honestly.

“Angel and everyone else have been working so hard, I think they deserve to have a little fun” she continued.

“wait, wait they?” Cherri asked, as Charlie grabbed her hand.

“hi everyone! Angel and his friend are taking you all out for a night of fun and relaxation” Charlie called out.

“wait I am only here for Ang-“ Cherri stopped at the sudden stack of money that was dropped in her hands “oh never mind, let’s go” Cherri decided as she cheered.

“anyway the portal to heaven should be opening right about- now” Charlie started asking as the portal formed Alastor already walking thru it as he rematerialized from a shadow. While Charlie grabbed Vaggie and went thru not noticing that Vaggie fell back down again nursing her now hurting head.


“wait shouldn’t you gone with them?” Angle asked confused.

“not everyone can pass thru heavenly portals” Vaggie grumbled, she had been trying to tell Charlie that she couldn’t come along but outright failed to do get that message across.


“woah Vaggie look at this” Charlie said with wide eyes as she stared at the large golden gates.

Alastor walking calmly as he held his hands behind his back, “so clean, isn’t that amazing-“ Charlie stopped as she noticed that Vaggie wasn’t there.

“wait where’s Vaggie?” Charlie asked out as she looked around not finding her girlfriend.

hm you didn’t notice? The portal blocked her before closing” Alastor answered easily.

“what why?” Charlie frowned at that

not everyone can pass thru a portal to heaven my dear, there are those who’s blocked from entering” came the response.

“hiya Welcome to heaven” a angel greeted from a podium as he picked up a large book. “can I get your name please?” saint Peter asked.

“oh uhh, uh Charlie Morningstar” Charlie replied.

“Charlie Morningstar, hmm, chi, chai, odd I’m not seeing you on my list here” he continued wings shrugging slightly “that’s so odd”

“my dad got me this meeting, so try Lucifer Morning-star” she hesitated.

Peter paled at that “oh f*ck. Yeah hooo, hehehe, yikes” he blanched before closing the book.

“am I right? are you sure you’re in the right place?” Peter asked flying down to the ground “because I think you’re a bit lost”

we’re here for a meeting not to stay” Alastor corrected as Saint Peter blinked at his radio filter for a moment before faltering slightly as he truly looked at the crimson dressed being.

“Saint Peter, we can take it from here” a angel said out as they flew down from the air, before shifting to a more human like form.

The younger angel almost appearing giddy, “greetings daughter of the Morningstar I’m Sera the high seraphim of Heaven, you’re gifted to be here” Sera greeted.

Th other squealed, “hi, I’m Emily, also a seraphim, but you can call me Em, Emmy, E or whatever you want” Emily greeted cheerfully. “I go by whatever, Welcome to heaven” she continued.

“Dearly beloved it is my pleasure to say unto thee, Welcome to Heaven” Saint Peter started as music rang.

Alastor blinked slowly at the music, ‘so ambient music magic isn’t only a hell thing huh’ he thought very much amused at that fact, because music magic is hilarious.

Gates opening “oh-oh where the virtuous reside. 24/7 oh-oh people are happy that they died” Peter started singing as they entered.

“here we got no worries, got no burglaries, no strife it’s the perfect afterlife Welcome to heaven oh-oh” he sang before flying up to one of the platforms.

“check out our sick decor the spirits leaven oh. please keep your brimstone off the floor. We’ve got the best and brightest the politest of the lot and everyone is hot!” he sang showing off the area before landing among a few angel models.

“gosh I’m so pleased to show some outsiders around after you see our realm you’ll never want to go back down” Emily sang.

“of course it is just temporary I’m sorry you can’t stay” Sera interrupted with a singing tone.

“cause every single day in heaven is a happy day” Emily and peter sang together as they flew up into the air.

“Welcome to heaven!” they finished and landed on the ground with Peter breathing heavily.

“Come on let me show you around” Emily started but kept glancing back at Alastor who caused conflicting feelings in her. Feelings that’s screaming that she should run away or she’ll die at the same time as saying he’s not dangerous, you don’t need to worry and that’s unnerving in several ways and she wasn’t alone in that sentiment.

“and who did you bring with you? I didn’t know Demons could have wings also” she trailed off slightly “oh sorry” apologizing at the possible discrimination.

angel’s aren’t the only ones with wings you know” Alastor stated simply, making Emily blink at the radio filter.

Charlie grinned “this is Alastor he’s my business partner, and advisor I guess” Charlie introduced tilting her head in thought while Alastor raised a brow at that, static went a bit questionably for a moment.

Saint Peter stilled slightly with eyes widening, he recognized that name but that can’t be right, ‘he can’t be a demon right?’ Peter thought but eyes went to the red lit black wings, and Emily also looked somewhat confused because that name sounded familiar yet she wasn’t sure from where she had heard that name.


Alastor’s eyes flashed dangerously making the three angels freeze at the sudden ominous and fear inducing aura that flared for just a moment... as he grabbed Charlie by her shirt and pulled back as a very fast flying light headed and screeched to a halt right next to where they had stood, his haunting aura now also dissipating, even if something ominous remained.

The light faded, showing a tiny angel with light blue hair currently pulled back into a low ponytail, as he wore a white suit-coat with darker blue tunic-shirt underneath it and pair of white pants. Yet he had six wings spread out, shimmering in light blues n golds with teal mixed in almost rippling like water as the wings glowed gently and his eyes bright golden, but as a whole apart of the color scheme he distinctly reminded the both of them of Lucifer, almost as if they could be brothers or at least related.

“you’re here, you’re really here” the angel said while everyone at the promenade had outright stopped including Adam and Lute who where nearby and just noticed them moments before, while Sera stilled in mid motion at the fact that Gabriel the patron of healing and one of the angel princes sudden appeared out of nowhere, with delight at a demon?

No one knew what were going on, and that only got worse as Gabriel grabbed Alastor’s hand shaking it, much to the deer’s utter confusion at this reception as he gave the other a baffled look, smile twisting in confused tilt as his ears twitched.

Disbelief grew at that, given how happy Gabriel appeared to be it was a shared sentiment for everyone watching.

“I’m honored to finally meet you, Saint Altruist” Gabriel spoke and everyone froze while Charlie felt like she got her world ripped out from under her.

But they all had to cover their ears just at the deafening flatline who came from Alastor’s static, his great wings flaring out in full size shocking every angel there at what who had appeared to be two impressive pair or wings suddenly turned into four while what they believed to be a chiton-cloak also flared out showing them as two more pair of wings of smaller size. currently hovering over his body even if still curving forward to some point.

Charlie glanced at Alastor seeing the ears pinned back against his head, either in shock, dislike, or perhaps his own static due to the flatline can get rather painful at best of times. can be a combination as well, given that this angel just called Alastor the most dangerous overlord known a saint.

I am no saint” Alastor said his voice distorting, the odd angel shifting his wings slightly as Alastor’s ears slowly perked back up. yet Alastor’s smile had shrunken to a thin line as he wondered if heaven had gone mad.

Gabriel merely smiled back “the abused patience’s that’s been transferred to my hospital for several millennia say otherwise. Your name whispered on their tongues with awe and respect” Gabriel easily countered. “Saint Alastor Altruist, the patron saint for the abused and raped, as you healed them, saved them, taught several of how to survive and still remain true, knowing how to avoid new abusers and aware that their old tormentors can never harm them again” he continued leaving Sera agape as she stared at the winged demon in total disbelief.

A brow raised “I’m a monster who eat people” he deadpanned, and Gabriel laughed in good measure scaring Charlie a bit as the Peter and Emily traded startled and worried glances.

“oh I am aware, abusers, rapists, murders the worst of the worst until you’re the biggest badest monster left, it’s why you live in hell no?” Gabriel grinned almost predatory which scared several, even as Alastor didn’t bat an eye at it.

and you still call me a demonic overlord, a saint” Alastor shook his head with a disbelieved laugh while a crash soundtrack was heard confusing several as they tried to find where the sound had come from.

“yes, one representing vengeance and retribution” Gabriel answered, not wavering in that decision. “you’re a saint a dark one yes but saint still” was almost offhanded.

Alastor raised a brow for a moment and considered what the angel is saying,.

what makes you think you got the right person?” Alastor asked voicing the possibility, still to Charlie’s shock over the fact that Alastor is only denying and dismissing the saint title outright the rest he’s not even voiced any of it.

Gabriel grinned almost ferally at that. “dressed in red with wings of black, and blood crimson hair dipped in black with deer like ears and antlers like shattered crown-halo, claws dipped in same blood color with eyes in dual reds, and shark like grin, a monster in prey like form who hunts those that harm others as their wings shield those who’s been harmed” he recited, because that’s definitely recited from somewhere and fit Alastor’s appearance rather well.

Alastor’s static simply grew louder at that as he stared at the angel. ‘okay why is heaven partially aware of what I am when hell where I live missed it?’ Alastor wondered in utter confusion.

“that description do sound like all, but hunt those who harm others?” Charlie mumbled to herself.

Alastor rolled his eyes “my triggers” he said simply and her eyes lit up in recognition because that’s no secret, anyone in hell are somewhat aware of those even if no one is quite sure if the triggers are mere rumor or actually real.

“wait oh” Charlie said out stunned as she realized that this high angel was really talking about Alastor. “you got connection to heaven?” she asked eying the wings for a moment.

I’m magical born and raised, my demon belle” Alastor instantly corrected. “this is first time I ever set foot here and you had to make an accord to make me agree to it remember” he continued while Gabriel frowned lightly at that because you shouldn’t had to force him to come here.

“why would you have a grudge to heaven?” Emily asked worried, because a saint shouldn’t dislike heaven, even if said saint seam to completely dismiss and ignore the title of being one.

why would heaven slather children between infant to 10 in a kingdom” he didn’t ask while Gabriel flinched at the reminder of that incident, one who where a disaster in more ways than one, and reason why the only warriors left right now are the exorcists.

heaven is cruel in ways that’s unspeakable at least hell is honest about being bad” Alastor continued flatly.

Emily opened her mouth to deny that accusation but the words had died on her tongue as she saw Gabriel flinch who followed with a shrug. “heaven have gotten better, not as- trigger happy this last millennia” he agreed which made the two young like angels not less horrified.

“Saint Gabriel” Sera startled, stunned that he flat out said it without any hesitation.

He merely shrugged, “what it’s true, heaven used to be outright viciously cold at one point” he didn’t even bother to deny it.

Charlie choose to not ask about that even who apparently happened which is very concerning, but she did ask about something else. “your food who’s people is selective?” Charlie stated to Alastor who’s grin widened, while wings folded back down relaxing again, folding and linking back to how they where before flaring out and his presence calmed enough to be the familiar playful cheer that make him appear almost harmless.

that’s true to” he chimed while Emily and Peter looked horrified just as Sera was still trying to swallow this heaven-shattering information.


Currently in hell, Fizz yelped as he ducked.

“what the?” he sputtered and for good reason to, as Lucifer ducked to the side staring at the thing with mild disbelief.

“I thought Alastor where kidding about that” Lucifer mumbled stunned at the tv who’s split open to show row of shark like fangs upon fangs as it snapped at the shield, with wooden legs.

“joked about what?” Ozzie eventually asked as the tv dodged his attempt to capture it.

“his dislike for normal technology something about normal tech not being compatible with denser magics” Lucifer answered. “he’s said on several occasions that technology normal one tend to shot off, outright explode or for some reason come to life”

Fizz stared at the tv then to Lucifer and back to the Tv. “clearly he’s right” Fizzarolli deadpanned.

“we need to capture that tv before it chews thru the furniture” Ozzie deadpanned as they heard a boom due to something collapsing.

“or a wall” lucifer commented looking into the hallway not seeing the tv. “err where it is?” he asked, frowning, before they heard something else fall down, starting to understand why Alastor dislike normal tech.

Having it explode on you are annoying enough on it’s own but this terror. Yeah that’s worse, lucifer’s eye twitched in annoyance.

“it’s in the kitchen” Fizz shouted and Lucifer froze eyes widening in horror because if Alastor returns from that meeting in heaven to a destroyed kitchen.

“no, no, no, no!” he repeated and wings materialized with splendor Ozzie haven’t seen in millennia’s. “Capture that TV!” lucifer shouted as he took off. after it as the tv thankfully left the kitchen but ran in rather ridiculous speed for something running on four stubby wooden pegs for legs.

“oph” Ozzie landed as the tv somehow ran right into his leg and continued forward sending the lust sin crashing into the ground.

“Ozzie!” Fizz shouted,

Shaking his head for a moment as Lucifer conjured a net to try and capture it with little success, given the tv just jumped and ran off chewing on was that a part of the bar decorations?

“I’m okay” Ozzie said, “startled but okay, that’s one fast tv” he commented finding the situation bizarre as it where entertaining.

Picking Fizz up and went toward the next explosion and frustrated scream as something clearly broke.

They have a tv to hunt down and he’s not sure if it would be better or worse if the other residents were here right now.


Back in heaven, Sera was very agitated, and not alone in that fact.

As Adam had thrown away his drink “the f*ck is going on? why is a demon suddenly a saint?” Adam shouted because that made no sense what so ever. Saints come to heaven that’s a fact, even if severely traumatized and tormented before said death they still come here.

So how is that demon a saint. thought he do have angel like wings cherubin like numbers given there’s 6 large flight capable and 6 more smaller more decorative like ones.

Lute scowled “saint Gabriel called him Altruist of retribution, the saint for abused” she recounted, not the full title but part of it.

“yeah and openly admitted that he eats people with Gabriel not even batting an eye at it” Adam snapped, because that’s freaky, and disturbing, really disturbing as It’s terrifying. Eating a demon is a bit well disturbing but a human now that’s scary.

“you should be careful of what you say Adam” Sera said as wings glowed white before shrinking down as she landed.

“f*ck Sera, you can’t sneak up on a guy like that jeez” Adam complained.

“your highness forgive me but what are the hell-spawn doing here?” Lute asked.

“well you failed to control the demons unrest and now Lucifer is involved, setting up an audience for his misguided daughter.” Sera replied.

“I never would have agreed to your... yearly activities if I thought it would bring trouble to our doorstep” sera continued. “keeping heaven safe was my only reason for allowing it”

“what do you want from me?” Adam asked.

“I want you to do whatever you need to do to keep this problem from getting any worse” Sera ordered leaning forward “are we clear?” she asked.

“yeah, got it” Adam agreed before frowning “but the demon? The one saint Gabriel calls a saint? is that real?” he asked.

Sera took a shaky breath at that. “yes he is known and recognized as the healing courts most dangerous saint, but also the most mysterious due to being earthbound which makes him tricky to recognize. but for Altruist to live in hell is not just a little concerning” frowning at that.

There’s several saints that changed their ways while alive before coming to heaven, but for one to go to hell, yet. hadn’t Altruist said he’s magical?

Not a heaven born saint or winner formed one, but a saint living and originating from the magical world before moving to hell for who knows why.


Chapter over. i ended up splitting the heaven part into two parts.
Alastor is considered a saint in heaven much to his disbelief. But apparently just decided to ignore that title as long as they don’t mention it again. the side effect from the victim side who end up saved when he hunts preys, so it shouldn’t been surprising.

Chapter 10: Chapter 10, heavenly meetings



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Hours, it took hours before Alastor where able to get the heavenly prince to leave and they finally could get to their room, after a trip where Gabriel had practically pulled them along. At least it where Emily who choose the destination which where a zoo of all things.

even if the seraphim had been rather uncomfortable as Gabriel apologies for not having any suitable food for him, much to Charlie’s shock and amazement... and his own confusion as it’s an angel apologizing for not having human or demon meat of all things.

But finally they were in the assigned room letting Alastor breath and allow them some time to calm down before the meeting later this evening.

“are you really a saint?” Charlie eventually asked, because according to heaven he is which was something to say the least.

no, just no” Alastor grumbled, rubbing his templets for a moment his staff resting in the crock of his arm as it materialized.

It don’t matter if the victims of his prey believe that, Alastor have no intention on being anyone’s saint. that he ends up saving a bunch of people simply by killing and eating his prey is well more of accident then anything else, he doesn’t’ use bate, finding that distasteful. Mimzy being one is more on her coming to him when she messes up and needs an out thus leading prey while she borders on territory of becoming one herself with that murder streak... or had crossed into it and simply filed as frozen meat thus not preferred food choice when compared to fresh one.

He hadn’t truly looked into which yet.

Charlie looked thoughtful but got why the scariest overlord in pride would flat out deny such a title. It’s not just a little out of there but the cause of why heaven gave him it, and yes that’s very much real regardless of Alastor’s dismissal of it.

“yeah about that why were well the angel prince so willing with you eating people?” she asked finding that do been one of the most baffling aspects of the entire day. Why would an angel, a high ranked one at that accept cannibalism of all things.

because he is right about one thing” Alastor started holding up one claw “my kind eats people but only those who fit a specific niche. we reduces the strongest, mightiest and worst predators into frail prey until we’re the last biggest and most dangerous left, that’s the core hunting method of my species” he explained.

Then gave Charlie an even look “why hell who’s been my hunting grounds for centuries haven’t realized that when heaven who’s never met me before now know it, is baffling no?” it wasn’t a true question even if sounded like one as Alastor shrugged in good measure.

“because most victims of your prey ends up here” Charlie said in realization, hell had rumors of Alastor’s supposed if twisted morals but it’s generally believed to be make belief, or just simply lucky you didn’t catch his attention when he’s in mood to slather.

But if his actual instincts go for the worst then those who don’t quite hit that category are simply ignored, or assisted depending on situation. It’s no secret that Alastor tends to search for entertainment, is one hell of a gentleman in most situation even when he messes with you in good measure at the same time.

quite” Alastor hummed with a shrug.

“I don’t know your species, heaven don’t know it either, I asked Gabriel about that and his answer where just that he knows how you work to some degree, but that’s only a small part of the image” Charlie pointed out. “you’re an enigma, the Radio Demon who strikes fear into other overlords, an apparent king on par with the sins yet no one outside of the hotel are even aware of that nature” she continued.

Chuckling weakly “you really are unpredictable force of chaos aren’t you” it wasn’t a question and Alastor smiled, a smaller one but far, far more dangerous.

But he’s not danger to her and she knows it. threats and able to scare the hell out of here if ticked off but he won’t physically do anything unless his somehow ironically saint like patience runs out. even with Mimzy he didn’t actually harm her, just well threw her out and told her to get lost, much to Mimzy’s anger and possible despair but not more even if he most definitely would done something if she tried to push further.

The deer demon is interesting demonic being... and wasn’t that a contradiction in it’s self.

There’s no such thing as a Deer demon, the species literally don’t exist even with sinner vast range of different species. perhaps it’s simply deer like and radio demon is more true but there’s no other real radio demon around so that don’t quite fit or can’t be confirmed.

there’s no denying that Alastor is demonic, oh he’s demonic in the finest most dangerous degree which makes him very alluring to her dad as she discovered.

“you like hell” Charlie realized that one fact, because Alastor likes hell even with all it’s faults, and Alastor’s eyes glowed brighter.

Indeedy” he admitted with a grin. “it’s freeing in way the magical or human world’s is not. hell may be a place of torment but for me it’s where I don’t ever need to worry for hunger, in times of sparce prey” Alastor looked out the window.

perhaps my kind should formed in hell instead, we would have thrived” chuckling at the thought, fully aware that, that isn’t possible and just a dream that won’t ever happen.

