Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

price is Chi 2 ago at opening in were dairymen on out of was of well higher much its but in unusual price of Trust in of 1. 1 condition Agricul PAGE TWENTY Sheep Industry' Is Prosperous, Bureau Reports Outlook for Hogs Is Better, Says Department of Agriculture Review. Short Supplies and Higher Prices Forecast in Cattle Trade. Washington, Dec. The sheep 1 industry in good financial better hogs.

for and there is outlook but the cattle and dairy Industries are depressed, the Department tore said today 4 review condi- tons In these farming "The hog situation continues head toward shorter supplies and ultimately high levels, review said. the "If 1925 corn should turn there may be a possibility profits for hog producers next winter Sheep raisers reported strong position with the wool outlook still apparently good. The review found dis ourage. that ment among added some Improvement expected next year. Short supplies and prices forecast in the cattle industry.

Illinois-Merchants Trust Company Opens Branch With Ross Davis Manager "he Illinois Merchants Monday of celebrated pany Minneapolis the formal branch office 435 First National So Line building, for the sal and distribu tion of investment bonds in the North west. The office is in charge of Ross Northwest representative, who Davis as for seven years was head of the bond Webber Co. department of Paine of Minneapolis. The Illinois Merchants Trust comthe second largest bank in Chipany, already maint ins a branch agencago, cy in Mi aukee, Mr. Davis explained Monday, but its new Minneapolis office is the first to be established since completion of the amalgamation of its three constituent banks, the Illinois Trust Savings bank, the Merchants Loan Trust company, and the Corn change National bank.

Mr. Davis, while associated Paine Webber Co. was for seven in charge of bond sales in Minneapolis, Paul and Duluth. He was trans ferred last February to Detroit, where he remained with the Paine Webber ganization until his return to Minne apolis this month. Gulf Refining Advances Gas.

New York, Dec. Gulf Refining company advanced gasoline prices day two cents a gallon in North and South Carolina, meeting the tank wagon of 15 and cents a gallon respectively, quoted by the Standard Oil company of New Jersey. Wall Street Briefs New York. Dee. -Transactions in stocks On the New York Stock exchange established new high record In November with Kales agof The previous record WaR in gregating 42.538.400 shares.

daily average April. 1901, when sales 'totaled 41.719.086. or daily average of 1,813.873. There were 12 ders in November when sales exceeded 2.000.000 1.000 shares 000. On and tire seven Saturdays of two.

days with more than hour sessions sales went Over the millionshare mark. The heaviest five-hour session 2.616.400 shares. Reorganization managers of the Denver by Rio Grande railroad arranged for payment the National Park hank of interest the road's 000 improvement gold a ou which -fell due, Federal Jndge Symes of Denver recently refused application of the receiver to pay the interest. The Sonthern Pacific company has no apprehension concerning the new Mexican with administration. owing to previous relations President Calles under former President executive Obregon.

A Julius Kruttschnitt, chairman of the committee, said. "Everything on our lines In Mexico, in quiet and satisfactory and we beliese it will continue We have had sat- all our claims with the Mexican government adlusted. American business MAy look forward to the incothing administration with the same hope of continued fair dealing it held under Obregon. deeline In loans, stocks and bonds ta diented in the report of the Federal Reserve board. which showed 67 New York banks decreterd their advaners on 743 this collateral $5 000 000.

while totals for representative In in all districts dropped 000 to $4.425.000.000. Eliminating New York the 'decline for the quarter WAS 000.000. 128.715 Nosember automobiles 40.527 the than fiscal in year the ended preHudson Motor Car, company manufactured 30. more ceding sear. The Southern Railway.

has ordered 51.500 tots of rails from the Tennessee Coal. Tron and Railroad company and 2.800 tons from Illinois Steel. Sears-Roebuck sales in November reached $22 487.007, an Increase of 82.071.441 over the same mouth last year, Sales of Montgomery, Word Co. were $17.053,157 against 814. 112,012 a year ago.

Gold valued at $310.000 was shipped to Bombay. India, Monday. Commercial failures in the United States In November were the sinallest for that month since 1920. the total of 1.653 comparing with 1.006 in October and 1.704 in November last Dun reporte. November lities of $31.123 910, were about 000 below those of Detober and the smallest fur the present year.

The government will withdraw $3.112.000 frota members of the Federal Reserve in the York district next Thursday, New earnings of in the United States Octo- Dintri urine corporation and more than cent over the peried last rear, reaching 8248.170. an of $114.000 Harry N. Taylor. press cent. anonneed toder.

This was at an anDual rate of $1.480.000. Heavy traffic and sharp economfes in fions reflected in the October reports of many ra ronde. was particularly noted in the earnInzs statement of the Central Railroad of New Jer ex. Expenses were reduced more than million dollars compared with Detober increased last year while net operating revenues to 032.984 from Politic offerings of 130.000 shares of the Lone Bell Lumber corporation, class A. no par value common stock.

was made Monday by a banking group I at $52.75 share said to be the first lumber company. common stock financing ever arranged In Wall -street, The deal a bont $8.000.000. Application will be made to list the new stock on the New Fork Stock exchange. The corporation formed under Maryland charter to acquire the stock of the Long Bell Tamber company. a Missouri corpora: tion.

The new stock is entitled to preferential Si ridende of 84 a share annually, cumulative from the first of nest year. Good foreign and domestie demand sent prime Western zine Monday cents a pound. East Louis a new high price for the year. The for 1924 was 5.60 in Mas. Aenuisition of the Meadowland Coal company by the Pittsburgh Terminal Coal company.

WAS proved by stockholdess of the Pittsburgh West Virginia railway at a special meeting Monday. Directors of the Celluloid company omitted the quarterly dividend of 51. share on the common stock due at this time. Last June the rate was reduced from $1.50 to $1 Issues of new securities last month decreased compared with November. 1923.

total of according to comediation by the Journal of Commerce rallroads securities dropped $42.088.500. while the derline in Industrial securities was 500. New equipment costing $25.515.870 ham been ordered 30. hr the Illinois Central railroad in the bond offerings Monday totaled in addition to the $15.000.000 Issue el North C'arolina highway bonds, the list Ineludes Norfolk Western Railway cow pant de arleed at 804 to Field ner of Canada 144 per cent antes A cent. $2.000.000 8t, Maurice Paper Company, yield shout per cent Kraits company.

6n at yield 6.03 and variety municipal Or- were Washington Mill Sawing Timber 1 for Welland Canal Copyright. 1924.. by Public Ledger Co. Portland, Dec. 1.

A western Washington sawmill is cutting an or der tor approximately 850,000 feetof mammoth fir timbers for the Canadian THE MINNEAPOLIS MORNING government for use In building water! control gates for the new Welland capal, connecting the Great Lakes with the St. Lawrence river. The timbers are from 33 by 47 inches to 28 by 87 inches in dimension, and 51 feet long. Each stick contains from 5,000 to 6,500 board feet and five of them compose a carload. Twenty nine cars will be, re quired to move the entire order.

Court Hears Arguments in Maple Flooring Case Washington, Dec. One of the few Sherman anti-trust cases now on the aket of the Supreme court was reached today for oral argument in the appeal of the Maple Flooring Menu- I Jewelry as Gifts A jewel in gold, platinum or precious stones, speaks a very special language to the recipient. It, has a personal significance. It appeals to a woman's love of the beautiful and her pleasure in accessories of dress which adorn. A guide to wise selection in jewelry may be found in today's "Christmas Gift Suggestions" over in the Classified pages.

The columns are rich with ideas for personal gifts of every kind. Let this shopping guide simplify your gift selections this year. Make Up Your Gift Lists From The Minneapolis Tribune's "Christmas Gift Suggestions" Xmas Suggestions RELIGIOUS CHRISTMAS I CARDS AND FOLDERS WITH ENVELOPES. AUGSBURG PUBLISHING HOUSE, 4TH ST 5TH AV S. CHRISTMAS CARDS ENGRAVED.


$18 quality for $14. ALLIN, 3423 CENTRAL SPECIAL discount oll alt merchandise until Xmas, regular card tables. 81.95: regular $5.75 end tables. $4.95: $19.50 table lamns 814.05. Open evenings until Xmas.

Hoover Furniture 12 8th at 8. FOR REAL XMAN PRESENTS VISIT THE STUDIO SHOP. 2862 HENN. AV. Decorated: white china, paintings, pictures, parchments.

shades. lamps and art novelties. line of Guesso materini. Kenwood 6852. GIVE LYDIA DARRAH Candy.

60c lb 618 Henn. 1343 426 Central av. 27 7th st 11 6th st 8. MIRRORS -ALL SIZES AND SHAPES. We can fill ADV order.

We do expert. guaranteed resilvering and repairing. 0. Newton. 925 Wash.

8. Main 2115. HOLIDAY cards, fountain pens and pencils. Holiday stationery. Open evenings.

Van Wold-Stevens 905 Broadway. Mail orders solleited. Hyla 7536. XMAS GREETING CARDS. Our salesmen will call with complete sample line Phone Genera 7003.

E. Knapp 240 So. 4th st. XMAS sale. puppies, dogs kittien, canaries.

parrots. rabbits. goldfish country boarding kennels. Minnetonka Kennels. 334 Lake.

Dykewater DAYTON bieseles, special $36.50: the ideal Xmas present. K. A. Williams. 606 Lake, REAL special pries on Xmas photos.

Johnson Bros. Studio 403 Central av. Dinamore 7245. LIFELONG GIFT- -A trade that means independence. Jordalen Millinery, 1110 Nicollet, WE REPAIR furniture.

call, deliver, give mates, F. V. Sanford. 819 W. Broadway.

For the Home CORDIALS Make it a real old-time Xmas with a bottie of our genuine cordials (alcohol ex Their very names will make your mouth water. Mary Scot Gin Creme de Menthe. German Kummel Vermouth. Grenadine Blackberry, vete. ate A bargain at $1.25 a bottle.

Mail orders filled Baxen-Becker Co. 8 3rd st. Minneapolis, LYNDALE FLORAL CO. Largest exclusive retail green house in Mpla, Cyclamen, poinsettas, complete variety of Xmas 36TH AND LYNDALE COLFAX 2169 BEAUTIFUL table lamp and shade. $6.95.

Polychrome book ends. $1.35 Junior floor lamp, large assortment, $14.75 complete. A small deposit will hold any article until Xmas. GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE CU. 24 6th at N.

DISHEN FOR XMAS. 33 gold band English ware, anteed not to craze: regular $7.50 value. NOW 84.98. ROSE BROTHERS COMPANY. 329 Hennepin av.

MAROGANY FINISHED GATELEG TABLE. 36x42 Christmas price $15.50: bridge lampe complete st $5.50 and UD: polvehrome and mahogany smokers, and un: the most complete line of Christmas gifts at unusually low price. Hoover Furniture Co: 12 8. 8th st. FINE CHRISTMAS GIFTS OF FURNITURE, BEAUTIFUL AND PRACTICAL.