Charlie frowned at that, “why didn’t it?” she asked because that is a peculiar comment.

Alastor where silent at that his static running a faint almost frail hum for a moment “do you really want to know?” he asked instead, and crimson eyes meet hers. “its not a pretty tale” he continued.

“only if you’re willing to tell me” Charlie decided given the serious and almost mournful feel of that question. She didn’t want to push, especially not if it’s painful knowledge.

there’s three ways for my kind to form, one is birth which is more theory then confirmed” Alastor started “the other two methods are confirmed, but brutal given what you need to gone thru to qualify to either inherit or turn” he continued.

“that don’t sound to bad” Charlie commented only to flinch at the wounded feeling his smile suddenly gave off.

curtain death abuse” was the easy comment who slipped of Alastor’s tongue and froze Charlie in place.

my kind forms from a survivor who wish they died. both Angel and Fizzarolli qualify but I won’t offer given the food requirement of my kind may not quite get along with them

Hands covered her mouth as the words sank in because that means. Alastor went thru, Charlie shook her head not wanting to image the immense force and terrifying being to formed from something like that, even if it made sense.

“that, that’s horrible” Charlie choked out horrified.

Alastor tilted his head. “painful origins and strength of survival by sheer force of will and magic, regardless of what’s trying to kill us no matter of old or young we are before, regardless of how wounded we are we get out and survive. Before we turn and truly thrive but also Live” he pointed out.

“right, right” Charlie repeated as she tried to calm down.

I don’t belong among the angels and princess that’s just fine with me” Alastor continued with wide grin and cheerful tone as he spread out his arms, and in an allot better mood then earlier..

“a survivor” Charlie mused, as that specific part truly sank in. someone who survived and don’t hide that they did, even if others are unaware that Alastor’s very species is a physical, tangible proof of his survival from bad circ*mstances.

That he can survive and not only live but thrive as well.

Thrived for centuries, with power to match.

Yet it felt like she was missing something so very important in what’s just been said.


Charlie where nervous and for a good reason this is her chance to get thru to them, even if Alastor pretty much dismissing the idea of heaven listening.

The court room was massive decorated in gold yet the walls are a soft purple color, as several angels sat in the balconies for them to be part of the court hearing, with the two Seraphim’s they meet being on the highest one.

Charlie shifted anxiously, while Alastor simply folded his arms behind his back, and she absently wondered just how agile those wings of his actually are, before dismissing that thought. using ones wings as clothing is fairly common for demons with wings, that Alastor do so to makes sense, he likely could fold his larger wings for a full on cloak if choosing, just haven’t felt the need to yet.

Yet when Charlie saw Adam she groaned “oh no, not him again” Charlie didn’t want him here.

“what up baby!” he greeted “saw that you went to my manager, low blow Karen” Adam complained.

“we are gathered here today to determine whether or not a soul in hell can be redeemed into the heavenly realm by means of this Hazbin hotel” Sera recounted, “princess Morningstar?” she offered.

“thank you seraphim” Charlie started “webster’s dictionary defines redemption as-“

“objection, Lame and unoriginal” Adam snapped out.

“sustained, no further dictionary references please” Sera agreed.

Holding up a finger at that “right, okay uh, mmm” Charlie quickly went thru her notes.

“if you have actual evidence then show it already” Adam asked.

Alastor sighted to himself, as this was already going like he expected it to.

“we have a patron right now, who is making incredible progress” Charlie countered.

“who?” Adam asked, leaning at the edge of his balcony.

“Angel Dust”

“oh yeah the p*rn demon, he’s totally worth being redeemed” Adam rolled his eyes, and Alastor gave him an odd look.

why do an angel in heaven know of our effeminate spiders work affairs?” Alastor couldn’t help but to ask at that, and it draw looks from everyone else as Adam sputtered for a moment.

Charlie paused at that for a moment, and decided she really didn’t want to know how the bastard knew that.

“if you know so much what do you think it takes to get into heaven?” she asked instead.

“ummm, w-w-well uh” Adam stopped short at that as his mind drew a blank.

‘really?!’ Alastor thought his smile getting more strained.

“is everything okay Adam?” Sera asked given that he’s not answering.

“give me a f*cking minute okay” Adam decided as he pulled out a quill and started writing.

There where shrugs and confused whispers as several almost grimaced because this was, just wrong.

When Adam where done he threw the paper toward them who Alastor caught and stopped short for a moment as he saw what where written on it “is this for real? Act selfless, don’t steal, stick it to the man,” Alastor questioned as he read it up.

“yeah? sure got me here didn’t it?” Adam answered.

“he was the first human soul in heaven” Sera commented but eyed Alastor verily.

Lifting a hand to the bridge of his nose for a moment as Alastor found the entire list to be just far to ridiculous. “if this is all that’s needed, then several of my souls would be living in heaven” Alastor deadpanned, flat out dismissing the list on the spot and Charlie looked at him startled not having expected that response at all.

“hey I am the first human in heaven” Adam snapped back only to back away a bit as Alastor threw him a smaller sweeter smile that felt like Adam’s skin was flayed off with poison.

really? that don’t change the fact that those who end up in hell seams more random then any actual choice. sure, some deserves it, but other’s are more confusing as to what they could possible done to ever deserve to be sent down” Alastor practically purred.

Charlie at that decided to intervene before Alastor actually went for a hunt on the first man, even if she really wanted to see that it would likely be counterproductive to their court meeting.

“I’m curtain that Angel is doing all of this right now” she decided to say, and Alastor raised a brow.

Adam refocused at those words “then let’s f*cking see it brah” he said snapping his fingers as a silvery-white orb formed in the center.

“your honors may I present exhibit A” Charlie introduced as they watched the events.


Seeing what were happening in Hell right now with Angel Dust wasn’t to surprising, Alastor had pretty much expected something like this, it’s Angel’s first chance to truly celebrate that he’s free, that he don’t need to return to the p*rn studio that he can choose his own work and even go into different field if so choosing.

That he ended up drinking and dancing to the music is well obvious.

But that don’t mean the angels knows why. ‘well played’ Alastor thought as his smile sharpened yet still kept small, ‘but I’m better’ he continued.

“heavenly people what more do you need to see?” Adam commented. “the p*rn star chose a night of debauchery that’s not a soul worthy of being in heaven” he continued.

“um objection” Charlie interrupted drawing the angel’s attentions before Alastor pulled her back down into the chair as he calmly sat at the front of their platform,

“Alastor?” she questioned, as his staff materialized resting gently in his hand.

so you’ve never had a drink with friends before? odd I thought excess was bad not moderate amounts” Alastor commented, before taping his claws against his staff with smooth drum. “especially when celebrating that you’re finally free from an abusing monster that’s been using you as a sex slave for several decades” Alastor continued, his words cut deep and viciously sharp as several blanched at the meaning of said words.

“um, we, uh we” Adam sputtered jerking back in shock before blinking at Alastor who merely gave a calm serene like smile and that sent shivers down them all because that felt so wrong, and far, far to deadly for all their liking.

“f*ck you’re terrifying” Adam whispered to himself with a shiver but underestimated Alastor’s hearing.

why thank you” Alastor responded to the compliment and didn’t make him any less scary.

“sex slave?” Emily whispered horrified and wasn’t alone in that sentiment, because pretty much every angel there shared that thought.

Adam huffed, “you’re really going to pretend that this is behavior is okay?” he asked gesturing to the orb trying to get it back on track.

“come on we got to keep watching, please” Charlie requested.

patience is a virtue is it not” Alastor’s words made several startle as dual crimson eyes looked at them evenly with half lidded gaze “don’t dare judge before you know what happens, or have happened in past either. you know not of what he’s gone thru or the challenges needed to get better” Alastor continued.

Emily where quickly understanding why he’s a saint, one living in hell for who knows why, but still a saint even if an outright terrifying one and somehow a demon which may be why he lives in hell... even if the fact that having a demonic saint threw all she knew of the world upside down.

“I don’t know” Sera hesitated turning her head away from facing them.

“yeah let’s give him a chance” Emily asked making up her mind.

“very well the court will allow it” Sera agreed, as the orb lit up again.

“thank you” Charlie whispered to Alastor who hummed in response.

What they saw now thought where more interesting as Angel took away the drink from Nifty as she’d had more then enough of that, before she disappeared off and Angel choose to look for her, and actually gave money to the group who she taken drinks from.

oh” Alastor hummed his smile widening. While Angel went to search for Nifty again who ran off to somewhere else, and Cherry is right in her comment that he should be relaxing and having fun not playing nanny, before saying the wrong word only to comfort her afterwards.

‘Really calling Nifty a mess even when she’s not drunk is bad choice of words’ Alastor thought absently but where grateful that he stopped her from ending up with one of those pimps trying to take Valentino’s place. something that would take a bit longer before it’s determined who is the next big demon on that field.

“see! He did everything on your checklist!” Charlie called out. “he was selfless, he stopped Nifty from stealing and he stuck it to that pimp” Charlie counted.

“uhh, well uh” Adam hesitated pocking his fingers before looking at the others.

“then why isn’t he here then?” Adam decided to go that route.

“yeah? why isn’t he here?” Emily wondered confused.

Gaining murmurs from everyone at that point wondering the same thing.

“you don’t know” Charlie realized the same thing Alastor already figured sense the start of the meeting. “none of you know what gets someone into heaven?” she continued.

“this questioning stops now” Sera interrupted. “we know when a soul arrives, we know when they pass divine judgement, it’s our job to ensure these souls are safe” Sera stated while Emily summoned the paper looking at the three points who’s now crossed over.

“but she was right Sera” Emily sang quietly. “she showed us a soul can improve he saw the light sera” Emily continued as she flew up into the air.

“checked all the boxes that you said would, prove a person deserves a second chance, now we turn our backs no second glance?” Emily continued singing, while Alastor looked directly at her with mild intrigue.

“it’s not as simple as you think not everything is spelled in ink” Sera counter sang.

“it’s not fair Sera” Charlie intervened joining the song. “don’t you care Sera?” she demanded.

“that just because someone is dead, it doesn’t mean they can’t resolve to change their ways turn the page and escape infernal blaze” Charlie sang as the images switched on the orb.

“I’m sure you wish it could be so but there’s a lot that you don’t know” Sera sang.

“what are we even talking about? Some crack-whor* who f*cked up already he blew his shot like the co*cks in his mouth this discussion is senseless and petty” Lute sang interrupting it putting on her helmet, while Adam made a crude gesture.

“there’s no question to be posed he’s unholy case closed” both flew forward toward Charlie as Adam and Lute sang together “did you forget that hell is forever”

“a man only lives once, we’ll see you in one month gotta say I can’t wait to” Adam continued.

“Adam” Sera tried to interrupt

“come down and exterminate you” he finished as Charlie shifted to demonic form.

“Wait!” Emily shouted and Charlie turned back to normal.

“sh*t” Adam cursed.

“what are you saying, let me get this straight you go down there and kill those poor souls?” Emily asked looking at the orb who now showed slather.

‘they didn’t know?’ Alastor thought honestly surprised.

“you didn’t know?” Charlie wondered

“whops” Adam

“guess the cat’s out of the bag” Lute mused.

“what’s the big deal?” Adam asked.

“Sera tell me that you didn’t know?” Emily begged.

“I thought since I’m older it’s my load to shoulder” Sera tried.

“No” Emily shook her head feeling devastated.

“you have to listen, it was such a hard decision” Sera continued, as she flew down slightly “I wanted to save you the anguish it takes to do what was required” there was literal fire burning in her eyes at that point.

“to think that I admired you” Emily started and pulled back shifting into her true form eye on chest and eye lighting up on her halo “well I don’t need your condescension, I’m not a child to protect. Was talk of virtue just pretension?” rising higher up into the air.

“Was I too naïve to expect you, to heed the morals your purveying?” landing in front of the orb again.

“that’s what the f*ck I’ve been saying” Charlie agreed fully with Emily.

“if hell is forever then heaven must be a lie” Charlie and Emily sang together jumping up on the orb. “if angels can do whatever and remain in the sky the rules are shades of grey when you don’t do as you say when you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again?”

The music stopped at that point as both breathed harshly.

Sera went back up to the balcony, as she pulled herself together “I’m sorry but this court finds that there is no evidence souls in hell can be redeemed” Sera started.

“oh f*ck yes, I win!” Adam cheered, yet before he could do anything the entire area shook.


the angels looked around startled and frightened for a moment while Alastor pulled himself up from where he had been sitting watching this show.

“a heaven quake?!” Adam asked stunned because heaven don’t get quakes!!!

oath breaker” cut thru the air with cold chill making them all shiver while Charlie turned to look at Alastor who’s wings are now fanned out fully, even the ones resting on his arms and shoulders where raised quite a bit.

His eyes weren’t red on red anymore, but glowing red dial like, on void like black. “contract broken, conditions defied and magic angered” Alastor continued but the sheer weight of the words made a several of the angels faulter.

do you truly believe you can escape punishment for a broken contract. Are you even able to sleep without nightmare and horrors pulling you under, can you even move without agony ripping thru your form?” he wondered, and Adam looked confused.

Sera’s flinch didn’t escape Alastor’s keen eyes.

“what the f*ck are you even talking about?” Adam huffed.

you don’t know? contracts and deals are magic by origin, sworn by soul or magic in varying degrees” Alastor started as the orb showed a scroll with glowing letters yet only a random signature where clearly visible. “they’re magic bound thus if broken then magic will deal out punishment, any magical would rather kill themselves then live thru the agony if they are even capable of surviving it in the first place that is” shrugging with merry smile that unnerved all of them.

Adam mused at that, not seeing any lie and the general knowledge about contracts or deals is don’t break it until the contract is ended and simple as that. that there’s a cause to why you shouldn’t break it isn’t to strange if perhaps forgotten to some degree, it made sense.

“so don’t kill any hellborn” Adam stated easily.

Charlie snarled.

“and coming twice a year isn’t breaking it” She snapped realizing what Alastor where talking about for break in contract.

oh it is, but the first bastard isn’t the one bound by the contract is he” Alastor’s static purred, as his filter shifted to a slower tone that made Charlie choke to stunned to believe her ears for a moment.

Black n red eyes turned toward Sera who Emily where keenly watching sense the flinch. Yet the younger seraphim where relieved that Sera wouldn’t get out of this without some kind of punishment even if Emily didn’t like that her sister would be harmed because of it.

Static flickered into sight as the ground darkened with the rise of shadows. His magic growing even more oppressing as it crashed down on the area sending a few of the weaker angels right down into the ground unable to move.

“the plans haven’t changed” Adam sneered.

quite, then your death is decided” Alastor replied with way to much cheer as his grin widened further with teeth’s far too sharp, far too dangerous as his haunting aura rose further.

Adam snorted dismissing that outright “a bunch of demons able to kill me, yeah righ-“ he didn’t get to finish it as the first man was sent crashing into the floor.

demons? I were not speaking of the hotel, I were speaking of my kin” Alastor corrected and spread out his arms. “welcome to the show of death and galore, blood soaking claws are you willing to try your hands on not one but several of my kind?” laughter where heard from his static, as Alastor let out a sharp predatory laugh, with thrill of hunger that made Charlie flinch back, and the angels at the balconies cower.

“f*ck, f*ck how” Adam groaned as the pressure increased, Lute not able to move from her position either the static holding both in place.

“Alastor” Charlie quietly said his name trying to get his attention.

The deer hummed at that, before his eyes turned back to normal, even as the black and red static still flickered. “I’ll enjoy rending your soul apart when you arrive, because this time there won’t be hiding we’ll fight back” Alastor said as he caught the air with a claw and tore the space open much to everyone’s mute shock.

Because he shouldn’t’ been able to open a portal to hell from heaven.

Charlie threw them all disappointed look before walking thru the portal with Alastor following.

His magic and the oppressive weight dissipated shortly after yet the shadows of the rooms felt far more ominous and eerie now then before.

Adam took a deep breath, “f*cking hell, that guy’s terrifying” he admitted with a shiver while Emily snapped at Sera as the other’s where now leaving.

All of them missing as Gabriel frowned as he stood invisible against one of the walls having arrived halfway thru the court meeting,

He wasn’t keen on Sera’s decision. To kill human souls, currently demons, don’t matter it’s just asking for trouble, given what happened last time, a stunt similar to this occurred, this is going to end in another bloodbath.


Alastor looked over Charlie’s shoulder as she had stopped short in the middle of the lobby staring at the destruction?

what happened here?” Alastor scowled, or his version of it, ears folding back partially and smile twisting.

“oh you’re back” Fizz commented as he pocked out from one of the rooms.

“what’s going on?” Charlie asked.

“err we’re sort of-“ fizz hesitated.

“GOT IT!” Lucifer cheered and Alastor’s ears went flat against his head at the volume alone.

A moment or so later Charlie were greeted to the strangest sight of a moving living tv with sharp shark like fangs in was that five rows?

It where currently stuck in a energy cage, with Lucifer who looked worse for where his jacket discarded or perhaps chewed thru at some point, and when looking at both Fizzarolli and Asmodeus they weren’t in much better condition.

Ears perking up again “how long have you been at it?” Alastor asked curious but also relieved given he wasn’t here to see or experience this disaster for ones, just seeing the aftermath of a very chew happy feral tv and it’s rampage.

Lucifer and Ozzie froze, before trading glances “hours” they admitted together.

“sorry for the hotel ducky” Lucifer apologies.

“it’s fine, we can fix it-“ she didn’t get to finish as Alastor pulled her back from the chandelier who just collapsed.

Still chuckling before snapping his claws and they all watched with wide eyes as all of the damage suddenly come undone and rewind to how it where before the living shark tv decided to chew or crash thru it all.

repero is such a useful spell no?” Alastor chimed amused as he let it flow over the entire building.

“Thank you Al” Charlie thanked, as a few stray thoughts finally started clicking into place when she no longer had the meeting hanging over her head... from what Gabriel said to what Alastor himself explained, the pieces falling into place as her mind got stuck on one word.

Survival a sing of survival that they lived and thrive.

‘Alastor never died’ she thought and at that point Charlie stumbled slightly before her eyes rolled up before simply collapsing.

“Charlie!” Lucifer shouted, as Alastor’s shadow caught her somewhat startled, eyes wider then normal.

What just happened?” Alastor asked, confirming that it where something else then the meeting that caused this.


Chapter over and I’m pleased with the results even if it took a few rewriting on some parts.
As for the start of the chapter, I hadn’t a faintest clue of how to write their trip thru the zoo and other places so mention it after instead, letting you imagine what could happen during that trip giving Alastor a headache as result.
Some info on peryton’s creation. A faint reference to how he as Harry were treated by his aunt and uncle before Hogwarts and his chaos inheritance that shunted him back in time.
Alastor still refuses to accept he’s a saint even if the cause to it makes sense, he just can’t see himself as one.
Charlie just realized that Alastor is a living being, a magical and not a magical sinner like prior belief had been pointing at, given what he told of her of his species it got a bit much to swallow all at ones so first after it where all done some parts finally sank in.

Chapter 11: Chapter 11, aftermath



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

They where all rather confused as to why Charlie had fainted, and the others managed to get back before she woke up from said fainting, not sure what to make of the caged tv that’s trying to bite thru the energy bars which is something to say the least.

It also means they need a new tv, preferred one that don’t bite thru the walls, or residents either for that matter.

But it looked like Charlie is waking up from her fainting spell, looking somewhat confused or not quite sure what where going on quite yet.

awake now?” Alastor hummed and Charlie blushed snapping out of the haze.