REATING STOVES. OTTO ROOD HARDWARE 417 HENN. TRIM YOUR XMAS TREE with pop corn balls candies; confectionery. from Richardson' Pop Core Shop. next to Lagoon Theater on Hean.

HAND PAINTED chins. pictures and picture framing. Selby-Luke Art Shop. 2917 2725 AT. SAY MERRY XMAS WITH PHOTOGRAPHS TRIS STUDIO.

712 HENNEPIN AV Xmas Cards. XMAS CARDS Holiday Greeting Cards that are different. Phone UR and our representative will call with samples, Phone Main 6723. OLDHAN FARNHAM. INC.

322 8 4th st. THIS will make an excellent Xmas gift, 100 sheet fine stationery, 50 envelopes to match. Name and address on both: in beautifni Dox. THE HASFELD PRESS. Gen.

Job Printer 322 6th Grantille 6626, SEE US FOR INDIVIDUALLY EMBOSSED PERSONAL STATIONERY WITH NAME AND ADDRESS THE IDEAL GIFT. VET RINK PRINTING 412 2ND AV R. XMAS CARDS alwars welcome to friends 314 4th at 8 For Anybody, PERSONAL Greeting carda and stationers that's different, SAMPLE'S See our dollar combination on stationery. STATIONERY SLOP. 89 8th at B.

XMAN books and cards. Large asst. of Bibles, Anest line of stationery. Book Converb. 405 4th A.

Geneva 0856. ONE dozen, photographs will solve 12 your gift problems RITTEN-KIERSKE STUDIO. 230 Broadway. Cherry 2649. FREE ONE PAINTED IN OIL WITH EACH DOZEN PROTOGRAPHS.

ORPHEUM STUDIO, 17 7CH AT R. PILLOW COVERS. any monogram or design. me de to order. Anthony the Pennant Man.

Lake st. at Park a specialize in baby Why not for Xman7 C. H. Galbraith 827. Broad creenhouse plants.

cut flowers 5th ay and 9th st SE Gladstone 1107. For Anybody. ORIENTAL XMAS GIFTS Chinese f*ckS, brocades, beads and furs. Mrs. Ray G.

Marshall. From Peking. China. Dee. 1.

2. 3. 1 D. m. till 5.


Granville 7743. BONDS--GIVE A BABY BOND FOR XMAS 100 investment bonds yielding 6 per cent interest. THE MINNESOTA LOAN TRUST CO. 405 Marqnette av. DANCING--A DIFFERENT GIFT for a complete course an appropriate gift from the family to the children.

8 les. $6 UP-TO-DATE DANCING SCHOOL, 242-244 Nicollet (next Nicolet Hotel, At. 1868. TRY PICKERING'S, 2927 Hennepin av for Christmas gifts Toys. dolls, games, books for little folks, for Hosiery, men's furnishings, ribbon novelties.

notions, dry goods. It's pleasing to shop at Pickering'. JEWELRY--BETTER XMAS WATCHES the best of serrice. ALLEN BERG The Reliable Railway Jewelers, '16 3rd at 8. For the Children RELIGIOUS CHRISTM AS GIFT BOOKS FOR CHILDREN IN SUNDAY SCHOOL AND HOME.

ASK FOR OUR 32 PAGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOG, AUGSBURG PUBLISHING HOUSE, 425- 429 S. 4TH ST. A SENSIBLE GIFT. Smart shoes for the little folks. From infants to growing girls and boys.

Direct. from factory to home. THE BONDED ALEATHER SHOE CO. 924-925 Andrus Bide, Geneva 6470. For Her BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT Fo: the woman who owns a Singer sewing machine.

A SINGER-LIGHT. Easily attached to any Singer machine. Refects tight directly on the stitches. Fully guaranteed. See them at the Singer Shops.

SINGER SHOPS. 1028 Nicollet 810- Hennepin av. 40 Lake At. 1516 Franklin ave WE SPECIALIZE ladies made to order dresses. alterations of all kinds and hematitehine.

We carry beautiful garments for children. Xmas novelties, handkerchiefs, lingerie. hosiery, Hoover Garment Shop. 2541 Henn. Ken.

0378 ELECTRIC IRONS FOR XMAB. Guaranteed two vears. complete. $3.75. NOW $2.49, ROSE BROTHERS 829 Hennepin a FOR THAT beautiful and useful Xmas Rife see our line of fancy needlework and women's and children's home made garments.

1203 Westera RV. REAL Xmas present. large assortment of high grade sewing machines. Guaranteed. from $5 to $30.

1410 Franklin. South 3769. FANCY hand-made quilte make beautiful presents, All quilted in fancy scroll work. Call wk. days.

820 Lake, CREDIT Ladies' Fur Coate, also clothing for the family, COLLINS. 723 Nicollet. For Him. A "Y' MEMBERSHIP THE GIFT WITH A LIFT FOR MEN AND BOYS. 12 TEARS UP Gives HIM access all year to two big gymnasiume, the four finest handball courts in Minneapolis, running track, magnificent swimming pool, showers and game rooms, besides unlimited social.

educational and inspirationel events. PHONE MAIN 6190 for information on Business Men's. Men's, Young Men's or memberships. CENTRAL Y. M.