Lucifer quickly looking her over “what happened why did you faint?” he asked quickly.

“I that, well” Charlie tried as her mind was still somewhat stuck on the fact she realized before.

“Al’s alive” she ended up saying drawing confused looks, and Alastor merely tilted his head.

“of course he is. Smile’s standing right here” Angel pointed out.

“no, not like that but as in didn’t... die” Charlie corrected herself as she trailed off gaining baffled looks from the others while Lucifer blinked.

Alastor’s expression had blanked, smile shrinking to a tiny closed one, as he looked at her.

“please explain” Lucifer asked to that point.

Charlie looked right at Alastor at that question “you’re magical born and raised” she didn’t ask but got a nod in response, “a species who’s the definition of survival when you should died” she continued, and Alastor merely raised a brow, with silent question of and clearly visible.

“if you died then heaven would claimed you no matter what you do to your prey because there’s no such thing as a hell ...” Charlie continued yet the word she was going to finish with didn’t leave her tongue making Charlie frown and eye Alastor with suspicion.

I am not entertaining heaven’s insanity” Alastor stated bluntly but confirmed he had put a silence spell on that ridiculous title. He didn’t want to hear it, the very notion of that title made no sense even if it did have some basis, it’s not enough for him to accept it.

Not to speak of the complete havoc that title could cause to not only his status but also relations to heaven if it got out in hell... having heaven recognize him as a saint and everyone knowing of it will destroy how sinners regard heaven, which is already on far to shaky grounds to start with due to the exterminations.

“Gabriel’s arrival was strange” Charlie admitted to Alastor’s comment a bit peeved that he didn’t tell her of magicking that title, “that he apologies for not having any criminal meat for Al to eat were... “she trailed off at that missing how the others stared at her with shock.

There was silent for a while only Alastor’s static could be heard hum a quite tune of exhaustion,

“let me guess. Gabriel was cheerful and predatory vicious?” Lucifer eventually sort of asked. he didn’t remember much from heaven, that was so long ago and he was very young back then, the youngest in heaven at that point in time but the healer was scary he remember that fact.

“he got scary yes” Charlie admitted thinking back to how offhandedly he admitted that heaven had gotten softer.

Ozzie grimaced “most of the older angels are well they’re not exactly kind, the princes especially so” he offered, the exterminations are a good example of that in the first place and that’s not even starting on other events they’ve caused even if it maybe have calmed over the last millennia.

that don’t explain why you fainted” Alastor pointed out.

“Alastor you never died to get here did you” it wasn’t a question and Alastor stared at her for a moment confused as to why she was even asking, while the other’s traded glances. Sure magicals typically went to wherever they went to after death, but in rare occasions they end up in hell or heaven... normally due to a curse of some kind, affecting where they should ended up.

Alastor tilted his head fully considering the statement or rather why she voiced it “you realized that first now?” he asked stunning them as eyes widened.

“a spiritual race? That actually makes allot of sense” Lucifer mused more to himself then the others who had frozen in shock due to that knowledge. Because out of the vast range of different magical species, there are those who’s inherently spiritual, titled spirit races and able to travel to heaven or hell as they choose to. well that’s if they know how to open portals first, and magicals as a whole are immortal species so that won’t make much if any real difference.

The chance of Alastor not knowing how to open portals when one of his favorite attack methods is opening one to who knows where those tentacles from, would be a ridiculous notion.

Angel opened his mouth then closed it again before voicing a single question. “how did you get to hell?” he asked, with the silent question as to why?

portal in south America. It was such an enticing scent and the pure chaos was far too entertaining to ignore” Alastor answered easily with an amused grin... even as the others blinked slowly, ones then again, and few of them a third and fourth time as they stared agape.

“you, you, that you” Vaggie tried to talk but failed to put the words in place.

Husk had practically given up on that point, as he went for something way stronger to drink, he wasn’t anywhere close to drunk enough for this.

and at it all, Lucifer just burst out laughing.

“of course you’d move to hell for the kick of it” he couldn’t help laughing that was such a Alastor thing to do, and they all knew it regardless of how head-twisting that fact is.

It’s also at the same time just Alastor being Alastor, him being his naturally chaotic self, and not really changing anything. He’s still here just not out of force or death, but because he chooses to live in hell and thrives here... and that made Lucifer feel relieved as the quieter less obvious cause it sank in.

That there are those like Alastor who freely chooses hell and want to stay, over other places they can claim home.

Fizz frowned slightly as a thought occurred to him. “don’t that mean you can die permanently, like other hellborn?” he asked carefully, not sure how to raise the question and it crashed the entire feel of the room in an instant.

Everyone going quiet, stilling, none of them liking the thought of ever losing their enigmatic deer.

Alastor on the other hand snorted, as he waved it off dismissing it on the spot. “can’t die. My kind are higher immortals we just heal or reform if injured regardless of severity, and that’s without adding in the odd deathly magics to mix, there’s higher chances of earth ending before I die” he explained simply more then aware of that part even if he never understood where those deathly magics came from or why he have them, it’s not like they’re useful in normal situations.

They’re just well there, and the only actual useful part is sensing if someone is dying, died, or the stealth capabilities, the rest he could potentially do isn’t worth the costs on those it’s done at.

Both sins on the other hand felt pure relief, Ozzie for Lucifer case and Lucifer for the fact that he won’t loose Alastor to death.

he’s willing to wait until the deer feels more comfortable with him, and it’s likely the other prefer to take it slow given it’s unlikely he’s not aware of it... but chooses to wait or chooses to ignore it until actually told, simply letting it go it’s own way at it’s own speed. Would be a Alastor thing to do when thinking of it.

“well that proves that story” Angel muttered thinking back to the angelic steel blade rumor about Al and that it didn’t work other then pissing the deer off.

now my dear, why don’t you tell everyone what happened during the meeting?” Alastor suggested, and Charlie blinked.

“oh yes, that” she faulted slightly, it hadn’t gone well and they’re all aware of that as she started to recount the meeting.


other’s talked, mostly of the extermination and potential plans, but also the fact that neither Asmodeus or Lucifer can interfere with the extermination, not with the contract still somewhat holding even if it where tearing at the moment.

A fact that left Lucifer mildly confused, “how do you know that the contract is breaking?” he asked curiously.

it’s hard to miss when meeting one of the holders” was the swift reply, he picked that up after meeting Sera. Which left him wondering who was the other holder, it’s not Lucifer that much is curtain or he would pick up on a damaged contract with the other side of it doing said damage and break to the contract.

“let me guess the contract is preventing you form interfering” Angel didn’t ask.

And Lucifer grumbled to it. “pretty much, until the contract is broken or voided I can’t interfere with the exterminations” he answered as Vaggie returned alone, from her talk with Charlie.

“that explains allot” Vaggie muttered, she always had wondered why the king of hell never interview with the exterminations or if he was just passive and stopped caring, or got to tired of the sinners messing with everything that he simply gave up trying.

Instead it where a contract preventing him and the other sins from interfering as long as the contract held.

The two sins shared a glance at that, the talk probably hadn’t gone well if Vaggie is here and Charlie isn’t. given the likely subject of said talk Vaggie told her why she was blocked from the portal to being a fallen. Which from looks of things didn’t end well.

“right I have something to tell you” Vaggie started carefully as she flinched.

“and that is?” Husk asked dryly.

“I’m a fallen” Vaggie sighted.

”say what now?” was the shared question yet neither sin or Alastor reacted to it.

“wait you knew?” Angel demanded, and Alastor raised a brow to that.

not that hard to miss” Alastor commented idly while both sins shrugged, the angelic energy was still there and not hard to miss for either of them even if her form have started to change by being in hell, twisting, not the same as it where before but if the changes are complete neither knew.

Nifty on the other hand frowned “where are your wings?” she asked and Vaggie grimaced at the reminder.

“Nifty I don’t have any-“ she started.

“did you ever think maybe she’s sensitive about her lack of wings” Angel stated, because the reason to Vaggie not having wings instead of like Lucifer and Alastor who simply tucks their away, like right now... meant she lost them, either due to the fall or what caused her to fall.

“where is our fearless leader anyway?” Angel decided to ask. “isn’t it about time for another doomed to fail plan?” he continued with a exasperated tone, even as Sir Pentius had pretty much left the conversation when Keekee jumped down on his lap.

“she’s upstairs coming up with something I’m sure” Vaggie answered, “in our room... alone” she continued as Alastor looked up to the ceiling.

He hummed for a moment making up his mind, “Al” Lucifer started, as the deer disappeared into mist of shadows, teleporting out of the room.


Alastor materialized in the bedroom and noted that Charlie where curled up under the cover with as his ears twitched at the sounds of crying.

Yes she didn’t take the truth well. even if those two familiar guards where good servant’s one of them even holding a box of tissues.

oh Charlie you look an absolute mess” Alastor stated very intentionally to get her attention and get some reaction.

“urg, go away Alastor” Charlie complained and pulled the cover over her head.

Sitting down at the edge of the bed, “now, now is that any way to act after picking a fight with all of heaven and dooming everyone you love?” he asked, given he himself just warned them off breaking contract, because he won’t be holding back when they arrive, no he’ll let loose and fight.

The angel’s hadn’t changed their plan, no they’re still arriving in a month time for a new to early extermination, so beating some sense into them clearly hadn’t worked.

But that got a reaction as Charlie sat up holding her head “I have enough on my mind without hearing your sad*stic idea of a joke asshole” Charlie groaned before laying back down with back facing him.

At that Alastor merely teleported to the other side of the bed, laying on it “who’s joking?” he asked and Charlie yelped falling off the bed which hadn’t been intentional.

Leaning back up “you have a captive audience downstairs waiting to hear what kind of inspiring performance you have planned next” Alastor explained resting his head on his palm.

Charlie pulled herself up and looked at him with dry gaze, “I can’t, how can I face them after failing them so hard?” Charlie started while Alastor moved to lay on his stomach, as she now sat leaning against the bed. “they came here to be saved and all I gave them was more pain”

“I’m just as bad as the cruelest overlord in hell maybe worse, at least they don’t go around giving false hope” Charlie stood up quickly.

well I never expected to see such a miserable display of self-loathing from you” Alastor stated, given that Charlie normally is a bundle of joy and rainbows but everyone got a dark side.

“oh f*ck you Alastor” Charlie snapped.

“all you do is stand there smiling while you watch us struggle and fail, I don’t know how you can enjoy all this suffering so much” her shoulders sank down at that.

She shivered as Alastor moved, feeling his claws stretch and rest on her shoulders with a chuckle “just because you see a smile don’t think you know what’s going on underneath it” Alastor started and let go. “truth in the matter I rarely ever stops smiling even when I unlock my yaw from it and as long as it remains locked then the smile stays permanently” he continued while Charlie stared somewhat stunned.

a smile is a valuable tool my dear, it inspires your friends, keep your enemies guessing and ensures that no matter what comes your way you’re confident and in control” he continued.

“but I’m not” Charlie denied as Alastor spun his staff, “I’m the farthest thing from in control, the person I trust most has been lying to me for years, heaven refuses to listen” she continued while the staff disappeared.

Walking in the room as she tried to calm down with no success as Charlie ranted “even if they did I can’t prove the hotel works. Adam has an invincible exorcist army pointed right at my doorstep and there’s nothing I can do about it” she continued hitting the window.

‘Can’t do anything?’ the thought struck him as the smile widened into predatory, because that’s not true is it.

While death touched weaponry and basilisk poison are out of reach for the others and fiend-fire is suicidal for everyone involved. There is a fourth method capable of killing immortals like sinners and angels alike. One that’s magically hidden preventing others from figuring out that angels can be harmed even as Vaggie is physical proof that it’s possible, given she never healed the eye or wings.

Yet she’s also not aware as to why or how, probably believing it to be the fall cause. yet Carmilla killed an angel, and only way she had available to manage that is angelic steel, a fact that tried to slip his mind several times before he manage to grab the secret. It took a while to figure out why that where, that the secret was hidden with magic to make the angels appear unbeatable and indestructible.

Alastor couldn’t tell her the secret, magic prevented that under normal situations but there is a way around that. “I know something you don’t know” Alastor sang, confusing Charlie.


the scary angel’s aren’t as indestructible as they like to appear” Alastor said simply.

“what are you talking about?” Charlie asked.

just that you and your little band might have a chance, more then you might think” Alastor answered.

“how? I’ll do anything” Charlie asked practically begging.

then let’s make a deal” Alastor replied, and Charlie froze.

“you- want my soul?” she asked and Alastor looked more ominous for a moment before it evaporated as if air.

your soul? Heaven’s no, nothing of the sort, why do everyone always go for the soul?” Alastor mused shaking his head.

“wait!” Lucifer cut in having just arrived to hear Alastor complain about everyone always expect the soul as price for a deal, which means a deal is on the table and that’s dangerous.

“dad!” Charlie startled not expecting him here.

“no deal required you can just ask us what you want” Lucifer cut in, not sure what the deal is about but talking first is good, or a start, even as his own eyes meet dual red ones as Alastor raised a single brow at the question alone.

who said anything of me being able to tell you without one?” he countered and both blinked not expecting that of all things. ”Secrets hidden by magic are tricky to deal with, they don’t like being found out and even less told” Alastor explained

“and a deal where you tell us, in return for a favor works?” Lucifer frowned lightly, it made sense he didn’t like it, but magical secrets are a pain to deal with in normal situations.

Alastor grinned “exactly you become a secret keeper of this hidden detail and can tell whoever you like, others may not be able to spread it but you will be at your choosing, and in return I get a favor where you shouldn’t harm anyone” shrugging absently.

“I won’t hurt anyone” Charlie decided but she needed that knowledge.

who’s asking? Just one favor at time of my choosing, where you shouldn’t harm no one and in return I give you the secret for you to tell as you choose” Alastor repeated the deal, as he spun his staff before holding out his hand.

Green light forming as he held out his hand “do we have a deal?” Alastor asked.

“Deal” Lucifer decided to take it instead of his dotter who’s eyes widened, as green light spread, forming sigils and rune like symbols that wasn’t specific to anyplace or perhaps the more familiar symbols originated from these ones.

Seeing Alastor partially shift, the glowing green stitches on his mouth and antlers extending, no wings in sight but they weren’t needed, his own form partially shifted as well before it faded. Antlers shrinking back to normal as Alastor leaned forward and whispered in Lucifer’s ear.

angelic steel is as fatal to angels as it is to demons” it was a single sentence but one that caused his eyes to widen in shock as the magic settled.

“Dad!” Charlie shouted

as Vaggie arrived “Charlie!” she shouted spear in hand, they had felt Alastor’s magic how it surged, the green light and markings forming even on the ceiling where they had been.

right on cue” Alastor commented, as Vaggie saw now Charlie but lucifer having made a deal.

“you didn’t you shouldn’t have” Charlie tried as Alastor let go.

“it’s fine, it’s fine, worth it” Lucifer countered, because that secret it’s clearly shrouded in magic hiding it yet he had a wide open door to it which was a peculiar sensation. Alastor likely just pierces thru the mist hiding said secret, when he found a clue and dug his claws in cutting thru the magics attempt to re-hide it from him.

“what did you do?” Vaggie asked scared.

“I made a deal with Alastor but Dad took it instead” Charlie answered and Vaggie looked like she would break down.

oh calm down no one lost their soul” Alastor commented absently.

“I just got the information needed to give the hotel a fighting chance” Lucifer explained, straightening a bit “we need angelic steel” he continued and Charlie blinked.

“angelic steel? that means Carmilla is the key” Charlie realized but could it be that simple it’s almost to easily yet, hadn’t Alastor said it was magically hidden, with something that obvious the only way it could stay hidden was by magic.

“what? Carmilla Carmine?” Vaggie looked confused, not sure how angelic steel would help.

“angels can be harmed” Charlie said with absolute certainty.

“what? I didn’t even know that was possible” Vaggie looked startled.

“if you knew would you have told me?” Charlie frowned at her, but Vaggie’s reaction told Alastor that she likely thought her injuries being what they were even after healing was due to falling.

Grabbing her jacket “I need you to go to her, convince her to help us, if she does, we might have a chance” Charlie continued.

“with just the seven of us?” Vaggie frowned at that, because Lucifer couldn’t help unless the contract fully broke which is a bit iffy given that Lucifer wasn’t the other holder and don’t have said contract.

“no, we, ugh we’re going to need numbers” Charlie scowled.

I know just who can help” Alastor said appearing behind her. Leaning forward “as long as Charlie can be her normal charming self” Alastor continued, pinching her cheek and Lucifer wasn’t sure how the claws didn’t go thru skin.

“what’s that you said about smiles?” Charlie wondered and got patted on the head.

Head tilting toward the sin, “can you go to live-stage and talk with the manager Haza, he’ll be delighted to assist as well” Alastor said to Lucifer, who raised a brow to that but nodded.


Angel walked up to Vaggie who where getting down the stairs.

“um, Charlie and Alastor just left like they were running away from their responsibilities, and Lucifer wasn’t far after” Angel commented, not quite sure what to think of that given those are the three strongest beings at the hotel.

“should we be alarmed?” he asked.

“no” Vaggie said bluntly “we have a plan, but it includes defending ourself against the angels” she continued.

Husk stilled as he snapped out of his mental exhaustion. “are you f*cking high?” Husk demanded.

“they can be killed” Vaggie said.

“what’s important now is that we’re gonna have a fight on our hands, making this hotel the most dangerous place in hell and we-“ Vaggie stopped. “I can’t guarantee your safety anymore, I still believe in Charlie’s dream. I know this place can work but none of you signed up for this” Vaggie continued closing her one eye.

“I’m going to go learn how we can fight back but when I come home” stopping for a moment In the door entrance.

“well I’ll understand if none of you are here” she finished.

“well this is awkward” Sir Pentious said as Vaggie left, while Nifty waved a hand.

Ozzie looked at them while Fizz currently hung from his shoulder “so are you going to stay?”

“I’m not leaving” Angel decided, “and it’s Alastor who gave them the knowledge right, something from beyond, primordial magics or the likes? It’s not like he’s limited by conventional limitations, he did kill several overlords permanently so knowing how to kill angel’s isn’t odd” Angel continued.

The sin stared at him for a moment. “that’s chaos magics from beyond and It’s surprising you are aware of any of that” Ozzie commented.

“what? just because I like sex don’t mean I’m stupid” Angel snorted.

“I don’t think that’s it” Fizz commented, as Ozzie shook his head.

“nah that knowledge is rare and unusual even for those with magical skill” Ozzie stated startling Angel who hadn’t known of that.

“you just went with Alastor logic didn’t you” Husk sighted wondering if it was worth trying to get drunk.


Lucifer manage to locate the place with some minor issues, and found the building to be impressive.

Not only due to the sheer elegance of the place itself quickly proving it’s right as one of the expensive places to go to, but especially favored by nobility.

Finding a tall imp female standing at a podium. “hello do you have an dinner appointment?” she asked, startling Lucifer, who wasn’t recognized.

“ah, right sort of? Al, Alastor told me to talk with the manager about something off the studio” Lucifer decided, which was also true even as the poor imp froze.

That Alastor owns the place isn’t common knowledge the general belief is that Hazard owns it but in reality he runs it, so getting people saying the owner, told them to come here happens every ones in a while. But when asked who that owner is, they get it wrong every single time, apart of this occasion.