Nickel plated Hockey. regular $5.50. raine. now ROSE BROTHERS 829 Hennepin SHIRTS FOR XMAS. Silk abre stripe.

regular $3.50 value. new. 81.98. ROSE BROTHERS 329 Henpenin: av. SHIRTS ties and gloves.

the ideal Xmas witte. for him. Guaranteed. dependable chandixe at reasonable prices. Cramers TogLake TRUNKS bags and suitcases at low prices.

slightie ased men's samples. Harry Wolfson 109 Ar. WHAT equals fountain pen AR rift for him Shaeffer pens and pencils. BRON. 120 8 4th at BUY THAT bey for Xmas.

$27.50 GUY WERE. INC. 1106 For the Family WHEN you're thnking about rift for the wife. another for ench kid and wondering what you're going to get yourself. and you hit on the Idea of busing a Ford and making ever buddy happy it a grand and glorious feelin' A.

M. SMITH, of course. Authorized Ford Dealer. 800 4th Open evenings and Sun. BUY THE FAMILY A CAR We have the finest selections of used cars the Twin Cities.

MOTOR 2nd a Toys, China, Xmas Novelties. Sundby's, Nicollet and Lake. WHY NOT buy them new or used Ford? See us about the weekly purchase plan. POTTS MOTOR 1017 4th Decorations. DECORATIONS.

artificial flowers. exclusive manufacturers of Xmas, decorationa, GOODSILL FIXTURE FOLIAGE 60. INC. 20-22 4th st. N.

Atlantic 4703. FOR EVERY WANT CALL MAIN 1000 Insert your Classified Ads in The Minneapolis Tribune 4 a 2 a I I I I DECEMBER 2 1924 tacturers' association and others. The government charged that the association manuf ct da large per cent of the maple, beech and birch flooring in the United States, and sought to have them enjoined from certain production and sale practices. The federal district court for Western Michigan ordered the association dis: solved. I PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS Monuments and Mausoleums MONUMENTS AND MAUSOLEUMS- -Twin CIG Granite Works, 35th and Henn, Col.

054T. TUE LEONARD ECKES MONUMENT 517 BROADWAY CH. 6408 Lost and Found LOST- Saturday afternoon. Nov. 20th.

between Bloomington and Stevens ares. OD 26th hand bag containing sum of money. keys, pa pers and receipts of value to owner. Finder please call Dupont 2171 and arrange reward. -Between St.

Mark's eburch and 24th st, on Clifton or LaSalle av, one brown silk pocketbook marked containing sumn money. Return to Mrs. J. 8. Dairymple.

2327 Pitisburs ay for reward. LOST Small Boston ball dog. white feet. brown dark brown eyes, Answers to name Name and address of owner on collar. Any information desired.

Reward. Ken wood 2650. SUNDAY- -On Eighth Hennepin or Nicollet. Gold engraved Swiss wrist watch, ribbon band. Valued as keepsake.

from decessed sister. Liberal reward, Address 311704 TribUde, LOST -Leather handbag containing girl's wearins apparel and book with name Edwin Enberg. between Mpis. and Anoka on Jefferson highway. Phone Locust 1961.

Reward. BULL lost, months old. white feet, breast and neck. brindle body. brown eres.

Answers name Lorine park vicinity. Reward. Call Genera 1987. PUPPY. German police, about 6 months old.

strayed or stolen. wore new color with number 524 scratched on it. Please return don 10 524 14tb a SE. SORORITY pin. Niema Kappa.

V. '24 on back. Return to Violet 6th st. E. for reward.

Telephone Diasmore 2436. TRAVELING bag. black. Jost between Cedar Chicago on Jake st. Please return to Tomalle, 1849 21st st.

Dr. 6580. Reward. GERMAN police puppy months old. lost.

wore new collar with No. 524 scratched on it. Please return for reward. 524 14th av RE. TRAVELING bag.

black. Robbinsdale containing and 35th baby clothes, lost between and Lyndale N. Please call Ryland 1617, PARTY who took wrong coat. from checkroom at Fairyland. 723 Nicollet.

please return and get your own. Save trouble. WHITE gold wrist wateh. 15-Jewel Tavennes movement. Cushion Reward.

Call Mer. New York Waist House. WRIST wateb. cold. Elgin.

lost Friday evening downtown. mopogram on back. Initial G. I R. Reward.

Colfax 7524. PARTY who picked up purse at Powers postal window was seen and known, return to win dow and aroid trouble, CUFF LINK white cold. Jost at State theater or Nicollet car Sunday evening. Letter Phone. Toenst LOST Pearl necklace Saturday evening tween 6th and Shubert.

Dinsmore 0758. Reward. BROWN suit cane containing about 5 pairs aboen. hetween Emerson and Fremont Cherry 9098. HANDBAG, purple, between 11th and Hennenin and Dyekman hotel, Sunday night.

ColTax 8006. BLACK hand lost Friday oh Jefferson Cathedral residence, 240 St Paul, FOUND Ladies' purse. Owner may hare describing contents. Address 31844 Tribune. WRIST watch lost between Hennepin-Orpheum and 11th st.

Call Ryland 7388. Reward. TRAVELING found In front of Curtis hotel. Call Main 7171. Mr.

Werner. DOG LOST Boston, male. brindles bull. months old. Sonth 5055.

Reward, DOG LOST- White Spits pun black nose and eves. Reward. Dupont 3778. PATH of glasses at Lake and 4th aT. 5:30.

Nor. 29, South 5759. Miss FOUND -MALE SCOTCH COLLIE. KENWOOD 4290. BUSINESS SERVICE EAGLE IRON WORKS CO 5th st 8 Repairing machinere our BUSINESS.

It Is not SIDE LINE with UM. We can send men ent LAWYER. years of experience. will give Tree adrice on all legal Main 6735. Detective Bureaus.