Meaning he’s been told by either the radio demon or hazard.

“he said, oh right of course” the imp said after a moment.

“this way good sir” she continued, and closed the book calling for another to handle the entrance for a while.

Lucifer stared eyes wide at the interior, one that’s just as seamless blend of Victorian and modern that’s regal and impressive. Truly built to impressive, but also had a elegance in it that made it all smooth and natural in way that drew attention.

Tables and places scattered about with chairs resting on various platforms that almost akin to stairs leading as a half circle to the large scene. All of which in various shades of blue from dark to lighter luminescent ones, mixed with black and white to decorate, in addition to the bright scene and curtain resting behind it.

The place was calming, reminding him of storms from earth in a way, but the walls also lined with balconies, some platform like, with few sit places others reserved and private, which was also where he’s being lead Lucifer quickly realized.

Seeing the hallway itself one side solid wood with stone like pillars and arched ceiling yet paintings decorated them that looked almost alive, forming all kinds of stories or perhaps pieces from popular shows? Lucifer didn’t know but it also clearly stood to impress. The other side had half stairs leading to various doorways that lead to the specific platforms that weren’t as connected as expected. even as he was being lead higher up, toward one of the balconies, likely a private one or the manager’s office it’s hard to tell.

But higher up then the walls where less glass encased and decorated similar to the wooden side instead with fine elegant metal glass doors, painted from looks of things.

“here’s your room” the imp said swiftly opening the door, this one more purple and red then the dominant blue of the main hall.

But perfect view of the stage and Lucifer quickly noticed a volume control resting at the table who looked like you’d solidified a earth river.

“would you like anything to drink while you wait?” she asked fully professional.

“ah yes thank you” Lucifer blinked snapping out of it.

He’s not sure how long he waited, having opted to sit down in the comfortable chair and watch the show currently on and lucifer was fairly sure that the performance ended before anyone showed up.

The demon who opened the door wasn’t one Lucifer recognized even if he where startled because this demon felt like Alastor. not in terms of being related but rather the feeling, presence you can pick up on when meeting a demon who share the same species as someone you’re familiar with and that threw Lucifer for a loop because looking at this pale demon.

The horns where wrong. these ones larger and distinctly dragon like with s like curve as they flowed back yet next to them where two fluffy long ears so very similar to Alastor’s own even if these tilted slightly back in relaxed lean... they where white with red edge n tip to them his hair also white, long reaching almost knee and pulled back into a low ponytail while the bangs framing his face are chin n shoulder long.

His eyes hooded-shaded with similar crimson as Alastor’s but the eyes themselves where gold, glowing with paler gold sclera, his skin also similar grey tint if paler shade, with his fangs... the row of sharp shark like teeth curling into a smaller smile that read of curiosity. Dressed in a pair of black pinstriped dress-pants with red lower hem, a fine black dress-shirt covered with a silvery and red embroidered corset-vest, in addition to a fine classic coat with red-black shimmering inside yet stunningly white outside, with a pair of white fingerless gloves similar to his own showing the black claws but covered the rest of the hands.

Lucifer stared for a moment. “the big king himself eh, now this is a surprise” Haza commented, not having expected this, at all even as his lips curled in pure amusem*nt. Not the cheshire smile Alastor tend to have as default but a smaller more lazy smile.

He didn’t have the radio effect either, so perhaps that’s an Alastor quirk then species one, which doesn’t surprise Lucifer when thinking of it.

“greetings, pleasure meeting you sire. I’m Hazard but most call me Haza either will do” Haza introduced himself.

“ah right, I’m Lucifer, Mange which you already know” Lucifer replied as the demon took the other seat while the volume of the performance where tuned low.

“so care to tell me why Al sent you here?” Haza asked leaning his chin on his hands, claws clicking together.

“Alastor asked me to come here and request your help for the hotel” lucifer started, “the exorcist aren’t changing their plans, I can’t intervene until the contract breaks, but Al said you’d be delighted to help” he continued.

Haza blinked slowly for a moment ears fully perked and in full attention.

Then it came the familiar cheshire smile, wide sharp, oh so very sharp and very much predatory. Haza laughed “ahaha, oh how wonderful he don’t hold back when hunting, first the largest dementori nest in a millennia and now a exorcists army and both in the same decade” Haza still chuckled, even as the gold sclera turned black, and faint crackle could be heard.

“hunt, you’re the same species, deer like right” Lucifer sort of asked, more for confirmation given the very different horns.

“we are” Hazard confirmed tilting his head as the smile shrunk slightly, still cheshire like, but a more lazy one. “and the deer traits are more of the iconic one of my kind our forms are what we prefer and likes not what we has to have, and no the smile isn’t permanent per say unless we lock the yaw in” he continued for the second question most would be wondering about.

“but yes, I’ll be delighted to help teach the little exorcists a lesson they’ll not soon forget” Haza’s eyes glowed brighter for a moment as his voice distorted but it wasn’t the radio effect, no it was more echoing, with thunder like crackle instead.

Lucifer felt relieved thought, having the confirmation but he do wonder what exactly Alastor and Hazard both are. deer demons aren’t a thing and form what he just heard the deer traits are the traditional the iconic one known for their kind but as Haza’s own horns demonstrate it’s not forced nor what they has to use.

Meaning a shape-shifting race as well as a spiritual magical one.


Chapter over.
Charlie got stuck on the realization that he never died, that she sort of failed to mention the requirement needed, outside of example of survival when you should have died.
But she didn’t react well to finding out Vaggie is a fallen exorcist, even if she got pulled out of it, with some tugging.
lucifer meet hazard, and instantly could pin point that Hazard and Alastor share the same species. but not what said species are, which if not for how rare it is should be obvious really, it’s not like either of them hides it. but lets see if he can put the pieces together eventually.

Chapter 12: Chapter 12, hello Rosie



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

They where currently on their way to Cannibal town and Charlie hadn’t stopped talking no ranting the entire way there, she likely hadn’t even noticed where they are either from looks of things.

“three years, three years I’ve been sharing my life with her and I tell her everything” Charlie continued, arms moving as she walked.

Alastor on the other hand had his smile closed, and arms folded behind his back with staff in hand, ear twitching every ones In a while.

“my hopes, my dreams, my insecurities, my embarrassing habits. What f*cking deodorant I like and she keeps something like this from me!” borderline hysteric at that point.

“why would she lie for so long? Does she think I wouldn’t accept her? What about Me? says un understanding?” Charlie asked. “misunderstanding? Disunder- wait where are we?” Charlie blinked realizing that she didn’t recognize the place.

Cannibal town!” Alastor instantly answered arms spread wide. “there’s a friend of mine I think you should meet” Alastor continued hocking her arm with his.

“in cannibal town? But it’s-“ Stopping short as she actually looked around at the very civil polite town a bit old fashioned compared to pentagram city, but the demons here appear to share species. “it’s surprisingly nice here” Charlie admitted.

isn’t it though?” Alastor chimed. “and it’s all thanks to a very special someone” he continued, even as the civilians there moved aside to let him pass, some greeting him with wave or taking off their hats.

While Charlie where curious of what kind of demons they all where, the claws where more discrete then Alastor’s yet the shark like row of fangs in cheshire like grins where similar, but these demons where more grey skinned then Alastor’s greyish-tan as the deer had more color to him and all of their eyes where deep black no pupil or iris in sight yet almost everyone here where smiling in some form or another.

Opening the painted glass door, and guided Charlie inside.

“well who hasn’t thought about eating their first husband? I certainly would have if he didn’t taste so bad” Rosie said with a wave of her hand. “hehe, I tell you what you bring old tall, dark and armless to me” Rosie continued as she took out a note writing on it before guiding them away from the front desk, “and I’ll straighten them right out okay sweetie? Now here’s my card and-“ she stopped short as she saw Alastor.

Blinking twice, “oh my stars, do my eyes deceive me?” Rosie asked before pushing the crowd away “Alastor? Alastor!” she continued and walked closer “where have you been? These halls really lost some of their sparkle without your lively presence and” Rosie spoke easily dusting some dust off form Alastor’s shoulder and pulled him into a hug in good measure who Alastor easily welcomed much to Charlie’s shock.

“oh who’s this you brought with you? come now Alastor she’s much too young for you oh I’m just kidding I know you’re an ace in the hole” Rosie teased and Alastor blinked.

is that one of those mortals tags?” Alastor wondered, with confused tilt to his ear, while Charlie simply stared for a moment as something became very clear to her at that comment.

‘that explains allot’ she thought absently.

“but where are your manners mister? Introduce us why don’t you” Rosie requested.

Alastor hummed before walking up between them “of course, Charlie this is Rosie the cannibal queen and most darling delightful overlord in the pride ring” Alastor introduced as Rosie gave a curtesy.

“oh always such a charmer” Rosie said.

and Rosie, it’s my pleasure to introduce you the bundle of joy that is the dotter of Lucifer crown Princess Charlie Morningstar” he continued.

Waving somewhat hesitantly “how do you do?” Charlie said somewhat awkwardly.

“well, well isn’t this a regal surprise come in come in” Rosie said before pushing Charlie deeper into the shop.

“can I offer you something to eat? I’m sure I have a leg around here somewhere. Oh what am I thinking? Small thing like you you’re probably watching your figure” Rosie continued looking around at one of the tables for a moment before turning back around to Charlie.

“how about some nice pinky fingers instead?” Rosie offered taking out a small delicacies box of all things which when thinking of it Charlie should have expected.

“ummmm, no, no thank you thought” Charlie declined shifting nervously.

“oh look at you so polite” Rosie said delightful, “now come sit down, tell Auntie Rosie what she can do for you?” Rosie continued as she lead them to one of the tea tables and armchairs, before focusing on Alastor for a moment.

“you know Alastor I got a primo connect on a guy with about eight blocks of territory and not enough goons to run it prime pickings for a deal to be made my friend” Rosie offered and Alastor’s eyes lit up at that.

how interesting, sadly thought we’re here for a business of another kind at the moment” Alastor said apologetic he do like deals, favors especially so and it’s always so entertaining watching the fool mess it all up for wishing for the wrong thing or when they discover what they wanted wasn’t what they where after.

“well don’t keep me in suspense I’ a very busy woman” Rosie commented while Alastor leaned against the other chair.

“well as you know” Charlie began hesitantly before practically panicking “the extermination is coming early it’ll be here in a month and they’re coming for my hotel and my friends first and I, I,I,I,I,I-“ Charlie got stuck at that point while Rosie and Alastor shared a glance, her eyes wide.

we need your help” Alastor intervened before Charlie got spiral further.

well your cannibals help at least to fend off the attack” he corrected.

Rosie put down her tea at that “wow when you ask a favor you don’t start small do you your highness?” Rosie questioned, leaning her chin into her palm for a moment “don’t fret, I didn’t say I wouldn’t help but I assume there’s more to this plan than a bunch of unarmed cannibals?” Rosie asked as she stood up.

oh your people will be far from helpless, both weapons more then capable of killing the feather-dusters, and Haza’s assistance is all but confirmed and by the end they will be able to eat their fill” Alastor practically purred in delight status purring as the air got heavy.

“well in that case sure why not” Rosie agreed.

Charlie stood up “really?” she asked with wide eyes.

“what can I say I like your moxie girl, and old Alastor has never done my kind wrong before” Rosie continued.

“thank you, thank you, thank you” Charlie cheered overjoyed that she’s getting help before one thought occurred to her. “your kind?” that wasn’t reference to cannibals because Alastor is one, so their species perhaps.

wendigo my demon bell” Alastor answered. “our kinds are sibling races and share several similarities, more so for the ones able to use full demon forms” he continued the explanation while Charlie stared somewhat confused.

‘wendigo?’ she had no clue what demonic species that is yet the name was clearly a magical one as it held Power. cold shivering terror inducing sensation that suddenly drenched over her at the sound of the name and Charlie suddenly understood why the cannibals simply went by the name of cannibals then their actual species.

Is there a similar case to Alastor? the name of his species holding actual power making you not want to say it due to the dreed it causes? it wouldn’t surprise her at this point.


Outside near the town square, Rosie stood with a megaphone.

“all Cannibals assemble in the square!” Rosie called out before turning to Charlie with the megaphone lowered, “now darling I know I would do anything, anything for my clients but I can’t exactly command all of Cannibal town to follow someone else into battle” Rosie started.

“now don’t get me wrong they love carnage and bloodshed as much as any of my kind, but to get this group into line you got to win them over” she continued as Charlie looked at her, listening.

Refocusing on the forming crowd “Settle in! settle in! important meeting!” Rosie called out.

“but how do i?” Charlie started

“with sparkle! Razzmatazz and that oh so appealing moxie of yours” Rosie answered before Charlie could finish arms spread wide.

shouldn’t be a problem” Alastor commented. “it’s not like you’ve ever failed to inspire before” he shrugged before heading to the pavilion in the square.

“now fair warning this group sticks together. so in order to convince any of them you’ll need to convince all of them” Rosie said holding Charlie’s shoulder for a moment. “and there’s one in particular”

urg Susan” Alastor complained ears folding back in pure annoyance.

“Susan” Rosie commented equally annoyed. “who’s a bit of an uh” Rosie paused trying to figure out what to call her.

Ornery old bitch?” Alastor stated eyes scarily narrowed as he clicked his claws in smooth motion while teleported next to them.

“that” Rosie agreed easily “she’s though but win her over and the rest will be easy as pie” Rosie explained.

“ready?” Rosie asked.

“I guess” Charlie wasn’t so sure.

“everyone we have a very special very royal guest this evening please put your bloody hands together for princess Charlie” Rosie introduced before moving to the side to show Charlie who had been standing behind her in front of a microphone.

“boo! Bring Rosie Back!” someone screamed out in protest and Charlie blinked before her expression dried.

“Susan?” she asked bluntly to that.

Susan/Susan” both agreed equally annoyed, neither liked that old crone. An old crone who really let herself go to say the least, Susan now compared to the feral hunter sharing same name that Alastor meet 2000 years ago from before the tribe settled in hell. A wendigo Alastor isn’t even sure is the same person or not because this Susan and that one are/were like different worlds.

While Susan was the only one in cannibal town that let themselves go, she’s not actually the oldest here, there’s five cannibals in town that’s several millennia older the elders. with the small number being due to the hunting, combat and war like nature few from before the settling are still alive for whatever reason Alastor wasn’t all to sure.

Wendigo are immortals an magical-hellborn hybrid race and sibling kin to his own, old age isn’t an issue, even those who gained laugh lines they didn’t really age, not past reaching adult. so appearing like a old hag was highly unusual, the oldest they tended to look was 40 at worst. Even if ones mind and mentality can affect ones visible age, feel old and you can look older, feel young, healthy and in your prime and you won’t look past said prime ever, age can get really fluent with magicals.

demon-magical hybrid race like wendigo included and that’s not starting on the various age to de-age potions existing.

Given that Wendigo are higher class immortals rivaling the immortality of a ars goetia or sinner, they can die it’s just to achieve it is extremely and insanely hard to do... especially given the sheer overwhelimg durability and resilience wendigo possess with added extreme regeneration to the mix that can outpace most sinners.

They’re apex predators that no one with any sanity want to challenge even if you carry a angelic weapon capable of causing permanent death, you still need to reach a final blow which is challenge all in it’s own.

And this wasn’t due to magical might like the noble ars goetia but, because of sheer overwhelming physical might they’re known for together with the war like nature and family unit they tended to form.

It’s why Charlie need to convince them all, even if Rosie is the cannibal queen, it’s Charlie who’ll lead them, or try at the least, so she need to convince them.

Pocking at the microphone as several grimaced at the feedback and mumble could be heard.

“sorry, uh okay, my name is Charlie and” Charlie tried.

“booooo” Susan called out.

“well I run this hotel with my part-“ Charlie continued.

“Get off the stage you blue blood bitch!” Susan continued.

“wait let me start over” Charlie tried.

“we don’t give a sh*t about some hotel!” Susan

“Angels are coming to kill us all and we need help defending our realm” Charlie tried even as Susan kept on screaming sabotaging any attempt to talk.

“leave before I eat those big ass eyes of yours!”

“we need help with your-“ Charlie continued to try.

“boo! Get off!” Susan kept on going, and it where only getting worse both Alastor and Rosie quickly realized.

“and I” Charlie stopped herself at that eye twitching “f*ck you, you old bitch!” she screamed and everything froze.

Rosie startled and Alastor blanked “okay... we’ll be back after a brief intermission” Rosie decided grabbing Charlie who breath heavily.

“boo get Rosie back on!” Susan shouted as the two left leaving a very annoyed Alastor behind.

His ears pinned back as he walked up with fangs dangerously bared which the cannibals quickly noticed more familiar with his animal tells aren’t dog like at all. while allot of animal like demons pinned their ears back and tucked ones tail between your legs if you have one are signs of fear not all kinds pin ones ear back because of that.

deer’s like Alastor and Haza, they discovered where rather feline like, ears pinning back partially or fully when annoyed, irritated or Anger, a slight back simply tired or bored... fangs bared where also sign that you’re ready to attack one they’re familiar with from themselves.

and Susan right now have ticked Alastor off.

are you done with your sheer insolence?” Alastor asked viciously but didn’t let anyone say anything as his presence grew further, at the sheer insult of treatment.

heed your tongue or I will rip if off permanently, it don’t matter if this is hell you do not treat a young lady and princess like that is that understood!” his voice thundered as it distorted making several flinch back.

Eyes glowing in black with ticking dial as the static grew to deadly hiss, “do that again and I won’t care if Rosie wants you alive for who knows why, I will rend you apart” Alastor hissed returned back to normal.

Eyes red on red again and while his ears are still partially folded back but not pinned like earlier, and Susan for ones much to everyone’s joy didn’t dare to open her mouth.


Rosie pulled Charlie back inside of her emporium.

“okay what got you so out of sorts darling?” Rosie asked. “you clearly got more on your mind than angels” she continued pulling the curtains closed to one of the backrooms.

Charlie sighted as she walked in deeper with arms wrapped around herself “what do you do when someone you love lies to you about who they are?” Charlie asked.

“romance? My specialty” Rosie commented. “c’mon dearie details, details” Rosie asked as she joined Charlie in the room.

“my girlfriend is an exorcist angel and she never told me” came the blunt answer.

“oh sh*t” Rosie cursed straightening up “quite a secret” musing slightly “how does that make you feel?” Rosie asked softer.

Charlie whimpered for a moment “just angry” she started “because we shar everything! Because she always supported me and my ideas and, and now I don’t even know whether or not any of that where just more lies” Charlie continued picking up strength before stopping short with a gasp.

“oh no that’s a horrible thing to think! do I think that?” Charlie asked herself. “yes! N-no? kinda?” she settled in not able to determine which it were before sitting down on the sofa.

“you said you love this girl?” Rosie asked with a gentle gesture of her hand.

“yes or well I, yes” Charlie sighted.

“aw have you ever once doubted that she loves you in return?” Rosie asked to that walking up and sat down next to her on the sofa.

Charlie shook her head “well then what’s the problem?” Rosie decided.

“she took part in the very thing we’ve been working so hard to end” Charlie answered.

Frowning lightly “well? isn’t that silly hotel of yours all about redemption?” Rosie pointed out catching Charlie’s attention “perhaps this girl is trying to redeem herself too?”

“she knows better than anyone that I believe in second chances, why not tell me?” Charlie asked trying to understand.

“it can be difficult to admit to things you’re not proud of, especially if those things hurt the ones you love” Rosie answered, before smiling again “she f*cked up sure. She’s flawed, but hey who down here isn’t?” she continued.

“if there’s anything I’ve learned it’s that words are cheap but actions they speak the truth” Rosie explained letting her hand rest on Charlie’s shoulder.

Letting go “so what have her actions said?” Rosie asked.

“that she believes in me and what we’re doing, right now she’s off trying to get the very material we need to fight back so we can protect all we’ve worked for” Charlie answered lighting up before it faltered, “and I can’t even pitch my hotel right”

“well how do you normally explain your hotel?” Rosie asked to that and it’s a good point.

“by singing but that never works” Charlie frowned.

“it will work here, trust me” Rosie replied, “now lets head back outside shall we?” offering a arm to the princess who’s far to adorable.


Getting back to the pavilion Alastor stood leaning against the railing, his ears perked like normal, but eyes more lidded, bordering slitted so probably still annoyed about something.

Yet Charlie’s eyes widened as she turned toward the microphone but instead where given Alastor’s staff.

Accepting it with both her hands, as music slowly started up. “have you ever wanted something that was so clear in your mind that you could taste it?” Charlie started singing.

“like human flesh?” came the question yet the words where chosen carefully, no need ticking Alastor off further then he already where.

“eugh sort of?” Charlie decided, “it’s a feeling like a rumbling in your gut that you could finally be faced with a billion needy faces. I guess what I mean to say is for the first time in my life I might have to be ready for this” she continued singing starting to pick up some confidence.

“ready to be the one who’s leading from the front. Gotta come into my own, gotta come into my throne, gotta take charge and defend my only home! and although I kinda feel unsteady, now I need to be ready for this”

Walking down the pavilion stairs “have you ever felt like you’re willing to die to save the people of your city?”

“cause right now we need a leader and it seems to me that destiny has picked me to be that if you’ll permit me so who’s with me?” Charlie sang the question.

“wouldn’t it be super to see more of hell?” Charlie danced letting her heels click against the ground, “join up now if you like travel come on boys hop in the saddle”

“lotta sights to see en route to my hotel. Not to mention the camaraderie” Charlie continued and even pulled in two of the cannibals into step dance with her. Confused half-smiles turning into brighter ones. “yes siree you’ll form life-changing friendships with the folks along the way” Charlie picked up.

Alastor leaning against the stair railing as several kids looked at him curiously. “and feast on all the angels you can eat” Alastor chimed in, and sharp smiles formed.

“okay” Charlie hesitated. Yet at that shouts of free food where heard as the crowd spoke to each other in positive light.

Eyes wide, stunned “it’s time now to act they’re on the attack, when they move to strike” the cannibals sang together, quickly joining up side by side in dance.

Alastor walking down the stairs as he took back his microphone while Rosie handed over a skull decorated cane instead making Charlie look at it for a moment. Both equally pleased that this works before the two together pushed Charlie right back into the crowd.

“we’ll follow your lead we’re eager to feed we’ll sharpen our teeth for the heavenly feast! From this moment on you can count on us” getting several bows with hats taken off, “to be resolute and ravenous, our appetites are whet and we’re set to seize the day so I say oh hey come join the flesh buffet” they continued singing as the younger danced in pairs.

“well that’s a little violently can we tone it down?” Charlie asked yet she just knew that wouldn’t happen.

Rosie gabbed her shoulders at that “oh don’t be put off by their snarlin’ that’s enthusiasm darling” Rosie sang delighted.

“err, they just seem a little murder right now” Charlie tried.

“don’t worry honey that’s their thing keep singing” Rosie waved it off and raised a hand upward.

“we’re super duper grateful to have you folks aboard” Rosie and Charlie sang together with some dance steps of their own.

“we can’t wait to taste an angels wings” the cannibals answered in kind.

“oh lord” Charlie cursed to herself, but frankly she should have expected this, before Rosie spun Charlie around and into the crowd.

Two taller male wendigo lifted her up on their shoulders without any prompting “for the first time in my life maybe I can be ready for this I can be the marshal leading the parade” Charlie sang as she caught her balance and the two started walking a hand on either ankle to keep her steady.

“I can come into my own and I think I’ve always known, my destiny could never be postponed. When Adam brings the battle here I must appear like I’m ready for this” Charlie sang.

Rosie shook her shoulders in delight hands clasped together “they’re dancing along, they’re singing her song” she sang turning to Alastor.

surprised? Why I knew she could do it all along” Alastor sang in return, spinning his staff, before both dance matching their steps together.

“she’s bound to pass the test as princess of hell. Like her daddy she is madly power-fell” they sang together holding each other hands before Alastor spun Rosie and dipped her down.

she’s filled with potential that I could guide” Alastor sang, finding the princess to be a well of possibilities he simply couldn’t ignore, but also was far to delightful as well.

Grabbing his coat “I concur” Rosie agreed.

stick with her you’ll be on the winning side” they sang together.

Moving swiftly forward to the rest and standing on either side of Charlie, “for the first time in our lives we know that we ready for this” all sang together.

“we’ll show heaven a fight they won’t forget” Rosie sang now holding a umbrella in her hands.

“it’s time to take a stand”

“it’s time to lend a hand” Charlie sang out.

“huzzah” they cheered.

“against the angels and their deadly threat” Charlie continued.

“we cannot take it anymore, the time has come to go to war prepare to fight we’re ready for this!” everyone sang together.

“I really hope that I’m ready for this” Charlie repeated quieter to herself.


They arrived back to the hotel at the same time,

Vaggie leaned to the side slightly seeing the crowd, “looks like you had a busy day?” she asked

“you too” Charlie returned.

“Charlie I-“ Vaggie tried to start

“hold that thought, I got you a souvenir from cannibal town” Charlie said pulling up a tiny shrunken head with some hearts and star pieces hanging from it.

That made tears form in Vaggie’s eyes before she hugged her, “oh Charlie” Vaggie said out.

Pinching a wing-wrist for a moment “the wings are new” Charlie commented they’re also grey, really grey, not the sharp black in pale almost white, no these where softer grays fading to paler grey on the lower side with stripe like darker grey markings on the wing’s inside.

“they look nice” Charlie continued her voice going lower, and eyes half lidded, she liked those wings and got several more private thoughts of what they could do, before pushing those away for later time.

“come on let’s go home” she decided and Vaggie tucked her wings away.

Opening the door, to the hotel to allot of noise and they saw that the others have been hammering up the windows.

“Well looks who decided to show up” angel commented. “we thought we were figthin’ by ourselves” Angel continued, letting two of his arms rest on both Husk and Pentious shoulders.

“you’re still here” Vaggie said out feeling relived.

“what do you think we’re a bunch of puss*es?” Pentious asked.

“I just got used to you guys” Husk grinned. “I ain’t finding no new drinking buddies” he decided.

“did it go well?” Ozzie asked, wanting to help with some of the preparations even if he couldn’t interfere with the battle.

“yes!” Charlie cheered eyes wide with delight, as Alastor entered with Rosie at his side and the sin froze confusing Fizz who threw him a confused look.

‘wendigo’ he thought keeping his eyes from widening with sheer force of will, and saw how utterly comfortable Alastor where with the clearly wendigo queen at his side.

Wendigo are magicals demons and one of the innately strongest demonic species that exists, while they don’t tend to cast active spells, they do allot of enchantments and more melee based combat letting their magic coat their limbs, their claws and fangs making their already absurd strength, speed and durability far more dangerous.

And that’s when dealing with a normal wendigo, one not able to assume a true demon form... something not all demons are capable of, even if all demons could show some minor traits if angered enough the full transformation is more limited to the demon’s power.

And he quickly picked up on the fact that this wasn’t a single wendigo but a whole clan with number easily passing a few hundreds, and some of them radiated with ambient bloodlust like it where a fine fur coat.

There were no doubt in his mind that those wendigo are capable of assuming a true form, gaining more deer like qualities, the only demon species apart of whatever Alastor is, that’s deer like, gaining antlers and hoofs as they grew larger, legs twisting and hands coated in long deadly and lethally sharp claws.

Then everyone not a wendigo paused as Lucifer returned with a black dressed man that is the same person Alastor told Lucifer to talk to.

“oh the little princess convinced the whole cannibal town to join in” Haza’s voice rang out. “how delightful” he continued.

Charlie tilted her head “sorry but who are you?” she asked able to feel the same thing Lucifer picked up on, the same detail.

This demon held the same kind of presence, and feel as Alastor, even with the dragon like horns he is the same kind, the same species and not merely kin-like, like the cannibals are.

Gesturing wide with his hand for a moment and half-bow “I’m Hazard the manager of stage Live and Alastor’s main hunting partner, but you can call me Haza” Haza greeted, “it’s a delight to finally meet you in person, Al speaks fondly of you little princess” he continued and Charlie blushed.


A few days later, Charlie had quickly discovered that the cannibals are skilled with weapons, and skilled fighters as they quickly got used to the weapons. Even as Charlie had to bid Asmodeus and fizzarolli goodbye for now, they still had a ring to run and Ozzie really didn’t want to put Fizz in very deadly battle even if he wanted to help himself, the contract also prevented all of the sins from interfering.

A fact they all understood, lucifer didn’t like the thought of Charlie fighting this war either but he couldn’t do anything about it.

Some while later a portal opened up right next to the hotel. “oh he manage to get here” Alastor mused, earning several confused looks.

“who?” Vaggie asked not sure if she wanted to know, as a figure stepped out from the portal.

He’s smaller then Alastor and Haza with lean almost youthful figure and height. Having deep turquoise hair that is almost spiky with soft look as it frame his face as much as his throat as it ends at the shoulders, with the inside being a stunning deep dark blue color. having gold tinted shark like fangs pulled into a smaller smile, while his eyes are turquoise almost glowing with dark blue toned turquoise sclera.

A pair of long fluffy ears in turquoise color with dark blue edges rests on his head while his skin is a tanned grey similar to Alastor’s own with a pair of small antlers with two prongs in white rests nestled in his hair next to the ears.... yet this demon felt almost familiar to Charlie, even as she couldn’t place why?

Dressed in a white dress-shirt with a threat tie resting at the neck who also had a small green deer-skull as the pendant. A pair of dark green bordering black pants covering part of a pair of semi-high heeled boots in black with they noticed luminescent deer prints on the soles. Blak gloves with fingers fitted to show the almost luminescent turquoise claws, and a leather trench coat covering his form in tunning deep emerald with silvery inside.

“Al, did your shadow really ask me to join fighting a angel armada?” the smaller more youth-like deer asked focusing on his taller crimson kin who’s grin widened dangerously.

a oath breaker, wants to destroy this little bundle of bizarre hope I found here in hell” Alastor answered spreading his arm wide to gesture to the entire hotel and got a head tilt in response.

Blinking ones and looked at everyone there, dismissing the wendigo who likely only brought in to help defend the place and probably offered angel flesh as well which he couldn’t even bring himself to care about.

“you’re one of Alastor’s friends?” Charlie asked carefully not quite sure what to call him, as he felt awfully familiar for some reason yet not at the same time, and she wasn’t alone in that sentiment because he felt familiar to Lucifer as well yet he couldn’t place where or why just that the same species part wasn’t the cause.

“more like adoptive siblings without the adoption rite, I’m Puck it’s fun to meet you at last” Puck greeted with cheer. “I’m one of Alastor’s main hunting partners for higher level challengers, and I’m so sorry I couldn’t join you for the dementori hunt” Puck scowled for a flick of a second before it vanished making them all wonder if he had scowled at all.

Haza shook his head “it’s fine we know you had the track of a necromancer and couldn’t drop it or the taboo breaker would loose your trail” Haza answered.

“wait taboo breaker? Necromancer?” Vaggie interrupted very confused by this interaction as much as the fact that there’s more of Alastor’s kin thought this last one appear to come from earth?

taboo is well it’s forbidden arts, but the reason they’re forbidden is not due to being impossible but because of what happens to those it’s performed at, making things get a bit to-” Alastor grimaced, still somewhat smiling but that’s undeniable a grimace. “disturbing” he finished.

“there’s a reason why you don’t resurrect the dead, not without some extreme time manipulations and even then there’s repercussions that gets bad, especially for the one revived. If just revived then things go wrong oh so very wrong, it’s how dementors became a thing and why the worst zombi myths exists” Puck grimaced as well ears flicking back in disgust.

They got grimaces from others at that point. even if some more skeletal like demons and magical exists, they’re still living immortal like beings even if their physiology are completely different from human understanding.

If the resurrection actually works and not just end up a dead flesh body used as a puppet by someone else, the revived person tend to warps, twist and change beyond recognition into something else. the first of the Wendigo a few thousand years ago would fall under that category if not for the fact that they where still alive when they changed and the species formed, given they never actually died.

Similar case to both winners and sinners given the former humans gain a new body, twisted and changed from their old human ones but it’s not resurrection either instead it’s a form of rebirth as a angel or demon respectively, with still some limitations. Neither able to give birth or sire children thru normal means.

“we prefer to hunt down the culprits before it gets to bad, world knows the angel’s aren’t doing anything about it” Haza snorted and Puck shrugged, because it’s true enough.

“my favorite targets still partner abusers” Puck commented offhandedly but he had gotten the track of a necromancer, and not the good kind but the warped twisted one. even if this one happened to be good, they wouldn’t leave until some seals and binds are in place to prevent them from twisting.

It didn’t stop the others from blinking at the offhanded remark of his preferred food type.

Alastor on the other hand chuckled.

Lucifer looked at the three and eyes turned back to Puck, with slight confusing. ‘why do you feel familiar?’ he wondered.


Chapter over and thanks for all of you who comment and left comments on earlier chapters, they are always so interesting or fun to read.
Have only just started on the following chapter, so it will come out when it does, possible at the end of the week

As for the actual notes,
The cannibals of cannibal town, due to split theory and opinions of the town being hellborn or sinners, I went for a form of both. A demon-magical formed race that moved to hell about 1000-2000 years ago and ended up thriving there.
So not originally hellborn, but have sense long time gone native and like mentioned to the wendigo are a sibling race to peryton and share same or similar predatory natures. The name or the magical weight it carries is why the cannibals are typically only called cannibals and not referred by species name, most normal demons don’t have the mental strength to handle it.
The second and primarily long time hunting partner Puck arrived, now his past is tricky one. as for other hunters, Alastor’s primarily two hunting-combat partners are Haza and Puck for several millennia,
Sort of splitting the species in two categories. One being the High immortal ones like Alastor, Haza, Puck, but there’s a second form of peryton as well. with the high immortals having different reason to becoming one they remain and lives free and thrives to the limits of their capabilities, even with the peculiar food and hunting habits carved into their being.
The other kind of peryton are more temporary and echoes the myths a bit stronger. while they can’t really be killed either, they don’t remain in the world for longer then a century or two, as the reason they become a peryton in the first place is revenge. So when these get their final reward, the wish they thirsted for in the end most simply chooses to pass on peacefully to the beyond or wherever magicals, angels, demons go in the end of their final death.

Chapter 13: Chapter 13. war


dyslectic reminder, gramar and spelling errors can and will likely occure. given the double chapter count for each title was accidental but i kept it for kicks after discovering it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

For the last three weeks the cannibals have been training with weaponry given they typically don’t need to use it, few had skills and those who had where more knife dagger oriented one while others had rather absurd gun skills.

One or two of the older wendigo on the other hand where terrifying skilled with sword but those are the elders of the town so it didn’t surprise either deer even if it surprised the others.

Thought none of them where quite sure where Alastor where at the moment, Puck still distinctly reminded lucifer and Charlie of someone yet they couldn’t place it, but as a whole all three deers are equally terrifying.

Or perhaps even more so with having all three gathered in the same place, for Lucifer it felt as if death had suddenly visited and is watching.

“fear not damsels” Sir Pentious said opening the door, and wearing a blue military jacket with matching hat n feather of all things. “I shall have the staff ready for victorious combat!” he continued as the two stared at him.

“what in hell are you supposed to be?” Vaggie asked tired.

“general Pentious reporting for duty” Pentiuos answered. “I’ll turn those rapscallions into soldiers in no time at all”

“thank you pen” Charlie decided instead of what she where thinking given the battle will happen tomorrow isn’t it a bit late to say that?

“where’s Alastor?” Vaggie frowned, and when she thought of it neither deer had been sighted today.

“just getting ready for tomorrows fight” Haza’s smooth voice answered and the three froze.

He’s not wearing his normal black themed suit.

Instead he’s covered in armor. Or some leathery fabric like metal armor? The material was one none of them could figure out yet it covered his entire body.

It looked like his pants where integrated into the armor wrapping around his legs yet shone in startling white that felt unnatural especially for hell. Wrapped, linked, layered and segmented into stunning armor forming almost regal armor covering the feet no hoofs. There was no hiding that he had hoofs rather the metal like shine, coated the sole of them in crimson with similar crimson forming regal heavenly like markings along some of the edging like a form of enchantment that felt far, far to ancient.

Yet it shone not in heavenly gold but a blood like crimson.

The gloves and sleeves where similar, with the claws coated in the material shining with startling crimson with the armoring going under a elbow long loose sleeve who’s edge are also metal coated. Covering his torso is a cheongsam or several? It was hard to tell how many layers it where, slitted at the sides yet reach almost his ankles, with high collar wrapped and coated similar to his arms and legs, with startling crimson inside.

Over the cheongsam is a vest or several? It was hard to tell especially with that harness all of them integrating and layered into the armor as a whole with metal like segments and crimson markings as it’s inside and broad neckline edges shone with eerie blood like glow. in addition to a visor shimmering in the startling crimson screen looking almost crystalline as it rested on top of his head with scale like plating in the same white covering the base of his horns and similar layered pieces with crimson edge markings coated the back and sides of his ears leaving the tip free.

“ha-Haza?” Charlie blinked feeling thrown for a loop because she’s gotten used to the black themed suit with red and white details.

“it’s been a while sense I needed to use my full armor” Haza shrugged amused by their reaction.

But really why wouldn’t they have a armor? even if most common peryton lacks full hunter-armoring they still got hunter-enchanted coats which side effect of their innate magic making the coat more durable and protective to some degree.

To have either wasn’t due to them being easy to harm, no their kind are some of the most durable ones that exist with rather absurd pain tolerance and regenerative abilities when they do get injuries. no instead it’s a remnant from the pain they went thru before becoming one thought on some high difficulty hunts, or full on war fields having an full on hunter armor is not only helpful it’s common sense.

You never know what spell is cast, or what material opponent weapons will be, so going into a truly dangerous or potential dangerous hunt with armor already present is normal. if it’s not present then they could merely summon it on when needed if a hunt goes so very wrong.

His grin widened “if you think my hunter-armor is impressive you should see Al’s” he laughed, now that’s not merely a master piece but a magnum opus, with a secondary magnum opus by the arsenal he carries then.


They got that thought quickly answered as they saw Lucifer, Angel and Husk stare at Alastor who’s currently talking to Puck who’s also wearing a armor.

Puck’s armor was in deep turquoise that shimmered like dark gemstones with almost black glow to it. similar with the arm and leg armoring, with neck also covered in similar way just the color differ with dominating black and more knot like forms to the shimmering markings that appear more carved into them then anything else.

His torso on the other hand where covered in a layered coat? Or it had coat portion ending near the ankles, and slit at the back, a tunic with slit at the front and vest, possible more layering with how the parts integrated into each other, layered and wrapped with metal like portions against his torso with a small caplet resting at the shoulders over having second loose sleeves.