THE STATE. DETECTIVE BUREAU 327 Palace Ride. Trained investicators and collectors furnished anywhere. Dressmaking and Ladies' Tailoring. SIM E.

Aeschliman creations which give ladies that vounger apnearance and make stout: Indies 001 W. way Ch. 8702. ALL KINDS of dressmaking. remodeling and retining.

reasonable. Cherry 5611. Exterminators ALL VERMIN exterminated by modern 5015 fami. cation. Work absointely cuaranteed.

At. Excavating and Grading. EXCAVATING. grading and general teaming Rand black dirt and 4242 Nicollet Colfax 0078 Hemstitching. NEW YORK Hemstitch, Shop.

0rd. 227 W. Lake Te 5. or more. Mail Moving and Hauling.

FOR YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODSSPLENDID FLEET OF ENCLOSED Vane for Local or Lone PROOF Distance Moving. WARE. A WONDERFUL 1.800 FIRE- rOOmS house with and compartments. A BIG FREIGHT HOUSE WITH AMPLE trackage for tie convenient handling of Pool Car Shipments. EXPERT PACKING FOR SHIPMENT or Storage.

When shipping to the Pacific Coast and many other points. our big Pool Car business and tine facilities enable us to give you unequalled service at reduced rates. It moving to or from points within will 400 miles. our enclosed motor vane move your goods safely without crating. saving money, time and trouble.

THE BOYD TRANSFER STORAGE CO. Warehouse Office: 400 Lake st. Freighthouse of. 1000 8 Washington City Office. 86.8 8th st.

Phone South 0830. WE Do all kinds of hauling and moving Includink ashes and rubbish. Drexel 2007. YOUNG MAN does hauling and movine. It will to call.

Locust 8811. ASHES A AND RUBBISIT 1736. HAULED. Main 1000. BUSINESS SERVICE Moving and Hauling.

YES SIR. we bauline. move lone cheaper. and heave distance moving our specialty Anytime. anywhere.

Mouth 6000. MOVING hour $1.50. Smell truck. hour packing, 81: trunks. 50g up.

Piano. 83. Shipping. storage. Jacobson, Cherry 4432.

Larxe TRANSFER- Short and long distance hauling. tracks. Peeumatie tires, ReGeneva 4905, MOVING place city $7,50. Big truck. South perienced men.

Long distanse. reasonable. 5091. RELIABLE of moving truck hour Special rates out city. W.

Peter. Dres, 2376. $1.30 hr. Pianos 83. Ken.

5138 Ge. 1749. ble Transfer. moving HAULED TRINKS STORFD MOV ING DONE REASONABLY SOUTH 2092. RELIABLE MOVING Van truck 81.50 2 meD 82.00 $1.00 extra DO.

Drexel 1077. Plumbing and Heating. ATTENTION Garage and apartment house owners, Three Kewaner boilers In first class condition. Midway 9434. Mr.

Smith. HAVE Worthington put your plumbing. ing W. sewer and water: terms desired. 710 Inke.

Dykewater 1220. Kenwood 5474. cash and highest prices for WE nsed radiators furnaces and boilers. Call Stain 7250. Mr.

Stern. CESSPOOLS duE at $45 plece. Any place in the city. Drexel 7848. SECONDHAND furnace for sale.

Saxton HeatIng 405 6th EP Patent Attorneys JAMES F. WILLIAMSON, 925 Met. Life Bide. Mais Geneva: 4551. 85 rears' experience: expert assistant: 12 years exsminer and.

late principal examiner. Patent Office, F. CARLSEN-Patente secured in all conntries Prompt and reliable service. Advice free. 206 Pirmonth.

Mole. Main 6002. HOWARD L. FISCHER, ST. PAUL.

or 207 Ouray Washington, D. C. D. EXOCHA, 315 McKnight Bide. Patent Attorney designing engineer.

Publie Accountant BOOKKEEPING. Income tax auditing and tems; Call Accounting Service Bureau. lastie. 4774. Renovating and Upholstering.

MATTRENS RENOVATED All work guaranteed. Mole. Box Spring Mattres Co. 15 2nd. at SE.

Dins, 4004. UPHOLSTERING repairing renovating. chaire caned. restivering. Nokomie Repair.

Dresel 4300 RUGS CLEANED mattress renovated furniture T. C. Rue Cleanine Co. Ma. R243.

FURNITURE cepairing good work estimates free, Peterson Furn; Co Dr. 4809, MATTRESS RENOVATED. $3: repairing. up holstering Roral Co. South 3176.

THE BOYD TRANSFER STORAGE CO. have had thirty sears' etperience in handling Household Goods, Their unexcell-4 ed facilitles include a big Fireproof Ware. house with 1.800 steam heated rooms and a large Freight House with ample trackage, and a splendidly equipped fleet of Enclosed Vans for Local or Long Distance Moving, Warehouse Office, 400 Freighthonse 1000 8 Washington City Office, 56 Stir st. CAMERON Transfer and Storage Co. Moving, packing, storing and shipping of household goods.

Rednced rates on shipments to coast: long distance beeline. Best facilities for handling merchandise. Garage. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. 5318.

SAFETY STORAGE CO. Most modern, heated sanitary FIREPROOF bonded ware botse, For HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE AND ACTOS. Conveniently Incated. We park and shin. Low rates.

Dine 0562. KEDNEY WAREHOTHE FO GENEVA 6158 Fireproof storage shinnine ROTREHOLD GOODS Roofing and Repairing. WE RENEW Dykewater old roofs, 1403. estimates free, Co. terms.