His antlers extended a bit further giving the impression of a leaf-crown at the sides of his head just one made up out of thorns instead... with larger crystal like plates layered and mixed into the antlers armoring them in a deadly feel that not only enhanced the leaf-crown effect but also distinctly reminiscent of a shattered halo.

It didn’t have that unnatural unnerving elegance feel of Haza’s armor, instead Puck’s where distinctly playful almost, a deadly horror tale of a black knight.

But looking at Alastor had them stop short and it because quickly apparent as to why Lucifer where rapidly gaining a blush.

his body is as covered as normally but his normal pinstripe coat wasn’t present. pants barely seen if not for the slits in the robes, showing that the black pants are tucked into knee high boots that look armor like segmented and layered forming after his body and showed off the hoofs none of the others knew he had, in similar gleaming blacks with silvery highlighting them together with intricate markings along the edges. gloves gleaming in similar way as his crimson claws are painted black with same markings of ancient scriptures carves into them... as the armor continue up on his wrists and arms before vanishing under the semi loose sleeves.

Covering it was robes, long ending near the ankles and flowing yet also slitted and appeared to be several layers which none of them manage to count, allowing for flowing agile movements as much as quick ones. they’re also black a deep light absorbing one, even what you can see of it’s inside shimmers in similar blacks with faint silvery shine to it... the robes didn’t look like fabric at all, rather they appear more metal like or perhaps crystalline?

Faint shadows of scales shifts across their forms with larger armoring like plates at waist, thighs, shoulders, neckline, even sleeve edges yet also looks to be fully natural part of the two main outer layers of the robes... with the under layers looking almost like air in the smoothness and metal like feel it got. The robes apart of the side, front and back slits depending on layer of it, having two sets of sleeves visible one short yet loose at the upper arm over another longer that ends just past elbows.

The robes in themselves also figure forms against his torso, smoothly wrapping around his neck and waist, with the sleeves and lower half let more loose... together with the deep black color this robe like armor gives a feel of utter elegance and grace but also sheer ancient feel as much as primal magics making the armoring ethereal and yet at the same time terrifying and so very fitting for the scary deer like demon.

“wow” Charlie said out stunned her eyes wide.

hm?” Alastor sort of frowned for a moment seeing the red dress, ‘that’s it?’ he wondered, “are that all you’ll be wearing to the battle?” he asked.

Charlie looked down at the shoes to the dress, “well yes” came the answer, and Alastor raised a brow seeing the chainmail-leather suit Vaggie is wearing to the fabric dress Charlie for who knows why picked.

no” Alastor said flatly before snapping his claws and Charlie’s cloths changed.

She’s still wearing the red dress but more as a surcoat over a leather ranger armor, with the dark red pants tucked into thigh high boots with armoring and gloves in similar design. A similar dark red shirt under the dress with long sleeves and Charlie noted the smooth scale like texture while some additional golden armoring formed a neck-guard at her shoulder n neck.

Vaggie let out a relieved sight at that, because that dress wasn’t equipped for battle even her old exorcist uniform had more defenses then that and it had allot of open weak spots if what Charmila said of her fighting style where true.

“if you’re going into a fight do so prepared” Puck agreed, Angel’s suit similar to Husk’s where also enchanted, giving some protection even if not the same degree as full on armor and Vaggie’s current suit was chainmail blend protecting her whole body.

The Wendigo’s cloths while Victorian early 1900 century where also protected even if not visible the defenses are on par with enchanted leather gear of a ranger, a hunter. Which is on track given they’re wendigo, hunters in the first place and while the style have completely warped and changed the purpose and uses haven’t when it came to a hunt.


In heaven at the gate “extermination day is here bitches. We’re going to go down and exterminate demon ass!” Adam called out

“destroy that ass!” Lute shouted.

“prepare to slaughter every sinner in that sh*t hotel! And you all remember Vaggie?” Adam continued as he got several responses of hate from the question.

“Rip Vaggie’s c*nt mouth out her ass!” Lute shouted wings flaring out ragged and Adam paused startled.

“did you just? Ju-chill Lute f*ck” Adam commanded a bit stunned at the sheer bloodlust. “anyway whoever brings the manager Vaggie’s head gets, uh I dunno a million heaven bucks how about that huh?” he asked coming up with it on the spot.

The exorcists cheered in response, the girls being way to bloodthirsty then they should be for his liking, even if Adam wondered why he had to be the exorcist commander in the first place.

“Ladies let’s f*ck sh*t up!” he decided calling out the order before stretching out his arm toward the portals now forming. “Attack!”

“forward!” Lute screamed out pulling out a sword as she also took to the air.

On the other side of the portal they all stood ready, to fight.

“For your souls!” Vaggie called out as the angels arrived.

Weapons raised as those capable shifted turning into their true demonic forms stunning Charlie, Angle and Vaggie for a moment as none of them have ever seen a wendigo’s true form before.

Blades glinting in their claws as the smaller size, fitted for battle tore thru angels with ease. Legs more animalistic and feet ending with hooves as antler like horns grew out but they didn’t appear to change much more then that still very human like and potential other changes likely hidden under the old style cloths.

On the roof the three stood ready, as Alastor’s grin widened.

let the slaughter begin” Alastor spoke as both Puck and Haza changed, eyes turning black with glowing iris and even more slitted pupils then before. Puck’s white antlers growing and twisted forming, with sharp prongs and twists to the branch like effect as they curled back and around the sides with effect of a leaf-crown and thorn one at the same time while hazard’s horns remained unchanged.

All while wings grew extending and flaring out from their backs at the same time.

Hazards varied in sizes two pairs truly large with three more pairs in smaller to medium sizes but appear feathered thought if said feathers formed out of solidified energy, as they gleamed and shone in blending white with luminescent crimson highlighting the edges of the primaries, shifting across with crackle of lighting.

Puck’s wings on the other hand extended into three large pairs with two smaller ones these all a startling black with blue-greens shimmer-sparkle over the entire wings with eye like markings coming to life along the primaries and the primary coverts thru said shimmer adding a distinctly eerie feel due to the tribal like forms of the almost warped heavenly images.

Staff swung as the shadows expanded in fraction of second as a giant barrier formed entrapping the angels with them as well as keeping both leaders out with part of their forces who most crashed into the barrier head first

Matching predatory grins grew, as both spirits of vengeance took off into the air going for the exorcist army who remained in the air, tearing into them with unstoppable force, carrying a longsword and lance respectively equally black and deathly... formed of same material.

Alastor on the other hand remained on the roof, maintaining the barrier as his wings draped down, falling over his body into a thick feathery cloak with the reds gleaming in horror like light and the primary feather’s tips dipping into the shadows that still rested underneath his armor clad hoofs.

Adam started as he flew in the air “f*ck” he cursed looking right at the barrier who’s partially see thru yet also not depending on how it swirled and shifted on the surface.

“they appear to have some kind of shield sir” Lute stated the painfully obvious.

“oh really? I didn’t see this giant f*cking shield in front of me! you dumb bitch, no sh*t” Adam snapped back sarcastically, turning toward Lute

Missing how tentacles rose from the barrier and around it, lit with deathly green glow on light absorbing black, weapons hold in their tips as Alastor proceeded to dig into the outside forces.... making Adam paused blinking ones then again as he saw the twisted eldritch sight but also the damage it where doing to their forces.

“that’s it? that’s how they can kill us with our own weapons?” Adam asked in disbelief. “f*cking weak” he complained because that’s really just pathetic or maybe their weapons are just to good?

Well it wasn’t doing any change to the fact that their demon enemies are using it against them even if their weapons are just that good.

The ones on the ground cheered as they went for one angel after the next, while Charlie is relieved that the plan is working.

“Alastor’s shield is working” Charlie said out

“try to focus sweaty” Vaggie commented spear cutting into a angel.

“we might actually have a chance” Charlie continued as it was hard to miss how angels where dropping, falling down unto the ground dead or in pieces as Alastor’s own allies tore them apart.

“love the optimism still trying to focus” Vaggie stated spear piercing another angel.

Outside said barrier thought Adam twitched, snarl visible on his helmet, “I’m f*cking over this sh*t” he cursed before diving and punching the barrier.

Gathering up as much power as possible, and could feel how the barrier resisted, forcing some more power into the next punch caused gold cracks to spread over the barrier while Alastor’s eyes flashed.

Cracking causing pieces of the barrier to shatter like glass, while still somewhat there it’s no longer spinning and allowed the rest of the angels in. thought the barrier had only been to slow down the amount of angels currently attacking, given it have no proper anchor or ritual to handle a war barrage without sever drain.

No barriers of this kind don’t form for that.

That don’t stop them from having planned move for when said barrier break.

A crack of thunder echoed startling several as Hazard let loose, the black energy coating his lance crackled with as blending white as his wings heighted with the same red. pure primal lighting splintering off with devastating force and ripped into several angels at the same time catching them off guard.

A order had been given a little while prior the battle for what hazard will do when the barrier went down. a broken barrier means he’s no longer contained without limited space thus don’t need to worry about collateral allay damage nd can unleash his elemental forces in full sheer primal power.

Puck on the other hand weren’t going for elemental might to large scale opponent kills, but more specific located target. Vanishing after cutting a angel in half and reappeared with flicker in front ofLute who didn’t get a chance to react before she was sent hurtling toward the ground wings unable to catch her.

A sword blocking his own that ignited in teal-white flames that looked almost ghostly and partially see thru.

No Puck’s target where the second in command, intending to remove her permanently.

Adam mentally cursed even as he breath heavily, trying to locate who created the barrier and found him, as the smoke started to clear a bit from the sky. hopefully Lute will be able to handle that demon but he had a feeling this will end badly.


Alastor tilted his head “here to die?” he asked out

“who no sh*t, you’re the scary fellow” Adam said, recognizing Alastor even if the cloths no armor threw him for a loop.

I’m here to end your life” Alastor continued grin sharp, far, far to sharp.

“nice voice don’t you know jazz is for puss*es?” Adam insulted only to make Alastor raise a single eyebrow mentally wondering what jazz had to do with his voice to do.

Adam taking to the air before flying toward Alastor blocking or dodging the shadowy tentacles that went towards him while Alastor spun his staff for a moment flicking it back before swinging it forward meeting the guitar axe head on as it’s form twisted.

Longer smooth black material, with light absorbing curved blade, a staff a microphone now deadly scythe almost crystalline with how the scythe twisted adding a distinct primal feel to it.

“you really think you can take me on?” Adam demanded hiding how unnerved he where at that deathly scythe, and Alastor on the other hand moved to the side.

“a mortal soul is no match for me Edge-lord” Adam continued as Alastor sent off a barrage of shadow tendrils toward him separating them further.

you really think I’m mortal? Now that’s something I haven’t been outright called before” Alastor commented offhandedly finding the misconception amusing. It was a common misunderstanding that magicals where mortal so he didn’t find it insulting at least.

Adam laughed “you think you’re though sh*t huh” Adam huffed his breathing getting harder, as he went to slice Alastor apart who only dodged sliding under the edge of the blade twisting and blocked as he swiftly slid attacks of his own into the traded strikes.

arrogant aren’t you” Alastor stated pushing the axe away “you lack discipline, control and even have the gall to be sloppy!” Alastor counted scythe spinning as it gained speed crashing into the axe and sent Adam hurtling back and right thru the hotel sign.

Adam regained his balance, wings flapping and hissed “f*ck you, f*ck you piece of sh*t, Radio’s dead!” Adam screamed gathering up as much power as he could manage in one go, for a finisher attack.

Swinging the guitar-axe toward Alastor who’s wings raised and fanned out.

Reacting the instant that golden light formed at the edge of the axe letting a silvery-blue shimmering white one form along the edge of his own weapon.

Terror spreading thru the crowd below both for angels and demons at the two fighting for dominance lights, before Adams eyes widened as the white dominated one expanded, taking over his own golden one without issue.

Then the white, silver-blue sparkling light suddenly twisted high above them. a hoof standing on the air as if it where the solid ground... as the rest of the being took form. that of a giant deer that easily pushed 3 to 5 meter tall without counting the antlers or even head at all.

No not a deer but a White Hind in all it’s regal divinity. Shimmering and shining as mists of light radiated off it’s form. giving off shockwaves of the energy as new white glowing energy formed.

“f*ck it, f*ck it f*cking sh*t!” Adam cursed to himself as he raised his axe to block the following swing of the scythe.

Only for his horror as axe started to crack under the pressure.


Angels and Demons alike froze at the sudden snap that echoed over the entire battlefield.

One, none of them should have heard, as it followed with crackle of lighting, and flare of fire, while Lute tried bloody and beaten to defend against the vengeance spirit who gradually been rending her apart.

Eyes drawn to the air above the battlefield seeing black wings extend, fully flared, and Adam hanging by his neck limp in Alastor’s claws to the exorcists horror.

Claws who’s digging into soft flesh at Adam’s throat making gold blood flow freely down, his helmet broken just hanging there as horror quickly turned to realization.

That snap, it where the sound of bones shattering as Alastor snapped Adam’s neck.

The angel let go and Adam quickly where sent crashing into the ground.


Hazard taking form as he teleported to Alastor’s side, lance held loose in his hands and moment later Puck joined them.

“No! Adam!” Lute screamed stumbling before her wings took her up into the air, only for her eyes to widen in sheer horror as Alastor and Hazard joined an attack, lighting crackling over the mist like energy as it lashed out toward the exorcists and Puck gathering his own element for a truly grand attack.

Lighting striking several angels at the same time as well as continued for while after... angels who’s still trapped with only handful who’s managed to get back into the air.

The exorcist numbers having been cut down to drastic degrees, as this battle where quickly proving to be a one sides slaughter.

“damn it, how can a freaking deer demon be this powerful?” Lute asked herself, dodging a lightning strike after the next as the lighting calmed down only for horror to increase and she froze.

Everyone froze at the fire that rained down like meteorites, fire that gleamed in blue one really large one hitting Adam’s body disintegrating it.

Meteorites partially aimed to hit the angels and not the demons, or no the white light mist where directing the aim away from the demons to lock unto the angels instead.

“retreat” Lute called out the order.

“Retreat!” she repeated.

Wings feeling heavy as the light from the hind continued to bear down on them yet doing nothing against the demons. No the demons looked even stronger with it then before.

The demon slaughter turning out to be a angel massacre as they truly undeniable failed with epic proportions.

White tendrils rising as the shadows who normally respond to Alastor’s will answered, flicking with black shine for a moment as they stretched out to the angels stopping at least half of the remaining one from escaping to growing terror.

Fire and lighting crackled with ominous terror as a lance and sword both swung, letting the elemental forces dig and tear into those trapped angels.

Only letting a tiny amount manage to escape thru the portal by pure sheer force of luck.

“is, is it over?” Charlie finally asked looking at the remnants of the battle at her destroyed hotel. At the three deer’s floating high up in the air.

“it’s over” came the answer.

They had done it.

But one thought quickly occurred to her, “where’s Sir Pentious?” Charlie asked, having lost the snake sometime in the middle of the battle.


The following day, the video recording even if distorted where aired for all to see.

A text of Holy sh*t, holy f*cking sh*t the extermination is over? Does this mean they aren’t coming back? ran along the lower screen on everyone’s tv with the news currently being played... even as at the hotel they searched for survivors and looked over the damage.

“I’m Katie Killjoy” Kaite started

”and i’m” Tom tried before being pushed out of the image.

“nobody gives a sh*t who you are Tom” she continued. “breaking news, extermination day is canceled! Charlie Morningstar managed to fend off the angelic attack” Katie continued as the image shifted to show pieces of the battle.

“with more than just nice words, she went to war and won. In an unseen turn of events our demonic eldritch terror that’s Lord Alastor stepped in to fight the leader of the exorcists themselves” she picked up strength, image changing to the pieces of said battle.

Showing the sheer skill Alastor possess as well as Adam’s power but lack of experience. “we’re also hearing that Adam the leader of the Angelic legions, first man and totally f*ckable bad boy had his neck snapped like a little tiny twig by Hell’s own Radio Demon which you can see right now on screen. And as expected the image is a bit static distorted which always happens with any and all footage of Lord Alastor” Katie trailed off seeing one of the screens that showed her and Tom the footage shown.

Yet this one wasn’t as bad as normal.

A bit static in the background but you can almost see Alastor clearly for ones which was a rare, really and truly rare treat to them all. especially with such exotic armor none of them even knew that Lord Alastor have a armor.

“anyway congrats to Charlie and her crew for not being totally useless and keep the angelic army occupied as Lord Alastor, his apparently Kin we didn’t know existed and the fellow multi winged demon Hazard who’s we just found out is the manager of the expensive dinning-show club Live stage. The three of them easily as you all can see turned the battle into a one sided angel slaughter” Katie continued with glee.

“the green deer is a cutie one” Tom commented absently and Katie froze before claws tore into the smaller male demon and threw him against the wall. Way more violent then before and while the comment is true she did not want to hear that from the perverted demon who is known to sexualize all females, not males.

No that where just disturbing coming from him regardless of how true the comment is because the smaller winged demon is adorable, absolutely terrifying but still adorable.


At the hotel or rather the remnants of the hotel all of them where searching thru the area, so find out just how many of them got hurt or even killed but also for the cannibals to gather up all of the angel bodies.

“oh, there, there it’s” Charlie sighted as she found Keekee, the demon can curling up in her arms “it’s okay” she finished seeing the sheer destruction.

The hotel didn’t get out of it in one piece that’s much curtain, even as Angel found his little piggie.

They had also located Sir Pentiuos body, apparently the snake had take a blow to protect Cherry bomb and took down the exorcist with him. none of them liked that he died Cherry even less because for ones she found a possible boyfriend that’s good and wouldn’t harm her, only to loose him instead.

Alastor clicked his tongue, “well this won’t do” he commented, reshaping a larger boulder into a fine carved stone coffin for the snake. He was not going to be food and deserve proper burial, that much is curtain.

“Smiles? oh thank you” Cherry blinked seeing the body being lifted up into the coffin and Alastor hummed in response, Hedwig landing on the left wingwrist while his patronus having shrunken down to a small fawn hanged from the right wingwrist for who knows why.

Currently only having two wings partially folded letting the other pairs drape over his form as a open cloak that was oddly fitting.

“the, I got the hotel destroyed, if I only could gotten heaven to work together” Charlie sank down in front of the rubble.

Lucifer landing, he hadn’t needed to intervene but he’ll still need to check the contract given that something had come loose thought that means he’ll need to find it as well. well that’s something for later.

“Come on little lady why the frown?” placing a hand on her shoulder “in the last 10 000 years you’re the first to change this town” Lucifer spoke softly but also proud.

She won,

she had gathered allies even if unconventional ones.

She had convinced the cannibal town hell’s oldest wendigo clan to join her in battle.

your story has only just started, we know you can do this” Alastor’s voice rang out as he flicked some more boulders away. “we got a hotel to clean up, a new one to rebuild stone to carve, wards to forge” he continued with a merry tone.

The count of losses from the cannibals had been located, and Puck held up 6 fingers which for a battle of this size was surprisingly little losses from their side given that the clan was over 200 it didn’t even put a dent in them.

“you can’t quit now, Hell you owe it there’s still damage to be undone” Lucifer agreed spreading his arms to show the area “you’ve changed my mind, you’ve touched their hearts found the good and souls gone bad” Lucifer switched to a song.

“the stage is wrecked. The crowd is gone but god Charlie the show it must go on!” he continued.

“we can do this, we can build it best hotel that you’ve ever seen! twice the bedrooms we can fill it” they all sang.

“with more sinners than you can dream” lucifer sang an arm around both Cheery and Angel’s shoulders.

“it starts with you, you know it’s true fulfill your destiny!” the others joined in, as Alastor and Puck nodded a silent conversation having come to a decision.

Both deers walking past them toward the ruins and magic rose as a tidal wave. Boulders, rubble all of it disappearing into fine mist cloths and broken furniture that can be repaired quickly restoring themselves as the mix of deathly green and fire like teal.

Not soon after there were smooth ground in it’s place, perfect for making a new foundation where seen.

A pavilion for the items that could be repaired at the side, with another one forming close to the site with table and chairs perfect for planning the new hotel.

Charlie gave them a small smile “so long as I’ve got all of you with me” she agreed.

Spinning around “then let’s design a new hotel with a smile” Alastor rang out with a laugh as his static thrilled with music, with something more cheerful or rather hopeful.

“we not just use a little but of demon magic?” Charlie blinked noting the blank paper and pens on the table, as they approached not quite sure why Alastor conjured any of this.

Lucifer paused for a moment “wards, of course you need hand crafted foundation or the wards will break down the hotel” he answered getting a nod from the three deers.

having proper corner stones will prevent the walls from being blown up all the time” Alastor agreed.

“magic can be added for design later on after said frame and walls been added who need to be carved the traditional way if we want strong proper defenses” Haza explained.

“but, but where will we be staying?” Charlie asked, they lived at the hotel where would they stay if the hotel is... her thoughts screeched to a halt as a cabin materialized.

Formed of wood and stone, almost ancient merged together in almost whimsical way that was so very not demonic as you can get. No this was magical ethereal and not of hell at all, “I don’t mind you staying in my manor for a while” Alastor answered gesturing to the greenish-silvery grass that covered part of the roof to the plants climbing parts of the walls and the painted glass door that looked closer to impenetrable crystal than glass.

“that’s a enchanted cabin” Angel deadpanned and wasn’t alone in that opinion.

Alastor merely grinned wider “it’s larger on the inside” his voice rang out with sheer amusem*nt.

Lucifer nodded “the lagoon bathroom were way larger than the outside shows” he stated earning some confused and rather baffled looks.

I teleported us there when I preened Lucifer’s wings some months ago, they needed a desperate soak to prevent more damage and his room wasn’t equipped to handle it” Alastor answered to the very confused question.

“oh” Charlie blinked with Vaggie but it made sense, given before her dad arrived at the hotel she hadn’t known he even had wings so they likely weren’t well taken care of.

“why do you have a lagoon bathroom?” Husk eventually asked not quite sure what to make of well that.

“Mors manor is highly nature influenced, most rooms are fused with various environments it’s also somewhat sentient and tend to change up what environment is in each room every few years to some extent” Haza answered.

“bathroom tend to be aquatic with kitchen smooth stone” Puck added on with grin he found the building to be hilarious and often stayed there, given he got a key for the door and the building itself tended to move around allot. Not strictly bound or anchored to any specific place as it tended to stay in Alastor’s personal pocket dimension then anywhere else which also gave a truly safe place to retreat to if needed.

Highly rare but it can happen and have happened on few occasions.


In heaven Emily and Sera both stilled as a soul reformed, arriving right at their meeting room of all places which is odd, most tended to arrive at the entrance of heaven not at random place in the rest of heaven’s lands.

It didn’t stop Emily from squealing as she quickly pinned the new soul as a former sinner, color shift from black to white and gold hearts over the red eyes didn’t change him enough to prevent recognition. She had seen him during the trial.

Sera on the other hand felt crushed, the contract hadn’t only broken it where shattered and she’s paying the price, at this rate Emily will take over and from sounds of the princess they seem to prefer if Emily did take over as Seraphim head.

New fresher ideas, more hopeful possibilities for the changing times and change of culture, adapting for first time in over three millennia’s.


Chapter over, and they won with little casual on their side and massive ones for the Angels.
The story isn’t over yet, still got some chapters to write but length of those may vary, given the season timeline ended without a season two until next year was it? I ended up writing up a after battle timeline to keep track of the chapter flows and red-thread for a eventual final chapter.
This chapter took a bit longer, simply due to getting a bit stuck on Alastor’s armor for this timeline, had to rewrite that a few times before I got pleased with the results. but of course they got armor, they’re peryton, spirits of vengeance some opponents they hunt can get dangerous so fitting hunting gear is to be expected even if it’s only in case of something happening given the three’s power levels.

Chapter 14: Chapter 14, we’re going where?



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lute had manage to stem the blood flow which was something given that none of the healers managed to do anything and when Gabriel had been called forth. he simply smirked at them with far to predatory hunger that sent fear down their spines.

The statement he gave after where that their wounds had to heal the mortal way, a retribution curse prevented their normal regeneration as well as healing thru magical means meaning that the nine of them who manage to return o heaven are very likely to die.

Lute herself likely will have to get a new arm. The shrug the heavenly prince of healing had given the exorcists hadn’t helped with the offhanded comment that he’s a healer not a curse breaker... the meaning that he wouldn’t remove the curse either, didn’t know how or possible wouldn’t as punishment, given that the prince hadn’t expected any of the exorcists to return alive.

Snarling as she arrived to the beach front where the queen no former queen of hell currently sunbathed, “because of your dotter, Adam is dead and only 9 exorcists managed to survive this extermination all because your dotter chose to fight back” Lute snarled.

Absently wondering if the same demon, saint or whatever he is, is also the same one who caused the damage on Lilith.

Her normally flawless complexion is scarred, and wounded, if healed but the damage is still there and so very visible. Her left arm from almost shoulder had been completely replaced by a pearly robotic counterpart with pale gold highlights, her horns had also gotten complete reconstruction from almost base and you could see the silvery scars wrapping around the other arm and shoulder. Scars saying that she’s lucky to kept the other arm as well.

Lilith pulled down her sunglasses with distained look. “you really expect me to believe that little sunshine of innocence fought of an heavenly army” Lilith deadpanned.

Lute glared as ragged wings flared out. “a wendigo army, weapons capable of harming angels, and three deer like demons decimated all of the exorcists the other 8 who manage to escape and retreat likely won’t survive the week. We don’t even have a body to burry because one of the deer demons turned Adam’s dead body to ash after Saint Altruist snapped his neck” Lute snarled, beyond pissed off.

“we wouldn’t even had, gotten that fight in the first place if not for your dotter starting up that freak mistake of a hotel!”

Lilith held back a grimace at the words of deer demon. There’s no such thing as a deer demon yet three one slightly more dragon like with their horns are clearly deer like. and so very much dangerous as phantom pain cursed thru her body.

She hadn’t ever thought that that the overlord where dangerous she’s the queen of hell why would a mere sinner even if overlord be dangerous? Most noble hellborns aren’t a match for her power, but that belief also proved to be fatal and the two deer like demons that had been with him was just as dangerous as they followed in step with Alastor. more then familiar with fighting together and power that could easily outpace most noble hellborn.

Frowning as a thought occurred to her, “did you say Saint Altruist?” Lilith asked because that couldn’t be right.

Lute clicked her tongue in distaste, “you didn’t notice the saint portraits? He’s one of heaven’s most dangerous saints but one of the abused, retribution and possible vengeance for heaven’s healing court and been so for a few millennia’s or so. yet somehow the saint’s a demon playing overlord in hell” Lute answered flatly.

The demon queen stared mutely for a moment, because yes, during her visit at the hospital had seen a few portraits of a deer like angel.

Of course she had seen the Altruist paintings, depictions of the earthbound saint who walked the human world... paintings made in his image from descriptions the victims he’s saved given when they arrive to heaven. thus the there’s a few different versions of him, as the demon, angel? Have changed over the course of several millennia’s.

From four wings, to six, eight, varying in number and color to some degree, one showing pure red with black markings another silvery edging on black wings to black wings dipped in red at the primaries. His antlers typically styled in several sets giving distinct impression of a thorn-branch like halo crown with his burning red hair from long flowing to short with equally red eyes and the fluffy ears. The cloths often depicted as robes of some kind in themes of black, red, dark browns and startling silvery.

Each description apparently being true even if not quite accurate to his actual appearance of each respective era.

But right now she had problem seeing that saint as anyone else but the radio demon which tilted her head and threw her mind for a lop as Lilith tried almost despiratly to wrap her head around the fact that, one of the most mysterious and dangerous demons in hell is a saint.

“is he a fallen?” Lilith eventually asked and Lute stared at her blankly unable to answer that because fallens aren’t suppose to be able to enter heaven at all, yet Alastor can and did do just that for the court meeting.


In hell It’s been a few days sense the battle and while Haza went back to live stage, Puck choose to stay for now which wasn’t strange. He often stuck around for a few years between large scale hunts but likely curious as well, the trickster tended to like entertainment as much as Alastor do after all. even if Alastor isn’t quite sure how the other became a trickster he didn’t and won’t ask how that happened.

But right now the group had another problem on their hand, having already gone thru about 46 different designs for the hotel, and it’s quickly becoming apparent that Charlie is stressing.

Clicking his tongue for a moment, because at this rate they won’t have a hotel.

Entering the jungle merged living room before he paused at the sight in the large armchair, one that Lucifer is practically drowning in... yet in his arms and lap is the hind, currently still in it’s tiny more fawn like form, making it easier to move around outside of battle, then it’s natural larger one and it’s not like shifting size affected their capabilities.

If this is a patroni as a whole thing or just his patronus adapting over time Alastor didn’t know. but the being is clearly not only spiritual but also very much living and sentient similar to his shadow actually but due to the more warped inhuman mind it’s trickly to get hum on the actual intelligence. it don’t help that they got quite different emotional spectrum having very intense positive ones with neutral emotion range but any negative emotions outside of sad comfort and irritation are muted or outright nonexistent.

His smile turned softer smaller at the sight because it’s clear that Lucifer is practically using the patronus as a comfort plushy. Not that he minds that, and the fawn form is adorable. Still as regal and divine but an added cute factor that shouldn’t be allowed... the normally impressive antlers shrunken down to a tiny pair similar to his own with the ear fluff and tail being far more fluffier, as is the feathering on the legs as well barely letting you see the adorable little hoofs.

It didn’t surprise Alastor that the hind has chosen to follow Lucifer around when not lying wrapped around his shoulders or hanging of a wing to walking next to him in either fawn-fun size or their more natural size.

On the other hand, the other residents, Lucifer included tend to get confused and baffled looks when they look at the hind... which Puck clearly knows why and Alastor more then aware that he’s missing something. a culture difference or clash most likely not like the others haven’t quite realized that the magical and nonmagical cultures differs allot, even if the magical ones tend to have shared traits world wide there’s still differences there as well.

But when compared to the non magicals then things can be completely upside down twisted to the side then tilted four steps back. differences that easily can get very extreme and neither are even aware of until satiation comes up where one side belief is raised or flat out stated.

Like the fact that non magicals, humans sinners alike tend to use tags for sexual preferences something magicals couldn’t care less of, given that a partner is a partner if they’re same gender, different gender or dual gendered to having no gender don’t matter in the slightest... nor if it’s sexual or simply platonic they’re still a partner. Typically chosen by compatibility even if it don’t last.

It’s not strange to still keep good relation with the others even if the courting don’t become a permanent partnership.

Silently summoning his magiphone, who unlike the hellphones are way smother and thinner in form, the edges rounded and softened with markings carved at the back depending on which series. His own being a unique series with black markings on the stunning crystal like material that shimmers and shifts like polished gemstone in a almost see thru red, with the screen shifting in more silvery mirror like as he swiftly entered the camera mode and took a picture.

a absent thought entered Alastor’s mind that perhaps he should get a enchanted tv screen, less chance of it coming to life and the others would likely be happier to have a big good quality screen, but where did that shark tv take off to anyway?


Angel shared a look with Husk for a moment, neither quite sure what the deer is planning and they weren’t sure they even wanted to know as they where all called to the living room.

Glances toward the little patronus who still around, it’s sentience or strength making it tricky to unsummon it and with all of the events from the battle having the patronus out was soothing for the others, a warm calming presence that it will be alright in the end.

Lucifer’s depression even if slightly better is likely why the hind chosen to follow him around so much. he’s sad and the deer don’t want him to be sad, or Alastor don’t want him to be sad and the hind is acting on it.

They haven’t quite figure out how sentient the hind is and how capable it is on making their own decisions separate from Alastor.

“what’s up Smiles?” Angel chose to bite the bullet and got a wider grin in response.

we’re going on a vacation” he declared and everyone stared blankly.

“say what now?” Vaggie asked bluntly.

hello? Are you hearing me?” Alastor wondered tilting his head for a moment.

“loud and clear” the staff responded startling the others as they had forgotten it could speak.

“what vacation? Even if you can, the rest of us can’t enter any of the other rings” Husk deadpanned, and what place in the pride ring got vacation spots? Non he’s heard of that’s for sure unless they’re simply going to another city but what’s the point in that?

The grin curled “I never said we’re going to another ring, or staying here for that matter” Alastor commented clapping his hands for a moment “pack clothing for a beach resort, we’re going to Lemuria archipelago

Several blinks “the what now?” Charlie wondered repeating the name lemuria archipelago she’s never heard of it and from looks of things neither had the others even if her dad got a thoughtful look.

“we’re going to the magical world” Lucifer sort of asked.

indeedy, aurora painted night skies, warm sunlight with shade and soothing breeze. Reefs to explore, outside beach spas with centuries of experience with all body types and forms, exotic foods as well as drinks, lemuria is one of the best resorts in the magical world for all tastes” Alastor spread his arms wide as his static let out cheers.

“why?” Angel started and backtracked “not that it’s not fun going on vacation outside of the pride ring sounds wonderful but why are you taking us?” he continued quickly.

A question who made Alastor merely raise a brow and gesture a hand to Charlie, said Charlie who had bags under her eyes and hair looked like it gone thru a tornado at the moment. They didn’t need any other answer given Charlie’s very clear stress.

“beach archipelago you said?” Lucifer decided at that point finding it intriguing.

pack your bags we’re leaving tomorrow after breakfast, are you coming with Puck?” Alastor paused for the question.

The smaller deer hummed for a moment before shaking his head “You take the kids on vacation I’m fine staying back house sitting” Puck answered and Alastor raised a single brow for a moment, aware that, that wasn’t all of it.

There’s high chances that there will be a complete new redesigned hotel blueprints when they get back, but staying here also means Puck can get some proper food that’s fresh and not frozen or dried-stored... which is what they typically ends up eating when on long time hunts.

Sure they only need humanoid meet a two to four times a year so freezing and drying said meat and spreading it out over longer periods of time is smart choice, but not specifically the best tasting one. after all fresh food is always best, and healthiest to, even if the magical world do accept more cannibalistic options it’s typically for drinks as in blood, getting actual meat is a bit trickier and way harder, then just getting fresh bloody meat from an animal often used as replacement between the humanoid meat portions.

“spa?” Angel asked himself, finding that rather alluring.


Stepping thru the portal Alastor had created left the group gaping while Alastor merely hummed to a song playing on his static.

Eyes wide as they looked around at what looked like a tropical paradise, from the treeline to the beaches,

Sunlight none of them apart of Alastor have seen sense they came to hell and in two cases never actually visited, given that Vaggie is heaven born and Charlie is hellborn, even if one of the rings have similar sky, the sun differed.

Making everything brighter, as the sunlight went thru the tree crowns.

“woah is that the resort?” Angel asked out as a building no buildings, beach cabins and larger structures scattered about.

Yet these buildings while the frame was similar to beach and tree huts, they where a seamless merger of wood and crystal making the buildings shimmer as pearlescent decorated with gold, crimson, blue the secondary color added differed depending on the cabin with the larger buildings shifting in elegant markings.

Taking in their surroundings first before realizing that the people here. they’re not human sure at least half or slightly less then half where clearly humanoid, but humanoid in same degree as Alastor, having ears or tails, some wings or horns but otherwise rather human like. others had more obvious animal traits, being faun like to some clearly Anthro like in forms but as diverse as in hell... just more animal and elemental like, with a few who Angel is very curtain is some kind of fairy.

Or maybe not fairy but rather what caused the fairy myths in the first place now when thinking of it.

Eventually they where lead to a front desk that instead of being inside where outside in a pavilion like entrance hall of one of the larger buildings and the workers there stilled for a moment, eyes going wide but none of them picked up fear.

“oh magic, it’s an honor” the almost sheer robed dressed man at the front desk said out snapping out of the haze, his tail swishing gently as ears perked gold eyes brighter now then earlier. “great Lord Ancestor Mors it’s truly an honor for you to chosen to reside at our resort, of course your cabin will be one of our very best” he swiftly continued.

Husk and Angel traded glances at that while Charlie frowned lightly confused and Vaggie’s eye twitched, even as Lucifer merely blinked ones then again.

of course, it’s always a delight to stay at Lemuria Archipelago” Alastor answered in turn, as he accepted a key to one of the better beach cabins.

“will your companions want the full treatment?” he asked, already fishing out some brochures, who Lucifer accepted and easily handed over to Charlie as well as Angel who’s eyes lit up at the various activities while Angel instantly picked up on the spa options, from claw care to full fur treatment and was that wing massage?

depends on their choices” Alastor answered.

“is that a costume store?” Vaggie wondered noticing that as one of the souvenir options because that’s rather peculiar choice for store.

The fox teller didn’t smile no he outright smirked, the purplish pseudo-sheer robe flowing around him as he moved his arm. “of course for you get to choose from only the best cloths for more exotic plays with your partner” the kitsune still smirked even as both Charlie and Vaggie blushed while a laugh track where heard closer to a amused chuckle.

“oh” Nifty’s eyes widened in delight she can have fun with that.

my last partner years ago did love my nun outfit” Alastor hummed in good measure making Lucifer blanked at that because the meaning was somewhat sexual which. No when he thought of it wasn’t asexual a spectrum?

Sort of repulsed by sex while others simply don’t care or find it interesting enough or useful depending on situation?

Yet the thoughts of Alastor in a nun like clearly more sexual version sent his mind ablaze. ‘That just wasn’t fair!!!’ he mentally screamed.

“oh? so roleplays of any kind?” Angel asked.

“indeed, we only have the best, charmed and ready for use to make it as comfortable as possible for experimentations, pleasure or simply relaxation” the kitsune answered.

“miss Wave, please guide this honored ancestor to his and his companions cabin?” he requested, and the woman who answered where rather human like apart of the blue-purple pearlescent shimmer marking her skin to the colorful hair and fin like ears. Dressed in dark blue swimsuit who’s cut enhanced form and appeal, with a see thru green-teal tinted poncho over it protecting her skin.

“of course sir” she answered with almost musical lit, even as Alastor accepted a few keys that he slid into his pocket for now.

They where lead off to a more private area which didn’t surprise the group, given it’s Alastor who gave them this vacation in the first place and the people working here clearly either knew him or know of him in some way that’s apparently different form what they’re used to.

The cabin where also larger then most of the others, with stunning reds decorating it which should been expected, with the pale woods and crystalline structure yet just like all the buildings here it looked like something straight out of a fantasy novel.

The inside just as impressive, being more akin to a five star pent house hotel suit yet it also had several rooms, or no some of those doors materialized as they entered so some kind of magic to determine the amount of bedrooms needed?