Consumer's Stove Repairing. REPAIRS for all stores and furnaces. U. 8. Stove Repair 17-19 84 at 8.

Phones, Upholstering CRAGER upholstering. FURNITURE Chicazo repairine. South Amish- 4611. ins. 2839 AV.

Wet Wash and Laundry SILKS washed a specialty. Family wash, Te lb Wet wash. 25 Ibm. $1, Special rates to hotels. restaurants, rooming Atlantic 1500 REDUCED PRICES- 30 lbs.

wet wash. 4 hour service. Soft water nsed. GOPHER WET WASH. HYLAND 0052.

FOR SALE $3.50 PAINT and varnishes. UD. finest line of paints, varnishes, enamels. etc, Lowest prices. expert painters, advice free.

KaepWashington north. INTERNATIONAL, Correspondence School course for certified publie accounting, including doubie bookkeeping: cost $110. sell 830. Drexel storage beaters. ranges and ranges, We have them in different wises to sold at storage cost.

W. Store Henn, WELL rotted, vard Cinders for yard, $7. Jadepend. ent Fuel 4 Transfer Drexel 12 SWEATER COATS. CIT wheel 25 cots.

reasonable. Mr. Gustafson. Mimes polls. General BARGAIN, $155 International accountant's course for This beglas NeW course.

Drexel GENTINE Duluth hockey shoes tached: tine condition. Cheap. B. itner. 1903 Park a HAWAIIAN guitar complete with case and die.

Complete bed, gas rauxe for 6390. T. C. BOTTLE EXCH. new and all 8th N.

ANTIOCE white silk lace shawl. Kenweod CINDERS Excellent for ete. Will deliver any part of eity. Hyland 5342. TOOLK.

work bench, two all burners. auto creeper, larize tool 717 15th TWO pair girls hockey size sacrifice cheap, Keuwood 8516. MANURE for sale by Brewing Co. stable Call Cherry 2312. Auction Sales.

AUCTION SALES DAILY. Merchandise of all descriptions, TWIN CITY AUCTION CO. 503 2nd av THEN 10 Gordon Auction Mart 223 6th at 8 Stain 0881. Clothing and Furs. 800 SOCIETY WOMEN SELL HIGH -GRADE APPAREL.

THREE FOR PRICE OF ONE. HUNDREDS BUY. 820 HENNEPIN, FEW CHOICE, unclaimed suite half price tailor close, outs $18 Brown Bros. ready to wear 2nd Door, 21. 6th at 8.

FUR COATS. cleaned: glazed. relined. 1 furnish lining. 811.

Jacquettes made complete. 822 Lake 1502 Lake Open gom. ELEGANT NEW for coats, beautifully trimmed. $35 up. worn only by modeis in fashion display Ladies Fur Exchange 1700 Pack.

JAP. MINK and several sample fur conte from $85. Wonderful bargain. 1312 28th st. at 2nd floor, LADY'S BEAVER COAT MADE TO ORDER.

LOOKS LIKE NEW. SELL CHEAP 718 VAN BUREN ST. NE THIS year's model cloth cont. fur trimmed. cinnamon brown.

size. 38. Reasonable. Kenwood 5017. WOOL $15: look them over fore rou 2931 Cradale S.

Open evenInes. MUST SACRIFICE MONEY. GENUINE CALL MAIN RUSSIAN 3947, SABLES. NEED GOOD used men's tallor-made suite. 65 up.

new suite and pants cheap. 2951 Lendale. No. 0786. THE WARDROBE EXCHANGE Exclusive high grade clothing.

920. Atlantie: 6897. GIRLS conte. young man's overcoat, other clothing, very reasonable Colfax 7437. FUR coat samples, sold 10 nome able.

Helend 4429. 4315 Fremont CHILD'S FUR PONY CONT. NIZE 8. PERFECT 812.50. KENWOOD NEW tailor made and overcoats bargain.

12112 East Franklin FOR SALE- -Plush cont. fur trimmed. size 40. 584. Dinsmore LADY'S brown botiria cont.

size 34-30. Rea sotmble, Ronth 8385. PRACTICALLY new coon coat. in mourning. can he seen 78 8th it 8.

GENUINE Hudson seal cap, size 74 like new. 3028 4374 AT 8. GREEN and white skatine set for sale. Price $8. Ronth 0729.

LADIES' winter coat. size 38: bargain at $12. Drexel 5476. DARK BLUE broadcloth coat. size 48.

$5. Colfax 5963. Coal, co*ke and Wood MARKET FUEL TFR. CO. Best goal at lowest cash prices.

Illinois 2x3, 81.75 -up: best Pocahontas Inmp or steam coal by load or carload. 0931. Day or evening. STANDARD LOAD STOVE LENGTH KINDLING FURNACE SLABS. MAXED HARDWOOD.

54.00 Good clean coal. Drexel 8798. McIntyre. DRY LIVE OAK CORDWOOD FOR FURNACE. STOVE OR FIREPLACE.

PULL STANDARD LOAD $6. DYKEWATER 5872. RAIL WOOD wood. furnace $7: kindling $5. Service, South 1500.

Erickson. Standard Jonda. KLEAN KUT KUAL AND KOKE Twin City Tf. Fuel. Deke.

1769 2 TON space mixed tie, wood. any size. Prompt delivery. $8.00. Galloway.


Ground Floor. Lumber Exch. Stain 8883. Guaranteed Coals Radium, Egg or 9.25 Monong Stove Pocahontas mines in LUMP. EGG OR NUT.



224 LUMBER EXCHANGE Atlantic 5400 Glenwood Ark. Anth. $15.75: The Ideal Domestic Fuel. Carbon co*ke, screened $18.00 CARBON co*kE, UNSCREENED, $16.50. Storage.

Special Illinois Pocahontas Koppers co*ke Arkansas Anthracite POWERS FUEL, TRANSFER STORAGE CO. Dykewater 1325. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS. PEGGY'S SHOP. Hemstitching.

vd. While yOu wait. Pleating buttons, embroidery. hand-made XMAS GIFTS. Dresses made.

$3 ND, 287 Loch Arcade, DISTINCTIVE designer of Boudoir Art Sets. fancy' pilloww. Christmas gifts. dressing dolls. etc.

Call Elkhurst 4652. Fraternal Orders. JOPPA LODGE, No. 300. A.

Mr. Stated communication Tuesday evening, Dec. m. Election of officers, H. C.

fitzgins. Master. BIG SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT for members, friends. students. feature photo play.

Ivanhoe. accompanied by orchestra. demeing and refreshments at Yeoman hall: 703 3rd aY S. 8:15 p.m. December 5.

1924. SCOTTISH RITE. stated meeting, Excelsior Lodge of Perfection will be beid Tuesday evening. Dec. 2.

1924 at 7:30. Dinner at 6. Obituary Notices GEISER- age 77 years, of Deephaven. Minn. Survived by wife and 7 children.

Mrs. John Mason of Deephaven. Frank Geiser of Chaska, Mrs. William Moran of Eden Prairie. Sirs.

Wm. Donahue and Mrs. M. F. Donahne of Mra, Joseph Timmers of Vine Hill.

Mrs. R. E. Cotton of St. Cloud.

Services at St. church. Excelsior. Wednesday. Dee.

at 9:30 a. m. Interment at Chanhassen. Minn. MURRAY.

ESTELLE age 49. passed AWAY Sunday, wife of Dr. F. B. Besides Murray, residing at 2545 Bladedell ave.

husband. leaves son. mother, 2 sisters, all of Minneapolis. Funeral services Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Welander temple. Chicago ave.

at 19th st. Interment at Lakewood cemetery. CARLSON-Mathilda. passed away on Monday. Dec.

1, at the home of danghter. Mrs. N. E. Nelson, 4121 Snelling ay, aged 78 years.

Survived by 5 Funeral services will be held on Friday at D. from Bostrom undertaking parlors. 27th AV R. Interment takes place at Lake wood. cemetery, ENGSTROM.

JOHN MAR IN- Aged 68 died Saturday, 1710 6th Survived by 'his wife and three sons, Milton. and Allen, and two daughters, Mra. Rudolph User and Mrs. G. N.

Klingberk. Funeral services Tuesday 2 p. from the Swedish Taber. nacle Interment Hillside cemetery. ROCK Philmina.

age 46, passed away Sunday, Funeral Tuesday, 8:30 residence. 312 Knox Pro-Cathedral 9 o'clock. Survived by husband. Paul two daughters, Mrs. George Hanson and Marion Rockwell: two sons.

John and Gene: Ave sisters. two brothers and mother, -Christina. age 71 years. beloved wife of George P. Palmquist, late residence Town of Minnetonka.

passed away on SatNovember 29. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. from Bostrom Undertaking parlor. 3008 21th Interment Hillside cemetery.

GRAHAM Dee. 1, age years. loved husband of Margaret Graham and father of Mrs. E. C.

Ryan. Funeral front Connelly chapel. 200 4th St. Paul, Wednesday at 8:30. Services St.

Mary's church at 9 o'clock. Interment Calvary. DAVIS. MRS. ROSE widow of the Inte Frank E.

Davis, passed away November 29 at the Minnesota Soldiers Home. Funeral service at the Soldiers' Home chapel Tues day morning. December 2, at 10 a. In terment at Lakewood cemetery, McLENNAN JOHN residence 2924 30th ay Native of Stornoway, Scotland, Survived daughter. Mrs.

Ceell Himpson of this elty. Services Tuesday at 2 o'clock from the Walter A. Anderson chapel 1823 Riverside av. Inter: ment Lakewood, FREEMAN- -Fred age 47. 3036 18th av 8..

died Saturday evening. Funeral services Tuesday morning at 10 m. from Gorging Undertaking parlors, 2610 Nicollet Interment Crystal Lake cemetery. MOE. John died at his home.

3434 89th a 8. Nov. 20. Funeral services at Moe. Athenson Parlors, 1301 Washington M.

Wednesday, at 2 o' clock, Interment Cristal cemetery. DE LAMATER- Julia Lane, age 64. 1110 25th st died Sunday Funeral Tuesday 3 p. from Snell Funeral chapel. 902 Interment Lakewood SHATTUCK WM.

KENT. age 54. 3530 Garfield 8. Funeral services will be held at Lakewood chapel Tuesday. 2 p.

m. In Memoriam. IN LOVING memory of my dear husband. Nate Acres who passed away one year ago today. December 1.

gone but not forgotten. Missed by his loving wife. Alice M. Acres. Card of Thanks.

WE WISH to take this opportunity of extending our heartfelt thanks to the many friends. neighbors and relatives for their kind sympathy, assistance and counsel ing the extended Niness and death of our beloved husband and father. Christian Bauer. In this, our hour of sorrow. we wish also to thank the National Women's Relief corps for their beautiful flax piece: also for the beautiful floral offerings of the Sots of Norway and that from the Disabled American Veterans.