“my lord, it’s a delight to have you back on our shores ones more” Wave said before bidding goodbye for now.

“this is Incredible!” Charlie cheered unable to keep it in any longer.

As Angel let himself fall down unto the sofa and almost moaned out load at how comfortable it is.

did you expect anything less?” Alastor commented as he summoned his own bag and opened one of the suit bedrooms, claiming it for himself.

Grinning wide “now why don’t you change into something more comfortable?” he suggested before opening the bag.

Alastor himself had a few different cloths with him more fitting for their current area, because even if he have cooling charms on his suit he rather not have that on the beach lie this. no that’s a silly thought because having something more beach like is not only more fun it allows him to bask in both the sunlight and moonlight to resting in shaded tree.


Angel stretched as he looked toward the water horizon, currently dressed in a light pink bikini, the other’s had also changed cloths to some degree, Husk thought where only really wearing a pair of looser shorts, but didn’t really change that much.

Nifty where wearing a yellow n red sundress who did fit her really well, while the other two girls where wearing a black bikini for Vaggie and red swimsuit for Charlie allowing you to see those adorable small hoofs he hadn’t know she got. Lucifer on the other hand wasn’t to much different from normal, a pair of lighter pink tinted bathing shorts and a white pinstriped short sleeved shirt but you could now see where Charlie got the hoofs from.

They’ve yet to see Alastor, who didn’t he finish before them? Angel looked around wanting to find the deer and froze when he did.

At the side of the cabin porch with close to perfect view where Alastor currently resting leisurely in a hammock yet Angel’s mind sort of froze and got stuck on the fact he could see skin. more then Alastor’s face, given the deer’s suit didn’t really show much if any skin at all, and when he took off the coat you still didn’t really see much or any skin unless he folded up the sleeves of his shirt.

Angel wasn’t the only one who had frozen because so had the others when they looked toward what caught Angel’s attention.

“oh f*ck?” Husk breath out feeling a bit faint.

Because for one you can now see clearly how the tentacle shadow-tendril markings wrapped and twisted up his arms, to the way his crimson claws shone with crystalline shine due to the sun... but also allowed to them to see that Alastor also got hoofs. No visible heel, thought he didn’t really need one, and the hoofs split at the front appearing lean almost lithe with the same crystalline shine and crimson color as his claws, holding just as much strength as well.

Resting on top of his head where also a pair of black tinted sunglasses, and the rest of his cloths. It where a red shirt partially unbuttoned at his chest, with the collar partially folded loosely at his neck with a white lace like pattern forming flower like markings over it’s entire form. they also noted the black shorts or swim-trunks almost hidden under the deep red sarong that’s currently wrapped around his waist and draped down his legs with far more allure then he should be allowed.

“oh that’s just unfair” Angel commented eventually causing Alastor to raise a brow for a moment absently wondering what’s unfair?

What Angel where referring to was Alastor’s figure who his normal suit did tease for but actually seeing the lean form, the slim and lean muscles with clear power, to the unbridled elegance of his movement that captures your full attention who’s right now on full display which is on a whole other level then what his suit showed.

A suit that is undeniable sexy, because Angel while settle on the nickname smiles had called Alastor a strawberry pimp for a reason. the deer’s hot, and beyond sexy, with long legs, hoofs that’s pure elegance and power, with claws having same elegance, the mystery that’s his tattoos who’s actually shimmering with silver shine.

The so very thin waist to the strong yet lean shoulders who’s slimmer then his coat showed... but it’s painfully obvious that Alastor have a figure to die for as he’s hot and sexy even before. a fact all residents of the hotel are more then aware of.

The Radio demon got a fanbase, which he typically ignore it don’t change the fact that everyone want a piece of him but also rather aware that none will ever get that chance.

Thought perhaps it’s not none, but rather the king of hell who can manage it, the original fallen is outright adorable even now, as he’s slowly turning beat red.

‘This, this is just unfair’ Angel thought because this is an ultimate show but no touch as the sex idol muttered mentally.

He had thought the breakfast relax day incident had been bad, with Alastor being without his coat, showing off that corset-west of his, with sleeves folded up and no shoes. An sight that Angel would very much liked a photo off but also rather want his hellphone intact so that’s not something he tried for.

This on the other hand is hundred times worse.

“you’re a real bad boy sir” Nifty chimed out making Alastor chuckle.

is that so?” he practically purred in amusem*nt before blinking as Lucifer collapsed. Head tilting curiously, noting that both Charlie and Vaggie where both blushing, with Angel thankfully having caught the small fallen.

Letting out a slow breath “and people wonders why I show to little skin” Alastor mused with a raised brow before snapping his claws and summoned a drink.

No not a single drink but several which they where all grateful for. “you are aware that everyone still want to pin your ass down right?” Husk asked.

Alastor snorted, a ear tilting slightly back because yes he’s more then aware of that. just as he’s aware of the fact that no one really dares to try due to risk of his claws or tentacles.


Chapter done, and first part with the vacation side but they deserves a vacation.
As mentioned in chapter Alastor’s patronus is as sentient as his shadow, but how it’s mind works are drastically different from a demon and magical, having a habit of shrinking down to easier move around close to Alastor, as well as letting it rest curled up on his shoulders or hang off one of Alastor’s wings.
The hind’s sentience, might been so from start before getting more experience or might developed over time, who knows. Either way it’s tied to Alastor’s light, because shadows are a darkness created making it harder to unsummon then a typical patroni thought Alastor don’t mind having it out and about at times.

Chapter 15: Chapter 15, resorts and tv adventures



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lucifer leaned into the mattress as the masseur worked swift hands moving and massaging not only his back but wings as well. he’s not been this relaxed in years?

No not quite the mini form. of the hind made him just as comfortable thought that where comfort and just outright cozy, right now he’s just relaxed as stress is drained out.

Getting a massage was a wonderful idea, even if hearing that from Alastor of all beings, one who don’t quite like touch which now when Lucifer thought of it is odd. the deer have no reservation on starting a touch, do so often as well, yet when someone else starts it...

‘perhaps a mental scar of some kind?’ Lucifer mused because that made sense, if Alastor had been wounded physically or mentally in some way when he was young then while getting chance to heal from said wound, for a immortal race then it takes ridiculous amount of time, making Alastor’s selective touch a good progress... given he could still be outright no touch what so ever.

‘do that mean if I ask first I could hug him?’ Lucifer asked himself because he hadn’t thought of that earlier.

Selective touch, one he don’t mind given Lucifer have similar problems at times when he relapses with the pain he gained from falling. Not wanting anything to touch him or even be close because the smallest touch hurts then. Sure he’s had more depression issues then falling-relapse the last two centuries thankfully and it’s getting better.

“you’re really good at this” Lucifer mumbled into the pillow.

“thank you for the compliment sir. It’s been a while sense I got to dig into multiple wings that’s feathered instead of scaled, most species with several sets of wings aren’t feathered” she hummed in response... but very much pleased.

“your wings are also in really good condition, if a bit sorry for this but ridiculous tense” she continued, hands pushing and kneading into the muscles of one of the wing’s bases.

Something Lucifer is already well aware of, and one thing that’s clearly true. Lemuria is very experienced with massage for all kinds of different physics.


In hell a tv where currently running around causing havoc in it’s wake yet left everything else apart of it’s path untouched.

Leaving demons hellborn and sinners alike baffled, because that was a tv running around on wooden pegs for legs and chewing thru everything that tried to stop it’s path making the demons move aside quickly...

Especially after it ate one of the sinners under a few seconds.

Slowing down as the tv arrived to a park, noticing the tree’s as well as the demonic birds in them, to the smaller demonic animals hiding in the bushes. Stopping for a moment as the pegs bent slightly getting ready to spring and making the demonic birds and animals alike scatter in all direction as it dove thru the bushes.

Finding the leaves fun and the animals just as much, even if they clearly didn’t know what to make of the animated object, that’s not an animal but appear to behave similar to one?

That was fun the tv discovered, as it continued trying to chase down the demonic animals and did manage to capture a few of them, even if it did find the taste to be rather boring.

Deciding to leave the park and continue on, probably going to head back yet slowed as it noticed a peculiar building and surge of dislike roared within the magical if sentient tv. A tower like building with tv’s similar yet not sentient and far more flat, making it huff with a growl.

Yes it took a moment before the tv recognized it as the place owned by that idiotic fool that often spies on it’s creator, and the others at the hotel.

Fangs glinted in rows as the mouth pulled open into a wide hungry grin with tongue lapping at the side before the sinners around yelped and screamed in surprise as it procided to chew thru the wall and part of the door.

“the hell!” a demon screamed before one of the guards of the building tried to attack only to loose their arm in the process.

At least they weren’t eaten as some of the smarter ones quickly took off from there to avoid the murderous tv.

“boss we got trouble at the front desk, there’s a carnivorous tv here eating the walls, furniture and any who get’s in the way” a secretary called before said call got ended with a scream before a sharp whistle was heard just before the phone where crushed as candy by the fangs.

One of the others managing if barely to pull him away before the poor secretary could be eaten as well.

Snapping their fangs for a moment, as the desk went down without any issues and considered that perhaps it should leave. not wanting to try their strength against a unknown quite yet. they still had so much to discover.

Another wall went down as it took off down the street running as quickly as some of the cars currently riving as Vox stared at the camera footage with disbelief. Wondering if he gotten drugged because that made no sense what so ever even for a place like hell-

The tv on the other hand had quickly arrived back to the hotel site and to the little lair it had dug out and settled down. the small deer bending down to look inside of it, having noticed it’s return.

“at least you calmed down sense awaking” Puck mused, wondering if having a sentient tv as a guard animal was normal? probably not at least it’s amusing... well as long as they’re not the target of it’s havoc that is.


Charlie where leaning back against the Jacuzzis edge, looking at the glowing bubbling water as she waited for Vaggie to arrive.

Apparently her girlfriend had a surprise for her. Hearing footsteps from behind her made Charlie turn her head and simply freeze in place.

Eyes widening in shock and surprise, because that bikini wasn’t a normal one in the slightest no this one looked almost like metal? Yet it’s fluent in way fabrics are, some enchantment. Yet seeing the black and silver decorated miniscule armor that’s really only good as a bikini.

And what a bikini that is, because Charlie went red as she also licked her lips.

“you like?” Vaggie asked spinning around slowly to show it all of.

From the black bikini bottom to the see thru silvery loincloth that almost appear as if chainmail? It sparkled as such with black tribal knot like markings along the edges. A chain like belt to the straps holding the bikini top in place that’s clearly also metal like even if black with several black n silver straps wrapping upward against the shoulders and neck, forming an intricate choker. A pair of chainmail gloves or armguards with similar chin armor at the legs thought strapped connected to the sandals who apparently had high heels.

Licking her lips again “you got this for me?” Charlie asked because this costume, thought one stray thought couldn’t help but to force itself forward in her mind.

“won’t it rust?” Charlie wondered almost offhanded with how sudden the thought surfaced, even if seeing Vaggie dressed like this sent her ablaze they’re at their resort cabins jacuzzi.

Vaggie laughed shaking her head “nope, it’s enchanted to be as comfortable as a normal swimsuit, water-proof as well it’s literally a bikini” Vaggie said very much amused even as Charlie’s grin widened with a more hungry edge to it.

“that’s useful” Charlie mused standing up before pulling her girlfriend into a fierce kiss.

Oh yes they will have allot of fun with this.


The two girls weren’t the only ones having fun.

As Angel had taken to join the night reef dive, one of the various activities that’s offered by the resort, and he understood why.

The underwater ruins where enchanting, with it’s pale cream and white coloring shimmering as if pearlescent. With the broken structures yet speaking of being just as grand as those on the surface. But it wasn’t all, the reef hadn’t turned dark with nightfall.

No the corals and plants of the reef instead had lit up glowing in all of the rainbows colors as fish in all forms where swimming about.

But the water itself where also glowing, brilliant blues sparkling to life as they moved, while the above surface shimmered as an aurora in blues. The mask he’s currently wearing was a half one covering ones mouth but enchanted to allow them to breath underwater... useful magics letting one stay under as long as you choose without issues, unlike the non magical counterpart that had a time-limit.

Yet this sight, he’s glad he choose to do this, especially with him having a camera to.

Sure the camera looks a bit old fashioned in a way but allot more slimmed down, smaller and rounded edges yet still looked ancient, all the while said camera is waterproof and printed out moving pictures. A camera that differ quite a bit from the one Alastor summoned at times for kicks.

Because seeing and using this magical camera then the one Alastor call forth was purely for trolling purposes. Either that or just how the camera would end up if non-magical to avoid causing the same thing as the tv. Angel didn’t know which was true perhaps both given it’s Alastor they’re thinking about.

Well right now he’ll have allot of really incredible pictures.


Husk stilled as he looked at Lucifer for a moment or rather the miniature white hind that’s curled up sleeping in said king’s lap.

It’s not even strange the hind for whatever reason appear to like the king, and clearly it’s doing something good as well, for Lucifer but what’s up with that thing in the first place?

And that’s not adding the fact that Alastor where currently barbequing on the beach and open fire? or more of a stone oven with fire. the smell from said food is incredible yet. glancing back at the tiny deer everyone had opted to ignore.

Or rather ignore the meaning. A sacred creature of purity and symbol of heavenly royalty? Something Alastor of all demons shouldn’t have in the first place yet it clearly exists.

Scowling for a moment, even as Angel grumbled about Alastor’s cooking. Not due to it possible taste bad, no that’s ridiculous notion that wouldn’t happen unless someone manage to sabotage it.

No it’s due to the movement, and his beach vacation attire isn’t helping... and Husk decidedly ignored Angel taking notes about how to move sensually? Gracefully? With unparallel Elegance. Shaking his head.

Even if those smooth sensual cooking is clearly why Lucifer liked to spy on Alastor cooking he’s not going to even try to think about that. no that would just give Alastor an opening to mess with him.

Taking a deep breath for a moment “why the f*ck do you have a freaking white hind?” husk decided to finally ask, drawing all of their attention as Alastor glanced at him not answering.

“it’s a heavenly symbol for truth, innocence and purity for hell’s sake” Husk continued pointing out a few of the more known traits of the creature and Alastor simply snorted.

They blinked at that response not expecting him to snort at the question as if he found it silly.

Like it’s obvious that he would have one... “culture difference” Angel didn’t quite ask as it clicked into place that Alastor wasn’t from the mortal world like sinners are, nor hell either.

No he’s from the magical world the same one this resort he brought them to for vacation is located in to boot.

you didn’t realize that before now?” Alastor mused with raised eyebrow, finding it odd that they realize that first now of all things.

Lucifer looked at the deer curiously before glancing down at the hind in his lap. “then what do this little one mean in magical world?” the fallen asked curiously.

they are a symbol of purity yes, but it’s rather minor compared to the otherworld that they represent on top of their status as the harbinger of change. as a being of chaos then it’s a perfect form for ones patronus to assume” Alastor answered throwing them off a bit because that made so much sense.

A sign, a harbinger of change explained allot. “Patronus?” was the echoed question from several of them.

patronus is a defense combat spell, that create a living sentient guardian spirit able to hold back any attack and only thing capable of forcing away dementors. I’s one of the strongest and hardest spells ever created, due to the requirements for their formation, most just ends up with a non corporeal mist, getting a corporeal patronus takes allot of power magically and mentally” Alastor answered as he explained

Husk grumbled “of course you’d end up with a obscure creature” he mumbled because Alastor not having one with such a spell was just a big no.

Charlie and Vaggie looked at each other. because that’s a rather steep difference, the only thing they shared with the non magical belief about white hinds is that they’re beings of purity.

Lucifer hummed, the statement that it’s living and sentient, a creature formed of light at that, but given what it did during the battle then it made sense. said hind apparently likes to shrink down when not in combat which may simply be do be more useful when comforting others.

Wouldn’t surprise him if that was the case.

“is it white due to the spell or the actual species?” Charlie wondered as she looked at her dad and said hind who’s as silent as ever. Can it even speak or let out any sound?

Alastor glanced at her after turning the food around for a moment as to not letting it be burnt on one side. “no most patroni are typical silvery blue. The misty glow is standard thought even if mines intensity is show of it’s power” was the offhanded remark.

His hind is a more snowy white compared to normal patroni.

Angel hummed, “do patronuses a meaning for the users, or is the species it assumes the magical’s only representation with said spell?” Angel asked and made Alastor stop short for a moment.

Turning around to look at the spider who sat in one of the sun chairs and had a thoughtful expression on his face. “one it’s Pantroni not patronuses. Two for someone who’s not a magical you sure understand magical theory really well” Alastor commented idly.

Angel shrugged at that, “I’m fairly sure all of this Lord Ancestor title is the magical counterpart to hell’s sins or something similar” he pointed out and Alastor grinned, confirming it without voicing that out. and he had been partially joking about that, magical royalty, actually that fits, Alastor is an embodiment.

Heaven got their princess as do hell so why can’t the magical world have their ancestor lords as they’re apparently called. At least Lucifer won’t have an issue with status rank thought they would have to announce Alastor’s true nature first even if his species remains a mystery.

they’re a tangible form of one’s inner light come to life” Alastor answered to the first question, as he returned his attention back to the food he’s cooking even as the other’s froze, none of them expecting that.

the light is a very specific form, as it’s a true light created from pure honest joy, or innocent love, like a child being hugged by ones parent. True honest kind it’s what lets them defend against dementors. A patronus presence give comfort, safety, make you feel happy, because they’re formed from it and why the spell’s as powerful as it is, the feelings used are some of the strongest you can feel and that may not even be enough for most

most magicals casting the spells fails even if they have enough magical power, you need a memory or sense of feeling strong enough to let it form or all you’d get is a mist if even that. but if you can cast it and the patronus become corporeal then the form they assume depends on the caster’s mind and spirit. but if you try to learn it and cast the spell with corrupted and twisted emotion then all that will happen is the caster being eaten alive by thousands of moths” Alastor continued unbothered.

Lucifer blinked rapidly while the others gaped. “ones formed it remains with you doesn’t it” the king commented, realizing that even if the magical after they successfully cast the spell become twisted then the patronus would still exist within them.

you’d just not be able to call it out” Alastor confirmed, offhandedly. Yet this description of what the hind is, explained why it’s so comforting. It’s a literal misty fur ball of joy and comfort, a spiritual blanket of safety as well as one that sooth... which may be why the white hind pushes itself into his lap so often, either that or curls up around him or at his shoulders.

His depression would be a glaring sign that you need comfort and the soundless hind clearly can pick it up.

Thought Alastor didn’t seam to mind it given he’s allowing the sentient light to continue instead of stopping it. something Lucifer knows that the deer is more then capable of.

Alastor turned around after putting the food on a few plates that’s now hovering in the air, “now who want’s newly grilled meat and fruits?” he asked with a cheerful grin, that threw them off a bit.

“I do! I do!” Nifty shouted merrily as she returned from... they’re not really sure where she’s been and neither of them where keen on asking either given it’s Nifty they’re taking about.


Chapter over, but it's finally out, didn't get a chance to write last week but did get one this week.
Yes it ended up shorter then normal, but it didn’t need to be longer.
thought they are now aware that the magical culture and the one hell or mortal one they’re used to aren’t the same, thus potential more culture differences or clashes the others hadn’t realized or thought about.

Radio Demon’s Hotel Life - dakuness (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.