It is Indeed comforting to know that we have many friends and sympathizers in our great sorrow, and your efforts in our behalf will ever live in our memories. Mrs. Caroline Bauer and children. TO OUR DEAR FRIENDS, relatives and neighbors, we wish to express our heartfelt thanks for their kindness and sympathy shown in the last Illness and death of our beloved daughter and sister, also for the many beautiful offerings as tokens of kindness. Mra.

M. Sherlund, mother: Mr. Charles Sherlund. father: Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Ferd. brother and sister: Mrs. Gertrude Skinner. sister: Lulu May Sherlnnd. inter.

MRS. MAY DALLY. wife of Geo. Dally. Mr.

and W. Dally and Family. wishes to thank their many friends and the doctors and nurses of the General hospital. for the kindness they showed during the illness and death of husband. 800 and brother THE HIGHLANDS OF HENNEPIN COUNTY.

CALL CHERRY 3617. Funeral Directors. GILL FUNERAL HOME 1414 LAUREL AT GENEVA 3877 1076 Ken. 0503. Dauphine.

Ge. 2970 EARL UNDERTAKING CO Welander Funeral Temple JOHN M. GLEASON. GE. 7867 Dependable and efficient service guaranteed.

L. ENGER UNDERTAKING Lady assistant. Genera 7030, 412 Cedar H. JOHNSON Undertaking 1000 Henn Ken wood 1900 Enth. 1867, Lady FLYNN SULLIVAN, SOUTH 2107 2707 LUNDALE AV 8.

0. E. LARSON. Undertaker. 2301 Central Residence 1217 Monroe at Phones.

Cemeteries. CRYSTAL LANE CEMETERY LOCATED IN VERY BEST GRADE Pocahontas $13.75 Ozark Hard Coal $15.75 CAMPBELL COAL CO. 817 Hennepin. Main 7080 Oak Firewood For Sale Cut from Live Trees Last Winter. CASH AND CARRY orders from foreman at St.

Anthoss hivd. and Broadway County road N. E. as follows: ft. round per cord 2 it.

ft. round 2.00 per cord cond spilt loch 80.00 per cord inch and 9.50 per cord 0 D. orders a at above prices "Chute' Realty Company -1 Calversity ay NE. Dinsinore 8110 Reiss Pittston Anthracite ALL SIZES BUCK WHEAT $12.00 can burn backwhest. bow THE C.

REISS COAL CO. 704 MARQUETTE. MA. 6181 "You're Safe With Us" HOT POINT $9.50 ARK. ANTHRACITE $15.75 Koppers co*ke THE ELLIOTT FUEL CO.




Olijnek Fuel Company CHERRY MINNEAPOLIS COAL CO. COAL co*kE -WOOD, SPECIAL Indiana 6x3 $8.50 Kentucky 6x5 88.50 Office phone South Walnut 2001 Coal, $7.90 Wood, $3.50 Clean burning Illinois conl. $7,90 ton. Box ear wood. Wis.

mixed (chunks) $4: hardwood Two-Ofthe of standard loud. Mitter Fuel. Cherry 5430. For Prompt Service and Fair Prices Call Murray Coal Co. HOME OF COAL.

110 So. 7th St. Geneva 5668 MARKET. FUEL TRF. CO.

GENUINE POCAHONTAS SOFT. OR EGG.815.15 6x3 $7.75, all kinds of coal. co*ke. wood HYLAND lowest 0931. prices.

DA del Illinois Lump $7.75 Heavy kindling $3.50. mixed. Bard wood $4.25. two-fiftha of standard loud. CENTRAL FUEL CO.

RYLAND 1736. We Deliver Everywhere. ILLINOIS COAL $7.75 Kindling $5 25, Wisconsin mixed torr hard wood $7.50 heavy $8.50 of standard load Smith Fuel Co Cherry 1568. 3X6 SPECIAL. $10.

guaranteed: wood of all kinds Cedar. 85.50. L. C. Rice Coal Co.

Hy. 7924 Household Goods Dealers BARGAIN IF SOLD AT ONCE. Just like new, beautiful 3-plece gentine mohair living room suite. walnut diningroom salte. beautiful French bedroom suite, console phonograph.

Including records, zateler table, Windsor chairs, odd rocker, spinet desk. mirrors, oll paintings. rugs. bridge. junior and table lamps.

bed. dishes. 2328 Portland at 8. lower duplex. WE POSITIVELY save you from 20 to 30 per cent on sour furniture, rugs and stoves.

Come in and let ur tell you how we do We exchange your old furniture for new. MITBY SATHER CO. Washington ay 8. ANTIQUES FOR CHRISTMAS PAISLEY SHAWL. $15: HOME STUN LUS.


685 SELBY AV. ST. PAULS 8x10 RUG dresser, $8: da range. complete. renvort walnut $12: couch dining $10: and set.

floor pad. $45: lamp, gas bat et. 2702 ave SELLING OUT SALE New walnut furnitures also large stock of kinds used furniture 922 Starquette: a 4-922. BUY NOW PAY LATER. Guaranteed furniture, rugs, stoves.

Hens. Trading House 116 Henn. Ge, WHEN looking for new or used furniture and ston first or AT 925 MARQUETTE AV. 025. SEWING, machine, drophend Singer, ne 88, moving.

At home 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. 116 14th st.

8310 CHINESE FOR Beluchistan. real valnes. 1512 28th at. at Humboldt. 2nd floor.

WE PAY CASH for arK Furniture 810 Lake An SEWING MACHINES makes, 85 to 530: sewers. Guarauteed. 2410 Franklin..

Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.